<Insert Picture Here> AWR 이용한 Detailed Analysis Jun Kim System Analyst Solution Support Center Agenda • • • • • • • • • Do You Know What is normal at your site AWR 이란 ? Statistics Stored In AWR Viewing AWR Report Thinking About Queue AWR 이용한 분석 및 모니터링 Oracle ACS 진단 Service Q&A Appendix <Insert Picture Here> Do U Know What is normal at your site? Get an accurate description of the problem Check the OS for exhausted resources Gather database statistics Check for the most common pitfalls Analyze the data gathered, focus on wait events, theorize the cause of the problem Propose a series of remedial actions, then implement them Measure the effect of the changes Repeat any steps, as required, until performance goals met Do U Know What is normal at your site? Get an accurate description of the problem The scope of problem Instance wide or local to a user / group of users or a program. The expected response time or throughput The response time is getting slower or throughput decreased. The Time frame When does the problem occur? Any recent changes Data volume increases, New optimizer statistics or application modification, SW/HW upgrades Do U Know What is normal at your site? Check the OS for exhausted resources CPU Utilization CPU utilization / Load average ( Run queue ) Memory Utilization Page out ( Swap out ) / SR ( scan ratio ) Network Socket overflow Socket overflow / Drop Packets, Fragments Top Processes Top Processes have consumed lots of CPU CPU Utilization ( User 100% ) , it need more CPU or sub-optimal SQL ….? Do U Know What is normal at your site? Gather database statistics Indicate the primary bottleneck Find primary bottleneck in database. STATSPACK / AWR STATSPACK ( 9i ) / AWR ( 10g ~~~) Third Party tool Third Party productions scripts Using Oracle dictionary view as you needed (dbmon.sql) Do U Know What is normal at your site? Check for most common pitfalls Bad connection management Bad use of cursors and shared pool Use bind variable ( avoid hard parsing ) Redo log setup problems Checkpoint ( IO related ) / Archive problem Serialization of data blocks in data buffers Application design / Heavy insert / block parameter… Long full table scan Missing Index / sub-optimal SQL Plan In disk sorting High amount of recursive SQL Space management Schema errors / Optimizer problems Use of nonstandard initialization parameters Do U Know What is normal at your site? Analyze data gathered Find pattern Building Conceptual model Identify bottleneck Top 5 wait events Load profile Instance Efficiency Check OS resources as you need Top processes have used lots of CPU Top CPU SQL Top IO SQL Do U Know What is normal at your site? Propose a series of remedial actions, implement them Change one thing one time Do not overlap when multiple changes are applied Measure the effect of the changes Re-examine the statistics Implement changes affect the performance ( good or bad ) Iteration Until performance goal met AWR(Automatic Workload Repository) 이란 ? Automatically collects & persists database instance statistics How to enable / disable & How to persist the data. STATSPACK++ Cumulative value Default in 10G Database Load + Resources ( internal + external ) Stored in SYSAUX SYSAUX TABLESPACE 크기 산정 Provides in DBA_HIST_* View View sample Statistics Stored In AWR Counter Statistics Ex “session logical reads” Value Statistics Ex “logons currents” Time Statistics Ex “DB time” Metric Ex “DB Block gets Per Txn” Sampled Ex “ASH ( Active Session History )” Viewing AWR Report AWR Report displays all statistics captured over a snapshot range Roughly equivalent to the STATSPACK report Available EM Manual Creation through SQL*Plus awrrpt.sql awrddrpt.sql comparison two snapshots periods ashrpt.sql Detailed analysis of ASH data over small periods of time awrsqrpt.sql Detailed SQL Report Think About Queue • Queuing 이론이란…..? • 롯데리아에서 햄버거를 하나 주문 함에 있어 주문을 하기 전 기다리는 시간과 주문을 하여 햄버거를 받는 시간을 생각해 보자. 컴퓨터 시스템도 cpu를 할당 받아 일하는 시간과 cpu를 할당 받기 위해 기다리는 시간이 있다. 롯데리아와 다른점은 기다리는 줄이 하나라는 점이다. Rt(Response Time) = Qt(Queuing Time) + St ( Service Time) 햄버가 하나 주문하는데 걸린 시간은 줄서 있는 시간 + 주문하여 받은 시간이다. 