SPAWAR / PEO C4I SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAM FACT SHEET SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAM TEAM SPAWAR Headquarters Email: Faye Esaias, Director for Small Business Phone: (619) 524-7701 Fax: (619) 221-5521 Email: Robert “Zack” Zaccaria, Deputy for Small Business Phone: (619) 524-7701 Fax: (619) 221-5521 Email: Mark McLain, Deputy for Small Business Phone: (619) 524-7701 Fax: (619) 221-5521 Email: Aubrey Lavitoria, Small Business Advisor Phone: (619) 524-7701 Fax: (619) 221-5521 Email: SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific Dean Dickau, Deputy for Small Business Phone: (619) 553-4327 Fax: (619) 553-4827 Email: Simplified Acquisition Jeannette Perez Phone: (619) 553-9046 Email: SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic Robin Rourk, Deputy for Small Business Phone: (843) 218-5115 Email: Timothy Wiand, Deputy for Small Business Phone: (843) 218-5167 Email: PAGE 1 OF 2 TEAM SPAWAR OVERVIEW SPAWAR is the Navy's Information Dominance systems command and the Navy's technical authority and acquisition command for command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR), business information technology and space systems. SPAWAR develops, buys, installs and integrates Information Dominance capabilities for the Fleet and other Navy partners. Team SPAWAR supports the entire acquisition lifecycle of C4ISR products and services – building affordable future Information Dominance capability. The command, comprises Team SPAWAR, diverse Program Executive Offices (PEOs), directorates and field activities, is uniquely composed to deliver Information Dominance capabilities to the Navy, the Department of Defense and other government agencies: SPAWAR Headquarters (San Diego, CA) PEO C4I (San Diego, CA) PEO Space Systems (Chantilly, VA) PEO Enterprise Information Systems (Arlington, VA) JTNC* (San Diego, CA) *Replaced JEPO/JTRS SPAWAR’s Systems Centers are located in San Diego, CA and Charleston, SC FLEET SUPPORT: Best Value Programs (Examples only) Navy's C4I Provider Move to one provider of common C4I equipment across the fleet - for both new construction and equipment overhaul CANES - Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services Will achieve an open, agile, flexible and affordable architecture that is the cornerstone for the Navy's tactical afloat networks Design Budget Strategy Provides current C4I equipment later in construction period benefiting the Fleet by avoiding "rip out and replacement" prior to first deployment MUOS - Mobile User Objective System Next generation satellite communication system that provides mobile users with higher data rates and improved operational availability Bandwidth Improvement Commercial Broadband Satellite Program Statement A: Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited (14 November2012) HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH SPAWAR Visit our website to view current and future business opportunities: Select from the left side of the main menu, one of three SPAWAR buying offices: Headquarters San Diego, Calif. SSC Pacific SSC Atlantic Acquisitions for the PEO C4I are included on the SPAWAR Headquarters website. Market Surveys & Future Opportunities – View “Sources Sought Notices,” “Pre-Solicitation Notices,” “Request for Information,” or “Draft Solicitations”. Sources Sought Notices are requests for capability statements evaluated for purposes of determining the level of competition available. Results from these notices are frequently used to determine the possibility for an 8(a), HUBZone, Service Disabled Veteran Owned, or small business set-aside. Be sure to “Subscribe” to any opportunity you would like to electronically track. When you subscribe you will automatically be added to the “Bidders’ List.” Open Solicitations – View current solicitations including the statement of work. You may also view the electronic “Prospective Bidders List” for a solicitation to locate teaming partners or points of contact for subcontracting opportunities. The list will include all those who have subscribed to the solicitation. Simplified Acquisitions (SAP) – View supply or service acquisitions with an anticipated dollar value between $3,000 and $150,000. These purchases are normally reserved for small business concerns. Closed Solicitations – View solicitations that have closed and are currently under “Evaluation.” Awarded Contracts – View contracts that have been awarded, look for subcontracting opportunities. i-Services: Subscription Services - You may choose to anonymously browse our website. However, we also offer “Solicitation Subscription” services to notify you by electronic mail when SPAWAR solicitations are updated (e.g. issuance of Amendments to solicitations, messages regarding PreSolicitation Conferences, issuance of Statement of Work and other associated data, etc.). NOTE: The Government makes no guarantee of e-mail notification. Visit the site frequently. Registered Users - You must be a registered user…contract specialist, contracting officer and author to ask questions and submit electronic proposals on-line. On-line proposals are protected by 128-bit Secure Socket Layer encryption and may be viewed only by the Contract Specialist, Contracting Officer, and Author. News: - On the e-commerce welcome page, look at the “news” for announcements such as industry days, small business events and contracting information. PAGE 