BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. I I 1 - , ! APPLICATION FOR A RENEWAL OF AN EXEMPTION FILED BY AERO REY, S.A. de C.V. FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS We are relying on the automatic extension provisions of Federal Law Specifically 5 USC 558(c), as implemented by 14 CFR Part 377, to keep our exemption authority in effect, pending final department action on this renewal application. It should be noted that no changes have occurred in the company management, stock holders, their nationality, aircraft or aircraft crews. This carriers Ops Specs are managed at the San Antonio, FAA/FSDO, and the aircraft have fewer than 30 seats. Tx, COMMUNICATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO : Mr. Eugene E. Smith 7717 Village Oak San Antonio, Tx. 78233 Tel (210) 590-1630 Fax (210) 653-9281 Agent for Service in the U.S. for: AERO REY, S.A. de C.V. 20 APR 2005 In support of this application, and pursuant to the Department's Procedural Regulations, Rey states the following: 1. Rey, incorporated in Mexico in 1988, is a privately held corporation that is 100% owned and controlled by citizens. Name, citizenship and percentage of ownership Mexican of Rey are enumerated in Exhibit A. The full name and corporate address of Rey is: Aero Rey, S.A. de C.V. Santa Barbara # 540 Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon 64000 MEXICO 2. The name and official address of the government air transport authority in Mexico having regulatory jurisdiction over Rey is: Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes Direccion General de Aeronautica Civil ("DGAC") Av. Providencia No. 807, Piso 1-7 Colonia del Valle Delegacion Benito Juarez Mexico, D . F . 03100 MEXICO 3. As noted above, Rey is seeking transborder charter authority to engage in foreign air transportation of persons and their belongings without the need for prior Department approval of each flight, or series of flights. stopover privileges. 2 Rey is also requesting 4. Rey is operationally and financially qualified to perform the service for which authority is requested herein. As evidence thereof: (a) The Mexican DGAC has issued a permit authorizing Rey to conduct non-scheduled, international air taxi transportation of passengers in the North and South American Continents. This permit is valid indefinitely and is attached as Exhibit B. (b) In 1996, Rey DGAC permits commenced commercial flight operations. From its base Monterrey, Nuevo transportation to Leon, Rey received provides its air and in domestic and international passengers, consisting of members of the following institutions which form part of the governing body, owners, and stock holders of Rey: AERO Rey, S.A. de C.V. Future operations, including its proposed U.S. service, are likely to be a continuation of this type of operation. Rey estimates that it will operate 150 to 200 round trip flights 3 annually between Mexico and the United States with an average load of four passengers per flight; all of which will originate in Mexico. ( c ) Rey owns and operates a single 8 passenger Sabreliner NA265-6OSC Jet aircraft with Mexican registration XA- SBV. (d) Rey maintains its aircraft pursuant to a maintenance service agreement with Aero Alterno, an aircraft repair station in Monterrey, Mexico; and the A.W.M.A.T.S. Center, in Wichita, Kansas, an authorized Service Center; and in accordance with an airworthiness program approved by the Mexican DGAC in compliance with ICAO Annexes 1,6 (Part I) and 7. (e) Rey has established a well qualified management team with the necessary experience in providing domestic and international air taxi services. Lic. Roberto Santos de Hoyos has served as President of Rey since he founded the company in February 1988. He graduated in 1978 with a Degree in Jurisprudence from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, in Monterrey, Mexico. 