CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation June 30, 2014 and 2013 Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation June 30, 2014 and 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT ................................................................................................................ 1-2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Consolidated Statements of Financial Position ........................................................................................... 3 Consolidated Statements of Activities and Changes in Net Assets ........................................................ 4-5 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows ..................................................................................................... 6 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements .................................................................................... 7-15 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: Consolidating Statements of Financial Position .................................................................................... 16-17 Consolidating Statements of Activities and Changes in Net Assets...................................................... 18-21 Consolidated Statements of Functional Expense................................................................................... 22-23 Wipfli LLP 910 North Last Chance Gulch Helena, MT 59601 406.442.5520 fax 406.443.1017 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT Board of Trustees Florence Crittenton Home and Services Helena, Montana Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Florence Crittenton Home and Services (the Home) and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation (the Foundation), which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as of June 30, 2014, and the related consolidated statements of activities and changes in net assets, and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. The consolidated financial statements of Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation as of June 30, 2013 were audited by Galusha, Higgins & Galusha, PC which combined its practice with Wipfli LLP as of December 31, 2014 whose report dated March 11, 2014, expressed an unmodified opinion on those statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. -1- Opinion In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation as of June 30, 2014 and 2013, and changes in their net assets, and cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Other Matter Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the consolidated financial statements as a whole. The supplemental information is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the consolidated financial statements. Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the consolidated financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the consolidated financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the consolidated financial statements or to the consolidated financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the consolidated financial statements as a whole. Wipfli LLP Helena, Montana March 30, 2015 -2- Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of June 30, ASSETS 2014 CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Prepaid expenses Accounts receivable, net Current grants receivable, net Current pledges receivable Total current assets $ Property and equipment, net OTHER ASSETS Investments Cash surrender value of life insurance Total other assets TOTAL ASSETS 258,778 8,742 36,970 57,344 1,250 363,084 2013 $ 90,992 8,369 111,763 87,332 7,400 305,856 880,595 919,489 149,302 56,330 205,632 $ 1,449,311 $ 256,594 44,585 301,179 1,526,524 $ $ LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued payroll taxes Accrued leave payable Accrued wages payable Accrued payroll expense Refundable advance Planned gift liability Total current liabilities OTHER LIABILITIES Loan payable Total other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 10,193 4,985 40,353 18,089 1,429 2,053 514 77,616 369,000 369,000 446,616 369,000 369,000 480,277 668,493 245,753 88,449 1,002,695 $ 1,449,311 644,955 312,843 88,449 1,046,247 1,526,524 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. -3- 24,508 20,082 41,999 24,222 466 111,277 $ Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS for the year ended June 30, 2014 SUPPORT AND REVENUE Service fees, net of bad debts Agency contracts Contributions Grants In-kind contributions Special events Interest and dividend income Other income Change in value of split interest agreements and cash surrender values Realized and unrealized gains on investments Net assets released from restriction Total support and