시스템의 응답시간도 위와 마찬가지 모델로 이루어져 있다. Server 1 Server 2 Queue Server3 Job1 Job 2 Job 3 workload = job = load profile CPU = Server Job N Server4 AWR Report Header DB Name PROD DB Id Instance Inst num 3347383166 PROD1 1 Release RAC Host YES Hostname Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Cursors/Session Begin Snap: 26885 06-Apr-09 07:30:10 1721 172.2 End Snap: 26907 06-Apr-09 18:30:01 6416 166.9 Elapsed: 659.86 (mins) DB Time: 43,790.57 (mins) 해당 SNAP구간에서 DB Server 에 대한 건강 검진을 받아 보자 Operating System Statistics Operating System Statistics 시스템 CPU 사용에 대해 해당 snap 구간 및 추이를 확인 하여 특이사항 여부 를 판단해야 함. 24 18:00 24 17:00 24 16:00 24 15:00 24 14:00 24 13:00 24 12:00 24 11:00 24 10:00 24 09:00 24 08:00 Statistic Total AVG_BUSY_TIME 0 CPU는 혼자 움직이는 것이 아님. AVG_IDLE_TIME 0 손님이 없는 식당의 종업은 항상 idle상태 ,혹은 serving이 아닌 AVG_IOWAIT_TIME 907,133 다른 일을 함 (ex:주방일… ) AVG_SYS_TIME 3,049,915 손님이 들어와 serving을 시작 하는 것과 같이 CPU User time을 증가시키는 workload가 있음. 해당 workload는 무엇인가 ? AVG_USER_TIME 581,501 BUSY_TIME 249,064 CPU 추이를 일단위 , 일주일 더는 월단위로 파악하여 추세를 알 수 있도록 함. IDLE_TIME 656,704 IOWAIT_TIME 114,461,748 ( 식당 종업원의 효율 및 고용 증가 및 감소 자료 활용) SYS_TIME 384,451,747 USER_TIME 73,432,519 CPUCPU Us age (%) - LGEGERPIF1Q Usage (%) LOAD 31,548,446 100% %idle 90% OS_CPU_WAIT_TIME 82,913,302 80% %w io RSRC_MGR_CPU_WAIT_ 70% %sys 0 60% TIME 50% %usr 40% VM_IN_BYTES 104,440,000 30% 20% VM_OUT_BYTES 0 10% PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BY 0% ############### TES NUM_CPUS 126 Date & Time NUM_CPU_SOCKETS 63 Load Profile CPU에 일을 시키는 여러 가지 작업임. Load Profile Redo size: Logical reads: Block changes: Physical reads: Physical writes: User calls: Parses: Hard parses: Sorts: Logons: Executes: Transactions: Per Second 2,979,473.47 20,190.94 954,506.71 6,468.39 17,533.29 118.82 17,519.53 118.72 999.93 6.78 4,604.07 31.2 Per Transaction 2,979,473.47 20,190.94 954,506.71 6,468.39 17,533.29 118.82 17,519.53 118.72 999.93 6.78 4,604.07 31.2 해당 load 파일을 통해 주어진 시간의 workload를 파악 할 수 있음 어떤 workload를 통해 서버가 busy하게 되는지를 파악할 수 있음. 예를 들어 커피숍에서 점심시간 동안 바쁘게 일을 했다면 , 그 시간 동안에 커피를 몇잔, 주스를 몇잔 혹은 홍차를 몇잔 아니면 음식재료를 준비하면서 시간을 소비했는지를 알 수 있음. 이를 통해 다른 날 보다 어떤 품목이 많이 팔렸는지를 알 수 있음.(특이 사항 검증 ) Let’s Talk 위 load profile을 보고 해당 DB Server의 load를 말 할 수 있는가 ? 현재 Load profile을 확인 하고 load에 대한 서버의 영향 도를 말 할 수 있는가 ? DB의 STAT 은 DB Server에서 일어나는 여러가지 job으로 해석할 수 있으며, 특히 load profile의 stat은 DB Server내의 주된 workload로 이에 대한 trend 파악이 필요함. dba_hist_sysstat view참조. Global Cache Load Profile 앞에서 보았던 일반 load지표와 별도로 RAC에서의 load지표임. Global Cache Load Profile Per Second Per Transaction Global Cache blocks received: 5,883.06 33.39 Global Cache blocks served: 7,278.89 41.31 GCS/GES messages received: 69,624.98 395.12 GCS/GES messages sent: 49,963.55 283.54 101.46 0.58 DBWR Fusion writes: Estd Interconnect traffic (KB) 예를 들어 커피숍에서 일하는 직원이 혼자가 아닌 둘 이상이라면 커피 주문에 대해 주문을 받고 , 커피를 만들고 하면서 두 직원 사이에 주고 받는 메시지 며, 커피잔 등…두사람 사이에 일어나는 동작에 대한 지표라 생각 할 수 있다. 오라클에서 LMS 프로세스가 이런 operation을 하는 대표적이 프로세스라 할 수 있다. 128,652.73 위 지표들은 노드간의 주고 받은 일의 양을 나타내는 지표로 이들 Job에 따른 성능의 영향에 대해 확인이 필요함. workload Characteristics 참조 interconnect traffic 양이 증가 한다며 , 우선적으로 cluster wait이 높은 SQL을 참조 할 필요가 있음. CR FLOW DIAGRAM Global Cache Efficiency Percentages Global Cache Efficiency Percentages Buffer access - local cache %: 97.8 Buffer access - remote cache %: 0.64 Buffer access - disk %: 1.56 Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Workload Characteristics Avg global enqueue get time (ms): 0.6 Avg global cache cr block receive time (ms): 0.8 Avg global cache current block receive time (ms): 0.7 Avg global cache cr block build time (ms): 0 Avg global cache cr block send time (ms): 0 Global cache log flushes for cr blocks served %: 3.9 Avg global cache cr block flush time (ms): 2.9 Avg global cache current block pin time (ms): 0 Avg global cache current block send time (ms): 0 Global cache log flushes for current blocks served %: 0.3 구분 CR Block Received Time CURR Block Received Time 권고치 12 이하 30 이하 Load Profile Logical Reads & OS Stat Example Logical Reads Logic al Re ads (pe / r s ec) Logical Reads Sec 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 24 18:30 24 18:00 24 17:30 24 17:00 24 16:30 24 16:00 24 15:30 24 15:00 24 14:30 24 14:00 24 13:30 24 13:00 24 12:30 24 12:00 24 11:30 24 11:00 24 10:30 24 10:00 24 09:30 24 09:00 24 08:30 0 24 08:00 200,000 Date & Time OS CPU 사항 CPU Usage (%) CP U Us age (%) - LG EG ERP IF1Q 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% %idle %w io %sys Date & Time 24 18:00 24 17:00 24 16:00 24 15:00 24 14:00 24 13:00 24 12:00 24 11:00 24 10:00 24 09:00 24 08:00 %usr Wait Class Wait Class Waits %Time - Total Wait outs Time (s) Avg wait (ms) Waits /txn User I/O 221,611,868 0 1,478,813 7 37.93 Cluster 493,638,715 0.03 406,741 1 84.49 System I/O 24,842,756 0 36,841 1 4.25 Other 24,548,596 51.48 35,896 1 4.2 1,445,321 3.64 26,966 19 0.25 Concurrency 147,553,001 0.05 23,523 0 25.26 Network 166,524,214 0 13,272 0 28.5 Commit 3,623,870 0 9,074 3 0.62 805,549 76.55 1,065 1 0.14 Application RT = ST + WT Configuration Service Time은 어떻게 ? 