Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Sample Instructions

State Materials Office
Structural Concrete
Plastic Properties
Sample Instructions
February 2012
Table of Contents
Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Samples.......................................... Page 3
Structural Concrete Mix Designs and Plants Assigned on a Project ........... Page 4
Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Sample Login .................................. Page 6
Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Sample Result Entry ..................... Page 14
Slump ............................................................................................. Page 15
Air Content ..................................................................................... Page 15
Pressure Meter .................................................................... Page 16
Roll-A-Meter......................................................................... Page 17
Temperature ................................................................................... Page 17
W/C Ratio ....................................................................................... Page 18
Status P .......................................................................................... Page 18
Killing Tests off a Sample and Updating Test Results ............................... Page 19
Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Sample Validation ......................... Page 21
Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Sample Approval .......................... Page 24
Approval by Project/Material with Mix Design ................................. Page 24
LIMS Approver Guidelist Concrete Materials .................................. Page 26
Review Sampled By TIN................................................................. Page 27
Review Other Sample Data ............................................................ Page 28
Revise Sample Header Information ................................................ Page 28
Review Test Data ........................................................................... Page 30
Applying Approval Codes ............................................................... Page 31
Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Sample Instructions (February 2012)
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Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Samples
With the implementation of the concrete mix design module, many changes have
been made to the way structural concrete samples are processed in LIMS. These
changes include:
 The Single Sample Login Screen cannot be used for samples that require
a concrete mix design at login
 Structural concrete samples must be logged in using the Concrete Login
 Samples must be logged against a concrete mix design and structural
concrete plant that is assigned to a the project in LIMS
These instructions explain all the steps of the LIMS Sample Life Cycle for
structural concrete plastic properties samples.
For information on data entry for concrete cylinder sample life cycle stages
performed by the laboratory, see the Structural Concrete Compressive Strength
Sample Receipt, Result Entry and Validation Instructions. For information on
concrete cylinder sample approval, see the Structural Concrete Compressive
Strength Sample Approval Instructions.
For information on the available concrete reports, see the Structural Concrete
Project Reports Instructions.
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Structural Concrete Mix Designs and Plants Assigned on a Project
Before you can log concrete samples into LIMS on a Financial Project Id, the
District Materials Office must assign the concrete mix designs and structural
concrete plant numbers approved to produce for the project in LIMS. This
information comes from the Contractor Quality Control Plan and revisions. When
you log a concrete sample into LIMS, the program checks the Financial Project
Id, concrete mix design number and structural concrete plant number on the login
screen. If these three fields do not match a record in LIMS, you will receive an
error message when you initiate the concrete sample. You will not be permitted
to proceed with the sample login. You may review the data assigned in the Mix
Use table before you begin the login process by following these steps:
Log into LIMS.
Click on the Login tab.
Click on the Concrete Mix Information icon.
An option list will appear.
Click on the Mix Use by Project option.
A Project Id dialog box will appear.
Enter the Financial Project Id.
Click OK.
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A Device Selection Window dialog box will appear with current terminal
highlighted. This means the report will be generated on screen.
Click OK to generate the report and view it on screen.
The report will appear on the screen in RGEN report format (black font on a grey
screen) with a list of the plant number and mix design number combinations for
the Financial Project Id. You may only log samples that match these records.
For example, the report below shows that a sample for mix design 02-1149 may
only be logged against plant number 72-336. However, mix design number 021303 may be logged against plants 72-336 or 72-351.
You may print the report for your use by clicking on the print icon.
If the sample transmittal information shows a structural concrete plant number
and/or concrete mix design number combination not assigned to the project,
contact the District Materials Office concrete personnel before logging the
sample into LIMS.
Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Sample Instructions (February 2012)
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Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Sample Login
Now that you have the mixes and plants assigned to your project, you are ready
to log samples into LIMS.
To log a structural concrete plastic properties sample into LIMS:
Click on the Login tab.
Click on the Materials Login icon.
An option list will appear.
Click on the Concrete Sample login option.
Complete the information on the screen as shown below. Items with red
numbers are required fields in LIMS or are needed for reports. Items with
blue numbers are not required, but you may wish to include them to
further identify the sample.
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Project-Pay Item-Matl Id-Level-Year/Authority
These five fields are tied together in LIMS. Clicking on the drop down
arrow by any of the fields will generate a dialog box with all five fields.
