PHYSICAL REVIEW A, VOLUME 65, 032112 Larmor diamagnetism and Van Vleck paramagnetism in relativistic quantum theory: The Gordon decomposition approach Radosław Szmytkowski* Atomic Physics Division, Department of Atomic Physics and Luminescence, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Technical University of Gdańsk, Narutowicza 11/12, PL 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland 共Received 18 June 2001; published 20 February 2002兲 We consider a charged Dirac particle bound in a scalar potential perturbed by a classical magnetic field derivable from a vector potential A(r). Using a procedure based on the Gordon decomposition of a fieldinduced current, we identify diamagnetic and paramagnetic contributions to the second-order perturbationtheory correction to the particle’s energy. In contradiction to earlier findings, based on the sum-over-states 2 (0) approach, it is found that the resulting diamagnetic term is E(2) 兩  A2 ⌿ (0) 典 , where ⌿ (0) (r) is an d ⫽(q /2m) 具 ⌿ unperturbed eigenstate and  is the matrix associated with the rest-energy term in the Dirac Hamiltonian. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.65.032112 PACS number共s兲: 03.65.Pm, 75.20.⫺g, 31.30.Jv I. INTRODUCTION A nonrelativistic quantum-mechanical problem of a spinparticle of electric charge q bound in a potential V(r) perturbed by a classical static magnetic field derivable from a vector potential A(r) is frequently encountered in physics. It is well known 关1–3兴 that if the perturbing magnetic field is weak and the potential A(r) has no singularities, the firstorder perturbation-theory correction to an unperturbed energy level E (0) associated with an unperturbed wave function (0) (r) may be expressed in the form 1 2 E (1) ⫽ 具 (0) 兩 Ĥ (1) (0) 典 , 共1.1兲 and the second-order one in the form (2) E (2) ⫽E (2) d ⫹E p , 共1.2兲 with the contributions given by (0) E (2) 兩 Ĥ (2) (0) 典 d ⫽具 共1.3兲 (0) 兩 Ĥ (1) Ĝ (0) Ĥ (1) (0) 典 . E (2) p ⫽⫺ 具 共1.4兲 The contribution E (2) d is clearly positive and is called a diamagnetic 共or Larmor兲 component of E (2) . If E (0) is the is negaground-state energy of Ĥ (0) , the contribution E (2) p tive; it is called a paramagnetic component of E (2) and is usually associated with the name of Van Vleck 关1,3兴. It is to be mentioned that since the vector potential A(r) is gauge and E (2) is not dependent, the splitting of E (2) into E (2) d p (2) (1) unique. Still, E and E are gauge invariant. Feneuille 关4兴 and, more recently, Aucar et al. 关5兴 共cf. also Ref. 关6兴兲 attempted to explain the origin of diamagnetism within the framework of the Dirac relativistic quantum mechanics. Considerations based on the sum-over-states approach led these authors to the conclusion that diamagnetism had to be attributed to the ‘‘redressing’’ of a relativistic particle by a perturbing magnetic field. It was claimed that in the relativistic theory the diamagnetic contribution to the second-order energy expression was due to the negativeenergy Dirac sea and was given by the following formula: E (2) d ⫽ and Here Ĝ (0) is the generalized Green operator of the unperturbed energy eigenproblem, associated with the energy level E (0) , and the particle-field interaction operators Ĥ (1) and Ĥ (2) are Ĥ (1) ⫽ iqប qប •B共 r兲 关 “•A共 r兲 ⫹A共 r兲 •“ 兴 ⫺ 2m 2m 共1.5兲 关with B(r)⫽curl A(r) and denoting the vector composed of the Pauli matrices兴 and Ĥ (2) ⫽ q2 2 A 共 r兲 . 