커피 점원이 커피 주문을 받아 본인이 하는 일과 기계가 하는 일로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 점원이 커피를 기계에서 기다리는 시간 동안이 wait 상태라 말 할 수 있음. 오라클은 RT = ST + WT 으로 정의를 하고 있으며,여러 가지 wait event를 9개의 category로 분류 하고 있음. 위 테이블을 통해 해당 snap 구간 중 어떤 wait class가 가장 많은 부분을 차지 하고 있음을 알 수 있음. Top 5 Timed Events Event Waits Time(s) Avg Wait(ms) % Total Call Time Wait Class CPU time 910,471 45.2 db file sequential read 55,208,969 690,127 13 34.2 User I/O log file sync 7,241,625 100,931 14 5 Commit gc current block 3-way 31,287,718 75,500 2 3.7 Cluster gc current block 2-way 41,850,395 70,941 2 3.5 Cluster Wait Class별이 아닌 개별 wait event로 snap 구간 중 가장 wait time이 높은 top 5 event임. 평사 시 top 5 event는 업무 형태가 변경이 되거나 추가 되지 않는 다면 크게 변동이 없을 확률이 높음. top 5 event에 대해 평균 wait time에 대한 모니터링 및 평상시에 발생 하지 않은 event가 top 5 event로 올라 온다면 해당 event에 대해 검증이 필요함. 예를 들어 과도하게 IO wait이 증가 하였다면 , AWR의 SQL Part의 high buffer gets / High disk read등을 통해 해당 시간의 SQL을 검증을 통해 특이 사항 여부를 확인 해야 함. 또는 과도하게 librarycache 및 shared pool관련 wait이 증가 하였다면 SGA의 Memory Part에서 해당 메모리의 증감 여부, invalidation여부 등을 확인 해야 함. 오라클은 많은 수의 wait event를 가지고 있으며 , 각 event에 대해서는 oracle manual을 참조. db file sequential read IO 성능 여부 검토 AWR 리포트의 Avg Wait(ms), “IO Stats” section에서 Av Rd (ms) 항목의 수치가 다소 높게 나온다면 원인을 찾기 위해 O/S 및 Storage Level 에서의 IO 통계치를 살펴본다. IO 부하를 많이 발생시키는 SQL문들을 튜닝한다. AWR의 ‘SQL ordered by physical read‟를 검사하고, 튜닝을 실시한다. 충분한 튜닝을 하였음에도 불구하고 여전히 IO 시스템에 대한 부하가 큰 경우는 주로 디스크 성능 자체의 bottleneck이거나 파일이나 디스크에 대한 작업배분이 잘못 설정되었을 가능성 검토 이와 같은 IO bandwidth 문제에 대한 정확한 증거로는 ‘db file parallel write‟, „direct read‟, „direct write‟, 그리고 ‘log file parallel write‟ 등의 event가 Top-5 waits events에 나타나는 경우가 많다. log file sync Redo log 1 commit shadow LGWR 4 redo write down 2 3 commit 완료 log file sync란 ? Shadow process가 commit을 요청 시 LGWR가 해당 redo 를 online redo log file에 write한 후 해당 메시지를 shadow process에게 전달하는 event로 1 ~ 4번을 거쳐 완료 됨. 대표적인 log file sync 성능 저하 원인은… IO Bottleneck On-line redo log IPC 통신 ( ex : semaphore ) RAC 환경 하에서 SCN 동기화 등으로 해당 항목에 대해서 drill down해야 함. Global Cache Wait Events gc current block 2-way Wait: gc current request LMS 1 Direct send SGA2 2 LGWR SGA1 Block transfer Wait complete: gc current block 2-way LMS 3 LGWR: Log sync Global Cache Wait Events gc current block 3-way Wait: gc current request 1 LMS Direct message LMS Resource Master 2 SGA2 3 LGWR SGA1 Block transfer Wait complete: gc current block 3-way 4 LMS SGA Breakdown Pool Name Begin MB End MB % Diff large free memory 221.68 221.55 -0.06 large PX msg pool 2.32 2.45 5.39 shared library cache 495.53 1,534.90 209.75 shared sql area 4,131.00 6,888.16 66.74 shared free memory 6,783.22 2,152.72 -68.26 SGA의 large pool 및 shared pool의 free memory & sql area 등 주요 항목에 대해 증감 여부를 확인 할 수 있음. 특정 메모리가 과도하게 증가하거나 감소 하였다면 해당 시점의 어떤 변화 가 있었는지를 load profile 및 wait event를 통해 먼저 확인 후 drill down 해야 함. 메모리의 변동 사항 또한 CPU추이와 같이 하루 , 혹은 일주일 pattern을 모니터링 하는 것이 필요함. Memory Statistics – library cache statistics Namespace BODY CLUSTER Get Requests 4,383,881 Pct Miss Pin Requests 0.01 137,380,417 Pct Miss Invalidations Reloads 0 443 0 995 0.4 1,438 0.56 4 0 1,433,787 0.02 1,553,075 0.16 2,047 0 2,468 0 40 7.5 3 0 189 0 567 0.35 2 0 PIPE 894,065 0.1 1,342,415 0.06 0 0 SQL AREA 299,644 97.391,458,251,177 0.12 233,980 12,122 4,479,060 0.2 189,209,372 0.05 33,573 0 0 129 0 INDEX JAVA DATA JAVA RESOURCE TABLE/PROCEDURE TRIGGER 105,057 0.08 5,933,235 SGA의 shared pool area중 library cache영역에 대한 데이터로 reloads 및 invalidation에 대해 모니터링이 필요함. SQL Statistics SQL Ordered by Elapsed Time SQL Ordered by CPU Time SQL Ordered by Gets SQL Ordered by Reads SQL Ordered by Executions SQL Ordered by Parse Calls SQL Ordered by Sharable Memory SQL Ordered by Version Count SQL Ordered by Cluster Wait Time 