B Rhetoricof thelmage advertising these signs are full, forr the advertising image is frank, or at ROLAND BARTHES THn Tnnrn MEsslcrs ccording to an ancient etymology, Ihe word image should be linked to the root imitari. Thus we find ourselves immediately at the heart of the most important problem facing the semiology of images: can analogical representation (the "copy") produce true systems of signs and not merely simple agglutinations of symbols? Is it possible to conceive of an analogical "code"(as opposed to a digital one)?We know that linguists refuse the status of language to all communication" by analogy-from the "language" of bees to the "language" of gesture-the moment such communications are not doubly articulated, are not founded on a combinatory system of digital units as phonemes are. Nor are linguists the only ones to be suspicious as to the linguistic nature of the image; general opinion too has a vague conception of the image as an area of resistance to meaning-this in the name of a certain mythical idea of Life: the image is re-presentatiory which is to say ultimately resurrection, and, as we know, the intelligible is reputed antipathetic to lived experience. Thus from both sides the image is felt to be weak in respect of meaning: there are those who think that the image is an extremely rudimentary system in comparison with language and those who think that signification cannot exhaust the image's ineffable richness.Now even-and above all if -the image is in a certain manner thelimit of meaning, it permits the consideration of a veritable ontology of the process of signification. How does meaning get into the image? Where does it end? And if it ends, what is there beyond?Such are the questions that I wish to raise by submitting the image to a spectral analysis of the messagesit may contain. We will start by making it considerably easier for ourselves:we will only study the advertising image. Why? Because in advertising the signification of the image is undoubtedly intentional; the signifieds of the advertising message are formed a priori by certain attributes of the product and these signifieds have to be transmitted as clearly as possible. If the image contains signs, we can be sure that in From Image- Music - Text. Sei. and Trans. Stephen Heath. New York: Hill and Wang, 1,977.32-51,. 152 Here we have a Panzani advertisen some tomatoes,onions, peppers/ a : string bag, in yellows and greens c off" the different messagesit contai The image immediately yield: guistic; its supports are the captior being inserted into the natural disp from which this messagehas been t language;the only knowledge requ ing and French.In fact, this messag sign Panzani gives not simplv the n an additional signified, that of "lu twofold (at least in this particular Since,however, we have here onlr' ulated (written) language, it n'ill t'. Putting aside the linguistic m (even if the labels are part of it, .rr vides a seriesof discontinuous sigr signs are not linear), the idea that r' return from the market. A signified that of the freshness of the prodr preparation for which they are dt which lets the provisions spill out first sign requires only a knon'lcdg of the habits of a very widespread self" is opposed to the hastv stocki "mechanical" civilization. A secon signifier is the bringing together oi hues (yellow, green,red) of the post This sign stands in a relation of rec' guistic message(the Italian assona edge it draws upon is alreadv mc knowledge (an Italian would bareh more probably than he would the it a familiarity with certain tourist ste (which is not to say that it is not er difficulty in discovering at least trr Iection of different objectstransmits one hand as though Panzani furni balanced dish and on the other a equivalent to the natural producr 09I aql 'u8rs raqlo aql uI 1+ISulpunorrns aJnpord l€rn1€u ar{} ol }uale^Inba ala^{ url aql ul al€rlua)uor aLIl qSnoql s€ rat{lo ar{l uo pue qslp paJuPI€q dgn;arec e ro; dressaoauSutqldrana paqsluJn] ruezued q8noql se pu€q auo aql uo'eJrlras d.reurlnr plol e Jo eapr aql sllusue4 slcalqo ]uaraJtlp Jo uollral -loJ parJras aq+ 'lsJIJ aql u1 :su31srar{lo oMl }s€al }€ 8ur'rarrocstpur dllnrrgrp ou sr arar{l '(acue18lsrrJ ar{l lE realr d1a.rrlualou sI trIleql des o} }ou sI t{rlqzrt) a8eurr aql aroldxa o1Surnurluo3 'saddloarals lsrrnol ul€lral qlIM dlIreIIIurEJ € uo paseq'(raddad pue oleurol;o dlnrueryell ar{l plnom aq ueql dlqeqord a'rour ou'aureu ar{l Jo uope}ouuo) arll a.trar.raddlareq plnoM u€rpll ue) a8pal,raoml ,,qruarg,, dgerryrads € sI lr lrelnr4red arour dpealp sr uodn s.t,rerp1r a8pa -lrntornl aql pu€ Quazuarlaureu aql Jo aJueuosse ueIIelI aql) a8essaurrrlstnB -uq aql yo uBrs palouuof, ar{} rillm dcuepunpar Jo uoI}EIar e uI spuels u8rs srql 'fr1nruatpqm{t€r ro ^,{p11 sanq sr parpu8rsslr jralsod aql yo (par'uaar8'.uo11ad) paJolorrrl ar{l pue taddad aql'oleurol aqt;o raqlaSol Sur8utrq aql sI ralJIuBIS slr lluapr^a dlpnba ssal ro aJour sI u8rs puoras V 'uo4ezIIIAIJ ,,le)IueqJalu,, arour € ;o (srolera8uJar'salrasard) dn Surpols ftseq aql o1 pasoddo sI ,,JIas -auo roJ punor€ Surddoqs,, araqm arnllnr pea.rdsapr.trdran e Jo sllqer{ ar{l Jo lred se palueldtur uos auros uI sI qJILI.&{a8pa1,llou1 e dpo sarrnbar u8rs lsrr; srql pear o1 ,,'papedun,, 'a1qe1aLI+ra^o 1no lpds suorsr,rord ar{} slal qrlqm 8eq uado-1eq aql sl rar;ru8rs sll 'pau4sap a"redaql qJIqM ro; uorle;edard )rlsaurop dle4uassa ar{l Io leql pue slrnpord aql to ssauqsar} aql Jo l€ql '+a>lreuraq+wory urnlar :sanl€A rrloqdna o.u.1sarldrur Jlaslr qJIqM par;ru8rs V e sr paluasardar auals ar{l uI a^er{ a1!t}eqM }er{l eapl aq1 '(rcauq lou a'resuSrs 'su8rs snonulluo)slp asaql se luel"rodurrun sI rapro agl) lsrlC Jo salras e sapll -ord de,r,relq8rerlsa8eurr srql '(dplopraue 'lI ;o ged arc slaq€l aqt p uana) a8erur arnd aql r{llm Ual ar€ a,u 'a8essaut rrlsrnBurl aql aplse 3u41n4 'a8en8uel (uapr'rzvr)palep 'a8essaruauo se palunoJ aq IIIM 1r 'la.la.rrroq'arurg -Jrue 1eq1dlaureu.'u8rs prrddl a18urse dpo arar{ a^eq a.u Jo 'Ieuorlelouuor pue Ieuorlelouap :(a8eun relncrlred slq] uI 1see11e) ploJoml snql q a8essaur orlsrn8url ar{J ,,&lJlu€4eil,, p leql 'paIJIuBISIeuoqlppe ue 'os1e 'a)ueuoss€ aql dq urrlJ s1r lnq 'o aureu aqt dldurrs 1ou sarrr8ruazua4 u8s 'tlJuarCpue 3ur aql roJ'umop ua>lorqraqunJ aq JIaslIuer a8essarus1r{}'lJEtuI -lrrm Jo a8pal.trool e sr 1r.raqdnap o1 parrnbar a8pal.ttoul dluo aql la8en8uel q)uarc aql Io l€LIl ueql rar{+oauou sI ua>leluaaq seq aSessaruslq} qcrqM urorJ apoJ aqJ ,,'awliqatra,,'aua)sar{l Jo uolllsodsrp lernleu ar{l olul pagasur Suraq asar{l /slaqel aqt pu€ 'leur8reru sr qrlqm 'uotldec aql are slroddns s1rlcrlsrn8 -url sr aru€lsqns asoqm aSessaur1srr1e splard dlalerparuurr a8eurr aq1 'sureluo) 1rsa8essaurlualaurp aql ,,JJo ur '8eq 8urr1s rur)s,, ol ,,ft1sn 1a1 ,'punorSpeq par € uo suaar8 pue s-^a.o11ad 'saoleurol aluos uado-;pq € uroJJSur8raua IIe 'urooJqsnur e 'sraddad 'suoluo 'laqJes e'wr+e'e1sedyo splled auros :luauraslualpe Iuezued e a^€r{ a.tt aJaH '3ue7q pue 'qleag uaq IIIH :>lrol ma51 ur leql aJns aq uef, a.tr 'su8rs su se pallrrusup4 aq ol aneq spar;ru8r ,tq uoud u paurroJ are a8essaw 8ur dpalqnopun sr a8etur ar{l Jo uolle 'a8eurr8ursr1ra,r.pe aq1lpnls ,i1uo l1 Suqeu dq lrels IIIM aM 'urptuor o1 a8eur aql Su11t1tu{nslq asre: oi araql sl l€r{.u 'spua +l il puv Zpua ll saop rltoH 'uor1ecr1ru8rs yo ssa:o:d -uo) aql slturrad 1r 'Surueatu ll'i,: Jo IIe a^oqe pue-ua^a .^4oN Ssaur{f -ecrlru8rs rpql >lu1r.