Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Table of Contents Introduction ……………………………………………………………………. 1 Goals and Objectives ………………………………………………………….. 3 Policy ………………………………………………………………………….. 5 Energy Committee …………………………………………………………….. 7 Operational Guidelines ………………………………………………………... 9 Appliances & Miscellaneous Equipment ……………………………………... 11 Information Technology – Computer Use ……………………………………. 13 Utilities ……………………………………………………………………….. 14 Performance Contracting ……………………………………………………… 16 Energy Star ……………………………………………………………………. 18 Commissioning/Retro Commissioning ………………………………………… 19 Equipment Efficiency ………………………………………………………….. 21 Conservation / Waste Reduction ……………………………………………….. 22 Education ………………………………………………………………………. 25 Capital Improvements …………………………………………………………. 28 Glossary of Terms ……………………………………………………………… 29 Appendix A – Policy 8201 – Facility Operation & Maintenance Appendix B – Policy 8202 – Energy and Resource Conservation Appendix C – Energy Performance Matrix Appendix D – Energy Savings Data Appendix E – Energy Conservation Resolution ii Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Introduction Stafford County Public Schools (SCPS) maintains facilities for over 30,000 students, teachers, and administrative functions in 34 schools and operating sites that comprise in excess of 3.9 million square foot and over 1200 acres. Facilities Services through the Operation & Maintenance Department has been charged with the responsibility to provide oversight of the school division’s energy management program including managing the energy resources purchased and consumed, ensuring this is done in the most cost efficient manner and while promoting energy conservation and awareness throughout the school division. Over the last ten (10) years, SCPS has experienced extensive growth, seeing over 1,184,656 square feet of classroom, office, and activity spaces added to the division’s physical plant. Our energy management program is focused on providing superior support and oversight to our comprehensive K-12 academic environment, while simultaneously accomplishing energy conservation responsibilities. 1 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Energy management in a complex ever-changing environment is a journey as much as it is a destination. New technologies, growth, environmental concerns, the availability of fuels and new regulations and codes are but a few of the challenges an organization must address. SCPS Energy Management Plan is a roadmap to manage current and future objectives and activities. This plan is implemented throughout the division at various levels with the assistance of all stakeholders including students, teachers, staff, and business partners. The implementation of this plan will be a continuous process as most activities and projects in the realm of Energy Management are dynamic. 2 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Goals and Objectives • Reduce non-renewable energy purchases by 20% over 2006 expenditures by 2012. • Establish a School Division Energy Steering Group. • Continue using energy performance contracting to install energy conservation measures including occupancy sensors, efficient lighting, water conservation, efficient motors, and variable frequency drives. • Establish Operational Guide Lines for the School Division (temperature set points, hours of operation, etc...) • Ensure energy conservation measure and practices are included in all Capital Improvement Projects including consideration of LEED, Energy Star and High Performance Buildings standards, and other energy conservation initiatives/efforts. • Provide standards and guidelines for appliance and portable equipment use throughout the School Division including microwaves, coffee pots, refrigerators, and plug in heaters from class rooms and offices. • Establish and enforce conservations measures throughout the School Division including, computer, printer, fax and copy machines. • Develop and enhance real-time data tracking of energy use. • Set facilities energy guidelines on a per facility basis • Expand energy education opportunities throughout the School Division to include students, teachers, staff, and business partners. 3 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan • Establish and enhance partnerships with energy education organization to include National Energy Education Development Project (NEED) and Alliance to SAVE ENERGY. • Continue implementation of commissioning and retro-commissioning programs within the School Division • Enhance energy conservation measures within the School Division’s vehicle fleet to include general and special purpose and buses. • Develop a rewards and/or competition program at the school level based on energy conservation/savings. 4 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Policy SCPS maintains two School Board policies that provide oversight and direction for the division’s energy management program, Policy 8201, Facility Operation & Maintenance and Policy 8202, Energy and Resource Conservation. The School Board adopted both policies in June 2008 and the policies are reviewed annually by Facilities Services. Policy 8201 – Facility Operation & Maintenance establishes its own program to include all buildings, equipment, and associated infrastructure of the division’s physical plant. The Facilities Operation & Maintenance Program includes but is not limited to preventive maintenance, repair, emergency facilities response, energy conservation, equipment replacement, protective coatings, custodial operations, snow and ice removal, and roof and asphalt replacement. Policy 8202 - Energy and Natural Resource Conservation establishes and maintains an energy and natural resource conservation program. Energy Conservation includes but is not limited to the reduction of energy consumed by the School Division in its processes, systems, equipment, and organization, through economy, elimination of waste and rational use. Natural Resource Conservation includes the responsible use of the earth’s natural resources (lands, rivers, streams, topsoil, animals, forest, etc.). The School Division has established an Energy and Natural Resource Conservation Program, which measures conservation throughout the Division. 