Approved Student Programs and Services Committee January 18

Wethersfield Public Schools
Course Outline
Course Name: Spanish IV
Department: World Language
Grade(s): Grade 10, 11, 12
Level(s): 1 and 2
Course Number(s): 54501 (level 1) and 54502 (level 2)
Credits: 1.0
Course Description:
Students are expected to use Spanish almost exclusively in this course. Emphasis is on the practical
training of students to be able to function effectively in Spanish to read and discuss contemporary,
controversial and cultural topics in Spanish. Through the use of dialogues, students learn vocabulary
appropriate for specific situations. Students read selected literary works: short stories, poetry, and essays
which mesh with the theme-based curriculum. A review of structures and refinements of the language is
presented as student needs dictate. Cultural focus: Spain.
54502 Spanish IV – Level 2
Prerequisite: Pass Spanish III-2 with "C-" or better
This course follows the basic curriculum of Level 1 with an emphasis on communication and culture.
This course is designed for the student who has a strong interest in pursuing Spanish. Due to the
difference in pace and content between levels 1 and 2, it would be difficult for a student to move into a
level 1 sequence without additional course work.
54501 Spanish IV - Level 1
Prerequisite: Pass Spanish III with "C" or better
54705 Spanish IV - Level H
Required Instructional Materials:
Exprésate 3, Humbach Velasco, 2006. (Holt, Rinehart and Winston)
Revised/Approval Date: 5/27/11 Draft, Approved Administrative Team December 14, 2011
Approved Student Programs and Services Committee January 18, 2012
Authors/Contributors: Laura DeMonte
Spanish IV Page 1 Overarching Skills
This section includes 21st Century skills and discipline focused skills such as inquiry skills, problem
solving skills, research skills, etc. These objectives should be taught and assessed through the integration
of the other units. This unit is not meant to be taught in isolation as a separate unit.
Enduring Understandings
• Learning a World Language opens doors to
a greater variety of career options,
increased lifelong learning opportunities,
and enhanced leisure activities.
• As students increase their proficiency in
another language, they acquire skills,
which empower them to gain knowledge in
other disciplines and sensitivity to a variety
of viewpoints in the target cultures.
• As the world moves toward a global
community, it is increasingly important for
World Language study to result in
proficiencies that enable students to engage
in conversations, interpret authentic
materials, and recent concepts in a
language other than their own.
• People use a variety of simple and complex
structures to communicate the same thing.
• Effective communication uses appropriate
vocabulary, correct language structure, and
Essential Questions
• Why is it important to communicate in
another language?
• What is culture?
• Why is it important to understand the
perspectives (value systems) of another
• What can you read about in your World
Language that you would not be exposed to
in your native language?
• Where can you use the language other than
the classroom?
• How can learning a World Language
enrich your life?
• Why are specific vocabulary groups and
language structures necessary for effective
• How does word formation facilitate clear
• How do sentence and paragraph formations
facilitate language formation?
Objectives (skills)
Leveling Key: * = L2, ∆= L1
(Show link to standards in parenthesis after objective)
The student will:
*∆Ω S.1. Maximize the use of the Spanish Language.
∆Ω S.2. Hold conversations with peers and Spanish-speaking people whenever possible.
∆Ω S.3. Make formal presentations to the class in Spanish.
∆Ω S.4. Listen with understanding to a variety of speakers.
*∆Ω S.5. Compare target language and their own.
Ω S.6. Compare formal vs. idiomatic/conversational language.
∆Ω S.7.Write formal and informal compositions on a variety of topics.
∆Ω S.8. Utilize strategies to read authentic literary text (e.g.’ poems, short stories, excerpts from novels)
∆Ω S.9. Use information from the text to make predictions.
*∆Ω S.10. Make connections between language and culture.
∆Ω S.11. Compare other cultures to provide connections, contrasts, and understanding.
∆Ω S.12. Appreciate the contexts in which the language occurs.
Ω S.13. Use current event and history to provide connections to other disciplines.
*∆Ω S.14.Use various technology tools to research and present in a variety of ways.
Spanish IV Page 2 Instructional Support Materials
§ Exprésate 2 and 3 textbook
o Exprésate 2 and 3 workbook/lab manual/video manual
o Exprésate 2 and 3 Spanish audio program
o Exprésate 2 and 3 video and DVD
o Exprésate 2 and 3 overhead transparencies
o Exprésate 2 and 3 situation cards kit
o Exprésate 2 and 3 testing materials
o ¡Lee Conmigo! Reader for Spanish 2 and 3 Holt, Rinehart and Winston
o Exprésate 2 and 3 online resources
o Exprésate 2 and 3 realia
o Ven Conmigo 3 textbook and workbook
o En España workbook, Franscisco J. Uriz and Birgit Harling, 1993 (EMC Publishing)
o Leyendas de Espana: Legends Reflecting the History of Spain, Genevieve Barlow and William
Stivers (Glencoe McGraw-Hill)
o Don Quijote de la Mancha: An Intermediate Textbook, adapted by Marcel C. Andrade, 1996
(American Eagle Co., Inc.)
o Culture related videos
o Dictionaries, maps and other realia
o Helpful Internet sites
Suggested Instructional Strategies
• Power Point presentation
• Teacher-student question and answer sessions
• Drills
• Pair work
• Group work
• Guest speakers
Spanish IV Page 3 •
Video clips
Audio clips
Cultural videos
Internet research
Internet base activities (Exprésate, studyspanish, etc.)
Skype (calling someone in another country)
Sony soloist (Language Laboratory)
Movie maker
Food sampling
Visual aids (transparencies, flash cards, power point lessons, video lessons, original artifacts, etc)
Daily word, phrase, proverb
Music and dance
Field trips
o Restaurants
o Theaters
o Museums
Suggested Assessment Methods
(Include use of school-wide analytic and course specific rubrics)
• Teacher informal observation
• Daily oral participation
• Homework and brief writings related to lessons
• Oral and written assessments
• Language lab assessments
• Oral and written quizzes and tests
• Essay/Compositions
• Oral and written responses of essential questions
• Oral presentations
• Group presentations
• Computer project using Inspiration
• 3D model presentation
• Dialogues
• Acting
• Singing
• Dancing
• Video productions
• School Wide Rubrics:
o Effective Communication Rubric
o Higher Order Thinking Skills
o Problem Solving
o Technology Skills
• World Language Rubrics:
o Oral Rubric
o Speaking Rubric
o Written Rubric
Spanish IV Page 4 Unit 1: Servir a la comunidad (Serving the Community)
Time Frame: September to mid-October
Length of Unit: 1 ½ months
Enduring Understandings
• Serving one’s community promotes
citizenship skills.
