Regulations of identification and assessment of risks of the Joint

by the decision
of the Board of Directors
of the Joint Stock Company
«National Company
«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»
from «28» may 2014 year
minutes №6
by the decision
of the Executive Board
of the Joint Stock Company
«National Company
«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»
from «18» April of 2014 year
minutes № 02/9
By the decision
of the Committee on risks
of the Joint Stock Company
«National Company
«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»
from «11» February of 2014 year
minutes № TsUR-05-02/1
of identification and assessment of risks of the Joint Stock
Company «National Company «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»
Astana, 2014
Purposes and tasks of identification and appraisal of risks
1. These regulations of identification and assessment of risks of the
Joint Stock Company «National Company «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»
(further – Regulations) are developed according to Policy of risk management
of JSC Samruk-Kazyna, Regulations of identification and an assessment of
risks of JSC Samruk-Kazyna, approved as the decision of the Board of
Directors of JSC Samruk-Kazyna from December 25, 2013 (minutes No.103)
and other internal regulations regulating activity of the Joint Stock Company
«National Company «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy» (further – the Company).
2. Regulations define an order, procedures, methods of carrying out
identification and an assessment of risks, and also control over the current
risks and monitoring of efficiency of methods of management by risks. More
detailed campaigns to an assessment of risks can be reflected in the
documents regulating management process by separate risks of the Company.
3. Identification of risks and existence of a real objective view on
available risks is one of bases of effective management of the risks,
promoting in achievement by the Company of goals.
4. Identification of risks provides the tool for registration and the
statement of possible negative events which can negatively influence
achievement of the objectives and the tasks set for the Company and each his
employee and also definitions of the direction and need of improvement of
management of risks.
5. Observance of Regulations is obligatory for all employees of the
6. The employees of the Company who are representatives of the
Company in structures of governing bodies of the affiliated organizations of
the Company (further - SO) are obliged to provide observance of the
requirements stated in these Regulations.
Basic concepts, used in the Regulations
7. Basic concepts:
Register of risks - represents the list of risks which the Company
in the activity which also includes various scenarios of possible realization of
risk faces. Owners of risk, i.e. division who deal with this risk owing to the
functional duties are determined by each risk. Thus, the consolidated register
of risks of Group of the Company (the Company and its affiliated
organizations) joins only critical risks of Subsidiary Organizations (SO), the
cards which have entered a red zone of risks of SO.
Map of risks - is the graphic and text description of limited
number of risks of the Company located in the rectangular table on which one
“axis” force of influence or the importance of risk, and on another probability
or frequency of its emergence is specified. On the card the probability or
frequency is displayed on a horizontal axis, and force of influence or the
importance - on a vertical axis. In this case the probability of emergence of
risk increases from left to right at advance on a horizontal axis, and influence
of risk increases from below top on a vertical axis;
Probability of occurrence of risk – the frequency of emergence
of risk.
Influence - the size of a potential loss which can arise at risk
Influence time – duration of influence of risk.
The period of an assessment of risk – date, as of the end of the
reporting period.
The inherent risk is the size risk for lack of actions from owners
of risk on change of probability or extent of influence of this risk on
achievement of the objectives of the organization.
Residual risk – the risk remaining after acceptance of actions by
the owner of risk on change of probability or extent of influence of this risk.
The loss size - the extent of predicted damage owing to risk
Other terms used in these Regulations, have the values established by
Policy of risk management of the Joint Stock Company «National Company
«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy».
3. General provisions
Each employee of the Company reflects the vision of available
risks in questionnaires, or during the other events held by structural division of
the Company, responsible for the risk management, directed on identification
and an assessment of risks of the Company.
On the basis of the identified events the register of risks which
represents the systematized list of all risks which the Company faces is formed.
10. The Company carries out work on consolidation of risks of Group
of the Company, and also an assessment of their effect on the consolidated
financial position of the Company, including on the basis of annual consolidated
information, in the form presented in the Attachment 1 (the register is risk) to
these regulations and point 55 of Regulations (the map of risks), represented
within removal of questions at consideration of governing bodies of the
affiliated organizations of the Company no later than November 1 of the year
preceding the expected period.
11. The division responsible for risk management, on an annual basis
till October 25 of the year preceding the expected period, provides the register
of risks of the Company and Group of the Company on the form presented in
the Attachment 1 (the register is risk) to these regulations and point 55 of
Regulations (the map of risks) to the Executive Board of the Company.
12. On an annual basis till November 1 of the year preceding the
expected period, the Executive Board provides the register of risks of the
Company on the consolidated and separate basis in the form presented in the
Attachment 1 (the register is risk) to these rules and point 55 of Rules (the map
of risks) to the Company’s Board of Directors.
4. Identification of risks
13. Identification of risks is important as a method of optimization of
expenses of the Company as preliminary identification of risks, definition of
adequate actions for their minimization and elimination of consequences
allows to plan sources and the amounts of financing of such actions that,
finally, influences efficiency of activity of the Company. For identification of
risks the combination of various methods and tools is used. Events are
identified both from the point of view of last experience, and from the point
of view of future possible events. The main methods are described below.
Risks can be revealed with use of two approaches:
Initial identification and inventory of risks – primary drawing up
the Register of risks of the Company at introduction of a control system by risks
and its regular revision;
During initial identification of risks the register of risks of the Company
to carry out the subsequent assessment is formed and to define approaches to
management of these risks. Process of inventory of risks assumes regular (at
least once a year) revision of earlier revealed risks, i.e. determination of
relevance and level of importance of the risks which are in the register of risks
of the Company. As a result of inventory some of earlier revealed risks can be
recognized as the irrelevant.
