37 The Canadian M ine ralo g i st Vol. 34, pp.3748 (1996) STANDARDS MICRO.PIXE ANALYSISOFSILICATE REFERENCE FORTRACENi, Gu, Zn, Ga,Ge, As, Rb, Sr, Y Zr, Nb, Mo AND Pb, WITH EMPHASISON Ni FORAPPLICATION OFTHENi.IN.GARNET GEOTHERMOMETER* JOHN L. CAMPBELL anp WILLIAM J. TEESDALE Guclph-Waterlno ProgramforGraduate Workin Plrysics, Universityof GuelplaGuelphOnarto NIG 2Wl BRUCEA. KIARSGAARD Geolagical Surveyof Canada601BoothStreet,Ottawa,OntarioKIA OE8 LOUIS J. CABRI CANMET, 555Booth Street,Ottawa.Ontario KlA OGI AssrlAsr Trace-elementanalysisis a powerfrrltool for studyingnumerousprocessesof researchinterestin theEarth Sciences;aswell, it hasimportantapplicationsof interestto the mineral explorationcommunity.Here,we presentthe resultsof a comprehensive studyof five internationallyrecognizedsilicatereferencestandards(BIIVO-I, G)R-5, GSR-5, MAG-I andGSD-50) utilizing micro-PDG analysis.Resultsof trace analysesfor Ni, Cu, 7a, Gu Cte,As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo and Pb are presented. Measureddata for the five standaxdsexhibit agreementwithin *107o, and commonly better, with recomrnendedlevels of concenmtion in the 5G400 ppm range. Detection limits (for a typical 3- to zl-minuteanalysisof an accumulatedcharge of 2.5miooCoulombs)areintherangeof 2-l0ppn,withprecisionsof l-l\Vo. AdetailedstudyoftheX-rayspectrainthe visinity of the Fe, Ni and Co lines illustratesthat the GUPD( softwareis able to correctly fit the complex spectraand thus provide accurateNi concentrations.Further tests on Ni in gamet are repored, in the context of curent application of the Ni-in-garnetgeothermometer in diamondexploration;it appearsimportantto resolvethe differencebetweenthe two published calibrationsof this importantgeothermometer. Keywords:micro-PD(Eanalysis,geostandards, traceelements,acccuracy,glasses,garnet,Ni-in-gamet geothermomeler. Sovnrens Lanalyse chimiquede matdriauxpour leur teneuren 6l6mentstracesconstitueun outil puissantdansl'6tudedesnombreux processusgdologiques,et sesapplicationsdansles programmesd'explorationmini&e sontimportatrtes.Nous pr6sentonsici les G)R-5, GSR-5, MAG-I et r6sultatsd'une6tudeint6gr6ede cinq dtalonsde silicate i circulation intemationale@IM-l, GSD-50) utilisant la m6thodemicro-PD(E.Nous prdsentonsles r6sultatsd'analysespour le Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Z,r,lr[b, Mo et Pb. I,es concentrationsnesur6esconcordenti LIVoprds,et dansplusieus cas,i moins que l0Vo pr0s,avecles concentrationsrecomrnand6es, dansI'intervalle 5H00 ppm. I,e seuil de ddtection,pour le cas d'une a:ralysetypique, d'une dur6ede 3 a 4 minute,set ayantune chaxgeaccumul& de 2.5 microCoulombs,est entre2 et 10ppm, avecune pr6cisiond'entre I et I07o.Une 6tudeddtaill6edesspectresde rayonsX dam la rdgion desraiesFe, Ni et Co montreque le logiciel GUPD( peut reproduirecorrectementla complexitddesspectres,et ainsi meneri une d6terminationpr6cisede la concentrationdu Ni. Nous prdsentonsles r6sultatsd'une6valuationde la teneuren Ni d'6chantillonsde grenat,dansle contextedu gdothermombtre fond6 sur cet 6l6men! et de sesapplicationsI I'explorationpour le diamanl Il semblemaintenantessentielder6soudreles diff6rences entrelqs deuxcalibragesde ce g€othermomdffeimportant d6ji dansla litt6rature. (Iraduit par la R6daction) Mots-cl6s:analysemicro-PD(E,6talons,6l6mentstraces,justesse,verres,grenat,gdothermom6trie. * GeologicalSwvey of Canadacontributionnunber 24795. 38 TIIE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST ItrxopucnoN Mcrobeam face-elementtechniquesarewell suited for analysis of minerals and glasses(or their microcrystalline equivalents).In this respect micro-PD(E, a non-desfiuctivetechnique,allows specimensto be studied using both electron and proton microprobe analysis for major, minor and trace elements. Apptcations of the datainclude studiesof solid-liquid andliquid-liquid partition coefficientsfor petrogenetic trace-elementmodeling of magmaticprocesses(for an up-to-datereview, see Foley & van der I-aan L994). Mcro-PD(E analysisof experimentalrun-productsto determinetrace-elementpartitiening includesthe work of Sweeneyet al. (7992), Adam e/ aI. (1993) and Vicenzi et al. (1994).Mcro-PD(E mineral-melt partitioning studies have also been undertakenin glassy volcanicrocks (e.9.,Stimac& Hickmott l994,Ewm & Green1994).Another main useof micro-PD(Eis to characterizetrace-elementsignaturesof mineralphases from specific types of magmaticor ore-fornringfluid systems. Relevant micro-PD(E studies on apatite, zircon,titanite,carbonatesandsulfidesarereviewedby Halden et al. (1995). TmFortantmicro-PD(E studies have also been undertakenon a variety of mantle phases(e.9.,olivine, gamet,spinel, clinopyroxeneand orthopyroxene)for characterizationof tace-element concentation (Moore et al. 1992,Gnffin et al, L989). Applications of this work include the garnet/olivine Ni-exchangetlennometer (Grfnn et al. 1989,Griffrn & Ryan 1995), utilized for sfudies of diamond explorationand associatedmantle petrology (e.g., the conditionsof diamondformation). BAcKGRoUND It wonuarroN The partitioning ofnickel betweenchromianpyrope Garne| andolivine in kimberlite- or lamproite-derived mantle xenoliths exhibits a well-defined dependence on temperatureofequilibration. The relative variation of nickel content arnong grains of garnet in such xenoliths is very much greater than that in olivine. Griffin er al. (1989) and Griffin & Ryan (1995) determinedthe Ni contentof garnet grains iz situ by the micro-PD(Etechnique(Campbellet al. I989,Ryan et al. 1990).This approachinvolves the recording in energy-dispersion modeof the X-ray spectrumemitted under bombardmentby a 3-MeV beam of protons. Misro-PD(E is well suitedto this applicationbecause its low dsfsgfiealimit for nickel. A 5-minute measurement using some10 nA of currentfocusedin a 20 x 20 pm spot leads to a detectionlimit of about 5 ppm. For comparison,the concentation range is 0-150 ppm in the grains of interest. The work of ffiffin et aI. (1989) and Griffin & Ryan (1995) has resulted in the development of an empirical geothermometer.By assuminga constantnickel contentof 2900 ppm in mantleolivine, the "nickel therrnometet'' provides an estimate of equilibration temperature solely on the basisofmeasurednickel concentrationin garnet$ains derivedfrom the kimberlite or lamproite host. Although the precise calibration of the thermometer is being challenged(cf, Canil 1994, Griffin & Ryan 1995), the nickel thermometeris a powerful addition to the array of tools availableto evaluatethe diamond potential of garnet-bearingigneous formations. Furthermore,additionalftace-elementdata(e.g., Y, Zro Sr, Ga) obtained by PDG analysis of gamet provide chemical signaturesinferred to be related to specific processesin the mantle (e.9., metasomatism) which can affect the likelihood of diamond preservation. There are only a small number of micro-PD(E facilities suitablefor the analysisof mineral specimens around the world, and only a subset of these have developedexperiencein the quantitative analysis of mineral grains.Thereis, asyet, only a modestquantify of documentationof the resultsof micro-PD(Eanalysis of intemationally recoenized geochemicalreference standards.Ryan er al. (1990) and Cz,amanskeet al. (1993) have analyzed weil-chaxacterizedsilicate glasses,including a number of fused geological standardreferencematerials. The determinationof ftace concentrationsof Ni in silicates,however,presentsa specialchallenge.As the PD(E specfrumof BHVO-I basalticglassin Figure I demonsfiates,the very weak NiKa X-ray line lies on the flank of the very intenseFeKB line. The intensity ratio of about 100:1reflects the typical concentations of severalpercentfor Fe andseveraltensofppm for Ni associatedwith chromianpyrope.Even a small error in the fitting of the Fe lines in the spectum or of the underlying continuum background could cause significant error in the iderred concentrationof Ni, which hasimFortanlimFlicationsfor Ni thermomeffy. The first purposeof this studyis to testthe accuracy of micro-PD(E analysisof five referencestandardsfor ten trace elements commonly used in petrogenetic modeling. Our secondpu4)oseis to test our microPD(E methodologyfor the specific caseof Ni across therangeof concentrationsgermaneto Ni thermometry of gamet. MsrHoDs Sampledescription and.preparation Five geochemical reference materials were employed. These comprised the USGS materials MAG-I (marinemud), GXR-5 (shale)and BHVO-I (basalt), the Chinesematerial GSR-5 (soil), and the artificial glass GSD-50. Two of the present authors participatedin themicro-PD(Eanalysisof BIIVG-I by Czamanskeet al. (1993), but a re-analysis was consideredjustified by various minor improvements effectedsincein our methodology.Samplesof the first 39 MICRO-PDG ANALY$S OF SILICATE REFERENCESTANDARDS J IIJ z z 1d E o tr ITJ oo re F z 3 o o 100 12 10 t4 t6 18 ENERGY(kev) Hc. 1. Micro-PD(E specfiumof a silicate glasscontainingapproximately120ppm nickel, fitted asdescribedin the t€xt. tbreematerialswere preparedby fusion on an iridium strip heaier; in each case, three 0.25-9 samples of powder were individually fused. The three resulting glasseswere then groundtogetherin an agatemortar, andfrom this material,0.25 g was removedand fused. The 0.25 g product of the secondfusion was reground and refused. Each fusion was done in air at a temperature4.00oCbelow the melting point of iridium, and lasted some 3-4 minutes. The pieces of glass chosenfor micro-PD(E analysiswere taken from the region firthest from