comprehensive PDF listing of our centers

Learning Assistance Centers at Cal State Fullerton
California State University, Fullerton offers students a variety of FREE Learning Assistance Centers
that provide one-on-one or small group tutoring, as well as other services where listed below.
Whether students are looking for assistance in their major or general education courses, or if they
need assistance with writing, there is a place to go. Below is a list of the various Centers at CSUF.
More information, including hours of operation for the particular semester and whether tutoring is
offered by appointment or on a drop-in basis, can be found at the web links where provided or by
contacting the Centers directly.
General Education
University Learning Center
Location: PLN 2nd floor
Hours: Mon-Thu 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.; Fri 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Services: The University Learning Center provides tutoring in select lower division, general
education classes. The ULC is appointment-based, but walk-ins are taken based on tutor
availability. Other services include supplemental instruction, conversation/pronunciation tutors,
study groups, on-line writing tutors, academic success workshops, and academic support
services for graduate students.
Phone: (657) 278-2738
Writing Center
Location: PLN 1st floor
Hours: Contact the Writing Center for current semester hours of operation.
Services: The Writing Center offers 30-minute, one-on-one peer tutoring sessions and
workshops, aimed at providing assistance for all written assignments and student writing
concerns. Writing Center services are available to students from all disciplines, and registration
and appointment schedules are available at Walk-in
appointments are also available on a first come, first served basis, to students who have
registered online.
Phone: (657) 278-3650
Math & Science
Math Tutoring Center
Location: MH 553
Hours: For current semester hours of operation, please contact the Mathematics Department.
Services: The Mathematics Department’s Tutoring Center offers tutoring on a drop-in basis.
Tutors are available at all times to help with courses through second-semester Calculus (150B),
including Math 130 and 135. Tutoring in higher-level courses is also available; students wishing
help with these more advanced courses should come to the Tutoring Center to consult a list
of tutors and their schedules.
Phone: 657-278-3631 (Mathematics Department). For more specific questions, contact Math
Tutoring Center Director, Harriet Edwards, at 657-278-3542 or
Opportunity Center for Science and Mathematics Students
Location: MH 488
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (hours of Center
operation). Please contact the Opportunity Center or visit website for current semester’s specific
tutoring schedule which varies by semester.
Services: The Opportunity Center offers free drop-in tutoring for Biology, Chemistry,
Biochemistry and Physics for all students taking GE and major science courses. The tutoring
schedule is available in the Center and online at the start of each semester. It includes the
courses for which tutors are able to provide assistance for that semester, as well as the hours for
tutoring. The Opportunity Center also offers access to study tables, computers, printer,
photocopier, involvement opportunities and other valuable resources.
Phone: 657-278-7082
Physics Tutoring Center
Location: MH 600
Hours: Visit the Physics Department in MH-611 to see the calendar posted at the start of each
semester with the tutoring schedule.
Services: The Physics Tutoring Center offers drop-in tutoring for all levels of Physics. The
Physics department has a calendar posted in the office at the start of each semester with the
tutoring schedule.
Phone: 657-278-3366
Business and Economics
Mihaylo College Tutoring Center
Location: SGMH 2404
Hours: Please call the Center or visit the website for current semester hours of operations.
Services: The College Tutoring Center is operated by the Mihaylo College of Business and
Economics. Its mission is to assist business students to become more successful at the university
by offering tutoring assistance in various business subjects in a friendly and supportive learning
environment. Most of the subjects being tutored are the foundational business classes: ACCT
201A and B, BUAD 201 and 301, ECON 201 and 202, FIN 320, ISDS 361A and B. Appointments
are made online. Drop-ins are welcome.
Phone: 657-278-2704
Engineering & Computer Science
Academic Catalyst for Excellence (ACE)/Orange County Bridge to Engineering (OC B2E)
Tutoring Center
Location: CS-106
Hours: Please contact the Center directly for the current semester hours.
Services: The ACE/OCB2E offers engineering tutoring.
Center for Academic Support in Engineering & Computer Science (CASECS)
Location: CS-201
Hours: Please contact the Center directly for the current semester hours.
Services: CASECS is an academic support program designed to recruit, retain and graduate students.
CASECS serves educationally disadvantaged students, to the extent possible by law, and emphasizes
participation by students from groups with low eligibility rates for four-year colleges, providing a
study center, tutoring, and academic counseling for participating students.
Phone: 657-278-3879
Computer Science PC and Linux Lab
Location: CS-200
Hours: Please contact the Center directly for the current semester hours.
Services: The Computer Science PC and Linux Lab offers an open lab with students available to
Phone: 657-278-3700
Contact person: Computer Science Department - 657-278-3700
Computer Science Tutoring Center
Location: CS-401
Hours: Please contact the Center directly for the current semester hours.
Services: The Computer Science Tutoring Center offers tutoring for students enrolled in CPSC
120, CPSC 121 and CPSC 131.
Phone: Computer Science Department - 657-278-3700
PROCESS Project Tutoring Center
Location: CP-610
Hours: Please contact the Center for current semester tutoring hours.
Services: The PROCESS Project Tutoring Center assists special education teacher candidates in
their preparation to become highly qualified teachers. The Center offers tutoring for
APA/writing styles, RICA test prep, and single-subject Math and/or Science CSET test prep. For
an appointment and eligibility requirements, please contact the Tutoring Center at
Link: Visit the PROCESS community in TITANium
Phone: 657-278-8068