Detection of potential risk – is an identification of potential risk
during the current activity.
New risks can be revealed not only in course of execution of regular
procedures within a control system of risks, but also during implementation by
the staff of Group of the Company of the current activity. In case of detection of
information on the potential risk, earlier not included in the register, the
employee of structural division of Group of the Company has to send to the
division responsible for risk management, the corresponding service record in
which information is stated and estimated consequences of realization of a risk
event are listed. The division responsible for risk management analyzes and an
estimate received information, and in case of need includes new risk in the
register of risks of the Company.
15. Identification of risks on the basis of goals and tasks: On
the basis of goals or system of the balanced indicators potential events which
can influence their achievement are defined. Events are identified by owners
of risks and pass coordination with the division responsible for risk
management, and on this basis is formed (or it is corrected or supplemented)
the register is risk - the list is risk, inherent in the concrete organization and
(or) connected with its activity.
16. Branch and international comparisons: The register of risks is
formed on the basis of the list of potential events, characteristic for the
organizations similar to the Company and (or) the organizations for branch
specialization or functional activity.
17. Seminars and discussions: The register of risks is formed on the
basis of the organized discussion (brain storm, a round table, etc.) potential
events which can influence the organization and achievement of its purposes,
with employees of the Company. Such discussions can be carried out within
each structural division for definition of events (risks) influencing activity of
each such division and as a whole on Group of the Company, then results are
integrated into the unified register of risks (or the existing register of risks is
supplemented/is corrected).
18. Interviewing: The structural division of the Company responsible
for risk management, carries out target interviewing of key workers (experts)
of the Company for open discussion of existing and potential risks and ways
of their management. Usually such interviews are conducted with heads of
structural divisions of the Company.
19. Analysis of reports on results of audit and other inspections.
This method represents check of separate sites of activity of Group of the
Company and can be combined with carrying out separate expert methods
(questioning, interview). Compliance between available documentation and
the actual practice of application of regulations is checked, the analysis of
regulatory base and instructions is carried out, and as a result it is prepared
the conclusion on the basis of which identification of risks is carried out.
20. The analysis of Near Miss consists in registration of all facts of
violation of regulations (operational, production and so forth), and forecasting
on their base of probability of approach of risk events. So, owing to uncertain
factors, violation of regulations can immediately not lead to realization of a risk
event, however the probability of approach of this risk event of subjects is
higher and more unexpected, than it is more than facts of not realization of a
risk event. Near Miss is incident which under certain circumstances, could lead
to injuries, a fire, flood, accident, etc., but did not bring to. The statistics shows
that on each 600 Near Miss there is a high probability of emergence of
considerable incident – realization of a risk event.
21. Database of the occurred losses: The Company conducts
continuous monitoring of the occurred losses information about which also
allows identifying the events having negative effect on activity of the
Company. Besides, the database of the occurred losses is a good basis for a
quantitative assessment of risks. The database is formed on the basis of the
reporting of structural divisions of the Company, and also can include data
from external sources. This method includes:
The analysis of data on violations – the analysis of the registered
violations, non-staff situations, failures in processes of the Company and
other facts of a deviation of indicators of the current activity from planned.
The reporting analysis – the analysis of reporting and other
documentation of the Company, including administrative, accounting, tax
reports, indicators of activity of the Company, plans, registers of contracts,
The analysis of experience of other companies – the comparative
analysis of processes and Company indicators with other large companies. For
the analysis periodicals and reports of specialized agencies can be used.
22. The identified events and risks are systematized in the form of the
register of risks according to the Table of 2 these regulations. The form and
level of specification of the register of risks can change with development of a
control system by risks. The group of risks can be carried out, proceeding
from the nature of risks, their interrelation, and also on the basis of other
factors (for example, use of concrete methods of management by risks).
23. The register of risks of the Company represents the list of risks
which the Company in the activity, the risks spread on four main categories
which also includes various scenarios of possible realization of risk faces.
Owners of risk are determined by each risk.
24. The register of risks consists of 4 parts:
The passport of risk in which the KPI, its threshold value, the
name of risk which can prevent achievement of efficiency, the reason of
emergence of risk, the description of possible consequences from realization
of risk, a key risk indicator and the owner of risk is specified.
The assessment of inherent risk – in this part to be made an
assessment of risk on probability, influence and time of influence of risk.
Calculation of point of the importance is made according to point of 53 these
Actions for risk management – in this part are specified actions
for risk management with the instruction, current or planned.
The risk assessment as a result of execution of actions – is made a
risk assessment as a result of execution of actions. This part of the register
allows estimating efficiency of actions for risk management.
Systematization of the identified risks allows:
 reaching sequence in classification and a quantitative assessment of
risks which allows to improve comparison of a profile of risks on Group of
the Company (on business processes, structural divisions, projects, etc.);
 providing a platform for creation of more difficult tools and
technologies of a quantitative assessment of risks;
 giving opportunity for the coordinated management and monitoring
risks, as on the Company, and the subsidiary organizations.
26. For the purpose of standardization of the register of risks and
consolidation of risks in the uniform card of risks of the Company, in Group
of the Company the uniform nomenclature provided in the Attachment 2 of
these Regulations, on designation of the main risks is used.
27. For definition of the nomenclature of risk the following format is
used: "Risk number" - "Category of risk".
28. The Company uses the nomenclature of risks provided in the
Attachment 2 to these Regulations for designation of risks of the Company,
for consolidation of critical risks SO in the consolidated register of risks of
Group of the Company.
29. If in the nomenclature of risks, there is no the risk specific to the
Company, then the Company designates this risk, adhering to the above-stated
format using continuing numbering (digital numbers in numbers of the risks
designated in the nomenclature cannot be used, for designation of other risks).