4 Lic. Guillermo Chapa joined Rey in 1988 and serves as the company's General Manager. He graduated with a Law Degree from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, in Monterrey, Mexico. Pilot Capt. Roberto Guerra received his Pilot's License in 1939. Joined Rey in 1998, received his Unlimited Commercial Pilot's License in 1969 and has accumulated over 7000 hours of flight during his years of aviation experience, with over 1200 hours in the Sabreliner. Capt. Guerra is licensed to operate the company's Sabreliner and attends annual training courses, at Flight Safety in St. Louis, Missouri. Capt. Guerra serves as the company's Chief Pilot. Pilot Capt. Hugo Gonzalez received his Pilot's License in 1986. Joined Rey in 1998, received his Unlimited Commercial Pilot's License in 1991 and has accumulated over 5000 hours of flight during his 13 years of aviation experience, with over 1500 hours in the Sabreliner. Capt. Gonzalez is licensed to operate the company's Sabreliner and attends annual training courses, at Flight Safety in St. Louis, Missouri. Capt. Gonzalez serves as the company's Chief of Operations. 5 Capt. Sergio Mu512 received his Pilot's License in 1979. Joined Rey in 1992, received his Unlimited Commercial Pilot's License in 1983 and has accumulated over 5700 hours of flight during his 20 years of aviation experience, with over 1000 hours in the Sabreliner. Capt. Mu512 is licensed to operate the company's Sabreliner and attends annual training courses, at Flight Safety in St. Louis, Missouri. Capt. Carlos Garza received his Pilot's License in 1990. Joined Rey in 1993, received his Unlimited Commercial Pilot's License in 1991 and has accumulated over 1900 hours of flight during his 9 years of aviation experience, with over 300 hours in the Sabreliner. Capt. Garza is licensed to operate the company's Sabreliner and attends annual training courses, at Flight Safety in St. Louis, Missouri. A composite of Rey's key personnel is shown in Exhibit C. (f) Rey's financial statement f o r calendar year 2004 up to Dec of 2004 is Exhibit D. 6 As can be seen, Rey has been self-sufficient and fully capable to continue providing transportation services to the companies enumerated in Paragraph 4 (b). (9) A copy of OST form 6411, Foreign Air Carriers Certificate of Insurance, is attached as Exhibit E. As shown therein, Rey limits of liability exceed the requirements of 14 CFR Part 205. (h) Rey has not been involved in any safety violations, tariff violations or fatal accidents since its inception. (i) Rey does not have any agreement or cooperative working arrangements with any U.S. air carrier affecting its proposed services to the United States 5. Rey's proposed U.S. services are consistent with the public interest for the following reasons: (a) Rey will be carrying executives to the U.S. on business, thereby fostering commerce between Mexico and the United States consistent with the objectives of American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). 7 the North (b) Rey's request for stopover privileges is consistent with the need of the executives using its services will, from time to time, need to stop at two or more places in the U . S . as part of their round trip itineraries. Rey submits that no regulatory purpose would be served by preventing Rey from responding to the stopover needs of its customers. WHEREFORE, Rey respectfully requests exemption authority to engage in charter foreign air transportation of persons and their accompanying baggage with small aircraft as set forth herein, and such other relief as may be in the public interest. Agent for Service in the U.S. for: A e r o R e y , S . A . de C.V. 20 April 2005 8 ERMES EXHIBIT A OWNERSHIP of AERO REY, S.A. de C.V. REPRESENTATIVE for REY, S.A. de C.V. EWES EXHIBIT B D.G.A.C. INTERNATIONAL AIR TAXI PERMIT of AERO REY, S.A. de C.V. .c"( .e * .r) r- L- -.. SUBSECRETARIA DE TRANSPORT€ DIRliCCION GENERAL DE AERONAUTICA CIVIL OPlClO No, 102.419 ' 935 I I ASUNTO: So conoede permiso para establecor y explotar un aorvlcio publico de transports no rogular de taxi $ ~ C R C l A R l A 01 COYUNICAClONcJ Y TRANJPORT~~ - . abrao internralonal de pasajeror. 