Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 24, 2013
2205 West Market Street ▪ Greensboro, NC 27403 ▪ (336) 274-6520 ▪ www.olgchurch.org
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 24, 2013
Parish & School Office
Office Hours: Mon-Wed, Fri, 9AM—12Noon, 1PM—4PM
Thursday 9AM–12Noon only
Phone: (336) 274-6520
Fax Number: (336) 274-7326
Website: www.olgchurch.org
E-Mail Address: olgchurch@olgchurch.org
Church Office Address: 2201 W. Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27403
Catholic Social Services (336) 288-1984
Hispanic Ministries (336) 273-2343
Rev. Mr. Enedino Aquino, Permanent Deacon
Our Lady of Grace School Office
Mr. Kurt Telford, Principal
Phone: (336) 275-1522
Fax: (336) 279-8824
Website: www.olgsch.org
E-Mail Address: olgschool@olgsch.org
School Address: 2205 West Market Street
Schedule of Services
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:00PM
Sunday: 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 5:00PM (Bilingual)
Holydays of Obligation—As Announced
Mission Statement
In the Eucharist we receive the true Christ—the foundation of
our Church. With Christ in us, we form, nurture, and promote
love, respect for human dignity, Christian values and
teachings within our family, parish, and community
through worship and service.
Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski, Pastor
Permanent Deacons
Rev. Mr. Tim Rohan, retired
Rev. Mr. James H. Toner
Rev. Mr. Enedino Aquino, Hispanic Ministries
2013 Pastoral Council
Dale Carothers
Jay Couch
Mario Espinosa
Cheryl Ramsey, Secretary
Gordon Williams
Tim Clontz, Chair
Angela Dierking
Steve Murphy
Hernan Sedda
Jack Yarbrough
Daily Mass
Monday & Tuesday: 8:00AM
Wednesday: 8:45AM
No Mass on Thursday
Friday: 8:00AM
Saturday: First Saturday ONLY 8:00AM
Tuesday: 5:00PM—5:45PM
Wednesday: 8:00—8:30AM (prior to 8:45AM Mass)
Saturday: 3:00PM—4:45PM
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Tuesday: After 8:00AM Mass until 6:00PM; Benediction: 6:00PM
Benediction & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:
1st Fri. of each month 7:30—8:00AM
1st Sat. of each month after the 8:00AM Mass
Recitation of the Holy Rosary
1st Sat. of each month at 7:30AM prior to the 8:00AM Mass
Other Saturdays at 8:00AM
English Baptism
Baptismal Prep Class—1st Sun. of each Mo. at 12:30PM, School Library
Baptism—2nd Sat. of each Month At 10:00AM (except April)
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 24, 2013
To J e s u s C h r i s t O u r S o v e r e i g n K i n g
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 24, 2013
Penitential Rite: Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Kyrie Eleison
(please repeat after the cantor)
The Gloria
Opening Collect
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 24, 2013
L i t u r g y o f t h e Wo r d
First Reading: 2 Samuel 5: 1-3
Responsorial Psalm: 122
Second Reading: Colossians 1:12-20
Gospel: Luke 23: 35-43
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 24, 2013
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Mass of Our Lady of Grace—5:00 PM,9:00 AM
Mass of the English Martyrs—11:00 AM
“When we eat this Bread And drink this Cup
We proclaim your death. O Lord, until you come again. “
Text from the English translation of The Roman Missal. © 2010, International Committee on English in
the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved.
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 24, 2013
Communion Motets
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Copyright acknowledgements for music in this Worship Guide: Gloria Simplex and “The King of Glory” reprinted with permission here under
World Library Publications License Agreement C18908B ,Franklin Park, IL. Music for the Communion Antiphon by Richard Rice © 2013,
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 24, 2013
Nuestro Senor Jesucristo, Rey Del Universo
24 de Noviembre del 2013
Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lc 21:1-4
Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lc 21:5-11
Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67; Lc 21:12-19
Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lc 21:20-28 Día de Acción de
Gracias--sugerencia: Sir 50:22-24; Sal 145 (144):2-11;
1 Cor 1:3-9; Lc 17:11-19
Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lc 21:29-33
Rom 10:9-18; Sal 19 (18):8-11; Mt 4:18-22
Is 2:1-5; Sal 122 (121):1-9; Rom 13:11-14; Mt 24:37-44
Padre Eric Kowalski
Coordinador General
Diácono Enedino Aquino
Preparación para Bautismo
Javier y Josefina
Preparadores Matrimoniales
Jesús y Marina
Encargada de Lectores
Hermán Sedda
Encargado de Ministros de la Eucaristía
Jerman Duran
Música y Coro
Fitty Reyes
Encargada de Catecismo
Nuria Duran
Encargado de Quinceañeras y Bodas
Ministerio Hispano
Ministerio de Hospitalidad
Juan Luis Juárez
Grupo Juvenil
Daniel Cruz Santos
Sergio A. Gonzalez
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 24, 2013
Nuestro Senor Jesucristo, Rey Del Universo
24 de Noviembre del 2013
Pláticas y formación cada tercer
domingo de cada mes hora 3:00 PM
Los bautizos se celebran solamente
en las fechas siquentes:
El 07 de Diciembre
El 18 de Enero
El 25 de Enero
El 01 de Febrero
El 15 de Febrero
El 01 de Marzo
El 15 Marzo
El 05 de Abril
El 26 de Abril
El 03 de Mayo
El 17 de Mayo
El 24 de Mayo
El 07 de Junio
El 21 de Junio
El 19 de Julio
El 26 de Julio
Por favor note:
Bautismo comienza PUNTUALMENTE a las 10:00AM
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 24, 2013
Servicio Ecuménico
19:00 Lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013
la Virgen de Gracia Iglesia Católica
2205 West Market St.
Greensboro, NC
El lunes, 25 de noviembre 2013, se le invita cordialmente a rendir culto a la Virgen de
Gracia Iglesia Católica como anfitrión nuestro primer
Día Servicio ecuménico con los fieles sacerdotes y feligreses de
San Andrés: la Iglesia Episcopal
Primera Iglesia Cristiana
Congregacional Iglesia Unida de Cristo
Primera Iglesia Morava de Greensboro
Starmount Iglesia Presbiteriana
Primer Amigo
paz Reunión de Iglesia Unida de Cristo
La tercer iglesia católica más antigua en Greensboro, Carolina del Norte,
Nuestra Señora de la gracia siempre ha sido un pilar del testimonio cristiano y de servicio
en la comunidad Sunset Hills. En honor a este compromiso de la exhibición de Jesús y
como nos encanta fomentar el amor, el respeto de la dignidad humana, los valores
cristianos y de las enseñanzas, le damos la bienvenida a adorar con nosotros en el
espíritu de acción de gracias por nuestro muchas bendiciones.
Ofertorio en beneficio de la Greensboro Ministerio Urbano. Ministerio urbano desde 1967
ha ayudado a la población de mayor Greensboro en de emergencia financiera y
asistencia alimentaria, albergue transitorio, y un rápido restablecimiento de la carcasa.
Por favor, únase a nosotros para una recepción
en la escuela gimnasio inmediatamente después del servicio.
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 24, 2013
Parish Staff Contact Information
Phone (336) 274-6520 Fax (336) 274-7326
Website www.olgchurch.org
Marriage: Couples please contact one of our priests if you wish
to schedule a wedding date at the parish—a minimum of 6
months preparation is required.
Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski, elkolgcs1@gmail.com ext. 314
Permanent Deacons
Dcn. Tim Rohan (ret.), Call the church office.
Dcn. James H. Toner, kerygma8@aol.com
Baptism: Parents should attend a Baptismal Preparation Class
(held the first Sunday of each month at 12:30pm in the school
library). English Baptisms are held on the 2nd Saturday of the
month at 10:00 AM. Please contact Allison Gregg (ext. 317 or
agregg@olgchurch.org) in the office for more information.
Director of Religious Education
Jim McCullough, jmccullough@olgchurch.org, ext. 335
Assistant to the Director of Religious Education
MaryAnn DiPaola, mdipaola@olgchurch.org, ext. 333
Youth Minister
Kelly Henson, youthminister@olgchurch.org, ext. 318
Preschool Religious Education Coordinator/VBS
Lisa Balzano, lbalzano@olgchurch.org, ext. 321
Anointing of the Sick: If you or a loved one are seriously ill or
facing surgery, please contact the church office to arrange to
receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
Communion for the Sick & Homebound: Please contact the
church office if you have a stay in the hospital or will be
homebound. We would be happy to make arrangements for
you to receive Communion if you are unable to attend Mass.
First Communion, Confirmation, Religious Vocations:
Please call the church office for information.
Director of Liturgy
Fr. Eric Kowalski, elkolgcs1@gmail.com ext. 314
Assistant to the Director of Liturgy
Andrew O’Connor, aoconnor@olgchurch.org, 275-1522 ext. 181
Founding Director, OLG Schola Cantorum
Brian Marble, bmarble@olgchurch.org, 275-1522 ext. 180
General Information
Contact the church office for the following:
Executive Assistant to the Pastor
Allison Gregg, agregg@olgchurch.org, ext. 317
Business Manager
Anita Sells, businessmanager@olgchurch.org, ext. 315
Receptionist/Parish Records
Jean Wilson, jwilson@olgchurch.org, ext. 322
Bulletin Editor
Rita Eberle, reberle@olgchurch.org, ext. 310
Maintenance Supervisor
Jeff Smith, jsmith@olgchurch.org, ext. 311
Danny Byerly, dbyerly@olgchurch.org, ext. 316
Verbal announcements at Mass
Scheduling information/fundraiser before or after Mass
Reserving a meeting space
Bulletin submissions—Submissions may be sent to
reberle@olgchurch.org. The submission deadline is
two Fridays prior to the publishing weekend.
Parking: The church has two parking areas—a small lot on
Chapman Street and a larger lot on Tremont Drive. Please
observe all city parking regulations when parking on the street.
Bulletin Boards: To place a church related advertisement on
either of the two church bulletin boards, please submit
materials to the church office for the pastor’s approval.
Posters/flyers placed without prior approval, will be removed.