실제 OUPTPUT TIME MODEL Statistics Hierarchy DB TIME • • • • DB CPU Connection Management Elapsed Time Sequence Load Elapsed Time SQL Execute Elapsed Time Repeated Binding Elapsed Time • Parse Time Elapsed Time Hard Parse Elapsed Time Hard Parse (Sharing Criteria) Elapsed Time Hard Parse Bind Mismatch Elapsed Time Failed Parse Elapsed Time Failed Parse (Out of Shared Memory) • • • • PL/SQL Execution Elapsed Time Inbound PL/SQL RPC Elapsed Time PL/SQL Compilation Elapsed Time Java Execution Elapsed Time Time Model Statistics Time Model Statistics Statistic Name sql execute elapsed time Time (s) % of DB Time 2,206,102.92 97.5 DB CPU 672,296.64 29.71 PL/SQL execution elapsed time 248,800.73 11 parse time elapsed 64,204.13 2.84 connection management call elapsed time 60,816.54 2.69 repeated bind elapsed time 50,368.84 2.23 hard parse elapsed time 4,922.33 0.22 hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed time 2,343.76 0.1 sequence load elapsed time 1,688.86 0.07 DB time 848.57 0.04 background elapsed time 616.18 0.03 343.6 0.02 background cpu time Oracle ACS 진단 Service DCR ( Database Configuration Review ) DPI ( Database Performance Inspection ) PDI ( Periodic Database Inspection) ORA ( Operation Readiness Assessment ) OSR ( Oracle System Review ) BPR (Backup & Recovery Review ) KNT ( Knowledge Transfer ) QUESTIONS ANSWERS Appendix • Create & Drop & Modify Snapshot • AUTOMATIC WORKLOAD REPOSITORY • CR Flow Diagram • DBA_HIST_SYSTAT • STATISTICS • Wait Events <Insert Picture Here> Create & Drop & Modify snapshot Create Snapshot BEGIN DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.CREATE_SNAPSHOT (); END; / Drop Snapshot BEGIN DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.DROP_SNAPSHOT_RANGE (low_snap_id => 22, high_snap_id => 32, dbid => 3310949047); END; / Modify Snapshot BEGIN DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.MODIFY_SNAPSHOT_SETTINGS( retention => 43200, interval => 30, topnsql => 100, dbid => 3310949047); END; / Automatic Workload Repository Report items Main Report Main Report More RAC Statistics • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RAC Report Summary (RAC Statistics) • Global Enqueue Statistics • Global CR Served Stats • Global CURRENT Served Stats • Global Cache Transfer Stats Report Summary Wait Events Statistics SQL Statistics Instance Activity Statistics IO Stats Buffer Pool Statistics Advisory Statistics Wait Statistics Undo Statistics Latch Statistics Segment Statistics Dictionary Cache Statistics Library Cache Statistics Memory Statistics Streams Statistics Resource Limit Statistics init.ora Parameters Automatic Workload Repository Main Report Report Summary RAC Report Summary • • • • • • Global Cache Load Profile • Global Cache Efficiency Percentages (Target local+remote 100%) • Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Workload Characteristics • Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Messaging Statistics Cache Sizes Load Profile Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%) Shared Pool Statistics Top 5 Timed Events Automatic Workload Repository Main Report Wait Events Statistics SQL Statistics • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Time Model Statistics Wait Class Wait Events Background Wait Events Operating System Statistics Service Statistics Service Wait Class Stats SQL ordered by Elapsed Time SQL ordered by CPU Time SQL ordered by Gets SQL ordered by Reads SQL ordered by Executions SQL ordered by Parse Calls SQL ordered by Sharable Memory SQL ordered by Version Count SQL ordered by Cluster Wait Time Complete List of SQL Text Automatic Workload Repository Main Report Instance Activity Statistics Advisory Statistics • Instance Activity Stats • Instance Activity Stats - Absolute Values • Instance Activity Stats - Thread Activity • • • • • • • • • • IO Stats • Tablespace IO Stats • File IO Stats Buffer Pool Statistics Instance Recovery Stats Buffer Pool Advisory PGA Aggr Summary PGA Aggr Target Stats PGA Aggr Target Histogram PGA Memory Advisory Shared Pool Advisory SGA Target Advisory Streams Pool Advisory Java Pool Advisory Automatic Workload Repository Main Report Wait Statistics Advisory Statistics • Buffer Wait Statistics • Enqueue Activity • • • • • • • • Undo Statistics • Undo Segment