2012 QCC Script

Thursday, October 25, 2012
ARC Ballrooms A & B
5:30 pm – 8:00 p.m.
5:30 – 6:15 p.m.
6:15 – 7:15 p.m.
7:15 – 7:20 p.m.
President Kitty Schlosser
Good evening! Welcome to the 73rd Annual Quarter Century Club Dinner!
I’m Kitty Schlosser, formerly with Plant Sciences and the California Crop
Improvement Association and the current QCC President.
Annually, this event gives us an opportunity to celebrate our collective years of
service to the University and the Davis campus.
“Congratulations” to those of you who are new to the Quarter Century Club and to
those reaching the Half Century mark. To the rest of you, “Welcome back!”
Let me read the opening paragraph of the minutes of the first meeting of the
Quarter Century Club, held in 1939.
“Many of us have grown up with the University Farm, a farm that later
became a college.
To commemorate the olden days and to stage a sort of old timer’s reunion, it
was suggested that we call the “actives” together during the sheep show at the
Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island.”
A dozen of these “old timers” assembled for dinner at the Scottish Village on
Treasure Island on Thursday, September 28, 1939 and during the course of the
evening each told of his first days at Davis 25 years earlier.
The group included several faculty members, the carpenter who built the first barn, a
herdsman, the farm superintendent, and some other men in the community closely
involved with the Farm.
During the evening, they agreed that the Quarter Century Club would meet once a
year; there would be no officers (other than a Secretary pro-tem), no fees, or by-laws;
and membership would be open to any man who had been affiliated with the
institution or community for at least 25 years.
In 1972, the Club welcomed its first women - 15 of them. Tonight, almost 60 percent
of the new QCC members are women.
All of you new members join a distinguished group of people who have dedicated
themselves and their careers to serving the University of California and have helped
to create the friendly campus atmosphere as well as the standard of excellence for
which UC Davis is known.
Now, let me give you a brief rundown on tonight’s agenda. First we’ll recognize our
50-year honorees and our new 25-year members.
Then, we’ll ask some history trivia questions to highlight some events from 25 and
50 years ago. Thanks to the generosity of a number of donors, we’ll have some
guaranteed-useful prizes for those who know the correct answers.
In addition, we’ll award prizes using the raffle tickets distributed when you arrived
this evening.
Then we’ll appoint the incoming president of the club.
But first, let me introduce the members of the planning committee. As you can
imagine, arranging an event of this magnitude requires substantial time and effort.
Committee members please stand and remain standing as I introduce you, then I’ll
ask everyone to join me to recognize your efforts.
Barbara Anderson
Wes Arvin
Christine Bruhn
Cynthia Contreras
Linda Fairfield
Jeff Hogan
Irene Horgan –Thompson
Sharon Lynch
Gail Nishimoto
Kay Resler
Jim Shackleford
Dottie Turner
Wally Winton
Thank you all very much!
Did everyone enjoy the meal? How about a round of applause to University Catering
for the wonderful dinner.
Now, it’s my honor and pleasure to introduce and welcome Ralph Hexter, our
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor.
Ralph J. Hexter, an experienced university administrator and scholar of classics and
comparative literature, has been Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor at UC Davis
since January 1, 2011.
As provost and executive vice chancellor, he serves as the No. 2 person in the UC
Davis administration, reporting directly to Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi and
representing the chancellor in her absence.
He is the campus’s chief academic officer and, in that post, oversees the work of the
deans and serves as the chancellor's principal liaison to the Academic Senate.
In addition, he holds an academic appointment as professor of classics and
comparative literature. Throughout his administrative career, he has continued to
teach, lecture, and publish on the interpretation and meaning of classical Greek and
Roman literature from antiquity through the Middle Ages to modern times.
Please join me in welcoming Provost Hexter.
[Provost Hexter steps to podium as President Schlosser moves to floor level next to
podium, where she waits to present 50-year certificates and pins.]
7:20 - 7:35 p.m.
Remarks & 50-Year Awards Presentation
Provost Hexter
Provost Hexter:
Thank you, Kitty, for that kind introduction and to all of you for the warm welcome.
I’m happy to be here tonight to celebrate with you and to welcome this year’s
inductees into the Quarter Century Club…
…and to have the opportunity to recognize the commitment and dedication that goes
into what, for many people, is a lifetime of service to UC Davis.