30. The main result of this stage of a control system of risks is
formation consolidated the register of risks of Group of the Company. Thus,
the consolidated register of risks and the map of risks of Group of the
Company join only critical risks of SO, the map which have entered a red
zone of risks of SO. Thus definition of critical risks of the affiliated
organization is carried out on the basis of an assessment of inherent risk,
regardless of the size of potential damage from realization of a risk event.
31. Critical risks of SO of the Company need to be included in the
corresponding zone of the map of risks, according to the size of potential
damage from realization risk of an event which the risk appetite of the
Company is defined on the basis of consolidated one. Thus, risks from red
zones of map of risks of the affiliated organizations can be carried to a green
zone on the map of risks of the Company. Risks of green and yellow zones of
map of risks of the subsidiary organizations do not join in the register of risks
of the Company as these risks have to cope independently at the level of the
subsidiary organizations.
32. The register of risks is reconsidered, specified or supplemented
on an annual basis or a thicket in process of receipt of information on the risks
provided by structural divisions of the Company at identification of new or
changes of the status of existing risks in structural division of the Company,
responsible for risk management. At inclusion in the register of risks new or
change of the status of existing risk with potential influence above level of
holding ability and high probability of its realization, the structural division of
the Company responsible for risk management brings information on similar
risk with offers on its minimization to data of the Executive Board of the
33. For carrying out actions for identification of risks and formation
of the register of risks, including consolidated the structural division of the
Company responsible for risk management is responsible. The register of
risks is subject to coordination with keepers (owners) of risks.
34. Due to the differently directed of SO operational, strategic and
legal risks cannot be aggregated on Group of the Company, but can be
integrated depending on belonging to a certain branch or the direction.
Financial risks are given in the register of the Company on the aggregated
basis. Risks of the Company (the corporate center) are allocated separately.
35. Structural divisions of the Company are responsible for providing
information on risks, including about critical risks SO, in the structural
division of the Company responsible for risk management.
36. Process of identification of operational risks is carried out within
process of identification and an assessment of risks on a constant basis
according to these rules and other internal normative documents of the
37. Depending on circumstances (reasons) of emergence of operational
risks, events or cases of manifestation of operational risks are classified by risk
factors as follows:
 external frauds – robberies, forgery and forgery, documents/information
thefts, hacking/breaking of information systems and other cases which
have occurred because of the third parties;
 internal frauds – cases of emergence of losses because of deliberate
actions of the personnel of the Company, including abuse of official
position, deliberate concealment of the facts of transactions, information
leakage, plunders, fraud, extortion, waste of material values,
misappropriation or deliberate causing damage to Company property;
 the labor relations – cases of labor disputes with workers, violation of
provisions of the labor legislation, including requirements for safety
measures and labor protection, big turnover of staff, disclosure by
employees of the confidential information, insufficient qualification of
the personnel;
 clients and business practice – cases of violations of the law at
implementation of primary activity; non-execution or inadequate
execution of the obligations arising from contracts connected with
primary activity, before clients, contractors and other third parties;
violations of customs of a business conduct;
 failures in information and technical systems – cases of failure of the
equipment and systems, and, as a result, loss of details, untimely
providing the reporting in supervisory authorities, etc.;
 management of processes – the inadequate organization of internal
processes and procedures, violations of the set limits, lack of system of
protection and an order of access to information, the wrong organization
of information streams in the Company, mistakes at input and data
processing on operations and transactions etc.;
 damage to material assets – loss or damage of fixed assets and other
material assets as a result of objective situations not depending on the
Company (technogenic);
 occupational accidents – events entailed causing damage to health, life of
the workers who are in process of execution of functional duties.
38. The list of indicators is provided in the Attachment 3 to these
Regulations which in process of emergence of various cases of operational risk
can be changed and added.
Appraisal of risks
39. The assessment of risks allows the Company to analyze influence
of potential risk on achievement of its purposes. Risks are estimated from the
point of view of probability or the frequency of their approach and influence,
whenever possible using a combination of qualitative and quantitative
methods. Positive or negative influence of potential risks has to be estimated
individually or at interrelations in scales of all organization entering into
Group of the Company, and (or) the Company. Risks are estimated from the
point of view of their full influence (gross risks).
40. Process of an assessment of risks is carried out for the purpose of
allocation of the most significant risks which can negatively influence activity
of Group of the Company and achievement of its strategic objectives and
tasks. These risks are submitted for consideration of Board of Directors of the
Company and decisions on their management and control are made.
41. Originally the assessment of risks is carried out on a qualitative
basis, then for the most significant risks it is necessary to aspire to a
quantitative assessment of risks with application described below approaches
to an assessment depending on a concrete situation. So, for example, at an
assessment of technological hazards it is necessary to make calculation of
risks on the basis of property cost, on the basis of the half-received income,
etc. Risks which do not give in to a quantitative assessment or not solid
statistical data for modeling or creation of such models is not expedient from
the point of view of expenses, are estimated only on a qualitative basis.
42. The quantitative assessment allows obtaining more exact
analytical data and is especially useful when developing methods of financing
of risks.