Choose any option from the dialog box and click OK to populate all five
Project ID – Enter the correct Project ID for your sample. Click on the
drop down arrow to proceed.
Pay Item No – Chose the combination with the pay item the sample
represents. If the sample represents more than one pay item, choose the
project / pay item combination that has the most concrete. List other pay
items in the notepad.
Matl ID – Select the combination with the correct Material Id 145F, 146F,
159F or 160F.
Here is a summary of the Material Ids:
Mat'l Id Pay Item(s)
All pay items beginning with 350 Concrete Pavement
Slab Replacement
Class III Seal
All other pay items
Structural Concrete
NOTE: Do not use the Matl ID on Spec field to change 145F, 146F or 159F to
160F unless the pay item assignment does not match the table above.
NOTE: If the correct project / pay item / Material Id combination is not available,
select any record that has the correct pay item and sample level. If you choose
a combination with the incorrect sample level, you may receive a conflict of
interest error later. If there is no project / pay item combination with the correct
sample level, contact the FDOT service desk and request that the correct project
/ pay item / Material Id / sample level combination be added to your project.
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Level – Choose the combination with the correct sample level; Q for
Quality Control, or V for Verification.
Year/Authority – This is the FDOT Standard Specification year that is
being referenced for the Specification Authority and testing requirements.
This field includes the month and year designation, for example 200207.
Resolution Y/N? – This field defaults to N for No. If you are logging in a
Resolution sample, change the flag to Y for Yes. Otherwise, leave it as N.
Matl ID On Spec-Level-Auth-Year
Use these four fields to assign a Material Id to a pay item if the correct
combination is not already assigned for your project. Clicking on the drop
down arrow by any of the fields will generate a dialog box with all four
fields. Choosing an option from the dialog box populates all four fields and
overwrites the pay item / Material Id combination chosen in fields 1a
Matl ID On Spec – If the correct project / pay item combination is not on
the project / pay item drop down list:
Click on the drop down arrow next to the Matl ID On Spec field.
A pop up window will appear.
Choose the correct combination of one of the concrete field
Material Ids; 145F, 146F, 159F or 160F and the other information
for 3b, 3c and 3d.
Click OK to assign the Material Id to the sample.
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Level – QC, V or IV
NOTE: When logging in an IV level sample, choose one of these combinations,
depending on the pay item.
Material Id Level
Spec Year
Spec Authority
STD Spec 346
STD Spec 353
STD Spec 346
STD Spec 346
Auth – STD Spec 346
Spec Year – 200207
NOTE: The Matl Id on Spec option allows users to select Material Id
combinations that are no longer valid. There is no way to program LIMS to hide
these selections. Be careful with the selection and ensure that all four fields are
correct. For example, do not select an option with a Spec Authority of “From
CQR System” or a metric version. Do not select an option for a Technical
Special Provision (TSP) unless those TSP requirements apply to your contract.
Sub Matl Id – If you use the Matl ID On Spec field, type 145F, 146F, 159F
or 160F in this field, whichever one you chose in 3a. If you don’t use the
Matl ID on Spec field, leave this field blank.
Sample No – Enter the FDOT sample number. Follow the Concrete
Sample Number/Lot Number instructions which can be found on the State
Materials Office website. For a link to the instructions, click here.
Date Sampled –Enter the date the sample was taken.
Sta From – Enter the beginning station representing the material location.
Sta To – Enter the ending station representing the material location.
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Samp From – Enter the location where the sample was taken. Some
examples are truck mixer or the station where the sample actually was
Rdway Side – Select from the drop down: R = right; L = left; C =
Offset Dist – Enter the distance from the survey line the sample was
taken from.
Offset Dir – Enter R for right of the survey line or L for left of the survey
Mainline – if the survey line is a mainline, enter Y for yes. Otherwise,
enter N for No.
Reference Line – Select the correct survey line from the drop down list. If
another line was used, select NOTEPAD and type the correct information
in the notepad.