• All individuals can serve their community.
• A community of people is as strong as its
individual members.
• Institutions exist to support those in need.
• Volunteerism is important to a wellfunctioning community
• Individuals have varied strengths and
• Spanish-speaking countries and regions
vary in language and culture.
Essential Questions
• How does the use of correct grammar
improve communication?
• How do Spanish and English grammar and
mechanics differ?
• How do I state and support my hopes and
• How do I communicate
generality/neutrality in my statements?
• How do I refer to others?
• What makes a good citizen?
• How can I aid others in their community?
• How can I better my community?
• Why is it important to volunteer?
• How do Spanish-speaking countries and
regions differ?
Objectives (knowledge and skills)
Leveling Key: * = L2, ∆= L1
The student will:
1.1 ∆*Define and apply vocabulary for community service, social groups in need, and volunteer
institutions and organizations.
1.2 ∆*Identify areas and places in which youth typically volunteer.
1.3 ∆Examine the role of worldwide volunteer organizations, such as the Red Cross and Habitat for
Humanity in Spanish-speaking countries.
1.4 ∆*Describe personal responsibilities in one’s own community and good citizenship traits.
1.5 ∆Debate and express their opinion about youth mandatory community service.
1.6 ∆*Express personal hopes and wishes as well as hopes and wishes for others.
1.7 ∆*List the overall uses and triggers of the present subjunctive mood (i.e. “4 Keys” = WEDDING
verbs Want-Will/Emotion/Doubt/Denial/Impersonal Expressions/Non-Existent/Give advice and
indirect commands; 2 clauses; 2 subject; connection “que”).
1.8 ∆*Give example of verbs that require the use of the present subjunctive (i.e. verbs that fall under each
category of WEDDING).
1.9 ∆*Locate separate clauses within sentences, including main (independent) and subordinate
∆*Distinguish the use of the infinitive, present subjunctive and present indicative.
∆Apply the infinitive, present subjunctive and present indicative simultaneously.
∆*Identify and utilize varied verbs of will, wish and want.
∆*Conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the present subjunctive tense.
1.13.1 ∆Differentiate the use of neuter articles “lo” with adjectives versus the relative pronoun “lo que”
with verbs.
∆*Utilize direct and indirect object pronouns to avoid repetition of people and things.
∆*Distinguish the use of direct and indirect object pronouns.
∆Incorporate double object pronouns in speech and writing.
∆*Identify and label the 17 regions of Spain on a map.
Spanish IV Page 5 1.18
∆*Describe key characteristics of mainland Spanish culture (i.e. sports, food, holidays, art,
music/dance, religion and family life)
∆*Compare and contrast the culture of mainland Spain and the United States.
∆*Examine cultural differences between the different regions in Spain. (i.e. language, dance, etc)
∆Examine a specific region of Spain in depth and present findings to others.
Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework)
CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode)
• Exchange information about current and past events, as well as aspirations in their personal lives and
the lives of their friends, families and others within their community.
• Work in groups to develop solutions to problems that are of contemporary or historical interest in
both the target and their native cultures.
• Employ rephrasing and circumlocution, i.e., using other words and gestures to explain words or
concepts, to successfully communicate their messages.
CONTENT STANDARD 2: Communication (Interpretive Mode)
• Understand the main ideas and relevant details of extended discussions, lectures and formal
presentations on topics related to daily life and/or historical or contemporary themes in the target
CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode)
• Prepare oral presentations and/or written summaries on topics of current or historical interest in the
target language.
• Describe, explain, express opinions about and analyze stories, plays, poems or other literature, as well
as radio programs, music, films, art and websites.
• Use a dictionary or thesaurus written entirely in the target language, as appropriate, to select words
for use in preparing written and oral reports.
• Identify and analyze products and practices of the target culture (e.g., social, economic, legal and
political), and explore the relationships between these products and practices and the perspectives of
the culture.
• Identify, discuss and analyze various patterns of behaviors or interactions that are typical of the
target culture.
CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode)
• Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their personal
knowledge and interdisciplinary connections.
CONTENT STANDARD 6: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode)
• Use multiple media resources to analyze aspects of the target culture(s) and apply their knowledge to
new situations.
CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages
• Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast
them with comparable linguistic elements in English.
CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons Among Cultures
Spanish IV Page 6 • Use new information and perspectives to compare and contrast their experiences with those of their
peers in the target culture(s).
• Use new and evolving information and perspectives to demonstrate understanding of the similarities
and differences across cultures.
Instructional Support Materials
See page 3
• Also:
o Song “A Dios le Pido” by Juanes (practice subjunctive with hopes/wishes)
o Crossword puzzles – vocabulary terms (discovery education puzzle maker, )
o Habitat for Humanity website (
o Red Cross website ( )
o Peace Corps website ( )
o Map of Spain (Internet and En Espana book photocopy)
o Videoclips/Videodialogue (Expresate 2, Chapter 9 – subjunctive with hopes and wishes)
o Paso a Paso 3 textbook, Chapter 7, Myriam Met, Richard Sayers and Carol Wargin, 1996
(Scott, Foresman and Company)
o En España textbook (La geografía and Comunidades autónomas)
o Spanish for Mastery: Situaciones textbook, Teresa Carrera-Healy, Jean-Paul Valette,
Rebecca Valette, 1988 (D.C. Heath and Company) – subjunctive grammar units
Suggested Instructional Strategies
See page 3
• Also:
o Debates
o Short readings/articles (i.e. Should volunteer work be mandatory? ¿Debe ser obligatorio o
no?, Paso a Paso textbook)
Suggested Assessment Methods
(Include use of school-wide analytic and course specific rubrics)
See page 3
• Also
o Culminating Performance Assessment Task(s):
§ Task 1: Write a short essay taking a position on the subject of mandatory
community service for youth and/or students.
§ Task 2: Create a Power Point presentation on a particular region of Spain,
including geography, food dishes, famous figures, sports, etc. Present
information orally to the class.
Spanish IV Page 7 Unit 2: La familia extendida y la amistad (Extended Family and Friendship)
Time Frame: mid-October to mid-November
Length of Unit: 1 month
Enduring Understandings
• Family is a central institution across
• Marriage and divorce customs differ around
the world.
• Significant life events are celebrated
amongst family and friends.
• Being a good family member and friend
involves supporting others.
• Good friends and mates possess specific
positive qualities.
• Religion drives societal practices.
• Customs vary according to age and across
Essential Questions
• How does the use of correct grammar
improve communication?
