The Quantum Theory of Magnetism

The Quantum Theory
of Magnetism
Carlo Maria Canali
Linnaeus University
4 October 2011 – Lecture 1
Lecture 1:
• Syllabus
- Logistics and rules
- Course content
• I. Paramagnetism
- Basic properties. Review of atomic magnetism
- Crystal field
- Quenching
At the end of the course the students:
At the end of the course the students:
Should have acquired a basic understanding of the different microscopic mechanisms
responsible for magnetism in metals, insulators and semiconductors
Should be familiar with some of the most common quantum models of magnetism,
such as the Ising, Heisenberg and Hubbard models
Should be familiar and be able to use many-body techniques in the solution of quantum
models of magnetism
Should be familiar with the concept and the properties of elementary spin excitations in
magnetic systems
Should be knowledgeable with the use of density functional theory in the study of
simple ferromagnetic metals
Should have acquired an introduction to the properties of new magnetic materials, with
applications to spintronics.
1. Atomic magnetism, diamagnetism and paramagnetism
2. Microscopic mechanism of magnetic interactions and interacting
3. Mean field approximation
4. Spin Waves
5. Magnetic anisotropy
6. Green’s Function methods
7. Itinerant magnetism. Magnetism in metals
8. Electronic structure, spin density functional theory and magnetism
9. Local moments and indirect exchange
10. New magnetic materials – dilute magnetic semiconductors and
magnetism in low-dimensional systems
Syllabus (cont’d)
The course comprises lectures, exercises and seminars.
The participation in all these parts is compulsory. The
evaluation of students is based on their performance on:
• (i) a number of problem sets to be solved during the
• (ii) a final paper on subject relevant to the course;
• (iii) a presentation of the final paper in an open seminar.
Syllabus (cont’d)
M.Sc in Physics or consent of the instructor
A written course evaluation will be filled out by the students
at the end of the course and a summary of the evaluations will
be handed in to the department administration
Important dates
Nov 15: Inform instructor on the choice of
Dec. 15: Draft of project/paper
January: Seminars
1. Norberto Majlis, The Quantum Theory of Magnetism, World Scientific,
Second Edition, 2007, World Scientific Publishing Co., ISNB:
2. Wolfgang Nolting and Anupuru Ramakanth, Quantum Theory of
Magnetism, Springer 2009, ISNB: 9783540854159
3. Jurgen Kubler, Theory of Itinerant Electron Magnetism, Oxford
University Press, 2009, ISNB: 0199559023
4. Assua Auerbach, Interacting Electrons and Quantum Magnetism,
Springer-Verlag 1994, ISBN: 0387942866
5. D.C. Mattis, The Theory of magnetism I, Statics and dynamics, SpringerVerlag, 1988 ISBN: 3540184252
6. D.C. Mattis, The Theory of magnetism II, Thermodynamics and
statistical mechanics, Springer Verlag, 1985, ISBN: 0387150250
7. R. M. White, Quantum Theory of Magnetism: Magnetic Properties of
Materials, Third Edition, 2007, Springer-Verlag, ISBN-10: 3642084524
Lecture 1 & 2
I. Paramagnetism
Quantum mechanics
Quantum Theory of Paramagnetism
Crystal field Corrections
Quenching of L
Time reversal symmetry and spin