2 OF 2 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What do I need to do to get started? Visit the Department of Navy Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) and the SPAWAR OSBP websites for helpful information. What other resources are available to me? SPAWAR Small Business Office Team – We operate as the SPAWAR advocate for small business and we offer one-on-one counseling. See page 1 for contact information. Small Business Administration Office Procurement Technical Assistance Centers or call 619-285-7020 Small Business Development Center – North San Diego County or call 760-765-8740 Where do I find more information about SEAPORTENHANCED (Seaport-e)? The official website will be the home of all Official SeaPort Enhanced Rolling Admissions information, including the Solicitation, industry briefs, and other notices to industry. Please check the website frequently for the latest information. What is the JTNC program? As part of the Department of Defense, the Joint Tactical Networking Center (JTNC) develops, sustains and certifies Joint Tactical Networking applications and waveforms for the War fighter; thus ensuring secure, interoperable and affordable battlefield networking systems. It is the provider for centralized management, development and sustainment of joint waveform and network management applications. For more information visit: Does SPAWAR participate in the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program? Yes, the SPAWAR SBIR Program Manager (Acting) is Elizabeth Altmann, email: or telephone (619) 226-5296. All DoD SBIR/STTR solicitations are available in electronic format ONLY at (Sign up for newsletter) Need information about SPAWAR’s Robotic Program? Information about SPAWAR’s robotic and unmanned vehicle program can be found on our web site at: What is System for Award Management ( SAM is a Federal Government owned and operated free web site that consolidates the capabilities in CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS. Future phases of SAM will add the capabilities of other systems used in Federal procurement and awards processes. Additional information, such as a full User Guide, Quick Start Guides, Helpful Hints, and Webinars are available on the SAM HELP tab. FEDERAL Service Desk URL: Statement A: Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited (14 November 2012) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGION SMALL BUSINESS TEAM TEAM MEMBER Faye Esaias Director Small Business Programs (OSBP) ORGANIZATION CONTACT INFO EMAIL/ WEB SITE Space and Naval Warfare Systems Headquarters (SPAWAR HQ) (619) 524-7701 Fax (619) 221-5521 Robert “Zack” Zaccaria, Deputy Director, OSBP Mark McLain Deputy Director OSBP Aubrey Lavitoria Dean Dickau Deputy Director OSBP SPAWAR HQ (619) 524-7701 Fax (619) 221-5521 SPAWAR HQ (619) 524-7701 Fax (619) 221-5521 Refer to above (619) 553-4327 Fax (619) 553-4827 SPAWAR/PACIFIC/ Refer to above Development of technology to collect, transmit, process, display and manage information essential to naval operations Provide base operating support and quality of life services for operating forces & shore Cmds. Provide construction, architecture & engineering, environmental planning, & remediation, base operating support and utilities See above SPAWAR HQ Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific Gary P. Thomas Deputy Director OSBP Lora Morrow Deputy Director OSBP Fleet Logistics CenterSan Diego Patty Olivas Deputy, OSBP Sylvia Nard Deputy Director OSBP NAVFAC – SW Naval Medical Center NMC-SD (619) 532-6507 Fax (619) 532-5488 Alice Watson, Deputy Director OSBP Southwest Regional Maintenance Center (SWRMC) (619)556-3367 Fax (619)553-2331 Jane Pamintuan Alternate, OSBP DaKeyah McFarlin Deputy Director OSBP SWRMC Sandra Ingram Deputy Director OSBP Tom Winans Deputy Director OSBP Ivette Jorge SB Specialist Navy Facilities Command - Southwest Division (NAVFAC – SW) Marine Corps Installations West (MCIWEST)-MCB Camp Pendleton, CA Marine Corps Tactical System Support MCTSSA, USMC Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division and Corona Division, CA U.S. Department of Homeland Security RDZ 3-19-13 (619) 556-5109 (619) 532-2248 Fax (619) 532-3358 navsup/ (619) 532-2375 MISSIONS Provide contracting services for Navy, Joint and Coalition Interoperability, C4I, IT-21, NMCI and Web-enabled Navy Integration Refer to above tes/navmedmpte/nmtc/Pag es /business-services.html Provide medical care to the military community Medical teaching facility and research ctr. See above (760) 763-5645 Fax (760) 725-4346 http://00002a6.previewcoxh (760) 725-9189 Fax (760) 725-2514 (805) 228-0372 Fax (805) 228-5718 USMC (SW U.S.) w/contract support for supplies and services (excl most construction, A&E and facilities maintenance). Validate and verify Marine AirGround Task Force systems integration and interoperability Surface ships weapon systems test & eval, ILS, combat systems modernize, surface gun & missile launch systems, design, measure & integration of weapon systems, ships & aircraft combat training. (619-556-9389 /nswc (619)216-4106 business Naval ship construction and repair facilities See web site for Acquisitions and acquisition forecast. TEAM MEMBER ORGANIZATION CONTACT INFO EMAIL/ WEB SITE Derrick Hu Deputy for Small Business Programs Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division (760) 939-2712 Fax (760) 939-8329 osbp/ Willard Strozier