revenue Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted $ $ $ 11,695 EXPENSES Program services Management and general Fundraising Total expenses Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year 491,106 374,825 242,542 61,998 250,242 157,408 6,577 87,968 $ 90,383 387 - - - Totals $ 491,106 374,825 332,925 61,998 250,242 157,408 6,964 87,968 - 11,695 7,384 179,210 1,870,955 21,350 (179,210) (67,090) - 28,734 1,803,865 1,257,770 523,829 65,818 1,847,417 23,538 (67,090) - 1,257,770 523,829 65,818 1,847,417 (43,552) 644,955 668,493 $ 312,843 245,753 $ 88,449 88,449 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. -4- 1,046,247 $ 1,002,695 Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS for the year ended June 30, 2013 Unrestricted SUPPORT AND REVENUE Service fees, net of bad debts $ 589,241 Agency contracts 595,601 Contributions 207,402 Grants 25,611 In-kind contributions 202,006 Special events 173,789 Interest and dividend income 6,512 Other income 19,729 Change in value of split interest agreements and cash surrender values 2,639 Realized and unrealized gains on investments 13,854 Loss on asset disposal (1,863) Net assets released from restriction 322,924 Total support and revenue 2,157,445 EXPENSES Program services Program services - uncollectible pledges Management and general Fundraising Total expenses Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted $ $ 729,593 644,955 - - 1,525,300 209,688 455,389 51,706 2,242,083 (84,638) $ 34,750 3,150 - $ - $ 589,241 595,601 242,152 25,611 202,006 173,789 9,662 19,729 2,639 11,846 (322,924) (273,178) - 25,700 (1,863) 1,884,267 (273,178) - 1,525,300 209,688 455,389 51,706 2,242,083 (357,816) 586,021 312,843 $ 88,449 88,449 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. -5- Totals 1,404,063 $ 1,046,247 Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS for the year ended June 30, 2014 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Change in net assets Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash used by operating activities: Depreciation Change in provision for uncollectible accounts Realized and unrealized gains Loss on asset disposal (Increase) decrease in operating assets and liabilities Prepaid expenses Accounts receivable Pledges receivable Grants receivable Cash surrender value of life insurance Increase (decrease) in liabilities Accounts payable Accruals Refundable advances Charitable gift annuity liability Net cash from operating activites $ CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Proceeds from sale of investments Payments for purchase of investments Purchase of property and equipment Net cash from investing activities Net change in cash and cash equivalents Beginning cash and cash equivalents Ending cash and cash equivalents $ (43,552) $ (357,816) 68,445 38,468 (28,734) - 67,688 3,695 (26,576) 1,863 (373) 36,325 6,150 29,988 (11,745) (2,107) 200,739 1,150 5,385 (2,692) (14,315) (21,447) 2,053 48 61,311 9,180 2,150 (9,956) 55 (107,242) 146,909 (10,883) (29,551) 106,475 61,521 (20,339) (85,308) (44,126) 167,786 (151,368) 90,992 258,778 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. -6- 2013 242,360 $ 90,992 Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 and 2013 NOTE A - ORGANIZATION AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. Organization - Florence Crittenton Home and Services (Home) operates the only licensed maternity home in Montana with comprehensive services for pregnant adolescents and young mothers with infants. The Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation (Foundation) was formed in July 1987, for the purpose of raising funds for future projects and acquiring a building for the Home. The By-Laws of the Home and Foundation were revised at the end of Fiscal Year 2007 to reflect a combined board of the Home and Foundation. Therefore, according to the ByLaws, each Director of the Foundation will be a member of the Board of Trustees of the Florence Crittenton Home and Services, Inc., of Helena. 2. Basis of Accounting – The Home and Foundation prepares its consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP), and accordingly reflect all significant receivables, payables, and other liabilities. 3. Basis for Consolidation - The Florence Crittenton Home and Services consolidates all of the accounts of the Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation. All intercompany transactions are eliminated in consolidation. 4. Use of Estimates - The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements. Estimates also affect the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. 