Plant No – Click on the drop down arrow and choose the correct plant
number from the list. You will be able to select any structural concrete
plant, but you will receive an error message after the sample is initiated if
you select a plant that is not assigned to your project. The standard error
message states that the project is invalid for the mix design; however, you
could receive it for an invalid plant number or invalid mix design number or
Quant Rep – This field is part of the Quant Rep field from the Sample
Transmittal card. The Sample Transmittal card input in this field is both the
quantity and the unit of measure; for example, 50 CY. In LIMS, the input is
broken into two fields; Quant Rep and Unit of Measure. With the example
of 50 CY, enter 50 in the quantity represented field and CY in the Unit of
Measure field.
Unit of Measure – See above.
Intended Use – Enter what the concrete is being used for; for example,
drilled shafts.
Sampled By (TIN#) – Enter the Technician Identification Number (TIN) of
the person who sampled the concrete.
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Road Number – Enter the State/County/City designated Road Number.
Design Mix No – Enter the correct concrete mix design number or select
if from the drop down list.
NOTE: If you log the sample under an incorrect mix design, LIMS will apply the
limits from the mix design designated at Login. There is no way to correct the
limits at a later date. The sample must be purged and reentered. Notify the LIMS
District Application Coordinator.
NOTE: You can select or enter any approved concrete mix design number, but
you will receive an error message if the concrete mix design number you enter is
not assigned to your project.
Lot No – Enter the lot number. Follow the Concrete Sample Number/Lot
number instructions.
Q Level Samples – enter the lot number represented by the Q
Sample. Lot numbers are tracked per mix design. For example,
Sample Number CC20003Q for mix design 01-0472 would be the
third lot of mix design 01-0472. Enter 3 in the Lot No field.
V Level Samples – enter the lot numbers that correspond to the QC
Samples represented by the V sample. For projects using the
Sample Number/Lot Number System, CC20003V would represent
lots 1-4. Enter 1-4 in the Lot No field. For projects not using the
Sample Number/Lot Number system, enter the lots as represented
by the project tracking system. These may not be consecutive. For
example if sample A0005V represents QC lots 5, 7, 8 and 10, enter
5,7,8,10. If there is not enough room to designate the correct lot
numbers in the LOT No field, use the remarks or notepad.
If the corresponding lots are listed in the remarks field, enter
REMARKS in the Lot No field. If the corresponding lots are listed in
the Notepad, enter NOTEPAD in the Lot No field.
Destination LabID – This field is not blank in LIMS. It defaults to the Lab
ID your User ID is assigned to. In most cases this will be the correct lab id
for field results.
Delivery Ticket Number – Enter the delivery ticket. This information is
used in the reports for producers to coordinate FDOT sample and test
information with their records.
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Remarks – This field is limited to 66 characters. Include in the additional
sample related information in the Remarks field up to 66 characters. Use
Notepad for information exceeding 66 characters.
NOTE: Because plastic properties are field sampled and tested, it is not
necessary to complete the Submitted By information. You may do so if you wish,
but since the samples do not normally get received by another lab, it is not
needed for laboratory personnel.
Once the login screen is complete, follow these steps to get a LIMS Sample Id
and complete the login process for the sample.
Initiate – Once you have input all the sample information, click on the
Initiate icon.
NOTE: If the concrete mix design and/or plant are not assigned to your project, at
this point you will receive the error message below. This pertains to either the
plant number, or mix design or both. You cannot check the Mix Design Use table
data without leaving the screen and losing your data.
Click OK to dismiss the error message.
Follow the instructions in Section II to verify the assigned data. If
the combination for the sample is not assigned, contact the local
District Materials Office concrete personnel.
At this point, LIMS checks the data to make sure all required fields are complete
and assigns a LIMS Sample Id. When finished, you will see a message in the
lower left corner of the screen “1 Sample(s) Initiated…Waiting for Processing”.
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Notepad – If you want to add additional information to the sample that will
not fit in the remarks field, use this icon to open the notepad. This option is
not available until after the sample has been initiated.
Click on the Notepad icon.
Type in the information.
Click on the Save icon to add the notepad to the sample and return
to the Sample Login Screen.
Process (Save) – Once all the sample information is complete and correct
and the Notepad has been completed (if needed), click on the Process
(Save) icon. Click Yes when prompted "Are you sure?". This is how a
sample is saved to the database. If you abandon the sample login after
initiating a sample but prior to processing, no LIMS Sample ID is assigned
and the sample information is lost. You will have to reenter the data.