Deputy Director OSBP Los Angeles Air Force Base Donna Thomason Deputy, OSBP Edwards Air Force Base (661) 277-3640 Fax (661)275-9652 Mary Helen Ruiz Small Business Administrator NASA/ JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab) (818) 345-7532 Fax (818) 393-1746 Robert Medina Deputy Director OSBP Dryden Flight Research Center Pam Smith-Cressel Deputy, OSBP Rosa Rodarte 8(a) Program Gunnar Schalin Director General Services Administration (LA) Small Business Administration San Diego Procurement Technical Assistance Center Los Angeles Procurement Technical Assistance Center Small Business Development & International trade center The Small Business Development Center MiraCosta College Deb CabreiraJohnson Director Debbie Trujillo Regional/State Director Lynn Pittman/ Marketing Consultant (310) 653-1108 willard.strozier@losangeles.a donna.thompson@edwards. Mary Spencer Deputy Director U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District Renee F Luna Deputy, Small Business/ ACO Office of Naval Research (ONR) Beth Swing SB Specialist Office of Naval Research (ONR)ACO Eric Revalli Department of Veteran Affairs Mark Micchio Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) (661) 276-3343 Fax (661) 276-2904 (213)894 -3210 Fax (213)894-7658 (619) 727-4877 (619) 285-7020 Fax (619) 285-7030 (323) 881-3958 Fax (323) 881-1871 (619) 482-6388 Fax (619)-216-6692 (760)795-8740 Cell (619) 316-6879 (213)453-3938 (619) 221-5601 FAX (619) 2215615 (619)221-5490 (562) 826-5534 FAX (562) 826-828 . http://www.sandiegosmallbiz. com. mil mil RDT&E for weapons & weaps systems, platform & Sys. integration, electronic warfare, survivability, lethality, energetics Guided missile & space vehicle mfg., R&D physical, engineering & life sciences, space research, satellite communications research, development, and test and eval of aerospace systems Robotic space exploration for NASA; end-to-end space science and Earth science missions; research and development Flight research, test, engineering, flight operations, mission information and test systems, aerospace flight research Contact for Federal Schedule information Supervisor, Business Development Division Assist San Diego businesses through opportunities in government contracting Assist Los Angeles County businesses through opportunities in government contracting Assist small businesses with financial, marketing, production, organization, engineering and technical problems Consulting services and workshops for small businesses in North San Diego County. Call for an appointment Southern California US Army Corps of Engineers (Construction) science and technology allocating funds to meet the warfighter's requirements. See above SDVOSB verification, outreach and networking, building a business Provide and supports microelectronics technologies through the commercial sector RDZ 3-19-13 MISSIONS SDRIC Workshop I – March 27, 2013 HANDOUT - San Diego Networking Resources Organization American Council for Technology (ACT) Industry Advisory Council (IAC) Website efault.aspx?Site=act Brief Description – Note all organizations hold regular networking events The American Council for Technology (ACT) - Industry Advisory Council (IAC) is a non-profit, public-private partnership dedicated to improving government through the application of information technology. ACT-IAC provides an objective, ethical and trusted forum where government and industry exchange information and collaborate on technology issues in the public sector. Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) “AFCEA is an international organization that serves its members by providing a forum for the ethical exchange of information. AFCEA is dedicated to increasing knowledge through the exploration of issues relevant to its members in information technology, communications, and electronics for the defense, homeland security and intelligence communities.” American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) Members of the San Diego chapter of the American Society of Training and Development represent financial and educational institutions, retailers, hospitals, high technology firms, manufacturing, government agencies, service industries, construction, tourism, publishing and airlines, as well as independent consultants and students. Athena – Women in Technology (WIT) Our mission is to promote professional growth for women executives and rising managers in science and technology. Sectors include life sciences, healthcare, defense, engineering, and related industries, as well as the service providers who support these sectors. Personal and professional growth is fostered through unique educational and motivational programs that address key issues in these industries. Athena also provides networking opportunities that contribute to the vitality of women’s roles in business and nurtures the next generation of women executives. Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International is the world's largest non-profit organization devoted exclusively to advancing the unmanned systems and robotics community. Serving more than 7,500 members from government organizations, industry and academia, AUVSI is committed to fostering, developing, and promoting unmanned systems and robotic technologies. AUVSI members support defense, civil and commercial sectors. Chamber of Commerce San Diego The San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce aims to be the most influential business network, advocate and resource for growing commerce in the San Diego region. Today, the Chamber is the largest nonprofit advocate for the San Diego regional business community. With nearly 3,000 members representing 400,000 employees, the Chamber is actively involved in local government, regional economic development and providing valuable resources to its members. SDRIC Workshop I – March 27, 2013 HANDOUT - San Diego Networking Resources_Final 1 Organization CommNexus San Diego Website Brief Description – Note all organizations hold regular networking events CommNexus is a non-profit technology industry association that works to accelerate the formation, growth, and success of the technology industry in the region. We deliver value to the technology industry through content-driven programs that provide access to capital, talent and business development. Our program portfolio includes EvoNexus™, a non-profit incubator for high tech start-up ventures; MarketLink™, which introduces regional companies to multi-national corporations via high-tech speed dates; NextStage™, which prepares emerging companies for the next step in developing their business plan; and Special Interest Groups (SIGs), regularly scheduled panel discussions which examine key issues in the industry. Connect CONNECT is a regional program that catalyzes the creation of innovative technology and life sciences products in San Diego County by linking inventors and entrepreneurs with the resources they need for success. Since 1985, CONNECT has assisted in the formation and development of more than 3,000 companies. The leadership of CONNECT attributes its success to the unique culture of collaboration between industry, capital sources, professional service providers and research organizations that CONNECT has sought to foster in the region. Corporate Directors Forum Corporate Directors Forum is a nonprofit organization (501C-6) founded in 1991 to promote high standards of professionalism in corporate governance, and we’ve done it with a commitment to our core values and beliefs, and guided by our purpose. At Corporate Directors Forum, we provide tools to help directors excel in the boardroom. International Test and Evaluation Association (ITEA) http://www.itea-sd.or For over thirty years the International Test and Evaluation Association (ITEA) has been advancing the exchange of technical, programmatic, and acquisition information among the test and evaluation community. ITEA members come together to learn and share with others from industry, government, and academia, who are involved with the development and application of the policies and techniques used to assess effectiveness, reliability, interoperability, and safety of existing, legacy, and future technology-based weapon and non-weapon systems and products throughout their lifecycle. ITEA members embody a broad and diverse set of knowledge, skills, and abilities that span the full spectrum of the test and evaluation profession. MIT Forum San Diego The MIT Enterprise Forum San Diego is about education, networking, and community among business leaders, technologists, capital and service providers. We discuss the business issues of leading technology and life sciences companies in a public forum where we all learn about how to keep innovative technology and life science companies running straight and fast! National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) The San Diego Chapter National Defense Industrial Association efforts are to promote cooperative dialog between government and the defense industry. The chapter is one of the largest and most active, hence most influential, chapters in the nation. It has been selected as a “model chapter” since the inception of the award. The success of our chapter and every event and activity that benefits our members is the product of talented volunteers who make service to the defense industry community one of their professional development goals. SDRIC Workshop I – March 27, 2013 HANDOUT - San Diego Networking Resources_Final 2 Organization Program Management Institute (PMI) Website Brief Description – Note all organizations hold regular networking events PMI is one of the world’s largest not-for-profit membership associations for the project management profession. Our professional resources and research empower more than 700,000 members, credential holders and volunteers in nearly every country in the world to enhance their careers, improve their organizations’ success and further mature the profession. PMI’s worldwide advocacy for project management is reinforced by our globally recognized standards and certification program, extensive academic and market research programs, chapters and communities of practice, and professional development opportunities. San Diego Association of Government Accountants (AGA) San Diego Contracting Opportunities Center (SDCOC) San Diego Association of Government Accountants (AGA) supports the careers and professional development of government finance professionals working in federal, state and local governments as well as the private sector and academia. They hold periodic trainings on DCAA audits and cost accounting standards, which can be useful to small business owners, who don’t have in-house staff or resources in this area. San Diego Contracting Opportunities Center (SDCOC) is an economic development program of Southwestern College/Foundation. SDCOC