{+ or{.tr asor{t pup -uarurpnJl1aua,4xa ue sr a8eur aql ;o lcadsa.rur >l€a^raq ol ]lal sr aF pa^q ol rrpqledpue palndar sr alqr dlalerurlp des o1 sr r{Jlq,t,r'uoqelus urelJafe Jo aweu aql ur s1{l-Burup: uo4daruoo an8erre spr{ool uorurdo o1 se snonrdsns aq otrsauo ,{po aqt FlISIp ;o uralsds droleutqr.uor e uo aJ€ suorleJrununuoJ r{Jns luaurout aq1urory-d8o1eue .iq . ,,a?en8ue1,, aql asnJarslsrn8url n,rorD{a.\1 {. leql a -eueue anra)uo)o1alqrssod1rs1 Jo ; lou pue su8rs yo suralsds anr arnt -Eu€ueJ :sa8eruryo dSolorurasaql 3 aql le dlalerpaunursallasrno purl a.\ a8awt pto'vt aql 'dSolotudla luaoue s:rDvssatrNa!IUHI:IHI 'rrleqdrua '1uu{ sr a8eurrSursrua^p€ aq} lseal +erc :8urpea.rr.unru4do aql ol MaIA e r{ll'rl pauroJ 'IInJ are su8rs asaq+Sursrlra.Lpe a3ou1a4qlo cuotrtlu :SiIHJuVg a8uu 8 1,54 THE RHETORIC OF THE IMAGE composition of the image, evoking the memory of innumerable alimentary paintings, sends us to an aestheticsignified: the"nature morte" or, as it is better expressedin other languages,the "still I'fe"3; the knowledge on which this sign depends is heavily cultural. It might be suggested that, in addition to these four signs, there is a further in{ormation pointer, that which tells us that this is an advertisement and which arises both from the place of the image in the magazine and from the emphasis of the labels (not to mention the caption). This last in{ormation, however, is co-extensivewith the scene;it eludes signification insofar as the advertising nature of the image is essentially functional: to utter something is not necessarilyto declare t am speaking,except in a deliberately reflexive system such as literature. Thus there are four signs for this image and we will assume that they form a coherentwhole (for they are all discontinuous),require a generally cultural knowledge, and refer back to signifieds each of which is global (for example, Italianicity),imbued with euphoric values. After the linguistic message,then, we can see a second, iconic message.Is that the end? If all these signs are removed from the image, we are still left with a certain informationai matter; deprived of all knowledge, I continue to "read" the image, to "understand" that it assemblesin a common spacea number of identifiable (nameable)objects,not merely shapesand colors. The signifieds of this third messageare constituted by the real objects in the scene,the signifiers by these same objects photographed, for, given that the relation between thing signified and image signifying in analogical representation is not "arbitrary" (as it is in language),it is no longer necessaryto dose the relay with a third term in the guise of the psychic image of the object. What defines the third messageis precisely that the relation between signified and signifier is quasi-tautological; no doubt the photograph involves a certain arrangement of the scene (framing, reduction, flattening) but this transition is not a transformation(in the wav a coding can be); we have here a loss of the equivalencecharacteristicof true sign systems and a statement of quasi-identity. In other words, the sign of this message is not drawn from an institutional stock, is not coded, and we are without brought up against the paradox (to which we will return) of a message a code.aThis peculiarity can be seen again at the level of the knor,vledge invested in the reading of the message;in order to "read" this last (or first) level of the image, all that is needed is the knowledge bound up with our perception. That knowledge is not nil, for we need to know what an image is (children only learn this at about the age of four) and what a tomato, a string-bag, a packet of pasta are, but it is a matter of an almost anthropological knowledge. This messagecorresponds,as it were, to the letter of the image and we can agree to call it the literal message, as opposed to the previous symbolic 'message. If our reading is satisfactory, the photograph analyzed offers us three messages:a linguistic message,a coded iconic message,and a non-coded iconic message.The linguistic message can be readily separated from the other two, but since the latter share the same (iconic) substance, to what extent have we the right to separate them? It is certain that the distinction betweenthe two iconic messagesis ing: the viewer of the image recei messageand the cultural message in reading correspondsto the func The distinction, however, has an oP allows the distinction in the lingui: though in reality no one is able I e-xceptby recourseto the metalang rnits us to describe the structure o ion and if this description paves tf irnage in society,we will take it to sider each type of messageso as t( sight of our aim of understanding inter-relationship of the three mes a "naive" analysisbut a structural be modified a little by the inversi message;of the two iconic messag second:the literal messageaPPea Hence, knowing that a sYstem r.r'h in order to make them its signifier immediately that the literal image Successively,then, we shall look at and the connoted image. THn LNcutsrIC MESSAGE Is the linguistic messageconstant? around the image?In order to find necessaryto go back to partiallrstate of the image. From the mom, ing of text and image is frequent, from a structural point of vieu'. \1 tion"? Does the image duPlicatece a phenomenon of redundancv or ( image?The problem could be Pose with its passionfor books with Pic century that editions of La Fontait authors such as Menestrier rthcr betweenfigure and discourse.-To appears that the linguistic messag caption, accompanyingPressartlc shows that it is not verY accuratet still, and more than ever.a cir iliza uing to be the full terms of the inf, presenceof the linguistic messag length seem to be Pertinent (.r lo 99I pqolS alSurs e asrrdulor dpo deu 1xa13uo1 e) luauluad aq ol uraas t{}3ua1 slr rou uorqrsodslr raqllau .ro; 'slunor leql a8essau rrlsrn8url aql 1o aruasa.rd aql dldurrs sr 1r /]rEJuI 'arnlrnrls I€uolleturotq aql Jo surrel IInJ aqtraq o1 Surn /lllls -urluoJ qraads pue Surlr;rur ,'3ur1rr,l,tJo uoIlezIIIAIJ e tala uer{l arour pu€ are a,tt-a8erur aql Jo uoqezrlrlr) € Jo )lel ol aleJnJ)edra,r lou sI lI leql sMoLIS qrlqM 'uoolleq dr.4sruroc'anSoprp urlrJ'alrlue ssardSurduedurorre'uorldec 'a1l1lse :a8etur dra,r.aur luasard paapur sr a8essarurrlsrnBurl aq] leql sreadde '.{epo1 'suorleJrunluluoJssew lr Jo Ia^al aL{}1e l'asJnoJslppue aln8r; uaaMlaq suorlElal aql qlIM sa^lasuraql pauJaJuo) oq]\^ ralrlsaualN s€ qJns sJoLIlnE slr pue (palerlsnp aq lou ppor{s salqal spureluoc eT Jo suolllpa leql drnluar qluaalq8ra aql ul aiqe^laruo)ur se.rtil) sa.rnlrrd qll.tt sTooq ro; uotssed sll qll,rt porrad le)rssplr aql spre8a; se dllerrrolsrq pasod aq plnoJ uralqord aq1 ;a8erur e ppp lxal ar{l saop .ro ,{ruepunpar Jo uouaurouaqd e aLIl o] uo4eurroJul LISaTJ dq lxal aql u1 ua.lr8 suorleurroJurarll Jo ur€ual alerqdnp a8eurr aql saocl z,,uoll -erlsnilr,, Jo arnlrnrls Surd;ru8rs ar{l sl ler{M '.llall Jo lurod lerryonrls e urorJ parpnls alllll uaaq a^eLI ol suraasJr q8noql '1uanba.r;sr a8etur pue lxaq ;o 8ur ->iurl aql />looqar{l 1o aruereadd€ aq} Jo luaruour aql uorC 'a8erur ar{l Jo a}e+s rrtlderSolrrd Jo uos e ol 'sallalros alerall1ll dle4red ol >lreq oB o1 d.ressarau ssallqnop sr 1r'sp.ro.ralnoqllm ua,l.r8sa8eurl pul, ol rapro uI 2a8ewr aq+punor€ aJaLIlsI aluelsuoJ a8essarurrlsrn8url aql s1 Jo 'rapun 'ur Jalleur Ienlxal sde,,ra.1e :TDVSSSIAtr JITSInSNIf aHI 'a8erur palouuo) aLIl pu€ 'dla,Lrssarcng 'a8eur palouap aq; 'a8essalurqsrn8url aqtrle >lool lleqs aaa'uaq1 'papuuoJ a8etur crloqtu^,{saql pue papuap st a8etut pra}Il aq+}eg1dlalerparuurr .,iesderu a,l,re'uorl€louuoJ to rualsds e sr s.raryru8rssll ruaq+ a>leuJol Japro uI su8rs aLIl Ja^o sa>IelqJn{.tauralsds e 1eq1Sur,ttou>I'aJuaH tua;sds Jaqloue ;o 'a8essaru at11 go l.toddnsaql se sreadde aBessatuIeralrl aql :puoras ,,rr1oqw.,{s,, aq] uo palurrdtur JJosaruos ur sr lsrrJ aq1 'sa8essaurJIuoJI o,ta,]aql Jo 1a8€ssau Ieralrl aql pue a8essatuiernllnr aql Jo uorsra^ur aql dq atllll e parJrpou aq sa8essauarp Jo rapJo aql n'uorldr.rrsapIern+Jnrlse ]nq stsdleue,ptreu,,e 11r.rr 'sa8essauraaJrllaql;o drqsuorlelar-Jalul Jou sr uorlsanb ur sr leqm leql ua^r3 'a8etur aql IeurJ aql to arnl)nrls Ilera^o aql Sulpuelsrapun Jo urle rno ;o lq8rs 8urso1lnoqlr.r,r 'dlrleraua8 s1rut 11aroldxa ol se os a8essatuyo ad,{1LIJeaJaprs -uoJal ol sm{l sr .ltou Tse} aqJ 'par;4snf aq ol ll aTe} IIIM a.,r.r'dlanos ur a8etur aql Jo alor ar{l Jo uollpueldxa ue ro; de.tr aql sa,ted uorldt.rrsap sILI}JI pue uol -qs€J luaJaqor pue aldturs e ur a8etur atl] Jo arnlJn4s ar{l aqlrJsap ol sn slru -rad uoqrurlsp aql g '(uorlrur;ap e;o a8en8ueplaur aq] ol asrno)ar dq ldarxa Surueau slr urorJ ,prow,, aql aleredas o] alqe sI auo ou l14ear ur q8noql uarra)paryu8rs e pue rar;ru8rse;o u8rs rrlsrn8url ar{l ur uorlJul}slp aq} s,\lolle ue sel{'Ja^amor{'uollJullsrpaLII qJIqM ol snoSoleuedlrpr1err ler{} leuotle.rado '(a.raquraouor rno) a8eurr sseur aql Jo uo4JunJ aql o1 spuodsa.rrocSurpea.rur uorsn;uo)srql lpql ralpl uaasaq tlM 1rpue'a8essaullprnllnr aql pue aBesseu lerydarrad aql aw!4 awas a41pua auo t, sanlarar a8etur aql Jo ra.ltarl aql :8ur -pear dreurp;o ur dlsnoaueluods aperu lou sr sa8essaurJIuoJI oml ar{l uaamlaq a & u u 1a 4 7l o r u o p t l > : t; S e H I u V g uor+Jurlsrpar{} lelll ur€lral sl ll c 'a)ue+sqns(rruorr) allrps leqm ol aql urorJ paleredas dppea.r aq up papoJ-uou e pue 'a8essarufruo)t aarql sn srago pazdpue qderSol crloqruds snorrrard aL{} ol pasorld uer a,r,tpue a8eurr aql to rallal aql 'a8payntou4pcrSolodo.rqlue lsoruI e '3eq-3ur,4se 'oleruol e ler{.\\ pu ua"rppqr) sr a8erur ue IeLIM .\.\ou)l 'uorldacradrno qllm dn punoq aFp to la^al (rsr1yro) ]s€l sR{l ,,p€ar,,ol -lsalur a8pa1,,r,rou>1 ar{l Jo {a,ral a!1 } e yo (u-rn1arIIr-\\a.\l 4noqlnza8ussaw alu a.\ pup /papoJ lou sr ,1:o1s 1e srql 1o u8rsaql 'sproM raqlo u1 i1r enJ+Jo JrlsrJalJerer{c aruale,r.rnbca de,rt aql ur) uo4atu"tolsirrlte lou sr ur -ue;1) auaJs ar{l yo truarua8uerrpur 1pcr8o1o1ne1-rsenb sr ;ar;ru€rspup p sr a8essatuprnp aq+saurJapleq.\\ l ur urral prn{l e L{II,lt delar alil asop 1rse) ,,drer1rqre,,+ou sr uorleluasa: -ru8rs Surql uaamlaq uorlelar aql lp asaqt lq srarlu8rs ar{l /auaJsaql ur prn{+ sryl;o spar;ru81sar{I 'srolor p alqerJrluapr laqunu e alpds uor. Jo o1 'a8eurr aql ol anurluor I , ,,peaJ,, -Eurroru ure+ral e qll^{ ual IIqs al asoql JleJI Zpua aqt leql s1 'aBess -satu crlsrn8url aLIlJaUV 'sanlp.\ lrc roy) pqo13 sr qJrqM Jo Llrea sparlr 1nr dle.raua8e arrnba;'(snonurluo: daql leqr aurnsseIIrM aM pue a8e 'aJnlPla: ur ldarxa '3ut4aadsrar a"repap o1 -i 7 -run1 dlerluassa sr a8eurraql arnl Jo sapnla +rlaua)s aql qll.tr alrsualxa-der aqt uorluaru o1 1ou) slaqpl aql ur a8erur aql yo aceld a{l worJ {toe lPql sn sllal r{}rl^^ l€Lll'lalurori u()rt ol uoqrppe ur '+eql pa1sa83nsaq lq sn{l rlrrqM uo a8pal.r,touTaLIl1.,,alrlI -laq q ll se 'ro ,,aLrcwatr\au ,, aql :pa {;eluaurrle alqeJaurnulrr;o,rrourau 8 1,56 rHE RHETORTCOF THE rMAGE signified, thanks to connotation, and it is this signified which is put in relation with the image). What are the functions of the linguistic messagewith regard to the (twofold) iconic message?There appear to be two: anchorageand relny. As will be seen more clearly in a moment, all images are polysemous; they imply, underlying their signifiers, a "floating chain" of signifieds, the reader able to choose some and ignore others. Polysemy poses a question of meaning and this question always comes through as a dysfunction, even if this dysfunction is recuperated by society as a tragic (silent, God provides no possibility of choosing between signs) or a poetic (the panic "shudder of meaning" of the Ancient Greeks) game; in the cinema itself, traumatic images are bound up with an uncertainty (an anxiety) concerning the meaning of objects or attitudes. Hence in every society various techniques are developed intended to fix the floating chain of signifieds in such a way as to counter the terror of uncertain signs; the linguistic messageis one of these techniques.At the level of the literal message,the text replies-in a more or less direct, more or less partial manner - to the question: what is lf ? The text helps to identify purely and simply the elements of the sceneand the scene itself; it is a matter of a denoted description of the image (a description which is often incomplete) or, in Hjelmslev's terminology, of an operation(as opposed to connotation).eThe denominative function corresponds exactly to an anchorageof all the possible (denoted) meanings of the object by recourse to a nomenclature. Shown a plateful of something (in an Amieur advertisement), I may hesitate in identifying the forms and masses; the caption (" rice and tuna fish zuithmushrooms")helps me to choose the correctleoelof perception, permits me to focus not simply my gaze but also my understanding. When it comes to the "symbolic message,"the linguistic messageno longer guides identification but interpretation, constituting a kind of vise which holds the connoted meanings from proliferating, whether towards excessively individual regions (it limits, that is to say, the projective power of the image) or towards dysphoric values. An advertisement (for d'Arcy preserves)shows a few fruits scatteredaround a ladder; the caption (" as if from your oTringarden")banishes one possible signified (parsimony, the paucity of the harvest) because of its unpleasantness and orientates the reading towards a more flattering signified (the natural and personal character of fruit from a private garden); it acts here as a counter-taboo, combatting the disagreeable myth of the artificial usually associated with preserves. Of course, elsewherethan in advertising, the anchoragemay be ideological and indeed this is its principal function; the text directs the reader through the signifieds of the image, causing him to avoid some and receive others; by means of an often subtle dispatching,It remote-controls him towards a meaning chosen in advance. In all these casesof anchorage,language clearly has a function of elucidation, but this elucidation is selective, a metalanguage applied not to the totality of the iconic message but only to certain of its signs. The text is indeed the creator's (and hence society's) right of inspection over the image; anchorage is a control, bearing a responsibility-in the face of the projective power of pictures-for the use of the message.With respectto the liberty of the signifie< sii'evaluelo and we can see that it i: ogy of a society are above all inves Anchorage is the most frequenl commonly found in PressPhotogr; relay is less common (at least as far seenparticularly in cartoonsand cc of dialogue) and image stand in a c the sameway as the images,are fral unity of the messageis realized at dote, the diegesis (which is amPle treatedas an autonomoussYstem: text becomesvery important in filn elucidation but really does advance of messages,meanings that are not the two functions of the linguistir whole, but the dominance of the c general economy of a work. When information is more costly,requirir (the system of language);when it h it is the image which