When you click on the Save icon, you will receive a message “Sample
Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Sample Instructions (February 2012)
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Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Sample Result Entry
Since plastic properties are field sampled and tested, they are auto-received in
LIMS and skip the receipt stage. Once a structural concrete plastic properties
sample is logged in, you can go directly to the Result Entry screen. LIMS
assigns limits from the mix design selected at sample login for slump, air content
for both types of meters, temperature and w/c ratio.
To enter structural concrete plastic properties test results in LIMS:
Click on the Result Entry tab.
Click on the Test Entry by Sample icon.
A blank test entry screen will appear.
Enter the LIMS Sample Id.
Click on the Search icon.
The test entry screen will be populated with the concrete field tests in LIMS.
If LIMS has not yet had time to apply the limits, you may need to retrieve the
sample a few times to give LIMS time to apply the limits from the mix design.
This can happen quite frequently with plastic properties samples because you go
directly from the Login screen to Result Entry. In many cases, LIMS will not have
finished running the programming that goes out and gets the limits from the mix
design tables and applies them to each test code.
Check the test codes to ensure that the limits from the mix design have
been applied.
If the test codes have “No Limits Specified”, wait a few seconds and click
on the search icon again.
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Repeat until you see limits applied. If LIMS does not apply limits after
several tries, contact the LIMS District Application Coordinator.
NOTE: If you enter the results and click on the Update button, before LIMS
applies the limits, you may receive an error message “Function Not Performed,
Object Not Current”. This means the program is still trying to apply the limits to
the sample while you have entered the results. If you continue to receive this
error message, contact the LIMS District Application Coordinator for assistance.
If LIMS does not eventually apply the limits, you may continue with the
result entry. Make a note in the Notepad the targets assignment was
unsuccessful and continue with the result entry. These instructions will
describe how to denote a sample that does not have the limits applied.
Enter the test results:
C143 – ASTM C143 Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete
Performed By – Enter the TIN of the person who performed the slump
On – Enter the date the test was performed.
inches – Enter the slump to the nearest ¼ inch.
There are two different meters used to determine the air content. Both are
included on the Material Id, so both will appear on your sample. You will only
enter the results for the test representing the meter used and kill the unused test
from the sample.
NOTE: For mixes with light weight aggregate, the use of the Roll-A-Meter is
required. Check the mix design to see if the Roll-A-Meter is required.
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PRESSURE MTR – ASTM C231 – Air Content Using Pressure Meter
Performed By – Enter the TIN of the person who performed the air test.
On – Enter the date the test was performed.
Air Content – Enter the percent air to the nearest 0.1 % after subtracting
the aggregate correction factor (field d). If the gauge reading of the meter
exceeds 8 %, report the corrected reading to the nearest 1⁄2 scale division
on the dial.
Agg Correction Factor – ASTM C231 requires an aggregate correction
factor. Enter the aggregate correction factor from the approved concrete
mix design. ASTM C231 requires an aggregate correction factor.
NOTE: If you don't have access to a copy of the approved concrete mix design
for you project, contact the appropriate District Materials Office concrete
personnel. You may also use the Agg Corr Factor icon to look up the aggregate
correction factor for the mix design on the sample. (This only works after you
have entered a LIMS Sample Id and clicked on the Search icon to retrieve the
sample information.)
1. Click on the Agg Corr Factor icon.
The Mix Design Number pop up window will appear.
2. Enter the mix design number.
3. Click OK.
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The aggregate correction factor will appear.
If the mix design does not have an aggregate correction factor, the window will
appear with no data. A mix design with no aggregate correction factor cannot be
used with the pressure meter. Contact the appropriate District Materials
Concrete personnel to proceed.
ROLL-A-METER – ASTM C173 Air Content Using Volumetric Method
Performed By – Enter the TIN of the person who performed the air test.
On – Enter the date the test was performed.
% – Enter the percent air to the nearest 0.25 %.
C1064 – ASTM C1064 Temperature of Freshly Mixed Cement Concrete
Performed By – Enter the TIN of the person who performed the
temperature test.
On – Enter the date the test was performed.
degree F – Enter the concrete temperature to the nearest 1○ F.
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W/C RATIO – Water/Cementitious Materials Ratio
Performed By – Enter the TIN of the person who performed the
temperature test.
On – Enter the date the test was performed.
Lb per Lb – Enter the water to cementitious materials ratio rounded to two
places, for example 0.37.