43. At a stage of preparation of carrying out quality standard of risks
key parameters of such assessment are established. The assessment of risks is
carried out on three indicators – the frequency or probability of risk; time of
influence and extent of risk. For ensuring comparability of risks among
themselves and simplification of quality standard the mark scale is entered:
Frequency and probability of a risk
Frequency or probability
Once in 7 and more years (or probability of
Very seldom
approach to 5%)
Once in 5 years (or probability of approach of
From time to Once in 3 years (or probability of approach of
Once a year (or probability of approach of 80%)
Very frequently
Once in half a year and is more often (or
probability of approach over 95%)
Time of influence of risk
Time of influence
There is time for correction
Influence of risk is shown with temporary lag
The risk is shown with immediate effect
44. The assessment of influence of risks is carried out in terms of
money on the basis of consolidated risk appetite of the Company, defined in
Policy. For the reporting of the Company and for ensuring consolidation of
critical risks of SO in the unified register and the map of risks of the
Company, SO use an assessment of influence of critical risks of SO according
to the following table.
45. Volume of risk (financial indicators)
Potential loss from occurrence of risk
Lower of 25% from the level of risk –appetite
25-50% from the level of risk –appetite
50-75% from the level of risk –appetite
From 75% from the level of risk –appetite till
meaning of risk – appetite
Higher of the level of risk – appetite
46. By providing quarterly information on the map of risks of SO, SO
in addition to the map of risks of SO provide the separate map of risks with
the indication of critical risks SO on the consolidated map of risks of the
Company, according to influence of risk on the consolidated risk appetite of
the Company.
47. After introduction in the Company the risk - the focused financial
model will be carried out transition to a quantitative assessment of risks on
the basis of an indicator of the cash flows subject to risks (Cash Flow at
Risk). The potential damage will calculate from realization of risk on the
basis of historical data from a database of the realized risks, using a method of
imitating modeling of Monte-Carlo.
48. For the risks, which influence is difficult to estimate in financial
performance (for example, risks of the personnel, reputation, etc.) the
characteristics showing the extent of risk in comparable points are entered.
Non-financial indicators of the importance of risks can be defined on the basis
of the balanced indicators taking into account importance of a deviation from
Non-financial indicators of influence of risks
Grade Degree of influence Potential loss from occurrence of risk
Lack of any consequences in case of risk
Consequences from risk realization not the
Consequences from risk realization not
considerable also can be completely corrected
Consequences from risk realization very
considerable, but can be corrected to a certain
In case of risk realization, the company
practically won't be able to be restored from the
consequences connected with this risk
49. The register of risks and grade scale of an assessment of risks on
the frequency (probability), time of influence and the extent (influence) of
risk have enough to key employees (experts) of the Company for carrying out
quality standard of risks.
50. Quality standard of risks is carried out or by target interviewing
of key employees, or by questioning at which experts are offered to choose
risks which they consider as the most significant for the organization, to
estimate them on the offered grade scale, and also to give proposals
(recommendation) on management of them. The combination of both methods
can be used: broad questioning of employees of the Company on the basis of
electronic system of questioning and interviewing of heads of structural
divisions, managing directors of the Company, except for the Executive
Board members of the Company.
51. When carrying out an expert assessment of risks, experts have to
apply a net - assessment only provided that the current actions by experts are
estimated as effective. Thus the assessment of efficiency of actions has to be
confirmed. Otherwise, the assessment of risks is carried out on an inherent
52. The received results are processed: for each risk indicators of
risks on the basis of a cumulative assessment of experts pay off, the
coefficient of the importance is appropriated to risks and on this basis the map
of risks is under construction.
Calculation of Grade of the importance of a risk is carried out as
 Importance grade = (frequency + realization time) * influence,
54. For an assessment of operational risk, on the basis of Grade of the
importance of risk value of a rating of operational risk (RR) of each type of
risk according to the table given below is defined:
Grade of Value of
a rating
importance of risk,
of risk
of risk
от 28,1 до
от 15,01 до
от 8,01 до
от 1,01 до 8
от 0 до1
The highest Measures for response to risk have to be
defined or, at their existence, are
improved, prepared for execution before
realization of a project / task or
immediately after risk identification at a
stage of realization of a project / task.
Measures for response to risk have to be
defined or, at their existence, are
improved, and in short terms are
realized in the course of project / task
Average Measures for response to risk have to be
defined or, at their existence, are
improved in the established optimum
terms, and also executed in the course of
project / task realization.
Risks of this category have to be
controlled, but preparation of measures
for reaction is not required.
The lowest Risks of this category have to be
controlled, but preparation of measures
for reaction is not required.
54. The map of risks allows estimating the relative importance of each
risk (in comparison with other risks), and also to allocate risks which are
critical and development of actions for their management demands. Map
development of risks allows:
 Determining the potential of deduction of risks within which can be
applied to all operations of the Company;
 Developing the list of critical risks of the Company and to provide
existence of the corresponding processes on management with them;
 Defining priority of risks and to develop distribution of financial
55. The map of risks is broken into some areas allocated with different
 Red zone – are risks which are critical for the Company or in
connection with high probability of approach, or in connection with the
serious potential of damage which can affect financial stability of the
 Orange zone – are risks which have high probability of approach or
large potential influence on financial stability of the Company.
 Yellow zone – are risks which have average probability of approach or
average potential influence on financial stability of the Company.
 Green zone – are risks which have low probability of approach and (or)
have no considerable impact on financial stability of the Company.
56. Identification numbers of risks (according to the register of risks)
according to indicators of the frequency (probability) of approach and the
extent (influence) of risk are plotted.
57. The map of risks represents a graphic representation of
susceptibility of the Company to critical risks and is the obligatory attachment
to the report on risk management for the Board of Directors of the Company.
58. Priority of risks is established according to a position of each of
risks on the map of risks:
1 group – is catastrophic and critical risks – a red zone of the map
of risks – the risks having the highest priority. Such risks which make 75%
and above level risk appetite, and also exceed risk appetite;
The 2nd group – are large risks – orange area of the map of risks –
are the risks second for priority, damage from which realization remains
within 50-75% of level risk appetite;
The 3rd group – are average risks - yellow area of the map of risks
– the third risks on priority, damage from which realization remains within
25-50% of level risk appetite;
The 4th group – are low risks – green area of the map of risks –
are risks in limits to 25% of level risk appetite – monitoring and control.