5 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan The School Division, through the Pupil Transportation Department, also maintains a bus idling standard operating procedure that requires all bus drivers to conserve fuel by shutting down bus engines at appropriate locations and circumstances rather than having the engines continuously run. The idling SOP, 10-14-07, allows idling of the engine for no more than five (5) minutes. Turn off the engine when arriving at the school several minutes before the dismissal. Restart the engine after the students have loaded and when departure is imminent. If arriving more than five minutes early, especially if under an enclosure where fumes may become trapped, you are to turn off your engines. If you are waiting in line to unload students, you are not required to turn off the engine. 6 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Energy Committee The SCPS Energy Management Plan shall incorporate an Energy Steering Committee to provide oversight and guide the School Division’s Energy Conservation Program. The committee will be organized with representatives from the following offices and departments: • Administrator from each school/site including the Gari Melchers and the Alvin York Bandy Administrative Complex • School Nutrition • Pupil Transportation • Fleet Services • Safety & Security • Energy Manager (Facilitator) • Director & Assistant Director, Operation & Maintenance Department (Chairperson) • Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Citizen Advisory Committee Chairman (Non-Voting) • Director, Facility Planning, Design & Construction • Supervisor of Math & Science • Supervisor of Physical Plant • Information Technology • Representative - Stafford County Government • Chief Facilities Officer (Advisor) 7 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan The Energy Steering Committee will meet quarterly and present a program update to the School Board in the fourth quarter of each fiscal year. 8 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Operational Guidelines: Heating/Ventilation/ Air Conditioning (HVAC) Space Temperatures Set-Points Occupied Mode (6am-5pm) Unoccupied Mode (5pm- 6am) Winter Summer 68 Degrees 73 Degrees 60 Degrees 85 Degrees Occupied and Unoccupied Mode (HVAC Systems) Occupied mode of operations begins from 0 to 240 minutes (depending on outside weather conditions) before the energy provider (Dominion Virginia Power or NOVEC) demand window opens for high rates to take effect (7 o’clock AM September 1st to June 30th, Monday –Friday) and (10 o’clock AM July 1st to August 31st, Monday –Friday). Unoccupied mode of operation begins 2 hours after the students are released or 5 o’clock PM whichever comes first. Main offices will operate until 6 o’clock PM. All occupied spaces will be heated and cooled to achieve the stated temperatures above. Schools and operating sites can adjust the set points in order to achieve these goals. Temperature should be an average taken in the middle of the space being measured at a height of 3 foot. 9 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Special Events Scheduling It is imperative that special events are reported to the Operation & Maintenance Department at least 48 hours in advance through the TeamWORKS work order system to include: (1) the area of the building that the event is going to take place and (2) the time and date(s) the event will occur. The remainder of the facility will remain unoccupied. These areas will be programmed as a special event and will revert to unoccupied mode upon the scheduled completion of the event. Holiday Scheduling (Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break, Summer Break): Holidays will be scheduled as unoccupied events in the Energy Management System. The unoccupied event will begin two (2) hours after the end of the school day preceding the scheduled holiday and remain in place until the morning school is scheduled to resume. Any special event scheduled during a holiday will need to follow the outlined process for “Special Event Scheduling” as identified in the section above. Summer School: Facilities, which have been designated, for summer school shall operate in the occupied mode during school hours only and when summer school is taking place. After school hours and nonschool days, these buildings will revert to unoccupied mode. SCPS Park & Recreation Events: 10 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Facilities, which are used by Stafford County Parks & Recreation Department under the Joint Facilities Use Agreement, will have the building controls set at the unoccupied mode temperature settings during times of use; unless a change is approved by the Chief Facilities Officer or his/her designated representative. 