Memorial Day 2007 The Van-Port The Northwests Bowling Newspaper Volumn 15, No. 2 May, 2007 Bonnie Cox wins 2007 Oregon Queens Held at Linn Lanes in Lebanon “Below Me” wins Wilsonville Swiss It was all over by the final game of the annual Wilsonville Swiss held at Wilsonville Lanes April 28 & 29th. The “Below Me” team had a 12 point lead over second place Appraisal Associates and with only 7 points possible per game Below Me had won the event. The 31 st Oregon State Queens Tournament is history. There was a field of 35 ladies bowling at Linn Lanes in Lebanon, with 14 of these first time Queens bowlers. They bowled the first flight of 6 games, had an hour break and came back and bowled 6 more games. The 12 games were totaled and the top 16 came back Sunday morning for head to head matches. To make the cut to the final 16, a 202 average was needed. Kathy Team members(left to right) Joe Lipan, Samantha Kessler, Jason Tribbey of Vancouver, the Christensen, Frank Dietz Jr and Phil Nelson. top qualifier averaged 227. Her last 3 games in the semi’s was a 774 series. Colleen Padilla of Below Me cinched first spot in the next to the last game went they went Medford, who qualified 3rd rolled a 719 series in her last 3 games of the head to head with defending champions Wilsonville Lanes. semi’s. This was Colleens 20th year of bowling this tournament. Natalie Cardoza of Creswell came on strong in the last 3 games of the semi’s with Wilsonville had a chance to overtake and tie Below Me if they had swept a 734 series. Continued on Page 8 all 7 points, but Below Me led by leadoff bowler Joe Lipan’s big 258, Franks Dietz, Jr with a 230 and anchor man Phil Nelson’s 243 they shut out Wilsonville Lanes and took all 7 points. Northwestern team in 2nd at Below Me collected $2,000 for their first place finish. In second was USBC Open Championships Appraisal Associates $1,500, third-Team 9 $1,000, fourth-Letter Buck By Matt Cannizzaro and David Ellis Yahoos $800, fifth-Buchanan Automation $700, sixth-Striking Image Pro RENO, Nev. - After posting just 978 in its opening game at the National Shop, $500 and taking the last payoff spot was Wilsonville Lanes,$400. High average for the tournament for men was Bob Harns with 232, Bowling Stadium in Reno, Nev., Forgey Sports Medicine rebounded with a 1,231 second-game effort, which is the highest team game at this year’s second was Jodey Rees 231. For the ladies, Brenda Melton with a 215 event. The team closed out with 1,099 for a 3,308 total and had top spot and Sue Herring 206. High individual match points won with 10 was Mikey on the leaderboard. until knocked out by BrowningPontiac of Kentucky Harris with JP Muller, Tim Coehlo, Joe Lipan and Bob Harris each with 9. who shot a 3358. Samantha Kessler and Brenda Melton led the women with 10 points won Corey Husted led the way for Forgey Sports Medicine 1 with 713 and with Cindy Brickell and Loree Burkholder with 9. was followed by Bob Porter (678), David Grooms (658), Dave Husted (640) and Mike Karch (619). “This is what it’s all about,” Dave Husted said. “Anyone who says team bowling is dead hasn’t experienced it out here, I made my living as a bowler for so many years, and now I like to do something different than just singles, bowling the team events is a lot of fun.” This was the first tournament appearance for Corey, who enjoyed the opportunity to bowl alongside his father Dave a Professional Bowlers Association Hall of Famer who owns 14 PBA national titles and was a two-time Steve Nagy Sportsmanship Award winner. “This was a lot of fun for me, but in the first game, I was pretty nervous,’ said Corey, who finished fourth in the PBA Northwest Region point list for the 2006-07 season. “I started with 181, but after that the lanes opened Story Page 9 up, I got loose and shot lights out.” Corey did have some big shoes to fill in his debut, however, as his spot on the roster previously belonged to USBC/PBA Hall of Famer Ernie Schlegel, who gladly moved to Forgey Sports Medicine 2 to make room for Corey. Schlegel has found repeated success in his 34-year Open Championships career. He is a member of the 1970 Classic Team champions, and in 1996, became the oldest player to win the USBC Masters. In his PBA career, the right-hander has earned six national titles and two senior titles on the way to becoming one of the PBA’s 35 millionaires. “Ernie mentioned that it could be a great opportunity for us to try and win Story on Page 5 a title together as father and said. “My dad and I know each others games 5-year-old Christian Oldham Ed Piel’s “favorite bowler” Ernie Schlegel wins Regional Awards Continued on Page 8 Portland Association News Bob Zoesch, President Greater PortlandUSBC Congratulations to former teammate Sharon Wannamaker for her first 300 shot at the state tournament. Welcome back to Ask Bob, the popular question and answer column that used to run monthly. It is written by Bob Korth, down Medford Way. Bob is a very experienced and knowledgeable bowler. So keep the questions coming. His column also appears in other bowling publications. Thanks to Ione Jenefsky for the great Queens article and to Kay Miller for the pictures. That’s what makes The Van-Port, the stories that many take the time to send us. Pat Nolan, Vancouver, shot a perfect 300 game at the USBC tournament in Reno. Pat is a former ball driller for the national PBA tour. And there’s a new bowling center going up in Clackamas, supposed to be a 12-lane center with emphasis on open bowling and party hosting. Also Hollywood Bowl and Rose Bowl are now under a management firm. Max Cook, a familiar name is involved in this endeavor. Don’t have much info on it other than it is a done deal. Took in the finals of the Wilsonville Swiss and ran into many old acquaintances. One of whom was Steve Kiss. Steve was AMFdistrict manager some years ago and we bowled together in a league. Steve will be opening a Quizno’s sandwich shop in the Hazel Dell area of Vancouver in mid June. The PBA Tour trials are set for May 29-June 3 at Stardust Bowl in Merrillville, Indiana. The trial will offer seven exemptions for the 2007-08 PBA tour. Speaking of the PBA tour exembptions. Does the name David Leverage ring a bell, one that you’re familiar with? Not to me either! Well David Leverage is the Northwest Point winner for the past season and has won the Northwest’s exemption for the PBA national tour. I don’t know Dave and have nothing against him, he’s probably a very nice guy. But David Leverage is from Peoria, Arizona! Now, I don’t have anything against Peoria, AZ either but the last time I looked it wasn’t in the Northwest. I was always under the impression that the regions were set up to foster interest in PBA bowling on a more local level, most of us bowlers know and are familiar with many of the great regional players. Likewise I thought, that the purpose of having an exempt player from each region on the national tour was to promote more interest in all parts of the country in the “big show.” It came as a surprise to me that you don’t have to be from the region to win the regions exemption, just enter enough and earn the points. If that’s the rules, then that’s the rules! Just doesn’t make much sense to me, I and many others always followed the national tour more closely when there were some players from our “region.” But it is what it is and good luck to David Leverage on the national tour. Can’t help but think what a great story and publicity windfall would have befallen the PBA if a person from the Northwest region had actually won this year’s Northwest point exemption. Know who that would have been ? None other than 63-year-old Ernie Schlegel who finished second in points. Let bowlers from other regions bowl and earn cash and titles, but keep the tour exemption points for the Northwest resident bowlers! That’s my view for what it’s worth. The Van-Port will publish in June and July Email your news to The Van-Port Bowling News Ed Piel - Editor & Publisher Audrey Piel - Office Ernie Gerald - Longview/Kelso John Solberg - Portland/Vancouver Contributing wrters: Bob Wells, Bob Zoesch, Vince Schiro, Vahn Stone, Bob Korth Member: Bowling Writers of America Southern Bowling Writers Association Telephone: 360-636-2896 Fax: 360-636-2896 Mailing Address: 903 S. 4th Ave. Kelso, WA 98626 Permission is granted to reproduce any portion of The Van-Port as long as proper credit is given. 