59. For the reporting under the map of risks the Company, SO of the
Company use the consolidated indicator risk appetite of the Company for an
assessment of influence of risk and for display of critical risks of SO on the
consolidated map of risks of the Company.
60. In each of groups priority of risks is established on the basis of
point of the importance of risk.
61. Each of the risks which have entered into 1, 2 and 3 group of
priority is estimated on the basis of the following factors:
analysis of the reasons of occurrence of risks (scenario of losses);
the analysis of potential influence of risk on financial
performance of the Company – gross (without methods of control over risks)
and net (residual risk after application of methods of management by risks);
the analysis of correlation of risks with other risks (repayment of
negative effect from occurrence of risk in one division positive in other
division – the principle of compensation, or strengthening of negative effect
in connection with occurrence of other risks – a domino effect).
The amount of influence of critical risk has to be estimated
quantitatively. At impossibility or not a practicality of a quantitative
assessment, the detailed assessment of risk with application of a combination
of methods of quality standard is necessary for achievement of the most
reasonable assessment. At a quantitative assessment the risk is always
estimated at first on gross basis, then on net - a basis taking into account taken
measures for risk management. Change of risk can be reflected in the map by
movement of the corresponding identification number.
63. Quantitatively the risk is estimated on the basis of an indicator of
the maximum possible damage from occurrence of each concrete risk. For a
quantitative assessment various methods and models can be used.
Methods of an assessment of risks include:
quantitative assessment of risk on the basis of the cost of
property which can be damaged as a result of occurrence of risk. At such
model scenarios of material damage are under construction at occurrence of
risk, and the recovery cost of property which can be damaged is counted and
is subject subsequently to repair or replacement. It is usually used for a
quantitative assessment of operational risks (material damage to property as
a result of technogenic catastrophes, a fire, etc.).
quantitative assessment on the basis of calculation of the
uncollected income. Duration of possible idle time of production as a result
of occurrence of risk is estimated and the income (or constant expenses)
pays for day. As a result of multiplication of these indicators we receive a
quantitative assessment of risk. Such assessment is usually used for an
assessment of risks of interruption of production or violation of deliveries.
quantitative assessment of risk on the basis of the comparative
analysis. The assessment of the maximum damage from some types of risks,
for example, risks of responsibility for infliction of harm or for ecological
pollution, can't be calculated on any formulas and therefore for a quantitative
assessment of such risks the case statistics (branch and territorial) is used.
For an assessment of such risks scenarios of their approach and the party
which can be involved are usually estimated (to suffer damage), and also the
general influence of such risk, and on the basis of existing information
(statistics) on damage cost at implementation of such scenarios the
maximum possible damage is defined. The case statistics also is used at an
assessment of influence of any risks on a market stock value and other
securities of the company.
quantitative assessment of risk on the basis of statistical models.
Such assessment is applied to risks which have concrete monetary value and
dependence on certain external factors (for example, fluctuation in prices of
oil, fluctuations of exchange rates, inflationary expectations, etc.) and are
based on creation of statistical dependences (for example, with use of
methods of the regression analysis). In this case it is possible to define
accurately, under what conditions the come risk can be essential to
65. Statistical approach is based on historical this realized risk
events. At this approach the quantitative assessment of risks is made on the
basis of the saved-up internal or external statistics. The main methods of an
assessment of risks within this approach:
Cost subject to risk (to Value-at risk - VaR) – the maximum
depreciation of a financial investment on a certain horizon of planning (for
example, month) which will not be exceeded with the high (in advance set)
probability (usually 95% - VaR95 of % or 99% - % VaR99). The size VaR
has monetary value.
Cash flows subject to risk (to Cash-flow at risk - CFaR) – the
maximum decrease in size of monetary receipts (or the maximum increase in
expenses), caused by influence of one or several risk factors which will not be
exceeded with the big (in advance set) probability (usually 95% or 99%) on a
certain horizon of planning. The method reflects specifics of risks of the nonfinancial companies.
Because the majority of assets of the non-financial companies are
illiquid, for them the main risk is decrease in operational cash flows.
Therefore a key cost metrics of risk are cash flows in the conditions of risk. In
this regard it is necessary to construct the model describing influence of one
or Group of factors at a size of monetary receipts (expenses) of the Company.
As risk factors casual events (credit, operational, regulatory, etc.) can act as
market sizes (the prices, exchange rates, interest rates), and . Possible changes
of risk factors and probability of such changes are estimated according to the
historical drawn or expert opinions. On the basis of the constructed model
possible changes of factors are transformed to possible changes of cash flows,
and probabilistic distribution of changes of cash flows is based. The CFaR
method can be applied at an assessment of risk of changes of a cash flow to a
separate kind of activity of the Company or to the Company as a whole. The
size CFaR shows the greatest changes of cash flows on a certain horizon of
planning at preservation on all horizons of all probabilistic distributions of
risk factors and models of influence of these factors on formation of cash
The profit subject to risk (to Earnings-at risk – EaR) – this
method of quantitative calculation of risks is analog of СFaR, but considers
accounting aspects of recognition of the income of the Company. One of the
main distinctions between СFaR and EaR is the cost metrics of risk. In
difference from СFaR where a cost metrics of risk are cash flows, at EaR
calculation by a cost metrics is of risk future profit of the Company.
quantitative assessment of risks on the basis of stochastic
(probabilistic, the Monte-Carlo method) models. Such assessment is used at
an assessment of risks which can be expressed in a monetary form, but it is
rather difficult to establish correlation dependence on external factors as risk
has accurately expressed probabilistic character. The risk of natural disasters,
for example, can belong to such risks.