1 OPERAOOR MEXICAN0 1 -' Mbxico, D.F., a AERO REY, S.A. DE C.VQ CARRETERA U R E D O KM. 20 HANGAR NO23 , ,. .. ;a ts ai.,;. . .( J .-, i . **.,; . I . I APODACA, N.L. C.P. WOO :, I: En rebpueatr a su ercrito del 10 de abril del actual, me permito informarle que con fundamento en 10s articulo$ 3O,, frecclbn VI de la Ley de Vias Generales de Comunicacion, 6O, fraccion ti, y 41 fracclon 111, de I8 Ley de Avlecl6n Civll,+en relacibn con el articulo eo, fraccidn Vllt del Reglamento Intarlor de le Secretaria de Cornunicaciones y Tranrpodes, oata Subsecretaria de Tranaporte, ptorga a la Emprrsa AERO REY, S A . DE C.V., PERMiSO para el establecimlento y explotaclbn de crn servlclo publlco de Transport@no regular de taxi aereo lnternacionai do parajeror desde au base de opsraciones en Monisrrrey, N.L., hecla el CONTINENTE AMERICANO, (Exoluyrndo Cuba, Alaska, Hawai, . * Pa nom i, Colombia y Bollvia). - I En tal virtud, y de contonnided con lo dispuesto en 10s arllculos 3 O , fracciones II. VIII, IX, XI1 y Xlll, 40, 61,yllPO de la Ley de Vias Generales de Cotnunicacion: I O . , 3O., 4 O . , 5 O . , lrecclbn I inclso a), 6O,, fraqciones IV, V, XI, y XII, to,12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 32, 35, 38, 42, 44, 47, fracciones II, IV y VI 61,82, 70,74, 70, 84, y demas aplicables de la Ley de Aviacion Civil, el presents pemlao eatard sujeto 8 10s slguiqntes requtsitos y condlciones: I),-EL PERMISO $E OTOROA POR P W O INDEFINIDO, EN BASE AL ARTICULO 11 DE LA L&Y DE AVIACIdN CIVIL, MlSMO QUE SE OARA POR TERMiNADO CUANDO EL PERMlSlONARlO INCURRA EN ALQUNA RE CAS CAUSALES PREVISTAS E N LOS ART/CULOg 14 Y 78-0E LA PROPIA LEY,- . .. :I:. -. , * r . . -. , - 1 ) . II).. El pretsnte permleo he explde en base 81 permiso de operador de un servicio publico de trantporte de tax1 abreo naclonel no regular de pasajeros, ctorgado medlante o!lcio nirmero: 101.418-0W7del dla 10 de mayo de 1995. .. . , .G,, .. " ,,,I 4 1 / 3 ,. t SUBSECRETARIA OE TRANSPORTe DIRECCION GENERAL OE AERONAUTICA CIVIL -2- Ill).- €1 prerente permiso deberd sur inscrito en el Regrstro Ae~onauticoMexicano. conlorme articulo 47 de la Ley do Avirrcidn Civil. al I IV).. La (I) aeronave ( 8 ) sera (n) utrltzada ( 8 ) solamente para prestar servicio de taxi aCreo intarnacional no regular de posajsror. V).. En caro de que la (s) aeronave (s) mencionada (s) sea (nl suatituida (s) o deje (n) de operar, 8 8 8 Empreso debar4 dar eviro a la Direccicn General de Aeronautica 'Civil acornpanando copie del permiso correspondiente a Trensporte Aereo Nacional. .. I VI).. El personal de vueio de la (s) aeronave ( 8 ) debe contar con el certificado de cornpetencia vigente. expedido por la Direccion General de Aeronautica Civil VII).. Dicha (s) aeron8ve (s) saldrd (n) de territorio nacional por cualquiera d e 10s aeropuertos internacionaler de la Republics Mexican8 autorirados por la Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Tronspoflea, donde cumpltrdn las formaltdede8 y raquisitos de aduana, migracion y sanidad. VI![).- Para la operacidn del (OS) vuslo (a) lnternacronal ( 0 s ) que se autorita (n) esa Empresa queda obligada a cumplir loa requiritoa establecidos en la Norma Oficial Mexicana Emergcnte NOM-EM-008 SCT-003. pubiicada en e1 Oierio Oficial de la Federacion e1 30 de Noviembre de 1994. aplicable en Io que corresponde at servicio de taxi aCreo nactonal y:o internacional. fa cual se da por reproducida en este permiso y se consldera pane integrante del mismo. por lo que la violacibn y/o incumplimislnto de la referida norma. sera mo:ivo de revocacion. IX).- La Empresa debera segorr las vias aereas prevrarnente establectdas por la Secretaria de Comunicacionsr y transpodes. XI.