Summary • Undo Segment Stats Latch Statistics • • • • • Latch Activity Latch Sleep Breakdown Latch Miss Sources Parent Latch Statistics Child Latch Statistics Segments by Logical Reads Segments by Physical Reads Segments by Row Lock Waits Segments by ITL Waits Segments by Buffer Busy Waits Segments by Global Cache Buffer Busy Segments by CR Blocks Received Segments by Current Blocks Received Automatic Workload Repository Main Report Dictionary Cache Statistics Streams Statistics • Dictionary Cache Stats • Dictionary Cache Stats (RAC) • • • • • • Library Cache Statistics • Library Cache Activity • Library Cache Activity (RAC) Memory Statistics • Process Memory Summary • SGA Memory Summary • SGA breakdown difference Streams CPU/IO Usage Streams Capture Streams Apply Buffered Queues Buffered Subscribers Rule Set Resource Limit Statistics Init.ora Parameters Overall CR Flow Diagram Context Switch Interconnect Message Master Node (1) ask for CR and LOCK in SHARE mode LMS (2) no conflict mode so grant LOCK Requestor Node LMS (3 ’) AST for conversion I/O Holder Node (10) Send CR buffer LMS (5) ask LGWR to flush REDO (4 ’) read since LOCK is granted (4) Build CR block and stop when completed or IO required (8) (6) FG (5 ’) (3) Send information to LMS including (port,IP) address for answer Database LGWR (7) Log Read With No Transfer 1 2 3 4 Read to Read Transfer 1 2 3 4 Read to Writer Transfer 1 2 3 4 Write to Writer Transfer 1 2 3 4 Write to Read Transfer 1 2 3 4 Writing Dirty Blocks 1 2 3 4 DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT & OSSTAT User calls select snap_id,stat_name, nvl(value,0) - nvl(lag(value) over (partition by stat_name order by snap_id),0) delta from dba_hist_sysstat where dbid=1134139816 and instance_number=4 and snap_id between 22199 and 22203 and stat_name='user calls‘ ; CPU select snap_id , decode ( max(decode(stat_name, 'USER_TIME', delta, 0)) + max(decode(stat_name, 'SYS_TIME', delta, 0)) + max(decode(stat_name, 'IDLE_TIME', delta, 0)),0,0, max(decode(stat_name, 'USER_TIME', delta, 0)) / ( max(decode(stat_name, 'USER_TIME', delta, 0)) + max(decode(stat_name, 'SYS_TIME', delta, 0)) + max(decode(stat_name, 'IDLE_TIME', delta, 0)) )) from ( select snap_id, stat_name,nvl(value,0) - nvl(lag(value) over (partition by stat_name order by snap_id),0) delta , value from dba_hist_osstat where dbid=1134139816 and instance_number=4 and snap_id between 22199 and 22203 and stat_name in ( 'USER_TIME','SYS_TIME','IOWAIT_TIME','IDLE_TIME') ) where a.snap_id > 22199 group by snap_id ; Statistic : V$SYSSTAT General Check Statistics Statistic Name consistent gets from cache CPU used by this session db block changes db block gets from cache execute count Statistics Descriptions Number of times a consistent read was requested for a block from buffer cache. Amount of CPU time (in 10s of milliseconds) used by a session from the time a user call starts until it ends. If a user call completes within 10 milliseconds, the start and end user-call time are the same for purposes of this statistics, and 0 milliseconds are added. Closely related to "consistent changes", this statistic counts the total number of changes that were part of an update or delete operation that were made to all blocks in the SGA. Such changes generate redo log entries and hence become permanent changes to the database if the transaction is committed. This approximates total database work. It statistic indicates the rate at which buffers are being dirtied (on a per-transaction or per-second basis, for example). Number of times a CURRENT block was requested from the buffer cache. This is a subset of "db block gets" statistics value Total number of calls (user and recursive) that executed SQL statements Statistic : V$SYSSTAT General Check Statistics Statistic Name logons cumulative parse count ( hard ) parse count ( total ) parse time cpu parse time elapsed Statistics Descriptions Total number of logons since the instance started. Useful only in V$SYSSTAT. It gives an instance overview of all processes that logged on. Total number of parse calls (real parses). A hard parse is a very expensive operation in terms of memory use, because it requires Oracle to allocate a workheap and other memory structures and then build a parse tree Total number