NOTE: The w/c limit is applied from the mix design, not the Specifications. The
Specifications define the maximum allowed for the class of concrete, for
example, 0.44 for Class II Bridge deck. The producer determines the maximum
w/c for a particular mix design. Below is an example of a Class II Bridge Deck
mix design with a w/c of 0.42. For concrete produced under this mix design, the
w/c must be 0.42 or less to pass.
STATUS P – Sample Status Concrete – Plastic Properties
The Status P test is used to record pass/fail if any of the tests fail the mix design
specific requirements for the plastic properties tests in case the LIMS
programming to apply limits does not work. If the limits programming works, you
may kill this test off the sample or complete it according to the results of limits,
whichever you prefer.
If LIMS did not successfully apply the mix design limits:
Click on the drop down arrow
Select YES if all the tests meet the mix design requirements.
Select NO if any of the tests do not meet the mix design
If you selected NO, list the test or tests that failed in the comments field or
in Notepad.
Enter the TIN of the person who determined the pass/fail status.
Enter the date the pass/fail determination was made.
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Killing Tests off a Sample and Updating Test Results
Once you have the results entered for the slump, air content, temperature, water
to cementitious ratio and the status test, you should have one blank air content
test. As long as the blank test stays on the sample, the sample will remain as
"Awaiting Testing". In order to move the sample through the rest of the LIMS
Sample Life Cycle, you will have to kill the unused air content test off the sample.
Click on the test description of the blank test to highlight it.
A grey dashed box will appear indicating you have selected that test.
Click on the Kill Test icon.
Click Yes when prompted "Are you sure?".
You will receive a message Test (test code) removed from Sample (LIMS
Sample Id) in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
NOTE: All plastic property tests are required per Specifications. If a required test
was not performed, kill the test off the sample so that the sample can be passed
to the Validation stage. Make a note in the notepad to explain why the test was
removed and the disposition of the material represented by the sample where
testing was not performed.
Once you have entered all the test results and removed blank tests, you are
ready to update the sample with the test results.
Click on the Update icon to record the test results in the LIMS database.
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When the update function is complete, you will receive a message "Data Posted,
Ready for new search" in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
LIMS will review each test on the sample to check the sampler and lab. This field
is auto-filled by LIMS when you click on the Update icon. It checks that the
technician who performed the test is qualified in the correct qualification (if
needed) and the lab where the test was performed is qualified to perform the test
There are four possible results:
Trained – Lab and Tech are OK
Not Trained – Lab is OK, but Tech is not
No Lab Cert – Tech is OK, but Lab is not
No Cert – Both Lab and Tech are not OK
A No Lab Cert message can be ignored since this is a field test. If you receive
Not Trained, or No Cert, you may have an exception to the Materials Certification
regarding an unqualified technician performing the testing. You should
investigate why you have received this message. If the message was received in
error, notify your local LIMS District Application Coordinator with the invalid
message and why you think it is in error. Include an explanation for the
erroneous message in the Notepad. For example, the Performed By TIN is
showing as "Not Trained", but CTQP database shows that the technician was
qualified on the date the test was performed. If the message is correct, to include
information in the Notepad as to how the exception is addressed.
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Structural Concrete Field Sample Validation
The validation stage is designed to allow you to review the test results before
sending the sample to the approval stage. Once a sample is approved, the data
cannot be changed without the assistance of a LIMS District Application
Coordinator. Use the validation stage to review the test results and make
corrections as needed.
To validate tests on a sample:
Click on the Validate Tab.
Click on the Validation by Sample icon.
The Validation by Sample Screen will appear.
Enter the LIMS Sample Id.
Click on the Search icon.
The sample information will appear on the screen.
NOTE: Do not click on the Validate All icon until you have reviewed and verified
the test data. These instructions explain how to revise incorrect data. Do not
pass a sample to the Approval stage unless you have verified that all the test
data is correct and complete.
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Review each test result to verify the data was entered correctly.
If one test or more tests is in error, continue with step 6. If all the tests are in
error, skip to step 11. If all the results are correct, skip to step 16.
If you find an error in the data on one test:
Click on the test description of the test with the data error to highlight.
Click on the Change Status icon.
A dialog box will appear with the test status of Pending highlighted.
Click OK to change the test status to pending and erase the incorrect
The test is now blank.
Repeat steps 6-8 if other tests are in error too.