To become a member of Our Lady of Grace, please complete one of our
registration forms located at the entrances of the church, on our parish website
(www.olgchurch.org/registration.html), or complete the form below and we will
mail you one. Welcome to the parish!
Place this form in the offering basket or mail to the church office.
State:_______ Zip: ____________
Phone:_________________ E-Mail:
I would like to join Our Lady of Grace. Please send me a registration form.
I would like information about becoming Catholic.
OLG Registration
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
2201 West Market St.
Greensboro, NC 27403
How can we help?
Please call the parish office at
274-6520 ext. 322, if you have
any questions.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Family Stewardship Corner
November 24, 2013
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
As we approach Thanksgiving Day, let us take a
moment to consider all the blessings we receive from
God and how we in turn thank God for His blessings.
Don’t forget your DSA Pledge! Our parish is
counting on you to fulfill your pledge by December
31st. If you have not yet contributed, you can
donate online at www.charlottediocese.org/
donations. Remember, any amount over our goal
will be returned to the parish for our own needs.
Thank you!
Almost There!
Priests’ Retirement and Benefits
Assessment Collection, Last Appeal December 7-8
We are getting closer to our goal of $40,741.56 that was due on
September 8, 2013. To date, we have raised $31,603.83. What a joy
it would be to meet our goal this year after several years of
shortfall. We only need $9,137.73 to retire this debt. If you have
already contributed, a blessed “THANK YOU!” If you have not already
contributed, please prayerfully consider joining in our parish
responsibility to retire this debt.
Scripture Readings
Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4
Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11
Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67;
Lk 21:12-19
Thursday: Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lk 21:20-28
Thanksgiving Day, Suggested: Sir 50:22-24; Ps
145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19
Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29-33
Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22
Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Rom 13:11-14;
Mt 24:37-44
Parish Support
As of November 17, 2013
Actual Collection
Offertory Goal
Year-to-Date for Fiscal Year 2013/2014
Actual Collection
Offertory Goal
Surplus/(Loss) for FY 2013/2014
($ -33,533)
Thank you for your continued financial sacrifices made on
behalf of our parish family. God bless you, Fr. Kowalski
November 24, 2013
Pray for the Sick
*Names appear for two weeks unless continuation is requested.
Diane Adams
Michael Arcurio
Lorraine Balog
Margaret Carter
Tony Constantino
Dave Cook
Diane Cook
John Couch, Jr.
David Deaton
Tom Dourgarian
Robert Farley
Robert Furr
Julie Goldyn
Bobby Hanlon
Kathy Hellberg
Scott John
Colin Kanyuk
Frank Kauder
Ericka Kinnear
Joe Klagholz
Evelyn Knox
Dan & Marie LaBlanca
Phillip Legnetti
Brian Marble
Ginny Martin
Julian McClamroch
Carol McGough
Hudson Mills
Fred Myers
J. Murphy
Mae Murphy
Ed Pachasa
Ray Parrish
Amor Payawal
Nelson Payawal
Giacomo Puccio
Roberta Pugh
Cheryl Reekes
Nancy Saksa
Connie Stevens
Thomas Steward
Vicki & Grady Strickland
Maria & Sylvia Szumilus
Ken Triplett
Esther Veit
John Watterson
Sharon Wintermate
Jimmy Wright
Sofie Zuluga
Pray for Those in Military Service
Remember in your prayers the men and women in the active military
and their families. Your fellow parishioners are grateful for your support
in prayer until their loved ones’ safe return.
Private Will Stoddart
SPC Thomas Berti
PFC Brandon Bridge
Andrew Dial
PO1 James Andrew Ellis
Maj James R. Schmid
SGT Zackaria Harris
PFC Kimberly Walton
Lt Garland Wilson
CM2 Steven Walton
Sgt Adrian M. Welch
Cpl James Austin
Lt CDR John Roath
E-3 PFC Cody B. Brown
PO3 Jesse M. Brown
Pvt Thomas Popek
CPO Glen Thomas
Lt Col Rick Moor
1st Lt. Lucas Weeks
SFC Frank Luedtke
Pvt Colin Butts
SPC Wayne Hopper
SSG Steven Bixby
SFC Chris Brooks
SSgt David A. Weekley
Pvt Crystal Martinez-Butts
SPC Elliot F. Chodkowski
Cpl Jonathan Hill
Sgt Maj Corbin’s Unit
SSgt Travis Hawley
CPL Chris Kirwan, USMC
Sgt Maj Bill Stoddart
SPC Matthew Sarnocinski
PFC Conway Prior
Staff Sgt. Ian Taylor
2D Lt. John Valitutto
PO1 James McNair
Capt. Justin Vaughan
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 24, 2013
Mass Intentions—November 23rd, 2013—January 11th, 2014
SAT—Nov 23
SUN—Nov 24
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
MON—Nov 25
TUE—Nov 26
WED—Nov 27
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:45 AM
FRI—Nov 29
8:00 AM
SAT—Nov 30
SUN—Dec 1
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
MON—Dec 2
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
TUE—Dec 3
WED—Dec 4
FRI—Dec 6
SAT—Dec 7
SUN—Dec 8
MON—Dec 9
TUE—Dec 10
WED—Dec 11
FRI—Dec 13
SAT—Dec 14
SUN—Dec 15
MON—Dec 16
TUE—Dec 17
WED—Dec 18
FRI—Dec 20
SAT—Dec 21
8:00 AM
8:45 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:45 AM
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:45 AM
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Eunice Evans†
Priest’s Intention
Joseph & Matthew Paul Vezzi &
Josephine Marchese†
Margaret Szott
Leila Peabody†
Michelle Farthing
Maria Teresa Ortiz†
Beatrice Clark (INT) &
Donald Clark†
Deceased Members of the
Gallagher & Rohan Families
Katherine & Alexander Siwik†
Deceased Members of the
Gallagher & Rohan Families
Albert Burch†
Stipan & Lucija Majic†
Gerald Manning†
John, Mary, Florence
& Henry Lysiak†
Herman W. Halter, Sr.†
James Hayes†
Tina & Alphonse Pupello†
Bernardo Guzman
Michael & Julia Dowd†
George Stratton†
Joseph & Matthew Paul Vezzi &
Josephine Marchese†
Souls in Purgatory
Jose H. Gutierrez
Ellen & William Roberts†
Andres Guzman
Samuel Rohan
Rev. James Tully†
William & Ellen Roberts†
Cindy & John O’Brien
Ruffy Ventura†
Esabel Assaf
Amy Kane Slusher†
Rosa Isabel Gutierrez
Katherine & Alexander Siwik†
Jim Jones†
Elizabeth O’Brien
John O’Brien, Jr.