11 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Appliances & Miscellaneous Equipment: Managing the proliferation of small residential kitchen type appliances and equipment in any large organization is a challenge. Use of certain types of appliances and/or equipment not only can increase the Division’s energy consumption but can also create safety and fire issues. At a minimum, all appliances procured and used by SCPS are required to comply with the current EPA’s Energy Star program and must be approved by the SCPS’s Energy Manager located in the Operation & Maintenance Department prior to procurement. Existing appliance/equipment purchased prior to May 2010, will be grandfathered. Individuals or groups in SCPS and facilities do not authorize the following appliances: • Space Heater (all types) • Fans (electric) • Air Purifiers The following appliances and miscellaneous equipment are limited to approved areas specifically designed to support these types of equipment. Approval for these areas can be obtained from the SCPS Energy Manager located in the Operation & Maintenance Department. 12 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan • Microwave Ovens • Coffee Pots • Ovens • Toasters • Refrigerators • Mini Refrigerators • Vending Machines • Water Coolers • Washing Machines • Dryers • Humidifiers • Dehumidiers 13 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Information Technology – Computer Use The Information Technology Department has established a “Go Green” program to help conserve energy in computer use throughout the school division. “Go Green with IT” has the potential to save in excess of $250,000 annually by the making mandatory changes to an individual user’s settings resulting in the computer equipment going into energy conservation mode after a specific period of time. For details on this program go the Information Technology section of the School Division’s web site at 14 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Utilities SCPS consumes a variety of utilities including electricity, natural gas, propane gas, fuel oil and potable and non-potable water. The SCPS Energy Manager is currently responsible for managing purchased utilities for the School Division and reports on utilities purchased from service providers. Our major utility providers are: Electric: Dominion Virginia Power (DVP) – 54 accounts Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC) – 4 accounts Natural Gas: Columbia Gas – 22 accounts Propane Gas: Various – 26 accounts Fuel Oil: Various – 7 accounts Water/Sewer: Stafford County Utility Department - 40 accounts Typical Annual Utility Usage By Type 9.3% 0.3% Electric 19.9% Natural Gas Propane 70.5% 15 Fuel Oil Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Utility meters are read each month and the data is entered into the school division energy tracking software program, Profile Manager. The data collected is a typical breakout out of the utilities purchased by SCPS. Due to the high growth and expansion of SCPS since FY2000, the utilities budget has increased accordingly. In addition to considering growth in utilities budgeting, costs of each utility fluctuate from year to year. Oversight of the cost of fossil fuel will be critical in the future to ensure the School Division adequately budgets for natural gas and electricity. 16 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Energy Performance Contracting Energy Performance Contracting is a performance-based procurement method and financial mechanism for building renewal whereby utility bill savings that result from the installation of new building systems (reducing energy use) pay for the cost of the building renewal project. A "Guaranteed Energy Savings" Performance Contract includes language that obligates the contractor, a qualified Energy Services Company (ESCO), to pay the difference if at any time the savings fall short of the guarantee. The Commonwealth of Virginia through the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME), provides an Energy Performance Contract that allows all public bodies to utilize. In 2005, the School Division initiated a multi-phased energy performance contracting effort utilizing the State’s Energy Performance Contract (see Appendix C). The goal of the Division’s Energy Performance Contracting effort is to identify opportunities for energy conservation/savings, in conjunction with the guaranteed annual savings from the contractor. Phase I: Completed in 2007, with an estimated guaranteed annual energy cost savings of $440,000.00 per year. The energy conservation measures (ECM’s) implemented included: - New Efficient Interior Lighting - Room Occupancy Sensors - Sink, Urinal and Water Closet Water Conservation 17 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Phase II: Phase III: - Energy Efficient Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) and Motors - Building Envelope (Windows, Sofitts, Eaves) Changes/Repairs - Vending Misers Scheduled for FY10 & FY11; ECMs planned are: - New Efficient Interior Lighting - Room Occupancy Sensors - Sink, Urinal and Water Closet Water Conservation - Energy Efficient VFDs and Motors Scheduled for FY14; ECMs planned are: - New Efficient Interior Gym Lighting - Room Occupancy Sensors 18 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Energy Star Energy Star is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping individual Americans, businesses and governmental organizations save resources and protects the environment through energy efficient products and practices. SCPS uses tools from the Energy Star Program in promoting our energy conservation goals including Target Finder during facility designs and construction efforts and Portfolio Manager when evaluate existing facilities and their building systems. Target Finder: SCPS has established a minimum Energy Star Target Finder score of 75 out of 100 for all new facilities, additions, and/or major renovations. Utility Tracking Information: SCPS uses a utility tracking software program, Portfolio Manager, to benchmark all of our schools and facilities energy use. Portfolio Manager allows the Division to evaluate our schools and facilities energy use with like size and type across the United States. This effort started in 2008 and is updated on an annual basis. The result of Portfolio Manager and our monthly benchmarking of energy use allow the Division to evaluate our “worst” energy consumers and establish plans to address this energy use including developing plans for retrocommissioning efforts. 