2-The Van-Port-May, 2007 The finish of the winter bowling season is rapidly arriving. My league finished the 25th of April. Then comes a season ending banquet (seems many/most leagues don't have one) but season accomplishments are reviewed, awards given and not the least, the league payoff. We also reaffirm returning next year and conduct league officer elections. The GPUSBC Open City Championship tournament was concluded on Sunday April 15 with a full house on one of the squads ( all 50 lanes at 20th Century). Great scoring and considerable comments about the success of this years' tournament compared to recent years' participation. One of the reasons for the increase was the promotion Lee and Steve provided as has previously been identified. Thanks again guys and looking forward to next year with even greater participation. The crew at 20th Managed by Robin did an outstanding job and are sincerely thanked. Results are on the web-site. The winners will be recognized at the Awards Banquet in June. Next on the agenda is the Oregon State USBC Womens' Championship Tournament starting May 12th at AMF 20th Century Lanes. Last month I suggested there would be a "sub list" available for any female USBC member. Spectators are encouraged to support the tournament. Come on out and watch. There is also a signup available if you can help in any capacity such as "lane monitors". The Greater Portland USBC annual meeting will be held on Sunday May 20th at 2:00 the Chalet Room at AMF 20th Century. The annual meeting gives an update on what has occurred during the previous year as well as a review of finances and/or any changes for the new season. Elections will be held for the positions of President and 2nd VicePresident as well as Directors positions 6 through 10. Directors are for a three year term while the officer positions are two years. The youth representatives will elect members of the Youth Committee and the Youth Committee will elect two of its' members to the Board of Directors. This is an open membership meeting and everyone is encouraged to attend. The annual GPUSBC Awards Banquet is scheduled for June 17th at the Refrectory on N.E. 122nd Ave. More on this next month however please put it on your calendar. Tournament award winners will be recognized as well as Hall of Fame inductees and scholarship winners. Looking forward to seeing many of you during my visits around the centers. Bob Zoesch Guaranteed - 1st Place $500.00 State Finals Walnut City Lanes 1800 East St., McMinville, OR 503-472-4141 Sept. 29th & 30th Squad Times: Saturday, Sept. 29 12 noon and 3:00pm Sunday, Sept. 30 11:00am At Oregon State BPA participating members Check with your local center for more information Champions...Legends...Professionals... They’ve all earned the right to be here and now You can bowl with them too! Adult & Youth Divisions July 8, 2007 10:00 a.m. PRO-AM TOURNAMENT Bowl with the pros and receive the latest Storm Proline Bowling Ball and/or NBS Logo 2-Ball Bowling Bag TM TM Presented by R For Entry Forms or Information visit our website Phone - 775-335-8800 Join US in October - November for the 2 0 07 R National Mixed Tournament Presented by Thursday - Sunday October 4 - November 11, 2007 website: National Bowling Stadium Reno, Nevada 800-304-2695 fax 775-334-2606 The Van-Port, May, 2007-3 Secretary Profile: Mick Gainey by John Solberg Editors note: This is the first in an occasional series introducing many of the league secretaries whose work is vital to all league bowling. Meet Mick Gainey, he has been secretary of the Sunset Mixed league at Valley Lanes in Beaverton for almost 10 years on two different occasions. When I asked him why he became a secretary of the league he said it was a great way to have some fun and bowl with my father. The league didn’t have a secretary at the time so I volunteered. “I sometimes wonder why I did that” he said jokingly. All in all it has been a good deal and I have enjoyed it over the years. Mick is married and a stepfather to two daughters and is also a new father of another little girl. “Right now I really have my hands full being a new parent and also having my oldest stepdaughter fighting Leukemia. It just seems like there are not enough hours in the day”, he says. He is not sure on if he is going to return next season as the secretary of the league, “I have a lot going on this year and I am not sure I can commit the time.” Mick will be taking his final exams to become a journeyman electrician sometime this fall, and with a newborn child and one who is in treatment for Leukemia I am just not sure if I am going to be able to continue. We wish you good luck Mick in whatever you decide to do and thanks for all your years of support in the bowling community. Bobby Driggs shoots first 300 Wannamaker shoots 300 at Washington State Womens Tournament Sharon Wannamaker, Vancouver, bowling in the team event of the Women’s State Tournament in Mt. Vernon, Wa shot her firsts perfect game. The event held at Riverside Bowl was also the first 300 shot by a woman in the history of that bowling center. The team anchor bowler said, “The shots were all in the pocket except for the last ball (12th), it was a squischy brooklyn. On that last shot my feet were like lead and my arms like a rubber band. It was a real nice feeling to finally shoot a perfect game.” Bobby Driggs rolled his first perfect 300 game at Hollywood Bowl during the Saturday Junior Classic League. Bobby, 18 years old, is bowling just one league, down from a previous high of 3-4 per week. “I’m going to school in Redmond and don’t have much time,” he said, “bowling is more like a hobby now.” Hobby or not, his first ball of the 300 was a Brooklyn but from then on most were good pocket hits. “I wasn’t expecting a 300,” he said, “but in the 9th frame thought it might be a possibility.” “In the tenth my legs were shaky so bad and I threw my first ball pretty shaky and the seven pin spun around and almost stood up before it fell,” he said. Then a friend, Nathan Gubale came over and helped him calm down for his final shot which saw pure and he had his first 300! TRIANGLE BOWL 2nd Annual TRIANGLE CLASSIC TRIOS & SINGLES May 25th through July 29th $2,000 1st Place Team $500 1st Place Singles $500 1st Place Scratch Team Based on 150 team entries Recently renovated with new Brunswick Vector Scoring with flat panel LCD monitors. Located just minutes away from the Mt. St. Helens Tournament Lanes Stripped and Re-Oiled every single Squad with Kustodian Plus Lane Machine. optional scratch action available!! Triangle Bowl (360) 425-4060 700 Triangle Center Longview Washington 98632 4-The Van-Port-May, 2007 Motel Six Roll to Riches COLUMBUS, Ohio Its hard to top a season in which you win two Majors and set a career-high in earnings, but 18-year Dennys Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) Tour veteran Doug Kent added to what was already a dream season. Kent defeated Norm Duke, six- PBA Northwest Regional results Grants Pass 1 Bob Davidson, Seattle 14-2 $1500 2 Kevin Croucher, Grt Ps 9-7 1100 3 Hugh Miller, Seattle 10-6 900 4 G. Hulsenberg, CA 10-6 800 5 J. Groenlund, ID 8-8 700 6 Stoney Brown, Vancr 9-7 600 7 Chuck Riess, Tkwilla 9-7 575 8 C. Rogers Jr., Milwkie 8-7-1 550 9 Leon Loucks, Mrysvile 7-8-1 525 10 K. Henderson, Albany 8-8 510 11 Ernie Schlegel, Vancr 7-9 500 12 Alan sabin, Winston 7-9 495 13 Pat Nolan, Vancouver 6-9-1 490 14 J. Hollingsworth, Milw 4-11-1 485 15 Curtis Messer, Abder 5-11 480 16 Russ Hunt, WallaWalla 5-11 475 17 John Arnell, Redmond 400 NW PBA Regional Hickham AFB Open, HI, April 20-22 1 Alan Blansette, CA 7-1 $2000 2 J. Yockman, Hawaii 6-4 1200 3 Robert Smith, Hawaii 5-1 900 4 Keith Odette, Hawaii 5-2 900 5 Chad Pojas, Hawaii 4-3 700 6 Dave Arnold, CA 3-4 700 7 Jason Hoppe, CA 3-4 700 8 Chester Rogers, OR 3-2 700 9 Michael Hartter, WA 2-3 550 10 Scott Horie, Hawaii 2-3 550 11 Ryan Oldham, OR 2-3 550 12 Russ Hunt, WA 1-3 13 Bill Machin, CA 1-3 14 Jason Ross, CA 1-3 15 Marv Sargent, CA 0-3 16 Scott Shiira, Hawaii 0-3 17 Keone Taguchi, Hawaii 18 Darryl Izumo, Hawaii 19 Jon Brando, CA 20 Keith Freeman, CA 21 Chad Horiuchi, HI 22 Justin Stevens, HI strikes-to-three, to win the third annual Motel 6 Roll to Riches special event and take home the $150,000 winner-take-all top prize. The final round consisted of a Race to Six Strikes, with the first bowler striking six times taking home the title. Kent jumped out to the early lead, striking with his first shot after Duke had missed on his first. Though