is a Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), funded by local government agencies and the Department of Defense1.Our mission is to assist San Diego small businesses in how to do business with federal, state and local government agencies. This assistance is provided at no cost to the small business owner. Small businesses (as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration) located in San Diego County that sell products or services needed by a government agency are welcome to apply for services. San Diego Military Advisory Council (SDMAC) The San Diego Military Advisory Council (SDMAC) is a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation, whose mission is to support, promote, and represent the common business and other interests of the military, their quality of life issues, and the defense industry community in the San Diego area. SDMAC will advance the partnership and communication between the military, our elected and appointed officials, and the business community while working to enhance recognition of the military’s many contributions to the greater San Diego area, and will be capable of focusing on, speaking publicly on, and taking appropriate actions in furtherance of its mission. Small Business Administration (SBA) The U.S. government Small Business Administration offers many tools, resources, and events to help small business build their potential to successfully complete in the federal sector. Local assistance is also available. SD SHRM - Society for Human Resource Management (SD SHRM) SD SHRM is the local chapter of the national Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Since 1945, we have provided human resource professionals with the resources they need to excel in their careers. Become a member and discover new opportunities to network with other HR professionals, stay up to date on the latest HR legislation, tap into our exclusive member Job Bank, and much more. SDRIC Workshop I – March 27, 2013 HANDOUT - San Diego Networking Resources_Final 3 Organization Thompson Search Website m/newsletter/sdevents.htm networkingevents@semnow.c om Brief Description – Note all organizations hold regular networking events Thompson Search events newsletter brings you the networking news that helps you stay connected in San Diego. This bi weekly newsletter comes to you via a new e-publishing tool, since our list now is distributed as a free service to the San Diego county community, to over 6000 recipients! Women In Defense (WID) lt.aspx Women In Defense (WID), A National Security Organization cultivates and supports the advancement and recognition of women in all aspects of national security. WID was established to provide women a formal environment for professional growth through networking, education, and career development. Women In Defense is an affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), which represents all facets of the defense and technology industrial base and serves all military services. This affiliation gives WID members a source for defense industry information, increased networking opportunities and professional contacts, and an expanded scope of informative programs. Women in Technology International (WITI) With a global network of smart, talented women and a market reach exceeding 2 million, WITI has powerful programs and partnerships that provide connections, resources, opportunities and a supportive environment of women committed to helping each other. Along with its professional association of Networks throughout the U.S. and worldwide, including Hong Kong, Great Britain, Australia, and Mexico, WITI delivers value for individuals that work for a company, the government or academia, as well as small business owners. WITI products and services include: Networking, WITI Marketplace, Career Services/Search, National Conferences and Regional Events, Publications and Resources, Small Business Programs, Research, Bulletin Boards and more. World Trade Center San Diego (WTCSD) World Trade Center San Diego (WTCSD) is a San Diego based trade association that provides comprehensive international business services and global lead-generation to facilitate and expand business internationally for regional clients. With services such as global data mining, intercultural communication training, global market briefings, trade missions and export documentation, World Trade Center San Diego helps businesses start or expand upon their international operations. We are San Diego's go to destination for international. SDRIC Workshop I – March 27, 2013 HANDOUT - San Diego Networking Resources_Final 4 March 15, 2012 Request for information (RFI) for Services Procurements [Stand-alone contracts or SeaPort-e Task Orders]) [Sections of this document that are to be completed by the CO to tailor it for a specific task are highlighted. Italics text in brackets are notes for the contracting officer regarding information that should be filled in to build the RFI. The final document should have all the highlighting removed and final text should not be italicized.] REFERENCE NUMBER: [fill in with the solicitation number or market survey number] **LARGE BUSINESSES DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE** Note: The above comment is editable as deemed appropriate for individual actions 1. This Market Survey is issued for the purpose of determining Small Business capabilities. Small Business firms having the capabilities to perform the tasking described in this RFI are encouraged to respond. It should be noted that any resultant contract or task order for services (except construction) will require at least 50 percent of the cost* of the contract performance incurred to be expended for employees of the concern proposing as a prime. Please see FAR Clause 52.219-14, Limitations on Subcontracting (Nov 2011) for prescription and complete version of the clause. *Contractors should note that “cost” refers to the total burdened labor costs expected to be expended under the effort. 