1• award: 10 out of 10.00 ·· · · · · · ·poTnts... Use tile May 31 fiscal year-end information from tile following ledger accounts (assume that all accounts have normal balances). General Ledger M. Muncel, Capital PR Date May 31 G2 Debit Acct. No. 301 Credit Balance 89,000 Salaries Expense PR Date May 31 G2 Debit Credit Acct. No. 622 Balance 44,500 M. Muncel, Withdrawals PR Date Debit May 31 G2 Acct. No. 302 Credit Balance 54,000 Insurance Expense PR Date May 31 G2 Debit Credit Acct. No. 637 Balance 5,720 Services Revenue Acct. No. 401 Credit Balance 156,818 Rent Expense Date May 31 Debit Credit Acct. No. 640 Balance 12,040 Acct. No. 603 Credit Balance 22,000 Income Summary PR Date Debit Credit PR G2 Date May 31 Debit Depreciation Expense PR Date May 31 G2 Debit PR G2 Acct. No. 901 Balance Prepare closing journal entries from the above ledger accounts. Event General Journal ./ 84,260./ Rent expense Income summary ./ 72.558./ Depreciation expense Salaries expense Insurance expense c 3 c 22,000./ 44,500./ 5,720./ 12,040./ ./ M. Munce!, Capital 72.558./ ./ ./ M. Muncel, Capital 4 156,818./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ Income summar; 2 156.818./ ./ Income summary C Credit Debit Services revenue M. Muncel, Withdrawals 54,000./ 54,000./ Post the above entries to their respective ledger accounts in the order entered under Part 1. M. Munce!, capital Date Debit Salaries Expense Credit Balance May 31 Date 89,000 3 72,558./ 54,000./ 4 161,558 107.558 - J Debit Debit 2 44,500 ./ Credit Balance Date 54.000 ./+- o~ 54.000./ - f- 44,500./ 0 - f- Insurance Expense May31 4 Balance j\,tay 31 M. Muncel, Withdrawals Date Credit - Debit Credit Balance j\,tay 31 2 5,720 ./ 5,720./ 0 f- -' Rent Expense Sefvices Revenue Date Debit Credit Balance May 31 156,818 - -f- 1 ./ Date 156,818./ -f- ~ I 0 Debit Debit Credit May 31 2 12,040 2 L 22,000./ 0 12,040./ Income summary Date Balance 0 Debit ./I 22,000 ./ Balance May31 Depreciation Expense Date Credit Credit Balance 156,818./ ~ 156,818 I- 2 ./ 84,260./ 72,558 3 ./ 72,558./ 0 - 2. S't\'3.rd: 10outof 10.00 The follov.;ng adjusted trial balance contains the accounts and balances of Cruz Company as of December 31, 2013, the end of its fiscal year. No. 101 126 128 167 168 301 302 404 612 622 637 640 652 Account Title Debit $ 18.000 10, 100 2,000 23,000 Cash Supplies Prepaid insurance Equipment Accumulated depreciation- Equipment T. Cruz, Capital T. Cruz, Withdrawals Services revenue Depreciation expense-Equipment Salaries expense Insurance expense Rent expense Supplies expense Credit $ 6,500 42,720 6,000 43,200 2,000 25,186 1,81 4 2,894 1,426 Totals $92,420 $92,420 1. Prepare the December 31 , 2013, closing enlries for Cruz Company. Assume the account number for Income Summary is 901. General Journal Date Dec.31 Debit ./ Services revenue Dec.31 43.200./ ./ Income summary 43,200./ Income summary 33,320./ Depreciation expens~quipment 2,000./1 Salaries expense Dec.31 25.186./ Insurance expense 1,814./ Rent expense 2,894./ Supplies expense 1,426./ Income summary T. Cruz, Capital Dec.31 T. Cruz, Capital T. Cruz, Wrthdrawals 2. Prepare the December 31, 2013, post~ losing ./ ./ 9,880./ ./ ./ 6,000./ 9,880./ 6,000./ trial balance for Cruz Company. CRUZ COMPANY Post-Closing Trial Balance Decenlber31,2013 II II Debit Cash ./ $ 18.000./ Supplies ./ 10, 100./ Prepaid insurance ./ 2.000./ Equipment ./ 23,000./ Accumulated depreciation-Equipment ./ T. Cruz. Capital ./ - $ Credit 6,500./ 46.600./ --~~~~~r--~~~~_, Totals Credit 1$ 53,100 $ 53,100 I 3. award: 10 out of 10.00 The adjusted trial balance for Salonika Marketing Co. follows. Complete the four right-most columns of the table by first entering information for the closing entries and then completing the post-closing trial balance. Salonika