• How do Spanish and English grammar and
mechanics differ?
• How are families similar and different?
• Does a typical family exist?
• How can I express my relationship to
• What are the qualities of a good family
member, friend and mate?
• What constitutes an unhealthy relationship?
• What are my life goals and dreams?
• How are different life events and
milestones celebrated?
• How do families and home life in Spanishspeaking countries differ?
• How do varied age groups/generation
• How can I express my emotions?
• How can I communicate my beliefs and
• How do I describe actions in progress?
• How do communicate non-existence?
Objectives (knowledge and skills)
Leveling Key: * = L2, ∆= L1
The student will:
1.1 ∆*Define vocabulary for nuclear/extended family members, friends, personal qualities and life
1.2 ∆*Compare and contrast family and home life in mainland Spain versus the United States.
1.3 ∆*Identify typical religious practices, marriage customs, and naming practices of Spain.
1.4 ∆*Describe positive and negative peer and family relationships.
1.5 ∆*Express emotions for oneself and others.
1.6 ∆*Recall the overall uses and triggers of the present subjunctive mood (i.e. “4 Keys” = WEDDING
verbs Want-Will/Emotion/Doubt/Denial/Impersonal Expressions/Non-Existent/Give advice and
indirect commands; 2 clauses; 2 subject; connection “que”)
1.7 ∆*Give example verbs that require the use of the present subjunctive (i.e. verbs that fall under each
category of WEDDING)
1.8 ∆*Recognize separate clauses within sentences, including main (independent) and subordinate
1.9 ∆*Distinguish the use of the infinitive, present subjunctive and present indicative.
∆Apply the infinitive, present subjunctive and present indicative simultaneously.
∆*Identify and utilize varied verbs of emotion.
∆*Distinguish and apply verbs of belief and certainty from verbs of emotion.
∆*Conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the present subjunctive tense.
Spanish IV Page 8 1.14
∆*Define the meaning of “antecedent” and locate the antecedent in a sentence.
∆*Express the existence and non-existence of objects.
1.15.1 ∆*Communicate ongoing actions through the use of the basic present progressive tense with
∆Utilize varied verbs of motion (venir, andar, seguir, continuar, ir) to express the more specific
nature of ongoing actions.
Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework)
CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode)
• Exchange information about current and past events, as well as aspirations in their personal lives and
the lives of their friends, families and others within their community.
• Exchange opinions on a variety of topics, including issues of contemporary or historical interest in
the target and their native cultures.
• Employ rephrasing and circumlocution, i.e., using other words and gestures to explain words or
concepts, to successfully communicate their messages.
CONTENT STANDARD 2: Communication (Interpretive Mode)
• Understand the main idea or plot and relevant details or subplots of radio or television programs,
films or other forms of media designed primarily by native speakers of the target language.
CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode)
• Prepare oral presentations and/or written summaries on topics of current or historical interest in the
target language
• Write letters in the target language to peers in the target culture, describing and analyzing current
events of mutual interest.
• Use a dictionary or thesaurus written entirely in the target language, as appropriate, to select words
for use in preparing written and oral reports.
• Identify and analyze products and practices of the target culture (e.g., social, economic, legal and
political), and explore the relationships between these products and practices and the perspectives of
the culture.
• Identify, discuss and analyze various patterns of behaviors or interactions that are typical of the
target culture.
CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode)
• Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their personal
knowledge and interdisciplinary connections.
CONTENT STANDARD 6: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode)
• Use multiple media resources to analyze aspects of the target culture(s) and apply their knowledge to
new situations.
CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages
• Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast
them with comparable linguistic elements in English.
CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons Among Cultures
Spanish IV Page 9 • Use new information and perspectives to compare and contrast their experiences with those of their
peers in the target culture(s).
• Use new and evolving information and perspectives to demonstrate understanding of the similarities
and differences across cultures.
• Communicate with members of the target culture and interpret information regarding topics of
personal, community or world interest.
• Establish and/or maintain interpersonal relations with speakers of the target language via letters or email and/or exchange programs
Instructional Support Materials
See page 3
• Entre parejas communicative workbook Activity 24 A an d 24B: Preguntar por la razón de algo y
darla (present progressive)
• En España textbook article: Vida familiar
• Song “Me enamora” by Juanes (practice subjunctive with emotions)
• Exprésate 3 videocultura Chapter 4 “A casa de tu tía, mas no cada día”
• Spanish for Mastery: Situaciones textbook, Teresa Carrera-Healy, Jean-Paul Valette, Rebecca
Valette, 1988 (D.C. Heath and Company) – subjunctive grammar units
Suggested Instructional Strategies
See page 3
• Guessing game: ¿Quién es quién? (describe personal characteristics of classmate without stating
name and classmates guess the student)
• Diagrams/family trees of varied family structures
• Video and audio gap-fill exercises to practice vocabulary and structures using resources above
(i.e. videocultura)
Suggested Assessment Methods
See page 3
• Culminating Performance Assessment Task(s):
o Task 1: Create a family tree illustration of your extended family. Include a short
composition describing family relationships, personality types, and day-to-day life.
o Task 2: Participate in an ongoing web-based email discussion/chat group with peers in
Spain regarding topics such as family, home life, religion, and youth activities. Print out
and/or send the emails/discussion group for teacher review.
o Task 3: Oral Interview: Conduct an interview with a classmate about his family and
friends to present in front of the class. Require follow-up questions from the student
Spanish IV Page 10 Unit 3: El mundo del trabajo y la entrevista (The Working World and Interviews)
Time Frame: mid-November to mid-December
Length of Unit: 1 month
Enduring Understandings
• Many factors determine success in the
working world.
• Job interview skills can be practiced and
• Work environment is influenced by
cultural norms.
• People have a hand in creating their
• Job choice is very personal.
• Individuals possess professional strengths
and weaknesses.
• Preparation for a career involves hard-work
and challenges.
• Gastronomy is influenced by climate,
geography, and societal norms.
Essential Questions
• How does the use of correct grammar
improve communication?
• How do Spanish and English grammar and
mechanics differ?
• What creates a good work environment?
• How does one land a job?
• How do I convey my work experience to
• What are my professional goals and
• What role do people have in creating their
• How do I decide to accept a job offer?
• What are positive and negative traits of
working people?
• What is job etiquette?
• How do I give advice to others?
• How do I state my opinion?
• How do I communicate the truth or
• How do I express what I want to become?
• How do I communicate what I have done?
• How does the working world differ in
Spain, Latin America and the United
• What accounts for different eating patterns
and food choices in Spain?
