BLADEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHECK NO.: DUBLIN, N.C. 28332 COM. DESC. PO NUMBER V0046662 ACCOUNT CODE INV. NO.1 DATE 11-220-12-531500-40301 0076567 REIM BM8680 9 PAYEE SHOULD DETACH STUB AND DEPOSIT VOUCHER AT ONCE .•• ·.• •. [I ···.i GROSS AMT. DISC. AMT. 1785.00 0.00 TOTAL: BLADEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, NORTH CAROLINA 28332 STATE EXPENSE ACCOUNT 5010001 NET AMOUNT 1785.00 1,785.00 66-1059 531 CHECK NO.: 5010001 I:: ",:'::"":::::: PAY TO THE ORDER OF Wendy C. Sholar POBox 172 White Oak NC 28399 Payable at par State Trea5urer through Fed"",' Raleigh, North carolina Reserve System FILE COpy VOID AFTER 90 DA YS Bladen Community College 7418 Hwy41 West Dublin. NC 28332 Wendy C. Sholar POBox 172 White Oak NC 28399 '1 12-01-1 1 A11 : 01 IN \jO .. ~~ REQUEST FOR PAYMENT DATE: 11/29/11 VENDOR: Wendy Sholar APPROVING AC£ION (SIGNATURE & DATE) POBox 172 White Oak NC 28399-0172 PH: FOR: MSNIED (DEPARTMENT OR PROGRAM AREA) ORDERED REC'D STOCK NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION & COMMODITY NO. UNIT PRICE NURl531 Influencing the Future of Nursing and 1,785.00 Health Care Invoice No. Nur/531 :BM868059 1': JlJ--e., ;11/-"11' '"1 " ~J-f.J ~r-I--f\ II 1,785.00 ~.V-\ University of Phoenix"­ f' """ v-tt\ TOTAL JV / I o.rr­ J W/ / PURPOSE: Reimbursement for~courses taken toward MSN degree. Grade is highlighted on page 3. SUB-TOTAL 1,785.00 SHIPPING CHGS. BUDGET CODE: HAZ. MAT. CHGS. TAX 1ST COpy DEPARTMENT OR PROGRAM COPY 2ND AND 3RD COPIES BUSINESS OFFICE COPIES TOTAL 1,785.00 12-01-11 P12:07 OUT-r 12-01-11P12:07 RCVD 12-05-11A09:58 RCVD \W Page 1 ofl University of Phoenix· ~: 9040001290 Date: UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX 3157 E. ELWOOD STREET PHOENIX, AZ 85034-7209 28-NOV-201l SHOLAR, WENDY POBOX 172 WHITE OAK, NC 28399-0172 INVOICE Date 20-SEP-II Invoice Number NURl531:BM868059 Description NURl531-INFLUENCING THE Inv Total Inv Amt 1,785.00 0.00 0.00 1,785.00 FUrURE OF NURSING AND HEALTH CARE Total Invoice Balance Thank You for your business from University of Phoenix! $0.00 Page 10f3 . Grade Report , Welcome Wendy Sholar 9040001290 Inbox Home Classroom Materials library Program What's New I Community I Help I Logout Account Assignments Discussion I Grades Grade Report: NURl531 Grade: A Grade Summary (Week 1-Week 6) Total Percentage: 99% Your Total Score: 99 Total Possible Score: 100 Week 6 Possible Score Your Score 27,0 27,0 Week 6 Subtotal: 27 27 Cumulative Week 6 Subtotal: 100 99 Possible Score Your Score 3.0 3.0 30,0 29.5 Week 5 Subtotal: 33 32,5 Cumulative Week 5 Subtotal: 73 72 Team Debate Comment: Learning Team B, ArI excellent job. The team covered allll1e key elements. The APA was solid, The tirst couple 01 coolent slides dld not have much support with reterences. The presentalion was [nvmng and I loved the COlor Of the slides. A great Job. The team earned !ull poinls. I want to wiSh yoo me best on yoor journey. Week 6 Feedback: WeekS Participation (Includes DOs) Comment: Wendy, YOU earned full points this week. Thank yoo tor !ully participaling in Ihe tinal week at the requirements. Please keep up the great werk. Let me know it you have any questions. Thanks, Emerging Standards Paper Comment: Wendy, A SOlid paper. You covered the key elements. You included an appropfiate theory. Your references were comprehensive, Your APA is solid. You have a few grammar errors. such as passive voice and the use 01 consistent third voice, Overall. a great paper. Please keep up the great work. Please let me know n you have any questions. -0,5 (grammar) Week 5 Feedback: Week" Participation (Includes DOs) Possible Score Your Score 3.0 3.0 1,0 1.0 comment: Wendy, Thank you for participating tully. You met all requiremenhl tor this week. Thanks. Leaming Team DO Comment: Learning Team 6. Please remember Ihat communication should be completed Ihrough out the week. Please do not post ..signmenlll without all students Input, especially it the assignment is not late. Frequent communication shoold help with moving the assIgnmenl along with no worries. Thanks 11/2812011 . . Page 2 of3 Grade Report , Week 4 Subtotal: 4 4 Cumulative Week 4 Subtotal: 40 39.5 Week 4 Feedback: Week 3 Possible Score Your Score 3.0 3.0 15.0 14.5 1.0 1.0 Week 3 Subtotal: 19 18.5 Cumulative Week 3 Subtotal: 36 35.5 Participation (includes DOs) Comment: Wendy. Thank you for participating fully this week. You met all requirements for DOs. Please Keep up the great worki Opinion Assignment Comment: Wendy, A nice job. The brochure covered all the key elements. You included a histOl'j. ratios. facts about the legislaHan, and how the ratiO can or cannot manage nursing workload. Your references were comprehensive. You had a row minor APA errors, SUCh as spacing and no DOl number lor the journal relerences OR Ihe da1e and database retrieved. The references are not hangng in the brochure. The citafions within the body 01 the brochure or paper are not APA format. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. ·0.5 Learning Team DO Comment: Week 3 Feedback; Week 2 Possible Score Your Score 3.0 3.0 10.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 Week 2 Subtotal: 14 14 Cumulative Week 2 Subtotal: 17 17 Possible Score Your Score 3.0 3.0 Week 1 Subtotal: 3 3 Cumulative Week 1 Subtotal: 3 3 Participation (includes DOs) Comment: Wendy. You met all participation requirements this week. Please keep up the great jobl Scarce Resources Article Comment: Wendy, A good paper. You coverod the key elements. You do not need to include the relerence at the beginning of the paper. This is not an annotated bib. The APA and grammar are solid with a few minor errors. Please keep up the great job. Learning Team DO Comment: Week 2 Feedback: Week 1 Participation (includes DOs) Comment: Wendy, Thank you lor participating fully this week. Your DO responses were comprehensive and included approprlate references. Please keep up the greal work. Week 1 Feedback: 11128/2011 Page 3 of3 Gi'ade Report ". " Home I Classroom I library I program I Account Sitemap I Downloads I Community Relations I System Status I Tenns of Use I Pnvacy POliCY Contact Us Report a problem I Ask a queslion I Share a thoughl Copyright © 2011 University of Phoenix ! Gradebook 8,3,1 I PlAXORIN002,OLS,PHOENIX,EDU Tools Go to inbox: Opens in a new window. tpmJ1S!se Email; QRu in a new wind!iiiil loading... • Preferences • Show Number of Messages,lQ.11 messages • Show Number of lines per Message 1 ill lines each .~ • Close • Problem Connecting. Try again in a few minutes, Tools 1112812011