2. The contractor will be tasked to accomplish the work as specified in the [draft Performance Work Statement (PWS) or Statement of Work (SOW)] posted on the [SPAWAR e-Commerce website or SeaPort-e Portal] under the reference number cited above] or [Summary of Work, Table 2, contained in Section 2 below.] A. The Space and Naval Warfare [Systems Command, Systems Center Pacific (SSCPac), Atlantic (SSC-LANT)] is issuing this Market Survey for determining Small Business capabilities and is soliciting information from potential sources to provide [fill in with brief title/description of program/project, identifying geographic area for performance, and the (SPAWAR HQ, SSC Pacific or SSC Atlantic)]. B. The Government anticipates this effort to be a [CPFF, FFP, CPIF, etc.] type contract for [#][years’ months’] period of performance. [In addition, multiple awards, depending on the RFP evaluation results, “ will or will not” be considered.] This is a [follow-on contract / new requirement] for [enter title of the program/project], contract number [#] and the incumbent contractor is [company or companies’ names] [Tailor this paragraph as appropriate] C. The Government’s estimated level of effort for this procurement, based upon Full Time Equivalents (FTE’s) will be approximately [#] per year Each FTE is estimated to be [#] (e.g. 1920) hours per year. 1 March 15, 2012 D. The Government’s estimated dollar range for this effort is: [fill in IAW the value ranges in the table below] Below $5M >$5M - $10M >$10M - $50M >$50M - $100M >$100M - $250M >$250M E. The applicable NAICS code is [#] with a size standard of [$#.#M] 3. Responses shall be prepared so that when printed, they meet the following requirements: 8.5x11 inch paper, single-spaced typed lines, 1 inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font. Tables may use 10-point font. Graphics or pictures are not allowed. Illustrations such as tables, flowcharts, organizational charts, process charts or other similar type informational charts may be used, and they will be counted against the page count limitations. Text entered into Attachment 1 shall be single spaced Times New Roman 10 point font. (This is the recommended wording if the government decides to incorporate the proposed Attachment 1 into this RFI format) Respondents are responsible for ensuring the legibility of all table, charts, etc., and should assume that when their response is printed or copied, it will be done in black and white. When submitted, the format of Table 1 shall not be changed from how it appears in this document. 4. Responses shall include a Corporate Description section and a Corporate Experience section as described below. Section 1: Corporate Description. Capability Responses must include all of the following information (2 page limit): (1) Name of firm (2) State the respondent’s size status and whether the respondent is registered in applicable NAICS code listed in paragraph 2E above. (3) Ownership, including whether: , Small, Small Disadvantaged, 8(a), Women-Owned, HUBZone, Veteran Owned and/or Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Business; (4) Two points of contact, including: Name, title, phone, and e-mail address (5) CAGE Code and DUNS Number (6) Affiliate information, including parent corporation, joint venture partners, potential teaming partners, prime contractor (if potential sub) or subcontractors (if potential prime). (7) A completed Table 1. Table 1is a listing the percentage of work a respondent can perform with respect to the stated requirements based on the respondent’s capabilities. This is an assessment/ analysis of a respondent’s independent abilities as 2 March 15, 2012 to what they can or cannot perform – exclusive of any potential subcontractor/team member information. Do not include any documentation or percentages for any company other than your own. For respondents planning to propose a teaming arrangement that complies with the requirements set forth in FAR clause 52.219-27 (Notice of Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Set-Aside (Nov 2011), Table 1 must be completed for each of the teaming partners. In this case, additional Table 1 listings may be submitted on additional pages, but those additional pages shall only contain those additional tables – no additional narrative is permitted on these extra pages beyond a one line caption for each table. Respondents shall fill in Columns B and C of Table 1. a. The percentages listed in Column A represent the government’s estimated percentage of effort in each technical area that will be required relative to the overall effort of the [contract or task order]. b. Entries in Column B reflect the percentage work in each technical area that a respondent can accomplish as described above. The values in each of the rows of this column will be between 0 and 100%. c. Values