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Online, interactive program designed to help
incoming AP students build the skills & background
knowledge they need to succeed in upcoming
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Interactive eBooks, auto-graded assignments/
assessments, adaptive diagnostic learning
technology, and more!
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* Advanced Placement program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these products.
For AP English Language, ONboard™ and SCOREboard™ are available. For AP European History, ONboard™ is available.
ONboard ™ Science
First Edition, © 2013
The new McGraw-Hill ONboard™ Series for Advanced
Placement* helps prepare students for upcoming AP
coursework by developing the skills to master course
content, and ultimately be more successful in the course and
on the AP exam.
Designed for Maximum Flexibility
Each ONboard™ product includes a series of online,
interactive modules that provide a flexible pathway
to preparedness. The mix of videos, animations, and
interactivities accommodates a variety of learning styles and
keeps students engaged.
Teachers or school districts can assign ONboard™ as
summer work, or motivated students can complete the work
independently prior to the start of their courses.
ONboard™ Features
• Program includes a mix of onscreen imagery, dynamic interactivities,
and engaging voiceover.
• Checkpoints & Quizzes offer immediate feedback to gauge student
Final Assessment provides robust reporting for
teachers to help them identify and address skill deficiencies.
ONboaardTM fo
for AP Biology,
1year ssubscription ...................................................978-0-07-662740-0 .....$39.99
ardTM fo
for AP Biology,
6year ssubscription ...................................................978-0-07-660512-5........150.00
ardTM fo
for AP Environmental Science,
1year ssubscription ................................................978-0-07-662736-3..........39.99
ardTM fo
for AP Environmental Science,
6year ssubscription ................................................. 978-0-07-662737-0 .......150.00
ard™ for
fo AP Chemistry, 1-year subscription.............978-0-07-664424-7..........39.99
ard™ for
fo AP Chemistry, 6-year subscription.............978-0-07-664425-4........150.00
le options
opt available with associated titles
*To see more titles and for current prices, please go to or call 1-800-334-7344
Customer Service 1-800-334-7344
Connect ™
Grade Less. Teach More. Engage Online.
Connect™ represents the next generation of interactivity
for AP, Honors, and Electives science educators. Within the
Connect™ site, teachers and students can interact with
questions tied to the book, view powerful reports, customize
content to individual needs and view a media enhanced
eBook. More than a course management system, Connect™
is a pedagogical tool that can be used to address almost any
learning objective of your courses—either in or out of
the classroom.
• Assessment-Customizable Interactive Question Types include
Labeling, Classification, Composition, Sequencing and Animation
— Questions are tagged to Bloom’s taxonomy levels of difficulty
to help you take students beyond rote memorization.
• Reporting-Generate timely reports on assignments by several
different measurements.
— Measure students’ performance based on desired
course outcomes.
— Measure students’ performance based on Bloom’s level of
— Identify common weaknesses before lecture to customize
and optimize lecture time.
• Presentation-Customizable PowerPoints® with “flex art” plus
powerful animations and lecture capture
— McGraw-Hill is the only publisher to provide PPTs with
embedded animations.
• Lecture Capture (Tegrity)
— Record complete lectures or brief explanations of
critical information for students to review and study.
— The system records the instructor’s voice and indexes
any word that appears on the screen so students can
search by keyword to find exactly what they need to
study without having to watch the entire lecture again.
— Record and post lectures on topics that might have been
skipped due to weather or time.
• LearnSmart-an adaptive learning system designed to help students
learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge for
greater success.
— Provides each student a unique, individualized learning path to
help them increase knowledge and competencies while helping
to make class time more interactive and productive.
eBook with embedded media.
— Customize the eBook for your course to ensure the correct
information is being studied (or let students do it themselves)
with shared highlighting, note taking, and bookmarking.
Technology Support 1-800-437-3715
LearnSmart available in Connect TM
McGraw-Hill Connect ™/Connect Plus™
Students can complete their work online, where it is checked
and placed in a grade book for teachers. Students can store
class notes and other highlighted and bookmarked material, and
teachers can create and manage assignments. Students also can
do their homework on a PPA, iPhone®, or iPod touch®. McGrawHill Connect Plus™ has all the features of McGraw-Hill Connect ™,
plus an integrated eBook.
For more information, go to
Anatomy & Physiology
Hole’s Human Anatomy &
Thirteenth Edition, © 2013
Hole’s Essentials of
Human Anatomy &
Shier • Butler • Lewis
Eleventh Edition, © 2012
Updated Anatomy & Physiology classic
Shier • Butler • Lewis
Engage students in the STORY of A&P
Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology assumes no
prior science knowledge by students and places
an emphasis on the fundamentals. The thirteenth
edition continues to provide technology that
offers students and teachers an incredible course
solution! Technology like Connect ™, Anatomy and
Physiology Revealed 3.0, and the Online Learning
Center bring unprecedented opportunities to the
Best selling Anatomy & Physiology text!
Memorable stories paint a strong visual picture and
weave in tools to make the reader remember and
understand important events. Ken Saladin weaves
graceful descriptions of human anatomy and
physiology processes with carefully selected clinical
applications and fascinating stories from the history
of medicine and evolutionary medicine to create a
multi-layered story about the human body.
Learning Outcomes and Assessments are
incorporated throughout the text. The chapter
starts with a list of outcomes that tie directly to
assessments at the end of the chapter.
InnerConnections, multipurpose illustrations
found at the end of systems chapters, link the
highlighted body system to every other system,
reinforcing the dynamic interactions of groups of
Clinical Coverage in the appropriate amount
draws students into the material by showing
the relevance of information presented helping
students better understand a concept from a new
APR 3.0 icons indicate a link to APR resources.
NEW iPad compatible eBook.
Text with Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-664355-4 $195.51
Text (NASTA hardcover),
1,056 pp. ............................978-0-07-662943-5 147.00
Connect Plus™ with APR & PhILS,
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-662942-8...110.25
Connect Plus™ with APR & PhILS,
6-year subscription ..............978-0-07-662946-6...161.70
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-662948-0.....88.20
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-662949-7...132.30
Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology
assumes no prior science knowledge and supports
core topics with clinical applications, making
difficult concepts relevant to students.
Key Terms are boldfaced, defined within the
chapter, and followed again by pronunciations.
Chapter Opening Vignettes reveal the relevance
of each chapter’s material, apply chapter
principles, introduce new individuals, and
suggest possible careers.
Clinical Connections pull together the concepts
and make vital real-life connections.
Review Exercises & Critical Thinking
Questions help students check their
understanding of the main ideas.
Text with Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription ..............978-0-07-661769-2 $149.39
Text (NASTA hardcover),
640 pp. ................................978-0-07-659346-0...112.32
Connect Plus™ with APR &
PhILS, 6-year subscription ..978-0-07-659351-4...123.54
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-659353-8.....67.39
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-661770-8...101.10
ExamView® Pro CD-ROM ....978-0-07-659349-1.....49.98
Lab Manual .........................978-0-07-733887-9............*
Anatomy & Physiology
The Unity of Form and Function
Sixth Edition, © 2012
The stunning visual program provides a realistic
view of body structures and processes. The
complete sixth edition integrates the text with
extensive digital teaching and learning tools.