At this approach various scenarios of realization of risk events are
modeled, and influence of consequences of risk events on planned cash flows
and financial and economic results of activity of the Company is analyzed.
66. The main methods of an assessment of risks within stochastic
(probabilistic) models:
a. Stress testing. The method helps to define losses which the
Company can incur at realization of unexpected adverse events. Stress testing
does not give at the exit of one quantity of risk. This method allows
estimating consequences of implementation of various adverse scenarios and
"margin of safety" of the Company in relation to risk factors. As scenarios
considered within this method are realization of rare events, at stress testing
by it do not attribute any probabilities. Stress testing consists of two stages:
1) Creation of model of influence of risk factors on cash flows of the
company (similar to the CFaR method);
2) Development of scenarios of realization of risk factors.
For creation of model it is necessary to allocate a segment of cash
flows of the Company which will participate in stress testing (the most
effective the analysis of all cash flows is, however it is possible to consider
and cash flows on separate financial instruments, or on separate kinds of
activity). Then it is necessary to mark out the risk factors influencing size of
chosen cash flows. Dependences between influences of risk factors and cash
flows form necessary model. It can be very simple for one financial
instrument (for example, the credit under a floating interest rate – the size of
each payment depends on rate change strictly certain and evidently), but for a
cash flow of the Company as a whole dependences can be difficult.
After model creation, it is necessary to execute the following:
1) To enter some stress scenarios into model;
2) To estimate changes of cash flows at change of the risk factors
(parameters) included in the scenarios;
3) To allocate those scenarios for which change of streams is beyond
the set criterion of importance;
4) To analyze possible ways of decrease in susceptibility of the risks
involved in it.
At stress testing two types of scenarios are used:
1) One-factorial scenarios – influence of only one risk factor, for
example, the strong change in price for a certain type of service, an exchange
rate, a default of a certain contractor, etc. is considered. This method is
interesting only to an assessment of "margin of safety" of the Company in
relation to one of such events. The more the size of change of the risk factor,
not bringing to essential change of cash flows, the less the Company is subject
to this type of risk;
2) Multiple-factor scenarios – simultaneous change of several factors
that is more probable in practice.
Stress testing can be carried out on:
1) To historical scenarios – are based on reproduction of the events
taking place in the past. For example, the same changes of factors (exchange
rates, interest rates, etc.) and the same events (defaults) which were during
any chosen financial crisis are considered.
2) To hypothetical scenarios – allow to be beyond historical events.
These scenarios demand work of experts. Especially it is necessary to
consider the worst scenarios (all considered factors accept the worst value
ever observed), and scenarios with the worst correlations.
3) Simulations by the Monte-Carlo method. This method means
implementation of a large number of tests – single modeling of development
of a situation in the markets. For generation of random numbers the expected
(average) size and a standard deviation (σ) historical value of various
parameters undertake.
As a result of carrying out these tests distribution of possible financial
results on the basis of which by cutting off of the worst according to the
chosen confidential probability VaR or the CFaR-assessment can be received
will be received. The size VaR or CFaR is estimated in the following
1) The expected (average) size and standard deviation (σ) each
parameter is estimated;
2) Casual values of each parameter within the set average size and the
standard deviation are generated, thus each time different results turn out;
3) The size of the loss (change in price), the corresponding set
probability is defined.
Application of these methods of an assessment and forecasting of risks
will be possible with introduction in the Company of financial and economic
67. Often it is necessary to apply a combination of some or all above
methods, or specially developed methods to a reliable quantitative assessment
of risks. For many risks mathematical models which allow to receive
estimates of their quantitative influence depending on various factors can be
constructed, and allow "losing scenarios" occurrences of risks.
68. The quantitative assessment of risks is necessary for
understanding of the importance of each concrete risk, for an assessment of
efficiency of expenses for management of such risks, and also for
establishment of parameters (conditions) of contracts when transferring risk
on the third parties. Degree of accuracy of a quantitative assessment is
defined by requirements of the Company, but anyway, such assessment will
give only reference points for the Company, i.e. so-called "corridor".
Company task when carrying out a quantitative assessment of risks – to
provide that this "corridor" was not only rather wide in order that all possible
consequences kept within on value its limits, but also rather narrow not to pay
the excessive sums for risk transfer.
69. The quantitative assessment of risk allows carrying out a stress
analysis of financial performance of the company on risks – on indicators of
profitability, long-term financial stability (capitalization) and liquidity. In
case potential influence of risk goes beyond risk appetite of the Company, the
risk belongs to critical risks.
70. The assessment of operational risk assumes an assessment of
probability of approach of the events which are the reason of emergence of
operational risks, and an assessment of influence of risk on the Company
activity. The assessment of operational risk is carried out from two positions –
qualitative and quantitative.
a. The quantitative assessment of risk has probabilistic (expected)
character, thus calculation leans on statistical methods;
b. The qualitative way is applied to objects and categories of the
operational risk which level cannot be expressed unambiguously through
some number characterizing possible level of losses.
71. For definition of level of operational risk the structural division of
the Company responsible for risk management, can apply the following
a. statistical analysis of sources of operational risk and actual losses;
b. grade and weight method.
72. The method based on application of the statistical analysis of
sources of operational risks, allows making the forecast of potential operational
losses proceeding from the sizes of the operational losses taking place in the
Company in the past. At application of this method as basic data information
which has been saved up in an analytical database about events, connected with
operational risks is used.