Objectives (knowledge and skills)
Leveling Key: * = L2, ∆= L1
The student will:
1.1 ∆*Define and apply vocabulary for work and interviews.
1.2 ∆*Recall vocabulary for jobs and professions.
1.3 ∆*Communicate his/her previous and/or current work experience.
1.4 ∆*Express his/her future personal and professional aspirations.
1.5 ∆*Recognize key job interview strategies and skills.
1.6 ∆*Describe a positive and comfortable work environment.
1.7 ∆*Describe the qualities of a good worker and co-worker.
1.8 ∆*Identify positive and/or negative interview techniques.
1.9 ∆Perform a good and bad job interview.
∆ *Discuss the role of work benefits in job choice.
∆ *Locate and review Spanish classified ads.
∆ Create a professional resume and a classified ad for a certain position.
∆*Identify and utilize varied verbs of advice/suggestion.
∆*Communicate advice and recommendations to others.
Spanish IV Page 11 1.15
∆*Recognize varied impersonal expressions. (es bueno, es mejor, es posible)
∆*Utilize impersonal expressions to state one’s opinion and/or make a recommendation.
∆ * Distinguish impersonal expressions of truth/certainty that require the indicative (es obvio, es
evidente, es verdad)
∆* Recall the overall uses and triggers of the present subjunctive mood (i.e. “4 Keys” =
WEDDING verbs Want-Will/Emotion/Doubt/Denial/Impersonal Expressions/Non-Existent/Give
advice and indirect commands; 2 clauses; 2 subject; connection “que”)
∆*Give example verbs that require the use of the present subjunctive (i.e. verbs that fall under
each category of WEDDING)
∆*Recognize separate clauses within sentences, including main (independent) and subordinate
∆*Distinguish the use of the infinitive, present subjunctive and present indicative.
∆Apply the infinitive, present subjunctive and present indicative simultaneously.
∆*Conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the present subjunctive tense.
∆* Utilize the verbs hacerse and llegar a ser to express “to become” in a professional sense.
∆Differentiate between and apply varied verbs that express “to become.” (hacerse, ponerse,
volverse, convertirse en llegar a ser)
∆*Form and apply the regular and irregular future tense to explain future plans.
∆ Distinguish the use of future tense for probability in Spanish.
∆*Review and use the regular and irregular present perfect tense to communicate what they have
∆Incorporate use of object pronouns with the present perfect tense.
∆*Compare and contrast working conditions in Spain, Latin America and the United States.
∆*Express an opinion about working conditions in the Spanish-speaking world and the United
∆*Identify typical Spanish food and dishes, including tapas.
∆Classify Spanish dishes according to region.
∆Account for regional differences in cooking.
∆*Compare and contrast eating patterns and ingredients in the United States and Spain.
∆*Taste and critique Spanish tapas.
∆Create an authentic Spanish dish.
Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework)
CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode)
• Exchange information about current and past events, as well as aspirations in their personal lives and
the lives of their friends, families and others within their community.
• Exchange opinions on a variety of topics, including issues of contemporary or historical interest in
the target and their native cultures.
• Employ rephrasing and circumlocution, i.e., using other words and gestures to explain words or
concepts, to successfully communicate their messages.
CONTENT STANDARD 2: Communication (Interpretive Mode)
• Understand the main ideas and relevant details of extended discussions, lectures and formal
presentations on topics related to daily life and/or historical or contemporary themes in the target
• Identify and analyze products and practices of the target culture (e.g., social, economic, legal and
political), and explore the relationships between these products and practices and the perspectives
of the culture.
Spanish IV Page 12 •
Identify, discuss and analyze various patterns of behaviors or interactions that are typical of the
target culture.
CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode)
• Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their
personal knowledge and interdisciplinary connections.
CONTENT STANDARD 6: Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode)
• Use multiple media resources to analyze aspects of the target culture(s) and apply their
knowledge to new situations.
CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages
• Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast
them with comparable linguistic elements in English.
• Cite evidence to support conclusions, distinguish between fact and opinion, and connect new and
previous learning both in written and oral communication.
CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons Among Cultures
• Use new and evolving information and perspectives to demonstrate understanding of the
similarities and differences across cultures.
Instructional Support Materials
See page 3
• Crossword puzzles – vocabulary terms (discovery education puzzle maker, )
• Ven Conmigo 3 textbook Chapter 12 (Mis planes para el futuro) and Ven Conmigo 3
supplemental workbooks
• En Español 2 and 3 textbook (units on professions/interviews; reading on tapas), Patricia Carlin,
Audrey Heining-Boynton, Estella Gahala, Ricardo-Otheguy, Barbara Rupert, 2004 (McDougal
Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company)
• Exprésate 3 Chapter 8 cultural reading/Lectura cultural “El trabajo en Latinoamerica”
• En España text article “La cocina española”
• Spanish for Mastery: Situaciones textbook, Teresa Carrera-Healy, Jean-Paul Valette, Rebecca
Valette, 1988 (D.C. Heath and Company) – subjunctive grammar units
Suggested Instructional Strategies
See page 3
• Brainstorming session of good interview techniques
• Interview dialogues/readings
• Mock job interviews
• Review of authentic Spanish classified ads
• Resume and classified ad creation
• Student paired questioning of previous work experience and future goals
• Oral exercises in which student give suggestion to better a problem
• Cooking and tasting Spanish tapas (i.e. at home, in class, local restaurants)
Spanish IV Page 13 Suggested Assessment Methods
See page 3
• Culminating Performance Assessment Task(s):
o Task 1: Create a DVD/video of a particular job interview in groups of 3: 1 student
interviewee, 1 student interviewer/ 1 student friend giving advice prior to the interview.
Choose a job of interest to the group. Create classified ad in the target language to
include in the video.
o Task 2: Create a professional resume and write an essay about your future professional
goals. Explain important elements and experiences to be successful in that field.
o Task 3: Locate and translate a Spanish tapas recipe. Prepare the dish for classmates and
describe it to them. Classmates should taste the dish and provide written/oral feedback.
Spanish IV Page 14 Unit 4: El periódico (The Newspaper)
Time Frame: mid-December to late-January
Length of Unit: 1 month
Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that:
• Mass media provides resources for
different audiences.
• Not all news is true or reputable.
• Newspaper sections showcase different
writing styles.
• Individuals can access information from
across the globe.
• Written and spoken language have
different characteristics.
• Individual taste influences newspaper
• Holidays are celebrated differently around
the world.
Essential Questions
• How does the use of correct grammar
improve communication?
• How do Spanish and English grammar and
mechanics differ?
• How do I stay informed?
• Why is it important to stay informed?