MON—Dec 30
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
Guadalupe Guerrero†
Fr. Francisco J. Mahia, LD
Guadalupe Guerrero†
Frances Prymowicz†
Dorothy & James Campbell†
Ray Doles†
Joseph & Matthew Paul Vezzi
& Josephine Marchese†
Connie Vezzi
Bill Winfield
Dominika Zak &
Francisco Romero
Humberto Gutierrez
Dr. Frederick Richards II†
TUE—Dec 31
6:00 PM
Gutierrez Family
WED—Jan 1
8:00 AM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
SUN—Dec 22
MON—Dec 23
SAT—Dec 28
SUN—Dec 29
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
FRI—Jan 3
SAT—Jan 4
SUN—Jan 5
MON—Jan 6
TUE—Jan 7
WED—Jan 8
FRI—Jan 10
SAT—Jan 11
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:45 AM
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Joan Flynn
John & Lisa Diachenko†
Dot Rowan†
Michael & Julia Dowd†
Rosario Guerra†
Pro Populo
Sidonie Lysiak
Parents of Joseph
& Frances Coyle†
Roy Allard†
Margaret Roberts
Deacon Tim Rohan
Joseph Borsellino†
J. B. & Blanche Brackett†
James W. Davis†
Beatrice Clark
Eternal rest grant unto all the faithful departed,
O Lord, and let perpetual light
shine upon them…
Jacob Keepes, father of Lorraine Brown
Marie Van Kleef, mother of Dana Hanlon
Helen Siwik, sister of Dottie Doles
Cecilia Odyniec, mother of Dr. Norman Odyniec
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Special Announcements
Welcome Rhonda Wilcox
Rhonda was received into full communion on Saturday, November 16th.
Welcome Rhonda! We are glad you are part of our parish family!
New Year’s Day Breakfast
Volunteers are needed for set-up, cooking, serving and clean-up for the
New Year’s Day Breakfast. Contact Cheryl Ramsey at 297-4875. Please
leave your name and a contact number.
Looking for space for a large gathering? Look no
further than the Knights of Columbus Hall on Horse Pen Creek Road.
This is a perfect venue for large birthday parties, anniversary parties,
graduation parties or wedding rehearsal dinners and/or reception. For
more information, please call Dan Whalen, House Manager at 855-3796.
Free Natural Family Planning Full Course!
NFP full course will be offered on December 7th in Winston-Salem.
Topics to be covered include:
• Effectiveness of modern NFP methods
• Health risks of popular contraceptives
• Benefits of NFP—health, relational, and spiritual
• Church teaching on responsible parenting
• How to use NFP
For more information, go to ccdoc.ognfp. To RSVP, contact Batrica
Adcock, MSN at Catholic Charities, 704-370-3230 or
November 24, 2013
Polish Christmas Tradition — Oplatek
Sharing of the Oplatek (pronounced opwatek) is the most ancient and
beloved of all Polish Christmas traditions. Oplatek is a thin wafer made of
flour and water, similar in taste to the hosts that
are used for communion during Mass.
The Christmas wafer is shared before the
Christmas Eve supper. The head of the
household traditionally breaks the wafer and then
continues by sharing it with everyone at the table
while wishes for peace and prosperity are exchanged. Oplatek is available
in the church office.
If interested, please pick-up your wafer at the church office during regular
business hours. To help defray the cost, we will accept a free-will
donation. Please be as generous as you can. Checks may be made
payable to Our Lady of Grace. On the memo line please write “Christmas
Wafer.” Thanks!
Ornaments Available!