5. Basis of Presentation - Financial statement presentation follows the recommendations of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) “Notfor-Profit Entities - Presentation of Financial Statements.” Under this ASC, the Home and Foundation is required to report information regarding its financial position and activities according to three classes of net assets: unrestricted, temporarily restricted, and permanently restricted net assets. Unrestricted net assets - include assets which are available for general operations of the Home and Foundation. Temporarily restricted net assets - include gifts for which donor imposed restrictions have not been met and pledges receivable for which the ultimate purpose of the proceeds is not permanently restricted. Permanently restricted net assets - include gifts, trusts, and pledges which require by donor restriction that the corpus be invested in perpetuity and only the income be made available for program operations in accordance with donor restrictions. 6. Cash and Cash Equivalents - For purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents include all checking, savings, and certificates of deposits with maturity of three months or less. Continued -7- Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 and 2013 NOTE A - ORGANIZATION AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued 7. Accounts Receivable - The Home provides an allowance for doubtful accounts when the collectability of the accounts are determined to be impaired. The Home has analyzed accounts receivable at June 30, 2014 and 2013 and determined that an allowance of five percent was necessary. Bad debt (recoveries) expense of $(5,742) and $52,736 is reflected as an offset to service fees in the year ended June 30, 2014 and 2013, respectively. 8. Net Treatment Fee Revenue – The Home has agreements with third-party payors that provide for reimbursement to the Home at amounts different from its established rates. Net treatment fee revenue is reported at the estimated net realizable amounts from patients, third-party payors, and others for services rendered. Services rendered to Medicaid patients are reimbursed at scheduled rates. Services rendered to insurance subscribers are reimbursed at billed charges less any contractual discounts and patient responsibility. 9. Donated Materials - Donated materials are reflected as contributions at their estimated value at date of receipt and are recorded as in-kind expenses for Home operations for fiscal year 2014 and 2013. 10. Investment Securities - Investments in marketable securities with readily determinable fair values and all investments in debt securities are valued at their fair values in the statement of financial position. Unrealized gains and losses are included in the change in net assets. 11. Planned Gift Liabilities - Various planned giving instruments commit the Foundation to future payments to designated beneficiaries as part of the contribution. The following summarizes the types of planned giving instruments and associated liabilities carried by the Foundation: Charitable and Deferred Gift Annuities: Charitable gift annuities require annual payments at a fixed rate specified in the contract to a designated beneficiary over the beneficiary’s lifetime, with payments commencing upon contribution. The payment is based on the value of the assets at the date of donation. Deferred gift annuities are similar but delay the start of annual payments to a future date. The financial statements include a liability representing the present value of the payments required by those contracts over the beneficiaries’ expected lives as determined by mortality tables. 12. Property and Equipment – The Home and Foundation capitalize all purchased property and equipment over $1,500 and records property and equipment at cost. Donated property and equipment is recorded at the estimated value on the date it was received. Depreciation expense reflected in the accompanying consolidated financial statements was computed using the straight-line method over the following useful lives: Buildings Land Improvements Furniture, fixtures, and equipment Vehicles 39 years 15 years 5-10 years 3-10 years Continued -8- Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 and 2013 NOTE A - ORGANIZATION AND SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued 13. Recognition of Donor Restrictions – The Home and Foundation report gifts of cash and other assets as restricted support if they are received with donor stipulations that limit the use of the donated assets. When a donor restriction expires, that is, when a stipulated time restriction ends or purpose restriction is accomplished, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the statement of activities as net assets released from restrictions. Restrictions met within the same fiscal period are reported as unrestricted. 14. Advertising - Advertising and promotional costs are expensed as incurred. 