Go back to the result entry screen and reenter the test results.
In some cases you may have to roll all the tests back.
If all the tests are incorrect:
Click on the any grey field in the sample portion of the screen to highlight
the sample, for example Sample Status.
Click on the Change Status icon.
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A dialog box will appear this time with the sample statuses of Logged and
Click on the Received option.
Click OK to change the sample to Received, Awaiting Testing status and
erase all the test results.
All tests are now blank.
Go back to the result entry screen and reenter all the test results.
Once you have verified all the tests are correct and complete, you are ready to
validate the tests and pass the sample to the Approval stage.
Click on the Validate All icon to validate all the tests on the sample at
The Sample Status will be changed to Validated when the process is complete.
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Structural Concrete Plastic Properties Sample Approval
The approval life cycle stage is where you record sample comparison results.
Before the actual codes are applied to samples, the approver must verify that
sample data is correct and complete. These instructions describe the approval
process, including data review.
Approval by Project/Material with Mix Design
This screen provides the option of retrieving all samples ready for approval under
a certain Material Id and it displays the mix design for each sample. Use this
process when the lots represented by one comparison (mix design) are complete
and the samples are ready to be reviewed. This is the recommended method for
concrete plastic properties sample approval.
To Approve Samples by Project/Material with Mix Design:
Click on the Approve Tab.
Click on the Approval by Project icon.
An option list will appear.
Click on the Project/Material with MIX option.
The Approval by Project material Screen will appear.
Enter the Financial Project Id.
Enter the Material Id (145F, 146F, 159F or 160F).
Click on the Search icon.
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A screen with all samples ready to be approved on the Financial Project Id under
that Material Id will appear. The mix design for each sample will be shown on the
screen. The mix design will help determine which samples to compare. You
may have multiple FDOT sample numbers and the only way to know which ones
are used in the comparison is by mix design.
A series of guide lists have been developed to assist with the verification of LIMS
Sample data before the approval code is applied. The concrete guide list is
included below. Before approving the samples in a lot, use the concrete guide list
to review all the concrete samples lots and verify that the sample data is
complete and correct.
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Concrete Materials
(Material IDs 145F, 145L, 146F, 146L, 159F, 159L, 160F and 160L)
Check to see that the following sample header is accurate
Plant number
FDOT sample number
LOT number/s - (Note: For VT samples, identify lot field or sample
remarks or notepad all QC lots which the VT sample verifies not just
the comparison sample.)
LOT quantity represented by QC sample
LOT quantity represented by VT sample
Mix design number – if incorrect, have sample purged and reentered
Sample identification data
Delivery ticket number
Station locations
Check to see that the following qualifications are valid:
Level I Concrete Field Technician that took the sample is qualified, has
correct TIN and is in QC plan.
Level I Lab Technician/s that performed tests are qualified, have correct
TIN and are in the QC plan
QC Program of plant supplying concrete – see plant status in online list of
plants with accepted QC programs
Lab that tests concrete cylinders – see test method assignment for lab in
online list of labs
Test Data:
Lab tests that are not performed have a note explaining the disposition of
the material
Field tests that are not performed have a note explaining the disposition of
the material
All test results look reasonable
Other Verifications:
Comparison performed:
Every lab sample has a corresponding field sample
Notes/remarks addressing abnormal situations
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Here are the instructions for specific checks from the guide list:
Review Sampled By TIN:
Click on the Status tab.
Click Sample Status by Sample Id icon.
The Sample Status by Sample Id screen will appear.
Enter the LIMS Sample Id.
Click on the Search icon.
The Sample Status by Sample Id screen will be populated with the sample
Look at the Sampler Qual Status field to see the result of the Sampled By
TIN check.
The result should be TRAINED. If the status is NOT TRAINED investigate the
reason for the status. If the status shows as NOT TRAINED and the Sampler
was not qualified in the correct qualification at the time the sample was taken,
you will need to address the exception to the Final Project Materials Certification.
If the Sampler was qualified and the NOT TRAINED status is in error, make a
note of the incorrect message in the Notepad.
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Review Other Sample Data:
From the Approval by Project/Mix Design screen, click on a LIMS Sample
Id to highlight it. The Sample Id field will have a grey dashed border to
indicate it is selected.
Click on the C-22 Info icon to retrieve the Sample Transmittal information
for the sample.