the face that was in contactwith the iridium strip, in order to minimize possible contaminationby iridium or by tracemetalsin the strip. Details of tle tusion of the USGS BHVO-I basalt material have been published by Cz,amatskeet al. (1993). The artificial glassGSD-50 is one of a set of standardspreparedby the CorningGlassWorks for the U.S. GeologicalSurvey (Myen e/ al. L%6). Portions of eachglassweremountedin epoxyblocls, polished and carbon-coatedto provide a conductingpath for the beamof chargedparticles. The practice adopted by Gladney & Roelandts (1988, 1990)to generaterecommendedconcenfiations for geologicalreferencematerialsis an iterative one. The first stepis to calculate,for a given ftace element in a given material,the meanand standarddeviationof all availablepublishedconcentations derived from a selectedset of analytical techniques.Any values that depart from the mean by more than two standard deviationsarethenrejected,following which the mean and standarddeviation are recomputed.The values recommendedby Myers et al. for the GSD-50 glass were arrived at in a different m4nner. We have thereforesubjectedthe raw dataof Myers et al. to tJie procedureof Gladney& Roelandtsin order to provide recommendedconcenhations;in doing so, we have resfticted ourselvesto data listed by Myers et aI. w "quantitative" and have excluded"semi-quantitative" data.In the caseof GSR-S,Xie et al. (1989)provided only a recommendedconcentrationwith no attached uncertainfy;we havethereforeagainusedthe approach of Gladney& Roelandtsto provide valuesof concen- 40 TIIE CANADIAN MINERAI,OGIST tation and uncerainty consistentwith those of the other standardsusedhere. Micro-PIXE analysis Micro-PD(E analysiswas conductedat the Guelph Scanninghoton Microprobe, using a L2 nA beam of 3 MeV protons;the spotsizewas typically 15 pm2.An Oxford InstrumeulsSi(Li) detector of approximately 80 mm2 area located 25 mm from the specimen provided the most efficient possible geometry. The delector'senergyresolution,expressedin the conventional manner as the full-width at half height of the MnKcr line, was 145 eV. The I25 trtm.Mylarabsorber normally usedto suppresslow-energybremsstahlung background was supplemented by an aluminum absorber(nominal thickness250 pm) whosefunction was to reduce the iron contribution to the X-ray specftum and thereby permit better statistics to be amassedfor the trace element peaks than would otherwisebe the case. Spectrawererecordedat ten spotson eachspecimen except for BIIVO-I, in which case fiive spots were studied. The accumulated proton charge for each specfiumwas 2.5 microCoulombs,and the time taken was typically between3 and4 minutes. Full details of the use of the NIST standard referencematerial SRM 1155 (a molybdenum steel alloy) to calibrate the systemme given by Campbell et al. (1993) and by Czamanskeet al. (1993). T\e essenceof the approach is that the 2.38VoMo n the SRM determinesthe insftumentalcorstant for our systenL and the &.SVo hon gtves a very accurate determination of the thickness of the aluminum absorber. FIc. 2. The "top haf' digital filter used to suppress background,togetherwith its effect upon a simple spectrum. Dan red.uction Data were processedusing tle GIIPX software package developed at Guelph for PD(E analysis (Maxwell et al. L989,1995).The processinvolves two main steps.First, a model specEumis fitted to the measuredspectrumto ascertaintlte peak areas.Then these areas are converted to element concentrations using the measuredinsfrumentalconstant,the known characteristicsof the detector and the absorber,and maftix correctionsthat accountfor the role of fhe major elementsin slowing down the incident proton$ and at0enuatingthe emitted X-rays. In order to compule thesematix corrections,GUPD( requfues,in addition to its database,the major-elementconcentrationsin the specimens;theseweretakenfrom the literature(Myers et al. L976,Govindarajul989,Xie et aI 1989,Gladney & Roelandts1988,1990). X-ray It is in the freament of the energy-dispersed spectrumthat approacheswithin the PD(E community tend to differ. Most codesbuild the model spectrum using Gaussiatrpeaks superposedon a continuum background;in some cases,an analytical expression (e.9., a high-orderexponentialpolynomial) is used as backgroundmodel, whereasin others,a peak-removal algorithmis usedto generatethe background,which is subsequentlyemployedin numerical form as part of the model.The model spectrumis then matchedto the fitting, using measuredone by nonlinearleast-squares chi-squaredasthe goodness-of-fitcriterion. GUPX differs from the majority of codes in its treatmentof continuum background.Its approachis based on the properties of the simple digital filter, shown in Figure 2, along with its effect upon a