Marketing Company Partial Work Sheet Adjusted Trial Balance No. 101 106 154 EQuipment Accumulated depreciation-Equipment 193 Franchise 201 Accounts payable 209 Salaries payable 233 301 Unearned fees E. Salonika. Capital 302 E. Salonika, Withdrawals 401 Marketing fees earned 153 - Account Title Cash Accounts receivable - ~reciation 622 expense- Equipment Salaries expense 640 Rent expense 677 Miscellaneous expense ~come summary Dr. $ 10 ,100 25,000 Cr. - --- - 25,000yl 15,000 4,200 3,600 62,018 '$ I 15,400y/ 15,400 1 + 17,SOOyl 31,000yl 15.000./ 4,200y/ 3,600y/ 21, 182y/ 67,800y/ -- 15,400y/ 94,000 ,,~ 37,412 9,118 + 196,318 1$ 94.000yl 12,000yl 37.412.I - I- 14,288y/ 9,118.I 72,818y/ 94,000yl -- 21,182.ll I Totals 42,000yl 17,500 I 10, 100y/ I- "t .-- + $ Cr. Dr. Cr. I 14,288 - - Dr. Post-Closing Trial Balance $ 42.000 -- - Closing Entty Information 196,318 1$ 203,400 1$ I 203,400 1$ 108,100 •$ I 108, 100 I 4• award: 10 out of 10.00 ..... ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 'Ji<iints The following is the adjusted trial balance of Wilson Trucking Company. Account Title Cash Accounts receivable Office supplies Trucks Accumulated depreciat100-Tructcs Land Accounts payable Interest payable Long-term no<es payable K. Wilson, Capital K. Wilson, Wi#ldrawalS Trucking fees earned Oepreciabon expense-Trucks Salanes expense Office suppbes expense Repall'S expense-TruckS Debit 7,600 16,500 2,000 158,000 Credit s s 32,548 75,000 11,600 3.000 52,000 164.050 19,000 111,000 20,993 52.059 13,500 9,546 Totals $374,198 S37 4, 198 The K. Wilson, Cap11a1, account balance 1s $164,050 a1 December31 , 2012. 1. Prepare the income statement for the year endoo December 31, 2013. WILSON TRUCKING COMPANY Income Statement For Year Ended December 31, 2013 Revenues Trucking fees earned $ 111,000./ Expenses Salaries expense ./ $ 52,059./ Office supplies expense ./ 13,500./ Repa•rs expense-Trucks ./ 9.546./ Oeprecianon expense-TruckS ./ 20.993./ 0 0 TOlal expenses 96.098 s Net income 14.902 2. Prepare the statement of owner's equity for #le year ended December 31 . 2013. WILSON TRUCKING COMPANY s~ or owner's EQUllY For Y- Ended December 31, 2013 K. Wilson. Caprtal December 31. 2012 ./ $ Add: Net income ./ 164,050./ 14,902./ 178,952 Less: WithdrawalS K. Wilson. Capttal. December 31, 2013 ./ 19,000./ - - - ' - --"-./ $ 159,952 ------' 5. SV.'3.rd: 9.60 out of 10.00 Account Title Cash Accounts receivable Office supplies Trucks Accumulated depreciation- Trucks Land Accounts payable Interest payable Long-term notes payable K. Wilson, Capital K. Wilson, Withdrawals Trucking iees earned Depreciation expense-Trucks Salaries expense Office supplies expense Repairs expense-Trucks $ Oebrt 5,500 24,500 6,325 174,000 Credit s 35.844 41,000 9,500 16,000 35,000 139,925 19,000 123,000 23, 119 5 3,935 2,000 9,890 Totals $359,269 $359,269 Use the above adjusted trial balance to prepare Wilson Trucking Company's classified balance sheet as of December 31, 20 13. WILSON TRUCKING COMPANY Balance Sheet December 31, 2013 Assets - I-- ./ Current asset s Cash $ Accounts receivable 5,500./ 24,500./ Office supplies 6,325./ 0 - 0 Total current assets I 36,325 x Trucks ./ $ Accumulated depreciation-Trucks ./ 138,156 l and 41,000./ Total plant assets 119,156 ,s !Total assets 21s.4S1 I I Liabilities Current liabilities '$ Accounts payable Interest payable 9,500./ 16,000./ 0 -Total current liabilities 0 J 25,500 Long-term liabilities ./ ~71 l ong-term notes payable Total liabilities 60,500 Equity K. Wilson, capital 154,981./ 0 0 Total liabilities and equity ~ 'Rci:I ~xl <J~J -(.ll;.':J. il,d,ca:i:-.. 011!::.1Jvn!;e ··· ~ S. !$ I 215,481 t:iq.recl ei:I i 1 .. t.tlll ur o rv1n 1<Jl,,,· Uo:.t:d 1..ilw .:ti'>n i:. itK"1 rt:I..( no µ-Ob'!~ award: 10outof 6 • 10.00 · ............ points · ........................................................... . Use the information in the following adjuste<l trial balance for the Wilson Trucking Company. Account Title Cash Accounts receivable Office supplies Trucks Accumulated depreciation- Trucks Land Accounts payable Interest payable Long-term notes payable K. Wilson, Capital K. Wilson, Withdrawals Trucking fees earne<l Depreciation expense-Trucks Salaries expense Office supplies expense Repairs expense-Trucks $ Debit 9,000 16,500 2,0C>O 160,0C>O Credit $ 32,960 75,000 13,000 3,000 52.000 151,879 19,0C>O 128,000 21,259 60,032 7,04.0 11,008 Totals $380,839 $380,839 1. Calculate the current ratio. ------ Current ratio Choose Numerator: Current assets .I 27,500./ Choose Denominator: Current ratio ---~--.......~-----'I ...... Current liabilities $ .I = 16,000./ = Current ratio --<-- 1.72 2. Compare Wilson's current ratio v-1th the industry average. (Assume that the industry average for the current ratio is 1.5.) ® Wilson's current ratio is above the industry average. 0 Wilson's current ratio is below the industry average. award: 10 out of 7. 10.00 · ............. points ...................................................... · .. 1. Compute the current ratio in each of the separate cases. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.) $ Current Current Current Assets Liabilities Ratio 75,000 $ 39,267 191.I Case2 99,750 94,611 105.I Case3 42,300 60,676 070.I Case4 81,225 101,981 080.I Case5 57,675 124,778 04 6.I 2. Identify the company case with the strongest liquidity position. (These cases represent competing companies in the same industry.) ® case 1 0 Case 2 O case 3 0 Case 4 © case 5 8. S't\'3.rd: 10 out of 10.00 Use the following information from the Adjustments columns of a 10-column work sheet. No. 109 124 128 164 209 409 612 620 636 637 650 Account Title Interest receivable Office supplies Prepaid insurance Accumulated depreciation-Office equipment Salaries payable Interest revenue Depreciation expense-Office equipment Office salaries expense Insurance expense-Of!ice equipment Insurance expense-Store equipment Office supplies expense Adjustments Cr. Dr. (d)$ 751 (b) $1 ,906 (a) 1,156 (c) 3,300 (e) 831 (d) 751 (c) 3,300 (e) 831 (a) 555 (a) 601 (b) 1,906 Totals $7,944 $7,944 Prepare the necessary adjusting journal entJies (a) through (e). Event (a) Genenil Journal Insurance expense-Office equipment Insurance expense-store equipment Prepaid insurance (b) Office supplies expense Office supplies (C) Depreciation expen~ce equipment Accumulated depreciation-Office equipment (d) Interest receivable Interest revenue (e) Office salaries expense Salaries payable Debit ./ ./ ./ 555./ ./ ./ 1,906./ ./ ./ 3,300./ ./ ./ 751./ ./ ./ 831./ Credit 601./ 1,156./ 1,906./ 3,300.I 751./ 831./ 9. av.ard: 10 out of 10.00 The Adjusted Trial Balance for Planta Company follows. Complete the work sheet by extending the account balances into the appropriate financial statement columns and by entering the amount of net income for the reporting period. Planta Company Work Sheet Adjusted Trial Balance No. Dr. Account Title Cash 101 Cr. -!- Accounts receivable Trucks 106 153 154 1e3 -- ------ Accumulated depreciation- Trucks Land Accounts payable 201 209 Salaries payable Unearned fees F. Planta, Capital 302 F. Planta, Withdrawals 39,330 40,000 + -- 30,000 Depreciation expense-Trucks 622 Salaries expense - 4,797 10,632 ---- Rent expense -- Miscellaneous expense Totals Net income Totals 63,000 + 5,~ 0 29,484 70,512.I 10,632..I 9,576.I 6,174 6, 174.1 + 4,797..I 63.000.I 29,484.I 179,556 30,000v' 4, 197..I 9 ,576 $ 16,080..I -- 5,360.I --- 179,556 40,000..I 20,970..I - -I- 611 39,330..I -- 70,512 Plumbing fees earned 677 20,970 -1- -f- - 16,080 __,__ 9.ooo.,,iL --- -1------f