Syllabus - Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University-Texarkana
ED 434.001 Classroom Management & Teaching Strategies
Texas A&M University-Texarkana Campus
General Information:
Office Hours:
Dr. William Laird
UC 202 Main Campus
(O) 903-223-3135 or (C) 903-278-4348 FAX 903-223-3120
Posted and by appointment
Thursday/ 4:00-6:45 pm
The First Days of School by Harry K. and Rosemary T. Wong.
Nath, J. and Cohen, M. (2005). Becoming a Middle School or High School Teacher
in Texas. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Course Catalog Description:
Intern teachers will learn about and demonstrate secondary teaching strategies such as
exposition, demonstration, and inquiry. Also, interns will study, observe, and demonstrate an
understanding of various classroom management theories. The intern to demonstrate and
address management and instructional topics will utilize technology currently used in the
public school classroom.
Course Objectives: Student Learner Outcomes (SLO)
After completion of ED 434, the student will be able to:
1. Function successfully as an intern teacher under a secondary mentor teacher(s) in
an accredited Texas public school district for 15 weeks, four hours per week.
2. Participate in professional development sessions with mentor teachers including
faculty meetings, PTA, in-service, and site-based team meetings.
3. Plan for instruction in the classroom.
4. Choose and implement instructional strategies.
5. Choose classroom management and discipline strategies for the classroom.
6. Evaluate student performance in the classroom.
7. Discuss secondary schools with respect to roles, expectations, and duties of
students, administrators, teachers, and parents.
(TExES) Assessment Framework Competencies for this course:
1. The teacher considers environmental factors that may affect learning in designing a
responsive classroom community that offers moral support and promotes students’
learning and confidence. (2)
2. Effective teachers plan carefully so that outcome-oriented activities will produce
students who are self-directed learners in group or individual environments. (6)
3. The teacher uses effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques
to mold the classroom into a community of learners practicing active inquiry,
collaborative exploration, and supportive interactions. (7)
4. Competent teachers develop and maintain a teaching environment with an
atmosphere that encourages commitment to lifelong learning and promotes
teamwork, leadership, and appreciation of each other’s knowledge and skills. (11)
5. The teacher is a reflective professional who knows how to promote his or her own
professional growth and can work cooperatively with other professionals in the
system to create a school culture that enhances learning. There is a constant effort
to improve the school. (12)
6. The teacher uses a variety of ways to build a positive relationship with the parent(s)
or guardian(s) of a student, ever focusing on the mutual goal of educational success
for each student. (13)
7. The teacher is aware of the role the school plays within the community and seeks
ways to use the resources of the community to benefit the students’ lives now and
in the future. (14)
8. The teacher understands requirements, expectations, and constraints associated
with teaching in Texas, and can apply this understanding in a variety of ways. (15)
Domain IV- Interacting and Communicating with Families; Interacting with Other
Educators and Contributing to the School and District
Class Attendance/ INACT/ Make-up/Late Work:
ED 434.001 is a web-enhanced course. The course starts on August 27, 2012 and ends
on December 13, 2012. The course is comprised of main campus classes 9:00am 12:30p, on the following dates: September 1, September 15, September 29, October 13,
October 27, November 10, and December 1, 2012. There are weekly assignments due
via INACT ( ED 434/ ED 435 are both listed under ED
506 on INACT and I will post weekly “To do list” to help with assignment time/course
PPR Test Prep TAMUT- Saturday September 22, 2012;
9:00a-3:00p; location to be announced.
Course Requirements and Evaluation Procedures:
A. Course
Attend class on time and follow described make-up policy.
Participate appropriately in class discussions.
ACCEPTED AFTER December 13, 2012.
4. Successfully complete and turn in a Principal Interview.
5. Successfully complete and turn in “Rules, Consequences, and Procedures”
assignment for each mentor. The instructor will give specific assignment
6. Successfully complete an “Individual Teaching Strategy Report/Demonstrations”.
*Provide copies to your classmates of your report when you present.
The instructor will give specific assignment instructions.