very simplespectrum.This "top hat" filter methodis widely 4l MCRO.PDG ANALY$S OF SILICATE REFERENCESTANDARDS used in the freafinent of electron microprobe X-ray spcctra(McCarthy & Schamber1981);its effect is to suppre$slinear background entirely and to modify Gaussianpeak shapes.I1 wiil be an effective remover of backgroundover an entire specftumprovided that the continuumis locally closeto being linear over any region of width equivalentto the filter width; the latter is chosento equal one full-width at half-height at the specffumcenter. The intensepeaks due to major elementssuch as iron exhibit sipificant low-energy tailing. The peak modelin GUPD(includesquasi-exponential featuresto describethese,but in the large-areadetector that is necessaryfor tace-element analysis, tleir intensity is observedto changeover a single day of measurement. Such changesare reportedalso by other PD(E investigators(,arsson et al. L989,Ryan er al. 1990). One way !o deal in general with the rather poorly known tailing featuresoand in particular with their time-dependence,is to de-emphasizetheir influence upon the fit" We desqribein detail elsewhere(Maxwell et al.1994) a procedureto do this. It augmentsthe sonventionalstatisticalenor in channelcontentby an amountthat diminishesexponentiallyfrom the centroid on the low-energy side of intensepeaks, and propagatesthe augmentederror into the channelweights.An altemative is to define, following Berrjar:r'ins1 al. (1988)"an error in the thicknesso-fthe absorbingfilter, and to propagatethis into tle weights; becausethis enor is largest for low-energy peaks of the major elements,it de-emphasizes the influence of the entire iron peaks upon the goodness-of-fi1.Although we considerthe first approachpreferable,we observethat the two methodsgive concentrationsfor nickel and other fraceelementsthat differ by lessthan 1 ppm. M 7a+L C1r 335tlE Z^ 32*3 @ 47!4 Ge r A8 4t2 Rb Sr Y 7r Nb Overall resultsfor thirteen trace ekments Table I displays the entire set of results in terms of the mean concentrationsover ten spots and the correspondingstandarddeviations. The ratio (h) of the standarddeviationto the error of a singlemeasurement provides a measureof the homogeneityof the distribution of eachelementin eachmaterialanalyzed. Table I includes the mean-h values obtained by averagingover the traceelementsin eachspecimen.It seemsthat the fusions achievedgood homogeneity. There are two exceptions.In GSR-5, the value of h found for Zr is 5.L, indicating that the fusion had not successtullyredistributedthe Zr. ln GSR-5, G)R-5 andMAG-I, tracesof Ir areobserved,andits distribution is highly heterogeueous;the h is presumably derived from the filament. The results were not includedin the calculationofh. Our results have been corrected for the loss of volatiles (e.g.,bound water) during the fusion, and so they may be compared directly with the nominal values,which have been taken from the literature, as indicatedin Table 1. The agteemenlis generallygood with some specific exceptions.In the three materials fused on the iridium strip, the measuredconcenfration ofZt is high by 20 - I40Vo,suggestiveofZ contamination in the glass.This may b€ contastedto the cases of BIIVG-I and GSD--50.where the measuredand nominal resultsarein good agreementIn MAG-I, the measuredconcentrationof. Za is low by a factor of three,and the measuredconcentrationof Sr is high by 25Vo;we haveno explanationfor thesetwo anomalies in MAG-I. Ge. Mo and Pb were detectedonlv in MEATII'RED (M) AND NOMTNAL (N) CONCENTRATIONSOF fiilRTEEN TRACE EI-EfIEIVIS* TABLE I. M RFsuLTs NM 75tE 3y.t3/. 49*9 4Ot4 3615 5013 53t4 2A*2 nd Pb nd h 1.0 M 40*4 a*3 26X2 55t6 d nd tJ(1.1)6 3813 /5.6*3.4 U!2 1.410.4 206*t2 90111 26*l xn13 14.3*2.5 8t2 13,*4 206t5 25X2 155t6 t45t.2 nd nd nd trd r1t2 4!2 4ll3 212!4 39*2 11otE r?0x3 tt9x2 r6jt1,5 16i1.5 !3 2lEX4 r40t,l0 24+20 7.6!1.7 6.7!2.6 l3!2 Mo M a1 +7 0.9 MN 46X5 42x3 42t2 3tl 35t2 ad 0.411 94X2 !d 9.2*.r.2 3!t2 lLx2 149*6 9jl 403t? 64x3 l46tt5 39E*3 28t3 23.5t0.5 n.6xl'1 36l:1 126tL3 170t3 rD*21 4tx2 l1L1 l8*1 t9xz 41*3 33t2 nat 51t3 nd 0.8 l.o 53t8 30:t3 13{tt6 m.4!t.5 119t6 ltrt3 11313 2,*2 l2rX2 1361? 10Jt5 2tt2 54t7 46f'7 4L*6 n!5 4L*4 @*7 4614 46t3 42x2 46'*.t r*5 t lvtra&redvalm m @ d dddad &t lsdou &r l0 spot& Noniml vatr8 e reaomded mcetrcim d endrrt dqbim I clad""f &Rooladrg(f990Il rfFdst (1989), Gtsdfft&RffledrE (198t),.MIlgBetd, (lto;'r& trd&nn 0e46Zr od€(L 42 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST {En 400 FF Cu 300 120 90 200 60 o 100 30 ol 0 200 1@ 300 60 E g30 160 +, Ga 45 l.