19 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Commissioning/Retro-Commissioning Commissioning - Building commissioning provides documented confirmation that building systems function according to criteria set forth in the project documents to satisfy the owner’s operational needs. Commissioning (Cx) existing systems may require developing new functional criteria to address the owner’s current requirements for system performance. In 2006, SCPS initiated building commissioning for all new schools, facilities, additions and major renovation. The Division utilizes a third party commissioning agent or our in-house Energy Manager for this effort. Commissioning services are typically brought on during initial design development and continue until completion of the facility. Retro-Commissioning - Retro-commissioning is a process that can be applied to existing buildings that have never been commissioned to restore them to optimal performance. Retro-commissioning (RCx) is a systematic, documented process that identifies low-cost operational and maintenance improvements in existing buildings and brings the buildings up to the design intentions of its current usage. RCx typically focuses on energy-using equipment, such as mechanical equipment, and optimizes existing system performance, rather than relying on major equipment replacement, resulting in improved indoor air quality, comfort, controls, energy, and resource efficiency. RCx typically includes an audit of the entire building and interviews with facility personnel, followed by diagnostic monitoring and functional tests of building systems, which are then executed and analyzed. Building systems are retested and re-monitored to fine-tune improvements. 20 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan The process helps find and repair operational problems, as well as identify more complex problems for the owner. Facility managers have shown that implementing retrocommissioning efforts can provide energy savings up to and exceeding 40% of current consumption. SCPS initiated its retro-commissioning program in 2009 and established a long-term plan (Appendix C) to address the “worst” energy consuming facilities in the existing physical plant. The Division’s retro-commissioning goal is to retro-commission 250,000 sq. ft per year over a ten-year period. 21 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Equipment Efficiency SCPS through in-house operational practices, facility repair & maintenance, new construction and energy performance contracting are continuously applying energy conservation philosophies to the Division’s physical plant. The Division strives to do this with the most efficient and affordable energy conservation measures and operational practices possible to include: • Replacement of older fluorescent lighting packages with energy efficient T8 lighting packages. • Installation of occupancy sensors in all facilities • Installation of Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) and High Efficiency Motors. • Programming of HVAC Systems to maximize cost savings and operate only when needed. • Installation of used oil furnaces utilizing a nearly free source of heating. • Evaluation of heating and chilled waterlines and re-insulating as necessary to maximize energy efficiency. • Installation of low flow toilets, urinals, and low flow aerators for sinks throughout the Division. • Improvements to Building Envelopes including window & window frame replacement. 22 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan • Vending Misers. Conservation / Waste Reduction SCPS continues to focus on energy conservation and energy waste reduction throughout the school division. Included in our division wide conservation program are the following: Conservation • Develop detailed school division operational guidelines for each school type (elementary, middle and high) that can be used to reduce energy and utility waste. • Identify additional items of equipment that can be turned off during extended school closures. (Spring Break, Summer Break, Winter Break and all Holidays) • Evaluate sustainable and energy efficient technologies for incorporation into new construction and make recommendations for their adoption. • Evaluate hot water systems for kitchens and facilities to reduce hours of operation. • Ensure all outside lighting is turned off during daylight hours. • Ensure all classroom computers, monitors, projectors and TVs shall be turned off at the end of each day. • Ensure all computers and monitors equipped with the “Go Green with IT” utilize the sleep feature when not in use. 23 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan • Ensure all copiers, computers and monitors are turned off when the office staff leaves for the day. Some