Saladin’s text requires no prior knowledge of college
chemistry or cell biology, and is designed for a twosemester course.
APR 3.0 icons indicate the correlation to the
Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED ® acclaimed
cadaver dissection photos, animations, and
histology images.
Redesign of System Interactions better ties the
systems together by focusing on how the subject
organ system affects others.
Text (hardcover), 1,248 pp. ............... 978-0-07-337825-1
Study Guide ...................................... 978-0-07-735117-5
Connect Plus™ with APR &
PhILS, 1-year subscription ................ 978-0-07-735125-0
Solve Saladin: Crosswords................. 978-0-07-747213-9
Lab Manual ...................................... 978-0-07-735114-4
MediaPhys 3.0, 2-year subscription .. 978-0-07-736937-8
*To see more titles and for current prices, please go to or call 1-800-334-7344
Customer Service 1-800-334-7344
Seeley’s Principles
of Anatomy &
Second Edition, © 2012
The Tate text emphasizes clinical material by
featuring realistic illustrations, exceptional
photographs, and clear writing.
Seeley’s Anatomy &
Ninth Edition, © 2012
VanPutte • Regan • Russo
Text helps students develop a basic understanding
of anatomy and physiology. Great care has been
taken to describe in detail the anatomy of cells,
organs, and organ systems. The text includes
explanations of how the systems respond to aging,
changes in physical activity, and disease.
Increased clinical coverage
Basic introduction to genetics
Realistic anatomical art program with richly
textured images of bones, muscles, and organs
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription .......................... 978-0-07-740324-9
Text (hardcover), 1,248 pp. ............... 978-0-07-735003-1
Lab Manual ...................................... 978-0-07-325074-8
Study Guide ...................................... 978-0-07-325078-6
Connect Plus™ with APR,
1-year subscription ........................... 978-0-07-737193-7
Essentials of Anatomy and
Physiology Text (hardcover), 704 pp. .. 978-0-07-337826-8
Technology Support 1-800-437-3715
More critical-thinking emphasis
Expanded explanation of the scientific process
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription ........................... 978-0-07-747188-0
Text (hardcover), 960 pp. .................. 978-0-07-337819-0
Connect Plus™ with APR & PhILS,
1-year subscription ........................... 978-0-07-735133-5
Lab Manual ...................................... 978-0-07-735128-1
Anatomy and Physiology
Revealed 3.0
Second Edition, © 2012
Anatomy and Physiology Revealed is a multimedia
tool designed to help students learn and review
using a virtual human cadaver! Detailed cadaver
photos layered upon one another provide an
interactive dissection experience. Anatomy and
Physiology Revealed includes these major areas:
dissections, animations, imaging, anatomy terms,
and an incredible self-testing program. All sections
combine to make study time efficient and lectures
unforgettable. Now available through Connect™
and Connect Plus™.
1-year subscription. .......................... 978-0-07-340360-1
Mader’s Understanding
Human Anatomy &
Seventh Edition, © 2011
Renowned for her effective learning systems,
Sylvia Mader’s writing is clear, direct, userfriendly, and enriched with new clinical
information. Includes classroom-tested features
such as “Focus on Forensics” readings and
in-text “Content Check-Up” questions.
• Chapter introductions now relate upcoming
material to students’ real-world knowledge
and prepare them to put the content of the
chapter in perspective.
• New Focus on Forensics readings tie
anatomy and physiology content to the
chapter material using forensics.
• ICE (In Case of Emergency) scenarios
connect chapter topics to emergencies
students may face in health-related careers.
Text (softcover), 512 pp. ................... 978-0-07-352562-4
MediaPhys 3.0, 2-year subscription .. 978-0-07-736937-8
PhILS 3.0, 2-year subscription .......... 978-0-07-334932-9
Anatomy & Physiology
Human Biology
Human Biology
Anatomy & Physiology
Lab Manuals
Atlas of Skeletal Muscles .................. 978-0-07-337816-9
A&P Laboratory Textbook
Essentials Version ............................. 978-0-07-728376-6
Laboratory Manual, Essentials
of A&P .............................................. 978-0-07-739131-7
Twelfth Edition, © 2012
Mader • Windelspecht
Designed to help students develop an understanding
of the main themes of biology within the context of
the human body, this new edition also addresses the
new generation of digital learners with multimedia
integration including new videos, animations, MP3
files, and interactive animations.
New Learning Outcomes were constructed
using Bloom’s Taxonomy for each heading.
Incredible Homeostasis coverage, Human
Systems Work Together, uses illustrations with
brief statements to describe how systems work
together to achieve homeostasis.
Chapter opening case studies are revised.
Laboratory Atlas of A & P ................... 978-0-07-352567-9
Lab Manual with PhILS 3.0 CD-ROM 978-0-07-736131-0
Foundations in
Eighth Edition, © 2012
An accessible writing style—through tools such
as case files and analogies—thoroughly explains
difficult microbiology concepts. A taxonomic
approach is used for the study of pathogens.
• Innovative features such as concept mapping
and Visual Understanding questions (using art
to make content connections between chapters)
promote active learning.
Case Files, chapter-opening, and real-world
scenarios, help students appreciate and
understand how microbiology affects lives on a
daily basis.
Animations have been developed for key
microbiological processes. Students can quiz
themselves about each animation, receive
automatic feedback on answers, and submit their
answers for grading.
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-semester subscription ................... 978-0-07-747482-9
Text (softcover), 672 pp. .................. 978-0-07-352546-4
Lab Manual ...................................... 978-0-07-734862-5
Text (hardcover), 928 pp. .................. 978-0-07-337529-8
Connect Plus™,
1-semester subscription................... 978-0-07-734269-2
A Human Perspective
Seventh Edition, © 2012
Nester, et al.
This text carefully explains the fundamentals of
microbiology and uses a body systems approach in
the coverage of diseases.
Text (hardcover), 978 pp. ................. 978-0-07-337531-1
Connect Plus™,
1-semester subscription .................. 978-0-07-731562-7
Microbiology Experiments ................ 978-0-07-731554-2
*To see more titles and for current prices, please go to or call 1-800-334-7344
Customer Service 1-800-334-7344
AP* Biology
Tenth AP* Edition, © 2014
Eleventh AP* Edition, © 2012
Raven, et al.
Mader • Windelspecht
Integrates the 4 Big Ideas
Biology, an authoritative text with a diverse author
team, focuses on the process of evolution to explain
biodiversity. The book emphasizes problem solving
and the scientific method in its approach to cuttingedge content, while addressing the new AP Biology
Curriculum framework.
The use of historical and experimental approaches
offers students not only a current view of the field,
but more importantly, how it evolved. The authors
have tried to keep as much historical context
as possible and provide information within an
experimental framework throughout the text.