in Column C represent the percentages of the overall [contract or task order] that the respondent can accomplish in each task area. For each task area, this is determined by multiplying the percentage listed in Column A with the percentage entered in Column B. The sum of the values in Column C represents the percentage of the overall [contract or task order] that the respondent can accomplish. This value cannot exceed 100%. TABLE 1 – Respondent’s Level of Effort Capability [Fill in Tasking Description column – Add / Delete rows as necessary] Column A Column B Column C Tasking Description Percentage of Respondent’s Respondent’s (with PWS Functional Area Projected Level of Projected Level of Effort in each Overall Task Effort Paragraph Effort in the Functional Area Overall Task Function Reference) (Col A) x (Col B) al Area (Gov Est) (%) (%) [Program A Management Support (Para 3.2)] [Engineering B Support (Para 3.3)] [Technical Support C (Paras 3.4,3.5,3.6)] [Software Support D (Para 3.7)] 100% Totals 1 Table 1 notes: 1. The Sum of the values in Column C represent the percentage of the task that the respondent can perform as the prime. 3 March 15, 2012 (8) A list of customers for current and relevant work performed. The purpose is to demonstrate the prime’s management infrastructure, capacity to procure and manage a level of effort which may include, but is not limited to, teaming arrangements, joint ventures, etc. that correspond to the technical tasking, relevant experience, and past performance. Respondents shall submit at least 1, and no more than 3, citations of current and relevant work performed This information is not part of the description of the corporate capabilities for technical requirements listed in [Table 2 or the Draft PWS/SOW]. a. Current work is defined as work performed within the [#] years before the posting date of this market survey. b. Common aspects of relevancy include similarity of services/support, complexity, dollar value, contract type, and degree of subcontract/teaming. c. Information for each customer shall be provided by completing the Relevant Contract Experience Matrix provided as attachment (1) to this template. (9) A statement that the contractor either has or does not have an approved accounting system, as required in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 16.301-3(a)(3) for costreimbursement contracts. (10) Additional Information. [Contracting Officer may list here any additional required information needed to establish the pertinent capabilities of the respondents. Consider adjusting page count guidance depending on the additional information that is being requested.] Section 2: Corporate Capabilities. Respondents shall summarize the work their company, employees or partnership has performed relevant to this planned requirement by demonstrating their experience/capabilities as [outlined in Table 2 or described in the attached draft PWS/SOW/SOO]. [Page limitations for each section are listed in Table 2; or, page limitations are as follows: PWS/SOW paragraph X.X, Table 1 section A: 1 page PWS/SOW paragraph X.X, Table 1 section B: 1 page PWS/SOW paragraph X.X, Table 1 section C: 1 page PWS/SOW paragraph X.X, Table 1 section D: 1 page, etc.] Template instructions: If a draft PWS/SOW/SOO is available it should be included in the RFI and instruct respondents to use it as the basis of their response. If one is not available, then use the matrix format of Table 2 – Do not use both as it may cause unnecessary confusion . The definitions of current and relevant as listed in paragraph 4(8) above apply to the experience/capabilities cited in the response to this section. For respondents planning to propose a teaming arrangement that complies with the requirements set forth in FAR clause 52.219-27 (Notice of Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Set-Aside 4 March 15, 2012 (Nov 2011), this section should address the combined experience/capabilities of the companies that are part of that teaming arrangement. TABLE 2 – Summary of Work PWS Paragraph/ Table 1 Section 3.2/A 3.3/B 3.4, 3.5, 3.6,/C Tasking Program Management Discuss experience relevant to PWS/SOO and: 3.2.2. Experience in managing at the project level to meet schedules within budgets. Experience in developing and adhering to Project Management Plans. Experience in defining Project Requirements. Experience in developing Risk Management Plans. Experience in developing Configuration Management Plans. Systems Engineering Discuss experience relevant to PWS/SOO and specifically discuss: 3.3.1 Experience performing system design configuration for systems design and integration. 3.3.2 Experience investigating and providing detailed analysis and studies for signal processing. Experience performing tests and studies for system design, integration, installation and operations. - Experience with industry best or other models for engineering process improvement/management as related to system engineering and software engineering. - Experience eliciting, analyzing, verifying, validating, and managing requirements for complex security systems and security command centers. Technical Support Discuss experience relevant to PWS/SOO and: 3.4.2 Experience in Maintenance, overhaul, troubleshooting and repair of systems relevant to this effort. 3.6.1 Experience in developing test plans and performing tests for systems integration, installation, operation and site design. 