Duke struck with his next shot, he got bad breaks in his next two frames and Kent capitalized to take a 3-1 lead. After missing with his next shot, Kent struck twice in a row to put Duke on the ropes, but he missed in the next frame to give Duke another chance. Duke could have pulled within one, but the 5-pin wobbled and stayed up and Kent struck with his next shot to win in his first Motel 6 Roll to Riches appearance. Its a great finish to a great year. You come in here against five of the best players in the world and you think, what are your chances against Norm Duke, Pete Weber and Walter Ray Williams Jr.? Kent (Newark, N.Y.) said. Its just an incredible finish to a great year. Ernie Schlegel wins NW Region Player of the Year and Pat Patterson award Vancouver’s Ernie Schlegel, a PBA and USBC Hall of Famer was named the PBA Northwest Region Player of the Year. Schlegel led the region in earnings ($13,950) and cashes (15), finished third in average (210.01) and captured two titles. Schlegel also received the Pat Patterson award for his contributions to bettering the regional program along with his outstanding work with youth bowlers. “This the first award of any type I’ve received since I’ve been in bowling,” Schlegel said, “I’m very glad to receive these awards.” In a wide ranging visit with the “Ironman” of bowling we asked Ernie if he set out at the start of the season to achieve any honors and his reply was, No, it just happened, I won the first tournament and it just kind of grew from there.” In addition to his two titles he also had a 2nd and 3rd place finish and was the leader in points and it became a possibility that he might wind up first in total points and earn a year’s exemption to the national tour. However he was edged out by David Leverage for that honor. Schlegel said he likes the way the PBA is headed and also voiced his opinion that the PBA needed it’s own venues (own bowling lanes). He also commented on his belief that bowling lost an entire generation of bowlers due to the smoking issue. “For a long time many parents wouldn’t bring their children into smoke filled centers,” he said. “Now,” he continued, “with the non-smoking gaining the upper hand, we are seeing the return of family bowling and many more people bowling. Bowling is in one of it’s best periods in years.” The interview ended with Schlegel saying, “I would like to get out of bowling and into the politics of bowling some day.” His knowledge of the sport is unsurpassed and his ideas arealways interesting and like all his ideas and thoughts are meant to improve the overall sport of bowling. REMEMBER DEADLINE FOR JUNE IS MAY 25TH ValleyLanes 550 550 550 550 550 400 400 400 400 400 400 Lihue Bowling center Lihue, HI April 15-17 1 Robert Smith, Hawaii10-6 $2000 2 Russ Hunt, WA 8-8 1200 3 Dave Arnold, HI 10-6 1000 4 Keith Odette, CA 11-5 900 5 Corey Husted, OR 7-9 800 6 Tony Reyes, CA 9-7 700 7 Jon Brandon, CA 9-7 640 8 Missy Bellinder, CA 8-8 630 9 David Billings, CA 9-7 620 10 Paul Smith, CA 10-6 610 11 Joseph Yockman, HI 7-9 600 12 Bill Machin, CA 8-8 590 13 Wayne Garber, CA 7-9 580 14 Mason Sherman, CA 6-10 570 15 Craig Yamada, HI 7-9 560 16 Jason Hoppe, CA 3-13 550 17 Marve Sargent, CA alt 450 email Call or come in 9300 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Highway Beaverton, Or 97005 503-292-3523 The Van-Port May, 2007-5 coach’s corner by Vince Schiro Bratton rolls 300, Hopfner, Whitson, Voss, Steffen win titles at Classic In the 5th game, Buster Bratton of Yoncalla lined up and rolled all 12 for a perfect 300 game. In the first game, Nathan Gubele rolled the first 10 for Are we changing gears now? 289, there were two 278’s and a 277. Scoring was high with eight 700s Moving from winter into summer can be a welcome happening for most rolled. Leading scores for each division were 1414 for Classic, 1359 for of us. Putting that thirty two week league grind behind us can be a “AA”••, 1278 for “A”and, 1037 for “B”. Scoring settled down in match welcome experience. Make sure you roll any league ending event your play. league has planned, and get to the banquet. Enjoy the complete winding “Classic” Division (200 & up): Todd Hopfner of Sumner, Wa qualified down process of winter league. Your officers and other league members 2nd with 1409, then won 5 of his 6 matches to win the title, earn his banner, and collect the $100 scholarship with a 2841 total. Cameron Weier have put a lot of thought, time, and effort into planning your final few of Federal Way finished 2nd with 2806, Nick Spellman of Corvallis 3rd league ending events. Enjoy being with your friends. For most of us, it with 2760, Kirk Williams of Oregon City 4th with 2686, Buster Bratton will be the last time you will see them until fall. And if your league has a of Yoncalla 5th with 2634, and Nick Stone of Tigard finished 6th with pot luck, it’s really time to celebrate! Pot lucks are so good, leagues 2485, The cut was 1335. should have them several times each season! A couple of them can be “AA” Division (180 - 199): Nate Whitson of Auburn qualified 3rd, then won 5 of his 6 matches to move up and win the title with 2767, earn Deserts or Treats pot lucks! Those kind can be enjoyed while bowling. another star on his banner, and the $100 scholarship. Sha Harvey of I’ll share with you something that I did many years ago, when I still Beaverton finished 2nd with 2600, Stephen Miller of Springfield 3rd with bowled. My wife Linda and I were on a late Friday night league that 2585, Jared McNeal of Longview 4th with 2552, Adam Nadasky of most of us on the league were almost like family. We not only bowled Puyallup 5th with 2394, and Andrew Zwicker of Salem 6th with 2361. together but went out together in groups frequently after league for The cut was 1218. breakfast, and we also enjoyed playing cards or even gathering occa“A” Division (156 - 179): Justin Voss of Bend qualified first with a huge 1278, then won 5 of his 6 matches to win the title, earn his banner, and sionally during summer for barbecue. collect the $100 scholarship with 2576. Christopher Yamasaki of Salem One family bought property out in unimproved forested land, and put a double expanded mobile home on that 5 acre lot. In their second year, it finished 2nd with 2394, Josh Bridge of Portland 3rd with 2301, Trisha Erlenbush of Dallesport 4th with 2260, Kaela Pratt of Salem 5th with burned down, in minutes! It turned out to be a wiring defect in one of the 2161, and after starting match play with a huge 256 had to withdraw from walls. All was covered. competition due to injury, taking no score his last two games, Derek They decided to replace it with a “Dome Home”. So once the concrete Donohoe of Vancouver still finished 6th with 2311. The cut was 1154. foundation was ready, many league members gathered, with a factory “B”Division (155 & under): Daniel Steffen of Silverton qualified 5th, representative, and we assembled the home. We beat the factory record then won 5 1/2 of his matches to move up and claim the title, earn his by an hour by completing the assembly process in only 4 1/2 hours! That banner, and collect the $75 scholarship with 2233. Johnny Hamilton of University Place finished 2nd with 2150, Blaine Gallaway of Sublimity 3rd is the kind of people we had on this league. So now the type of people with 2061, Kati Woodward of Cottage Grove 4th with 2035, Jennifer we had on this league is established. Great bunch of people! Steckler of Portland 5th with 2008, and Carli Harto of Eugene 6th with Everyone that knows me, know that I have a little bit of wildness in me 1861. The cut was 943. and can be just a little ornery. Just a little of course! Thank you Kelly Sparano and her Interstate Lanes staff for a great tournament. Do you remember Shrinky Dinks? They were kits for kids. They were We are at Firebird Lanes in Salem on May 20th for Doubles. If you sheets of plastic, rough on one side, smooth on the other, and had need more information about our tournaments, contact us at colored pencils to draw with. You draw on the rough side, cut out your or 503-282-5043. drawing, then put it in the oven and shrink it. They were fun to play with. So guess what I did. I made up some small plaques out of really nice USBC SANCTIONED pallet wood, sanded them down, and stained them. Then I did shrinky dink art that was aimed at some of our league members, and glued them to the plaques. Of course, I also made the same type white graphics