detains the ir analogical, the inJormation is then for "quick" reading the diegesis is gathering the attributive informat typed status of the characters);the ' are made to coincide so that the hr of verbal "descriPtions" which are less "laborious" sYstem. Tnr DnNouD IMAGE We have seenthat in the image Pro literal messageand the sYmbolic n (at least in advertising) a literal im; image were to be achieved,it u'oul be completed bY a third-svmboli' literal messagecannot be substant speak, a messagebY eviction' con the signs of connotation are ment; ally to remove them for thev can ir caseof the "still life comPosition" to a plenitude of virtualities: it is ; ings. Then again (and there is no c it is a sufficient message,since it I identification of the scenereprese short to the first degree of intel lgL aar8ap lsrl; aql ol uor{s plnoM Jap€ar aql q)rqM .ttolaq) dlrrqr8qlalur 1o auars eql Jo uol+€rlJpuapl ur spuodsanoc a8etur aql Jo JaIFI ar{l 1pa+uasarda,r aql le SuluPalu auo lseal le s€q lI aruls 'aBessautlual)IJJns e sI lI aql Jo la^al 's8ur '(pres uaaq 1sn[seq leqm q]lM uol]rlper]uo) ou sI araql pue) ure8e uaql -uealu aql 11eJo IInJ SurueaurJo aruasqeue sr lI :saqrlenlrll;o apnlruald e o1 spuodsarrocdlerryeu alels aAIl)IAa srql '(,,uorlrsodruocaJIIIIps,, aql Jo aseJ aql uI se 'a8eurr aql Jo aloq.Maql aleu8a.rdurlu€J daql .ro1uraql a^oura,ro1 dle -nlJe alqrssodaq lou plnoM lr) palalap dgeluaw are uollelouuor;o su8rs aql sr leqM dq pa1n14suo) 'uotlJtla dq a8essaure '1eads uaqm a8eurr aql uI Ual ,,{1uo ol os 'lle Io lsrrJsl ll 'leuorlela.r lnq leque}sqnsaq louuel a8essar.u 1era11 ar{l Jo srr+srralJereqraql snqJ'a8essaru-rrToqurds-p.4q} e dq paplduroc aq pue llanreu yo u8rs ar{l ulof .{lalerparuurr plnoM lI 'palalq)€ aq ol areM a8eurt 'aqe1s a.rnde ur a8erurIeralII € (Sursqra'rpeur 1sea1 1e) ,p^reu,, d1e1o1e 1rua^g sr a8essatuoqoqruds ar{l pue a8essatu1e.ra1r1 JalunoJua Jalau a.ta11euor1e.rado aql uaa,t,r+aq uorlrurlsrp ar{}'8ul)€ads dl.radold aSeurraql ur +eql uaas aleq aM fl5VWI CAIONIICIAHI 'uralsds,,snoIJoqel,,ssal e oq des ol sr leql 'a8etut aql ol palsnJlua arp qr1{,lt ,,suo4dtrtsap,, I€qra^ }o ruoparoq aql pa.redsaq deru rapeer palrrnq aql l€r{l os aplJuroJ ol ap€ur are a8essatualrsrnJsrp aql pue a8essaurl11socaql 1(s.rape.reqraq1yo snle1spaddl -oarals aql) rapro rrqeurBrpe;ed e Jo suoq€urrofw a^Ilnqlrg€ aql Surraqle8 a8eurr aql /lxa+ aql o+ ile a^oqe paurJuor sr srsa8arp ar{} Sulppar ,,4trnb,, toy papualur sdrrls cruroc ureual ut;tlarzel,, uaql sI uoll€urJotul aql 'leJlSoleu€ Suraq a8erur aql'pu€ a8reqc leuoqeruroJur ar{} sup1ap r{rlqm a8eurr aq+ sI +I '(1orluor'a8eloqrue) anlel alnlllsqns e ser{}r uar{M 1(a8en8uel;otualsds aq1) apor plr8rp e ;o Surureal ar{l saop lr se Sur.rrnba.rd11sooarotu sI uoqeurroful aql delar Jo anle^ orla8arp ar{l seq lxal aq} uaqM '>lrom e ;o dtuouooa leraua8 aql roJ acuanbasuoc Jo sr raqlo aql ro auo aql Jo aJueunuop ar{} lnq /aloqm Jruof,r auo aql q lsya-oJ ueJ aSessar.urrlsrnSurl ar{l Jo suorlJunJ o1\{l ar{] 'dlsnornq6 'gas1raSeurraLIlq punoJ aq ol lou arc leql s8uruearu'sa8essaur;o acuanbas aql ur 'lno 3ur11asdq uorlre arll aJue^pe saop dlear lnq uoqeplJnla se dldurrs lou suorlcunt anSoprp araqm 'tullt uI luel.rodur dra,l satuoraq lxal -de1arqql 'a8erur paxrJ ar{l uI arpr apqr14'(rrualsds snoruouoln€ uu se palear} srsaBarpar{} 'alop uoqerurl3uor aldue sr qcn1.r,r.) srsa8arp ar{l aq leql lsnu -Jaue aql 'd.ro1saql to leql '1a,1.a1 ;aq8rq € le pazll€ar sr a8essauraql 1o dlrun aql pue uBeluds yeraua8aJour e;o sluaur8er; are'sa8erut aql se derr,tarues ar{l uI 'sproM aql ldlqsuollela,r d.reluauralduroce uI puels a8erul pue (anSoprp 1o qJleus e uago lsotu) lxal ala11 'sdrrls rltuor pu€ suoolreJ ur lpelncrlred uaas aq ue) 111(pau.raruorsr a8erur paxlJ aql s€ r€J se 1sea1le) uoururor ssaysr delar 'sluaruasrualpe pue sqderSoloqd ssard uI punoJ dluotutuor Jo uoqounJ aql sr pue aBessatucrlsrnSurl aql Jo uollrun; luanba.r; lsoru ar{l sr aBe.roqcuy 'palsanur IIe a^oqe a.redlarcos e yo d3o -loapr pu€ dlrleroru ar{l slql sI aasueJ e.ll pup .ianl€A aols leql le }I ler{l le^al -satdat e sm{l seq lxal aq+ 'a8etur aql Jo spalJlu8rs aql ;o d1.raqr1 er{l o} lradsar 'a8essaruaqt HIIM Jo asn aqt ro aql ur-dlrtrqrsuodsa.r e Surreaq -oadsur qq8r.r(s,d1anosa:uaq 1o slr Jo ureuar o1 dpo 1nq a8ess a8en8ueplatu e ,anrltalas sr uor seq dpeap a8enSuel ,a8eroq:ue -ueaur e spJe^lol rurq sloJluo)_al dq lsraqlo aAraJaJpue aruos pro aq1 q8norql rapear aql s1rrrrl,t\i pue porSoloapr aq deru a8eroq,. 'sanJasard qlrznrpalerrosse.i JO aql Su4leqtuor'ooqel-raluno_r p to Jal)€reqJ leuosrad pup Iprntr Surpea.r aql saleluarro pup ss yo llrcned aq1duor.urs.red)parlru wo{ 11sa,,) uotldee aql lrapppl p r -atd /icty,p .ro;) luauasrJro.\pp aq1;o raaaodazrrlcafordaq1 ,.ieso -saJxaspJemo+Jaglaqm,Burlp:. riJlrl,raasrl Jo puq e 3ur1n1r1s ra8uol ou a8essaurorlsrn8url aql 'Surpuelsrapun du osle lnq azp: -dacnd paal pauor arylasoor1-1 ! lo acu,,) uorldeJ aql lsassetu pup sru -asrlJanpexnalwv ue ur) Burql.ru asJnocardq aq1 s8urue.tcafoo ;o o1dlqcexaspuodsar.ror uorl)unJ <r se) uo4ntadoue;o ,,{3o1our..ural : . uor;drrcsape) a8ewr aql ;o uorlj auaJsaql pue auaJsaLIlJo slua|'U lxal ar{J i7! s! Wqm:uorlsanbaq1.. ro aloru e ur-sar1da.rlxel aql .a:p asaql Jo auo sr a8esseurrrlsrnSurl o1 se dea.le qJns ur spar;ru8rs1o ur a,resanbruqJal snorJ€A.,{larros_r -ueaur aql SuruJaouoc(dlarxue ue, Jrl€urneJ+?laslr €uaurJ ar{l ur : Jo rappnqs,, crued aq1) rrlaod e : ou sapr,ro.rdpo3 ,1uaps)or8erl e se 'uo4ourys.r{pe se q8no:ql tr uala ;o uorlsanb e sasodduras,i1o.1s:a aq+ 'spar;ru8rsJo ,,ureqr Bur1eog,. /luauo lsnoruasdlod a,re sa8eurr 'frupt pue aSantpuu:o&qIIe aq o1:ea. pre8a; g1r.u a8essauroqsrn€ur1aqt l uo4elal ur 1nd sr qrlr{.t,rpar;n€rs sr a & a u l a q ql o ) p o p r l v : S g H J 1 I V g ' 8 158 THE RHETORIC OF THE IMAGE perceive only lines, forms, and colors), but this intelligibility remains virtual by reason of its very poverty, for everyone from a real society always disposes of a knowledge superior to the merely anthropological and perceivesmore than just the letter.Sinceit is both evictive and sufficient, it will be understood that from an aestheticpoint of view the denoted image can appear as a kind of Edenic state of the image; cieared utopianically of its connotations, the image would become radically objective,ot in the last analysis,innocent. This utopian character of denotation is considerably reinforced by the paradox already mentioned, that the photograph (in its literal state),by virtue of its absoluteiy analogical nature, seems to constitute a messagewithout a code. Here, however, structurai analysismust differentiate,for of all the kinds of image only the photograph is able to transmit the (literal) hrformation without forming it by means of cliscontinuoussigns and ruies of transformation. The photograph, messagervithout a code, must thus be opposed to the message.The coded nature of drawing which, even rvhen denotecl,is a cclcJed the drawing can be seen at three lel'els. Firstiv to reproduce an object or a transpositions; there is no scenein a dra.,ving requires a set of rule-goz,ented essentialnature of the pictorial copv and the codes of transpositiorr are historical (notably those concerning perspective).Secondly,the operation of the drawing (the codir-rg)immediately necessitatesa certain division between the significant and the insignificant: the drawing does not reproduce euerything (often it reproduces very little), u'ithout its ceasing,however, to be a strong message;whereas the photograph, aithough it can