= Aplicor$n en eat08 vueloe la cuota que prevlamente haya autoritado de Tarifss, Tr8nlpOflO Ferroviario y Multimodal. la Direccion General XI).. La Emprerra queda obligade a presentar un inforrne estaaistico mensual a la Direccion General de AeronButice Civil (Oeperfamento de Programacten y €stadisticas), en ia forma DGAC.1857-I. XII).. La Empresa debera contratar y mantener vigente un seguro que cubra las responsabifldades por loo daflos a pasajeros y equigaje, as; ccmo daAos a personas 0 COSaS que $e encucsntren en la SuDedicie de territorio rnexcano en termnos de 10s Articulo$ 62, 70. 72 y 74 de la Ley de A v i a c i h Civil '. *.I * SUBdECRETAR IA DE TRANSFORTE DlRECClON GENERAL DE AERONAUTICA CIVIL =3* XIII).- Con fundomento en Io dispuesto en 10s Articulos 32 y 74 de la Ley de Aviacidn Civil, esa Empresa debe grrantirar 01 pago de la indemnixacion por dafios que pudieran causar a pasajeros y equipoje fuera de territorio msxlcano, por las cantidades que establece la Convsncidn de Varsovia. modificado por el Prototolo de la Haya o por cualquier regimen vigente en el pair 0 palre8 de destlno de 10s vuelos internac:onales por el tiempo a que est4 rujeto sste permiso. 25. XIV),. Previamenta al lnicio de sus vueloe al extranjero ceberan solicitar y recabar el permiso correspondiente de crda una de las autoridades aeronautsas del (os) pais (es) citado (SI en la present0 autorizacibn y, paralelamente. presentar en esta Dependencia coPa (s) de dichO (s) permiso (s) para ocreditar que se cumplio con este requisitc XV).- La Ernpreso no podra ceder, hipotecar, gravar. trarderir o enajenar e1 presente permiso, o lot derechos en 61 conforidos. u algun gobierno o Estado extranjero. XVI).= La Empresa no podrd ceder. hipotecar. gravar. transferir G enajenar el pressnte permiso. o 10s derechos en 6t conferldos. a otros particulares nacionaks o extrenjeros sin autorizaci6n de le Secretaria. XVII).. La Empresa queda obligada a presentar este permiso a las autoridades aeronauticas de 10s aeropuertos intarnacionaies que utilicen para salir y entrar a territorio mexicano XVlIl).. La Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transpones podrt dictar las modalidaaes y caracteristicss c o n f o r m a la8 preste el smicio publico en la vias generales de comunicecidn y medlos de tranrpom. Asimismo, la Secretaria tendr4 la facultad, en cualquer tiernpo, d e verificar el cumplimiento de las' Leyes de Was Generales de Cornunicecidn y de Aviacon Civil. $us reglomentos y demhs disposiciones aplicables. Para tal efecto. la permisionaria estara obligada a permrtir el acceso a 10s verificadorer a sug instaladones. a transponarlos en sus equipos para que realicen la verification y. en general, a otorgarlss todas lar facilicladas para estos fines. as; Corn0 a proporcionar a la Secmtaria 10s informs8 con 10s datos que permitan conocer la gperacion y expiotacibn de 10s servicios de transpod8 adreo. XIX).. La navegacidn en el espacio &reo sobre terrrtoric nacionai se rige por lo previsto en la Ley de Aviaci6n Civil y pot 10s fratadoi. y a falta de ,dlsposicion expresa, se aplicarrln 10s ordenamiontor legalas previstos en e1 artlculo 4O de la pr0G.a Ley de Aviacion Civil. motivo pot el cual la permisionaria deberd cumplir con todas y cada una de las disposiciones contenidas en .,.I 4 g .r ;. '7 - SECRKTARiA Of COYUIICAClONtS Y TRANSCOlTtS -4 9 I xx).. Para la navegacibn en el aspacto abreo. serd obligatorio utilirar 10s fervicios de trinsito ahreo. radioayudas. meteorologie, telecomunicacrones e inforrnacion aeronauticas, asi comQ 10s damar auxilios 'a la navegecion abrea que presta el Organo Oesconcentrado denominado Servicios a la Nevegacibn en el Espacio A6reo Mexicano XXI).