Pregnancy & Abortion

Pregnancy & Abortion
Reproduction is the act of nature which ensures the continued survival of a species by
assuring new generations of that species in years to come. When the female of that species
is getting ready to give birth to the child, she is in a state of pregnancy, or, as we more
commonly say, she is pregnant. The amount of time that the female is pregnant depends on
the species, but for homo sapiens (humans), the woman is pregnant for about 9 months.
Everyone knows how a woman gets pregnant, but how can you generally explain the
process in English? The male's sperm travels to the woman's uterus, where they try to
fertilize her egg. If they successfully fertilize her egg, then she becomes pregnant. The term
embryo is used to describe the developing offspring for the first 8 weeks following
conception, and the word fetus describes the offspring for the remainder of the time is in in
the woman's body – that is, until birth. Soon after conception, a woman's body begins to
change in order to adapt to her growing offspring. She will soon have to wear maternity
clothes, since her womb is growing. Sometimes a woman has multiple offspring at one time
– hence, she is carrying twins, triplets, quadruplets, and in some rare cases, even more......
In the United States there are more (reported) teen pregnancies than anyone else in
the industrialized world. However, there is still a social stigma attached to unwed mothers,
especially in the South. What is the relationship between unwed mothers and society in
Russia? As is often the case in teen pregnancies, sometimes the woman who is pregnant
does not have the desire or the ability to raise and care for a child. If she does not want to
keep and raise her child, she has two options. The first option is that she can birth the child
(or “give birth to the child” - note the additional preposition 'to' in the second construction) and
then put the child up for adoption. If she does not want to go through with the process of
childbirth, she may (depending on state law in the US) be able to get an abortion. Many
people, especially in the southern United States, are opposed to abortions. Many
Conservatives and Christians believe that abortion is morally wrong, against the teachings of
the Bible, and equivalent to (equal to) murder. People who hold this belief that abortion
should be made illegal are called Pro-Life. Many Liberals and atheists believe that the
decision of whether or not to have a baby should be the woman's alone. They believe that it
is the woman's right to have freedom of choice when it comes to her body. People who hold
these beliefs are called Pro-Choice. What sort of debate is there in Russia on this issue?
Species = (NOUN – SINGULAR & PLURAL) A plant or animal group whose members all have similar general
features and are able to produce young plants or animals. [On a recent expedition, the scientists discovered 20
previously unknown species in that rainforest.]
Embryo = An animal or human before it is born – for the first 8 weeks of pregnancy in a human birth. [The
embryo was not sufficiently developed to get a good look at it on the ultrasound.]
Conception = The moment when a woman becomes pregnant; when the sperm fertilizes the egg.
Fetus = [Spelled 'Foetus' in the UK] A baby that is developing inside its mother's body – considered usually from
2 months after conception until birth. [She looked at the ultrasound that he doctored showed her, and she
couldn't believe that such a tiny and fragile fetus could one day become an adult.]
Maternity = (ADJECTIVE) Designed or provided for women who are pregnant or who have just had a baby.
[The hospital just build a brand-new maternity ward so that pregnant women wouldn't have to walk far from the
parking lot.]
Womb = The organ in a woman's body in which a baby grows before birth.
To be carrying (twins/triplets/a baby/a girl/a boy) = A phrase used to describe the fact that a woman will soon be
giving birth, and that there is a baby in her womb. [She doesn't want her husband to know, because he really
wants a boy, but she now knows for sure that she is carrying a girl.]
Stigma = A general attitude in which people treat something as wrong or embarrassing, especially (but not
exclusively) if it is in an unfair way. [Being gay is seen as immoral and disgusting in many places in the world.
The stigma associated with homosexuality has caused many young people to commit suicide.]
To put (the child/baby) up for adoption = To give away a baby to someone else who cares for and raises the
child for the entirety of its life. When putting a baby up for adoption, the mother releases (gives away) all rights
and responsibilities for the child. [Knowing she was not fit to be a mother, both emotionally and financially, Sarah
made the heart-wrenching decision to put her child up for adoption.]