chooseits subject,its point of view and its angle, cannot intervene n:itlin the object (except by trick effects).In other words, the denotation of the clrawing is less pure than that of the photograph, for there is no drawing without styie. Finally, iike all codes, the drawing demands an apprenticeship (Sausslrreattributed a great importance to this semiologicalfact). Does the coding of the denoted message have consequencesfor the connoted message?It is certain that the coding of the literal prepares and facilitates comotation since it at once establishesa certain discontinuity in the image: the "execution" of a drawing itself constitutes a connotation. But at the same time, insofar as the clrawing displays its coding, the relationship between the two messagesis profoundly modified: it is no longer the relationship between a nature and a culture (as with the photograph) but that between two cultures; the "ethic" of the drawing is not the same as that of the photograph. In the photograph-at least at the ievel of the literal message-the relationship of signifieds to signifiers is not one of "transformation" but of "recording," and the absenceof a code clearly reinforces the myth of photographic "naturainess": the sceneis there,captured mechanically,not humanly (the mechanical is here a guaranteeof objectivity). Man's interventions in the photograph (framing, distance,lighting, focus, speed)all effectively belong to the plane of connotation; it is as though in the beginning (even if utopian) there were a brute photograph (frontal and clear) on which man would then lay out, with the aid o{ various techniques,the signs drawn from a cultural code. Only the opposition of the cultural code and the naturai non-code can, it seems,account for the specific chi assessmentof the anthropological r The tvpe of consciousnessthe photc .tented, since it establishesnot a cor pvhich any coPY could Provoke) b \Vhat we have is a new sPace-timec anteriority, the photograph being a ,tow and the there-thenIt is thus at t sage without code that the real uj uriderstood: its unreality is that of t experiencedas illusion, is in no rt ar ocier of the photograPhic image mu Jot in every photo irts-been-there, of this is how it was, givin2 ",rid".,." rvhich we are sheltered. This kind o probably diminishes the projective ical testsresort to photographs n'hil i1vdefeatsthe lt's rre. If these remar be related to a pure spectatorial,con more "magical" fictional conscious This would lend authoritY to the r: photograph is not a simple differen can no longer be seen as animated way before a being-thereof the thi there can be a historY of the cinema arts of fiction, whereas the Photc (despite the evolution of the techn art) and represent a"flat" anthrop definitively unsurpassable, humani without a code'l{ence lory messages term of the great familY of images in{ormational economies' At all events,the denoted imal any code (the casewith the adver the general structure of the iconit (returning to this questionafter '1is image naturalizes the sYmboiic me connotation,which is extremelv c ttrePanzaniposter is full of "svmb' tograph, insofar as the literal mcthereof obiects:nature seemsspont A pseudo-truth is surreptitiouslv s ly semantic systems; the absenc becauseit seemsto found in naturr an important historical parador: tl of information (and notablv of in 69I Io sueaur ar{l sapl^ord lI arour aq}'(sa8eurr ;o dlqelou pue) uorlerurotul Jo uorsnJJrpaql sdola,LapdSolouqoal arour ar{l :xopered lerlro}slq luelrodrur ue 'arnllnr;o su8rsaql arnleu uI punoJ o} suraaslI asneJaq lqnop lnor{}lm sI sIqJ a8essaur aq+ sazrleq)allalulslp apor Jo aruasqe aq1 lsualsls r4ueruas d1 -uado dlrprrcn aldurs arll roJ palnt4sqns dlsnorqrlda.rrnssI qln4-opnasd y 1o 'paluasa.rdarauars aql aonpo.rdo1dlsnoaueluods suraasarnl€u :spafqo a'Larll lo -7utaq letnleu Jo pur1 e 'luanr;;ns st a8essaru I€JalII aql s€ relosul 'qder8o1 -oqd aql ur suleruar ssalar{lauou araLll ,,'sloqruds,,yo 11ryst ralsod uazuacl a.ql sI qrlqm'uollelouuo) q8noqllv'3utst1.ranpe ur dllenadsa 'asuap d1ar.ua.rlxa Jo aJrJrue)queuras ar{} slua)ouur 1r'a8essarurqoquds aql sazll€Jnleua8eurt palouap aq1:(a8essauprn{l ar{}}o uolssnrsrp rage uollsanb srql o} Sururnla;) aur1ap o1 urBaq uEJ a,l,r r{r1{,ta.a8essaur rruorl ar{l Jo arnlJn4s le;aua8 aql ur alor lerrads e sdeld '(qderSoloqd Sursrllanpe aql qllrvr aseJ ar{l) apoc due dldrur 1ou saop ll rlrirlm ol lualxa ar{l ol'ageurr palouap aql'slua^a IIe lV 'sanuouoJa IeuolleruJotul Jo uorlelnur alrsrrap e o1 spuodsarroJ Jr lsa8erur yo dprue; 1ea;8 aql to rural (pa,r.o-rdtur)lsel ar{l trou sr qderSoloqd aql a)uaH 'apu a flollltm sa8assaw['rc| -slLIsll ur aurrl +srrJoql .ro; Sut;alunorua dltueurnq'alqessedrnsun dlanqrur;ap pue ,taeu dlalnlosqe aruo l€ '1re; letrSolodo.rqlue ,,]r-II , e luasarda.r pue (ue lqde.rSoloqd aql Jo suorllque pu€ sanbruqcal aqt to uoqnlo^a ar{+alrdsap) drolsrq apnla asuas auros uI uec qde.rSoloqd aql searaqm 'uollrlt Jo slJe snor.tald aql qlIM >learqIear duu lnoqlyvi'euraulJ aq+1o drolsrq € aq uec araql ,rtoq ureldxa plnom uorssruro q)Tr{,la13uql aql p atatlq-8uraqe atolaq f,em aql :sqderSoloqd paleurrue sp uaas aq ra8uol ou u€D san? ata4q-uaaq-Bunarq rulrC 'uo4rsoddo pcrper e 1nq aar8apto aruaraJJlpaldurrs€ +ousI qde.rSoioqd pue urlrt uaaMlaq uor+)u4srp ar{l l€r{l ,{,\aIAaql o1 dlr;oqlne pual plnom sIt{J 'spuadap a3le1 pue lq *lU q)IqM uo ssausnolrsuoJ Ieuoq)I; ,,1ecr8eru,,arour 'arrrloafordaJoruar{l ol }ou pue ssausnolJsuoc'1etrolelrads a.rnde ol pal€lar aq 'aw s,l! aql slea;ap dp 'lrarroJ lsnu qderSoloqd aql IIe le are $lr€urar asaql JI -sea :(s8ura,terp asn dueru apq.tr sqde.rSoloqd ol +rosarslsal IerI sam su1l aql os -Soloqcdsd .vra1 d.ra,L) a8eurr aql ;o la.ra.oda,trlcaford aql saqsruIrurp dlqeqord wnuqtynba le,rodurel Jo puDI sltlJ 'parallaqs are a,r,t.qrlqm (atatlq-uaaq-Butaa4) r,uo,r;dlrlear e 'alcelrur snonerd e dq 'sn SurnrB 'samil moq st stt4lJo a)uaplla Surd;adn1s sdea,r,1eaql sl araql qderSoloqd d.ra,l,a uI roJ 'ata4q-uaaq-3u1 -aaq a:qtJo leql dlrpal s1r1(palegap aq lsnur a8eurr orqderSoloqd arll 'o ralre -reqc leor8eur aql ol se surrelc) acuasatde derr.tou uI sI'uolsnll se pacuar'radxa ranau sr qde€o1oqd aql roJ 'ltou-ata4 aql Jo leql sr dlrlea.run sll :poo+srapun dlny aq ue; qde.rSoloqd aql 1o rtylaatun luat aqr teqt apo) lnoqty* a8es -saur ro a8essaurpalouap srql Jo la^al aLI+]€ snql s ll'uaql-a,Laq| aql pue mou -anq aql uaaMlaq uoqcunfuor prrSolp ue Suraq qderSoloqd aql dllrolralue lerodural pue drerpaurtur lerleds :dro8aleo arurl-a;eds Mau € sI aleq ar't l€t{M 'atatlq-uaaq-3utau1 s+r Jo ssauareMe ue ]nq (a4o,Lo.rdppoo ddoc due qcrq,tr) aql Jo ssausnolJsuor€ lou seqsqqelsalI a)uls'paluap 3urq1aql 1o ata4y-8uraq -arardun d1n.4 paapur sr sanlolur qderSoloqd ar{l ssausnolrsuo) Jo adfi aq1 drolsrq s,ueur ur sluasarda.rlI uollnlolar prrSolodo,rqlue aq+ Jo luarussassP aql .ta.oll€pue qder8oloqd aql Jo ral)ereq) rryrads aql roJ lunoJr€ 'sutaas 1r 'ueJ apoJ-uou JeJnleuaql pup af JeJnllnJe urory ul\llJp su8rs rrli uaql-plno,l,t ueur qrrqu uo (re..r (uerdoln uana) Burtrur8aqaql 1 o18uo1aqdlanqcaga (paads;s 1p aLIlul suorluanralurs,uetrr;.(.i1r. dperunq dlprrueqJollr 1ou peJnl -o1oqd;o ql,{ru aql sar.ro;rrrar i1 Jo lnq ,,uorJeurJoJsueJl,, Jo aurr -e1araq1-a8essaur Ieralrl aql Jo i aql lou sr Sur.rae;p ar{l Jo ,,rrLit-. -oqd aql qig.u se) arnllnr p Lrlrr,.rr lr :partrporu{lpunoyo;d sr saFes. slr s,{eldsrp B u r , u e . r p l ls p r p l L r o L -rlsuol;1as1rBur,rte.rpp ,o ,,uorlnp sar{srlqe}sa aJUOle lr aJursLro: ;o Surpoc aql +eql ureJra) s1tl .a:r a8essaurpalouap aqtr Bur;.ro.