- En la preatacidn de loo zlervicios de transporte aereo. la permisionaria por iniciativa propia o a instancias d e la Secretaria. debera adoptar las rnedidas necesarias para garantirar las condicionea maximas de la seguridad de le aeronave y de s u operacidn, a fin de protegdf 18 integridad fisica de lar personae, equipaje y terceros XXII).. El incumplimionto del permisionario, comandante o pilot0 a cualquiera de la8 obligaciones o condiciones establecidarr en la Ley de Avracibn Civil, en sus reglamentos y en est6 permiso. s8 sancionara en terminos de 10s articulos 89. $ 7 , 8 8 , 89 y 90 del ordenamiento * legal citado en primer t4rmino. .> I . I XXIII).= El permisionario debera preeentar dentro de 10s quince (15) dias siglrienles a la focha fienra a favor de la Tesoreria de la Federacion por un monto equlvaiente a trer mil diar de saiatlo minimo a la fecha en que se contrate dicha flrnzs, pare garantirar el cumplimirnto de la$ obligaciones que e1 mismo le impone. con base en el,ertlculo 17 de la Ley de Vfas Generales de Comc;nlcacion y 89 de la Ley de Aviacion Civil. Esta fionta debor4 mantonerla vigente mientrao este en vigor (11 permiso, de inacripcibn de eate permiso una XXW),- El perrnisionano deberh proceder 81 pago y, por consiguiente, acreditar ante esta Secreterla de Comunicaciones y Transportes. mediante recibo oficiai ai entero de 10s derechos previstos en 10s articulos 159. fracclbn VII. inciso d ) y '53. fraccion It. inciso b) de, la Ley Federal de Derechos, la8 centldedes de $ 4,543.00 M,N. y $ 559.00 M.N. por concept0 del otorgamianto de est0 permi80 e 1nscripcr6n 6n e1 Re$is!ra Aeronautics Mexicano Por otra parte, 81 permisionario debere cubrir anualmenre y acreditar mediante recibo oficial. el pago de 10s derechor correspondientea por cada uno de 10s a i o s en que se encuentre vlgenta el permiso. de conformidad con lo dispuesto en e1!o 159. tj!ttmo parrafo. de la Ley Federal de Derechos. ...I I 't SU88ECRETARIA DE TRANSPORT€ OlRECClON GENERAL DE AERONAUTICA CIVIL . I El acreditarnmto de pago de 10s derechorr debera verificarse a rn6s tardar. dentro de 10s 25 dia3 naturale8 siguienter a la fecha de otorgarnlenlo de es!e germiso y, en el cas0 de 10s anos subsscuentes, el plrzo para acfeditar el pago se ccntara a oartir de la fecha de !a Cual se haya otorgado dicho permirso. . . . I ATENTAM ENTE ERONAUTICA CIVIL I STRES !' ' .. C.C.P. Direcci6n General de Tarife8. Tranrporte Ferroviario y Multirnoda1.-Nueva York No.115 . c.c.p.',Oireccibn.TOcnica y de Supervisih- Ofnas. ,c.c.p;Depafl8mOntO de Recunos Financieros.- Ofnas. C.C.P.Departamento de Registro .Aerondutico y Con!rcl de Emp'esas Ofnas. C.C.P. Cornandoncia del Aeropuano lnternacional del Bajio en Silao. Gto. C.C.P. Depanarnento de Infracciones.. Ofnas. . . ,- ,. . ,. . 3,; a. ;: *.I : . I 1 . ., i I-. , ., .. . . ";." , :. . . . 1 1 ., . . ' : ,; , I ^. - .r*- r r r t tn7 /rn REY EXHIBIT C LIST OF KEY PERSONNEL LIC. GUILLERMO CHAPA G. CAPT. RICARDO GARZA GEN MANAGER CHIEF PILOT COMPANY ADDRESS FOR ABOVE PERSONNEL IS: AERO REY, S.A. de C.V. SANTA BARBARA # 540 GARZA GARCIA, NUEVO LEON 64000 MEXICO MEXI CAN MEXICAN 011-528-345-5139 011-528-345-5139 REY EXHIBIT D FINANCIAL STATEMENT of AERO REY, S . A . de C . V . AERO REY, S.A. DE C.V. REEXPRES~O Balance General Comparativo a1 3 1 de Diciembre del 2004 ( Miles Pesos ) ACTIVOS Fondo efectivo Efectivo en Bancos Total Efectivo : Clientes: Vamisa Sa Cv DEACERO Sa Cv Inmobiliaria Plaza San Miguel Arnecom Industrias Servicios &el Sa Cv Total de Clientes Otras Cuentas x Cobrar Aero Rey N8 1OGS Anticipo Gts de Vuelo Iva Acreditable Activos Fijos : Aviones Instalacion Hangar Total Activos Fijos Sociedad Cooperativa ADN Total Depositos en Garantia TOTAL ACTIVOS 1 1.2470 inflac AERO REY, S.A. DE C.V. 1 1.2648 0.0003 Balance General Comparativo al 3 1 de Diciembre del 2004 ( Miles Pesos ) PASIVOS Acreedores Diversos : American Express Trasnportes Tamaulipas Servicios Ejecutivos del Norte AeroSami XASON Aero Alterno Sa Cv Sociedad Cooperativa de Consumo AVMATS Servicios Sustitutos otros Total Acreedores 102 72 653 876 86 62 (102) (102) (108) 175 (27) (36) 101 (152) 85 (108) 175 (27) (3 6) 101 (152) 85 12,008 1,079 9,151 (12,106) (325) 61 5 8 (61) (296) 72 545 1,051 59 26 