• How can I interpret the news?
• What contributes to a “good” newspaper?
• What makes a newspaper article worth
• How do I distinguish fact from opinion?
• How are written and spoken language
• How do newspapers around the world
• How has news delivery evolved over time?
• How does censorship affect the news and
• How do I express doubt and disbelief?
• How do I communicate uncertain
• How do I express cause and effect?
• What influences the gender of nouns?
• How are Christmas and New Year
celebrations similar and different in Spain
and the United States?
• How does the increasing number of
Hispanics in the U.S. influence our culture?
Objectives (knowledge and skills)
Leveling Key: * = L2, ∆= L1
The student will:
1.1 ∆*Identify and apply vocabulary terms for the newspaper, including newspaper sections.
1.2 ∆*Discuss personal and family interest/experience with newspaper reading.
1.3 ∆*List and recognize typical newspaper components.
1.4 ∆*Read local and worldwide Spanish newspapers for information.
1.5 ∆ Interpret and review authentic Spanish news articles.
1.6 ∆ Create an original Spanish newspaper with varied sections and articles.
1.7 ∆*Debate the reliability of certain news sources and articles.
1.8 ∆ Take a position on the role of censorship in news.
1.9 ∆*Compare and contrast current and past news delivery.
∆*Identify and apply verbs of doubt and disbelief.
∆*Recall verbs and expressions of truth/certainty.
∆*Distinguish verbs of doubt from verbs of truth/certainty.
∆*Recall the overall uses and triggers of the present subjunctive mood (i.e. “4 Keys” =
Spanish IV Page 15 1.14
WEDDING verbs Want-Will/Emotion/Doubt/Denial/Impersonal Expressions/Non-Existent/Give
advice and indirect commands; 2 clauses; 2 subject; connection “que”)
∆*Give example verbs that require the use of the present subjunctive (i.e. verbs that fall under
each category of WEDDING)
∆*Recognize separate clauses within sentences, including main (independent) and subordinate
∆*Distinguish the use of the infinitive, present subjunctive and present indicative.
∆Apply the infinitive, present subjunctive and present indicative simultaneously.
∆*Conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the present subjunctive tense.
∆*Identify rules regarding gender of nouns.
∆*Recognize nouns that demonstrate irregular gender, according to word ending “group.” (i.e.
words ending in –z, ión, tad/dad as feminine; words ending in –ma/-ta/-or as masculine)
∆Memorize definitions of specific words with different definitions due to gender of the
article (i.e. el cura – the priest/ la cura – the cure)preceding.
∆*Identify and apply adverbial clauses that always require the subjunctive (para que, a menos
(de) que, antes de que, etc)
∆*Recall and apply regular and irregular future tense forms.
∆*Generate conditional statements that combine the future tense and the subjunctive with
adverbial clauses. (i.e. Compraré el periódico con tal que no cueste mucho/I will buy the
newspaper provided that it doesn’t cost a lot.).
∆*Express cause and effect with adverbial clauses (Enrique va a comprar el periódico para que su
familia esté bien informada/ Enrique is going to buy the computer so that his family is well
∆*Identify elements of Christmas, Three King’s and New Year’s celebrations in Spain.
∆*Differentiate holiday customs in Spain and the United States.
Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework)
CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode)
• Exchange information about international current events based on newspaper or magazine
articles, television and radio programs, videos, films and Internet resources, and compare and
contrast how information is reported in both the target and their native cultures.
• Exchange opinions on a variety of topics, including issues of contemporary or historical interest
in the target and their native cultures.
• Employ rephrasing and circumlocution, i.e., using other words and gestures to explain words or
concepts, to successfully communicate their messages.
CONTENT STANDARD 2: Communication (Interpretive Mode)
• Comprehend the main ideas and significant details of full-length feature articles in newspapers,
magazines and websites on topics of current or historical importance in the target culture.
CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode)
• Prepare oral presentations and/or written summaries on topics of current or historical interest in
the target language.
• Identify, experience or read about, and discuss expressive forms of the culture, including but not
limited to literature, periodicals, films, television, websites and the fine arts, in order to explore
their effects on the larger community.
Spanish IV Page 16 CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode)
• Acquire more complex and abstract information from a variety of authentic sources in the world
language classroom and integrate it with other school subjects.
• Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their
personal knowledge and interdisciplinary connections.
CONTENT STANDARD 6: Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode)
• Use multiple media resources to analyze aspects of the target culture(s) and apply their
knowledge to new situations.
CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages
• Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast
them with comparable linguistic elements in English.
• Cite evidence to support conclusions, distinguish between fact and opinion, and connect new and
previous learning both in written and oral communication.
CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons Among Cultures
• Compare and contrast the treatment of current issues across cultures by drawing on authentic
• Use various media from the target language and culture for personal enjoyment.
• Read literature, listen to music and view films and websites in the target language for
Instructional Support Materials
See page 3
• Identidad Latina – free Hartford-area Hispanic newspaper
• Web-based versions of mainland Spain newspapers ( , )
• Crossword puzzles – vocabulary terms (discovery education puzzle maker, )
• Index cards/flashcards (“el”/ “la”) to drill gender of nouns
• En España text article “La Navidad” practice
• Cantos Calientes/Cantos, Ritmos, Rimas textbook – songs practicing the subjunctive with
adverbial clauses (i.e. “Un matrimonio dudoso”)
• Spanish for Mastery: Situaciones textbook, Teresa Carrera-Healy, Jean-Paul Valette, Rebecca
Valette, 1988 (D.C. Heath and Company) – subjunctive grammar units
Suggested Instructional Strategies
See page 3
• Pair/group review of authentic Spanish newspapers and articles
• Computer lab activities/ “scavenger hunts” of online Spanish newspapers
• Gender of nouns index card/kinesthetic exercise (i.e. teacher LCD projects a word and students
raise an index card to indicate their classification of the word as masculine or feminine)
Spanish IV Page 17 Suggested Assessment Methods
See page 3
• Culminating Performance Assessment Task(s):
o Task 1: Create the front page of an original Spanish newspaper. Include one article per
section in the target language.
o Task 2: Write a composition taking a stance on the issue of censorship of school
newspapers. Title the composition: La censura: ¿Para bien o para mal?
Spanish IV Page 18 Unit 4: Mitos, leyendas y cuentos de hada (Myths, Legends and Fairy Tales)
Time Frame: February to early March
Length of Unit: 1 month
Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that:
• Legends and fairy tales span countries and
• Myths and legends convey life lessons and
• Culture influences methods of story-telling.
• Written and spoken language have
different characteristics.