of parse calls (hard and soft). A soft parse is a check on an object already in the shared pool, to verify that the permissions on the underlying object have not changed Total CPU time used for parsing (hard and soft) in 10s of milliseconds Total elapsed time for parsing, in 10s of milliseconds. Subtract "parse time cpu" from the this statistic to determine the total waiting time for parse resources Statistic : V$SYSSTAT General Check Statistics Statistic Name physical reads physical reads cache physical reads direct physical writes physical writes direct redo entries redo log space requests Statistics Descriptions Total number of data blocks read from disk. This value can be greater than the value of "physical reads direct" plus "physical reads cache" as reads into process private buffers also included in this statistic. Total number of data blocks read from disk into the buffer cache. This is a subset of "physical reads" statistic Number of reads directly from disk, bypassing the buffer cache. For example, in high bandwidth, data-intensive operations such as parallel query, reads of disk blocks bypass the buffer cache to maximize transfer rates and to prevent the premature aging of shared data blocks resident in the buffer cache Total number of data blocks written to disk. This statistics value equals the sum of "physical writes direct" and "physical writes from cache" values Number of writes directly to disk, bypassing the buffer cache (as in a direct load operation) Number of times a redo entry is copied into the redo log buffer Number of times the active log file is full and Oracle must wait for disk space to be allocated for the redo log entries. Such space is created by performing a log switch Statistic : V$SYSSTAT General Check Statistics Statistic Name redo size session logical reads Statistics Descriptions Total amount of redo generated in bytes The sum of "db block gets" plus "consistent gets". This includes logical reads of database blocks from either the buffer cache or process private memory sorts ( disk ) Number of sort operations that required at least one disk write sorts ( memory ) Number of sort operations that were performed completely in memory and did not require any disk writes user calls user commits user rollbacks Number of user calls such as login, parse, fetch, or execute Number of user commits. When a user commits a transaction, the redo generated that reflects the changes made to database blocks must be written to disk. Commits often represent the closest thing to a user transaction rate Number of times users manually issue the ROLLBACK statement or an error occurs during a user's transactions Statistic : V$SYSSTAT RAC Related Statistics Statistic Name Statistics Descriptions DBWR fusion writes 1. Fusion writes occur when a block previously changed by another instance needs to be written to disk in response to a checkpoint or cache aging 2. Oracle sends a message to notify the other instance that a fusion write will be performed to move the data block to disk 3. Fusion writes do not require an additional write to disk 4. Fusion writes are a subset of all physical writes incurred by an instance gcs messages sent lms및 lck에 의해 수행되는 gcs service에 대한 메시지임. ges messages sent lmd및 lmon에 의해 수행되는 ges / cgs service에 대한 메시지임. Total number of consistent read blocks successfully received from another instance. gc cr blocks received gc cr block receive time gc current blocks received gc current block receive time Accumulated round-trip time for all requests for consistent read blocks. Number of current blocks received from the holding instance over the interconnect Accumulated round trip time for all requests for current blocks Statistic : V$SYSSTAT RAC Related Statistics Statistic Name gc cr blocks served gc cr block build time gc cr block flush time gc cr block send time gc current blocks served gc current block pin time gc current block flush time gc current block send time Statistics Descriptions Number of requests for a CR block served by LMS The time that the LMS process requires to create a CR block on the holding instance. Time waited for a log flush when a CR request is served (part of the serve time) Time required by LMS to initiate a send of the CR block. The number of current blocks