101 152 85 TOTAL PASIVOS CAPITAL Capital Social Aportaciones de Capital Exceso o Insuficiencia Resultados del Ejercicio Anterior Resultados del ejercicio TOTAL CAPITAL 1 1,947 1,074 9,143 (12,045) SUMA PASIVO Y CAPITAL AERO REY, S.A. DE C.V. Estado de Resultados Acumulado a13 1 de Diciembre del 2004 ( Miles Pesos ) 61 1 t (6 1: (300) 4 INGRESOS: Servicios de vuelo Total Ingresos 5.937 6.467 530 Costo de Venta Total Cosoto de Venta 5.142 5.865 899 (11) I 500 30 723 697 26 950 51 46 5 57 5 57 64 46 69 1 1.2470 1 1.2648 I Utilidad o Perdida Bruta Gastos de Administracion Utilidad de Operacion Gastos o (Productos)Financieros Ganancia x Posicion Monetarias 5 Resultado del Ejercicio 4,102 441 3,661 AERO REY, S.A. DE C.V. Acumulado de Costos y Gastos a1 3 1 de Diciembre del 2004 Costo Variable: Mantenimiento Turbosina Seneam.PennisosAterizaj es Gastos de viaje Horas de Vuelo Servicios Sustitutos 22 80,418 1,052 2,003 427 498 548 149 1,233 2,342 314 3 14 501 586 712 Total Varibales Costo Fijos Seguros y Fianzas 181 339 74 88 164 (149) Tenencia Entrenamiento Actualkcion Total Fijos: Total Costo Gastos de Adrninistracion Renta Hangar Servicios Tecnicos Honorarios,Telefonosy Otros Actualkcion 13 17 17 134 63 5 107 23 145 655 122 28 13 11 20 15 5 Total Gastos de Admon AERO REY, S.A. DE C.V. Revaluacion de Avion-Hangar Diciembre del 2004 (MTLES) Sabreliner Hangar Suma 862 120 982 T.C. 11.2648 11.2648 11.2648 Valor 9,710 1,352 11,063 Valor Contable 12,711 1,3 82 14,093 Depreciacion (370 12) (33) (3,045) 9,699 1,349 11,048 Valor USD Valor Net0 Ajuste I 11 CEDULA INGRESOS BALANCE I 3 REY EXHIBIT E FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE OST FORM 6411 of AERO REY, S . A . de C . V . AGENCY DISPLAY OF ESTIMATU, BURDEN The public reponing burden for lhls collcclion of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per re5pont;e. If YOU wish to comment on the accuracy of the estimate or make suggestions for reducing this burden. plcasc dlrcct your cornmenls b the Department of TtansporfaUon at the following address: US.Depanrrontd I Washington. DC 20590 OMB NO.2106_70030Expires 2-28-13 r FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE POLlClES OF INSUfUNCE FOR AlRCRAFT ACCIDENT BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY I FILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fi)e an original of thib form with the FAA, Air Transpwtetlon Div., AFS-260. 800 Independence Ave.. $W., Washington, DC 20591. (Please type information. except sgnatums.) Z THIS CERTIFIES THAT: w CnmfiTA nl? -- _- -- SF, (Name of Insurer) has issued a policy or policies d AlrmR Liability Insurance t o a a , n , a E _ . V L - - - , - FAA Certificate Number---, (Nwne, address and FAA Cehficate number of Insured Foreign Air Carrier) effective from 03 /06/2001r until ten (10) days after written notice from the insurer or carrier of the intsnt to terminate coverage is received by the Department of Transportation. NOTE; Pan 205 of the D e p a m n t s Regulations does not allow for a predetermined termination date. and a certificate showing such a date IS unacceptable. 1. The Insurer (Check One)): C) is licensed to issue aircraft insurance policies in the United States; W is licensed or appruved by the government of _MP'ai ,-n R is an approved surplus line insurer in the State@)of to issue airtaft insurance policies; or aircraft accidenl liability insured to minimums at least equal to the following during operation, maintenance. or use of aircraft in Voreign air transportation" as that term is defined in 49 U.S.C. 40102 ?- The insurer assumes. under the policy or policies listed below. (Complefe applicable S E ~ M ( S ) beIowJ: CANAMAN CHARTER AIR TAXI OPERATORS WITH PART 294 AUTHORITY ONLY The airmft covered by this Poiicy have: (I 30 )or fewer passenger seats and a maximum payload capacity of 7,500 pounds or less; and/or (2) a maximum alnhorized takeoff weight 00 wheels of no more than 35.000 pounds. (Check separate or combined coverage a5 appmpiere): P Separate Coverages: --- Policv No. .