• Myths, legends and fairy tales include
common elements.
• The imagination is a powerful and personal
Essential Questions
• How does the use of correct grammar
improve communication?
• How do Spanish and English grammar and
mechanics differ?
• How are stories passed on?
• Why do legends and fairy tales exist?
• What makes a “good” legend or fairy tale?
• What can fairy tales and stories from
around the world teach us?
• What makes a “hero?”
• Do we believe everything we hear and
• Why is imagination important?
• How do I express past events?
• How are stories sequenced?
• How do I connect events within a story?
• How do I convey emphasis in my writing?
• How can I elaborate upon events?
• How do I make my writing more fluid?
• How do I distinguish past tense within a
• How do past tenses differ in Spanish and
• How does the past relate to the present?
• How can I narrate in the past without
stating the subject?
• How do I connect words and create
relationships between them in Spanish?
• How is expressing “for” different in
Spanish and English?
• How do legends and fairy tales around the
globe compare?
• What makes an author famous?
Objectives (knowledge and skills)
Leveling Key: * = L2, ∆= L1
The student will:
1.1 ∆* Define and apply new vocabulary to talk about myths, legends, and fairy tales.
1.2 ∆* Recognize varied story formats.
1.3 ∆* Identify well-known legends and fairy tales from around the world.
1.4 ∆* Recognize the essential elements of legends and fairy tales.
1.5 ∆* Read and interpret famous legends and fairy tales in the target language. (i.e. Ricitos de Oro –
Goldilocks; Cenicientas - Cinderella)
1.6 ∆* Compare and contrast legends and fairy tales in Spanish and English.
1.7 ∆Extract and explain the moral or lesson from a myth or legend in the target language.
1.8 ∆* Distinguish oral and written story-telling.
Spanish IV Page 19 1.9 ∆Compose an original legend or fairy tale in the target language.
∆* Examine grammatical elements of authentic Spanish legends and fairy tales.
∆Comprehend and interpret oral myths and fairy tales in the target language.
∆* Review all regular and irregular forms of the preterite and imperfect tenses.
∆* Group time expressions that relate to the preterite and imperfect tense.
∆* Defend and explain one’s choice in using the preterite or imperfect tense.
∆* Select between the preterite and the imperfect tense to narrate stories.
∆Learn and use verbs with different definitions in the preterite and imperfect. (i.e. tener, poder,
querer, conocer, etc)
∆* Utilize the past progressive to convey past actions in progress.
∆* Compare and contrast the preposition “for” in English and Spanish.
∆* Outline rules for “por” and “para” (English definition “for”) in Spanish.
∆* Distinguish por from para in Spanish.
∆Identify and apply advanced prepositions in Spanish. (hacia, ante, contra, según, etc)
∆* Recognize the elements of fluid writing.
∆* List and utilize transitional phrases in Spanish. (por eso, sin embargo, etc)
∆* Include connections and transitions in one’s writing.
∆* Evaluate peer writing and provide helpful feedback.
∆* Rearrange and/or sequence story events in chronological order.
∆Read and translate famous selections from Miguel de Cervantes’ famous novel Don Quijote.
∆Compare and contrast main characters in Don Quijote.
Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework)
CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode)
• Share their personal reactions and feelings about authentic literary texts such as poems, plays,
short stories and novels.
• Employ rephrasing and circumlocution, i.e., using other words and gestures to explain words or
concepts, to successfully communicate their messages.
CONTENT STANDARD 2: Communication (Interpretive Mode)
• Comprehend the main ideas and relevant details of live and recorded presentations of culturally
significant songs, folk tales, plays, comedies and anecdotes.
• Recognize the characters and the significance of their roles when reading authentic literary texts
and comprehend the main plot and relevant subplot(s).
CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode)
• Perform scenes from plays and/or recite poems or excerpts from short stories in the target
• Prepare oral and/or written analyses in the target language of the plot, character, descriptions and
development, and themes found in authentic literary works, including poems, plays, short stories
and short works of fiction or nonfiction.
• Describe, explain, express opinions about and analyze stories, plays, poems or other literature, as
well as radio programs, music, films, art and websites.
• Identify, experience or read about, and discuss expressive forms of the culture, including but not
limited to literature, periodicals, films, television, websites and the fine arts, in order to explore
their effects on the larger community.
Spanish IV Page 20 CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages
• Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast
them with comparable linguistic elements in English.
• Read and comprehend longer, more complex texts in abridged and unabridged formats.
• Use a writing process in producing work that includes self-assessment and discussion with other
• Produce a range of written work that is coherent, accurate and representative of a variety of
literary styles.
• Read literature, listen to music and view films and websites in the target language for
Instructional Support Materials
See page 2
• Leyendas de Espana: Legends Reflecting the History of Spain, Genevieve Barlow and William
Stivers (Glencoe McGraw-Hill): El rescate, La mujer guerrera, etc.
• Don Quijote de la Mancha: An Intermediate Textbook, adapted by Marcel C. Andrade, 1996
(American Eagle Co., Inc.): Los molinos de viento, etc.
• Authentic Spanish fairy tale books (available from many teachers in the department)
• Online fairy tales:
• Spanish for Mastery: Situaciones textbook, Teresa Carrera-Healy, Jean-Paul Valette, Rebecca
Valette, 1988 (D.C. Heath and Company) – preterite vs. imperfect grammar units
• Story cards: index cards with different parts of a story cut-up and separated: student re-order
• Index card/flashcards: por and para
• Exprésate 2 videoclips: Gramavisión -preterite vs. imperfect
• Video: Don Quijote de la Mancha (available in WHS language lab)
• United Streaming Videoclips: Don Quijote de la Mancha (
Suggested Instructional Strategies
See page 3
• Whole-class, paired, and individual reading aloud of authentic Spanish fairy tales
• Mnemonic devices: preterite vs. imperfect rules (i.e. imperfect: TAPEWORM =
time/age/physical description/emotional description/weather/ongoing actions/repetitions/mental
• Gap-fill exercises: preterite vs. imperfect
• Exprésate textbook audio recordings of myths and fairy tales
• Paired or individual re-order of written and illustrated story events
• Por/para index card/kinesthetic exercise (i.e. teacher LCD projects a phrase and students raise an
index card to indicate their decision to use por or para)
• Draw/illustrate scenes from legends and fairy tales
Suggested Assessment Methods
See page 3
• Culminating Performance Assessment Task(s):
o Task 1: Research a myth or legend originating in a Spanish-speaking country and present
your findings to the class.