2m *Electronic address: 1050-2947/2002/65共3兲/032112共8兲/$20.00 共1.6兲 q2 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 A2 ⌿ (0) 典 , 2m 共1.7兲 formally identical with its nonrelativistic counterpart 共1.3兲 关7兴. Here ⌿ (0) (r) is a four-component eigenfunction of the zeroth-order 共i.e., with the magnetic field switched off兲 Dirac Hamiltonian. In the present paper, we reconsider the problem of determining diamagnetic and paramagnetic contributions to the second-order energy correction within the framework of the single-particle Dirac theory. Our approach is entirely different from that proposed in Refs. 关4,5兴. Instead of utilizing the sum-over-states scheme, we find a field-induced electric current in a linear-response approximation 关8 –12兴 and identify its diamagnetic and paramagnetic components. This is achieved using an ingenious 共but, regrettably, not appreciated enough兲 procedure devised by Gordon 关13–15兴 in the very early days of relativistic quantum mechanics. Subsequent use of the decomposed current in a formula linking the secondorder energy correction E (2) with a vector potential and the induced current allows us to identify diamagnetic and paramagnetic contributions to the former. Somewhat surprisingly, 65 032112-1 ©2002 The American Physical Society RADOSL” AW SZMYTKOWSKI PHYSICAL REVIEW A 65 032112 our procedure leads us to the conclusion that E (2) is not d given by Eq. 共1.7兲 but rather has the form q2 ⫽ E (2) 具 ⌿ (0) 兩  A2 ⌿ (0) 典 , d 2m 共1.8兲 where  is the matrix associated with the rest-energy term in the Dirac Hamiltonian 关notice that both expressions 共1.7兲 and 共1.8兲 have the same nonrelativistic limit兴. Searching through the literature of the subject, we found that our idea of applying the Gordon decomposition to determine diamagnetic and paramagnetic contributions to magnetic properties was anticipated by a similar idea of Pyper who exploited it in the context of the theories of nuclear shielding 关16 –19兴 and hyperfine interaction 关20兴. There are, however, two main differences between Pyper’s and our work. First, somewhat different physical problems are considered. Second, different procedures are used: while Pyper used the sum-over-states approach performing decompositions of virtual transition currents between unperturbed eigenstates of the zeroth-order Dirac Hamiltonian, we apply the linear-response approach decomposing the field-induced current. 关 Ĥ(0) ⫺E (0) 兴 ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 ⫽0 共for the sake of brevity, henceforth we shall assume that the eigenvalue E (0) is nondegenerate兲, we may seek corresponding eigensolutions to the problem 共2.1兲 in the form 共2.7兲 E⫽E (0) ⫹E (1) ⫹E (2) ⫹•••. 共2.8兲 关 Ĥ(0) ⫺E (0) 兴 ⌿ (1) 共 r兲 ⫽⫺ 关 Ĥ(1) ⫺E (1) 兴 ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 , 共2.9兲 关 Ĥ(0) ⫺E (0) 兴 ⌿ (2) 共 r兲 ⫽⫺ 关 Ĥ(1) ⫺E (1) 兴 ⌿ (1) 共 r兲 ⫹E (2) ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 , 共2.10兲 which are to be supplemented by pertinent boundary conditions. Imposing the constraints 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 ⌿ (0) 典 ⫽1, 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 ⌿ (1) 典 ⫽0, 共2.11兲 from Eqs. 共2.9兲 and 共2.10兲 we infer E (1) ⫽ 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 , 共2.12兲 E (2) ⫽ 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) ⌿ (1) 典 . 共2.13兲 Formally, a solution to Eq. 共2.9兲 is Consider a relativistic Dirac particle of electric charge q 共for an electron q⫽⫺e) bound in a field of force derivable from a potential V(r) 共not necessarily of an electromagnetic origin兲 and perturbed by a classical static magnetic field characterized by a real nonsingular vector potential A(r). The time-independent wave equation for the particle has the form 关 Ĥ⫺E兴 ⌿ 共 r兲 ⫽0 ⌿ 共 r兲 ⫽⌿ (0) 共 r兲 ⫹⌿ (1) 共 r兲 ⫹⌿ (2) 共 r兲 ⫹•••, From this, in the standard way we obtain equations II. RELATIVISTIC THEORY OF FIRST- AND SECONDORDER MAGNETIC CORRECTIONS TO ENERGY A. Generalities 共2.6兲 共2.1兲 ⌿ (1) 共 r兲 ⫽⫺Ĝ (0) Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 . 