We pres a harmo are coh Dirac pu measur calculat of the g

14, 2014 at 16:00, at Leens – Aula Q
July 1
Weidong LLi
Institute of Theeoretical Ph
hysics, Shanxxi Universityy, Taiyuan, C
Multtimode Kap
pitza‐Dirac interferome
etry with tra
apped Cold Atoms
We pressent a novel proposal tto realize a multimode interferomeeter with co
old atoms co
onfined in a harmo
onic trap. A
A first Kapitzza‐Dirac pulse creates several spaatially addreessable mod
des which are coherently recombined byy the harm
monic poten
ntial and miixed again by b a second
d Kapitza‐
Dirac pu
ulse. A phaase shift am
mong the m
mode is estiimated by ffitting the d
density pro
ofile or by measuring the num
mber of ato
oms in each
h output m
mode. The eexpected sensitivity is rigorously calculated with thee Fisher info
ormation an
nd the Cram
mer‐Rao lower bound. FFor the meaasurement of the ggravitational acceleratio
on $g$ we p
predict, with typical paarameters o
of a compacct setup, a temperaature indep
pendent sen
nsitivity which can excceed by diffferent ordeer of magnitudes the sensitivity of curren
nt atomic in
nterferometers. Ref: Phyys. Rev. Lett. (2014), in press. Contactt: wdong_li3
3@live.com Reference person: A
Augusto Sm