Spanish IV Page 21 o
Task 2: Create an original legend or fairy tale illustrated book in the target language. Use
new vocabulary, the preterite and imperfect tenses, varied prepositions, and transitional
Task 3: Invent a brief, new Don Quijote comic strip “aventure.”
Task 4: Perform an authentic fairy tale or legend in front of the class in the target
language. Use relevant props and dress.
Spanish IV Page 22 Unit 5: El mundo en que vivimos (The World in Which We Live)
Time Frame: early March-late April
Length of Unit: 1 ½ - 2 months
Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that:
• Inequalities exist in society.
• Institutions exist to support those in need
and to ensure safety.
• Individuals face and overcome personal
challenges and hardships.
• People have a hand in shaping their futures.
• A community of people is as strong as its
individual members.
• Community involvement promotes overall
• Sports foster mental and physical wellbeing.
• Popularity of sports varies by region and
• Bullfighting is a controversial sport and art
Essential Questions
• How does the use of correct grammar
improve communication?
• How do Spanish and English grammar and
mechanics differ?
• How do life experiences differ?
• Do all people receive equal treatment?
• Is life always fair?
• What determines one’s lot in life?
• How can one overcome personal obstacles?
• What are my life goals and dreams?
• What dangers exist in modern-day society?
• How do we ensure safety in our
• What constitutes a well-functioning town
or city?
• How can I serve my community and
• What resources are available to those in
need? Where do I turn for help?
• How are problems solved?
• What are the qualities of good citizen?
• How do I express possibility and/or
probability in Spanish?
• How do I communicate uncertainty in the
• What are hopes and wishes for future
• What are my doubts and concerns
regarding the modern-day world?
• How do the present and past subjunctive
tenses differ?
• How do I convey the “hypothetical?”
• What is it important to be physically
• How do sports compare in Spain and the
United States?
• Why is bullfighting controversial?
• What are my feelings about bullfighting?
• Why is bullfighting considered an art
Spanish IV Page 23 Objectives (knowledge and skills)
Leveling Key: * = L2, ∆= L1
The student will:
∆* Define and apply vocabulary for contemporary societal issues (i.e. crime, environment,
unemployment, discrimination).
∆* Identify various personal obstacles and inequalities.
∆* Describe current societal issues and dangers.
∆* Generate solutions to modern-day problems.
∆* Outline community institutions that support those in need.
∆* Describe personal responsibilities in one’s own community and good citizenship traits.
∆* Conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the conditional tense.
∆* Postulate using the conditional tense.
∆* Communicate cause and effect using “si” clauses (“if… statements).
∆* Recall verb formation of the present and future tense.
∆* Generate and apply realistic “if” statements using the simple present and the future tenses.
∆* Express hopes/ wishes, doubt/denial, and advice in the target language.
∆* Recall overall uses and triggers of the subjunctive mood (i.e. “4 Keys” = WEDDING verbs
Want-Will/Emotion/Doubt/Denial/Impersonal Expressions/Non-Existent/Give advice and indirect
commands; 2 clauses; 2 subject; connection “que”).
∆* List verbs that require the use of the subjunctive (i.e. verbs that fall under each category of
∆* Locate separate clauses within sentences, including main (independent) and subordinate
∆* Recall the use of the infinitive, present subjunctive and present indicative.
∆* Conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the past (imperfect) subjunctive tense.
∆ * Distinguish the use of the present and past subjunctive in the target language.
∆ Apply the present and past subjunctive simultaneously.
∆ Utilize the present and past infinitive, subjunctive and indicative simultaneously.
∆* Generate and apply hypothetical “if” statements using the past/imperfect subjunctive tense.
∆ Differentiate realistic and hypothetical “if” situations.
∆ Utilize realistic as well as hypothetical “if” statements.
∆* Identify and research sports that are particular to Spain. (i.e. la pelota in the Basque Country)
∆* Compare and contrast popular sports in Spain and the United States.
∆* Recognize the various elements and parts of a bullfight.
∆* Examine the influence of bullfighting in Spanish culture.
∆Take a position and debate the fairness of bullfighting.
∆* Examine the customs surrounding “Los Sanfermines” in Pamplona, Spain every July.
Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework)
CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode)
• Exchange information about current and past events, as well as aspirations in their personal lives
and the lives of their friends, families and others within their community.
• Exchange information about international current events based on newspaper or magazine
articles, television and radio programs, videos, films and Internet resources, and compare and
contrast how information is reported in both the target and their native cultures.
• Work in groups to develop solutions to problems that are of contemporary or historical interest in
both the target and their native cultures.
CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode)
• Prepare oral presentations and/or written summaries on topics of current or historical interest in
the target language.
Spanish IV Page 24 CONTENT STANDARD 4: Cultures
• Identify and analyze products and practices of the target culture (e.g., social, economic, legal and
political), and explore the relationships between these products and practices and the perspectives
of the culture.
CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode)
• Use information acquired from other school subjects to complete activities in the world language
• Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their
personal knowledge and interdisciplinary connections
CONTENT STANDARD 6: Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode)
• Use multiple media resources to analyze aspects of the target culture(s) and apply their
knowledge to new situations.
CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages
• Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast
them with comparable linguistic elements in English.
CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons Among Cultures
• Compare and contrast the treatment of current issues across cultures by drawing on authentic
• Use new information and perspectives to compare and contrast their experiences with those of
their peers in the target culture(s).
Instructional Support Materials
See page 3
• En Espanol 2 and 3 chapters regarding community problems solutions
• Ven Conmigo 3 Chapter “El mundo en que vivimos” and supplemental resources
• Authentic web-based versions of mainland Spain newspapers ( , )
• Crossword puzzles – vocabulary terms (discovery education puzzle maker, )
• En España text article “Los deportes”
• Index card: “si” clauses
• Poem “Instantes” by Jorge Luis Borges (hypothetical “si” clauses)
• Dhani Tackles the Globe website and videoclip about “la pelota” (jai-alai like sport in the Basque
• Bullfighting articles: La fiesta brava/La fiesta nacional/La corrida de toros (En Espana textbook
and various textbooks)
• Video: 60 Minutes “Los hermanos de sangre” (Blood Brothers) – video account of a famous
Ordóñez bullfighting family in Spain
• Spanish for Mastery: Situaciones textbook, Teresa Carrera-Healy, Jean-Paul Valette, Rebecca
Valette, 1988 (D.C. Heath and Company) – past subjunctive and “si” clasuse grammar units
Spanish IV Page 25 Suggested Instructional Strategies
See page 3
• Read authentic and/or online Spanish newspapers to explore current issues and concerns
• Brainstorm sessions – solutions to modern-day problems
• Whole-class “si clause” exercise – each student writes the first part of the clause (if…);
redistribute the cards for classmates to finish the statement creatively
• Realia: bullfighting elements – white handkerchief, tickets, San Fermines red handkerchief
Suggested Assessment Methods
See page 3
• Culminating Performance Assessment Task(s):
o Task 1: Research a modern-day societal, political or environmental problem in Spain.