large copiers have specific instructions not to be turned off allowing them to transition into a sleep mode. • Establish procedures that allow laminating equipment to only be used during specific periods of the day. • Ensure all lighting and HVAC in auditoriums are kept at a minimum except during activities. • Ensure all areas without staff or students have the lights turned off. • Ensure all Direct Digital Controls (DDC) building control systems will be programmed for light ventilation applications. • Continue installing Vending Misers on all Vending Machines • Ensure all supply and return air outlets be unrestricted and kept uncovered. • In areas where the building HVAC is operating, all exterior doors and windows shall remain closed. • If possible, evacuation drills should be planned on days with mild in temperature as to not overload the HVAC system after the drill. This has the potential to set new Peak Demand charges on the electric bill. Waste Reduction • • All field and stadium lighting should only be used for official school functions such as games or practice sessions. However, the lights are NOT to be turned on before dusk. Maintain strict monitoring of energy usage for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning in all buildings and facilities. • Continue water usage reduction efforts throughout SCPS. • Continued management of the recycling efforts throughout the School System. 24 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Other Departments: School Nutrition • Equipment replacements require Energy Star Rating • Equipment Start-up is sequenced in order to prevent peak load being exceeded • Freezer Compressors were relocated outside to reduce heat loads in kitchen areas • Major contributor to the recycling program. • Changed from Styrofoam trays and plastic silverware to hard trays and silverware that can be clean in an effort to reduce refuse. Pupil Transportation • Diesel School Bus Retrofit that will decrease the amount of air pollution emitted from 87 school buses. • Idling Operations. 25 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Education The SCPS Energy Conservation Program, as with many other operational programs within the school division, has a commitment to establish a link or connection with the student population. These opportunities are not only valuable but also a rare opportunity to enhance the educational product provided to our students. Working through the School Division’s Instructional Department to enhance lesson plans and develop partnerships with energy conservation organizations and projects will be our focus. Establish a relationship with The NEED Project and alliance with SAVE ENERGY to supply needed energy related instructional material for programs that are consistent with the School Divisions educational goals and the Standards of Learning (SOL). The Energy Steering Committee will have representatives from each school. These school representatives will help establish Energy Smart Teams at each school/site. These teams will be asked to assist school staff in helping their school become more energy efficient. Some of the tasks the Energy Smart Team will assist with are: • Establish an Energy Smart Team with student involvement for your campus. 26 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan • Smart Team will help to ensure room temperatures are consistent with the Stafford County School Board adopted Energy Management Program. • Smart Team will assist in ensuring blinds or drapes on windows that receive direct sunlight are closed when air conditioning systems are on, at night and during the winter. • Smart Team will assist school staff in the scheduling of facility space wisely to reduce energy consumption. Use the fewest number of rooms necessary for summer and night programs. Schedule teachers into one room for preparation periods, and place support staff in fewer rooms, if possible. • Smart Team will assist in the implementation of a lighting procedure to keep lights off when a space is not used. • Smart Team will solicit feedback from students and staff on energy conservation. • Smart Team will assist school staff and the Energy Manager with informing the public, parents, and other groups about their school’s energy conservation efforts. • Smart Team will assist staff with ensuring the classroom air supply and return grills are not blocked with furniture or displays. • Smart Team will help educate students and staff with keeping classroom doors and windows shut when heat or air conditioning is on. • Smart Team will help educate students and staff to close all windows and doors when leaving the classroom at the end of the day and turn off all equipment and lights. • Smart Team will help educate students and staff to not cover or block thermostats. • Smart Team will help report faulty thermostats and other equipment that may be malfunctioning. 