Chemistry 1100: Atoms and Molecules Instructor: Phil Silverman email: Office: Rm. 123D Chemistry Building Office hours: 11:00 – 12:00 TWTh Required Course Materials: 1. Text: Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society, 8th Edition by Eubanks, Middlecamp, Heltzel, and Keller. McGraw Hill, 2014. 2. Laboratory Manual: Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society Laboratory Manual 8th Ed. McGraw Hill, 2014. 3. Lab notebook. (No loose leaf or spiral binders) for you to record your procedures, observations and measurements. Must have copy paper included. These are available at the bookstore. 4. LearnSmart Card Grading: Midterm Exams (3): 100 points each I DROP THE LOWEST HOUR EXAM GRADE BUT THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS Daily Quiz (about 20): about 5 points each Final Exam: 180 points Laboratory Assignments (11): 20 points each plus 10 points for lab cleanup LearnSmart and Connect assignments 200 100 180 230 100 Total: 800 PLEASE NOTE: There is NO EXTRA CREDIT offered in this course. Asking for extra credit will annoy your instructor and will accomplish nothing else. Repeatedly asking will result in your instructor to both become annoyed AND you might get graded more stringently. Midterm Exams: There will be three closed-book, 50-minute exams during the semester on June 16th, July 1st , and July 17th. Be in town on these dates. The format will be multiple-choice and short answer-style problems. Important Dates: June 22 - Last day to drop course without a grade July 11 - Last day to withdraw from a course Final Exam: It will be comprehensive. The format will be multiple-choice and essay-style problems. It will be held on July 24th and will take 2 full hours. Excused absences laboratory sessions: There are 4 different categories of excused absences: 1) medically excused, 2) death of someone close to you, 3) university sponsored event, and, 4) “legally” excused. The definitions are below. To be medically excused, you NEED to get written verification by a medical doctor, stating both the time of visit and the duration of the expected illness. No note, no excuse. If you are not sick enough to go to the Student Health Center, go to class and/or take the exam. The death of someone close to you isn’t something to use as an excuse unless it is legitimate. Obituaries of people will suffice as an excused absence but I reserve the right to check up on this. If you are part of a University sponsored event, the letter comes automatically from the program office (if you are presenting at a conference, let me know!). Significant time away from lecture can impact your overall grade even though the absences would be excused. “Legally” excused absences will involve subpoenas, court records, traffic tickets, or some other written form of documentation stating that court or being arrested is where you were (bring your bail agreement!). Also, all of the excused absences will need to have a point of contact and a phone number that I can call to verify the claim. Your instructors reserve the right to make the final call for all absences from examinations. There will be no make-up exams/labs in this course. If you miss a lab, the absence will be either excused or unexcused. If missing the assignment is excused, your score is averaged from the scores you earned. Absences are either excused or unexcused. There are no make-up exams. The following Grade Scale will be used to determine your performance in the class. A 93-100% A- 90-92% B+ 87-89% B 83-86% B- 80-82% C+ 77-79% C 73-76% C- 70-72% D+ 67-69% D 63-66% D- 60-62% F Less than 60% As per University policy, PLUS/MINUS GRADING WILL BE USED! The Laboratory: Chemistry is an experimental science, and the laboratory experience chemistry is vital to your success. Firstly, and most practically, you will learn concepts from the lecture in a personal way by doing them yourself; sometimes even mistakes and errors that you encounter along the way can be educational. Secondly (but not more importantly), you cannot receive a passing grade for the course without satisfactorily completing the lab portion of the course (125/250 lab points) regardless of your exam scores. There will be one TA in charge of each lab section comprised of ~18 students. Attendance at discussion section is mandatory for your participation in lab that day. Please pay heed to their instructions regarding safe handling techniques for chemicals and laboratory procedures. It will not be possible for you to make up a missed experiment regardless of the reason for your absence. You will receive a zero for a missed lab unless you have an acceptable written excuse, in which case your grade will be calculated from the average grade earned in the remaining experiments. Lab reports will be due at the beginning of the following lab recitation. Please refer to the portion of the syllabus where the policy on make-up exams and labs is covered. Grading Lab Reports Each lab report is worth 20 points. Your score will be based on observations recorded in your lab notebook, answering questions related to the lab, and a concluding statement about the experiment. The point distribution will vary from lab to lab, but will always total 20 points. In addition, your participation in the lab cleanup at the end of the semester will be worth 10 points. Late Lab Reports Please consult with your TA’s syllabus. Missing Recitation You are not permitted to attend a lab session if you miss the corresponding recitation Missed Labs If you miss a lab for a valid reason, contact your TA as soon as possible so we can resolve the situation (see “excusable absences” above – if we can’t excuse you, you get a ZERO for that lab). Lab attire: No open-toed shoes. If you wear open-toed shoes, you get sent home. Safety glasses must be worn over the eyes AT ALL TIMES! The storeroom cannot rent or supply goggles to students. ANSI-compliant eyewear (goggles and safety glasses) will be available for PURCHASE and all students must PURCHASE their own set (so identified by having the designation Z87 printed somewhere on the frames). These are available at all times the storeroom (A209) is open; If you forget your goggles you will need to buy/borrow another pair before you are allowed in the lab room. You will also wear lab aprons to protect the rest of your body (as well as your clothes!) ADA statement The Provost’s office has issued the following statement. "If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and need assistance, please notify the Access Office or course instructor immediately. Reasonable effort will be made to accommodate your special needs." If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please inform me immediately. Please see me privately after class, or at my office. To request academic accommodations (for example, a note taker), students must also register with Disability Services, AO38 Brady Commons, 882-4696. It is the campus office responsible for reviewing documentation provided by students requesting academic accommodations, and for accommodations planning in cooperation with students and instructors, as needed and consistent with course requirements. For other MU resources for students with disabilities, click on "Disability Resources" on the MU homepage. Academic integrity Academic integrity is expected of and by all members of the academic community. The faculty are required to report all incidents of academic dishonesty to the Provost’s office for resolution. Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the University. The Provost’s office has provided the following statement: "Academic honesty is fundamental to the activities and principles of a university. All members of the academic community must be confident that each person’s work has been responsibly and honorably acquired, developed, and presented. Any effort to gain an advantage not given all students is dishonest whether or not the effort is successful. The academic community regards academic dishonesty as an extremely serious matter, with serious consequences that range from probation to expulsion. When in doubt about plagiarism, paraphrasing, quoting, or collaboration, consult the course instructor." Complaints: In a class that is both difficult in its’ material and challenging in its’ velocity, some complaints are unavoidable! I would urge you to go to the person with whom you have a disagreement and speak to them offline after a period of time has passed for you to be no longer angry/upset (the emotions will hinder a chance to resolve the situation!). I recommend an e-mail to set up an appointment. Sit down and outline your grievances; we are professionals and you will be heard. Cases in which points were added incorrectly and the like have occurred: mistakes happen and these issues will be rectified. One point that you have to believe for this process to work: the disagreements are never personal. Both your TA and I value you as people and as members of the class. This does not mean we will pass you because we like you but it does mean that we will present you with the opportunity to excel and you will be treated fairly.