Abortion = Аборт
To abort a child = To have an abortion = To get an abortion
Miscarriage – To miscarry – To have a miscarriage
Lamaze method – Lamaze classes
Obstetrics – Obstetrician
Gynecology (Gynaecology in the UK) – Gynecologist (Gynaecologist in the UK)
She is expecting...... = She is pregnant
To go into labor
“My water just broke” = The amniotic sac protecting the baby broke and it will now travel
through the birth canal and “enter the world”
Contractions (small, painful movement of a muscle that helps to push a baby out during birth)
“How far apart are your contractions?” = How much time between each contraction?
The group will be split into 2 teams: Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. Each team will debate
whether abortion should be legal. Do you remember the “useful phrases for debate” that we
talked about several weeks ago? Use them here!
Watch the 4-minute clip. Summarize what is said, and give your opinion on the topic......
Words/phrases to know:
Pact = (NOUN) An agreement between 2 or more people in which they promise to do something.
Motivation = (NOUN) A feeling of enthusiasm or determination to do something
To lack (something) = (VERB) To not have (something) – “I lack the motivation to go running today.”
(NOUN) A situation in which you do not have something. - “My lack of a pencil makes it impossible for me to take
notes from lecture today.”
Absurd = (ADJECTIVE) Silly, unreasonable, or impossible to believe; Ridiculous.
(Decide where each conversation is taking place)
Connie: Jane, do you have a minute? I've got something important to get off my chest.....
Jane: Sure Connie, what's up?
Connie: know Frank and I have been dating for a few months now......and....well.....I'm late.....
Jane: You're late for what?
Connie: No, Jane......I mean, I'm LATE! As in, my body is not on track this month......
Jane: Oh my gosh, you mean you're preggers!?!?
Connie: Shhhh!! Yes, and if my dad finds out, he is going to kill Frank!
Jane: Wow, I can't believe you are knocked up. I mean, are you really sure that you're preggo?
Connie: Yes! I've taken 3 pregnancy tests – all positive!
Jane: Oh well, just get an abortion. Hey, do you want to grab some dinner at Burger King?
Andrea: Hey Dave, what do you think about being a father?
Dave: Ha! Not me – I hate kids.
Andrea: Ummmm, well that's too bad, because I'm pregnant, and it's your child.
Dave: That is not my baby! You must have slept around on me!
Andrea: I have done no such thing!! This is your baby – you need to take responsibility for it and help me raise
Dave: No way. That's not my baby, I am not the father, and I am not going to help you raise it. You had better
get an abortion.
Andrea: How cruel! I can't believe you could say such a thing to me!
Dave: I don't see what the big problem is – it only costs a couple thousand dollars.
Andrea: You are an awful person. I don't want you anywhere near my baby – I never want to see you again.
Dave: You don't have to tell me twice. See ya!
To get (something) off one's chest = To tell someone something important; if something is really worrying you
or troubling you, especially if you have been holding a secret or have done something bad/wrong, then this is
what you do to relieve your conscience. [I felt much better after I got off my chest, that I was the one who broke
grandma's vase. Thank you for telling me about what you did – don't you feel better now that you've gotten it off
your chest?.]
Preggers/Preggo/Knocked Up = Slang terms for being pregnant. The verb form of 'knocked up' is 'to get
knocked up' or 'to knock (someone) up'. All of these terms are NOT offensive, but a little bit low class.
To sleep around (on someone) = To engage in sexual activity with more than one person. If one is in a
relationship, and they sleep with someone OTHER than their partner, then they slept around on their partner.
[What do you know about that new girl, Sarah? Oh dude – stay away from her.....everyone says that she sleeps
around. At her old school she was dating the captain of the basketball team, but after just 2 weeks of dating, she
slept around on him!!]
Just Speak!