VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 APRIL 2005 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF DEATH AND DYING Anthsci 175 HumBio 106 Professor: Dr. Ronald Barrett Email: rb2@stanford.edu This service-learning seminar course combines a real-world hospice volunteer experience with an examination of human death and dying from cross-cultural perspectives. All students will be trained as hospice volunteers and assigned a patient for weekly visits as part of the course. Lectures begin with an overview on how people die: the processes of decline in major illnesses. We will survey funerary traditions from a variety of cultures and compare the social, spiritual, and psychological roles that these rituals play for both the living and the dying. We will critically analyze controversial issues regarding brain death, suicide, and euthanasia. We will examine cultural attitudes towards death; and how the denial and awareness of human mortality can shape social practices and institutions. Finally, we will consider issues regarding the quality of life, the burden of care, and hospice traditions around the world. Note: This will be a service-learning course with enrollment restricted to 12 students. Assigned Readings: * Justice, C. (1997) Holy City. Dying the Good Death: The Pilgrimage to Die in India’s (0-7914-3262-9) * Kastenbaum, R. (2002) Death, Society, and Human Experience (8th ed.) (0205381936) * Lawton, J. (2000) Care. The Dying Process: Patient’s Experiences of Palliative (0-415-22679-1) * Nuland, S. (1993) How We Die: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter. * Roach, M. (2003) Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers. (0-393-32482- (0-679-74244-1) 6). * Tolstoy, L. (1981) The Death of Ivan Ilych (0-553-21035-1) Note: Permissions to use this material must be obtained directly from the author. Spirituality in Higher Education Newsletter-April 2005 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● Page 1 Additional Readings on Coursework Reserve. Grading: Hospice Practicum Training, patient visits, and journal. 30% Research Paper Class Participation Short Quizzes 10 pages plus class presentation Class, process sessions, and online 35% 15% 20% Lecture Schedule Sept 27 Course Introduction and Overview. a) Kastenbaum: Chap 3. Sept 29 Selection Interviews Oct 4 The Hospice Movement a) Kastenbaum: Chap. 6 b) Lawton: Chaps 1 and 2 c) Coursework Reserve: Mor et al (1988) d) Coursework Reserve: Saunders (1976) Oct 6 Hospice Training: The Bereavement Process Oct 8 Palliative Care a) Kastenbaum: Chap 5 b) Lawton: Chaps 4 and 5 c) Coursework Reserve: Hahn (1997) Oct 11 Hospice Training: Pain and Symptom Management Oct 13 How We Die: The physical process of dying a) Nuland: Chaps 1-5. Oct 18 How We Die: The physical process of dying II a) Nuland: Chaps 9-12. Oct 20 Brain Death a) Kastenbaum: Chaps 3 and 7 Note: Permissions to use this material must be obtained directly from the author. Spirituality in Higher Education Newsletter-April 2005 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● Page 2 Oct 22 Abstract, Outline, and Biblographies due. Oct 25 Cryogenics, Transplantation, and Immortality Oct 27 Why We Die: Theodicy and Mortality a) Tolstoy: beginning to end. b) Coursework: Kubler-Ross (1997) c) Coursework: Aries (1991) Nov 1 Why We Die: Mortality and Denial a) Becker: Chaps 5,7,9 b) Coursework: Becker (1983) Nov 3 Funerary Rites and Bereavement I a) Justice: Chaps 1-5 b) Kastenbaum: Chap. 12 c) Coursework: Gilanshah (1993) Nov 8 Funerary Rites and Bereavement II a) Kastenbaum: Chap 13 b) Justice: Chaps 6-9 c) Coursework Bliatout (1993) d) Coursework: Mandelbaum (1965) Nov 11 The Funeral Industry a) Coursework: Mitford (2000) Nov 12 First Paper Draft Due Nov 15 Post-Mortem I a) Roach (2003): Chaps 1-5 Nov 17 Post-Mortem II b) Roach (2003): Chaps 6-10 Nov 22 Suicide vs. Euthanasia a) Kastenbaum: Chap 10 b) Coursework: Osgood (2000) c) Coursework: Firestone (2000) d) Coursework: Davies (1989) e) Coursework: Newman (1989) Nov 24 The Death of Children a) Kastenbaum: Chap 11 b) Coursework: Ball (1996) c) Coursework: Young (1997) Note: Permissions to use this material must be obtained directly from the author. Spirituality in Higher Education Newsletter-April 2005 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● Page 3 d) Coursework: Furman (1977) Nov 29 Student Presentations Dec 1 Course Wrap-Up Dec 6 Final Paper Due Note: Permissions to use this material must be obtained directly from the author. Spirituality in Higher Education Newsletter-April 2005 ● Volume 2, Issue 2 ● Page 4