}l Rb 't20 80 ili* E15 o 40 I a U C o P o O 15 500 30 Sr 37s 40 60 45 120 80 an E = 160 60 a Y 45 + E g 120 't50 90 400 250 't2s 30 F---fu litl U 15 T a 0 0 125 250 375 500 250 Zr 200 150 # 60 45 + Nb 40 ,+, 2n 15 50 30 100 20 50 10 a _ qq l-cl FIH 0 0 0 s0 0 100 150 200 2w 10 20 30 50 40 (ppm) NominalConcentration Ftc. 3. Graphicalcomparisonofmeasured and recommendedconcentrationsof Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb in five geochemicalreferencematerials. GSD-50, wheregood agreementwithnominalconcentations was observed.The resultsfor Cu, Zn, Ga"Rb, Sr, Y, ?, Nb are summarizedgraphicallyin Figure 3, andthosefor Ni are discussedseparatelybelow. Resultsfor nicl<el Resultsfor Ni are summarizedin Table 2, againin terms of the mean concenftationsand the standard deviations from ten spots. The result for Ni is influencedby whetheror not the neighboringelement cobalt is included in the list of elementswhoseX-ray lines are to comprise tle model spectrum. This influencearisesbecausethe CoKBline is very closein TABII2. DEPENDB{G ON TITBMANNR. OFlITItr{G COBALP F{%) tNilFo AM Co BNi C}{ Co N6iel M N@irlt Co 3.15 n 5.6r 6.5 u.513.7 39.214.0 r7!t3 13110 76.415.1 37.3i4.8 76.2X4.1 35.914.8 lltll 6t6 ?5jt nx3 2rt2 29.9trz '56 ert f6 dsqtplion of fil lroced@ .t B, c. tRdio i! in ets of t4m M relaltve to % Fq OFMCELCTpn) 5.66 8.9 9,4 t4 4L2t4.L 183t56 4.9 11 47,7 !4,7 4r3t4.3 !18.7*6.3 0.0 q.6t4.6 40.4j4.1 118.7*5.6 45.7X4.6 3r8 16+15 1tt2 53it a4tr.6 3ltl9 t21!2 6x2 0,0 55*6 S! MCRO-PXE ANALYS$ OF SILICATE REFERENCESTANDARDS energyto the NiKct,line. The nominal concentrationof Co in the five glassesranges from 21 to 45 ppm. Becausethe CoKcl line is superimposedon the lower flank of the intenseFeKp line, the detectionlimit of Co is very high (180 - 3110ppm). Nonetheless, the fit (referredto as fit A) in some casesreports non-zero concentrationsof Co (10-40 ppm). If Co is then omitted from the elementlist and the fit repeated@), the observedconcentations of Ni decreaseby a few ppm, as shownin Table 2. Theseobservations,coupledwith the low levels of Co in the five referencestandards,tend to supportthe omissionof Co routinely in our fits to the PIXE specta of the fusedglasses.However,in the caseof chromian pyropegarnet thereis somedangerin adoptingthis as a generalassumption.Analysis of mantlegametfor Co hasbeenundertakenin only a few studies.Shimizu & Allbgre (1978) determinedCo concentrationby SIMS in garnet from 14 mantle xenoliths, and reported concenftaiionsin the range 33 - 92 ppm Co. In particular,they reported50 ppm Co in mantlexenolith PHN1611.Merlet & Boudinier (1990) also studied xenolith PHN1611, and indicated similar concenfrations of Co, in the rangeof 57-:75ppm (asdetermined by high-precision wavelength-dispersionelectron microprobe).Hemig et al. (1986)analyzed31 samples of gamet from a variety of "cold" and 'tot" gamet themolitexenolithsfor Co by SMS. Co concenfrationg were found to rangefrom 66 b Ln ppm. They noted that these levels are L0 to 50Vo higher than those reportedby Shimizu & Allbgre (1978). Hervig et al. (1986) suggestedthat the differencebetweenthe two studiesis related to their use of a nonoptimal intermineral matrix-correction scheme, It can thus be suggestedon the basisofprevious work that typical Co concentations in mantle gamet are in the order of 3G-100ppm. In micro-PD(E analysisof garnetsfor Co at these levels of concenfration,it is important to assessthe influenceof the CoKp X-ray line on the NiKclline. We thereforemodified our fitting code to freat the CoKct, and,l$ lines as representingtwo separale'oelements", i.e.. the lines were not constrained in' the model spectrumto maintain the intensity ratio quotedin the literature (Maxwell et al. 1989). Any concentation reportedvia CoKa canthenbe ignored,given the high limit of detection.But for CoKp, the limit of det€ction is 40 ppm, and so there is the possibility to observe lower concentrationsof Co than in the conventional approach.This approachis refened to as C; considering that the typical range of concentrationin mantle gamet is 30-100 ppm (close to or greater than the 40 ppm limit of detection), approachC is recommended for the analysisof mantlegarnet.In each ofthe C-typefits to the glassspectra,the concentration of Co is reportedat a level below the limit of detection, andthe Ni value is slightly lower than in fits A andB. The Ni datareportedin Table 1 arethoseof methodC. 