-.r 1o lear8 e palnqrJile arnssne5) ,,-irr1 ,.{11eurg .a1d1s 11ea{ll lnorly rr :,r leLF uelll arnd ssaysr Bur,uer1.;ri1 pr4_dq ldacxa) ;rafqo aq1 rrri;:., lurod s1g'lta{qns s}r asool{) Llpr lr Li 3uor1s e aq oi ,Jala.l,ror{€ursu.r-.. 3un11/itaaa arnpo.rda;rJoLrsaop ;-u: aql uaa-4qaquorsr^rp urelJaf p salp aLI+ uorlerado .{... aql dipuora5 to -snl aJe uorlrsodsue.rl sapor .rl{l Jo ou sI aJaLIllsuorlrsodsueJl /rJtl.r.r.: e ro lrafqo ue arnpordar o1 ,.i11sr Jo aJnlpu papoJ aLJJ.a8essaurl.rrpr aql o1 pasoddo aq snql lsnLll ,ap()-eLuJoJsueJ+ Jo saplJ pue su8rs sn,, LlorJeurJofu(leralq) aqJ llusLrrrrj ! spurT ar{+IIe Jo roJ,a;er1uaray.1rp 1:nr P lnor{lrM a8essoure a}nlr}slrol r)l anl;r,r .,{q,(a1e1s s1r ur) rlrieriot 1era1r1 aq1 ,{q paJJoJurar dlqe"raprstror .r u 'lualouut ,srsdJeue lseJarll rrlro 'suorlelouuoJ .rt-J1 sJryo d11etnrer. lrulT e se readde upr a8eur palou.rf ,}uarfrJ]ns noolsrapun aq lr III.4{ Pup .l rloru solraJJad pue . 1etr8o1ocio.n11 -sodsrpsderurlu dlanos leal p LuorJal 'PnllI^ s u r E u l a& l l l l q l 3 l l l " l 1 . ,s, r r l t' r q a&aula4qlo ryop4[ :SEHruvs 8 160 rHE RHETORTCOF THE rMAGE masking the constructed meaning under the appearance of the given meaning. Runtonrc oF THEIuecE It was seen that the signs of the third message(the "symbolic" message,cultural or connoted) were discontinuous. Even when the signifier seems to extend over the whole image, it is nonetheless a sign separated from the others: the "composition" carries an aestheticsignified, in much the same way as intonation although suprasegmental is a separate signifier in language. Thus we are here dealing with a normal system whose signs are drawn from a cultural code (even if the linking together of the elements of the sign appears more or less analogical). What gives this system its originality is that the number of readings of the same lexical unit or lexia (of the same image) varies according to individuals. In the Panzaniadvertisement analyzed, four connotative signs have been identified; probably there are others (the net bag, lor example, can signify the miraculous draught of fishes, plenty, etc.). The variation in readings is not, however, anarchic; it depends on the different kinds of knowledge-practical, national, cultural, aesthetic-invested in the image and these can be classified, brought into a typology. It is as though the image presented itself to the reading of several different people who can perfectly well co-exist in a single individual: the one lexia mobilizesdifferentlexicons. What is a lexicon? A portion of the symbolic plane (of language) which corresponds to a body of practices and techniques.l2This is the casefor the different readings of the image: each sign corresponds to a body of "attitudes" - tourism, housekeeping, knowledge of art - certainty of which may obviously be lacking in this or that individual. There is a plurality and a co-existenceof lexicons in one and the same person, the number and identity of these lexicons forming in some sort a person's idiolect.l3The image, in its connotation, is thus constituted by an architecture of signs drawn from a variable depth of lexicons (of idiolects); each lexicory no matter how "deep," still being coded, if, as is thought today, the psycheitself is articulated like a language; indeed, the further one "descends" into the psychic depths of an individual, the more rarified and the more classifiable the signs become-what could be more systematic than the readings of Rorschach tests? The variability of readings, therefore, is no threat to the "langu age" of the image if it be admitted that that language is composed of idiolects, lexicons and sub-codes.The image is penetrated through and through by the system of meaning, in exactly the same way as man is articulated to the very depths of his being in distinct languages. The language of the image is not merely the totality of utterances emitted (for example at the level of the combiner of the signs or creator of the message),it is also the totality of utterances received:14the language must include the "surprises" of meaning. Another difficulty in analyzing connotation is that there is no particular analytical language corresponding to the particularity of its signifieds-how are the signifieds of connotation to be named? For one of them we ventured the term ltalianicity, but the others ordinary language (culinary prePlr n'hich has to take charge of then specialized.This is a difficultv for tl nature: as a seme of connotation, "p the denoted sense; the signifier of condensationof the produce) is likr ties, of the purest idea of plentl'' Tht lor it is always caught uP in a con ithat of verbal discourse),oriented language;the seme "PlentY," on the off from any syntagm, dePrived of ; theatrical state of meaning, or, bette svntagm), to an exqosedmeaning. would therefore require a sPecial barisms ol the Italianlclly kind as bt of connotatiory the suffix -icity deri Italianicityis not Italy, it is the cond Italian, from spaghetti to painting. if needs be barbarouslY-the namir sis of their form will be rendered e ciative fields, in paradigmatic art according to certain defined paths c Italianicity beloni tain semic axes:16 side Frenchicity, Germanicitv or axes-which may eventuallv be il only be possibleonce a massivein been carried out, an inventor-" no image but also of those of other su nifiers dependent on the differer objects,modes of behaviour) it ho signifieds are to be found in the rr tures (which is why semiologv ca framework). This common domair which cannot but be sinS ideology, what signifiers of connotation it nr To the general ideologr', thal which are specifiedaccording to th called connotatorsand the set of cr-as the signifying aspect of ideolol stance(herearticulated sound, the essarilyby their form; it is even P form, cotrrrrronfor instance to clrea ric of the image (that is to sar', the to the extent that it is subject to tl for example, from Phonatorv con L9L 'aldurexa ro; aql ler{l +ualxa aLIl ol I€raua8 lnq (slurerlsuor .,fuo1euoqdruor; aql ol sr ,luaragrp) uorsrn to slur€Jlsuoc prrsdqd ar{+ol lJalqns lI leq] ]ua]xa aql des otrsr 1€r{l)a8eurraq11o cu ,grr"ar.t (srolelouuor sll Jo uoIlEJItISSelJ 'arn+€Jalll 'ru€alp ol aJuelsu to1 uotttwot'tuto{ -ol"qt snql ,r'aBn.tl pu€ "ql uana sl ]I lruro; rraql dq dp'ressa alqeqoJd lnrrripq, a1S.rt.