共2.14兲 where Ĝ (0) 关possessing the property Ĝ (0) ⌿ (0) (r)⫽0兴 is the generalized Green operator for the zeroth-order Dirac Hamiltonian Ĥ(0) , associated with the eigenvalue E (0) of the latter. The operator Ĝ (0) has an integral kernel G (0) (r,r⬘ ) which is a solution to the equation 关 Ĥ(0) ⫺E (0) 兴 G (0) 共 r,r⬘ 兲 ⫽I ␦ 共 r⫺r⬘ 兲 ⫺⌿ (0) 共 r兲 ⌿ (0)† 共 r⬘ 兲 共2.15兲 with the Hamiltonian Ĥ⫽c ␣• 关 ⫺iប“⫺qA共 r兲兴 ⫹  mc 2 ⫹V 共 r兲 . 共2.2兲 Here ␣ and  are standard Dirac matrices. The Hamiltonian Ĥ may be conveniently written as Ĥ⫽Ĥ ⫹Ĥ , 共2.3兲 Ĥ(0) ⫽⫺icប ␣•“⫹  mc 2 ⫹V 共 r兲 , 共2.4兲 Ĥ(1) ⫽⫺qc ␣•A共 r兲 . 共2.5兲 (0) (1) where Henceforth, we shall assume that the magnetic field is weak, which implies that the operator Ĥ(1) may be treated as a small perturbation of Ĥ(0) . Then, if ⌿ (0) (r) and E (0) are particular eigensolutions to the zeroth-order Dirac eigenproblem 共here I is the 4⫻4 unit matrix兲 supplemented by the same boundary conditions that have been imposed on ⌿ (0) (r). On substituting the solution 共2.14兲 into Eq. 共2.13兲, we find E (2) ⫽⫺ 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) Ĝ (0) Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 . 共2.16兲 In principle, at this stage the problem of finding the firstand the second-order corrections to E (0) may be considered as solved since Eq. 共2.12兲 and, depending on the particular computational technique used, either Eq. 共2.13兲 or Eq. 共2.16兲 are suitable for computational purposes. Still, on a purely aesthetic ground, one may be slightly dissatisfied with the above results. First, Eqs. 共1.1兲 and 共2.12兲 are only seemingly similar since the operators Ĥ (1) and Ĥ(1) have completely different structures 关cf. Eqs. 共1.5兲 and 共2.5兲兴. Second, while in the nonrelativistic theory the second-order correction is the sum of the diamagnetic and paramagnetic parts 关cf. Eqs. 共1.2兲–共1.4兲兴, in the relativistic case the second-order correction has the compact form 共2.16兲 which is, but only superfi- 032112-2 LARMOR DIAMAGNETISM AND VAN VLECK . . . PHYSICAL REVIEW A 65 032112 cially 关cf. again Eqs. 共1.5兲 and 共2.5兲兴, similar to the nonrelativistic paramagnetic term 共1.4兲. Thus, it is natural to ask the question: is it possible to transform the relativistic corrections 共2.12兲 and 共2.16兲 into expressions closely resembling their nonrelativistic counterparts? Below we shall show that the answer to this question is affirmative. Comparison of Eqs. 共1.1兲, 共1.5兲, 共2.23兲, and 共2.24兲 shows their remarkable similarity. Thus, in the case of the firstorder correction we have reached our goal. Encouraged by the success achieved in the first-order case, we shall attempt to apply a similar procedure in the second-order case. On substituting the perturbation expansion 共2.7兲 into the expression B. The Gordon decomposition approach J共 r兲 ⫽qc⌿ † 共 r兲 ␣⌿ 共 r兲 , At first we focus on the first-order correction. The starting point is to rewrite Eq. 共2.12兲 using the notion of the particle’s current. According to the Dirac’s theory, the current in the state ⌿ (0) (r) is J(0) 共 r兲 ⫽qc⌿ (0)† 共 r兲 ␣⌿ (0) 共 r兲 . E ⫽⫺ 冕 d rA共 r兲 •J 共 r兲 . 3 R3 (0) defining the particle’s current in the state ⌿(r), and collecting terms of the same order in the perturbation, we obtain 共2.17兲 共2.18兲 In the next step, following Gordon 关13–15兴, we rewrite Eq. 共2.17兲 in the form the unperturbed Dirac equation 共2.6兲 in the form iប E (0) ⫺V 共 r兲 ␣•“⌿ (0) 共 r兲 ⫹  ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 , mc mc 2 共2.20兲 and substitute Eq. 共2.20兲 into the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. 