43 The variation in Ni contentarnongthe three setsof results gives some crude measureof the systematic uncertaintycausedby the proximity of the cobalt and nickel lines. DscusstoN Compartson of micro-PIXE to other microbeamtechniques ln common viith other anatytical techniques[e.g., X-ray fluorescence (XRF), instrumental neutronactivation analysis (INAA), inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy(ICP-AES), inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)I and microbeam trace-elementanalytical lschniques [e.9., secondary-ionmass spectrometry (SMS), laser-ablationmassspectrometrywith inductively coupled plasma (LAM-ICP-MS), synchrofton X-ray fluorescence(SXRFll, micro-PD(E has its own inherent set of strenglhs and weaknessesin terms of methodologyand application.Recentdiscussionsof microbeamanalyticaltechniquesareprovidedby Reed (1990)andGreen(L994).Onemajor strengthof microPD(E (as comparedto SIMS and LAM-ICP-MS) is that it is a nondestructivetechnique. Furthermore, micro-PD(E is essentially a fundamental-parameter techniquethat requiresa singlenormalizationfactor or instrumentalconstant,which may be determinedfrom a simple few-element stlndard (e.9., NIST 1155, as describedabove). In contast SMS instrumentsare calibratedby utilizing working curvesdevelopedfrom relevantstandards,Oncestandardsandworking curves are obtained, however, SIMS has the advantageof being able to analyze for a wide range of elements (to ppm detectionlimits) with good spatial resolution (Green 1994). The LAM-ICP-M$ lsshnique is currently at an early stage of development(Green 1994).Insnumentcalibrationutilizes spikedreference standards.Recent work (e.9., Jackson et al. t992, Perkins et al. 1993, Fryer et aI. L995,Ludden et al. 1995, Jeffries et al. 1995) illusffate the potential for analysis of glassesand a variety of mineral phases for a numberof elementsat low levels of delection. Trace elemcnts(exceptNi) Both the precisionand the accuracyof micro-PD(E may be estimatedfrom the data of Table 1. Precision is expressedas the ratio (percentage)of standard deviation to meanmeasuredconcentrationfor the ten measurementson a given element in a given glass. Inspectionshowsthat it is typically LVofot concentations around400 ppm, 2-37o for concenfrationsin the vicinity of 100 ppm, and 5-L0Vofor concentrations around50 ppm. Becausethe specimenshave a homogeneousdistribution of traceelements,the precisionis determinedmainly by countingstatistics,andtherefore 44 if the measurement time is increasedby a given factor (at constant beam-cunent), then tlre precision will improve as the squareroot of that factor. We have est'matedthe accuracyof the determinationof concentration for each elementby the simple expedientof averagingthe percentagedifferencebetweenmeasured and nominal concenffationsover the five glasses,Two types of data are omitted in this calculation. Concentrationsbelow 10 ppm are omitted because their statisticalerror intoduces too much uncertainty. The few casesof obviouslarge discrepanciqsalso are omitted:theseareZn in MAG-I" andboth Sr andZ in the threeglassesfusedon the Ir suip. In the caseof Sr, the measuredconcenfationsare on averagesome2J%o high in thesethree caseso but they differ by less than LVofrom nominal concentrationsin the remainingtwo glasses.For the elementsCa,7n, Ga"Ge,Rb, Sr, Y, Nb and 7.r, the average determinedby this method is x,LIVo;onTyone measurementis availablefor eachof Ge,Mo andPb,but the 107oestimateholdsfor tle first andthird of these. Analysisfor nickel Figure4 present$a summaryof the resultsfor nickel concentations. For the standardsGSR-5. G)(R-5 and BHVO-I, the agreementbetweenmeasuredand nominal concentrationsis excellent. The results for MAG-I and GSD-50 are lower than the expected values,but for the latter, there is overlapbetweenthe uncertaintybars of the measuredand nominal concentration. It should be noied that the recommended 149 ; 120 o. c 100 wN6r( ,/ lu F80 o c o o60 ! fr ,/ I f t!2 o E _ 9xR-5 /GSD-50 # r /*-. GSR-5 t?/ MAG-1 / 4 0 20 zm 60 80 100 120 1& RecommendedConcenMon (ppm) Flc. 4. Graphicalcomparisonof measuredand recommended Ni concentrationsin geochemicalreference mat€dals. The regressionis y = -3.2 + 1.053X with corelation coefficient= 0.988. Ni @lr6hali@ MsgEed BCR.I t3 13 t 3 AGV.I 166 15 X2 Rf@€taL0ggo) GSP.1 l0 121 6 X2 Rr@€ral(1990) BIIVGI Ryatr et aL(190) 131 Canm.&e 4 af (1993) 123 &ar@d6 et af (f93) concenfrationsfor GSD-50 are basedupon measurements performedprior to 1976: these concentations are therefore somewhatless well-founded than those of the other referencematerials employed here. For completeness,other publishedPD(E results for Ni in geochemicalreferencestandardsaregiven in Table 3. The micro-PD(E analysis for Ni merits more extensivediscussion,partly becauseof the tecbnical diffrculty that is evident in fiaing the spectr4 and partly becauseof the imporknce of the Ni thermometer as a tool in diamondexploration.The Ni resultsmust first be consideredin the establishedcontext of the overall accuracyfor other traceelements;the accuracy figures given in the precedingparagaph suggestthat for nickel between 50 and 150 ppm, the accuracy would be in theraage2-l0%o,the uppervalueapplying to the lower concenEations.However, this argument