- - Minimum Limit TyDe of Liability Each Defsan € a d Occurrence Combined Bodily Injury (Excluding Passengem other than cargo attendants) and Properly Damage Liabil/v $75,000 92,OOO,OOO'(see Passenger Bodily Injury $75,000 $75.000 x 75% of total number of note) passenger seats installed in aircraft o Combined Corerage: This combined coverage is a single limit of liability for each Occurrence at least equal to the required minimums stated above for bodily injury (excluding passengers), property damaged, and passenger bodily injury. Policy No.-, Amount of Coverage P This policy covers CARGO operations only and excludes passenger liability insurance. --- - _- -__._ - US. DollaG - NOTE: If [he airuaR cwered by this policy have more than 30 passenger seats or more than a maximum payEad capacity of i,SOa pounds. the minimum limit per ocwrrenca shall be $20,000.000. .. OST Form 6411 _.. B. FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS OPERATING S M a L ARCRAFT I The aircraft covered by this policy are SMALL AIRCRAFT (Le. h h 60 of fewer passenger seats or wit a maximum payload Capacily of 18.000 pounds or k)(Check separafe or combined coverage as appropriate): 0 Separate Coverages: Poliw No. --- ~ Minimum Limit Each Occurrence Each Person T y ~ Qf e Liabilitv - Combined Bodily Injury (Excluding Passengers other than cargo attendants) and Property Damage Liability $300.000 Passenger Bodily lnjuy $300.000 92,000,000'(See note) 5300,000x 75% of total number of passenger seak installed in aircraft IBI Combined Coverage: This combined coverage 15 a single limit of liability for each occurrence at least equal fo the required minimum$ stated above br bodily injury (excluding passengew), property damaged, and passenger bodily injury 476330 Policy No. U.S.Dollars Amount of Coverage Q -= - 0 This policy covers CARGO operations on& and excludes passenger liabiliry insurance. C. FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS OPERATING U R G E AIRCRAFT The aircraft covered by this poky are LARGE AIRCRAFT (i.e., with more than 60 passenger seats or with a maximum payload capacity of more than 18.000pamnds). (Checkseparate or combined coverage as appropriate): 9 Separate C O V R ~ S Minimum Limit Each per560 Each Occurrenm TVpe of LiabjlritV Policv No. Combined Bodily injury (Excluding Passengers other than cargo attendants) and Propeq Damage Liabiliry $300.000 $20,000.000'(See Passenger Bodily Injury $300.000 ~300,000 x 75% of total number of passenger seats installed in aircraft note) u Combined Coverage: This wrnbined covetage is a single limit of liability for each occurrence at least equal lo the required minimums stated above for bodily injury (excluding passengers), property damaged, and passenger bodily injuv Amount of Coverage -- Poljcy No. U.S. Doiiafs 0 This policy coven CARGO operations only and excludes passenger liability insurance. , Make and Model The policy or policies listed in Chis ceniRcate insure($) (Check One): FAA or Foreign Flag Reqistration No, ~ 0 Operations conducted with all aircraft operated by the insured CI Operations conducted with the following types of arraaft: pz Operations with the following aircrat (Use additional page if necessary) Sabreliner 60 . XA-SBV . Each policy listed in this certificate meets or exceeds the requirements in 14' CFR Part 205. AON R I S K S E R V I C E S AGENTE DE--SEGUROS --2 (Name of Insurer) HANTTEL A-CAMACW 8126-8 F l o o r SA C AVE GOMEZ MORIN # 350 PLANTA BAJA Y P I S 0 5 I (Address) --11000. Y FIANZA, (Name of Broker, if appllcablo) (Address) MEXXCO,D,F. IRMA MUUQZ R. (Conbct pemon - - C Q L - (city. - U tFa t e w w G - (City. S W . zip C&) can v m f y Iha effectivenessof !he coverage) ING. GERARD0 BRACHO 4- C P 66265 -_A- (Officer or authorized representative) 0181-8888 8174 (Area C d y P h o n e Number) January 4th, 2005 !