共2.19兲 and its Hermitian conjugate into the second term. After some elementary movements exploiting properties of the Dirac matrices ␣ and  , we arrive at J(0) 共 r兲 ⫽ qប Im关 ⌿ (0)† 共 r兲  “⌿ (0) 共 r兲兴 m ⫹ qប “⫻ 关 ⌿ (0)† 共 r兲  ⌺⌿ (0) 共 r兲兴 , 2m ⌺⫽ 冉 冊 0 0 共2.21兲 共2.27兲 冕 R3 d 3 rA共 r兲 •J(1) 共 r兲 . 共2.28兲 The decomposition of J(1) (r) analogous to that in Eq. 共2.21兲 is achieved by performing the Gordon decomposition of the current J(r) and making use of Eq. 共2.26兲. After steps completely analogous to those which have led us to Eq. 共2.21兲, we arrive at J共 r兲 ⫽ qប qប Im关 ⌿ † 共 r兲  “⌿ 共 r兲兴 ⫹ “⫻ 关 ⌿ † 共 r兲  ⌺⌿ 共 r兲兴 m 2m ⫺ q2 A共 r兲 ⌿ † 共 r兲  ⌿ 共 r兲 . m 共2.29兲 Then the desired form of J(1) (r) is obtained by substituting the expansion 共2.7兲 into Eq. 共2.29兲, subtracting Eq. 共2.21兲 from the result, and retaining only first-order terms. This yields (1) J(1) 共 r兲 ⫽J(1) d 共 r 兲 ⫹Jp 共 r 兲 共2.30兲 with . 共2.22兲 Now, substitution of the decomposed current 共2.21兲 into Eq. 共2.18兲 leads, after elementary integration by parts, to the expression E (1) ⫽ 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 , 共2.23兲 J(1) d 共 r 兲 ⫽⫺ J(1) p 共 r兲 ⫽ 共2.31兲 qប Im关 ⌿ (1)† 共 r兲  “⌿ (0) 共 r兲 ⫹⌿ (0)† 共 r兲  “⌿ (1) 共 r兲兴 m ⫹ iqប qប  关 “•A共 r兲 ⫹A共 r兲 •“ 兴 ⫺  ⌺•B共 r兲 . 2m 2m 共2.24兲 q2 A共 r兲 ⌿ (0)† 共 r兲  ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 m and where we have defined Ĥ(1) ⫽ J(1) 共 r兲 ⫽2qc Re关 ⌿ (0)† 共 r兲 ␣⌿ (1) 共 r兲兴 E (2) ⫽⫺ 21 where ⌺ is the 4⫻4 matrix defined as 共2.26兲 is the induced current linear in the perturbation. Then from Eqs. 共2.5兲, 共2.13兲, and 共2.27兲 and from the reality of E (2) 关implied by Eq. 共2.16兲兴, it follows that J(0) 共 r兲 ⫽ 21 qc⌿ (0)† 共 r兲 ␣⌿ (0) 共 r兲 ⫹ 21 qc⌿ (0)† 共 r兲 ␣⌿ (0) 共 r兲 , 共2.19兲 ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 ⫽ J共 r兲 ⫽J(0) 共 r兲 ⫹J(1) 共 r兲 ⫹•••, where It is then evident from Eqs. 共2.5兲, 共2.12兲, and 共2.17兲 that (1) 共2.25兲 qប “⫻Re关 ⌿ (0)† 共 r兲  ⌺⌿ (1) 共 r兲兴 . m 共2.32兲 The above expressions for the induced currents J(1) d (r) and J(1) (r) are strikingly similar to the following expressions: p 032112-3 RADOSL” AW SZMYTKOWSKI j(1) d 共 r 兲 ⫽⫺ j(1) p 共 r兲 ⫽ PHYSICAL REVIEW A 65 032112 q2 A共 r兲 (0)† 共 r兲 (0) 共 r兲 , m 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 ⌿ (1) 典 ⫽0, 共2.33兲 is a solution to the inhomogeneous equation qប Im关 (1)† 共 r兲 “ (0) 共 r兲 ⫹ (0)† 共 r兲 “ (1) 共 r兲兴 m qប “⫻Re关 (0)† 共 r兲 (1) 共 r兲兴 ⫹ m 关 Ĥ(0) ⫺E (0) 兴 ⌿ (1) 共 r兲 ⫽⫺ 关 Ĥ(1) ⫺E (1) 兴 ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 共2.45兲 共2.34兲 (1) for induced diamagnetic 关 j(1) d (r) 兴 and paramagnetic 关 jp (r) 兴 currents derivable within the framework of the nonrelativistic Pauli theory 关15兴. Therefore, it seems judicious to identify (1) J(1) d (r) and Jp (r) as induced relativistic diamagnetic and paramagnetic currents, respectively. Accordingly, from Eqs. 共2.28兲 and 共2.30兲 we have (2) E (2) ⫽E (2) d ⫹E p , 共2.35兲 where 1 E (2) d ⫽⫺ 2 冕 d 3 rA共 r兲 •J(1) d 共 r兲 共2.36兲 冕 d 3 rA共 r兲 •J(1) p 共 r兲 共2.37兲 R3 and 1 E (2) p ⫽⫺ 2 R3 共2.44兲 are the diamagnetic and paramagnetic contributions to E (2) , respectively. If we define subject to the same boundary conditions that have been imposed on ⌿ (1) (r). The expression 共2.39兲 differs from Eq. 共1.7兲 obtained in earlier works 关4,5兴 based on the sum-over-states procedure. However, we believe that the physical character of our argumentation, based on the natural notion of the induced current, testifies in favor of our identification of the expression 共2.39兲 as the relativistic analog of the nonrelativistic Larmor diamagnetic term 共1.3兲. With such an interpretation of E (2) d , it seems judicious to identify the paramagnetic correction 共2.41兲 as the relativistic analog of the nonrelativistic Van Vleck term 共1.4兲. This point of view is supported by the fact that since in the nonrelativ(2) and E (2) istic limit E (2) and E (2) d tend to E d , respectively, (2) (2) E p tends to E p . On the other hand, one might raise an objection pointing out the evident asymmetry between the right-hand sides of Eqs. 