• A dynamic author team is comprised of
Jonathan Losos, Evolutionary Biologist, Harvard
University; Ken Mason, Molecular Biologist,
Purdue University; and Susan Singer, Plant
Geneticist, Carleton College.
• The Connect Plus™ Biology interactive platform
provides an interactive eBook, auto-graded
assessments, an adaptive diagnostic tool, and
powerful reporting against learning outcomes and
level of difficulty—all in an easy-to-use interface!
Text with Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-664950-1 $179.55
Text (NASTA hardcover),
1,376 pp. .............................978-0-07-664796-5...135.00
Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-664801-6...140.25
Text with ONboard™,
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-664951-8...161.25
Text with ONboard™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-664952-5...190.00
Biological Investigations
Lab Manual .........................978-0-07-338305-7............*
Biology Laboratory Manual 978-0-07-338306-4............*
Addresses NEW AP Biology
Curriculum Framework
This comprehensive introductory textbook covers
biology traditionally—from the structure and
function of the cell to the organization of the
The new AP Edition features integrated coverage
of the new AP Biology Curriculum Framework
with Part Openers that provide an overview of the
“Big Ideas” as they relate to the chapters within
the part. In addition, each chapter starts with a
guide to “following the big ideas,” and concludes
with “connecting the concepts with the big ideas”
section. The preface includes information on the AP
Biology course, AP Exam, and an AP correlation.
An icon of science education, Sylvia Mader’s
dedication to her students, coupled with a concise
writing style, has benefited the education of
thousands of students.
The integration of the text and the digital world
are now complete with the addition of Dr. Michael
Windelspecht’s expertise in the development of
digital learning assets. He has acted as the leading
architect in the design of the Mader media content
for McGraw-Hill’s Connect Plus™ and LearnSmart.
These assets allow teachers to easily design
interactive tutorial materials, enhance online and
traditional presentations, and assess the learning
objectives and outcomes of a course.
New pedagogical tools:
- Before You Begin: Students assess their
mastery of prerequisite key concepts before
proceeding further into the chapters.
- Dynamic links between the problems or
questions assigned and the location in the
eBook where those problems or questions
are covered.
- Fully integrated, self-study questions you
can assign.
- Powerful reporting
- Embedded media, including animations
and videos.
- Text you can customize for students with
notes and highlights.
- LearnSmart: Adaptive, diagnostic, personalized
study plan
Text with Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-663177-3 $179.55
Text (NASTA hardcover),
1,040 pp. ............................978-0-07-662004-3...135.00
Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription ..............978-0-07-662010-4...148.50
Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription ..............978-0-07-662008-1...101.25
eBook, 6-year subscription ..978-0-07-662012-8...121.50
eBook, 1-year subscription ..978-0-07-663223-7.....81.00
ExamView® Assessment
Suite CD-ROM ......................978-0-07-662013-5.....49.98
Book with ONboard™,
1year subscription ..............978-0-07-663167-4...161.25
Book with ONboard™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-663168-1...190.00
- Media Integration
- Hallmark Mader Art Program—The highly
acclaimed artwork in Biology has become the
hallmark of this flagship text.
Connect Plus™—This web-based assignment
and assessment platform includes:
- An integrated, printable eBook, allowing
anytime, anywhere access to the textbook.
Technology Support 1-800-437-3715
Honors Biology
Human Genetics
Essentials of Biology
The Living World
Human Genetics
Third Edition, © 2012
Seventh Edition, © 2012
Tenth Edition, © 2012
Mader • Windelspecht
Accessible writing style and clear visuals
Focuses on the “Hows” and “Whys”
This text, which is organized around the major
concepts of biology, emphasizes the relevance of
biology to students’ lives within a framework of
Often considered a student favorite, this text is
written from the ground up to be engaging and
accessible emphasizing “how things work and
why things happen the way they do,” The Living
World focuses on concepts rather than terminology
and technical information. It also features a
straightforward, clear writing style and a wide
variety of media assets to enhance the content of
the textbook.
Text (softcover), 736 pp. .................... 978-0-07-352551-8
Lab Manual ....................................... 978-0-07-740215-0
Inquiry Into Life
Thirteenth Edition, © 2011
Text (hardcover), 880 pp. .................. 978-0-07-802417-7
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-semester subscription................... 978-0-07-747485-0
Make Human Genetics a part
of everyday conversation
Human Genetics clearly explains what genes
are, how they function, how they interact with
the environment, and how our understanding of
genetics has changed since the completion of the
human genome project.
The text prepares the next generation of citizens for
the decisions that lie ahead.
Meticulously updated, focused on concepts, and
rich with personal stories
Clear human focus
Extensive media package
Basic biological concepts and processes with a
human emphasis
This distinctive text stands apart with a unique
approach, unparalleled art, and a straightforward,
succinct writing style that has been acclaimed by
both users and reviewers.
• More critical thinking emphasis is provided at
the end of each Focus boxed reading and at the
end of each chapter.
• An emphasis on the scientific process
begins with a new, expanded explanation of
the scientific process. Science Focus readings
discuss recent biological research in the area
under discussion.
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription ........................... 978-0-07-740320-1
Text (hardcover), 832 pp. .................. 978-0-07-728010-9
Connect Plus™, 1-year subscription 978-0-07-736584-4
Lab Manual ...................................... 978-0-07-729743-5
Photo Atlas for General Biology ........ 978-0-07-352555-6
How to Study Science....................... 978-0-07-234693-0
Concepts in Biology
Fourteenth Edition, © 2012
Enger • Ross • Bailey
Most accessible vocabulary and writing style
This brief introductory text written for students
with no previous science background covers all the
main areas of study in biology, combining evolution
and ecology coverage in Part Four to emphasize
the relationship between these two main subject
areas. Teachers will appreciate the book’s scientific
accuracy, complete coverage, and extensive
supplement package.
Text with Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription .......... 978-0-07-663157-5 ...$172.89
Text (NASTA hardcover),
496 pp. ............................ 978-0-07-662692-2 .....129.00
Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription ......... 978-0-07-662694-6 .......97.50
Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription .......... 978-0-07-662695-3 .....142.98
1-year subscription ......... 978-0-07-662696-0 .......78.00
6-year subscription ......... 978-0-07-662698-4 .....117.00
Text (softcover), 704 pp. .................... 978-0-07-340346-5
Lab Manual ...................................... 978-0-07-729525-7
*To see more titles and for current prices, please go to or call 1-800-334-7344
Customer Service 1-800-334-7344
Plant Biology
Stern’s Introductory Plant
Analysis & Principles
Fourth Edition, © 2012
Twelfth Edition, © 2011
Miller • Harley
Bidlack • Jansky
Accessible approach
Experimental approach
This introductory text assumes little prior scientific
knowledge on the part of the student. Stern’s
Introductory Plant Biology is arranged so that
certain sections can be omitted without disrupting
the overall continuity. Stern emphasizes current
interests while presenting basic botanical principles.