The C-22 report will appear.
Verify the information as specified in the guidelist for that material.
Make note of any information that is incorrect or incomplete.
If the mix design number is incorrect, the limits applied to the test codes
may also be incorrect. You should review the limits when you are
reviewing test data.
Revise Incorrect/Incomplete Sample Header Information:
Click on the Change Sample Header icon.
The Change Sample Header screen will appear.
Enter the LIMS Sample Id.
Click on the Search icon.
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The Change Sample Header screen will be populated with the sample header
data for that sample.
Revise incorrect data, complete missing data, etc. as needed.
Click on the Update icon to save changes.
NOTE: There are some items in the guide lists that the approver does not have
the authority to revise. An example of this data would be the Sampled By or the
Performed By TIN. If items that are on the guide list are incorrect that are grayed
out on this screen or are not located on this screen, you must contact the local
LIMS District Application Coordinator. Identify the LIMS Sample Id, incorrect
information, and what it needs to be corrected to.
NOTE: At this point, LIMS will recheck the concrete mix design and plant
number on the sample record against the Mix Design Assignment table. If you
revise the mix design or plant number to an entry that is not in the Mix Design
Assignment table, you will receive error message and will not be permitted to
change the mix design or plant number.
a. Click OK to dismiss the error message.
b. Contact the appropriate District Materials Office concrete personnel to verify
the concrete mix design and/or plant number.
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Review Test Data:
Click on a LIMS Sample Id to highlight it. The Sample Id field will have a
grey dashed border to indicate it is selected.
Click on the Select Sample icon.
The Approve One Sample screen will appear. Do not approve the sample from
this screen.
Review the test data for each test on the sample. You may have to use
the scroll bar to see all the tests. Look for missing tests and questionable
test results.
Verify the limits on the sample match the limits from the correct mix
design. If you revised the mix design, LIMS does not revise the limits.
The only time LIMS applies limits to samples is at login. If the limits are
incorrect, they cannot be changed unless the sample is purged and
reentered. If the limits happen to be correct, for example, both the
incorrect mix design and the correct mix design were both Class IV with
the same limits, no further action needs to be taken. If the limits are
incorrect, contact the LIMS District Application Coordinator to determine
the correct action needed, especially if the changed limits results in a
failing test that was denoted as passed.
Verify that the Lab/Tech Qual Status is equal to TRAINED on all the tests.
If the status field shows a status other than TRAINED, you may have an
exception to the Final Project Materials Certification. Investigate the status and
make note of any pertinent information regarding the status in the NOTEPAD
before the sample is approved.
The approver cannot change the test data. If a sample has incorrect or
incomplete test data and has already been validated, you must contact the local
LIMS District Application Coordinator to have the sample rolled back to "Tested,
Awaiting Validation" and notify the laboratory that the test results need to be
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Applying Approval Codes
Once the data is correct and complete, you can apply the approval codes to the
corresponding samples lots. There are three approval codes in LIMS; RS, AC
and RE. RS is used when there is no sample to compare with this sample, such
as non-Contractor Quality Control samples. AC is used when there is a sample to
compare with this sample and the comparison is favorable. RE is used when
there is a sample to compare with this sample and the comparison is
Non-CQC samples and samples with no other sample to compare: RS
When V compares with QC:
QC #1
QC #2
QC #3
QC #4
When the material goes to Resolution:
V only
QC & V
Compares with
QC #1
QC #2
QC #3
QC #4
Neither QC
nor V
NOTE: The tables above assume that there are four QC lots in conjunction with
one V sample. Based on the specific material requirements, code all QC, V and
R samples included in the comparison lots with the codes above.
Once the sample and test data has been reviewed and verified and any
corrections and/or additions have been made by the approver or the appropriate
person; you are ready to apply the approval codes.
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From the Approval by Project or Approval by Project/Material screen:
Click in the approval code field to bring up a drop down arrow. The
approval code field is not labeled. It is the blank field by the LIMS Sample
Id. The drop down arrow is not visible until you click in the field.
The drop down list with the available approval codes will appear.
Select the appropriate code that designates the comparison.
Repeat for all samples in the lot or lots represented by the comparison.
Click on the Approve Selected Sample icon.
When the samples have been approved, you will receive a message "Data
posted, Ready for new search".
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