共2.41兲 and 共1.4兲. Continuing, one might argue that E (2) p should be still decomposed in the following way: (2) (2) E (2) p ⫽E p1 ⫹E p2 , 共2.46兲 (2) E p1 ⫽⫺ 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) Ĝ (0) Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 , 共2.47兲 where 2 Ĥ(2) ⫽ q  A2 共 r兲 , 2m Eqs. 共2.36兲 and 共2.38兲 imply that E (2) d 共2.38兲 may be rewritten as (0) 兩 Ĥ(2) ⌿ (0) 典 E (2) d ⫽具⌿ 共2.39兲 (2) E p2 ⫽⫺Re具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) Ĝ (0) 关 Ĥ(1) ⫺Ĥ(1) 兴 ⌿ (0) 典 , (2) rather than E (2) is a right counterpart of the and that E p1 p nonrelativistic Van Vleck term E (2) p . With such an interpre(2) , which may be also rewritten in the form tation of E p1 关cf. Eq. 共1.8兲兴. Similarly, after elementary integrations by parts, Eqs. 共2.37兲 and 共2.32兲 yield (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) ⌿ (1) 典 , E (2) p ⫽Re具 ⌿ 共2.40兲 with Ĥ(1) defined in Eq. 共2.24兲, or equivalently, after making use of Eq. 共2.14兲, (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) Ĝ (0) Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 . E (2) p ⫽⫺Re具 ⌿ 共2.41兲 For the sake of completeness, we observe that it is evident from Eq. 共2.41兲 and from the reality of E (2) p that the latter quantity may be rewritten in the form (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) ⌿ (1) 典 , E (2) p ⫽Re具 ⌿ 共2.42兲 ⌿ (1) 共 r兲 ⫽⫺Ĝ (0) Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 , 共2.43兲 共2.48兲 (2) E p1 ⫽ 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) ⌿ (1) 典 , 共2.49兲 (2) the term E p2 is a separate correction to E (2) of a purely relativistic origin, vanishing in the nonrelativistic limit. (2) It seems to us that the discussion whether E (2) p or E p1 is the relativistic counterpart of the Van Vleck term is of an academic character. Still, leaving aside interpretative questions, we observe that the decomposition 共2.46兲 may be useful in actual calculations. Therefore, below we shall show (2) may be written in a simpler form, which does not that E p2 involve the generalized Green operator Ĝ(0) . To this end, we observe that Eq. 共2.15兲 may be rewritten as G (0) 共 r,r⬘ 兲 ⫽ where iប E (0) ⫺V 共 r兲 ␣•“G (0) 共 r,r⬘ 兲 ⫹  G (0) 共 r,r⬘ 兲 mc mc 2 ⫹ 1 mc 2  ␦ 共 r⫺r⬘ 兲 ⫺ 1 mc 2  ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 ⌿ (0)† 共 r⬘ 兲 . 共2.50兲 obeying 032112-4 LARMOR DIAMAGNETISM AND VAN VLECK . . . PHYSICAL REVIEW A 65 032112 Interchanging the variables r↔r⬘ and making use of the property G (0)† 共 r⬘ ,r兲 ⫽G (0) 共 r,r⬘ 兲 , 共2.51兲 Equation 共2.56兲 may be still simplified. Indeed, since the matrix element 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 is evidently real while, because of the easily proved relation  Ĥ(1) ⫹ 共  Ĥ(1) 兲 † ⫽0, we transform Eq. 共2.50兲 into G (0) 共 r,r⬘ 兲 ⫽⫺ ⫹ ⫺ the matrix element 具 ⌿ (0) 兩  Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 is purely imaginary, Eq. 共2.56兲 becomes iប “ ⬘ G (0) 共 r,r⬘ 兲 • ␣ mc E (0) ⫺V 共 r⬘ 兲 mc 1 mc 2 2 G (0) 共 r,r⬘ 兲  ⫹ 1 mc 2  ␦ 共 r⫺r⬘ 兲 ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 ⌿ (0)† 共 r⬘ 兲  . 共2.52兲 After these preparatory steps, we rewrite Eq. 共2.14兲 as ⌿ (1) 共 r兲 ⫽ 21 qc 冕 R3 ⫹ 12 qc d 3 r⬘ G (0) 共 r,r⬘ 兲 ␣•A共 r⬘ 兲 ⌿ (0) 共 r⬘ 兲 冕 R3 d 3 r⬘ G (0) 共 r,r⬘ 兲 ␣•A共 r⬘ 兲 ⌿ (0) 共 r⬘ 兲 共2.53兲 and substitute Eqs. 共2.52兲 and 共2.20兲 into the first and second integrals, respectively, on the right-hand side of Eq. 