15. Income Tax Status - The Home and Foundation were granted tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and is exempt from federal income taxes on related income pursuant to Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code except to the extent of unrelated business taxable income as defined under IRC Sections 511 through 515. They did not incur unrelated business income tax for the year ended June 30, 2014. Accordingly, no provision has been made for federal income tax in the accompanying financial statements. The Home and Foundation’s federal form 990s for the 2010-2014 tax years is subject to examination by the IRS, generally, for three years after they were filed. 16. Reclassifications – Certain items from 2013 have been changed to reflect the presentation the 2014 categories and grouping without effect on previously reported net assets. 17. Subsequent Events - Management has performed an analysis of the activities and transactions subsequent to June 30, 2014 to determine the need for any adjustment to and/or disclosures within the financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2014. Management has performed this analysis through March 30, 2015, which is the date the consolidated financial statements were available to be issued. NOTE B – CONCENTRATION OF CREDIT RISK ARISING FROM CASH DEPOSITS IN EXCESS OF INSURED LIMITS The Home and Foundation maintain cash balances at several financial institutions located in Helena, Montana. The Home and Foundation’s non-interest bearing accounts are subject to unlimited coverage by the FDIC. From time to time, certain bank accounts that are subject to FDIC coverage exceeded their insured limits. At June 30, 2014 and 2013, the deposits did not exceed the insured amounts. Continued -9- Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 and 2013 NOTE C – INVESTMENTS At June 30, 2014 and 2013, investments for the Foundation are as follows: 2013 2014 Mutual funds $ Common stock $ Cost 115,673 115,673 Market 147,988 1,314 $ 149,302 $ $ $ Cost 223,837 2,744 226,581 Market 249,722 6,872 $ 256,594 $ Gross unrealized gains for the years ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 were $6,012 and $20,680, respectively. Gross realized gains for the years ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 were $22,722 and $5,020, respectively. NOTE D – FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The following methods and assumptions were used by the Foundation in estimating its fair value disclosures for the financial instruments: Common stock: the fair value of investments are in common stock based on quoted marketprices for those investments. Mutual funds: valued at the net asset value (NAV). The NAV is based on the value of the underlying assets owned by the fund, minus its liabilities, and then divided by the number of shares held by the organization at year end. The NAV is quoted in an active market. The following are the Organizations assets at fair value as of June 30, 2014 and 2013: Level 1 Level 2 Total 2014 Mutual funds $ 147,988 $ $ 147,988 Common stock 1,314 1,314 $ 149,302 $ $ 149,302 2013 Mutual funds Common stock $ $ 249,722 6,872 256,594 $ $ - $ $ 249,722 6,872 256,594 Continued - 10 - Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 and 2013 NOTE E – PLEDGES RECEIVABLE NET OF DISCOUNTS The Foundation pledges receivable (unconditional promises to give) consist of the following at June 30: 2014 2013 Restricted for Legacy of Love program $ 1,250 $ 5,000 Miscellaneous pledge 2,400 Net unconditional promises to give $ 1,250 $ 7,400 All pledges at June 30, 2014 and 2013 were due in less than one year. Management determined that it was not necessary to have an allowance for uncollectible pledges. For fiscal year 2013, the Legacy of Love pledge has been determined as uncollectible for the remaining amount of the pledge (less a $5,000 payment received in October 2013) based on communication from the donor that the individual will not be able to satisfy this pledge. NOTE F – PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Property and equipment consists of the following: 2014 167,943 1,758 91,395 1,571,620 62,561 1,895,277 Furniture and equipment Software Automobiles Buildings Land $ Accumulated depreciation (1,014,682) $ 880,595 $ $ 2013 167,943 1,757 91,395 1,542,070 62,561 1,865,726 (946,237) 919,489 NOTE G - LOAN PAYABLE On April 4, 1994, Lewis and Clark County received a grant of $369,000 under the Montana Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) from the State of Montana Department of Commerce. The County then loaned these funds to Florence Crittenton Home and Services for the construction of the new facility on Harris Street in Helena, Montana. The loan will be forgiven at the end of 20 years from the final approval of the project, which was given October 1995, provided Florence Crittenton Home and Services adheres to all