• Constructivist Model
• Inductive Models of Teaching
Concept Attainment
Anticipation Guides
Discovery Lessons
Simulation and Role-play
Classroom Discussion Model
Integrated Curriculum
Team Teaching
Direct Instruction
Cooperative Learning
6. Successfully complete 5 text reports (Units A, B, C, D, and E) over The First Days
of School by Harry K. and Rosemary T. Wong. Instructor will provide text reports
7. Requisites for ED434/ED435: Student will NOT receive a grade until they
have met these requisites.
a. successfully complete a minimum of 40 hours (20 hours with each mentor)
of field experience (ED 434 and ED 435) (Completed Field-base Log)
b. teach at least one lesson for each mentor rotation
c. successfully attend one PPR Saturday preparation ( 6 hours)
Course Evaluation Procedures:
Principal Interview
200 pts.
Rules, Consequences, and Procedures (2 x 300)
600 pts.
Individual Teaching Strategy Report/Demonstrations
200 pts.
INACT Text Reports over The First Days of School (5 x 200)
1000 pts.
Total pts.
2000 pts.
Grade Determination:
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = below 60%
Course Schedule: *Disclaimer- The instructor reserves the right to alter the Course
Schedule as needed due to unforeseen circumstances.
PPR Test Prep TAMUT- Saturday September 22, 2012; 9:00a3:00p; location to be announced.
Meeting dates:
September 1
Course Introduction-Review Syllabus
Assign “Individual Teaching Strategy Reports”
Class Activity- Rules, Consequences and Procedures (Handout)
INACT- Complete Unit A text report over The First Days of School by Harry
K. and Rosemary T. Wong
September 15
Educational Journal article searches
Teacher Preparation Program Handbook:
TAMU-T Homepage/Academics/College of Education and Liberal Arts/Educators
Certification/Teacher Preparation Program/Download Handbook
Class Activity- Write Principal Interview Questions
The First Days of School- text, DVD # 1
INACT- Complete Unit B text report over The First Days of School by Harry
K. and Rosemary T. Wong
September 29
Parent/teacher conferences
Discuss field experiences/ mini-lessons
Writing Effective Classroom Rules
The First Days of School- text, DVD # 2
Class Activity- “The Art of Questioning”
Random questioning techniques
INACT- Complete Unit C text report over The First Days of School by Harry
K. and Rosemary T. Wong
October 13
“Rules, Consequences, and Procedures Assignment” from first mentor DUE*
Rewards and Positive Reinforcement
Discuss field experiences/ mini-lessons
Substitute Folders
Sponge Activities (Bell Ringers)
The First Days of School- text, DVD # 3
INACT- Complete Unit D text report over The First Days of School by Harry
K. and Rosemary T. Wong
October 27
Principal Interview Due -Class Discussion
Continue Individual Teaching Strategy Reports/Demonstrations
The First Days of School- text, DVD # 4
INACT- Complete Unit E text report over The First Days of School by Harry
K. and Rosemary T. Wong
November 10
Individual Teaching Strategy Reports/Demonstrations DUE*
The First Days of School- text, DVD # 5
Discuss field experiences/ mini-lessons
“Rules, Consequences, and Procedures Assignment” from second mentor DUE
ALL Field-base logs and mini-lesson evaluations DUE
INACT- Complete “Rough Draft” of YOUR Rules, Consequences and
Procedures complete with rationale statements.
The First Days of School- text, DVD # 6
December 1
Course Recap/ Discuss Residency
Review All Assignments
XIII. Disability Accommodations: Students with disabilities may request
reasonable accommodations through the A&M-Texarkana Disability Services
Office by calling 903-223-3062.
XIV. Academic Integrity: Academic honesty is expected of students enrolled in this
course. Cheating on examinations, unauthorized collaboration, falsification of
research data, plagiarism, and undocumented use of materials from any source
constitute academic dishonesty and may be grounds for a grade of ‘F’ in the
course and/or disciplinary actions. For additional information, see the
university catalog.
XV. A&M-Texarkana Email Address: Upon application to Texas A&M UniversityTexarkana an individual will be assigned an A&M-Texarkana email account.
This email account will be used to deliver official university correspondence.
Each individual is responsible for information sent and received via the
university email account and is expected to check the official A&M-Texarkana
email account on a frequent and consistent basis. Faculty and students are
required to utilize the university email account when communicating about
XVI. Drop Policy: University Drop Policy: To drop this course after the 12th class
day, a student must complete the Drop/Withdrawal Request Form, located on
the University website or obtained in the Registrar’s Office. The student must submit
the signed and completed form to the instructor of each course indicated on
the form to be dropped for his/her signature. The signature is not an
“approval” to drop, but rather confirmation that the student has discussed the
drop/withdrawal with the faculty member. The form must be submitted to the
Registrar’s office for processing in person, email, mail (P.
