Rise and Spread of Christianity Dates/Timeline






Rise and Spread of Christianity















6 AD – Augustus turns Judah into the Roman province of Judea – Jews were treaty cruelly…strengthening the desire for the messiah .

30-33 AD – Jesus travels through Galilee and Judea preaching… and gaining followers .

Jesus preached that the end was near and for repentance but God was loving and would forgive them


The disciples ( followers ) of Jesus referred to him as Rabbi ( Jewish teacher ), and thought of him as the messiah… Other Jews did not…

33 AD – The Roman governor Pontius Pilate ( Pilatus ) had Jesus arrested and crucified , the death of criminals .

Claiming resurrection by his followers , they began preaching that he was the Son of God .

Jesus of Nazareth became Jesus Christos ( Christ ) ( messiah in Greek ).

A sect ( Roman opinion ) emerges in Judaism –



Small communal groups of


(49 for worship fellowship and instruction .

AD Antioch ) began forming churches

A Roman named Saul begins a persecution of Christians , converts , changes his name to Paul , and begins to “ spread the word .”

Peter , one of the original disciples of Jesus , helps establish a church in Rome ,

Greece , Asia Minor , Egypt , Gaul , and Spain .

66 AD – Jews Rebel against Roman rule and overpower the small army in

Jerusalem .

70 AD – Romans retake Jerusalem ,

destroy the Temple

, and kill thousands of Jews .

Christians , continually refusing to worship Caesar as a god , were persecuted by

Romans until the early 300 sAD .

Christianity and Judaism were religions of the cities – appealing to the poor masses .

132 AD – Jews are banned by Rome from living in Jerusalem; they scatter to parts of the M .

E ., and Mediterranean .

Between 100 AD and 500 AD various scholars ( church fathers ) wrote books explaining teachings

Jews continue to study the Torah , and set up yeshivas , academies of learning

200-500 AD – Jewish scholars assemble various interpretations of the Torah into the Talmud .

312 AD – Roman general Constantine leads armies into battle with the “ symbol of

God ” on their shields .

312 AD – Constantine is made emperor of Rome ( Western Empire ), and protector of Christianity .

392 AD – Christianity is made the official religion of the Roman Empire , banning other forms of worship .

398 AD – Augustine writes “ Confessions ”, describing his conversion to Christianity .

By Augustine ’ s time the Church had a definite structure , no longer small communities…

Parishes – Local gatherings led by priests

Diocese – Several parishes combined , overseen by a bishop; the larger the city – the more powerful the bishop .

Patriarchs – The bishops of the 5 leading cities if the time – Rome ,

Constantinople , Alexandria , Antioch , and Jerusalem .


Patriarchs (5)

Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop

Parish , Parish Parish , Parish Parish , Parish Parish , Parish

During the 400 sAD the bishop of Rome began claiming authority over the other bishops , he was addressed as


( pope today ).

The pope was recognized as the leader in the Latin speaking Western Roman

Empire , but not by Greek speaking Eastern Romans .

The western church will become the Roman Catholic Church , and the eastern church will become the Eastern Orthodox Church .
