12th Grade British Literature/Composition

12th Grade British Literature and Composition
Ms. Sara Hohnadel
Course Objective:
The 12th Grade British Literature and Composition course is designed to equip students with the
knowledge and skills to read and comprehend complex texts. The course will focus on the history and
genres of the British Isles. Students will be expected to engage with the texts through discussion,
writing, and projects. In addition to reading and writing, grammar and mechanics will also be covered.
Teacher Contact Information:
478-779-2300 (School front desk)
Grading System:
Daily Grade/Notebook Checks (25%): Any assignments given to students during instructional time are
considered daily assignments. While not all assignments are graded, the student is expected to complete
ALL assignments. Assignments are designed to increase learning potential and it is imperative that
students complete all work. In addition to daily grades, students will be expected to have a notebook
where important class materials, notes, and some assignments are stored. Students will know ahead of
time when a notebook check will occur. Students will also know the exact notes and assignments the
teacher wants to see inside notebook.
Quizzes (25%): Periodically, reading quizzes will be issued to check for understanding of texts. In
addition, students will have bi-weekly vocabulary quiz. Quizzes are an instructional tool to gauge
student learning. Quizzes are not designed to be as a final test. Therefore, a student may retake any quiz
after attending an ILT session with teacher.
Projects/Tests/Writing assignments (50%): At the end of each unit, students will take a test over the
material covered during that time. Tests are final and students may not retake a test. Projects will be
given throughout the semester as a way for students to demonstrate understanding and mastery in their
own unique way. Finally, to prepare students for college and/or the workforce, writing assignments will
be given every unit as well.
Class grade: 85%
Final Exam Grade: 15%
1st Semester Units:
Unit 1: Old English and Medieval Periods (A.D. 449-1485)
6 weeks (approximate)
Works: Beowulf (Epic)
Bede (History)
The Canterbury Tales (Poetry)
Morte d’Arthur (Romance)
“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” (Poetry)
Unit 2: The English Renaissance Period (1485-1625)
6 weeks (approximate)
Works: Various Sonnets from W. Shakespeare, P. Sidney, and E. Spenser (Poetry)
Excerpts from The King James Bible (Scripture)
“Speech Before Her Troops” (Speech)
The Tragedy of Macbeth (Drama)
Unit 3: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (1625-1798)
6 weeks (approximate)
Works: Various poems from J. Donne, B. Johnson, A. Marvell, and J. Milton (Poetry)
Excerpts from Paradise Lost (Epic)
Excerpts from The Pilgrim’s Progress (Allegory)
“A Modest Proposal” (Essay/Satire)
“An Essay on Man” (Poetry)
2nd Semester Units:
Unit 4: The Romantic Period (1798-1832)
6 weeks (approximate)
Works: Various poems from W. Blake, R. Burns, J. Baillie, W. Wordsworth, and L. Byron (Poetry)
“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (Poetry)
Frankenstein (Film Study)
“Speech in Favor of Reform” and “Speech Against Reform” (Speech/Debate)
“On Making an Agreeable Marriage” (Letter)
Pride and Prejudice (Film Study)
Unit 5: The Victorian Period (1833-1901)
6 weeks (approximate)
Works: Various poems from A.L. Tennyson, R. Browning, E. Browning, M. Arnold, R. Kipling, and E.
Bronte (Poetry)
Excerpt from Hard Times (Novel Excerpt)
Jane Eyre (Novel)
Unit 6: The Modern and Postmodern Periods (1901-Present)
6 weeks (approximate)
Works: Various poems from W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot, S. Heaney, D. Thomas, and others (Poetry)
“The Lady in the Looking Glass: A Reflection” (Short Story)
“Shakespeare’s Sister” (Nonfiction)
“The Lagoon” (Short Story)
“Araby” (Short Story)
“The Rocking-Horse Winner” (Short Story)
“Wartime Speech” (Speech)
Come and Go (Drama)
1984 (Novel)
Plagiarism Policy:
Plagiarism is “an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another
author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not
crediting the original author” (Dictionary.com Unabridged). If a student is found to be plagiarizing
material, the student will receive a grade of a 0 for that assignment. They have the opportunity to
complete the assignment within one week of receiving the 0 plagiarism grade; however, the highest
grade that can be earned at that point will be a 50 (much better than a 0).
Classroom Behavior Expectations:
1. The school handbook and behavior plan are always in effect inside the classroom.
2. Be in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. If you are not in the room, but your
materials are, I will still count that as a tardy.
3. Come prepared to work. This means bring your homework, notebook paper, and a writing utensil.
4. Respect the teacher, your classmates, the school, and yourself. This rule prohibits profanity,
bullying, rudeness, vandalism and any other act deemed disrespectful to any individual in the
5. Obey directions the first time they are given.
Should a student not meet the Classroom Behavior Expectations, the following behavior plan will be
1. First offense—Warning
2. Second Offense—Teacher consequence
3. Third Offense—Parent Contact
4. Fourth Offense—Office Referral*
*Should an offense be deemed severe (drugs, alcohol, fighting, terroristic threats, etc.) teacher reserves
the right to skip steps 1-3 and immediately refer student to the office.
Increased Learning Time:
Central High School offers Increased Learning Time to students as a tool for remediation, tutoring, and
academic support. ILT occurs every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:10-5:10 and Saturdays from 9:0012:00.
**Ms. Hohnadel will be at ILT for British Literature every Tuesday and some Saturday (by request