covenants. These funds have been recorded as a loan payable until the loan is forgiven at which time the funds will be recognized as income. Continued - 11 - Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 and 2013 NOTE H - PLANNED GIFT LIABILITIES The liability for each type of planned gift changes each year with receipt of new gifts, payments under contracts, change in trust asset values, and the change in the present value of required payments to beneficiaries. The present value of the future payments over the beneficiaries’ estimated remaining lives was calculated using the original discount rates at the date of the gift and applicable mortality tables. The following summarizes the change in planned gift liabilities for the years ended June 30: 2014 Estimated present value of liability at July 1 Change in estimated present value from revaluation Estimated present value of liability at June 30 $ $ 2013 466 48 514 $ $ 411 55 466 NOTE I – RESTRICTION ON NET ASSETS Temporarily restricted net assets result from contributions whose use is restricted for the purpose intended by the donor. Temporarily restricted net assets consist of the following: Housing Outreach ILT coordinator/activities Legacy of Love Other temporarily restricted funds $ $ 2014 63,250 3,000 17,932 133,633 27,938 245,753 $ $ 2013 35,750 223,613 53,480 312,843 Assets released from restriction due to fulfillment of donor-imposed restrictions in fiscal 2014 and 2013 include: 2014 2013 Housing $ 32,500 $ Outreach 49,500 ILT coordinator/activities 12,068 Assets for Life 16,429 Legacy of Love and other 134,642 256,995 $ 179,210 $ 322,924 Continued - 12 - Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 and 2013 NOTE I – RESTRICTION ON NET ASSETS, continued Permanently restricted net assets result from contributions whose use is restricted by donorimposed stipulations that neither expire by the passage of time nor can be fulfilled by actions of the organization. Permanently restricted net assets for the Foundation were $88,449 as of June 30, 2014 and 2013. The earnings on these funds are to be used for the operations of the organization. NOTE J - ENDOWMENT NET ASSETS As required by generally accepted accounting principles, net assets associated with endowment funds, including funds designated by the Board to function as endowments, are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. The Foundation has interpreted the Montana Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (“MUPMIFA”) as requiring the preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donor-restricted endowment funds absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary. As a result of this interpretation, the Foundation classifies as permanently restricted net assets (a) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment, and (c) any accumulations to the permanent endowment made in accordance with the direction of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund. The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment fund that is not classified in permanently restricted net assets is classified as temporarily restricted net assets and are appropriated for expenditure by the Home in a manner consistent with the standard of prudence prescribed by MUPMIFA. In accordance with MUPMIFA, the Home and Foundation considers the following factors in making a determination to appropriate or accumulate donor-restricted endowment funds: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The duration and preservation of the fund, The purpose of the Home and Foundation and the donor-restricted endowment fund, General economic conditions, The possible effect of inflation and deflation, The expected total return from income and the appreciation of investments, Other resources of Home and Foundation, and The investment policies of Home and Foundation. Continued - 13 - Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 and 2013 NOTE J - ENDOWMENT NET ASSETS, continued Endowment net asset composition by type of fund is as follows: Endowment net assets, June 30, 2012 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted $ $ $ Investment return: Investment income Net appreciation Total investment return - 37,484 88,449 Total $ 125,933 - 3,150 11,846 14,996 - 3,150 11,846 14,996 - Appropriation for expenditure Endowment net assets, June 30, 2013 - - - - 52,480 88,449 140,929 Investment return: Investment income Net appreciation Total investment return - 387 21,350 21,737 - 387 21,350 21,737 - (50,725) - (50,725) Appropriation for expenditure Endowment net assets, June 30, 2014 $ - $ 23,492 $ 88,449 $ 111,941 Funds with Deficiencies From time to time, the fair value of assets associated with individual donor-restricted endowment funds may fall below the level that the donor or MUPMIFA requires the Home