This principles-oriented text is adaptable to a variety
of course formats. Zoology features an evolutionary
and ecological focus to captivate students and
create a fundamental understanding of the unifying
principles of zoology and the diversity within the
animal kingdom.
The book retains an emphasis on traditional life
cycles—distinguishing it from other plant biology
books. Some of the life cycle visuals have been
enlarged and revised to make them more visible and
accurately display structures described in the text.
With a clear and accessible writing style, this
introductory genetics text weaves one or two
experiments into the narrative of each chapter,
allowing students to simultaneously explore the
scientific method and understand the genetic
principles learned from these experiments.
Stellar Art Program! Every illustration has
been rendered with four goals in mind: (1)
Completeness—Make it possible to understand
an experiment or genetic concept by looking at
the illustration alone. (2) Clarity—The figures
have been extensively reviewed by students and
instructors to avoid confusion. (3) Consistency—
Recurring elements and colors have been
coordinated for consistency. (4) Realism—Make
each figure as realistic as possible.
Unique Computer Analysis of Genetic
Sequences in chapters give students a glance at
the most modern techniques used by geneticists
A unifying theme—the relationship between
genes and traits—reinforces the relationship
between abstract concepts and concrete physical
The Connect™ interactive learning platform
provides auto-graded assessments and powerful
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-semester subscription ................... 978-0-07-747490-4
Text (hardcover),
864 pp. ............................................. 978-0-07-352528-0
Student Study Guide/
Solutions Manual ............................. 978-0-07-734057-5
To pique student interest and reinforce concepts, the
text includes a considerable amount of ecology and
ethnobotany with traditional botany throughout.
Implements a traditional micro-to-macro (cells to
ecology) approach to organizing chapters
Text (hardcover), 640 pp. ................. 978-0-07-304052-3
Lab Manual ...................................... 978-0-07-304053-0
The Amazing Lives of Plants DVD ...... 978-0-07-294339-9
The Amazing Lives of Plants CD-ROM 978-0-07-294047-3
Ninth Edition, © 2013
Emphasis is on basic concepts for students with
no science background.
Text (NASTA hardcover),
608 pp. ...............................978-0-07-663768-3 $132.00
eBook, 1-year subscription ..978-0-07-663773-7.....79.20
eBook, 6-year subscription ..978-0-07-663774-4...118.80
Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription ..............978-0-07-663775-1...145.20
Text with Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-664633-3 ..201.18
Integrated Principles of
Fifteenth Edition, © 2011
Hickman, et al.
Emphasizing the role of evolution in generating
diversity, this best-selling text describes animal
life and the fascinating adaptations that enable
animals to inhabit many ecological niches. Digital
Zoology is now an Internet, Web browser-based
program run from the CD-ROM or from the Web site:
Text (hardcover), 928 pp. .................. 978-0-07-304050-9
Instructor Testing and
Resources Online .............................. 978-0-07-748913-7
Laboratory Studies ........................... 978-0-07-304051-6
Digital Zoology 2.0 with Workbook... 978-0-07-256481-5
Taxonomic Wall Chart ...................... 978-0-07-291786-4
Technology Support 1-800-437-3715
An Introduction to Astronomy
Seventh Edition, © 2014
Current and student accessible
Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy is well
known for its writing style, accuracy, and emphasis
on current information. Topics include coverage of
recent missions, discussion of newly defined “dwarf
planets,” Pluto’s new status, and the effects of
special relativity on space travel.
• Updated images of Titan’s surface, H-R
diagrams, Hubble Tuning Fork diagram, galaxy
and galaxy cluster images, map of dark matter,
and stellar evolution images are throughout the
• Extending Our Reach boxes address challenging
Text (NASTA hardcover),
608 pp. ............................................TBD .............$124.25
Journey to the Cosmic Frontier
Physical Science
Physical Science
Ninth Edition, © 2012
Physical Science is a straightforward, easy-to-read,
but substantial introduction to the fundamental
behavior of matter and energy. It offers exceptional
writing, complemented with useful pedagogical
Physical Science introduces basic concepts and key
ideas while providing opportunities for students to
learn reasoning skills and a new way of thinking
about their environment. No prior work in science
is assumed. The text offers students complete
coverage of the physical sciences with a level of
explanation and detail appropriate for all students.
First Edition, © 2012
Understanding global change
Peter Stiling, co-author of Biology by Brooker, et
al., has written this new first edition ecology text to
show the importance of ecology in understanding
global change. The aim is to teach the basic
principles of ecology and relate these principles to
many of Earth’s ecological problems.
Each chapter contains a Global Change
feature highlighting how such global change is
important in all areas of ecology, from behavior to
Ecological Inquiries are thought-provoking
questions associated with key figures.
Core and Supporting Concepts appear on the
chapter openers to help integrate the chapter
concepts and the chapter outline.
Feature Investigation in each chapter details
the hypothesis being tested, the methods
researchers use to perform their studies, the data
they collect, and their conclusions.
Each chapter begins with an outline of the
main section headings in each chapter. These
headings are written in the form of an ecological
statement summarizing the material within each
The four sections represent the core ecological
disciplines: organismal, population, community,
and ecosystem ecology.
End-of-chapter material contains: Chapter
Summary, Test Yourself, Conceptual Questions,
and Dealing with Data.
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-semester subscription ................... 978-0-07-796252-4
Text (softcover), 736 pp. ................... 978-0-07-351221-1
Lab Manual for Physical Science ....... 978-0-07-734439-9
Text (hardcover), 768 pp. ................. 978-0-07-351218-1
Global Insights and Investigations
Content on the hot topics of global warming and
energy conservation has been updated.
Sixth Edition, © 2011
Connect Plus™,
1-semester subscription ................... 978-0-07-734434-4
This text provides enough content and background
in astronomy so the student will be able to follow
current developments in astronomy years after they
complete the course. The historical development of
astronomy is emphasized to show that astronomy,
like other sciences, advances through the efforts
of many scientists, and to show how present ideas
have been developed.
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-semester subscription ..................978-0-07-747196-5
Text (softcover), 656 pp. ..................978-0-07-353247-9
Connect Plus™,
1-semester subscription ..................978-0-07-744917-9
To see more titles and for current prices, please go to or call 1-800-334-7344
Customer Service 1-800-334-7344
AP* Chemistry
The new edition features:
Over 340 new problems in the book
Reorganization of the chapter order with nuclear
chemistry moved up
NEW iPad® compatible eBook
New problem type—integrating problem solving
and estimating—fully demonstrating the real life
of a chemist
Connect Plus™—this web-based assignment
and assessment platform includes:
- An integrated, printable eBook, allowing
anytime, anywhere access to the textbook.
Eleventh AP* Edition, Update © 2013
- Dynamic links between the problems or
questions assigned and the location in the
eBook where those problems or questions are
- Fully integrated, self-study questions you can
- Robust reporting.