with the black border and pointy end that holds the words in the funnies or funny books. Can you see where this is going? For the person with the meanest ball on the league, I had a bowling ball, with legs, NEW arms, and clenched fists, chasing a couple of pins that Men’s, Women, Mixed and Scratch R A E Y had teardrops trailing them as they were running from THIS that mean ball. I won’t go into detail on all of the six 1st PLACE $300 US plaques I made. One was for the lady in the family that BON based on 30 teams per division had the dome home. She received the “Best Farmer” CASH 1ST R FO award since she was constantly bringing eggs, proAME entry fee 300 G duce, berries, and fruit to others on the league. Her plaque had a carton with eggs in it, half covered with different types of produce. These shrinky dink plaques were awarded, as a surprise, after the other awards of course, and were the hit of our banquet! So it was over with, and the next season, when the banquet came, and I didn’t have shrinky dink plaques to For more information contact Molalla Bowl 503-829-2264 award, I thought they were going to lynch me! From that point on, until the league finally disbanded a few years later, and we all went our own way, I always did the shrinky dink plaques. Everyone always looked forward to what my twisted little mind would put on the plaques, and who would be the target. With this story, I hope that instead of just celebrating the ending of winter league this season, you will already eagerly be looking forward to fall. For those that are still going to have fun in a bowling center by joining summer leagues, sign up today so your league can start planning your events. Molalla Bowl 150 Grange Ave Until next month, have fun bowling, and coaching! Molalla Buckeroo Doubles Shootout 4 DIVISIONS $400 $40.00 Bowl all weekends in June and first weekend in July Bowl a Summer League at Molalla Bowl and receive FREE A NEW BRUNSWICK POWER GROOVE BOWLING BALL Molalla, OR 503-829-2264 6-The Van-Port-May, 2007 Team Division 1, Handicapped 1 Mazyn Golf, Vancouver 2782 2 Team Ibuprofen, Clackamas 2682 3 Sunset Lanes, Beaverton 2635 Total prizes awarded $1,014 Team Division 2, Handicapped 1 ABC Roofing, Portland 2642 2 Quadco, Sherwood 2617 3 Wubben Brothers, Vancouver 2606 4 Dasenbrock Kennels, Dundee 2597 Total prizes awarded $1,373 Team Division 3, Handicapped 1 Van Travis Family Bowlers, Tigard 2856 2 Who Cares, Dundee 2803 3 Lavin Trucking & Repair, Tigard 2776 4 Sanders Team, Sandy 2650 5 Gadzooks Gardening, Aloha 2594 Total prizes awarded $1,533 Doubles Division 1 Handicapped 1 Jeff Nogle, J. Winklepleck, Portland 1426 2 Roger LeClair/Dave Husted, Or City 1379 3 Kevin Morris/David Grooms, Portland 1330 Bruce Muller/Manuel Ayala, Or City 1330 5 David Powell/Lee Mabe, Clackamas 1326 6 Nick Dubravac/DonAlbano, Portland 1319 Total prizes awarded $993 Doubles Division 2, Handicapped 1 Lindsay Secco/William Secco, Hillsboro 1396 2 Jerome /Roger Hastings, Beaverton 1376 3 Kent Nuss/Kurt Nuss, Gresham 1351 4 Demetris Crum/ William Ingram, Gresham 1350 5 Steve Pearce/Ken Pomerinke, Tigard 1329 6 Roy Harker/ Gene Osborne, Dundee 1323 7 Brian Mumm/Eric Mumm, Gresham 1303 Larry Schreiter/Roy Galvin, Tigard 1303 Total prizes awarded $1,313 Doubles Division 3, Handicapped 1 Dana Waldron/Richard Taylor, Sandy 1451 2 Nathan/Eric Hebner, Vancouver 1381 3 John Korobeinikov/Clark Louie, Portland 1331 4 Lynda/Michael Darling, Portland 1329 5 Robery VanHorn/Alvin Elser, Forest Grove 1326 6 David White/John Rogers, Woodburn 1310 7 George Tate/Donald Burgess, Portland 1303 8 Robert Cooper/Brian Welch, Portland 1301 9 Kimberly Erdelyi/Jennifer Dostert, Portland 1293 Fran Beckman/Ramon Tavera, Lk Oswego 1293 Total prizes warded $1,514 Total prizes this event $3,820 Singles Division 1 Handicapped 1 Gary Yamasaki, Portland 766 2 David Grooms, Portland 765 3 Timothy Myers, Vancouver 726 4 Lee Mabe, Clackamas 722 5 Jim Winklepleck, Portland 721 6 Roger LeClair, Oregon City 717 7 Dean Hebner, Vancouver 710 8 Mike K. Zoesch, Clackamas 704 9 Jeff Nogle, Portland 700 10 Jesse Greenlee, Woodburn 695 Scott Godfrey, Troutdale 695 12 Mike Polinsky, Oregon City 693 Total prizes awarded $1073 Singles Division 2, Handicapped 1 Jeff Palmquist, Oregon Dity 732 2 Tom Foley, Clackamas 716 3 Michael Darling, Portland 704 4 Kenneth Shelton, Sandy 699 Roy Harker, Dundee 699 6 Russel Durland, Gresham 689 7 Robery Lioking, Oregon City 685 8 Michael Searls, Portland 681 9 Eric Hebner, Vancouver 680 Jerry Van Slyke, Tigard 680 11 David Powell, Clackamas 678 12 Jeff Doolittle, West Linn 670 13 Jerry McGuire, Tigard 669 14 John Rogers, Woodburn 668 15 Steven Hinds, Estacada 663 16 Rob Schatz, Vancouver 659 Total prizes awarded $1,283 Singles Division 3, Handicapped 1 Timothy Knowlton, Forest Grove 786 2 Ramon Tavera, Lake Oswego 766 3 Jon Brewster, Vancouver 753 4 Richard Douglas, Gresham 748 5 Alvin Elser, Forest Grove 728 6 Dana Waldron, Sandy 726 Doug Aarness, Portland 726 8 Susan Hastings, Beaverton 724 9 Jason Livingston, Tigard 718 10 Johnny Parsons, Troutdale 714 Daniel Noble, Portland 714 12 Jim Montague, Portland 698 David Sermuks, Oregon City 698 14 Norm Lavin, Tigard 695 15 David White, Woodburn 688 16 Todd Saperstein, Dundee 682 Roger Stopa, Newberg 682 18 Floyd Luster, Troutdale 678 19 Susan Walls, Aloha 674 Total prizes awarded $1,464 Total this event $3,820 All Events Division 1 Scratch, Handicapped 1 Jim Winklepleck, Portland 2165 2 Roger LeClair, Oregon City 2162 $600 300 114 $700 350 180 143 $720 360 180 150 123 2nd Annual Greater Portland USBC Open Championship Gary Yamasaki Scratch Singles Winner $370 185 137.50 137.50 100 63 $420 220 170 140 120 100 71.50 71.50 Steve Michaliszyn and Lee Mabe The two worked extremely hard and put many hours to make the tournament a success. $440 220 170 140 120 110 100 80 67 67 $340 170 120 85 70 60 50 45 40 32.50 32.50 28 $350 175 120 82.50 82.50 63 60 55 47.50 47.50 40 36 34 31 30 27 $350 175 120 90 85 77.50 77.50 70 65 55 55 38-50 38.50 32 29 27.50 27.50 26 25 $500 100 Div. 2 Team Winner: ABC Roofing, Nick Dubravac, Demitrius Crum, Don Albano and Bill Ingram 3 Lee Mabe, Clackamas 2127 4 Ryan Oldham, Gervais 2120 5 Timothy Myers, Vancouver 2093 6 David Grooms, Portland 2090 7 Jason Lower, Beaverton 2083 8 Demetris Crum, Portland 2066 9 Dave Husted, Oregon City 2061 10 Scott Godfrey, Troutdale 2039 11 Mark Blair, Portland 2037 Total prizes awarded $930 All Events Division 2 Handicapped 1 Roy Harker, Dundee 2053 2 Rob Schatz, Vancouver 2042 3 Eric Hebner, Vancouver 2033 4 Michael Darling, Portland 2029 5 Gene Osborne, Dundee 1993 6 William Secco, Hillsboro 1992 7 James Wade, Portland 1985 8 Williams Sanders, Sandy 1982 9 Jerry Van Slyke, Tigard 1968 10 Tom Foley, Clackamas 1965 11 Sean McKinley, Gresham 1951 12 Lindsay Secco, Hillsboro 1948 13 John Rogers, Woodburn 1943 14 Kurt Nuss, Gresham 1930 Total prizes awarded $1,110 All Events Division 3 Handicapped 1 Johnny Parsons, Troutdale 2186 2 Timothy Knowlton, Forest Grove 2130 3 Norm Lavin, Tigard 2105 4 Richard Douglas, Gresham 2082 5 Ramon Tavera, Lake Oswego 2080 6 Alvin Elser, Forest Grove 2060 7 Todd Saperstein, Dundee 2030 8 Roger Hastings, Beaverton 2021 9 David White, Woodburn 2007 10 Brandon Berry, Tigard 1999 11 Andrew Walker, Portland 1998 12 Susan Hastings, Beaverton 1992 13 Jennifer Dostert, Portland 1984 14 Stephanie Travis, Tigard 1976 15 Lance Wessell, Beaverton 1974 Total prizes awarded $1.130 Total this event $3,170 Total prizes awarded this tournament $14,730 60 50 45 40 35 32 29 24 15 $500 100 75 70 65 60 50 45 40 30 25 18 17 15 $500 100 85 80 70 60 50 40 30 24 22 20 18 16 15 The Van-Port, May, 2007-7 Oregon Queens Tournament from page 1 On the right: Queens top three:Kathy Tribbey, Bonnie Cox, Patricia Cochran Bonnie Cox of La Pine (and Bend) rolled a 705 series in the last 3 games of the qualifying round. Debbie Baerman of Merlin rolled a 716 series in the last 3 games of the semi’s. There were some high scores rolled in those 12 games. In the second game of the second set, Donna Stewart of Vancouver rolled the 6th 300 game in Oregon Queens history. Donna rolled her first Queens 300 in 2000, at Albany’s Lakeshore Lanes. The other 300’s in this tournament’s history were rolled by Cindy Whiteman in 1993 at Albany’s Lakeshore Lanes, Kimberly Duddington and Jennifer Winklepleck in 2003 at Portland’s Interstate Lanes and Kathy Tribbey in 2005, also at Interstate Lanes. On Sunday morning