and Foundation to retain as a fund of perpetual duration. Return Objectives and Risk Parameters The Home and Foundation have adopted investment and spending policies for endowment assets that attempt to provide a predictable stream of funding to programs supported by its endowment while seeking to maintain the purchasing power of the endowment assets. Endowment assets include those assets of donor-restricted funds that the Home and Foundation must hold in perpetuity or for a donor-specified period(s) as well as board-designated funds. Continued - 14 - Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 and 2013 NOTE J - ENDOWMENT NET ASSETS, continued Under this policy, as approved by the Board of Trustees, the endowment assets are invested in a manner that is intended to preserve endowment capital, and to provide a minimum annual target rate of return of at least inflation, plus the Foundation’s spending policy, plus a real rate of return net of fees. The Home and Foundation expects the endowment funds, over time, to provide a reasonable current rate of return. Strategies Employed for Achieving Objectives To satisfy its long-term rate-of-return objectives, the Home and Foundation relies on a total return strategy in which investment returns are achieved through both capital appreciation (realized and unrealized gains) and current yield (interest and dividends). The Home and Foundation target a diversified asset allocation including cash equivalents, fixed income, and equity securities to achieve its long-term return objectives within prudent risk constraints. NOTE K - RETIREMENT PLAN The Home established a 403(b) retirement plan for its employees. Employees who are twenty one years of age may contribute beginning the sixth month after their employment commences. The Home will match up to 3% of eligible employee salary deferrals to the Plan. Employer matching contributions are 100% vested upon entering the Plan. Retirement expense was approximately $7,104 and $10,607 at June 30, 2014 and 2013, respectively. NOTE L - RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS During 2014 and 2013, the Home incurred rent to the Foundation for the use of the building in the amount of $75,000, which was forgiven in full as an in-kind donation from the Foundation in both 2014 and 2013. The in-kind amount is the estimated fair value of rent income and expense that would have been received by the Foundation and paid by the Home. During 2014 and 2013, the Foundation transferred funds to the Home for its Legacy of Love program, in the amounts of $33,539 and $49,307, respectively. As of June 30, 2014, the Foundation owed the Florence Crittenton Home $17,760 and $2,123, respectively, of the amounts transferred. All intercompany transactions have been eliminated in the consolidated financial statements. NOTE M - CONCENTRATIONS OF CREDIT RISK The Home has several contracts with the Montana State Department of Public Health and Human Services Child and Family Services Division. The contract terms are generally annual or bi-annual. The revenue generated by the main contract comprised 7% and 9% of the total revenues and support of the Home and Foundation for the years ending June 30, 2014 and 2013, respectively. The related receivable amounts for the main contract were 30% and 13% of the total accounts receivable for the years ended June 30, 2014 and 2013, respectively. The contract may be terminated at any time upon the written mutual agreement of both parties. Concluded - 15 - SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation June 30, 2014 and 2013 Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATING STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of June 30, 2014 See Independent Auditor's Report ASSETS CONSOLIDATING INFORMATION HOME FOUNDATION ELIMINATIONS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Prepaid expenses Accounts receivable, net Current grants receivable, net Current pledges receivable Total current assets $ 118,551 8,742 54,711 57,344 239,348 Property and equipment, net OTHER ASSETS Investments Cash surrender value of life insurance Total other assets TOTAL ASSETS $ 140,227 6,222 1,250 147,699 161,088 719,507 56,330 56,330 $ 456,766 149,302 149,302 1,016,508 $ $ (23,963) (23,963) 2014 TOTAL $ 258,778 8,742 36,970 57,344 1,250 363,084 - $ 880,595 (23,963) 149,302 56,330 205,632 $ 1,449,311 (23,963) (23,963) $ LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued payroll taxes Accrued leave payable Accrued wages payable Accrued payroll expense Refundable advance Planned gift liability Total current liabilities OTHER LIABILITIES Loan payable Total other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 16,396 4,985 40,353 18,089 1,429 2,053 83,305 $ 17,760 514 18,274 $ 10,193 4,985 40,353 18,089 1,429 2,053 514 77,616 83,305 