SAL3100 Sales Management

Vedtatt i UUV-sak 137/13
Gjelder for studieåret 2013-14
SAL3100 Sales Management
Bachelor´s program courses
Course instructor
Contact hours
Learning outcome
Bachelor of Bachelor of Marketing and Sales Management
Associate Professor Nils M. Høgevold
36 hours
The candidate will have acquired an understanding of challenges
a sales manager may meet in order to set and reach the
organization sales budget. The course is not about sales, but how
to reach sales budgets through others. An essential goal for this
course is that the students are able to organize, manage and
evaluate a sales organisation performance.
After completing the course, the students will have:
 Knowledge of how to organize a sales organisation
 Knowledge of how to set quotas
 Knowledge of how to manage a sales organisation
 Knowledge of how to motivate a sales organisation
 Knowledge of how to develop sales training programs
 Knowledge of how to recruit and hire sales
 Knowledge of how to develop compensations and
incentive plans
 How to evaluate salespersons performance
General competence
The student will have acquired a thorough understanding of the
role of the sales manager and the importance of the sales manager
in the organisations value creation.
7. Course contents
The course contains two parts.
Part one starts with an introduction to sales management, before
the students learn how to set targets and how to develop a sales
organisation in order to reach the targets. A sales manager will
reach his/her goals through the efforts of the sales
representatives. Managing the sales force is in focus and
important elements like recruiting, motivating, compensation,
training and evaluating the sales performance are important
elements of the course.
Vedtatt i UUV-sak 137/13
Gjelder for studieåret 2013-14
Part 2 is a simulating game where the students act as a sales
manager competing with other groups gain market share and
profitability. The simulation game is based on theories in the
course syllabus and the students will experience consequences
from of their decisions.
8. Method of instruction The course will be taught through lectures and discussions in
class. The students will also engage in a variety of classroom
activities, including group presentations and a simulation game.
The students are required to invest considerable efforts in the
learning process.
9. Real-world links and
10. Assessment
3-hour written individual exam counts toward 60% of grade.
Group assignment (simulation game) counts toward 40% of
11. Course syllabus
Conlin, Bob. 2008. “Best Practices for Designing New Sales
Compensation Plans”. Compensation & Benefits Review 40
(2):50-56. 6 s. [Elektronisk tilgjengelig via CK- biblioteket.]
Cook, Robert, James Cook, Kathryn Cook. 2013. MARS Sales
Management Simulation: Student’s Manual. Cook Enterprises
LLC. 50 s. [ Tilgang blir ordnet via emneansvarlig.]
Deeter-Schmelz, Dawn R., Daniel J. Goebel & Karen N.
Kennedy. 2008. “What are the Characteristics of an Effective
Sales Manager? An Exploratory Study Comparing Salesperson
and Sales Manager Perspectives.” Journal of Personal Selling &
Sales Management 28(1): 7-20. 13 s. [Elektronisk tilgjengelig via
Johnston, Mark W. og Greg W. Marshall. Sales force
management. 11. utg. New York: Routledge. ISBN:
9780415534628. Kap. 1, 4-13. 480 s. Pris ca. 749,Kunøe, Gorm. 2005. ”Salgsledelse: et konsept for
forretningsutvikling” Magma (1). 9 s. [Elektronisk tilgjengelig
via Magma.]
12. Recommended