Swedish Actuarial Education

Swedish Actuarial Education
Erik Alm
Hannover Life Re Sweden
Annual Meeting
Helsinki, February 28 2011
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Swedish Actuarial Education
International Education Requirements
The Swedish Actuarial Education
Swedish Actuarial Education
International Actuarial Organisations
Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Europeén (GC)
• European
• 30 member associations
– Including Sweden and Finland
International Actuarial Association (IAA)
• International
• 63 member associations
– Including Sweden and Finland
Swedish Actuarial Education
Groupe Consultatif
Actuarial education requirements
Core Syllabus
• Ten subjects
• Many topics per subject
A discussion on changes is ongoing just now
• Should number of ECTS per subject be defined?
Swedish Actuarial Education
GC education requirements
Preliminary stage
Probability and Statistics
Stochastic Processes
Accounting and Financial reporting
Formal assessment
• May be examined before the actuarial education programme
Swedish Actuarial Education
Groupe Consultatif
Actuarial education requirements
1. Mathematics
Aim: To provide a grounding in mathematical techniques to support the
understanding of the other subjects and to provide an understanding of
mathematical modelling.
(a) Functions, equations and inequalities
(b) Differential and integral calculus
(c) Differential equations
(d) Sequences and series
(e) Linear algebra
(f) Introductory measure theory
(g) Difference equations
(h) Fourier analysis
(i) Numerical analysis
Swedish Actuarial Education
GC education requirements
Preliminary stage
Structures and Legislative Instruments of the European Union
Communication Skills
Language Skills
No formal assessment
May be integrated in the education of other subjects
Swedish Actuarial Education
GC education requirements
Actuarial Foundation Stage
Financial Mathematics
Survival Models
Risk mathematics
Finance and financial markets
Formal assessment
Swedish Actuarial Education
GC education requirements
Generalised Applications Stage
Life Insurance
General Insurance
Living benefits
Formal assessment
Swedish Actuarial Education
GC education requirements
Country specific and specialist stage
Country specific items
Specialist items
Swedish Actuarial Education
IAA education requirements
Financial Mathematics
Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Statistical Methods
Actuarial Mathematics
Investment and Asset Analysis
Actuarial Risk Management
Swedish Actuarial Education
IAA education requirements
• Would normally be integrated in other subjects rather than separate subject
Actuarial Mathematics
• Does not specify life or non-life, one is enough
– Follows US standard
• Will be added to GC Syllabus
Swedish Actuarial Education
Swedish Actuarial Education
Requirements for membership
University exam
• Bachelor
• Master
• Civil Engineer
60 ECTS Mathematics (basic)
60 ECTS Mathematical Statistics (basic)
30 ECTS Mathematics of Mathematical Statistics or close subjects (advanced)
Swedish Actuarial Education
Swedish Actuarial Education
Requirements for full membership (Diploma)
University exam
• Bachelor
• Master
• Civil Engineer
60 ECTS Mathematics (basic)
60 ECTS Mathematical Statistics (basic)
30 ECTS Mathematics of Mathematical Statistics or close subjects (advanced)
60 ECTS Actuarial/Insurance subjects
Swedish Actuarial Education
Swedish Actuarial Education
Requirements for full membership (Diploma) (cont)
University exam
Actuarial programme
• Able to understand Swedish insurance regulation
• Able to read Swedish and English actuarial literature
• Able to write actuarial reports in Swedish or English
A thesis
• At least 100 hours
• Could be bachelor or master thesis if relevant
• Will be presented orally to the education committee
Three years of actuarial experience
• One year Swedish experience
• One year after studies
Professionalism course
Swedish Actuarial Education
Swedish Actuarial Education
Decision on full membership
Examination Committee
Looks at each application
Evaluates studies against requirements
Often complicated
Foreign studies
Technology vs university
Old exams
Double counting
Gives recommendation to the board
The board decides (in line with recommendation)
Swedish Actuarial Education
Swedish Actuarial Education
Stockholm University Actuarial Programme
Blocks of 7.5 ECP each
Life insurance part I
Life insurance part II
Non-life reserving
Non-life pricing
General law
Insurance law
Insurance accounting
Financial mathematics
Swedish Actuarial Education
Swedish Actuarial Education
Stockholm University Actuarial Programme
Close cooperation with the university
Observer in the Education Committee
Many subjects taught by actuaries
Courses follow syllabus
Swedish Actuarial Education
Swedish Actuarial Education
Literature (examples)
Andersson, Gunnar, Livförsäkringsmatematik I
• In Swedish
Alm, Andersson, von Bahr, Martin-Löf, Livförsäkringsmatematik II
• Partly in English, partly Swedish
Ohlsson, Johansson, Non-Life Insurance Pricing with Generalized Linear Models
• In English
Swedish Actuarial Education
Swedish Actuarial Education
One day seminar
Mainly case study discussions
Some presentations
• The legal environment
• The Code of Conduct
• The disciplinary scheme
No exam, active participation in discussions is enough
Should maybe first obligatory CPD
• Participate every tenth year??
Swedish Actuarial Education
Swedish Actuarial Education
Continuous Professional Development
Not obligatory in our association
We have a policy
• Follows the policy of the GC
• Recommends CPD
Swedish Actuarial Education
Why not obligatory?
Very complicated to administer complete tracking
• Or just random checking
• Some associations have build up a very complicated system for tracking CPD
• All seminars are not relevant for all actuaries
• Much relevant CPD is hard to measure
• Signing a list of attendees does not mean that you have learnt anything (or even actually
• Is obligatory CPD used to finance the association by making seminars semi-obligatory?
• Has listening to this speech improved the actuarial competence of the listeners??
Code of conduct requirements
• You should only accept assignment that you are competent to handle
Swedish Actuarial Education
• Maybe professionalism
• Maybe every ten years
Swedish Actuarial Education
Requirements to become appointed actuary
Set by our regulator
Studies comparable to the present syllabus of Svenska Aktuarieföreningen, or
Studies comparable to the present syllabus of IAA
Some exemptions are made
We do not have enough actuaries who have studied the present syllabus
Often temporary
Often connected to a study plan
Sometimes depending on type of assignment
Sometime depending on the person
Easier for very experienced actuaries to get an exemption
Present appointed actuaries could stay at their assignments
• But would have to fulfil the rules if changing appointment
Swedish Actuarial Education
Certified Enterprise Risk Analyst
In principle an add-on to the actuarial education
Good back ground for CRO (Chief Risk Officer)
Organised through a cooperation between a number of actuarial associations
Has an official syllabus
Intention to have a qualification that is recognised globally
Sweden is a founding member
Swedish Actuarial Education
Our activities
We cooperate with the Royal Institute of Technology
Some existing courses (22.5 credits) in financial mathematics and risk
management fulfil part of the CERA syllabus.
A new course (7.5 credits) in more practical ERM (Enterprise Risk Management)
has been developed to fill the gaps.
The course will be set up so that it can be taken over one year on a part time
basis (50%), and will be open to both existing students at the Royal Institute of
Technology and external students who are already in employment
We have not yet ascertained if the proposed course covers the CERA syllabus
adequately, but the hope is that it should cover enough of the syllabus to be
CERA compliant.
Over and above this, the association needs to set up procedures around the
qualification to comply with the required “governance”
Swedish Actuarial Education
Thank you for your attention