369,000 369,000 387,274 (23,963) 369,000 369,000 446,616 343,078 30,383 373,461 $ 456,766 325,415 215,370 88,449 629,234 1,016,508 (23,963) 668,493 245,753 88,449 1,002,695 $ 1,449,311 - 16 - $ $ Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATING STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of June 30, 2013 See Independent Auditor's Report ASSETS CONSOLIDATING INFORMATION HOME FOUNDATION ELIMINATIONS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Prepaid expenses Accounts receivable, net Current grants receivable, net Current pledges receivable Total current assets Property and equipment, net OTHER ASSETS Investments Cash surrender value of life insurance Total other assets TOTAL ASSETS $ 24,898 8,369 113,867 87,332 1,150 235,616 $ 66,094 11,189 6,250 83,533 166,650 752,839 44,585 44,585 $ 446,851 256,594 256,594 1,092,966 $ $ (13,293) (13,293) 2013 TOTAL $ - $ 90,992 8,369 111,763 87,332 7,400 305,856 919,489 (13,293) 256,594 44,585 301,179 $ 1,526,524 (13,293) (13,293) $ LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued payroll taxes Accrued leave payable Accrued wages payable Planned gift liability Total current liabilities $ 35,678 20,082 41,999 24,222 121,981 OTHER LIABILITIES Loan payable Total other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 121,981 369,000 369,000 371,589 (13,293) 369,000 369,000 480,277 NET ASSETS Unrestricted 288,120 Temporarily restricted 36,750 Permanently restricted Total net assets 324,870 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 446,851 356,835 276,093 88,449 721,377 1,092,966 (13,293) 644,955 312,843 88,449 1,046,247 $ 1,526,524 - 17 - $ $ 2,123 466 2,589 $ $ 24,508 20,082 41,999 24,222 466 111,277 Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS for the year ended June 30, 2014 See Independent Auditor's Report UNRESTRICTED SUPPORT AND REVENUE Service fees, net of bad debts Agency contracts Contributions Legacy of Love receipts Foundation contribution Grants Rental income In-kind contributions Special events Interest and dividend income Other income Change in value of split interest agreements and cash surrender values Realized and unrealized gains on investments Net assets released from restriction Total support and revenue $ $ 11,745 EXPENSES Program services Management and general Fundraising Total expenses Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year 491,106 374,825 235,918 33,539 115,400 61,998 325,242 157,408 109 87,968 HOME TEMPORARILY PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED RESTRICTED $ 30,383 - $ - - TOTAL $ 491,106 374,825 266,301 33,539 115,400 61,998 325,242 157,408 109 87,968 - 11,745 36,750 1,932,008 (36,750) (6,367) - 1,925,641 1,257,770 553,462 65,818 1,877,050 54,958 (6,367) - 1,257,770 553,462 65,818 1,877,050 48,591 288,120 343,078 - 18 - $ 36,750 30,383 $ - $ 324,870 373,461 Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS for the year ended June 30, 2014 See Independent Auditor's Report UNRESTRICTED - 19 - SUPPORT AND REVENUE Service fees, net of bad debts Agency contracts Contributions Legacy of Love receipts Foundation contribution Grants Rental income In-kind contributions Special events Interest and dividend income Other income Change in value of split interest agreements and cash surrender values Realized and unrealized gains on investments Net assets released from restriction Total support and revenue $ $ (50) EXPENSES Program services Management and general Fundraising Total expenses Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year 6,624 75,000 6,692 - FOUNDATION TEMPORARILY PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED RESTRICTED $ 60,000 387 - $ - - TOTAL $ - 66,624 75,000 7,079 - ELIMINATIONS $ (50) (33,539) (115,400) (75,000) (75,000) (224) - TOTAL $ - 491,106 374,825 332,925 61,998 250,242 157,408 6,964 87,968 11,695 7,384 142,460 238,110 21,350 (142,460) (60,723) - 28,734 177,387 (299,163) 28,734 1,803,865 108,539 160,991 269,530 (31,420) (60,723) - 108,539 160,991 269,530 (92,143) (108,539) (190,624) (299,163) - 1,257,770 523,829 65,818 1,847,417 (43,552) 356,835 325,415 $ 276,093 215,370 $ 88,449 88,449 $ 721,377 629,234 $ - $ 1,046,247 1,002,695 Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS for the year ended June 30, 2013 See Independent Auditor's Report SUPPORT AND REVENUE Service fees, net of bad debts Agency contracts Contributions Legacy of Love receipts Foundation contribution Grants Rental income In-kind contributions Special events Interest and dividend income Other income Change in value of split interest agreements and cash surrender values Realized and unrealized gains on investments Gain (loss) on asset disposal Net assets released from restriction Total support and revenue UNRESTRICTED HOME TEMPORARILY PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED RESTRICTED $ $ 2,692 EXPENSES Program services Program services - uncollectible pledges Management and general Fundraising Total expenses Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year 589,241 595,601 207,402 49,307 25,000 25,611 277,006 173,789 91 18,070 $ 34,750 - $ - - TOTAL $ - 589,241 595,601 242,152 49,307 25,000 25,611 277,006 173,789 91 18,070 2,692 (1,863) 63,929 2,025,876 (63,929) (29,179) - (1,863) 1,996,697 1,525,300 490,391 51,706 2,067,397 (41,521) (29,179) - 1,525,300 490,391 51,706 2,067,397 (70,700) 329,641 288,120 - 20 - $ 65,929 36,750 $ - $ 395,570 324,870 Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS for the year ended June 30, 2013 See Independent Auditor's Report UNRESTRICTED - 21 - SUPPORT AND REVENUE Service fees, net of bad debts Agency contracts Contributions Legacy of Love receipts Foundation contribution Grants Rental income In-kind contributions Special events Interest and dividend income Other income Change in value of split interest agreements and cash surrender values Realized and unrealized gains on investments Gain (loss) on asset disposal Net assets released from restriction Total support and revenue $ $ (53) EXPENSES Program services Program services - uncollectible pledges Management and general Fundraising Total expenses Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year 75,000 6,645 1,659 FOUNDATION TEMPORARILY PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED RESTRICTED $ 3,150 - $ - TOTAL $ 75,000 9,795 1,659 ELIMINATIONS $ 589,241 595,601 242,152 25,611 202,006 173,789 9,662 19,729 - 13,854 258,995 356,100 11,846 (258,995) (243,999) - 25,700 112,101 (224,531) 25,700 (1,863) 1,884,267 124,307 209,688 65,222 399,217 (43,117) (243,999) - 124,307 209,688 65,222 399,217 (287,116) (124,307) (100,224) (224,531) - 1,525,300 209,688 455,389 51,706 2,242,083 (357,816) $ 520,092 276,093 $ 88,449 88,449 $ 1,008,493 721,377 - $ - 399,952 356,835 (53) (49,307) (25,000) (75,000) (75,000) (224) - TOTAL $ - 2,639 1,404,063 $ 1,046,247 Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES for the year ended June 30, 2014 See Independent Auditor's Report Salaries and wages Employee benefits Payroll taxes Total personnel expenses PROGRAM $ 716,011 34,834 87,056 837,901 Equipment Professional services Advertising and marketing Scholarship Legacy of Love Occupancy Printing Postage Maintenance Depreciation Board Insurance In-kind expenses Dues and subscriptions Education and training Incentives, gifts, rewards Other Facilities rent Meals Supplies Travel Bank, investment and service fees Total operating expenses Eliminations Total consolidated expenses 765 4,915 1,457 75,000 33,539 35,102 770 27 14,531 24,584 243,448 1,035 1,983 3,818 34,224 1,500 42,114 4,030 5,565 1 1,366,309 (108,539) $ 1,257,770 MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL $ 299,229 21,447 30,559 351,235 $ - 22 - 1,420 25,313 4,983 6,341 5,550 4,973 623 68,445 439 2,533 10,659 7,381 3,771 83 98,463 104,170 501 7,803 6,121 3,646 714,453 (190,624) 523,829 FUNDRAISING $ 31,910 90 2,966 34,966 596 133 7,284 2,644 $ 8,286 7,264 84 4,561 65,818 65,818 TOTAL $ 1,047,150 56,371 120,581 1,224,102 2,185 30,824 6,573 75,000 33,539 41,443 13,604 7,644 15,154 68,445 439 27,117 254,107 8,416 5,754 3,901 140,973 105,670 42,615 19,097 11,770 8,208 2,146,580 (299,163) $ 1,847,417 Florence Crittenton Home and Services and Florence Crittenton Home and Services Foundation CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES for the year ended June 30, 2013 See Independent Auditor's Report Salaries and wages Employee benefits Payroll taxes Total personnel expenses PROGRAM $ 941,226 52,695 99,115 1,093,036 Equipment Professional services Advertising and marketing Scholarship Legacy of Love Occupancy Printing Postage Maintenance Depreciation Board Insurance In-kind expenses Dues and subscriptions Education and training Incentives, gifts, rewards Other Facilities rent Meals Supplies Travel Bank, investment and service fees Write off of uncollectible pledges Total operating expenses Eliminations Total consolidated expenses 103 10,136 10,385 75,000 49,307 42,143 2,825 448 12,450 24,077 187,101 275 16,565 4,131 25,514 2,747 42,578 29,799 17,037 3,950 209,688 1,859,295 (124,307) $ 1,734,988 MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL $ 228,384 18,126 25,822 272,332 FUNDRAISING $ 30,448 1,397 4,074 35,919 1,772 28,247 1,424 4,575 4,981 4,459 1,890 67,688 484 2,680 6,583 4,169 1,919 123 34,536 103,191 2,087 2,802 5,740 3,931 555,613 (100,224) 455,389 96 1,023 590 8,619 1,638 95 3,130 275 321 51,706 51,706 - 23 - TOTAL $ 1,200,058 72,218 129,011 1,401,287 1,875 38,479 12,832 75,000 49,307 47,308 16,425 6,545 14,340 67,688 484 26,757 193,684 4,539 18,484 4,254 63,180 105,938 44,665 32,601 23,052 8,202 209,688 2,466,614 (224,531) 2,242,083