Beautiful keepsake ornaments of
our church are available for sale
in the church office! They will
make excellent Christmas/
Wedding/Baptism gifts. Each
ornament costs $20 and you may
purchase a stand or an additional
$5. If you are paying cash, please
bring correct change as the
church office does not have change on hand. Checks are also accepted.
The Church Office schedule:
Thursday—Friday November 28th—29th closed
Monday, December 23rd closing at noon
Tuesday—Friday, December 24th—27th closed
Wednesday, January 1st closed
Deadline for Bulletin Article Submissions
Due Date
December 8th
4 PM Wednesday, November 27th
December 15th 4 PM Wednesday, December 4th
December 22nd 4 PM Monday, December 9th—early submission
date to the Christmas Holiday
December 29th 4PM Wednesday, December 18th
January 5th
4PM Wednesday, December 18th—early
submission date due to Christmas Holiday
Submissions should be sent to reberle@olgchurch.org. NOTE:
Submissions received after the deadline will appear in the next bulletin
when possible. Thank you for your cooperation.
TIME: 8:00 AM—10:00 AM
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 24, 2013
Ecumenical Service
7:00 PM—Monday, November 25, 2013
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
2205 West Market St.
Greensboro, NC
On Monday, November 25, 2013, you are cordially invited to worship with
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church as we host our first annual Thanksgiving
Ecumenical Service featuring the faithful clergy and parishioners of:
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
First Christian Church
Congregational United Church of Christ
First Moravian Church of Greensboro
Starmount Presbyterian Church
First Friend’s Meeting
Peace United Church of Christ
The third oldest Catholic church in Greensboro, North Carolina,
Our Lady of Grace has long been a pillar of Christian witness and service within the
Sunset Hills community. In honor of this commitment to exhibiting Jesus’ love and as we
promote love, respect for human dignity, Christian values and teachings we welcome you
to worship with us in the spirit of thanksgiving for our many blessings.
Offertory to benefit the Greensboro Urban Ministry. Since 1967 Urban Ministry
has aided the people of Greater Greensboro in emergency financial
and food assistance, transitional shelter, and rapid re-housing.
Please join us for a reception in the school gym immediately following the service.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 24, 2013
12th Annual OLG
Baskets Program
Donations Due today,
November 24th!
Please place your donated items in the back of the
church by the Pieta Statue across from the Baptistry
by the end of today. If you choose to make a
financial donation, please place it in the offertory
basket or drop it by the church office by Monday,
November 25th. Be sure to mark the check for
Thanksgiving Baskets Program.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Canned Vegetables (corn and green beans):
Altar Servers, CCD Elementary Grades 1-5,
Greensboro Council of Catholic Women,
Hispanic Community,
OLG School PreK and Kindergarten-canned corn
OLG School 1st Grade-canned green beans
OLG School 5th Grade-canned green beans
Canned Sweet Potatoes/Yams:
Lectors, Ushers, OLG School 2nd Grade
Canned Fruits:
Catholic Daughters, Music Ministry,
OLG School 4th Grade,
Pre-School CCD,
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Cranberry Sauce:
Bible Study Groups, Prayer Groups,
OLG School 3rd Grade
Bereavement Committee, Comfort Committee,
Knights of Columbus, OLG School 6th Grade
Potatoes-Instant or Fresh:
Women’s Club, OLG School 7th Grade, Youth
(If donating fresh potatoes, please bring them the
weekend of November 23rd & 24th.)
Turkey Gravy/Chicken Broth:
Altar Committee, Baptismal Bib Committee,
Eucharistic Ministers,
OLG School 8th Grade
Monetary Donations to Purchase Turkeys:
Parish Council, Finance Council, RCIA—Note:
Monetary donations are needed and welcomed!
The average price for a whole turkey is $15-20.
Light Up our Campus
for the Holidays
Alex Romo of Green & Clean Landscaping
will be decorating our beautiful campus for
the holidays and has requested help in
gathering the following donations:
LED string lights
Cool white light or multicolored.
(Weatherproof and preferably on
rolls for easy storage.)
Large ornaments for the trees, garlands,
icicles, snowflakes, etc.
(Weatherproof and shatterproof)
We apologize for the extremely short notice,
but in order to illuminate Our Lady of Grace
in time for the Thanksgiving and Christmas
Season, Mr. Romo has requested that all
donations be dropped off either at the Church
Office or in the Church after Mass by
Thursday, November 28th.
Mr. Romo is dedicated to making the grounds
and greenery of Our Lady of Grace as
beautiful as our Church and Parish family.
All donations are greatly appreciated and will
be properly stored and reused
for years to come.
Won’t you help “Light Up our Campus?”
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 24, 2013
Christmas Party
Our Christmas Party on
December 8th from 2:00 PM TO 4:00 PM will be
held at the home of Eva Szostak, 4503 Kenbridge
Dr. RSVP to Eva at 855-5123 or hostesses Betsy
Furman at 288-0308, Marjorie Gittinger at 8569232 or Betty Tarantelli at 852-1061.
Cookie Exchange Our Cookie Exchange will be
held on Thursday, December 19th, from 10:00 AM
to 12 NOON at the home of Gullanar Campbell,
2513 E. Woodlyn Way. RSVP to Gullanar at 2991450 or Lynn Bryant at 545-0626.
Don’t Forget our ATTRACTIONS BOOKS make great
Holiday Gifts. Pick one up in the church office or
call Louise Kemp at 294-2986. Checks should be
made out to the OLG Women’s Club for $25 each.