27 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan • Smart Team will help promote wearing warmer clothes in cold weather and cooler clothes in hot weather consistent with the school division dress codes. • Smart Team will get more students and staff involved in monitoring energy usage. • Smart Team will assist staff to educate all in turning off lights, televisions, and computers/monitors when leaving room. 28 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Capital Improvements SCPS, throughout its history, has consistently and continuously emphasized and included energy efficiency and conservation measures in all facets of its Capital Improvement Program. In 2006, the Division took a significant move towards formally establishing an energy conservation position with the School Board’s approval of an Energy Conservation Resolution (Appendix E). This resolution advocates for the basic energy conservation tenants as shared by the U.S. Green Building Council, Sustainable Building Industry, and U.S Environmental Protection Agency. In 2009, the Division established a set of Facility Design Standards, which establish minimum energy guidelines for all Capital Improvement Projects including Energy Star ratings and U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. The Facility Design Standards can be found on the Facilities Services section of the Stafford County Public Schools web site 29 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Glossary of Terms Capital Improvements – Addition or structure that enhances the value of a property, or a replacement or upgrade that extends the useful life of an asset. Capital Maintenance - Accounting concept that a profit can be realized only after capital of the firm has either been restored to its original level (called 'capital recovery') or is maintained at a predetermined level. It is necessary, therefore, to determine the value of capital before the amount of profit can be computed. Columbia Gas – Natural Gas Provider in Stafford County. Commissioning (Cx) – A process of working with new and complex building systems and equipment to ensure the systems/equipment are operating properly and in coordination with each other. Dominion Virginia Power (DVP) – Electric provider to majority of Stafford County. Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) – ECM are specific energy conservation measure implemented to conserve energy to include lighting, occupancy sensors, low flush water closest and urinals. Energy Performance Contract – A Contract with an Energy Performance Contractor to install products that save energy and is paid for by the energy savings. Energy Star - Energy Star is a United States government program created in 1992 by the US Environmental Protection Agency in an attempt to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission by power plants. What began originally as a voluntary labeling program has grown in to one of the largest efforts worldwide to promote energy efficient consumer products. Energy Steering Committee - School Division Group charged with recommending Energy Policies for the School Division. 30 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) – Large mechanical building systems that introduce fresh air into facilities andat variable rates and heats, cools, dehumidifies and/or humidifies the same air to provide comfort to the occupants. High Performance Buildings – A building that integrates and optimizes all major high performance attributes including energy efficiency, durability, life cycle performance and occupant performance and productivity. Holiday Schedule – A period of time that includes all standard and schedule holiday periods (Thanksgiving, Winter Break, and Spring Break) where un-occupied automatic temperature control schedule is in place. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) - Green Building Rating System, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), provides a suite of standards for environmentally sustainable construction. Since its inception in 1998, LEED has grown to encompass over 14,000 projects in 50 US States and 30 countries covering 1.062 billion square feet (99 km²) of development area. The hallmark of LEED is that it is an open and transparent process where the technical criteria proposed by the LEED committees are publicly reviewed for approval by the more than 10,000 membership organizations that currently constitute the USGBC. Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC) – Electric provider to the Northwestern portion of Stafford County. Occupancy Sensors – A device that is added to lighting circuits to turn off the lights inif no one is in the room. Occupied Mode – Automatic temperature control mode of operation for full occupancy. Retro-Commissioning (RCx) – A process of working with old equipment to bring it back to the original specification and operational condition. 31 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan SCPS Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) – Six-year plan approved annually by the School Division that outlines proposed new construction, additions/renovations, new support facilities and the Capital Maintenance (infrastructure) requirements. Set Points – The target value of a controlled variable in an automatic temperature building control system. Special Events – School events that require a change in the automatic temperature control time schedule that overrides most other specific times. Stafford County Public Schools (SCPS) – School Division Summer School – A specific period during July/August when certain schools are open to assist students with remediation and/or other course work. Typically, one high school is used for High School summer school and all Middle and Elementary Schools. Unoccupied Mode - Automatic temperature control mode of operation for limited occupancy. Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) – A device that controls electric motor speed to regulate system airflow. Vending Miser – A device that is added to vending machines that cycle the machine when no occupants are around. Water Conservation – A program to conserve water consumption throughout the school division to include replacement of equipment. 32 Stafford County Public Schools Energy Management Plan 33