共2.53兲. Further integration by parts of the term containing “ ⬘ G (0) (r,r⬘ ) yields ⌿ (1) 共 r兲 ⫽⫺Ĝ (0) Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 ⫺ ⫹ 1 2mc 2 1 2mc 2 (2) ⫽⫺ E p2 1 2mc 2 具 ⌿ (0) 兩  Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 . ⫹ 2mc 2 1 2mc 2 As an example illustrating the above general discussion, we shall consider a Dirac particle bound in a central field of potential V(r) perturbed by a static uniform magnetic field of induction B directed along the z axis of a coordinate system. In the symmetric gauge, which we adopt here, the vector potential of the magnetic field is A共 r兲 ⫽ 21 B⫻r. 共2.54兲 ⌿ (0) M 共 r兲 ⫽ Re具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1)  Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 ⫹ 2mc 2 1 2mc 2 冉 冊 1 P (0) 共 r 兲 ⍀ ⫺1M 共 nr 兲 . r iQ (0) 共 r 兲 ⍀ ⫹1M 共 nr 兲 共3.2兲 Here M ⫽⫾1/2 is the magnetic quantum number, ⍀ M (nr ), with nr ⫽r/r, are spherical spinors while the real radial functions P (0) (r) and Q (0) (r), normalized according to Re关 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典具 ⌿ (0) 兩  Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 兴 . The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. 共2.55兲 is seen to (2) given by Eq. 共2.47兲, hence, we infer be identical with E p1 (2) E p2 ⫽⫺ 共3.1兲 We shall be interested in those solutions to the zeroth-order 共i.e., magnetic-field-free兲 problem, associated with the ground-state energy E (0) , which are eigenfunctions of the projection of the total angular momentum on the field direction. Such solutions are of the form 冕 共2.55兲 1 共2.58兲 III. AN EXAMPLE: CHARGED PARTICLE IN A CENTRAL FIELD PERTURBED BY A UNIFORM MAGNETIC FIELD (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) Ĝ (0) Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 E (2) p ⫽⫺ 具 ⌿ 1 Re具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1)  Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 . (2) , This is the sought suitable expression for the correction E p2 (0) which does not contain the generalized Green operator Ĝ . Concluding this section, we mention that while the corrections E (1) and E (2) are gauge invariant, the decompositions 共2.35兲 and 共2.46兲 are not 关cf. the remarks following Eq. 共1.6兲兴.  Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 共 r兲 Inserting the above result into Eq. 共2.40兲, we arrive at ⫺ 共2.57兲 0 Re关 具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典具 ⌿ (0) 兩  Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 兴 . 共2.56兲 dr 关 P (0)2 共 r 兲 ⫹Q (0)2 共 r 兲兴 ⫽1, 共3.3兲 obey 冉 Re具 ⌿ (0) 兩 Ĥ(1)  Ĥ(1) ⌿ (0) 典 ⬁ mc 2 ⫹V 共 r 兲 ⫺E (0) cប 共 ⫺d/dr⫺1/r 兲 cប 共 d/dr⫺1/r 兲 ⫺mc 2 ⫹V 共 r 兲 ⫺E (0) 冊冉 P (0) 共 r 兲 Q (0) 共 r 兲 冊 ⫽0 共3.4兲 subject to the vanishing boundary conditions for r→0 and r→⬁. 032112-5 RADOSL” AW SZMYTKOWSKI PHYSICAL REVIEW A 65 032112 Although the energy level E (0) is twofold degenerate with respect to the magnetic quantum number M, we observe that the perturbation 共2.5兲 does not mix states with different M. Therefore we may directly apply the results of Sec. II to determine the first and the second-order corrections to E (0) . We begin with the first-order correction. In the particular case considered in this section, the ‘‘non-Gordon’’ Eq. 共2.12兲 takes the form 1 ⌿ (1) M 共 r 兲 ⫽ 2 qcB 冉 冊 (1) 1 P 共 r 兲 ⍀ M 共 nr 兲 aM , r iQ (1) 共 r 兲 ⍀ ⫺ M 共 nr 兲 共3.13兲 兺 where a M ⫽i 冖 4 d 2 nr ⍀ † M 共 nr 兲共 nr ⫻ 兲 z ⍀ ⫹1M 共 nr 兲 . 共3.5兲 共3.14兲 or, after utilizing the explicit form 共3.2兲 of the unperturbed eigenfunction and after some angular momentum algebra, The coefficients a M do not vanish only for ⫽⫺1 or ⫽ ⫹2. In these two cases their values are 1 (0) (0) E (1) M ⫽⫺ 2 qcB 具 ⌿ M 兩 共 r⫻ ␣ 兲 z ⌿ M 典 E (1) M ⫽ 4M qcB 3 冕 ⬁ 0 dr r P (0) 共 r 兲 Q (0) 共 r 兲 . 