-n,qrr*" "r"ql leql'a8etur araql 'punos paleln)Ig€ araq) acuels -rn ,lor, ltq (.rana1eq,,r,t ro 'arnlsa8 -qns rraql iq d.re,,'d1qn1t,o".tts)Irolaq' dSoloapr Jo lradse Suld;ru8rs aql se palle) ')"uoptpt€ slol€louuoDJo las aql pue src4ap_uuor Surreaddesnr{l rrro}aqr aq IIIM s;arJru8rsasaql'acuelsqns uasoq) aql ol Sulproccepar;tcadsar€ r{rlq1'r /sI leq] 'd8o1oapr srar;ruflrs puodsauor lerauaS aql oI uoll€louuoJ ;o 'asn detu lI uoll€+ouuoc;o s'rar;ru8rslerlm 'hSopapt ralleru ou drolsrq pue dlanos ua,tt8 e ro; a18ursaq lnq louueJ r{rlqm '(4rorrtarue.l; aql Jo ur€urop uoululoJ srql Jo l€r{l sr uor}€Jouuot ;o spar;ru8rs dpo uer dSolonuas dqzvrsr qrrq''r't) sarnl ie1o1leads oJ os e uI palraruo) aq lr"B r,rolrn aql ro a8eu4 aq1'ssard uanlr,lr aql uI punot acl ol ale spar;ru8rs 'slle[qo aures ar{l :uoururor ur spat;ru8rs sll ile sploq 1r (rnorneqaq to sapou 'a8en8uel 'a8etur) pazlllln saru€+sqns luaraJJlp aql uo luapuadap sraltlu -8rs pcrddl spq uoqelouuor JI ro; 'sacuelsqns raqlo Jo asoql Jo osp lnq a8etur 'lno uaaq paIJJef, aq1 ;o uralsds alll€louuo) aql Jo dlaraur lou droluaaul u€ aq dpo ser{ uollelouuot ;o suralsds aql Jo d.rolua'lur alrsseur e a)uo alqrssod dpealc llrm-rer{+ou€ auo ol uorlrsoddo ur aq d1pryua't'a deur r{f,ItlM-saxe apIS qrns to uollnlllsuora.r aq1 dlrcrqsruedg ro dlrcrueuuaS dlnrqruarC -3uo1e'sarlrleuorleuto slxe uleuaD e o1 s8uolaq /irycruatp11 er:sax€Jluras uJ€} -rar o1SurproJJe']r slnd seunal3 'l 'Y se'ro sqled paulJapul€uar o1Surp'rooce ,suorlrsoddo ur sdeqrad ua,La 'suoqelnJlu€ rrleruBrpered uI 'splalJ aAIl€IJ -osse ur pazrue8ro ar€ saurasasar{I sr'Jalseapalapuar aq IIIM ruloJ JIar{}to sIS -dpue ar{l'uop€}ouuo) Jo saurasatll;o Surureu aq}-'{1snor€qryq aq spaau JI 'Suqured o1 rpaq8eds urorJ'u€IFtrI pue-dprcgr1re aleln8ar o1 Suqdaooedg ppto, 1eq1Sulqldrana Jo a)uassapasuapuoJaql q lI dp11 1ou st fr\nruat1u11 'uollelorruoJ "q }o :a.r,r1ra[peaql uroJJ unou lJer]sqe ue Surrrr,rapliltn- x41ns ar{l ,p"r;rrr8r. aql roJ luno)J€ ol alq€ Suraqlsaq s€ puIT lilntunr1al1ar{l to sluslJ€cl -r€q q+I^{ Ual ale a^{ pu€ a8en8ue1e1aurprcads e arrnbar aroJaraql plnoM 'Surueaw pasodxaue o1 '(tu8eluds uorlelouuoJ Jo sauras asaql ssardxa o1 'Sutueaur Jo ale}s I€JIJ}€aql € lnor{ll6 u$rs e ;o uoqsanb e sr 1raculs) rapaq'Io 'ur8eluds due ruo't;5o yo 1ro, e o1 Surpuodsarro) pue lxaluo) due 1o pa'trrdap aurasar{} la8en8uel ,rr,'"1n5 arnd e ur ldacrror e sr'dre,4uocar{}uo ,,'f,qua1d,, spr€Mol paluarro '(as'rnocsrpleqra^ Jo leql) ;o d1r,tr1rsuerlprrtrcerd ul€uar e 'aJuEralln lua8urluoc B ur dn lq8nel sde'tr1esI lI Jot ru8eluds snonulluoJ € 'sal+ aJuassaue ol sraJarra^au proM palouap aq1 d1ua1dJo eapl lsarnd aql Jo -ua1d alqrssod ge yo raqdrc lel+uassaaql a)H sr (acnpord ar{l Jo uorl€suapuor ar{l ar{l pup uorsnlord aql aJaq) uoqe}ouuoJ 1o rar;ru8rs aql lasuas palouap 'uoll€lolruoJ Jo auras € se :arnleu w ,,t(1ua1d,,.ranordllrexa +ou saop ,,f,1ua1d,, 'pazrleroads ,rl.rn*", ,egrrrynd'n a.l,eqsparJru8rsasaql roJ'dllnrrgrp e sI sIL{I a8reqo a>lel ol seq qrIrIM 1ou sr srsdleue aql 'o luaurour aql le uaql Jo 'uot4andatd rtuurlnc) a8en8uel dreurpro a'qa:(/huad 'rh unt '/i1ntuar1a11 "3nnd.re1n1a* rural aql *or; ,pio^ dq paleu8rsap aq dpo uer srar{}o aql lnq a?nwlaqttortroqqd:Sf HIUVg paJnlua^ a,\^ruar{l Jo auo roJ c ,tt.orl- sparJru8rss1r;o dlrrelnrrlr relnrrlred ou sr aJar{l}eql sr uoll aql apnlJur aSen8uel aql lsnw '(a8essatuaql rol€an ro su€ 1r Jo .ro;)paqltua sa)uerallnJo ^lrlpto 'sa8en8uel lJurlsrp ur Suraqsrq lo aures eql dlDexa ur 'Surueau 1o -uad sr a8eruraql 'sapoJ-qnspu paprtupe aq a8prul r teqt 1er{} ll 1 's8urpearyo dlryrqer"re.l. aql Zsls aJour aq plnoJ leqM-aruo)aq -Ir€J aJouraql'Fnpr^rpur ue Jo -mJ aq]'paapur la8en8uel e aIII sr se Jr'papof, Suraqp1s ,,,daa suorrxal;o qldap alqerre^ e uror -uo) snql sr'uoqelouuol slr ur ,a -urro; suoJrxalasaql .{lrguaprp ;o suoJrxalJo afualsrxa-oJe pup Alrl -{Jel aq dlsnornqo detu qrrq.u yo 'ulSIJnol-,,sapnlBlP,, ,{poqe o Jo luaralJrp ar{l roJ aser ar{l sr srqf _r -arror r.{JTLIM (a8en8uel;o) aueld 'suorryal Tuatafip sazqtqowoual a dltroay.rad uer oll.ll. aldoad luareJ a8eruraql q8noql sp sr ll d8o1od a8eurraql ur palsalur-Jrlaqlsae spuq aL{luo spuadap luare1;Ip lr -rre^ aqJ '('r1a'd1ua1d,saqsr; ;o 1 rc1 '?eq lau aql) srar{lo ar€ ararll -orruoJrnoy'pazdleue +uaurasry sarre.L(a8ewl aures aql yo) rrral -runu aql leqq sr llreur8r;o slr ua1 sreadde u8rs aq+ to struauala aql -lnJ e uror; u,r,rpJpa;e su8rsasoq. snq; 'aBen8uelur rar;ru8rsalere ,par;ru8 se dervlaures aql q)nur ur -qlo aql ruor; pale.redas u8rs e ss o+ suraas rar;ru8rs aql uar{.lr ua. -1no'a8essaur,,;qoqtuds,, aql) a8 uanr8 aql ;o aruereadde aql . g L62 rHE RHETORTC OFrHE rMAGE "figures" are never more than formal relations of elements. This rhetoric could only be establishedon the basis of a quite considerableinventory, but it is possibie nor,rrto foresee that one will find in it some of the figures formerly identified by the Ancients and the Classics:18the tomato, for example, signifies ltalianicify by metonymy and in another advertisement the seguence of three scenes (coffee in beans, coffee in powder, coffee sipped in the cup) releasesa certain logical relationship in the same way as an asyndeton. It is probable indeed that among the metabolas (or figures of the substitution of one signifier for anotherle), it is metonymy which furnishes the image with the greatest number of its connotators, and that among the parataxes (or syntagmatic figures), it is asyndeton which predominates. The most important thing, however, at least for the moment, is not to inventorize the connotators but to understand that in the total image they constitute discontinuousor better still scatteredtraits. The connotators do not fill the whole of the lexia, reading them does not exhaust it. In other words (and this would be a valid proposition for semiology in general),not all the elements of the lexia can be transformed into connotators; there always remaining in the discourse a certain denotation without which, precisely, the discoursewould not be possible.Which brings us back to the secondmessage or denoted image. ln the Panzanl advertisement, the Mediterranean vegetables, the color, the composition, the very profusion rise up as so many scattered blocks, at once isolated and mounted in a general scene which has its own space and, as was seen, its "meaning": they are " set" in a syntagm which is not theirsand which is that of thedenotation.This last proposition is important for it permits us to found (retroactively) the structural distinction between the second or literal message and the third or symbolic message and to give a more exact description of the naturalizing function of the denotation with respect to the connotation. We can now understand that it is preciselythe syntagm of the denotedmessage which "naturalizes" the systemof the connotedmessage. Or again: connotation is only system, can only be defined in paradigmatic terms; iconic denotation is only syntagm, associates elements without any system: the discontinuous connotators are connected, actualized, "spoken" through the syntagm of the denotation, the discontinuous world of symbols plunges into the story of the denoted scene as though into a lustral bath of innocence. It can thus be seen that in the total system of the image the structural functions are polarized: on the one hand there is a sort of paradigmatic condensation at the level of the connotators (that is, broadly speaking, of the symbols), which are strong signs, scattered,"reified"; on the other a syntagmatic'flow'at the level of the denotation-it will not be forgotten that the syntagm is always very closeto speech,and it is indeed the iconic "discourse" which naturalizes its symbols. Without wishing to infer too quickly from the image to semiology in general, one can nevertheless venture that the world of total meaning is torn internally (structurally) between the system as culture and the syntagm as nature: the works of mass communications all combine, through diverse and diversely successful dialectics, the fascination of a nature, that of story, diegesis, svn n'ithdrawn into a few discontinur shelter of their living speech. NOTES L T h e d e s c r i p l i oot rf t h e p h o t o g r a p l rr metalanguage.The reader is asked to refcr t 2 . B t t y p t c a .! i g r l t s m e a t r tt h e . i g r r , ' : . r stance: the r.erbal sign, the iconic sign, thc g 3. In French, the expression nnttrrt rr,' such as a skull, in certain pictures. 