Addresses new AP* Chemistry Curriculum
- Embedded media, including animations and
One of the best-selling books for AP Chemistry,
our new AP Edition continues the tradition of
excellence. The AP Edition includes AP course and
exam information, an AP correlation, and a complete
practice AP exam that correlate to the revised
curriculum framework!
- Text you can customize for students by adding
and sharing notes and highlights.
- Adaptive, diagnostic, personalized learning
plan in LearnSmart.
Chang’s textbook continues to take a traditional
approach and is often considered a student and
teacher favorite. It features a straightforward, clear
writing style and proven problem-solving strategies,
and continues to provide a firm foundation in
chemical concepts and principles while presenting a
broad range of topics in a clear, concise manner.
An integral part of the text is to develop students’
problem-solving and critical thinking skills. To
that end, the authors have added over 340 new
problems to the book and have incorporated real
examples in an effort to help students visualize the
three-dimensional atomic and molecular structures
that are the basis of chemical activity.
The eleventh edition continues to deliver the
integration of tools designed to inspire both students
and teachers. Effective technology is integrated
throughout the book with a multimedia package
that stretches students beyond the confines of the
traditional textbook.
Technology Support 1-800-437-3715
Sixth Edition, © 2012
An unparalleled classic, the sixth edition keeps
pace with the evolution of student learning. The
text maintains unprecedented macroscopic-tomicroscopic molecular illustrations, consistent
worked exercises in chapters, and end-of-chapter
problems with engaging applications on a variety of
interests (e.g., engineering, medicine, materials, and
environmental studies). The text and applications
are more succinct; the artwork is more teachable
and modern; and the design is more modern,
simplistic, and open.
Flex Art in selected figures provides labels,
arrows, and portions that can be edited.
Three-Level Depictions of Chemical Scenes
are the focus of Silberberg’s ground-breaking
art program, which combines photographs of
chemical scenes with an illustrated molecular
view and with the equation that symbolically and
quantitatively describes that scenario.
McGraw-Hill’s Connect™ Chemistry allows
instructors to deliver assignments, quizzes, and
tests online. Over 2,200 end-of-chapter problems
and additional problems are available to assign.
Teachers can edit questions, write new problems,
and track student performance.
Text with Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-663104-9 $195.51
Text (NASTA hardcover),
1,200 pp. .............................978-0-07-661998-6..147.00
Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-661995-5..110.25
Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-661997-9..161.70
eBook, 1-year subscription 978-0-07-662001-2....88.20
eBook, 6-year subscription 978-0-07-662114-9..132.30
Book with ONboard™,
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-664504-6..172.29
Book with ONboard,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-664505-3..187.30
Text with Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription ..........978-0-07-661773-9 ..$201.16
Text (NASTA hardcover),
1,248 pp. ...........................978-0-07-659354-5 ....151.26
Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription ...........978-0-07-659362-0 ....113.46
Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription ...........978-0-07-659357-6 ....166.38
1-year subscription ...........978-0-07-659360-6 ......90.75
6-year subscription ...........978-0-07-661774-6 ....136.13
Book with ONboard™,
1-year subscription ...........978-0-07-664534-3 ...168.30
Book with ONboard™,
6-year subscription ...........978-0-07-664535-0 ...201.99
Honors Chemistry
Principles of General
General Chemistry
Third Edition, © 2013
Sixth Edition, © 2011
Chang • Overby
Even better than previous edition
Streamlined delivery for general chemistry
Focuses on essential topics
Chemistry offers a clear writing style with detailed
explanations in common problem areas. The
Visualizing Art two-page spreads detail a process
for students and provide them with the answer
to “What is the Point?” The student friendly text
includes outstanding art, a consistent problemsolving approach, interesting applications, and a
wide range of end-of-chapter problems.
Silberberg’s Principles of General Chemistry appeals
to today’s efficiency-minded teachers and students.
Principles allows for succinct coverage of content
with minimal emphasis on pedagogic learning aids.
This approach offers a straightforward approach
to learning the core principles without sacrificing
depth, clarity, or rigor.
• Core principles and skills target only the topics
that a general chemistry course should include.
• Clear design is absent of all margin notes and
most margin artwork.
The Essential Concepts
General Chemistry strikes a balance between theory
and application. The text incorporates real-world
examples and develops problem-solving and critical
thinking skills.
• New molecular images, found in line art, figures
of molecular reactions, and underlining of
equations, were created using the Spartan
Second Edition, © 2011
Outstanding pedagogy for student learning.
The CheckPoints, Rewind, and Fast Forward
Buttons enhance student understanding
and comprehension by reinforcing and
interconnecting concepts.
Students are engaged with integrated media
applications, including animations, Media Player
files, and the Online Learning Center.
Animations are built from the Visualizing
Chemistry two-page art spreads and are
designated in the text by a Media Player icon.
End-of-chapter problems can be found on the
Online Learning Center.
• Clear examples are demonstrated throughout the
text. All of the worked examples assist students
with step-by-step processes.
• Macroscopic to microscopic art pieces allow
students to “zoom in” and see real-life examples
of chemical reactions.
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription .......................... 978-0-07-759590-6
Text (hardcover), 960 pp. .................. 978-0-07-340269-7
Study Guide ...................................... 978-0-07-738648-1
Student Solutions Manual ................ 978-0-07-738646-7
Cooperative Chemistry Lab Manual
(Cooper) ........................................... 978-0-07-340272-7
Hands-On Chemistry Lab Manual
(Paradis) .......................................... 978-0-07-253411-5
General Chemistry Lab Manual
(Van Koppen) ................................... 978-0-07-331504-1
Text (hardcover), 832 pp. .................. 978-0-07-735471-8
Cooperative Chemistry
Lab Manual (Cooper) ........................ 978-0-07-340272-7
Chemistry Lab Notebook (50 sets) .... 978-0-07-295285-8
Chemistry Lab Notebook (100 sets) .. 978-0-07-322834-1
Workbook with Solutions ................. 978-0-07-729611-7
Understanding Chemistry (Lovett) ... 978-0-07-255553-0
Hands-On Chemistry
Lab Manual (Paradis) ....................... 978-0-07-253411-5
General Chemistry
Lab Manual (Van Koppen) ................ 978-0-07-331504-1
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription .......................... 978-0-07-787080-5
Text (hardcover),
1,120 pp. .......................................... 978-0-07-735476-3
Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription ........................... 978-0-07-739969-6
Study Guide ..................................... 978-0-07-729684-1
Student Solutions Manual ............... 978-0-07-729683-4
Understanding Chemistry (Lovett) ... 978-0-07-255553-0
Hands-On Chemistry Lab Manual
(Paradis) .......................................... 978-0-07-253411-5
General Chemistry Lab Manual
(Van Koppen) ................................... 978-0-07-331504-1
*To see more titles and for current prices, please go to or call 1-800-334-7344
Customer Service 1-800-334-7344
AP* Environmental Science
viironmenttall Science
A Study of Interrelationships
Environmental Science
Thirteenth Edition, © 2013
A Global Concern
Twelfth AP* Edition, © 2012
Cunningham • Cunningham
Environmental Science: A Global Concern is a
comprehensive presentation of environmental
science that emphasizes critical thinking,
environmental responsibility, and global awareness.
