architectural glazing project profile: color New Hotel Gives New York City a Splash of Color Think Colored Glass PROJECT FACTS PROJECT Hotel Gansevoort, Meatpacking District, New York City GLASS LAMINATOR Standard Bent Glass Corp., Butler, Pennsylvania GLAZING CONTRACTOR Enterprise Architectural, New York City INTERLAYER MANUFACTURER Solutia Inc., St. Louis, Missouri ARCHITECT Stephen B. Jacobs, New York City PROJECT COMPLETION April 2004 H O T E L G A N S E V O O R T, N E W YO R K C I T Y ' S N E W 1 87- R O O M , 1 4 - F L O O R L U X U R Y H O T E L , O P E N E D I N S P R I N G 2 0 0 4 O N T H E C O R N E R O F N I N T H AV E N U E A N D T H I RT E E N T H ST R E E T I N T H E GA N S EVO O RT M E AT PA C K I N G D I S T R I C T. T H I S A R E A , K N O W N P R I M A R I LY F O R I T S H I S T O R I C A N D C O M M E R C I A L H E R I TA G E , H A S B E C O M E A N AT T R A C T I O N F O R T R E N DY R E S TA U R A N T S A N D D E S I G N E R B O U T I Q U E S . COMPLEMENTING THE NEIGHBORHOOD'S DIVERSE M I X O F M E AT WA R E H O U S E S A N D R E T R O F I T S T O R E F R O N T S , H O T E L G A N S E V O O R T F E AT U R E S U N I Q U E DESIGN ELEMENTS. Light and space is the theme throughout the hotel, and glass plays a key role in achieving this. The hotel's entrance features 18-foot internally illuminated glass columns and a 14-foot-high revolving door. The guest rooms feature extraordinary glass-sheathed balconies, projecting bay windows, as well as dramatic sheets of backlit translucent laminated glass in muted colors made of Solutia® Inc.'s Vanceva®, Advanced Solutions for Glass™. Branded color interlayers, that replace conventional closets and bathroom doors, give every room a warm, colorful personality. “Every line of rooms has different colored laminated glass closets and bathroom doors with lights shining through them,” says John Sternchos, president of Enterprise Architectural, the project’s glazier. “When guests walk into their room, they are greeted by the soft glow created by these illuminated glass features.” Six Vanceva colored interlayers were used in the closet and bathroom doors throughout the hotel's 187 guest rooms. “The architect and interior designer had specific colors and shades they wanted to use. The Vanceva product enabled us to come up with matching colors,” added Sternchos. The striking color palette includes green, pink, blue, purple, brown and violet. The Vanceva product's interlayer can be produced in a broad spectrum of colors and moods that are unachievable using stock glass. “Vanceva interlayers can be combined to produce over 1,000 transparent, translucent or opaque color options to enable architects and designers to create the perfect tone and intensity,” says Robert Spozarski, North American market development manager at Solutia. Solutia's Vanceva interlayers also give architects and designers the proven performance benefits of laminated glass, which they have come to expect from Solutia's interlayer products. In addition, they now have more creative freedom with glass than ever before possible. and conference rooms. The Vanceva interlayers are made with heat- and light-stable pigments, instead of dyes, to produce colors that resist fading. When subjected to vigorous testing conditions, the Vanceva interlayer retains its colorfast properties and structural stability. The colors are layered between two pieces of glass, so they are maintenance free.. Since its opening, Hotel Gansevoort has proved to be one of New York City's high-class hotels and certainly one of the most colorful. “We are excited our product was used in this innovative New York project,” added Spozarski. “This is an ideal application for this revolutionary glass product.” Laminated glass with Vanceva's colored interlayers can also be used in curtain walls, atriums, skylights, partitions ® Vanceva is a Registered Trademark of Solutia Inc. C O N TA C T T H E S O LU T I A A R C H I T EC T U R A L G L A Z I N G S U P P O R T T E A M AT O N E O F T H E W O R L D W I D E L O C AT I O N S FO R A D D I T I O N A L P U B L I C AT I O N S . NORTH AMERICA EUROPE/AFRICA SOUTH AMERICA ASIA PACIFIC Corporate Headquarters tel: 1.877.674.1233 tel: 314.674.1000 fax: 1.877.674.1236 email: Solutia Europe N.V./S.A. tel: email: Solutia Brasil Ltda tel: 55.11.3365.1806 fax: 55.11.3365.1816 Solutia Singapore Pte Ltd tel: 65.6.357.6100 fax: 65.6.357.6201 Pub. No. 2459938