The Greensboro Council of Catholic Women
Annual Christmas Tea
Friday, December 6, 2:00-4:00 PM
Knights of Columbus Hall
2780 Horse Pen Creek Road
Please send your reservation check in the amount of
$12.00 payable to GCCW, to:
Cindy Bratton
2403 Wood Meadow Road
Greensboro, NC 27455
Questions call Carolyn Kingman at 336-855-1920.
Include your email address and any changes to the
current directory. There will be a raffle with proceeds
going to the Knights of Columbus, Operation Lamb. Any
questions, call Carolyn Kingman at 855-1920.
Just a friendly reminder, all Angel
Tree gifts and certificates should be
returned to the church office by
Tuesday, November 26th.
If you have any questions, please call
Julie Justice at 708-1131.
at Weaver House The OLG
Italian Lovers Team (formerly
the Lasagna Lovers) will serve
dinner to the guests of the
Greensboro Urban Ministry on
Wednesday, December 4th. We are planning to
serve Dominos Pizza (cheese and pepperoni),
salad, desserts and fresh fruits. As always, we
need your help with donations for the dinner. We
are asking for money to help us cover the cost of
the pizzas ($6 each). If you can help with a
financial donation, please make your check
payable to OLG with Night Shelter Pizza Pal in the
memo line. Of course, we are happy to accept
and we need bagged salad, desserts and fruits. If
you have any questions about the dinner, or
would like to help in this ministry, please leave a
message for Patty Jennings at 282-6847 or
email her at pattyj@triad.rr.com.
Many thanks for your continued support to our
brothers and sisters in need.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 24, 2013
Holiday Schedule
Thanksgiving Day Mass
Thursday, November 28th
10:00 AM (Bilingual Mass Only)
Friday, November 29th
8:00 AM Mass
Penance Service
Monday, December 2nd
Confessions begin promptly at 6:30 PM
The Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Monday, December 9th
8:00 AM (Not a Holy Day of Obligation)
Grimsley Madrigal Singers
Tuesday, December 17th
7:00 PM in the Church
Christmas on Campus
Thursday, December 19th, 5:30PM
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24th
No Morning Mass
3:30 PM Children’s Pageant
4:00 PM Mass
6:00 PM Mass
8:00 PM Mass
11:00 PM Christmas Carol Concert
12:00 Midnight Mass
Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 25th
11:00 AM Mass (Spanish)
1:00 PM Traditional Latin Mass
New Year’s Eve Vigil
Tuesday, December 31st
6:00 PM Mass
New Year’s Day
Wednesday, January 1st—Holyday
8:00 AM Mass
12:00 Noon Mass
6:00 PM Mass
The tradition of placing flowers on the altar for Christmas is
being offered to those who wish to make a donation
IN MEMORY OF (deceased) or IN HONOR OF (living) their
loved ones or friends.
Your participation will enhance the beauty of the
celebration of Mass through the use of flowers during
Christmas, New Year’s, and throughout the year. To make
a contribution during this Christmas season, please
complete the form below and return it to the church office
or place it in the collection basket along with your donation
of $20. It is important that the information be printed
legibly and completed on this order form to avoid errors in
printing the list of names.
Wednesday, December 4th is the deadline in order for
names to be listed in the bulletin. We will be unable to
accept names by telephone, so please complete the form
and return it as soon as possible. Thank you!
Christmas Flowers Order Form
IN MEMORY OF (deceased):
IN HONOR OF (living):
Phone Number:
Amount Enclosed:
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 24, 2013
Religious Education
Director of Religious Education, Jim McCullough
274-6520 ext. 335, jmccullough@olgchurch.org
Rising 9th graders through teens entering
their freshmen year at college are welcome!
November Schedule:
(only open to high school teens)
Every Wednesday: Dead Theologian’s Society,
7:00-9:00 PM
Service Opportunities:
Nov. 24th: Advent Wreath, Candles &
Calendar Sale—After Mass
Sunday, November 24th
After Masses (see info below)
Advent Wreaths,
Candles & Calendar Sale
Anchor Youth Group will be selling Advent wreaths, Advent
candles, and Advent calendars after Masses on
November 24th to support the evangelization and formation
of the youth of our parish.
Advent candles: $5/set of 4
Advent wreath (simple brass): $8
Advent wreath (pine cones and greenery): $16
Advent calendars (with Scripture verses): $2
Please consider buying some for yourself or for gifts!
To register for any of these programs or for more information about youth
ministry, contact Kelly Henson at youthminister@olgchurch.org. You can also find
me on facebook [Kelly Henson (Anchor); Greensboro network] and our FB youth
page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/anchorYM/ to stay up to date with
news, inspiration, and reminders. Parents, students, and volunteers can
join our e-mail list for weekly updates & schedules by
going to: http://eepurl.com/zzfyP or
using your phone with this icon
Inspire and educate yourself in the car!
Pick up a CD from our racks in the back of the church and
in the Tremont side entrance and hear really solid talks on
Catholic topics. Share them with family and friends.