The authors have updated the data, including data
on hunger and obesity, waste production, C02
emissions, and the effects of the 2010 oil spill. They
also balance evidence of serious environmental
challenges with ideas for overcoming them. An
entire chapter focuses on ecological restoration.
Google Earth placemarks: This online program
provides interactive satellite imagery to help
students understand the geographic context
of places and topics. Wherever students see a
Google Earth icon in the text, they can go to our
Web site to find a Google Earth placemark that
takes them to the specific place being discussed.
Case studies at the beginning of each chapter
utilize stories to portray real-life global issues.
The Connect Plus™ interactive learning
platform provides an interactive eBook, autograded assessments, an adaptive diagnostic
tool, and powerful reporting against learning
outcomes and level of difficulty—all in an easyto-use interface!
NEW iPad® compatible eBook.
Technology Support 1-800-437-3715
Concise, conceptual, value-priced
Text with Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription ..............978-0-07-663121-6 $169.59
Text with ONboard™,
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-663111-7...154.77
Text with ONboard™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-663112-4...264.75
Text (NASTA hardcover),
656 pp. ................................978-0-07-661894-1...127.50
Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-661987-0.....95.64
Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-661989-4...142.26
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-661991-7.....76.50
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-662065-4...114.75
This full-color, introductory environmental science
text is known for being concise, conceptual, and
value-priced. The approach and reading level cover
the basic concepts without overloading students
with too much detail. The authors reinforce the
text’s central theme of “interrelationships” by
providing a historical perspective, and information
on economic and political realities. They discuss the
role of different social experiences and integrate
this with the crucial science to describe the natural
world and how we affect it.
The Connect Plus™ interactive learning
platform provides an interactive eBook, autograded assessments, an adaptive diagnostic
tool, and powerful reporting against learning
outcomes and level of difficulty—all in an easyto-use interface!
NEW iPad® compatible eBook
Text with Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-664112-3 $141.05
Text (NASTA hardcover) .......978-0-07-662950-3...106.05
Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-662953-4.....79.50
Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription ..............978-0-07-662955-8...116.67
Text with ONboard™,
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-663115-5...135.42
Text with ONboard™,
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-663116-2...161.04
eBook, 1-year subscription 978-0-07-662957-2.....63.63
eBook, 6-year subscription 978-0-07-662956-5.....95.43
Marine Biology
An Introduction to the
World’s Oceans
Marine Biology
The Good Earth
Ninth Edition, © 2013
Introduction to Earth Science
Tenth Edition, © 2009
Castro • Huber
Second Edition, © 2010
Sverdrup • Armbrust
Marine Biology covers the basics of marine biology
with a global approach, using examples from
numerous regions and ecosystems worldwide.
Solid basic science content is included, such as
fundamental principles of biology, the physical
sciences, and the scientific method.
McConnell, et al.
Introduction to the World’s Oceans is an introductory
oceanography text intended for students without
a background in mathematics, chemistry, physics,
geology, or biology. It emphasizes the role of basic
scientific principles in helping understand the
processes that govern the ocean and the earth.
To keep the text current, the authors conduct
their own research and examine other findings
such as analyzing satellite data and largescale oceanographic programs, which results
in interesting, relevant, and understandable
examples that illustrate contemporary principles of
Added illustrations include images and drawings
of internal wave propagation, NOAA’s Project
DART, Great Lakes shoreline erosion, temperature
variations in global mean sea level, and depth
penetration of different wavelengths of light.
The Presentation Center contains nearly every
photograph and piece of artwork from the
textbook. Additionally, this digital asset collection
also contains video clips from the Scripps
Institute of Oceanography.
The Special Report feature highlights several key
aspects of global change, including climate change,
ocean acidification, the cascade of reactive nitrogen
into the global environment, and stratospheric ozone
• Outstanding art program is illustrated by two
professional illustrators with a strong reputation
in the science field.
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription .......................... 978-0-07-740577-9
Text (softcover),
560 pp. ............................................. 978-0-07-727097-1
Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription .......................... 978-0-07-733091-0
• A collection of eight laboratories and field
investigations in marine biology has been
specially written to be used with Marine Biology.
Each of the exercises includes review questions
that integrate information learned in the
laboratory or field with material covered by the
text. The exercises are available on the Online
Learning Center for this text.
Exploring Geology
Third Edition, © 2013
Reynolds, et al.
Text (hardcover), 528 pp. ................. 978-0-07-337670-7
The Good Earth emphasizes three scientific themes
throughout the text: scientific literacy; Earth Science
and the human experience; and the science of
global change. Global change is a theme that is
evident in much current Earth Science research so
the authors have used global change as a content
theme throughout the book. The discussion of
scientific methods is woven throughout.
Text (NASTA hardcover),
480 pp. ...............................978-0-07-663777-5 $121.68
1-year subscription .............978-0-07-663779-9.....72.99
6-year subscription .............978-0-07-663780-5...109.50
Lab Manual .........................978-0-07-663778-2.....25.99
Exploring Geology is a groundbreaking, visually
spectacular book designed from cognitive and
educational research on how students think, learn,
and study. Most of the information is built around
2,600 photographs and stunning illustrations. These
annotated illustrations help students visualize
geologic processes and concepts, and are suited to
the way most instructors already teach.
Connect Plus™ Geology includes an interactive
eBook and allows for assignments, quizzes, and
tests online.
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-semester subscription ................... 978-0-07-759857-0
Text (softcover), 648 pp .................... 978-0-07-352412-2
Connect Plus™,
1-semester subscription .................. 978-0-07-750723-7
*To see more titles and for current prices, please go to or call 1-800-334-7344
Customer Service 1-800-334-7344
AP* Physics B
AP* Physics C
Honors Physics
University Physics
Second Edition, © 2010
First Edition, © 2011
The Physics
h i off Everyday
Giambattista, et al.
Bauer • Westfall
Seventh Edition, © 2012
Traditional approach
University Physics is a comprehensive text with
enhanced calculus coverage incorporating a
consistently used 7-step problem-solving method.
A variety of everyday contemporary topics, as well
as research-based discussions, help students
appreciate the beauty of physics and how physics
concepts relate to the development of new
technologies in the fields of engineering, medicine,
astronomy, and more.
Griffith • Brosing
The authors who developed Physics found that
students grasp and remember principles better if
they are discussed within the context of familiar and
relative examples.
Every example includes strategy, solution,
discussion, and practice problems with end-ofchapter answers. Physics covers forces in the
traditional manner, leading with kinematics and not
integrating forces.
