Marianna Industries, Inc 11222 “I” Street Omaha, NE 68137 800-228-9060 Watts 800-762-4329 Fax Rep Name MICHAEL WEINSTEIN Date:___________ LEFT HANDED SCISSOR Please send (__) of Kit #_21039_ in the amount of $460.22 shipping and handling $15.00 $475.22 I understand that my order will take approximately 7-14 working days to receive. Enclosed is a Certified Check, or Postal Money Order (No Personal Checks will be accepted), Or Bill my VISA or MASTERCARD. Name of Person on Card Address of Card Holder___________________________________ City____________________ State_____________Zip__________ Phone# of card holder_____________________________________ M.C. or Vs # _______________________ SECURITY CODE_____________ Expiration Date ____________ Signature of cardholder : ___________________________________ I understand that this purchase will be shipped directly to the school in the name of kit owner. The billing on credit card will state Marianna Industries, Inc Student Name School Name OLIVER WOLCOTT REG.VO TECH School Address 75 Oliver Street City Torrington State CT Zip 06790 Daytime Phone I understand the school is NOT responsible for any transactions. I also understand that any Shortages/Problems with the kit MUST be reported to Marianna’s School Representative within 10 working days of receipt of kit. Thank you, Signature of Student (19+) Signature of Parent/Guardian