fails to considerthe specialproblem of overlap with the iron lines that is encounteredin the Ni case.The potential for error might be expectedto increaseas the Ni/Fe concentrationratio (R) decreases. This ratio (in units of ppm NilFe) is thereforeincludedin Table2. At the highestvaluesof R" encounteredin GXR-5 and BIM-I, measuredand nominal Ni concentrations (obtainedby methodC) agreeat the l-2%olevel. Atthe lowest value of R (GSR-S), there is agreementat the 3Volevel.It is thereforedfficult to understandwhy in the two caseswith intermediateR-values(MAG-I and GSD-50), tle measuredvalues are, respectively, Vl and LTVolower than the nominal values.It is worth noting, however, that in GSD-50, the elementsRb, Y and Mo show very similar discrepanciesto that for Ni. Fedorowich et al. (L995) have recently published resultsof a LAM-ICP-MS/micro-PD(E study directly relevant to the present work. Data from this study providean interes:ng comparisonof the two analytical techniques.A sfrengthof micro-PD(Eis the ability to examinecertain transition elements,e.g., N| Cv, Zn, Ga Ge, As, Co (as well as Rb andNb) at low concentrations.In contast, analysisof thesespecificelements by I-AM-ICP-MS can be problematic for a number of reasons.From a technical standpoint, problems arise during analysis for transition elements by LAM-ICP-MS owing to: (a) high backgroundscaused MCRO-PDG ANALYSIS OF SITICATE REFERENCESTANDARDS by polyatomic compounds of the major plasma constituentsof the ICP [Ar, N, O, C, (tf)]; (b) interferencesby polyatomic ions from the major matrix minerals 1e.g., Ncar6o on 56Fe,uca1,6o on 6t{i1, (c) differential ablation-behaviorthanfor the lithophile major elementscommonly used as internal standards (e.9., Ca), i.e., the transitionelementsexhibit variable continuousfractionationduring ablationin comparison relative to the intemal standard(S.L. Jackson,pers. comm.,1995).Figure3 of.Fryeret al. (1995)illustrates the relative fractionation of the transition elements relative to lithophile elementscommonlyusedasinternal standards(e.9.,Ca or Si). On the basis of the above discussion,we are not confident about the accuracyof the Ni value recommended for the STAG garnet by Fedorowich et a/. (1995), as this gamet has only been analyzed by ICP-MS, and theseresultshavenot beenconoborated by anothertechnique (e.9., INAA). Furthermore,we note that the Guelph micro-PD(E value of 69 ppm publishedby Fedorowichet al. (L995)was determined utilizing "Method A" (as outlined previously). Application of the now preferred'Method C' for the STAG gamet gives 65 ppm Ni with the standard deviation for L5 different spots being t5 ppm. The Ni/Fe ratio in this caseis 7, which correspondsclosely to that of the GSR-5 glass @ = 6.5), where we observedthe agreementbetweenmeasuredand nominal Ni concentationsto be within 3Vo.T\e measured value,65 ppm, is approximately107ohigherthanthose reported for STAG garnet 59 t 1 ppm Ni (by LAM-ICP-MS), 56 t 2 ppm Ni (by solutionICP-MS) and 57 * 2 ppm Ni (micro-PD(E analysisconducted at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization,CSIRO, Sydney,Australia), as reported by Fedorowichet al. (L995); seeFigure 5. Details of werenot the error estimatesin the othermeasurements given. The differencebetweenthe Guelphand CSIRO PD(E resultsmay be due to the two different software data-reductionschemes@yan er al. L990, Maxwell et al. L989,1995)employedby therespectivefacilities. However, as shown in the presentstudy, the Guelph micro-PD(E facility producesreliable Ni determinations over the rangeof concentrations30--130ppm that is of interestfor mantle garnet.This tends to support our result of 65 ppm for the STAG garnet. As an independenttest of accuracy,we were able to analyze a garnet megacryst (GHR-I) lent to us by Anglo American ResearchLaboratories@ty), Johannesburg, South Africa; this had been characterizedpreviously by instrumental neutron-activation analysis. One sample consisting of acid-leachedgrains gave a Ni result of 12L ppm, whereas a second sample consistingof unleachedgrainsgave 117 ppm; the error estimate for these INAA results (1o) is t4%o. T\e micro-PD(E value of 119.5 t 4.5 ppm (mean over 15 spots) agrees closely with the INAA value of 120.5t 3.5 ppm, as shownin Figure 5. The merit of developing one or more well-characterized garnet standardsis obvious. E c -q 110 270 soluTtoN tcP-Ms tAM lcP PIXE cslRo 45 PXE GUELPH PIXE GUEII'H Ftc. 5. Comparisonof measuredconcentra.tions of Ni in STAG garnet and in GHR-I megacryst. 