Text with Connect Plus™,
1-year subscription .......................... 978-0-07-740573-1
Text (hardcover), 1,200 pp. ............... 978-0-07-733968-5
Connect Plus™, 1-year subscription 978-0-07-732063-8
Student Solutions Manual ................ 978-0-07-334892-6
The consistently used multi-step problemsolving theme is used in all Solved Problems
Examples, Problem Solving Practice, and End-ofChapter Problems.
Recent research results illustrate the incredible
advances of the last few decades. Big Picture
sections introduce students to amazing new
frontiers of research.
College Physics
Fourth Edition, © 2013
Giambattista, et al.
Unique approach
This text builds a conceptual
framework as motivation for the
physical principles. It includes
consistent problem-solving coverage strategies,
stunning art, extensive end-of-chapter material, and
superior media support.
Connect Plus™, 1-year subscription 978-0-07-743791-6
Text (hardcover), 1,232 pp. ............... 978-0-07-351214-3
Student Solutions Manual ............... 978-0-07-743788-6
Technology Support 1-800-437-3715
Each chapter begins with What We Will Learn,
a quick summary of the main points without any
equations, and each chapter ends with What
We Have Learned, which contains key concepts
including major equations, symbols, and key
Enhanced calculus coverage includes some
mathematical topics that have been removed
from other texts. These topics are written such
that they can be omitted without affecting the
topic coverage.
Text with Modern Physics and
Connect Plus™, 1-year subscription .. 978-0-07-740569-4
Text with Modern Physics, Chapters
1-40 (hardcover), 1,472 pp. .............. 978-0-07-735478-7
Standard Version, Chapters 1-35 ...... 978-0-07-735470-1
Volume 1, Chapters 1-20 .................. 978-0-07-735483-1
Volume 2, Chapters 21-40 ................ 978-0-07-735479-4
Connect Plus™, 1-year subscription 978-0-07-730550-5
Student Solutions Manual ............... 978-0-07-336802-3
Introducing students to the basic concepts of
physics with examples of everyday occurrences, this
book is written in a narrative style, frequently using
questions to draw the reader into a dialogue about
the ideas of physics. This inclusive style allows the
book to be used by anyone interested in exploring
the nature of physics and explanations of everyday
physical phenomena.
Text (hardcover) 528 pp. .................. 978-0-07-351220-4
Introduction to Forensic
Science and Criminalistics
First Edition, © 2008
Gaensslen, et al.
This text features comprehensive coverage of the
types of forensic work done by crime laboratories
for criminal cases and by private examiners for civil
• Emphasis is on the scientific method.
• Each chapter discusses a “real-world” forensic
• Photographs and other visuals are from the
authors’ case files.
Text (hardcover), 448 pp. .................. 978-0-07-298848-2
ONboard ™ Social Studies
For Advanced Placement Economics, European
History, Psychology, US History, US Government
& Politics, & World History
First Edition, © 2013
Help ALL students prepare for the rigors of
AP* coursework!
The new McGraw-Hill ONboard™ Series for Advanced
Placement* helps prepare students for upcoming AP
coursework by developing the skills to master course
content, and ultimately be more successful in the course and
on the AP exam.
Designed for Maximum Flexibility
Each ONboard™ product includes a series of online,
interactive modules that provide a flexible pathway
to preparedness. The mix of videos, animations, and
interactivities accommodates a variety of learning styles and
keeps students engaged.
Teachers or school districts can assign ONboard™ as
summer work, or motivated students can complete the work
independently prior to the start of their courses.
ONboard™ Features
• Program includes a mix of onscreen imagery, dynamic
interactivities, and engaging voiceover.
• Checkpoints & Quizzes offer immediate feedback to gauge student
• Comprehensive Final Assessment provides robust reporting for
teachers to help them identify and address skill deficiencies.
ONboard for AP Economics, 1-year subscription...............978-0-07-662726-4........$39.99
ONboard for AP Economics, 6-year subscription...............978-0-07-662727-1........150.00
ONboard for AP Psychology, 1-year subscription..............978-0-07-662734-9..........39.99
ONboard for AP Psychology, 6-year subscription..............978-0-07-662735-6........150.00
ONboard for AP US History, 1-year subscription ...............978-0-07-663169-8..........39.99
ONboard for AP US History, 6-year subscription ...............978-0-07-663250-3........150.00
ONboard for AP US Government & Politics,
1-year subscription ...................................................978-0-07-662731-8..........39.99
ONboard for AP US Government & Politics,
6-year subscription ...................................................978-0-07-662732-5........150.00
ONboard for AP World History, 1-year subscription ..........978-0-07-662723-3..........39.99
ONboard for AP World History, 6-year subscription ..........978-0-07-660560-6........150.00
ONboard for AP European History, 1-year subscription ....978-0-07-664421-6..........39.99
ONboard for AP European History, 6-year subscription ....978-0-07-664422-3........150.00
*Bundle options available with associated titles
*To see more titles and for current prices, please go to or call 1-800-334-7344
Customer Service 1-800-334-7344
Connect ™ Social Studies
Grade Less. Teach More. Engage Online.
Assign & Assess Online
Connect™ History, an innovative learning environment, is
an online assignment and assessment platform combining
a fully integrated eBook with a number of powerful tools—
tools that make assessment easier, learning more engaging,
and studying more efficient. A groundbreaking adaptive
diagnostic, LearnSmart ensures the mastery of basic content
while engaging interactivities such as Critical Missions help
students develop their critical analysis skills. Additionally,
Connect™ History includes numerous map and primary
sources activities, the majority of which are auto-graded.
Connect™ History Features
• Adaptive, diagnostic LearnSmart ensures that students read and
• Critical Missions places students in a pivotal point in history
and provides hands-on experience with primary sources while
developing critical thinking skills.
• At a Glance Reports quickly show teachers how each student and
each section is performing.
• Connect Plus™ contains an integrated media rich eBook.
• Integrated Lecture Capture via Tegrity.
LearnSmart available in Connect TM
McGraw-Hill Connect ™/Connect Plus™
Students can complete their work online, where it is checked
and placed in a grade book for teachers. Students can store
class notes and other highlighted and bookmarked material, and
teachers can create and manage assignments. Students also can
do their homework on a PPA, iPhone®, or iPod touch®. McGrawHill Connect Plus™ has all the features of McGraw-Hill Connect ™,
plus an integrated eBook.
For more information, go to
nolo Support 1-800-437-3715
AP* United States History
From Slavery to Freedom
A History of African Americans
Ninth Edition, © 2011
Franklin • Higginbotham
New insight for revered text
Connecting with the Past
Fourteenth AP* Edition, © 2012
The Unfinished
nffinish d Na
A Concise History of the
American People
Best-selling text, impeccable scholarship,
and reliable comprehensive account
Sixth Edition, © 2010
American History shows students that history is not
just a collection of names and dates, but an ongoing
story about the present and the past. It invites
students to think critically about the forces that
continually create the United States. This fourteenth
AP edition features a new series of Consider the
Source essays, a new pedagogy program, four
new America in the World essays, and extensive
content updates.