Each batch of CDs costs the parish about $700—contribute
$3 we almost break even—contribute $4 we have enough to
give to those unable to contribute! Thanks for supporting
this educational outreach!
Have Questions about Catholicism?
Call Jim McCullough at 274-6520 x335 or e-mail him at
jmccullough@olgchurch.org if you are looking into the
Catholic faith or if you are considering returning to
Pray the Chaplet
The Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy invite you to join
them in the church on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM to pray the
Chaplet. All are welcome to join us afterwards in the
Choir Room at 9:30 AM where we meet to
discuss the message of Divine Mercy.
Jesus asked Peter,
“Could you not keep watch for one hour?” Mark 14:37
We invite you to be an adorer at
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on
Tuesdays after the 8:00 AM Mass—6:00 PM
at Our Lady of Grace Church.
Please note: 3:30—4:30 PM is the Children’s Adoration
and parents are welcome to
bring young children and infants.
If you would like to commit to an hour of Adoration each
Tuesday, or would like more information, please contact
Ann Hopping at 336-847-1778 hoppingann@yahoo.com
or Tonya Wong 336-617-3397 xcrossw@gmail.com.
of the Blessed Sacrament
Attention College Students
We would like to invite you to participate in adoration either on Tuesdays
at OLG or anytime at Maryfield. Please see the contact information above
to register for this important ministry.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 24, 2013
New Year’s Day Breakfast!
Wednesday, January 1st
After the 8:00 AM Mass
You are invited to join Fr. Kowalski
and the Parish Council for breakfast on New
Year’s Day, January 1st, 2013.
Have breakfast with friends and family as we
begin a new year of faith and fellowship.
For more information, call
Cheryl Ramsey at 297-4875
Corpus Christi Foundation
Cookie Sale
December 14th & 15th after Mass
Assortment of Christmas cookies: 1 lb. tin for $10
Our annual Christmas Cookie Sale to benefit the Corpus
Christi Foundation in Granada Nicaragua will take place on
December 14th and 15th. We will have delicious
homemade Christmas treats to sell after all the Masses.
The proceeds help with student financial aid and to
support the children's lunch program.
Please come to one of our three Church entrances to
purchase a tin or two of our famous Christmas cookies.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated to help the children
and families in Nicaragua. Contact Carlotta Riker for
information at carlottariker @gmail.com or 297-4441.
Story Time with
Mrs. Claus
Friday, December 6th at 9:30 AM
Mrs. Claus will visit OLG School on December
6th at 9:30 AM for Preschool Story Time!
Preschoolers and their parents and/or guardians
are invited to join us as Mrs. Claus reads
Christmas stories, and we participate in fun
holiday activities and even have a favorite North
Pole snack....hot chocolate and cookies!
Reservations aren't required and
this event is free, so bring a friend!
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 24, 2013
You are Invited to
Faith, Tradition, Excellence
Open House
December 10th
9:30 AM
OLG’s 4th Annual
Christmas on Campus
Thursday, December 19th
5:30 PM—8:00 PM
Our Lady of Grace
Catholic School
We are a small school with BIG
accomplishments! 44% of our current 8th
grade class qualified for the Duke University
Talent Identification for gifted children and 2 of
the 3 National Merit Scholars at Bishop
McGuinness High school last year were OLG
School graduates - our students excel!
Come find out why at our November Open
House. We will meet in the school library at
9:30 AM on November 12th for a short
presentation and then tour the campus. No
reservations are needed. Can't make the open
Call Karen Hornfeck, Marketing Director, at 275
-1522, ext. 100 to schedule a personalized tour
at your convenience.
Join us on campus for an evening filled with
cookie decorating, musical performances, craft
making, living nativity, soup supper, hot
chocolate, games, activities, photos
with St. Nick and more! The night will end
with caroling by candle light!
This Free Event is open to all. Please join us as
we celebrate the holiday season.
To share our blessings, all are encouraged to
bring a gift for the women at the homeless
shelter. Suggested gifts are: toothpaste,
toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, socks and gloves.
Additional parking: Our neighbor, St. Andrew’s
Episcopal Church, has granted permission for
additional parking in their Kensington St. parking lot.
For more information, please call
Our Lady of Grace School
at 336-275-1522.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
During our Christmas on Campus event
children will have an opportunity to shop for
one-of-a-kind handmade items for Christmas
presents for their family and friends.
All the items are $1 each and we will help
them wrap the items and pick a card to sign.
The older children will be there to help the
younger ones with their choices.
Parents will be able to shop the last half
hour, in order to make sure all of the children
have had a chance to do their shopping first.
There will be two small decorated trees,
a sugared fruit wreath and a
handmade quilt to raffle.
Don’t miss this opportunity for your child to
enjoy a special shopping adventure and
pick your special holiday gift!