73. The statistical database is necessary for creation of mathematical
models of a quantitative assessment of operational risks about the events
connected with operational risks, at least in 5 years of activity of the Company.
Until then the structural division responsible for risk management of the
Company carries out a quantitative assessment of operational risks on the basis
of calculation of probability of losses from operational risks, proceeding from
quantity of the cases connected with operational risks, and quantity of cases of
manifestation of operational risks.
Structural divisions of the Company, carry out the review of operational
risks annually, within process of identification of risks.
74. Additional data from structural divisions of the Company the
structural division responsible for risk management, can be received in the form
of answers to concrete inquiries or in the form of reports on the forms
developed for the analysis of a concrete event, connected with operational risks.
75. To each subspecies of operational risk corresponding to
classification of operational risk of the Company, the weight coefficients (WC),
depending on extent of influence on gross revenue of the Company are
appropriated. Distribution of weight coefficients for the indicators
characterizing factors of operational risk is given in the Table provided below.
Factors of operating risk
Weight coefficient, WC
external and internal frauds
labor relations
clients and business practice
failures in information and technical
management of processes
damage to material assets
occupational accidents
On the basis of data on value of a rating of risk (according to
point 46 above) and weight coefficient of each subspecies of operational risk
the coefficient of operational risk (Cor) used for further calculations pays off.
This coefficient is defined as the sum of works of value of a rating of risk of
each subspecies and the corresponding weight coefficient of a factor of
operational risk.
Cor = ∑ (WCi * PPi), i=1, n, where
n – total of factors of operational risk
Calculation of operational risk is carried out on the following
OR = Cor*ASR*15 of %, where:
OR – a quantitative assessment of operational risk,
Cor – Coefficient of operational risk,
ASR – The average size of gross revenue for the last expired three
years pays as the relation of the sum of annual gross revenues for the last
expired three years, in each of which the Company net income on number of
years in which the Company net income was gained was gained. Until then
while the term of activity of the Company doesn't exceed three years, the
average size of annual gross revenue pays off proceeding from the actual
number of the expired years of activity.
The annual gross revenue is defined as the sum of pure revenue to the
taxation, the annual amount of allocations for formation of provisions
(reserves) and the size of the incurred extraordinary expenses minus the
extraordinary income of the Company.
On the basis of data on value of a rating of risk
78. The received quantitative assessment of operational risks is used
for the analysis of dynamics weak and strengths in management of operational
79. Standard values for an assessment of operational risks can be
determined by a measure of accumulation of statistical data.
80. Monitoring of operational risk is carried out by the structural
division responsible for risk management of the Company, by the regular
analysis of information from the Register of risks and information provided
by structural divisions of the Company.
81. Minimization of operational risk assumes implementation of the
package of measures, directed on decrease in probability of approach of
events or the circumstances leading to emergence of operational losses and
level of their influence on activity of the Company.
82. The main methods of minimization of operational risks are
optimization of organizational structure and business - processes,
development of internal rules and procedures of implementation of the current
activity so that to exclude possibility of factors of operational risk.
83. Reduction of financial consequences of operational risk possibly
by means of insurance. Insurance on Group of the Company is carried out
according to Policy on the organization of insurance protection in
the JSC «NC «KTZ».
84. The carried-out assessment of risks allows specifying the map of
risks and indicators of the importance of risks, and on this basis critical risks
of the Company – those risks to which the Company has to pay special
attention and on which decisions on their management have to be made
immediately are defined.
85. The main result of this stage of a control system of risks is the list
of critical risks of the Company which are brought to the attention of
Company Board of Directors.
4. Responsibility
86. For the organization of carrying out an assessment of risks the
structural division of the Company responsible for risk management is
87. The structural division of the Company responsible for risk
management coordinates work with all divisions of the Company. The
questioning which is carried out by structural division of the Company,
responsible for risk management, and also inquiries on key risks are all
divisions obligatory for execution and the Company personnel.
88. The structural division of the Company responsible for risk
management, gives support to structural divisions of the affiliated
organizations of the Company responsible for risk management, in the course
of identification and an assessment of risks, and also carries out consolidation
of risks on Group of the Company.
89. Concerning identification and an assessment of risks the
structural division of the Company responsible for risk management, is
accountable to the Managing director (Risk officer), and to joint body of the
Company which competence includes consideration of questions of risk
management (in case of that creation in Company structure).
The Executive board member of the Company supervising
activity of division, responsible for risk management, submits questions of
identification of critical risks of the Company, and also the offer on their
management for consideration of the Executive Board of the Company which
in turn submits questions on critical risks for consideration of the Board of
Directors of the Company.
91. Responsibility for improvement of methods of identification and
assessment of risks in Group of the Company bears the structural division of
the Company responsible for risk management.
Attachment 1
To the Regulations of identification and assessment of
risks of the Joint Stock Company «National Company
«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy», approved
by the Board of Directors утвержденных of the Joint
Stock Company «National Company «Kazakhstan
Temir Zholy»
from «___» ______ 2014 year
minutes №___
Register of risks
Passport of a risk(1)
Essential risks
nonachievement of
meaning of
strategic KPI
Appraisal of inherent risk (2)
Factors of risk
(reasons of
appearance of
The description
of possible
from risk
r of
STRATEGIC RISKS (risks connected with the Company’s Strategy)
Risk 1
Risk 2
Risk N
FINANCIAL RISKS (risks connected with the financial activity)
Risk N
Risk N
Volume of
e of
ge in
Grade of
Risk N
Appraisal of risks in the result of fulfillment of arrangements
Arrangements on risks management (3)
Volume of damage
Name of
Appraisal cost of an
arrangement, mln.