3.7.1 Experience developing logistics support documentation. 3.7.2 Experience developing training course materials and audio/visual aids for instruction in systems and equipment operation and maintenance. 5 Page Limit 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page March 15, 2012 3.7.3 Experience in developing technical manuals for operation, maintenance and systems to support systems and equipment. - Experience utilizing web-based or other software application tools to perform comprehensive system sustainment functions. - Experience providing 24X7 trouble call support services and regional response forces for routine and emergency response requirements. - Experience being approved and trained as a certified dealer of major Commercial Off The Shelf electronic security system manufacturers. Systems Implementation Discuss experience relevant to PWS/SOO and specifically discuss: 3.5.1 Experience in developing Preliminary and Final Installation Design Packages for Electronic Security Systems. 1 3.7/D Experience in developing Fabrication and Assembly Page drawings as a result of the IDP. - Experience installing security systems in historical facilities and coordination with Federal and local government permitting/approval authorities within the NCR. [Note: Page count should reflect reasonable limitations taking into consideration that the government should not request potential sources to submit more than the minimum information necessary. Also, response timeframes should allow at least 10 business days but not more than 15 days from the date the RFI is issued.] 5. This notice is for planning purposes only and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government. This is not a solicitation announcement. No reimbursement will be made for any costs associated with providing information in response to this announcement, or any follow-up information requests. Respondents will be notified of the results of this evaluation. The Government reserves the right to consider a set-aside for small businesses or one of the small business preference groups. (e.g., 8(a), HUBZone, SDVOSB, WOSB etc.). Any questions shall be submitted to the Contract Specialist via the email address listed below by the specified date. Any questions submitted after the specified date may not receive responses. 6. Responses to this RFI shall be submitted to [SPAWAR HQ, SSC Atlantic, SSC Pacific] code [#] via e-mail, E-Commerce Central, etc. per the instructions in the RFI to [fill-in with POC name and email address]. Please use reference No. [fill-in].when responding to this Market Survey. a. The closing date for this RFI is: [date] b. The closing time for this RFI is: [time & time zone] c. The deadline for submission of questions is [date] 7. Within a reasonable time after evaluation of responses, [SPAWAR HQ, SSC Atlantic, SSC Pacific] will post the acquisition strategy decision on the [e-Commerce central or Seaport-e portal]. 6 March 15, 2012 8. Support Contractors Contractor support [will or will not] be utilized in support in review and evaluation of RFI responses. Instructions: If no contractor support will be utilized delete the remainder of this para. Otherwise, complete the information as applicable. Support contractors have submitted non-compete and non-disclosure letters for the envisioned for the proposed procurement action. Respondents that wish to execute Proprietary Data Protection Agreements (PDPAs) and/or Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) for any support contractors working on this RFI must contact [XXX] and the point of contact (POC) for each company listed below. Any PDPAs or NDAs must be completed prior to the submission deadline. Companies: Name POC Contact information: Name POC Contact information: If the company agrees with the Government support contractor review of the company’s RFI response, please provide either, 1) a copy of the PDPA executed with the Government support contractors identified above, or 2) a statement that the respondent will allow the Government to release proprietary data to the Government support contractors identified above. In the absence of either of the foregoing, the Government will assume that the respondent does NOT agree to the release of proprietary data to the Government support contractors identified above. 7 March 15, 2012 Attachement 1: Relevant Contract Experience Matrix 1. Customer Point of Contact (Name; 2. Customer POC Phone Number / Email Government agency, commercial firm, or other (This information is required to verify organization) offeror’s performance) Name: Phone: Agency: Email: 3. Contract Number or other control number 4. Period of Performance Xx From: 5. Contract Type (CPFF, FFP 6. Prime or Sub 8. Contract Value etc.) $XX Xx 9. Provide brief summary of the work performed. Xx To: 10. Describe how the work demonstrates capability to perform percentages stated in Table 1. 1. Customer Point of Contact (Name; Government agency, commercial firm, or other organization) Name: Agency: 2. Customer POC Phone Number / Email (This information is required to verify offeror’s performance) Phone: Email: 3. Contract Number or other control number 4. Period of Performance Xx From: 5. Contract Type (CPFF, FFP 6. Prime or Sub 8. Contract Value etc.) $XX Xx 9. Provide brief summary of the work performed. Xx 8 To: March 15, 2012 10. Describe how the work demonstrates capability to perform percentages stated in Table 1. 9