Women’s Shelter Donations Needed
A collection box is available in the front
office of Our Lady of Grace School for the
Women’s Shelter donations. The following
items are needed at this time:
bottled water
toilet paper
paper towels
liquid laundry detergent
liquid bleach
powdered creamers
tea bags
packaged crackers
small umbrellas
underwear(size small-3x)
slippers(mix sizes)
November 24, 2013
December 17TH
Come Celebrate the Advent Season
The GHS Madrigals Concert
7:00 PM
Our Lady of Grace Church
Since 1966 the Grimsley High School
Madrigal Singers has been
a top chamber choir in
North Carolina and for the past nine
years has been a community
favorite around Greensboro
at Christmastime.
Instantly recognizable in their
Custom-made Renaissance attire,
the Madrigals can be seen and
heard annually at landmark
world-class performance venues in
North Carolina and beyond.
The Madrigals and director
Marshall Johnson are proud to
carry on the long tradition of elite
a cappella singing at GHS and
are thrilled to be sharing the joys of
the holiday season with
you and yours!
6:00P-First Place, CR
6:30P-Bible Study, LS
6:00P-First Place, CR
6:00P-Boy Scouts, CAF
6:30P-Bible Study, LS
10:00A-First Penance Meeting, CAF
10:30A-Religious Ed, LS/MS
6:00P-First Place, CR
6:30P-Bible Study, LS
7:00P-Ecumenical Service, CH
Youth Group Advent Sale
10:30A-Religious Ed, LS/MS
3:30P-Hisp.Faith Formation, LS,SR
4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB
3:30-Hisp.Faith Formation, LS,SR
4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB
12:15P-Xmas Pageant Meeting, CH
3:00P-Hisp. Baptismal Prep.
9:30A-Str. Faustina’s Diary, CR
3:30P-Children’s Ador., CH
6:00P-Benediction, CH
6:30P– Boy Scout, CAF
8:45A-Div. Mercy Cen., CH
Adoration, CH after 8A Mass
3:30P-Children’s Ador., CH
6:00P-Benediction, CH
11:30A-Morning Prayer Shawl, CR
9:30A-Str. Faustina’s Diary, CR
8:45A-Div. Mercy Cen., CH
Adoration, CH, after 8A Mass
Adoration, CH, after 8A Mass
8:45A-Div.Mercy Cen., CH
9:30A-Str. Faustina’s Diary, CR
3:30P-Children’s Ador., CH
6:00P-Benediction, CH
Adoration, CH, after 8A Mass
8:45A-Div. Mercy Cen., CH
9:30A-Str. Faustina’s Diary, CR
3:30P-Children’s Adoration, CH
7:00-RCIA, LIB
10:30A-Religious Ed, LS/MS
3:30P-Hisp.Faith Formation, LS,SR
4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB
6:00P-First Place, CR
6:00P-Boy Scouts, CAF
6:30P-Bible Study, LS
7:00P-Catholic Daughters, LIB
8A-3P Hisp. Faith Formation, GYM
10:30A-Religious Ed, LS/MS
12:30P-Baptismal Prep, LIB
3:30P-Hisp.Faith Formation, LS,SR
4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB
6:30P-Confirmation Prep, LIB
3 Donut Sunday
CAF = Cafeteria; CR = Choir Room; CH = Church; LIB = Library;
WWP=Walking with Purpose LS = Lower School; MS = Middle School;
OLC = Our Lady’s Cottage; SR = Science Room; CY = Courtyard;
YG = Youth Group; AS = Altar Server
November 2013
10:00A-Bible Study, CR
10:00A-Bible Study, CR
7:00P-YG Dead Theo.
7:30P-WWP, CAF
10:00A-Bible Study, CR
6:30P-Altar Server Training, CH
7:00P-YG Dead Theo.
7:30P-WWP, CAF
10:00A-Bible Study, CR
7:00P-YG Dead Theo.
7:30P-WWP, CAF
10:00A-Craft Group, CR
Thanksgiving Holiday
Church Office Closed
6:00P-Women’s Club, LIB
5:00P-Book Fair/Pasta Night, CAF
10:00A-Craft Group, CR
10:00A-Craft Group, CR
6:30P-Retrouvaille, LIB
7:30P-Hispanic Ministry, CAF
8:00A-Rosary, CH
3:00P-Confession, CH
Youth Group Hike
8:30-1:00P- Blood Drive,CAF
8:00A-Rosary, CH
10:00A-RCIA, Repeat, LIB
3:00P-Confession, CH
8:00A-Rosary, CH
10:00A-RCIA, Repeat, LIB
3:00P-Confession, CH
5:45P-Hisp.Faith Formation, LS,SR
6:30P-Xmas Pageant Meeting, CAF
7:00P-Youth Ministry, LIB
Applebee’s Fundraiser Breakfast
8:00A-Rosary, CH
10:00A-RCIA, Repeat, LIB
3:00P-Confession, CH
7:30A-1st Sat. Rosary, CH
10:00A-1st Sat. Mass, CH (MEF)
10:00A-RCIA, Repeat, LIB
3:00P-Confession, CH
6:30P-Even. Prayer Shawl, LIB
8:00A-1st Friday Mass, CH
7:30A-Expo. & Ben., CH
10:00A-Craft Group, Offsite
7:00P-Hisp. NFP Class, LIB
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
November 24, 2013
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
GREENSBORO NC 27403-1515
Contact: Rita Eberle
(336) 274-6520 ext. 310
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November 24, 2013