Book includes Integrated AP Correlations.
ExamView® Assessment Suite includes
hundreds of AP-style multiple choice questions.
Connect™ History, a new Web-based
assignment and assessment platform, combines
a fully integrated eBook with powerful tools
that make managing assignments easier for
AP teachers and learning and studying more
engaging and efficient for students.
Online AP Teacher’s Manual includes chapter
objectives, as well as essential questions, lessons, and
activities through the online learning center.
Primary Source Investigator Online offers free
access to hundreds of primary sources.
Text with Connect Plus™,
6-year subscription ............978-0-07-662380-8 ...$162.59
Text (NASTA hardcover),
1,056 pp. ...........................978-0-07-662142-2 .....122.25
eBook, 1-year subscription....978-0-07-662381-5 .......73.35
eBook, 6-year subscription ...978-0-07-662146-0 .....110.04
Connect Plus™, 6-year
subscription ......................978-0-07-662143-9 .....134.48
ExamView® Assessment
Suite CD-ROM ....................978-0-07-662145-3 .......50.00
ONboard™, 1–year
subscription .......................978-0-07-663169-8 .......39.99
ONboard™, 6–year
subscription .......................978-0-07-663250-3 .....150.00
Text with ONboard™,
1-year subscription ...........978-0-07-664382-0..... 146.01
Text with ONboard™,
6-year subscription ...........978-0-07-664383-7..... 177.24
Text with eBook,
1-year subscription ...........978-0-07-664378-3..... 132.24
Text with eBook,
6-year subscription...........978-0-07-664379-0..... 142.20
Clear narrative voice, excellent scholarship, and
From Slavery to Freedom remains the most
respected history of African Americans. This bestselling text charts the journey of African Americans
from their origins in Africa to the continuing quest
for racial equality. A new narrative brings intellectual
depth and fresh insight to an array of rich topics,
including greater coverage of ancestral Africa, role
of African American women, black protest traditions,
and recent developments affecting African
The Unfinished Nation offers a concise but
comprehensive examination of American history.
Balancing social and cultural history with traditional
political and diplomatic themes, the text tells the
story of the diversity and complexity of the United
States and the forces that have enabled it to survive
and flourish despite division. This sixth edition
features eight new essays and enhanced coverage
of recent events and developments in the continuing
American story.
Experience History
Interpreting America’s Past
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Americans, Women in the Witchcraft Trials, Pearl
Harbor, McCarthyism, the Civil Rights Movement,
and Watergate.
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democracy and cinema are included.
Coverage of recent political developments
includes a new discussion about neoconservatives and the religious right.
Coverage of new developments in 21st century
America includes the war in Iraq; George W.
Bush’s second term; the collapse of the mortgage
market and subsequent recession; and the first
100 days of Barack Obama’s presidency.
Text (hardcover), 1,056 pp. .............. 978-0-07-728634-7
Text (softcover), 1,056 pp. ............... 978-0-07-338552-5
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The Atlas of African-American
History and Politics: From the
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Seventh Edition, © 2011
Davidson, et al.
Integrate global material sensibly with a
balanced text
Experience History is a major revision of Nation
of Nations. Preserving the lively narrative and
engaging visuals, Experience History emphasizes
that history is not just a collection of proven facts,
but also is “created” from the detective work of
historians. As students examine primary sources
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understanding, and build and practice critical
thinking skills.
Text with Connect Plus™,
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Text (hardcover), 1,120 pp ................ 978-0-07-338567-9
Volume 1: To 1877 (softcover),
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Connect Plus™, 1-year subscription .... 978-0-07-736839-5
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Learning Series
Annual Editions
Global Studies
After the Fact
The Annual Editions series provides convenient,
inexpensive access to current, carefully selected
articles from the public press. They are updated
regularly through a continuous monitoring of over
300 periodicals.
Global Studies is a unique series designed to
provide comprehensive background information and
selected world press articles on the regions and
countries of the world.
The Art of Historical Detection
American Government 12/13, © 2013 ... 978-0-07-805113-5
Comparative Politics 12/13, © 2013... 978-0-07-805083-1
Economics, © 2012 .......................... 978-0-07-352866-3
Environment 12/13, © 2012 ............ 978-0-07-351561-8
Geography, © 2010 .......................... 978-0-07-351551-9
Psychology 12/13, © 2013 ............... 978-0-07-805112-8
United States History, Volume 1: Colonial
Through Reconstruction, © 2013 ..... 978-0-07-805114-2
United States History, Volume 2: Reconstruction
Through the Present, © 2011 ........... 978-0-07-805074-9
Western Civilization, Volume 1: The Earliest Civilizations
Through the Reform, © 2012 ........... 978-0-07-805110-4
World History, Volume 1: Prehistory
to 1500, © 2012 ............................... 978-0-07-805087-9
World History, Volume 2: 1500 to Present,
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Taking Sides
The Taking Sides volumes present current issues in
a debate-style format designed to stimulate student
interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each
issue is thoughtfully framed with an issue summary,
an issue introduction, and a postscript.
China, © 2012 .................................. 978-0-07-802619-5
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Edition Sources
Each volume in the Sources/Classic Edition Sources
brings together over 40 selections of classic articles,
book excerpts, and research studies that have
shaped a discipline of study. Edited for length and
level, the selections are organized topically around
the major areas of study within the discipline.
Sixth Edition, © 2010
Davidson • Lytle
Turn students into historians
After the Fact provides an innovative approach to
guiding students through history and the methods
used to study it. In dramatic episodes that move
chronologically through history, these best-selling
books examine a broad variety of topics like oral
evidence, photographs, ecological data, films and
television programs, church and town records,
census data, and novels.
Text (softcover), 512 pp. ................... 978-0-07-338548-8
Volume 1: Text (softcover), 256 pp. ... 978-0-07-729268-3
Volume 2: Text (softcover), 336 pp. ... 978-0-07-729269-0
After the Fact Interactive
American Government, © 2009........ 978-0-07-337983-8
Environmental Studies, © 2012 ....... 978-0-07-352764-2
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Envisioning the Atlantic World
CD-ROM ............................................ 978-0-07-281844-4
From Rosie to Lucy CD-ROM .............. 978-0-07-726371-3
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USDA Government Inspected
CD-ROM ............................................ 978-0-07-726370-6
Clashing Views on Environmental Issues,
Expanded © 2013 ............................. 978-0-07-351451-2
Clashing Views in United States History
Since 1945, © 2008 .......................... 978-0-07-351519-9
Clashing Views in United States History, Volume 1:
The Colonial Period to Reconstruction,
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Clashing Views in United States History, Volume 2: Reconstruction to the Present,
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Clashing Views in World History, Volume 1: The Ancient
World to Pre-Modern Era, © 2012 .... 978-0-07-805007-7
Clashing Views in World History, Volume 2:
1500 to Present, © 2011 ................... 978-0-07-805097-8
Clashing Views in World Politics,
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