[Congratulate all recipients of 50 and 25-year recognitions]
For 50 year awardees, we have a mix of staff and faculty with representation from
Health Sciences, the Medical Center, Physical Education, Physics, Engineering,
Accounting, Cooperative Extension, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Student
Housing, Philosophy, Education, English, Chemistry and Architects and Engineers.
[Say what an important contribution to UC Davis is represented by this group.]
[Brief remarks (4–5 min.) on a topic of your choosing perhaps tie to Convocation,
and segue into presentations]
This year, we welcome 65 new 50-Year Members, 13 of whom are present. I would
like to recognize these wonderful individuals.
As I call your names, would you please stand at your table so that we can present
you with your 50-Year Certificate and pin, and we can all applaud your milestone.
Here, then, are our new 50-Year Members:
[As the Provost reads each name, President Schlosser delivers a certificate
and pin to the honoree at his/her table.]
Rose Banninger
James Cheney
Bill Felver
Alexander Groth
Paul Gulyassy
Charles Judson
Michael Lewis
Rachel Mallery
MaryAnn Montague
William Powell
William Pritchard
Janice Stallman
Robbin Thorp
Again, thank you all for your many years of service and commitment to this campus.
[Provost Hexter returns to his seat as President Schlosser resumes the program from
the podium]
7:35 – 7:50 p.m. New 25-Year Member Recognition
President Schlosser
President Schlosser:
Please give our newest half-century members another big round of applause…
Thank you, Provost Hexter, for joining us!
At this time, I am pleased to introduce the new members of the Quarter Century
Club who completed 25 years of service during the 2011-2012 academic year.
As your name is read, please stand and remain standing. Everyone else, please hold
your applause until the list is read then we’ll recognize everyone at once.
Following a traditional Quarter Century Club practice, I’ll begin reading from the end
of the alphabet.
[President Schlosser reads the list of new 25-year members.]
Gwenn Welsch
Louise Uota
Laura Troutner
Laura Townsley
John Thomson
Joy Thomas
Denise Tabor
Lori Sanchez
Linda Roberts
Amador Reveles
Karl Reinking
Sherri Reese
Elisabeth Rea
Marcia Nelson
Juli Neal
Guy Neal
Leslie Moore
Donald McLean
Peter S. Lust
Norma Lopez-Burton
Laurie Lewis
Karen Kubota
Mihaela Harris
Janet Harlan
John Gregg
Estelle Giles
Durham (Ken) Giles
Eugenio Gerscovich
Kathryn Garvey
Grace Donald
Maria De Leon
Michael Cronan
Cliff Contreras
Steffany Caria
Darren Besoyan
Tracy Bennett
Mary Ann Beall
Lola Bailey
Elizabeth (Lee Ann) Bailey
We’ve done our best to keep track of the new members who are in attendance this
Have we inadvertently omitted anyone?
Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in a round of applause for the newest members
of the UC Davis Quarter Century Club!
7:50 - 8:20 p.m.
Games & Prizes:
[Program committee members to prize tables in front of the Ballroom by podium.
All will circulate among the tables awarding prizes while Barbara Anderson asks the
questions from the podium. When prizes are awarded, President Schlosser returns
to podium.]
I would now like to introduce Committee member Barbara Anderson.
Barbara is past Senior Editor for University Communications. She started at UC
Davis in 1973 and retired in 2004.
She is our trivia expert and will be giving you all an opportunity to win some great
8:20 – 8:30 p.m.
Surprise Special Announcement and Closing:
[President Schlosser conducts the surprise naming of the 2012 QCC President]
It is now time for the QCC to appoint its next President.
Tradition dictates that this person is selected from among the new inductees and
must be present tonight to be appointed.
Therefore, all of you, new members, are fair game.
Please give XXXXXXX, a hearty round of applause.
XXX came to UC Davis in xxxx as …..
XXX, please come up and say a few words and accept the QCC symbol of office.
We expect you to proudly display the Horseshoe in your office. I’m going to miss
not seeing it everyday!
[New president steps to podium]
[President Schlosser presents incoming president with QCC president
symbol of office and invites brief comments]
[Incoming president offers remarks]
[After brief remarks, the incoming president returns to seat, Thank
you….new president]
Thanks to all the members for joining us this evening.
And a special thank you to Provost Hexter.
Thanks also to the students and staff at the ARC.
And special thanks to the QCC Committee members.
We hope to see you all next year.
The 73rd Annual meeting of the Quarter Century Club is adjourned.