O. Box 5518, Texarkana, TX 75505) or fax (903-223-3140). Drop/withdraw
forms missing any of the required information will not be accepted by the
Registrar’s Office for processing. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure
that the form is completed properly before submission. If a student stops
participating in class (attending and submitting assignments) but does not
complete and submit the drop/withdrawal form, a final grade based on work
completed as outlined in the syllabus will be assigned.
Texas A & M University-Texarkana
ED 434/ED435
Mini Lesson Evaluation Report for Field Experience
University Student’s Name: ________________________________________________
Mentor Teacher: __________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________
Time: ________________________
Subject/grade/ ISD:________________________________________________________
Topic of Lesson: _________________________________________________________
Number of Students in class: ________________
+ Superior
√ Adequate  Could Be Improved n/a Not Appropriate
Domain I
_____ 1. Students are actively engaged in learning.
_____ 2. Students are successful in learning.
_____ 3. Students are connecting learning to work and life applications, both within the
discipline and with other disciplines.
Domain II
_____ 1. Objectives include basic knowledge/skills as well as central themes.
_____ 2. Content is learner-centered.
_____ 3. Strategies promote critical thinking/problem solving.
_____ 4. Appropriate pace, sequencing and variety of activities.
_____ 5. Appropriate questioning and inquiry techniques are used.
_____ 6. Available technology/media used appropriately and effectively.
Domain III
_____ 1. Academic progress is monitored and assessed.
_____ 2. Student learning is reinforced.
_____ 3. Students receive constructive feedback.
_____ 4. Teacher provides opportunities for relearning and re-evaluation.
Domain IV
_____ 1. Effectively implements discipline management.
_____ 2. Teacher interacts with students equitably.
_____ 3. Teacher intervenes and re-directs behavior.
_____ 4. Teacher reinforces desired behavior.
Domain V
_____ 1. Appropriate/accurate written communication with students.
_____ 2. Appropriate/accurate verbal and non-verbal communication with students.
_____ 3. Encourages reluctant students.
ED 434 Classroom Management/Teaching Strategies
Dr. Laird
Rules, Consequences and Procedures Assignment
Do the assignment for each mentor
a. list and give rationale
b. posted or in writing?
c. school policies or teacher rules?
a. list and give rationale
b. progressive
c. school or teacher consequences?
d. rewards for positive behavior
Be sure to include rationale
a. daily objectives
b. homework
c. grading
d. room arrangement/seating arrangement
e. start of class- sponge activity etc.
f. late work
g. absences- make-up work, cover material missed
h. questioning techniques
i. parent contact- conferences, calls, notifications (academic, behavioral)
j. testing procedures- re-test, make-up test, review, test day, time to complete test, cheating,
“some in some not”, accuracy of graded tests
k. new students
l. teacher/student movement
m. organization- notebook, etc.
n. substitute teachers
o. security- personal, grade book, answer book, etc.
p. confidentiality
Critical Analysis of Professional Reading
(Attach copy of article)
Name __________________________________ Article No.: __________________
Course: _______________________________
Title of Article: _________________________________________________________
Date of Article: ________________________________________________________
Author’s Name: ________________________________________________________
Journal Bibliographic Information: _____________________________________
Write a 1-2 page analysis containing:
A. Complete summary
B. Implications for teachers/schools
*Attach this page to each analysis
ED 434 Teaching Methods
Constructivist Model- ___________________________________________________
Concept Attainment- ____________________________________________________
Anticipation Guides- ____________________________________________________
Discovery Lessons- _____________________________________________________
Inquiry Lessons- _______________________________________________________
Problem Solving- _______________________________________________________
Simulation and Role-play- ______________________________________________
Classroom Discussion Model- ___________________________________________
Integrated Curriculum- _________________________________________________
Team Teaching- _________________________________________________________
The 5 “E” Model (?)- ____________________________________________________
Direct Instruction- ________________________________________________________
Cooperative Learning (2)- _________________________________________________________
K-W-L- ________________________________________________________________________