shipped to the requesting instance over the interconnect The time it takes to pin the current block before shipping it to the requesting instance. Pinning is necessary to disallow changes to the block while it is prepared to be shipped to another instance The time it takes to flush the changes to a block to disk (forced log flush), before the block is shipped to the requesting instance The time it takes to send the current block to the requesting instance over the interconnect Statistic : V$SYSSTAT RAC Related Statistics Statistic Name gc blocks lost gc blocks corrupt Statistics Descriptions Block losses during transfers. May indicate network problems. Blocks that were corrupted during transfer. High values indicate an IPC, network, or hardware problem. Wait Event : V$SESSION_WAIT General Check Wait Event NAME Description CLASS enq: TX - row lock when a session is waiting for a row level lock that is already held contention by another session APPLICATION This event indicates that the block was pinned or held up by a gc buffer busy session on a remote instance. CLUSTER gc cr block 2-way CR block received from master node ( master node=holder node) CLUSTER CR block received from holder node ( master node != holder gc cr block 3-way node) CLUSTER the remote instance received the block after a remote instance gc cr block busy processing delay. In most cases, this is due to a log flush. CLUSTER gc cr block lost The cr block request lost CLUSTER gc cr block request Placeholder event which is active while waiting for a block CLUSTER When a user session commits (or rolls back), the session's redo information must be flushed to the redo logfile by LGWR. The server process performing the COMMIT or ROLLBACK waits under this event for the write to the redo log to complete. COMMIT log file sync Wait Event : V$SESSION_WAIT General Check Wait Event NAME buffer busy waits latch: cache buffers chains CLASS This wait indicates that there are some buffers in the buffer cache that multiple processes are attempting to access concurrently. Query V$WAITSTAT for the wait statistics for each class of buffer. Common buffer classes that have buffer busy waits include data block, segment header, undo header, and undo block. Concurrency The cache buffers chains latches are used to protect a buffer list in the buffer cache. These latches are used when searching for, adding, or removing a buffer from the buffer cache. Contention on this latch usually means that there is a block that is greatly contended for (known as a hot block). Concurrency latch: shared pool Shared pool latch contention row cache lock library cache pin Concurrency The session is trying to get a data dictionary lock. Concurrency This event manages library cache concurrency. Pinning an object causes the heaps to be loaded into memory. If a client wants to modify or examine the object, the client must acquire a pin after the lock. Concurrency Wait Event : V$SESSION_WAIT General Check Wait Event NAME library cache lock enq: HW contention enq: SQ contention enq: TT contention CLASS This event controls the concurrency between clients of the library cache. It acquires a lock on the object handle so that either: •One client can prevent other clients from accessing the same object •The client can maintain a dependency for a long time which does not allow another client to change the object This lock is also obtained to locate an object in the library cache. Concurrency The HW enqueue is used to serialize the allocation of space beyond the high water mark of a segment. Configuration Sequence number enqueue Configuration Temporary table enqueue Configuration The number of ITL slots in any block in an object is controlled by the INITRANS and MAXTRANS attributes. INITRANS is the enq: TX - allocate number of slots initially created in a block when it is first used, while MAXTRANS places an upper bound on the number of ITL entry entries allowed. Each transaction which wants to modify a block requires a slot in this 'ITL' list in the block. Configuration Wait Event : V$SESSION_WAIT General Check Wait Event NAME free buffer waits latch: redo copy log buffer space CLASS This wait event indicates that a server process was unable to find a free buffer and has posted the database writer to