the 16 finalists and alternate arrived ready for the head to head matches. Two losses and the bowler would be out of the competition. Kathy Tribbey came on strong with a 259 in her first match against Samantha Wong’s 197. Kathy then faced Donna Stewart and won 245-179. In her 3rd match, she beat Jeri Fischer 268-192. The 4th match was against Patricia Cochran, in which she lost 213-212. Kathy’s next match was against Jeri Fischer again, she won that match 212- 181. In her 6th match, Kathy came up against Bonnie Cox, in which she lost 218-21 7. This was Kathy’s second loss, therefore eliminating her. Patricia Cochran faced off against Laura Ferguson and won 235-214. In her 2nd match against Angela Sally, she won 189-179. Patricia then bowled against Cindylou Lawless and won that match 216-203. With no losses and two byes, Patricia awaited her next opponent. The opponent would be Bonnie Cox, who started the 1st match with Cindylou Lawless and lost 203-200. Next Bonnie met Ten Sunell and won 230-201. In her 3rd match she faced Laura Ferguson and won 230-189. Jennifer Stirn was waiting for Bonnie in the 4th match, which Bonnie won 254-247. Bonnie then met Cindy Whiteman and won 230- 187. In the 6th match Bonnie won by one pin over Kathy Tribbey. The final match was to be against Patricia Cochran. Now the quiet, heart is beating much faster than it should, but hard to get it slowed down to normal yet. The knees are knocking and feel like they are made of rubber and all eyes are on every ball you throw. Focus is the name of the game. It took Patricia and Bonnie several frames to get settled down to not having splits and low counts. Bonnie won the 1st match 199-183. With that being Patricia’s first loss, they would bowl another game. This game was won by Bonnie Cox with a 213-210. Bonnie was crowned Queen by last year’s Queen Laura Harvey of Grants Pass. 1. Bonnie Cox, La Pine 2 Patricia Cochran, Rogue River 3 Kathy Tribbey, Vancouver 4 Cindy Whiteman, Portland 5 Jeri Fischer, Portland 6 Jennifer Stirn, Vancouver 7 Cindylou Lawless, Grants Pass 8 Donna Stewart, Vancouver 9 Natalie Cardoza, Creswell 10 Angela Sally, Albany 11 Colleen Padilla, Medford 12 Laura Ferguson, Klamath Falls 13 Teri Sunell, Eugene 14 Jamie Warner, Oakland 15 Smantha Wong, Milwukie 16 Debbbie Baerman, Merlin ALY CamilleBaker, Hillsboro Northwest team in second place in USBC in Reno from page 1 and sometimes we are able to feed off each other on the lanes, I think that might have helped us out today.” Corey added 607 in doubles and 596 in singles Sunday and finished his first Open Championships with an all events total of 1916,. Dave, whose 16 tournament appearances include 12 trips to the Masters, added 1,857 towards Sports Medicine l’s Team All-Events effort. Karch contributed 1,863, Porter had 1,800 and Grooms rounded out with 1689. Forgey Team member(left to right) Bob Porter, David Grooms, Corey Husted, Mike Karch and Dave Husted. Giant Summer Sale! Brunswick Scorchin Inferno Total Inferno Fury Ebonite All Columbia Balls 15% OFF (except White Dot & Scouts) All Track Balls Balls listed in ad Now would be a great time to get the bowling balls resurfaced, de-oiled, and new finger inserts. No Limit 15 lb only Dexter SST-5 Special Limited Edition red/white/blue, very comfortable with interchangeable soles and heels Only 1200 pair made Regular $189.95 ................... Larrys Pro Shop 8-The Van-Port, May, 2007 SPECIAL $146.95 3550 SE 92nd Av - Portland 503-772-2142 Inside AMF 20th Century Five-year-old Christian M. Oldham “a heck of a bowler!” by Ed Piel Over the years I have met, interviewed and visited with many of the great names in bowling. Earl Anthony, Tommy Hudson, Dick Weber, Carmen Salvino, Norm Duke, Pete Weber, Walter Ray Williams, Mark Roth and local favorites Ernie Schlegel , Dave Husted, and many other “big” names. But none have had more courage, heart or determination than a five year boy I recently had the honor of meeting. Christian Oldham celebrated his fifth birthday on February 8, 2007. When I met Christian he had just finished his first year of junior bowling in the Garfield league at Rose Bowl where he averaged 107 with a high game of 184.A remarkable feat for a five-year old youngster. Christiam joined the USBC Junior program and received his card at the age of four and one-half years. One of lthe youngest, if not the youngest, ever to receive a card. Christian, son of Jessica and Ryan Oldham, has been bowling since he could walk, which according to mother Jessica was “at about one and one-half years of age.” Jessica came back to work at Rose Bowl at this time and young Christian was a regular at the center on 164th in Portland. The pre-schooler is at Rose Bowl just about every day that mom works and practices almost daily. Dad Ryan, a PBA member and regional player is a familiar name in Portland bowling, instructs his son and along with mom encourage his bowling interest. But Christian isn’t just a “regular” 5-year-old. Christian was born with 3 holes in his heart and missing a valve. At the age of 3 days Christian underwent his first open heart surgery to repair heart damage and insert an artificial valve that was missing. Even at that young age he was a fighter and came through the surgery without mishap. Shortly thereafter at 9 months Christian had to undergo another open heart surgery to replace the valve due to his growth which meant a larger valve had to be installed. Christian will have to undergo another surgery to replace the valve as he grows, but the date has not yet been set for that surgery. Mom, Jessica recalls when she found out about his heart condition, “I was in shock,” she said, “he turned blue right after they cut the umbilical cord. It was a real scary time.” mom and dad checked the doctors received the OK When Christian beganwith to show signs ofand interest in bowling, for him to bowl. Once he started, he has gained more and more enthusiasm and continues to amaze those who have watched him bowl. Christian uses, are you ready for this, a 15/16 pound ball! He holds the ball in both hands and using the full approach gets a running start towards the foul line and releases the ball. His accuracy for a young bowler using such a heavy weight ball was something to watch and as he picked up a couple of spares I shook my head in awe! In visiting with Christian I asked what he liked most about bowling? “Getting strikes and picking up splits,” he replied without hesitation. He is proud of his high game of 184 and said, “I got a turkey in the game and I really liked that. I also like the Scout (where one pins rolls over and hits another).” He recently received his trophy from the Garfield leagude and is very proud of that. Bowling is not the only sport that Christian likes. His dad took him golfing to hit a bucket of balls and told him that if he could hit the bucket with a drive he would buy him a new basketball jersey. Well, not to be intimidated Chris hit the ball and also hit the bucket which was positioned about 50-75 yards away. Christian (he doesn’t like being called Chris) recently bowled the adult/junior tournament at Hollywood Bowl and has a partner to bowl the OJC doubles coming up. This summer he will bowl in the Family Ties league with his parents at Rose Bowl. Asked who his favorite bowler was he replied without hesitation, “My dad!” His favorite PBA bowler is Chris Barnes. His dad spends a lot of time with Christian and the bond between the two is obvious. Chris will have to undergo more open heart surgeries as he matures to replace the valve to keep pace with his growth. Through it all he maintains a positive attitude and doesn’t feel he’s anything special. But, Yes you are special Christian! And an inspiration to all of us. The Van-Port, May, 2007 - 9 Dornath/Lundgren win 90+ Doubles at Harmony Lanes once Again! The dynamic duo of Curtis and Walt took over first place in the fifth game and remained on top through the next seven games to win the title. They bowled team games of 460, 513, 418, 416, 501, and 437 on Saturday and 469, 484, 427, 475, 383, and 442 on Sunday plus 460 bonus points for a total of 5885. This is the 4th consecutive 90+ NWST doubles title for Walt and Curtis together. It’s Walt’s 20th NWST title and Curtis’ 12th NWST title. Dale Whittington and Jim Gay started out in 16th place after the first game and worked their way up. They went up and down but hung in to beat the 3rd place team by a mere 15 pins to take over second in the last game with a total of 5668 pins plus bonus points for the 12 games. Third place went to Garret Ball and Mal Acosta with 5653 pins plus bonus points. HONOR SCORES: Jim Brittain started out Saturday with a bang rolling a 300 game. Jay Spellman bowled a 300 his fifth game on Saturday and his partner John Tolnai rolled an eleven in a row his first game on Sunday. He started out with a spare and struck out for a 279 game. Roger LeClair wins 2nd NWST at Rose Bowl Roger LeClair, Clackamas won his 2nd NWST title of this season and 3 overall. Roger won all five of his final matches to take first place with games of 237, 256, 243, 267, & 229 to beat out the top qualifier, Tim Pierce of Portland by 96 pins. Tim rolled games of 268, 209, 227, 257, & 222 for a 2nd place finish. Dale Whittington, Eugene won 2 of his final matches finishing 3rd with games of 258, 237, 300, 225, & 234. 