Write a composition describing the issue and provide a solution to the problem. Use the
past subjunctive and “si” (if) clauses whenever possible.
o Task 2: Create a poster about a famous past or present sports figure in Spain. Include
varied illustration and outline his/her accomplishments. Present information orally in
front of the class.
o Task 3: Write a brief opinion essay about bullfighting in the target language. Take a
stance on bullfighting as a sport, an art form or neither. Defend your opinion.
Spanish IV Page 26 Unit 7: Las bellas artes (Fine Arts)
Time Frame: early May-mid June
Length of Unit: 1 ½ months
Enduring Understandings
• People express themselves in different
• Artistic and musical taste is highly
• Artists influence one another and their
• Art forms differ, including visual, musical
and performance arts.
• Artistic movements span country borders.
• Art can be interpreted in multiple ways.
• Art reflects life and vice-versa.
• Art forms provide creative outlets to all.
• Speech is tailored to audience.
• Spanish-speaking regions and countries
possess distinct music and dance forms.
Essential Questions
• How does the use of correct grammar
improve communication?
• How do Spanish and English grammar and
mechanics differ?
• How can I express myself?
• What are various fine art forms?
• How do I interpret art/music/dance/theater?
• What makes a “good”
• How do art/ music/dance/theater influence
life, and vice-versa?
• Why is art/music/dance/theater important?
• What role does art/music/dance/theater
play in my and other’s daily life?
• What makes art/music/dance/theater
• How do art/music/dance/theater compare in
across the world?
• Why is it important to be creative?
• How do I express my opinion about
• How are modern and traditional art
• How does the present and past relate?
• How can I describe art?
• How can I make comparisons?
• How can I communicate extreme qualities?
• How do I form the passive voice?
• How do I give orders and commands?
• How can I encourage others to do
• What is appropriate speech?
• How do I tailor language to my audience?
• How does music and dance vary between
Spanish regions?
Objectives (knowledge and skills)
Leveling Key: * = L2, ∆= L1
The student will:
∆* Define and apply vocabulary for the fine arts, include visual, music, theater, and dance.
∆* Explain his/her present and past experiences in the field of art/music/dance/theater.
∆* Describe likes and dislikes regarding art/music/dance/theater in the target language.
∆* List various artistic movements and/or forms for art/music/dance/theater.
∆* Identify famous past and present Spanish artists. (Goya, El Greco, Velázquez, Dalí, Miró, Picasso)
∆* Outline and recognize characteristics of various artistic movements representative of famous Spanish
artists. (cubism, surrealism, etc)
Spanish IV Page 27 ∆* Distinguish traditional and modern Spanish art.
∆ * Observe various works of Spanish art.
∆ Interpret famous works of Spanish art.
∆ Select, present, and explain the significance of a piece of art to others.
∆ Explore the worldwide significance of Pablo Picasso’s mural Guernica.
∆ Critique works of art in the target language, orally and in writing.
∆ *Explain the major characteristics of Spanish flamenco dance and music.
∆* Identify alternate regional music and dance forms of Spain. (la jota, la sardana, etc)
∆ Describe the historical context of university male musical troupes (i.e. la tuna).
∆* Compare and contrast Spanish and American music and dance.
∆ Identify famous Spanish playwrights/writers.
∆ Read and interpret excerpts of plays in the target language. (works from Alfonso Sastre, Federico
García Lorca, etc)
∆ Perform short scenes from well-known plays in the target language.
∆ Identify famous Spanish actors and their respective works (shows, movies).
∆* Discuss the influence of Hispanics on American television and movies.
∆* Learn and apply regular and irregular comparative instructions.
∆* Utilize relative and absolute superlative forms.
∆* Differentiate between formal and informal speech.
∆* Express formal and informal commands.
∆* Utilize nosotros commands in group settings.
∆ Distinguish “tú,”, “usted(es),” and “nosotros” commands.
∆* Differentiate active and passive sentences.
∆* Identify the agent of action in a statement.
∆* Apply the passive voice with “ser.”
∆ Review the uses of the impersonal and passive “se.”
∆ Differentiate and apply the passive voice with “se” versus the passive voice with “ser” and participle.
∆* Recall and incorporate use of descriptive adjectives to describe varied art forms.
Foreign Language Standards: CSDE 2005 (Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework)
CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode)
• Share their personal reactions and feelings about authentic literary texts such as poems, plays,
short stories and novels
CONTENT STANDARD 2: Communication (Interpretive Mode)
• Comprehend the main ideas and relevant details of live and recorded presentations of culturally
significant songs, folk tales, plays, comedies and anecdotes.
CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode)
• Perform scenes from plays and/or recite poems or excerpts from short stories in the target
• Describe, explain, express opinions about and analyze stories, plays, poems or other literature, as
well as radio programs, music, films, art and websites.
• Identify, experience or read about, and discuss expressive forms of the culture, including but not
limited to literature, periodicals, films, television, websites and the fine arts, in order to explore
their effects on the larger community.
CONTENT STANDARD 5: Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode)
Spanish IV Page 28 •
Use information acquired from other school subjects to complete activities in the world language
Use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their
personal knowledge and interdisciplinary connections.
CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages
• Analyze various elements of the target language (such as time or tense), and compare and contrast
them with comparable linguistic elements in English.
• Evaluate the style of a communicative interaction in the target language.
CONTENT STANDARD 8: Comparisons Among Cultures
• Use new and evolving information and perspectives to demonstrate understanding of the
similarities and differences across cultures.
• Read literature, listen to music and view films and websites in the target language for
Instructional Support Materials
See page 3
• Also:
o Crossword puzzles to practice vocabulary for fine arts )
o Posters/prints of artwork by Goya, Velázquez, El Greco, Picasso, Dalí, Miró (library
books, art department)
o Videos/united streaming: Picasso etc.
o En ESpana
o Flamenco CD’s and videos (Destinos, home video, etc)
Suggested Instructional Strategies
See page 3
• Also:
o In-class “museum” – place various works of Spanish art in classroom (cover the name of
the artist). Students work in groups to the painting’s characteristics, their likes/dislikes,
and guess the artist’s identity.
o Class superlative oral activity
Suggested Assessment Methods
See page 3
Spanish IV Page 29 