(to indicate if
Term of
realization of
responsible for
realization of an
STRATEGIC RISKS (risks connected with the Company’s strategy)
FINANCIAL RISKS (risks connected with the financial activity)
Column 15 – is one of variants: A) decreasing of damage; B) decreasing of probability; C) risk prevention; D) restoration of losses.
Column 16 – one of variants for: A) risk avoidance; B) risk transfer; C) decrease of risk; D) risk acceptance.
Time of
Grade of
Attachment 2
To the Regulations of identification and assessment of risks
of the Joint Stock Company «National Company
«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy», approved by the Board of
Directors of the Joint Stock Company «National Company
«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»
from «___» ______ 2014 year, minutes №___
The uniform nomenclature on designation of the main risks.
Number of
risk –
Category of
risk (the
Number of risk
– Category of
(The JSC
6- FinR
Name of risk
Risk of violations of traffic safety (Disaster and accident of railway
Risk of operational injuries (Occupational accidents entailed damage
to health and life of workers in the course of execution of official
Risk of not safety of freights
Ecological (environmental) risk
Risk of decrease in level of a cargo transportation
Tariff risk (Tariff setting)
Risks of restructuring
Risk of the competition
Currency risk
Credit risk
Risk of liquidity (A lack of liquidity for implementation operational,
investment, financial activity)
Risk of not implementation of investment projects (Risks of the
realized SO investment projects)
Country risk (Country risk - loss of the means (investments) placed
(enclosed) abroad)
Price risk
Percentage risk
Risk of failure of information systems (Risks of information systems)
Risk of violation of information security (Leak confidential
information / use of insider information)
Risk of presentation of judicial claims (Judicial proceedings
(Pretension and claim work)
Risk of illegal actions (fraud) (Fraud / corruption actions from the
personnel and the third parties)
Tax risk (Risk of violation of the tax legislation)
Risk of unauthenticity of financial statements
Risk of loss of reputation (Risk of damage of Reputation)
Attachment 3
To the Regulations
of identification and assessment
of risks of the Joint Stock
Company «National Company
«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»,
approved by the Board of
Directors of the Joint Stock
Company «National Company
«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»
from «___» ______ 2014 year
minutes №___
Classification of the events having caused a loss
Category of type
of events
(1st level)
Internal fraud
External fraud
Cadre policy and
labor safety
Category (2nd level)
Examples of types of activity
Losses owing to
actions with intention
to carry out fraud, to
appropriate property or
to bypass regulations,
the legislation or
internal normative
documents of the
Company, with
participation of, at
least, one inside
Not allowed activity
Losses owing to
intention to swindle,
steal property or to
violate the law with
participation of the
third party
Theft and fraud
Losses owing to a
violation of the law
about work, safety of
work and health
protection or in
connection with
payments in claims
about causing personal
damage or to claims in
connection with
Relationship with
Safe environment
The operations not reflected in
the reporting (intentionally)
Not resolved types of operations
(the caused pecuniary losses)
Wrong assessment of a position
Theft, extortion, plunders,
Assignment of assets
Deliberate destruction of assets
Assignment of strangers
accounts/use of someone else's
documents, etc.
Deliberate non-compliance with
the tax legislation or evasion
from taxes
Insider trading (not at the
expense of the Company)
Theft, robbery
Invoicing of poor checks
Hacking, the theft of information
which has caused pecuniary
Questions of compensation,
remuneration and severance pays
Work organization
General obligations for accidents
Qualification of the
All types of discrimination
Insufficient qualification of the
Theft and fraud
Safety of systems
Clients, products
and business
Losses owing to
inadvertent negligence
in implementation of
obligations in relation
to specific clients
(including confidential
and qualification
requirements) or owing
to character or a
product design
disclosure, fiducial
Wrong business or
market practice
Defects of products
Choice, sponsorship
and risks
Consulting services
Causing damage
to physical assets
Violations in
business and
system failures
delivery and
management of
Violation fiducial
relations/violation of instructions
Problems of disclosure of
information (know the client)
Violation of requirements of
disclosure of information to
retail clients
The violations connected with
disclosure of confidential
personal information
Agressiny sales
Artificial overestimate of
commission charges
Abuse of confidential
Obligations of the creditor
Antitrust law
Wrong practice of trade / market
Manipulation market
Insider trading
Activity without license
Money laundering
Defects of products
Errors of a design
Failure to meet requirements of
studying of the client
Excess of limits of risk on one
Disagreements in estimates of
results of consulting services
Losses owing to
damage or damage of
physical assets as a
result of natural
disasters or other
Losses owing to
violations in business
and system failures
Accidents and other
Damage from natural disasters,
human losses from influence of
external sources (terrorism,
Losses owing to failure
of processing of
operation or failures in
process or owing to
relationship with trade
contractors and sellers
Execution and
maintenance of
Failures in power supply and
providing utilities
The wrong communications,
mistakes at input, loading or
maintenance of data
Violation of terms or obligations
The wrong functioning of
systems or models accounting
mistakes/mistakes in attribution
of the contractor
Other mistakes when performing
Delivery failure
Failures in management of
Maintenance of reference data
Non-compliance with the
obligatory reporting
The inexact external reporting
which has entailed losses
Monitoring and
Customer acquisition
and maintaining
Management of client
Trade contractors
Suppliers and
Absence permissions/release
from responsibility from clients
Absent or incomplete legal
Not authorized by the access to
The wrong client records which
have entailed losses
Damage or losses of clients as a
result of negligence
Wrong actions of contractors
Conflicts to contractors
Conflicts to suppliers