4. Cf. "The photographic message,' ai and Trans.StephenHeath. New York: llill .r 5. "Na:ive" analvsis is an enutneratirrr relation of these elements !y r.irtue of the ':r a structure:if one term changes,so also .l(r t 6. Cf. R. Barthes, El1nrcntsde sirrlo,i.. Seniology,London 1967& Nerv York 1965.; 1t-S7. Menestrier,L'Art deserablinres, 8. lmages without words can certainlr the absenceof rarordsahr.ays covers an ent{ 9. El1rnentsde shniologie,pp. 131-1 ltr.: 10. This can be seenclearlv in the p..1; t o t l r e l e x t a n d n h e r e , c o n s e q u c t r t l vt r r . . rn,hichrt'ants to communicate that in suri-. .r in powder fom and thai it will thus irt' ;.:r proposition, a tin of colfee nitir a chrir . ("locked in") is taken litelalll'(a n'ell-krtr'.'. is read first and the text {rorn n hich tirc i;:r.: of one signified among others.The rt'pre-.:. iz:+inn n t t' ^h' ' p r^ "l_e" "s_ _cba- u p 11. Cf. Claude Bremoncl,"Le mes'.r:. 1 2 . C f . A . J . G t e i r n a s ," l - e s p h i r . r ! r r Lexicologle,1.,1959, p. 63. 13. Cf . El1mentsde sdnioiogie,p ')5 ::.r 1 4 . l n t h e S a u s s u r r apne r s p c . t i \ L - : ' d r a r rn f r o m t h e l a n g u a g e - srrt c l n { . r n . l : r : notion of language llnng uel, especialI r i:. ::abstraction" of the messagesemittetl .;,:.;' 15. Forntin the precisesensegir en r: !. 3 q - 1 l l ) ,a s t h e [ u r t c t i o n aolr g a t r i z a t t t, : : i ' 1 6 . A . J . G r e i t n a s ,C o u r s i e - i . , ' : . , ' : : Sup6rieurede Saint-Cloud). 'Rem.rr.rr:.r 17. Cf. Ernile Benveniste, 1,1956,pp. 3- 16 i:t::: enne', La Psrlchanalyse Paris 1966,Chapter 7; translateclas li, r . rhetoric needs to be rt:lr 18. C-lassical progress);it will then perhaps bc possir'.. : fiers of connotation, valic1for articul.rtr.i -. .16. (Aider6moire)', ComnttLnicntiotis 1'r. 19. We prefer here to er.adeIako5..': m e t o n \m \ b v i t s o r i g i n i . a f i 8 u r . ' r \ L ' : : r the signifier, that is as a metaphor. €9L 'JoL{dPtetx P <P sl lPql ldtjlttSls dql 'tr1p8guor p 1o arn8rl sr ur8rro s1riq 'iru'iuolatu Io alnlqsqns e sP illEr,IIJ suol+Jun; ssalaql.ralau +1 j, ,oy i*ioo1"..t pue ro ldelaur uaai\\1aq uotlrsoddo s,uostloTel ape^a ol a'rat1'ra;ard ar1161 ' L Ju' , ( a : l o u t g u - a p t y ) O L 6 L9' I s uo l la J l u1 1 M o 'a8etul'punos palelnJqru Jot plle^'uollPlouuoJ Jo slalJ auuartue,'L aag ':1a 'a'rnlsaF anbrro19q11 P qsr'q€}sa o1 alclrssodaq sduqrad uaq} 1''n 1r :(ssa'r€ord -FBi. sr4sin3uri',o :"rro1aq'r lurauag ".{i;" 8l ur lJoM e;o 1:a[qoaq] sr slql) slura+Iernlfnlls ut lqbnoq+araq ol spaau llJo]aql IelIssEI-) '996I srled 's:r4srtt,!ill7 '[1761eprrolg'salqe! lutauag{o suanold s€ palelsuer} 17'raldeq.) le]ol '9961'yasliluuaLlrltsd'rJ',atrua ,aolili rnirpr"EuU ip-siuta,1o.t11,atsrlra.\Lrag E ur palur:da.rl9l-€ dd -rpnarl aualnoilgp el sLIPpa8eFrLelrlp uollluo; el rns sanbielua5,'a+srlla^uagalILuE ll ll ' (pnol)-+ules aP a'rnalrgdnS 'anb\trtttua5ap slno) 'selular3 I v 9r aleurroN alorf aq+ .iq pad,loauo: salou) tr961 .sa.\lasrualil Suoue spar;ruBrsaLIl lo uoqezFre8ro IeuollJun] aql sp /([l]-68 'dd 'sue.q] gg1 d '.rr3o1orar,;s ap slltrllt?l1 ;:) ,ra1su1a[giq ]l ua^r8 asuas asDard aq] uI lrlloJ 9l 'paoz)aipuu pallrura saBessatuaLIl ,,uol+)er+sqe Jo a8en8trelJo tlo4ou aql sr aBenBupl:MaIAJo lurod rrluetuasaqi rLIoJJ.\11er:adsa'IarlSrruJ] 3urzr1e1oi,, aql ruor; u,vrerp pue) ruals.,is-a8en8uel sr 1I (urntar ul +l8u1+n1llsuor #rn1.i" oj,iepol .i.ressarau 'allrads:ad uer:nssnug aql uI il "qi 'pa+lrlla sr Lirr-l^{ +eql II€ a^oqe sr (saruelalin) q:aads 'd'a8opuu1s ap slurLuall'lJ 'strerl] €L 96 [Z-tZ dd ' C 9 d'o9ctl '; ';r8o1.r''n'1 'selura'rC I V }l Zl rp s.tau.{a),,'anbtqderSouergr-u uoqdt:r:sap €l ap sauQTqold sa1,, 'puouarg€p:il?;i"tJ.rrrz 'l96L 1l SUoll1illttnLauoJ ,,';11er:euab€ssaurr1,, uorsSardaraq.1 sraqlo Suoue parlru8rs auo Jo l€upq p Se]uarua^our JplnJlr) aLIlur ure8e luasard Sr arroqr alduls aql pua arll ur saruoJaqpalJnrlsuo: sr aHeruIarll LIJItl,uUIOJJ+xal ar{} puE }snlJpeal st ua1e1sr (,,ur pa{rol,,) s; lr Ja^a,\ oq'+truj ur l(aL\ap rnaod ur\ou{lla'n e) ,i11e'ra111 qriq.* n8n-i 'uorltsodord "q; aq+ 'a.raH lr punor pillped pu€ uIPqJ e qllm aaJJol Jo LIq e :oqdnl"- r,lsrn3u,I 'r1rid"p p-.r-t ., uaqr\{ arall} ,{11oq,uaq snq} llr.4 lI l'qtr pue utrol rap'rtod ur .rqt ""gor' "q1 "noqn u ler{} a}eJlunururotr ol slu€M qJIr{M lrnpord aql ,,ul pa)Jol,, sI €ltroJe aq+aaJ]o) E r.{Jnspu€ qJns 'AlluanbasuoJ 'aJaq^{ pu€ lxa+ aql ol +uauaslua^pe uV ssalpaau acl ol Luaasplno^r Iol+uoJ aLIl Surprorre pa+JnJlsuoJsr a8erur aql a.raq^\aseJ lEJIXop€JEdarll ul AIJ€alJuaas aq ue) slqJ 0I '[fOO dd suerl] 7-191 dd'a8olottuVsaPs+uaulal1'6 'uorlualur rrleur8ruauP s.raAolsaP.[lPspJo-!\Jo aJuasqeaq+ uleiJasuI punoj aq iprelrar uer sp'ron +noq4'\ sa8euq 3 lxopered e;o i(e,t iq 1nq 'suoo+JEJ 'TggL /saLuQlqula sap|rv,'1'rar4saual^l I '[Z6-OSdd'8961 IroA,\\aN t 196l Lropuo-f iSopnucg 'a8o1outt9s dp sluaaal1 'sar{ueg U }f 9 sue.q] gg1 d 'fSOt'l sua4nnmluttlol lo s1uarua1g 'sJaqlo arll op oslE os 'sabueqJ ruJa+auo JI :alnlJnJ+s€ uoqelar Jo aldr:uud aql Jo an+rr^ '{q sluaurala asar{l Jo ]o surra+aql uaamlaq Surploq iil:eplos aqt 'sluaruala Jo uoqelarunua ue SI slsl\leue ,/aAIeN// g arll dsEJBo1 surre uorldrrtsap IPJnllnJlS '7761 'Bue64pu€ lllH :IroA MaN qleag uaqdai5 strer:Lpue /sar{uug 'Ias Jl't }I'lE-El dd a,loqe,,',aSessaul:qderSoloqdaql, lrrJ -ttsttyg--saSawr 'saJn+ridtlI€lJaJuI 'llnls e se qJns ,s1ra[qo uorssa'rdxaaq] 'LIruaJJ uI € atnJLlLt learaun,J;o aruasatd letuBuo aql ol sJa]a] auouL 'uBrs :su3rs leqral aq+ :aruels 1e:rdi1 iuptu os are uBts lernlsa8 aq]'u8rs rruoJl aql -qns slr iq paullap ilalenbape sr 1r se re]osur uralsds e;o u8rs aql lueaur sr uSts1utrdfuLg'7 '(ilny) uo,lrnpo:dar atp ot laJar ot palse sI rap€ar aq.L'a8en8ueplaru € sa+nlqsuoJ ipearle 1r ro1 'a,ruapmd r{ll^\ araq ua.lr$ sr qcler$oloqd aq+1o ttotldutsap aqJ l SfJON 'qlaads 8ur,ti1 .rraql rallaqs Jo ar{l uJ ,,auJIJap,,uaur qJlr{n,r sloqlu.{s snonul}uolslp ,l,ral € olul uMeJpqllm 'ruBeluIs 'sisa8alp 'dro1s leql 'arnl€u 'arnllnf, e Jo Jo dlIIIqISIIIaluI aql pu€ a8auqa4qlo rLtop4tt ;S:lH1uvs e uorleurJseJaq+ ,scrlralerp 1 Jo 'aurquroJ IIe suoqe)runururoJ sser arnllnr s€ rualsds aql uaaMlaq (.ill to plroM aql leql arnlua^ ssalar{lr ar{} woq dpornb ool Jaful o+ Surqs JruoJrar{l paepur sr 1rp ,,asJnoJsrp// aq+ leLll ualloSroJ aq lou ill,\^ ll -3e1udsE rar{lo aq} uo !,,pa1rar,,,p '8ur)€ads dlpeorq ,sr aql to teql) -uor Jrl€u8rp€red Jo uos e sr araq lernl)nlls aql a8eult ar{l Jo tuats.i to r{lEq Ier}snl e o+urqSnoq} se au sloqruls to plro^,t snonuquorsrp a ,,uaIods,,,pazrlenlJ€,palcauuo:.r due lnoqlpa sluaurala salerJossp, JrlPu8rp€redul paurJepaq .ipo u 'a8assaLu papuulr a4l{o uta$lisat1 ,,s -uns atlj fi4axcatdil f r;e:qlpuetsrapu rDrrv\uorlelouap ar{+Jo uorlrunJ 3 p aArBol pup a8esseur)lloqlu.is ro aql uaaMlaq uorlJur+srpleJnlJnrls a lu€+Jodur sr uo4rsodoJdlse1srql .r q)lllm vr?eluds e ur ,)as ,, ate daqt :..! slr ser{ qJIqM auars IerauaS e ur pa -leJs dueru os se dn asrJuorsnJold -e+a8a^ueau€JJalrpal^Iar{l,luaLuas a8essaurpuoJasar{t o} >lJeqsn sguu ar{l 'dlasrJard qrlqrv\ lnoqllM uorJpl s,,(eMle alaql isJolulouuoJ oJur Lr aql [e lou'(l€raua8 ur dSolonuas :o spJolv\Jeqlo uI 'll lsner{xa lou saop lou op sro+elouuor aql.slto,Ll pa.ta .iaql a8erur plol aql ur +eqtrpuelsr ol lou sr ,luaurour aql JoJ lseal ]p , 'saleunuopar -ufs ro) saxelered ar{l Suorue leqt p LIIIMa8eulr aql saqsrurnJLIrrLl.\tiL to uorlnl4sqnsaql Jo sarnSulo) spl sr lI 'uolapudse ue sp de,vlatues aul rdnr aql ur paddrs oarJo),rap.uoJ lo aJuanbaseql luaruas4Ja^p€laqlo -ru8rs'aldruexa roJ /oleurol aL{l r,:sfr iJ.raur.ro; satn8r;eql Jo aruosll ur pu ]r lnq /dlolua^ur alq€JaprsuoJalrnb e rrrolaqJ srql .sluarualaJo suorlplar g