make free buffers by writing out dirty buffers. A dirty buffer is a buffer whose contents have been modified. Dirty buffers are freed for reuse when DBWR has written the blocks to disk. Configuration When a sessions redo buffer is larger than Parameter: log_small_entry_max_size the kernel first allocates a redo copy buffer, protected by a redo copy latch. The buffer will not be used until space is allocated on the log buffer and some header has been set. However, the redo copy latch is acquired to reduce the code inside the allocation latch holding and to prevent further contention. Configuration The system is waiting for space in the log buffer because data is being written into the log buffer faster than LGWR can write it out. Configuration Wait Event : V$SESSION_WAIT General Check Wait Event NAME CLASS Waiting for a log switch because the log that the LGWR will be switching into has not been archived yet. Check the alert file to log file switch make sure that archiving has not stopped due to a failed archive (archiving needed) write. To speed archiving, consider adding more archive processes or putting the archive files on striped disks. Configuration Waiting for a log switch because the session cannot wrap into the log file switch next log. Wrapping cannot be performed because the checkpoint (checkpoint for that log has not completed incomplete) Configuration log file switch Waiting for a log switch to complete. completion Configuration enq: US Undo segment DDL contention Other The process waits for a latch that is currently busy (held by latch free another process). Other DFS lock handle The session waits for the lock handle of a global lock request. The lock handle identifies a global lock. With this lock handle, other operations can be performed on this global lock (to identify the global lock in future operations such as conversions or release). The global lock is maintained by the DLM. Other Wait Event : V$SESSION_WAIT General Check Wait Event NAME db file parallel write CLASS This event occurs in the DBWR. It indicates that the DBWR is performing a parallel write to files and blocks. When the last I/O has gone to disk, the wait ends. System I/O log file parallel write log file sequential read This event involves writing redo records to the redo log files from the log buffer. System I/O Waiting for the read from this logfile to return. This is used to read redo records from the log file. System I/O Waiting for the write to this logfile to complete. This event is used while updating the header of the logfile. It is signaled when log file single write adding a log file member and when incrementing sequence numbers. System I/O This happens during recovery. It can also happen during buffer prefetching, as an optimization (rather than performing multiple db file parallel read single-block reads). Database blocks that need to be changed as part of recovery are read in parallel from the database. User I/O This event signifies that the user process is reading a buffer into db file sequential the SGA buffer cache and is waiting for a physical I/O call to read return. A sequential read is a single-block read. User I/O db file single write This event is used to wait for the writing of the file headers. User I/O Wait Event : V$SESSION_WAIT General Check Wait Event NAME CLASS A db file scattered read issues a scattered read to read the data into multiple discontinuous memory locations. A scattered read is db file scattered usually a multiblock read. It can occur for a fast full scan (of an read index) in addition to a full table scan. User I/O During Direct Path operations, the data is asynchronously written to the database files. At some stage the session needs to make direct path write / sure that all outstanding asynchronous I/O have been completed temp to disk. This can also happen if, during a direct write, no more slots are available to store outstanding load requests User I/O During Direct Path operations the data is asynchronously read from the database files. At some stage the session needs to direct path read / make sure that all outstanding asynchronous I/O have been temp completed to disk. This can also happen if during a direct read no more slots are available to store outstanding load requests User I/O