46 TTIE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST I rnplicationsfo r thermametry Ni concentations are usually convertedto formation temperatures using tle calibration established by Single-spotanalysisof a set of 100 mantle garnet Griffin et al. (1989) and refined by Griffin & Ryan grainsis the commonpracticefor the applicationof Ni (1995); this is shown in Figure 6a. For a single-spot thermomety in diamond-explorationprograms. The analysis (with 3-4 minute data-collection period) a * Peridotltexonoliths o Ollvineinctugions In garnot graing (Garnet Fldge, USAI I Perldotltematslts A Olivine-garnolpairs In Argyle diamonds 10 t*g r*"S o z B# 5 r.o Hc. 6. (a) Ni concentration ratio (distribution coefficien$ in coexistinggamet and olivine as a function of temperature (Griffin et aI. 1989, Griffin and Ryan 1995). Reproduced by permission of C.G. Ryan and Elsevier SciencePublishers.(b) Ni thermometer calibrations according to Griffin & Ryan (1995) and to Canil (1994).Estimatesof measurementerror shown are ;ot u single 4-minute micro-PD(Emeasurement using the Guelphmethodology. Temperatureerrors associated with typical analysesof Ni in mantle gametsat 15,40, 70, 100 and 130 ppm concentration are illustrated for the calibration of Griffin & Ryan (1995) with open symbols and for tlat of Cadl (1994) with fiIled symbols. Heavy dashed lines labeled 36 mWm2. 40 mWm2 and M mWm2 are the temperatures at which the graphite-diamond transition is inteaected by the steady-stale geotherm indicated. Garnet with "Ni temperatures"to the left of the known (or assumed) geotherm are interpretsd to be derived from the stability field of diamond. 2 o (t 1400 1200 0.6 0.7 6oooc 800 1000 0.9 0.8 ( K 1000/T ) b lnamw/m" laomw/mr I fr r r I lgo.wlm, I I I I I z Grifftt&eya0\ 1m0 05 4.7 T(oC) 8m 0.8 0.9 1000/T(K) 1.1 MCRO.PDG ANALYSIS OF SILICATE REFERENCESTANDARDS utilizing the Guelphmethodology,associatedstatistical and fitting uncartainty in the determination of Ni concentrationis in the 5-8 ppm range.The use of the top-hat filter causesthis uncertaintyto be somewhat larger than would be the case if a fitted continuum backgroundwere used.However, the standarddeviation in concenfrationsmeasuredfor 10 or 15 spotsis 4-6 ppm. If Ni is distributedhomogeneously,which we believe to be fhe case,then the standarddeviation shouldbe equal to the fitting uncertainty.We deduce that the fltting uncertainty may be slightly overestimated, and we therefore adopt the standard deviation of tie multispot measurement as tle statisticaluncertaintyof a singlemeasurement. Thus single-spotanalysesof garnetsampleswith Ni concentations in the range 15-130 ppm have associatedstatisticaluncertaintiesof approximately5 ppm. Analysis of 100 grains of garnet to produce temperature-frequency stackhistograms,as utilized in diamond-explorationprograms(e.9., Griffin & Ryan 1993) will, of course,tend !o smooth any statistical errors in Ni determination. However, as noted by Kjarsgaard(1992),applicationofNi concentrationdata requires a well-constrained calibration of the Ni thermometer.Figure 6b illustratesthe consequences of a 5-ppm variation in Ni determinationassociatedwith a single spot analysis at the 15, 40, 70, 100 and 130ppm Ni concenffationlevel; the result is illustated for both the publishedcalibrationsof the Ni thermometer,i.e.othoseof Griffin & Ryan (1995)andof Canil (1994). ln the concentation mnge of approximately 40-70 ppm, temperatures derived from the two calibrations differ by less than the uncertainfy of a single-spot measurement.However, at lower and higher Ni content,the divergenceof the two calibrations causestemlleraturedifferencesthat exceedthe error of measurement. Furtherrefinementof measurement uncertaintyotherefore, appearslssg imFortant than a resolution of the difference betweenthe two publishedcalibrations. AcKNowLmcm/ENTS 47 Rmsnwcrs Aneu, J., Gnmq, T.H. & Sm,S.H. 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GeostanlardsNewslexer12, 253-362. supplying some of the now scarce GSD-50 and to (1990): 1988compilationof elemental &J.H. Gilles Laflamme for preparingpolished sections. concentrationdata for USGS geochemicalexploration We thank T.W. Sissonsfor preparing the BIfVO-1, reference naterials GXR-I to G)R--6. Geostandards and G.K. Czamanskefor repolishingand recoatingit. Newsletter14.21-1L8. Our thanks are due to G. Read at Anglo American ResearchLaboratories(Pty) LtA Johannesburg, South Govnqoenaru,K. (1989): 1989compilationofworking values Africa, for permission to reproduce their Guelph geostandards. and sample description for n2 micro-PD(Edatafor the GIIR-I gamet,andto R. Hart GeostandardsNewsletter13 Gpecial issuz),l'1I3. at the SchonlandCente, Johannesburg, for permission to reproducehis INAA datafor this sampleof garnet. Gnmt, T.H. 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(1981): Least-squares fit with digital fllter. Nat. Bur. Standard*,Spec.PubL M. Received March I, 1995, revised mnnuscript September 28, 1995. accepted