Cr. Dr. -- -1--- 401 640 -- Cr. 4,197 301 233 Dr. 9,000 $ Balance Sheet & Statement of OWnef's Equity Income Statement T+63,000 50,594 116,556 128,962 12,406..I $ 63,000 1$ 12,406.I 63,000 1$ 128,962 1$ 12s,962 I 10. award: 10 out of 10.00 These partially completed Income Statement columns from a 10-<:olumn work sheet are for Brown's Bike Rental Company. The owner, H. Brown, did not make any withdrawals this period. Account Title Rent earned Salaries expense Insurance expense Office supplies expense Bike repair expense Depreciation expense-Bikes Debit Credit 140,000 62,160 8,820 20,580 4,340 26,740 1. Using the above information, determine the net income. Net income 17.360vl 2. Prepare Brown's Bike Rental Company's. closing entries. Event Rent earned Income summary 2 Income summar; Salaries expense Insurance expense Office supplies expense Bike repair expense Depreciation expense-Bikes 3 Debit General Journal Income summar; H. Brown, Capital vi vi 140.000vl vi vi vi vi vi vi 122,640vl vi vi 17,360vl Credit 140.000vl 62.160vl 8,820vl 20.580vl 4.340vl 26.740vl 17,360vl 11. award: 10outof 10.00 The following unadjusted trial balance contains the accounts and balances of Dylan Delivery Company as of December 31, 2013. There were no investments by the owner in the current year. a. Unrecorded depreciation on the trucks at the end of the year is S7,682. b. The total amount oi accrued interest expense at year-end is $8,000. c. The cost of unused office supplies still available at the year-end is $1,500. 1. Use the above information about the company's adjustments to complete a 10-column wor!< sheet. DYLAN DELIVERY COMPANY WOlll Sheet For Year Ended December 31, 2013 Unadjusted Trial Balance II Dr Account Title Cash Cr Dr Adjusted Trial Balance II Cr 14,000 $ -- Adjusbnents $ Dr Balance Sheet and Statement of OWner's Equity Income Statement Cr Cr Dr II Dr !$ 14,000_,I Cr 14,000vl f-- Accounts receivable 22,000 - Office supplies 2,500 - Trucks Accum. Depreciation-Trucks ' Land r--,.,. . fAccounts payable 250,000 $ - -1- - Dylan, Withdrawals 40,000 - + Delivery fees earned Office supplies expense ~erest expense 70,000 21,980 70,000 - -- -- 250.000_,I 7.682_,I ,$ 7,000_,I -~ 7.682_,I 1.000_,I - 7,000_,I ' \$ Income summary December 31, 2013 - ../ ../ t 15,682 1$ Repairs expense-Trucks Salaries expense ../ Office supplies expense Income summary s . Dylan, Capital ../ ../ s . Dylan, Capital S. Dylan, Withdrawals 256,06ov"' 256.060../ 57.682../ 8,000_,I 17.0 00 ../ 7,0 00_,I 107,5 45_,I 58,833../ 58.833../ 40,000_,I ""' ../ 2-2 Determine the capital amount to be reported on the December 31 , 2013 balance sheet. . Dylan Capital $ 249,838_,I Credit 197,227../ ""' ../ ../ ../ ../ Interest expense December 31, 2013 Debit Income summary Depreciation expense-Trucks December 31, 2013 T 231,005_,I - 22,000_,I 1,500_,I 250.000_,I J_ -- -·- -- - $ 77.682_,I 140,000vl 21,980_,I 8.000_,I 70,000v/ f- 40,000../ 40.000v/ - $ - 57,682_,I 107,545_,I 107,545_,I 231.005_,I - 1$ 57,682_,I -- 15,682 1$ General Journal Delivery fees earned - 256.060_,I 2-1 Prepare the year-end closing entries for Dylan Delivery Company as of December 31, 2013. December 31, 2013 - 8,000vl 40,000_,I + + + + Date - 21.980_,I -- -" 650,045 ITotals ~ 77,682_,I 140,000_,I - - 7.000 - 70,000vl - 107,545 16,000 - - 1-- -1- - - - f- ~- f~:;·!~come 1.500_,I -· 1--- 231,005 $ Repairs expense-Trucks 1,00IDv/ -- 50,000 1.000 22,000_,I ~ 256,060 ~Depree iation expense-Trucks ~Salaries expense - 1,000 - I- Dylan, Capital -$ - 140,000 -- Interest payable -· -· 17.000_,I 8.000vl 8,000yl 7.000yl 7.000yl 664.727 1$ 664,727 - - 191,221 I 58.833yl' - - - f- 17,000_,I 256,060_,I + 256,060 - - I467,500 4os.661 I 58,833_,I ~~ , $~_2_56_,~06_0__,.[_ $ ~_2_56~,06 ~o_,_!$~~-4-67~,50 ~o_,_~~-4-6~1,_50_o_,I