4th place went to Dave Kammerer who won 4 of his 5 final matches with games of 224, 247, 223, 215, & 257. rd Left to right: Tim Pierce, Roger LeClair, Dale Whittington and Dale Kammerer Left to right: Walt Lundgren, Curtis Dornath, Dale Whittington, Jim Gray, Garret Ball, Mal Acosta, Jay Spellman and John Tolnal. Place Name Pinfall Bonus Total 1st Curtis Dornath 2742 Walt Lundgren2683 460 5885 2nd Dale Whittington 2676 Jim Gay2662 330 5668 3rd Mal Acosta 2429 Garret Ball 2784 440 5653 4th Jay Spellman 2593 John Tolnai 2612 380 5585 5th Bill Starnes 2626 Randy Cochran 2643 280 5549 Steve Kiss 2491 6th Richard Lorey 2759 280 5530 7th Doug Nowlin 2537 Dan Fairchild 2520 400 5457 8th Steve Pechar 2644 Mike Nendell 2511 295 5450 Non Casher High Team Game: Saturday Jim Brittain/Clay Tuttle 550 Sunday Joey Borgaro/Steve Sonne 500 Non Casher 2nd High Team Game: Saturday George Cox/Stan Lorimor491 Sunday Charlie Moore/Mark Campbell 488 Swyers win Over 40 at Gladstone Name W-L 1 Skip Swyers 4-0 2 Bob Stanford 3-1 3 Mike Barber 3-1 4 Chuck Raz 2-2 5 Ruthella Baurer 3-1 6 Ed Holland 3-1 7 Jerry Mille 3-1 8 Oubrey Ferren 3-1 9 Nick Johnson 2-2 Jim Snsell 1-3 11Don Macomber 2-2 12 Johnny Dun ne 2-2 13 Cindy Whiteman 1-3 14 Jeff Cammack 2-2 15 Carol Ann Ivey 1-2--1 16 Miles Holdstock 1-2-1 17 John Bennett 1-3 18 Dan Wingree 1-3 19 Mike Marshall 0-4 20 Viv Harvey 1-3 George Smithe 270 hgom Pins 1090 1004 1003 971 967 945 936 928 905 905 900 868 854 852 839 827 796 790 790 $25.00 10-The Van-Port, May, 2007 $$$ $320 175 135 120 110 100 90 80 70.50 70.50 63 60 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 50 Prize $1,600 $1,200 $1,000 $ 800 $ 600 $ 500 $ 400 Place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th $ 100 $ 100 Qualify Finals 1158 1232 1201 1183 1127 1254 1124 1166 1149 1060 1155 1096 1143 1099 1087 1116 1087 1104 1185 994 1117 1046 1119 976 1124 980 1158 904 Bonus 150 60 60 120 150 90 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 Total 2540 2444 2441 2410 2359 2341 2302 2263 2251 2239 2223 2155 2134 2092 Prize $ 600 $ 450 $ 300 $ 250 $ 225 $ 200 $ 190 $ 180 $ 170 $ 160 $ 150 $ 140 $ 130 +65 Checks went to Jim Brittain & Dore Anderson $50 each Super Senior Checks went to George Cox & Dale Ballou $50 each High Games – Game 1 Ray Hix 246 $25 Game 2 Clay Tuttle 246 $25 Game 3 Mike Goettel 247 $25 Game 4Conway Sunell 247 $25 Game 5Frank Schnebly 258 $25 Honor Score – Dale Whittington 300 game $ 300 $ 200 $ 200 Name Roger LeClair Tim Pierce Dale Whittington Dave Kammerer Walt Lundgren Charlie Moore Frank Dietz Jr. Lee Mabe Dave Palmberg Mike Martin Steve Michaliszyn Gene Osborne Dave Oliver Jerry Miller Know a bowler with a story? The Van-Port is looking for bowlers with unique stories to share with our readers. If you know of someone or you have a personal story , contact The Van-Port. or telephone 360-636-2896. Milwaukie Bowl SUMMER TOURNAMENTS & EVENTS May 13 Jr. Masters 175 & Under Handicapped Singles for Juniors, Masters Format June 9-10 NW Junior Masters Scratch Singles, Masters Format July 29 Win A Spot Earn a spot for the Dave Husted Open August 4 Mike’s Cruise In Bring your favorite Vintage or Hot Rod August 16-18 Dave Husted Pro-Am Handicapped No-Tap Doubles with the Pros August 18-19 Dave Husted Open PBA Regional, members and guests welcome Check out our Summer League Schedule, it includes: Super Bowl, PBA Experience, 2 Adult-Junior Leagues, Junior Leagues GET MORE INFORMATION @ or Call 503-654-7719 3056 SE Harrison Bowling Looses a Great Coach. by Jim Feretti On the morning of Sunday, April 22nd, Mt Hood Lanes Junior Coach and Bowler, Russ Durland passed away at the age of 48. Russ spent time as a Junior Coach at AMF Rockwood Lanes before moving to Mt. Hood Lanes for the 2006 – 2007 Season. Mt Hood Lanes Junior Director Debbie Sattergren says upon hearing of his passing, “We are all saddened by this loss. All of the Juniors here will miss him greatly. It is very hard to believe that someone so young is now gone.” Mt Hood Lanes Manager Doug Greenlee says “Russ was devoted to our Junior Program and will be sorely missed. This is a great loss not only to our program but to every Junior Bowler that he has helped coach over the years. Russ always went out of his way to make sure the kids had a good time and he will be missed by all.” Upon receiving the news of his passing, Mt Hood Lanes immediately set up the Russ Durland Scholarship, which will be presented this year to his two children, Sebastian and Crystal, both junior bowlers at Mt. Hood Lanes. Next year the Scholarship will be presented to the boy and girl bowler whose average most improves from the previous year. Mt. Hood Lanes will also be holding a community auction to help raise money to support the future education of Sebastian and Crystal Durland. The event is set to take place May 27th from Noon until 4pm. There will be an auction with goods donated by other local businesses, and of course bowling with some of the proceeds during the 4 hour time going directly to the fundraiser. If you or your business would like to help by donating money or goods for the auction, please contact Jim Ferretti at 503-492-9820. Excuse Me What Pin Is That? By John Solberg A rather simple question for most of us bowlers, and one that we an take for granted; but what if you couldn’t see the pins? Ron Simrin ofthe Friday Premiers league at Hazel Dell lanes knows all about that. Ron is suffering from Macular D egener afi on, of which there is no cure for and the end result is blindness. But that doesn’t stop Ron! He has bowled for over 50 years mostly in Oregon and Washington. “I wasn’t going to bowl any more because my vision was getting really bad.” “I can see the pins but I couldn’t tell what pins they were.” It was his daughter who said that you already know how to bowl and where to stand, so there is no reason why you can’t continue. Ron wasn’t so sure at first about returning to bowling, but with the help of the Friday Premier it has been easy and ftin. “Everyone has been so helpftil to me and I am thankful for there assiIstance.” Ray and Rusty Wright have also been a big encouragement on the team. “He really bowls well considering he is almost blind” says Ray. “It is just a pleasure to be able to help him enjoy the game of bowling.” “Heck I can even help others” Ron says, “I can tell them when there ball goes in the gutter!” with a big grin on his face. On a personal not one thing is for sure; only in the sport of bowling can people who are blind, paralyzed, deaf or missing limbs compete and play. What a great sport we have! Triangle Bowl News Bowman wins King of the Hill by Beau Little We had another great turnout at King of the Hill and a new champion crowned. We had 32 bowlers compete for $640 in prizes. The tournament this month featured the USBC Championship pattern from Reno. The scores showed it. Opening round cut score was 375 for 2games. Top round one qualifier was Travis Malakowsky with a 257 and a 245. Round two saw the scores get even a little lower with the cut score of 183 by Kurt Bogner. High score for round 2 was once again Travis Malakowsky with a 256. Final round featured 8 bowlers going for the top prize of $200. The top was tight but Anthony Bowman struck out to beat Garry Ledford 249-244. Ledford pocketed $120 for his second place finish. Other finishers were: 3rd Matt Ramshaw 218 $100,4th Andy Solberg 207 $80, 5th Travis Malakowsky 185 $60, 6th Kurt Bogner 177 $40, 7th Dale Fowler 169 $30, 8th Andy Marshall 153 (Free Entry) Triangle OPEN is set for April 