共3.6兲 再 aM⫽ E (1) M from the Alternatively, we might compute the correction Gordon formula 共2.23兲, which in the present case becomes qបB (0) ˆ E (1) 具 ⌿ (0) M ⫽⫺ M 兩  共 ⌳z ⫹⌺ z 兲 ⌿ M 典 , 2m 共3.7兲 共3.8兲 After utilizing Eq. 共3.2兲, Eq. 共3.7兲 yields E (1) M ⫽⫺ 2M qបB 3 m 冉冕 ⬁ 0 dr 关 P (0)2 共 r 兲 ⫺Q (0)2 冕 4M qបB E (1) M ⫽⫺ 3 m 冉冕 ⬁ 0 冊 共3.10兲 Equations 共3.6兲 and 共3.9兲 关or Eq. 共3.10兲兴 provide two alternative methods for evaluating E (1) M . In the nonrelativistic limit either from Eq. 共3.9兲 or from Eq. 共3.10兲, one infers the well-known result 冉 E (1) M 共3.11兲 Having computed the first-order correction, we turn to the problem of evaluating the second-order one. We wish to avoid utilizing the generalized Green function. In the nonGordon approach this means we have to use (1) E (2) ⫽⫺ 21 qcB 具 ⌿ (0) M 兩 共 r⫻ ␣ 兲 z ⌿ M 典 , 共3.12兲 which is the specialized form of Eq. 共2.13兲 and requires solving directly the inhomogeneous equation 共2.9兲 for ⌿ (1) M (r). 共Here and below we do not put the subscript M in secondorder energy corrections since, as we shall see, they are independent of M.兲 To this end, we decompose 3 共3.15兲 ⫽⫹2, for (1) (1) dr 关 P (0) 共 r 兲 P ⫺1 共 r 兲 ⫹Q (0) 共 r 兲 Q ⫺1 共 r 兲兴 ⫽0. 共3.16兲 mc 2 ⫹V 共 r 兲 ⫺E (0) cប 共 ⫺d/dr⫹ /r 兲 cប 共 d/dr⫹ /r 兲 ⫺mc 2 ⫹V 共 r 兲 ⫺E (0) ⫽r 冉 Q (0) 共 r 兲 P (0) 共 r 兲 冊 冉 ⫹ ⑀ (1) P (0) 共 r 兲 Q (0) 共 r 兲 冊 冊冉 P (1) 共 r 兲 Q (1) 共 r 兲 ␦ ,⫺1 , 冊 共3.17兲 with ⑀ (1) ⫽⫺3E (1) M /2M qcB, which is to be solved subject to the vanishing boundary conditions for r→0 and r→⬁. With the knowledge of the radial functions P (1) (r) and Q (1) (r), Eq. 共3.12兲 becomes E (2) ⫽⫺ 41 q 2 c 2 B 2 兺 a 2 M 冕0 dr r 关 P (0)共 r 兲 Q (1)共 r 兲 ⫽⫺1,⫹2 ⬁ ⫹Q (0) 共 r 兲 P (1) 共 r 兲兴 . c→⬁ qបB → ⫺M . m 冑2 ⫽⫺1, for On substituting the expansion 共3.13兲 into Eq. 共2.9兲, after employing the angular momentum algebra, we arrive at the inhomogeneous radial system 冊 1 dr P (0)2 共 r 兲 ⫺ . 4 ⬁ 0 1 共 r 兲兴 ⫹ , 2 共3.9兲 or equivalently, in virtue of the normalization condition 共3.3兲, ⫺ 4M 3 共notice that a 2 M is independent of M ). To enforce the orthogonality constraint in Eq. 共2.11兲, we require ˆ z is the zth component of the orbital angular momenwhere ⌳ tum operator ˆ ⫽⫺ir⫻“. ⌳ ⫺ 共3.18兲 To find E (2) , we may use the Gordon approach as well. In the particular case considered here, the diamagnetic contribution 共2.39兲 is E (2) d ⫽ q 2B 2 (0) 2 2 具 ⌿ (0) M 兩  共 r ⫺z 兲 ⌿ M 典 8m 共3.19兲 and is easily evaluated to be E (2) d ⫽ q 2B 2 12m 冕 ⬁ 0 dr r 2 关 P (0)2 共 r 兲 ⫺Q (0)2 共 r 兲兴 , 共3.20兲 which in the nonrelativistic limit yields the well-known result 032112-6 LARMOR DIAMAGNETISM AND VAN VLECK . . . c→⬁ q 2 B 2 E (2) d → 12m 冕 ⬁ 0 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 65 032112 where for brevity we have denoted 共3.21兲 dr r 2 P (0)2 共 r 兲 . I (0) ⫽ In turn, the paramagnetic components, according to Eqs. 共2.49兲 and 共2.58兲, are (2) ⫽⫺ E p1 (2) ⫽⫺ E p2 qបB (1) ˆ 具 ⌿ (0) M 兩  共 ⌳z ⫹⌺ z 兲 ⌿  M 典 , 2m q 2 បB 2 8m 2 c 共3.22兲 (2) ⫽ E p1 共3.23兲 q បB 2 2 12m c 冕 ⬁ 0 dr r P (0) 共 r 兲 Q (0) 共 r 兲 , 兺 ⫽⫺1,⫹2 aM 共3.24兲 冉 冊 (1) 1 P  共 r 兲 ⍀ M 共 nr 兲 (1) r iQ  共 r 兲 ⍀ ⫺ M 共 nr 兲 共3.25兲 with the coefficients a M given by Eq. 共3.15兲 and with the constraint 冕 ⬁ 0 dr 关 P (1),⫺1 共 r 兲 P (0) 共 r 兲 ⫹Q (1),⫺1 共 r 兲 Q (0) 共 r 兲兴 ⫽0 共3.26兲 enforcing the orthogonality condition 共2.44兲. Substitution of this expansion into the inhomogeneous equation 共2.45兲 followed by application of Eq. 