28th and 29th. It is an all Scratch tournament featuring the US open pattern. There is an adult division and a Jr. division. Many bowlers know already that this is one of the toughest patterns in all of bowling with equal oil being placed on every single board for 40ft. The tournament will also feature brand new Brunswick Crown pins. The finals will also feature PBA Gold Pins. First place prize will be $350 The Cowlitz USBC will be holding there annual awards banquet at the Kelso Theatre Pub featuring the movie "Cars". The date is set for Tuesday May 22nd with the movie set to start at 5:45pm. All-Star teams, Bowlersof the year, scholarships, and many more awards are passed out at the annual banquet. Also lots of doorprizes will be given away. Fliers will be out laternext week with tickets going on sale soon after. Hopeyou can attend. Ron Simrin Hillier Captures NWBT Title At Kellogg Bowl Temperatures were warm outside and the competition was heating up inside at Kellogg Bowl in Milwaukie on April 29th, 2007 as the Northwest Bowler Tour made it’s 4th Tournament Stop of the year. Many different bowlers sat atop the leader boards throughout the event, but in the end, Rian Hillier of Portland Oregon was the victor. Qualifying always proves to be exciting at each tournament and this event did not disappoint us. Justin Laney jumped out in the lead during the first game by 2 pins with a 277 scratch game and Chad Jensen who had a few less pins of handicap fired a very nice 278. In the second game, Chris Davee of Milwaukie and Ken Hargrove of Fairview, made their move up in the standings and into the Top 5. As the third game wrapped up, we had 5 bowlers within 7 pins of each other challenging each other for the final qualifying spot. At the end of the final game of qualifying, Laney led with 1028 followed by Chris Davee ( 1001), Chad Jensen (999) and Rian Hillier (904). Three games of match play move along quickly and in the end the seeding for the Stair-Step Style Finals had Chris Davee (3-0) (Seed #1), Rian Hillier (1-2) (Seed #2), Justin Laney (1-2) (Seed #3) and Chad Jensen (1-2) (Seed #4). The left side of the lanes seemed to be the place to be during qualifying as the top two seeds were left handers. It was the first time in a long while that we had two lefty’s move into the stair finals. During the stair finals, Chad Jensen dispatched Justin Laney in the first game (218-198) to better his position but met resistance from Hillier. Both bowlers put up big numbers as they challenged each other but Hillier was able to hang on for a 242-233 win. Chris Davee awaited Hillier in the final match of the day. Both bowlers had some good runs through the course of the game and it was a nice string of strikes near the end that catapulted Hillier to the Tournament win, 236-201. The NWBT welcomed 6 new bowlers to this month’s event in our continued growth. We would like to thank all bowlers who participated in this weekend’s event. All Progressive Pots increased this month and are available at our next event which is being held at Sunset Lanes in Beaverton, OR on May 26 & 27. This will be our favored Memorial Weekend Tournament and will be a two day event. Separate cut on Saturday to accommodate the increased amount of bowlers for this event. With all Side Pots growing and the extra day format, we expect this event to be one of the most exciting of the season thus far. Make sure you pre-register online at or call Marc at 503-277-8048 for more information. The Van-Port, May, 2007-11 Ask Bob by Bob Korth ?? $2,000 ADDED MONEY Q. I am bowling on wooden lanes for the first time and found out it is much more difficult than bowling on Synthetic surfaces. What can I do to improve on wood lanes? Balls do not hooks as much on wood surfaces. What can I do? A. Actutally balls hook earlier on wood surfaces and this makes the ball roll out. This gives the impression of hook. You will have to experiment some but I would first try a reactive ball polished and see if that allow the ball to get thru the heads. If this works for you the ball should then be closer to your normal K on the back ends. What you are trying to combat is early roll so you want equipment that tends to Dng. This should help. There is the possibility that to keep the lanes from hooking too much the house ying down a ton of oil. If this is the case then you will need to go to more aggressive equipment to the ball into a roll. First try option one if the ball goes straight then try the second option. You could ask the pro shop there they might just have your answer as to conditioning and save you some time. 100% Handicap Doubles Tournament Q. I have been lofting the ball lately. This is a new problem. I want to quit this bad habit but I don’t know how it started. Can Three (3) Divisions:AA 400-449 Team Average you give me some reasons I might be lofting? BB:340-399 Team Average CC: 240-339 Team Average A. Here are a few things that could cause lofting. Squeezing the ball. Early timing getting to the line ahead of the ball causing you to muscle the ball in the down swing to catch up. Aiming the ball or as some say steering the ball. If your confidence is down May 5-6,12-13,19-20,26-27 sometimes we try too hard to hit the mark. This can cause hanging June 2-3,9-10,16-17,23-24 on too long trying to hit the mark. Too loose a thumbhole can be and June 30 and July 1 a cause. This can cause squeezing. Too short a span can cause squeezing. Trying to turn the ball too hard or trying to make the ball hook more. Some of these things are an easy cure but guessing is never a good thing. Go see a coach and let him/her tell you. Call 503-682-2346 This will save a lot of time and not complicate your situation. Q. I would like to send you some questions. I thought I sent them to the correct email address but my email keeps coming back as undeliverable. Can you tell me how to get my questions in? 29040 SW Town Center Loop A. My email address is this will get to me directly unless my spam filter is kicking it out for some strange Wilsonville, OR 97070 reason. This gives me a reason to tout some sites that carry my column you can get me through any of them. this also has a chat room that I go to at times and you can talk to me direct. Allen’s Crosley Lanes - 503-693-4789 My handle there is bk. a very good web site with many 2400 E. Evergreen Blvd. - Vancouver, WA great bowling writers, and current news. My column can also be read at www.bowlingworld.con this is a print newspaper from California that puts AND many of its older issues on the net. I have also just joined the site Interstate Lanes - 503-285-9881 at this site you can search, review and compare bowling balls from all companies. They have thousands of registered 6049 N. Interstate Av. - Portland, Or members and you can get many opinions. They have just included a question forum under my Ask Bob title. You can ask a question there and the site directs the question to me and I will answer you directly and also on the site. Many of my previous questions are archieved there. To ask a question write Pepsi/Diet Pepsi and Wilsonville Lanes Presents I-5 14th Annual I-5 Doubles 9 Big Weekends! Optional Singles Wilsonville Lanes Rider wins at 50+ event at Hollywood Bowl After 9 year layoff by Lauren Fries Ron Rider was able to hold on with a 151 final game & with a 64 pin lead was able to win his second tournament after almost a 9 year lay off. Jaime Vazquez, jumped from 4th with a nice 234 game to second while Sam Aklin who bowled Ron Rider, dropped to third place. Name 1 Ron Rider, Scapoose 2 Jaime Vazquez, Portland 3 Sam Aklin, Warren 4 Nick Dubravac, Portland 5 Robert Ruff, Lebanon 6 Rene Leidelmeyer, Aloha 7 John Bennett, Eugene 8 Jerry Maly, Corbett 9 Carol Ivey, Woodburn 10 Ben Avecilla, Portland 11 Cherd Udom, Albany 12 Gary Hill, Beaverton 13 Maurico Abuan, Portland Next rounament, Molalla Lanes May 121-1:00pm W-L T-P $$$ 4-0 1074 $275 3-1 1005 140 2-2 975 100 3-1 940 80 2-2 895 75 2-2 890 70 1-3 889 65 2-2 885 60 1-3 860 55 0-4 785 50 Alt Free entry PPHG&Consol 40 30 Email The Van-Port 12-The Van-Port, May, 2007 bring back the good old days of summer with sunday dollar days Dollar Days Bowling - Shoe Rental - Beer - Hot Dogs - Soda Pop - French Fries (Crosley only) and Pizza (Crosley only) every sunday in may, june, july, august starting sunday, May 20th All Bowling Every Sunday $1.00 per game. Shoe Rental Every Sunday $1.00 per pair. French Fries Every Sunday $1.00. Beer Every Sunday $1.00. Hot Dogs Every Sunday $1.00. Pizza Every Sunday $1.00. Soft Drinks Every Sunday $1.00. (Fries and Pizza at Crosley ONLY.) Clark County Women’s 26th Annual Tournament All Events, Div A Hdcp 1 Robin Bailey 2216 2 Gayle Holland 2209 3 Cathy Terewilleger 2125 4 Kandi Graves 2115 low to cash 2115 All Events Div B Hdcp 1 Brittany Hall 2315 2 Amanda Ralston 2192 3 Debi Schrader/White 2127 4 Marge Makonster 2124 low to cash 2192 Singles 156 & Up Hdcp 1 Robin Bailey 744 2 Teresa Clawson 743 3 Gayle Holland 730 4 Kandi Graves 723 5 Cathi Terwilleger 709 6 Kim Solberg 707 Twila Brosseau 707 8 Patti Convirs 702 low to cash 702 Singles 155 & Down Handicapped 1 T. Huerta-Mendoza 735 Michelle Pigeon 735 3 BrittanyhHall 730 4 Marge Makinster 725 5 Amanda Ralston 724 low to cash 724 Team 621 & Up Hdcp 1 Crosleys Girls 2760 2 She Devils 2743 3 SunnyBeeskits 2721 low to cash 2743 Team 620 & Down Hdcp 1 Tiger Bowl 2742 Pictured of the left: Doubles 310 & Down winners Janie Wills andTheresaHuerta-Mendoza Picturedbelow: 311 & Up Doubles Winners Patricia Convirs and Cathy Schlegel 2 Kiser’s Team 2721 3 Mars Busters 2697 low to cash 2721 Doubles 310 & Down Hadcp 1 Theresa Huerta-Mendoza Janie Wills 1421 2 Marge Makinster DebiSchrader-White 1417 3 Julianna Taylor Alyssa Moureau 1387 low to cash 1387 Doubles 311 & Up Hdcp 1 Cathy Schlegel Patricia Convirs 1449 2 Marilyn Mann Tracy Gaylor 1436 3 Pat Long Cathis Terwilleger 1389 4 Judy Covert Donna Goldade 1376 low to cash 1376 Mechanics Corner by Vahn Stone Just ask Vahn Update on 90 degree over-travel removal I have been asked by so many mechanics, “Why should I remove my 90 degree over-travel? I’ll give you 6 quick reasons. First of all, if you have the old style long nose single piece deck holding hook (usually associated with the 90 degree over-travel) and the pinsetter is on 2nd ball, the weight of the deck is always on the deck holding hook. This, in itself, with a worn hook can cause the deck to release and fall up to 2 feet from the up position, bending moving decks and 2-to-1’s. Dropping like this, time after time, can eventually eat up the eccentric rings. I know that most of you will say you’ve never seen that happen, but a lot of times it only drops the deck from 2 to 6 inches, then maybe a foot, so you don’t hear it. Look at your eccentric ring turning in the u-bolt and see if you see a shiny surface on the brass, or a dent in the 4” tube in front of the deck lowering hook on the main frame. Then look to see how close the deck lowering hook is to the 4” main tube frame as it sets 10 new pins. Secondly, this problem can be made even worse during the out-of-range process. The adjustment settings are different in the non-sweep mode. Thirdly, if you are respotting pins or working under the deck it can fall on you. At least one fatality has been attributed to 90 degree over-travel that I know of. Fourth, the spring style triggering hockey stick is harder to set, gap too big and then gap too small scenario. Fifth, scoring problems because cameras and scanners are harder to set on automatic scoring systems. Not to mention the extra stress to the rake cam follower as the 2nd cam follower twists the cam follower out of alignment when the bushings become worn. Sixth, if you convert the pinsetter so it stops @ 0 degrees first and second ball, this now means that if you have a ball call and the ball is in front of the pit cushion, you no longer have to put the curtain down, pick up the ball and set it behind the pit cushion, putting your head in a potential dangerous situation to return a ball. All you have to do now is lift the deck holding hook up until the detector clicks, then it will be back on first ball cycle. Then just push the re-set button and the pinsetter will act just like it would on 1st ball cycle, returning the ball and switching back to 2nd ball again. This is also a great way to re-spot spares. In this conversion process replace your old style deck holding hooks with part #12-350802, the newer 2 piece type. Tip of the Month For general oiling all over the machines use 85-140 gear lube and STP mixed 1 part to 1 part equally. It will cling to metal longer and it will take gravity longer to affect the dripping. It’s also a great mixture for A-2 style pit cushion linkages. If you have any questions, please call me at 503-816-3980. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Summer Fun Leagues AMF Timber Lanes Pick Your Spring League NOW! League Mon. Seniors Adult Juniors Day Mon. Mon. Home School Tuesday Jr’s Tues. Terrors Mike’s Boyzs Tue. Tue. Tue. Tue. Super Bowl Parks & Rec Parks & Rec. Spare Takers Time type # 12:30pm Mixed 3 7:00pm Mixed 4 2 3 4 1 4/10/07 4/10/07 5/8/07 5/8/07 Wed. Wed. Wed. 7:00pm Mixed 5 11:00am 4:00pm 5/9/07 Thur. 7:00pm Mixed 4 5/10/07 7:00pm Mixed 2 1:00pm Mixed 3 7:00pm Mixed 4 5/11/07 5/11/07 5/11/07 Awful Bowlers Fri. Red Pin League Fri. I’m Here for the Beer Fri. 2:00pm 4:15pm 7:00pm 8:00pm Jr Jr. Mixed Mixed Start 5/21/07 5/7/07 Adult/Junior Tiny Mites Preps Juniors Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. 1:00pm 10:00am 10:00am 10”00am Ad/Jr Jr Jr Jr 4 2 3 4 4/`4/07 4/14/07 4/14/07 4/14/07 Family & Friends NASCAR Shrek Sun. Sun. Sun. 7:00pm Ad/Jr 4 5:00pm Mixed 3 3:30pm Ad/Jr 4 4/15/07 2/25/07 6/3/07 Call: 360-694-8404 AMF Timber Lanes 2400 Andresen Road - Vancouver The Van-Port, May, 2007-13 Tournament Directory The best tournament action is listed on this page. For information on any of the tournaments listed, contact the center or torunament sponsor. Date Event Center Contact Location May 1-Sept. 3 Summer Fun Singles At participating OBPA members May 5-6 Clark County USBC Trios AMF Timber Lanes (360) 694-8404 May 20 Oregon Jr. Classic Firebird Lanes (503) 282-5043 May 13 Jr. Master 175 & under Milwaukie Bowl (503)654-7719 May 18-July 29 Mt. St. Helens Tournament HIilander Bowl (360) 423-1500 May 5-July 1 I-5 Doubles Weekends Wilsonville Lanes (503) 682-2346 May 28-July 29 Triangle Classic Trios Triangle Bowl (360) 425-4060 June 9-10 NW Jr Masters Milwaukie Bowl (503)654-7719 June-July wkend Molalla Buckeroo Doubles Molalla Bowl (503) 829-2264 June 3 Win a Spot Four Seasons Bowl (503)648-3139 June 22-23 PBA Regional Pro-AM Four Seasons Bowl (503)648-3139 July 8 Sr. Masters Pro-AM National Bowling Stadium (800) 304-2695 July 29 Win a Spot Milwaukie Bowl (503)654-7719 Aug. 16-18 Husted Pro-Am Milwaukie Bowl (503)654-7719 Aug. 18-19 Dave Husted Open Milwaukie Bowl (503)654-7719 Oct. 4 - Nov. 11 National Mixed National Bowling Stadium (800) 304-2695 Vancouver Salem Milwaukie Kelso Wilsonville Longview Milwaukie Molalla Hillsboro Hillsboro Reno Milwaukie Milwaukie Milwaukie Reno Bored? Bowl a Tournament Shouldn’t Your Tournament Be Listed Here? Call or e-mail to include your event! 360-636-2896 - YOUR Pro Shop 2306 NE Andresen Road Vancouver, Wa 98661 Mike Yoder 360-750-4658 Open 6 Days a Week Located inside AMF Timber Lanes Larrys Pro Shop Inside AMF 20th Century Lanes 3550 SE 92nd Av Portland, OR 97266 503-772-2142 email: April 29 - Kellogg Bowl - Milwaukie 10am Squad - Single Day NW Bowler Tour 503-507-0582 14-The Van-Port, May, 2007 Bailey’s Classic Lanes and Pro Shop Dennis Bailey 1160 SE McGiilvray Blvd Vancouver, WA 98663 360-882-6921 Internet Balls Welcome $50 +Tax all inserts included SPACE FOR RENT Bowling Directions Pro Shop & Learning Center “We’ll help you find your way” >Expert Fitting/Drilling >Quality Service >Certified Instruction at Hollywood Bowl 4030 NE Halsey St. Portland, OR 97232 Rohn Morton PBA Champion USABC Coach (503) 282-6632 All Adult & Senior entries include 2 nights stay at the Sands Regency Hotel & Casino in Reno! The Van-Port, May 2007-15 May 18th thru July 29th GUARANTEED 1ST PLACE PRIZES* MENS TEAM ....................... $1500.00 MIXED TEAM ....................... 1000.00 MENS DOUBLES ................. 700.00 WOMENS TEAM ................. 500.00 MIXED DOUBLES ................. 500.00 MENS SINGLES................... 350.00 WOMENS DOUBLES ........... 250.00 MIXED WOMENS SINGLES ... 250.00 MIXED MENS SINGLES......... 250.00 WOMENS SINGLES ............. 150.00 Men’s singles and doubles, Women’s singles and doubles and Mixed doubles offered in A & B Division OPTIONAL SCRATCH SINGLES AND DOUBLES EVENTS HANDICAP AND SCRATCH BRACKETS FOR 2007 OPTIONAL NEW NEW SINGLES IN TEAM AND/OR SINGLES IN DOUBLES HILANDER BOWL 200 KELSO DRIVE 16-The Van-Port, May, 2007 KELSO, WA 98626 PHONE 360-423-1500