共3.9兲 gives the following differ(1) (r) and ential systems obeyed by the radial functions P  (1) Q  (r): 冉 mc 2 ⫹V 共 r 兲 ⫺E (0) cប 共 ⫺d/dr⫺1/r 兲 cប 共 d/dr⫺1/r 兲 ⫺mc 2 ⫹V 共 r 兲 ⫺E (0) ⫽ 冉 冉 共 I (0) ⫺1 兲 P (0) 共 r 兲 共 I (0) ⫹1 兲 Q (0) 共 r 兲 冊 cប 共 ⫺d/dr⫹2/r 兲 cប 共 d/dr⫹2/r 兲 ⫺mc 2 ⫹V 共 r 兲 ⫺E (0) ⫽⫺ 冉 0 Q (0) 共r兲 冊 , 冊冉 P (1),⫺1 共 r 兲 Q (1),⫺1 共 r 兲 冊 共3.27兲 , mc 2 ⫹V 共 r 兲 ⫺E (0) 冕 ⬁ 0 2q 2 ប 2 B 2 9m 2 冕 ⬁ 0 冊冉 P (1),⫹2 共 r 兲 Q (1),⫹2 共 r 兲 冊 dr P (0)2 共 r 兲 ⫺1. 共3.29兲 dr 关 P (0) 共 r 兲 P (1),⫺1 共 r 兲 ⫹ 14 Q (0) 共 r 兲 Q (1),⫹2 共 r 兲兴 . which obviously vanishes in the nonrelativistic limit. To find (2) , we decompose E p1 qបB 2m 0 dr 关 P (0)2 共 r 兲 ⫺Q (0)2 共 r 兲兴 ⫽2 (0) ˆ Re具 ⌿ (0) M 兩 共 ⌳z ⫹⌺ z 兲共 r⫻ ␣ 兲 z ⌿ M 典 . 2 ⌿ (1)M 共 r兲 ⫽ ⬁ Equations 共3.27兲 and 共3.28兲 are to be solved subject to the vanishing boundary conditions for r→0 and r→⬁. Once the (1) (1) (r) and Q  (r) have been found, from Eqs. solutions P  共3.22兲, 共3.25兲, 共3.15兲, and 共3.26兲 we obtain (2) The contribution E p2 is readily found to be (2) E p2 ⫽ 冕 共3.30兲 In the nonrelativistic limit the right-hand sides of Eqs. 共3.27兲 and 共3.28兲 vanish. In conjunction with the constraint 共3.26兲 this implies that in this limit both equations have only trivial (2) → c→⬁ 0 共notice that solutions. From this we infer that E p1 this result is specific for the example considered here兲. IV. CONCLUSIONS We have presented the method, based on the Gordon decomposition of the field-induced current, for determination of diamagnetic and paramagnetic contributions to the second-order energy correction within the framework of the relativistic quantum theory based on the Dirac equation. Our results contradict earlier findings that the diamagnetic 共Larmor兲 contribution is given by Eq. 共1.7兲. Instead, we have found that this contribution is given by Eq. 共1.8兲. We have also analyzed the paramagnetic 共Van Vleck兲 contribution and found that it may be naturally split into two parts, one of which has a purely relativistic origin and vanishes in the nonrelativistic limit while the second one tends in the same limit to the nonrelativistic Van Vleck term. These inferences are in a qualitative agreement with those obtained by Pyper 关16 –19兴 in the context of the nuclear-shielding theory. The results presented by the latter author in Ref. 关16兴 justify the supposition that a procedure analogous to that described in the present work should be applicable to many-electron systems within the framework of the Dirac-Hartree-Fock formalism, at least at the single-determinantal level. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 共3.28兲 关1兴 J. H. Van Vleck, Phys. Rev. 34, 587 共1929兲. 关2兴 F. Bitter, Phys. Z. 30, 497 共1929兲. 关3兴 J. H. Van Vleck, The Theory of Electric and Magnetic Susceptibilities 共Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1932兲. I am grateful to Professor Cz. Szmytkowski for commenting on the manuscript. This work was supported in part by the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research under Grant No. 228/P03/99/17. 关4兴 S. Feneuille, J. Phys. 共France兲 34, 1 共1973兲. 关5兴 G. A. Aucar, T. Saue, L. Visscher, and H. J. Aa. Jensen, J. Chem. Phys. 110, 6208 共1999兲. 关6兴 M. M. Sternheim, Phys. Rev. 128, 676 共1962兲. 032112-7 RADOSL” AW SZMYTKOWSKI PHYSICAL REVIEW A 65 032112 关7兴 Equation 共1.6兲 does not appear in the explicit form in Ref. 关5兴. It is, however, an immediate consequence of Eqs. 共4兲 and 共18兲 共together with the text following the latter兲 of that paper and the identity 关 ␣•A(r) 兴关 ␣•A(r) 兴 ⫽A2 (r), which stems from the commutability of components of the classical vector potential A(r). 关8兴 C. J. Jameson and A. D. Buckingham, J. Chem. Phys. 73, 5684 共1980兲. 关9兴 T. A. Keith and R. F. W. Bader, Chem. Phys. Lett. 194, 1 共1992兲. 关10兴 T. A. Keith and R. F. W. Bader, Chem. Phys. Lett. 210, 223 共1993兲. 关11兴 T. A. Keith and R. F. W. Bader, J. 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