PUBLIC THE SCHOOL PEIMER LATIN EDITED WITH OF THE SANCTION PUBLIC THE HEB haec Ut nunc Pier ague dicat et HEAD iNdL^T^D ;IN jam et venus, ego debentia nunc praesens aut in tempus LONDON GREEN, 1872. fallor, diet, omittat. HOR. LONGMANS, MASTERS COMMISSION., erit virtus at differ THE SCHOOLS MAJESTY'S Ordinis jam OF ad Pis. 42 : AND CO. THE The CHILD'S Eev. all PUBLIC Canon that The LATIN 'Lds^^ns LaV;iri .' ' Price Course) First a By Third, and I. and the to Latin, PART Public Price price 3s. the Primer. First or New School I. Latin Latin, PART First School 2s. 6d. II. Second a (the Public Price Latin School (the Companion Primer. By the 6d. in 5s. to Steps to Courses) Public the II. SUBSIDIA Supplied to PRIMARIA, INSTRUCTORS only, on Publishers. the SCHOOL Colleges, sanction, price of the of EXERCISES PUBLIC Schools, 12mo. to Latin Exercises. and Exercise-Book Fourth Primer. the to application same Steps EDITOR the to of the KEY containing School Primer, Latin Questions PRIMARIA, Exercise-Book of Child's Companion Primer. Second, The up Public the to SHILLING. ' PRIMARIA, SUBSIDIA PARTS Boys and Primer, the from 2s. SUBSIDIA EDITOR lead to tfjittiModel " extracted Latin a/i"pteil.te ti^- Principles Edition, Primer. Latin Child's Canbn'KENNEDY'S Rev. COURSE. LATIN ACCIDENCE, KENNEDY'S is necessary ^Priee.OJNE Primer; SCHOOL by the LATIN and Private Editor of GRAMMAR, Students. the Public for Edited, School 6s. London : IN LONGMANS MEMORIAM -^ ^v\^ and CO. Latin the with use the Primer. PREFACE. THE Ee-issue present the LATIN It also of duty on of the respecting in the On from class Latin January, Public 926525 plished accom- the vox arrived theoretical For this is Ee-issue 1871. by as to work the be have to seems common ' in lessons. exemplification, the the in Grammars never school-books Pronunciation to Latin because can practice. present the to unwillingness an pronounce the alive question this English of are of points, partly settle to Appendix LONDON: generally, time to future the section, with in the endeavouring of to Master view fully more are at SCHOOL PUBLIC Masters pronunciation doubtful Nevertheless page the effectuallyby so of the the when time scholars how teaching nearly occurs principles its neutral, partly are dogmatize a a of instruction. general with at reforming process viva which Latin and Schools, PRIMER explained. and occurs the first issue the in GRAMMAR, developed of with time same of of is the given School principles the Latin note last the on Primer to a reason added for ; same and a topic Grammar.' THE; PRIMER. LATIN SCHOOL PUBLIC ,''V"; ;""""" ETYMOLOGY. LETTERS. THE " W. The 1. The the ALPHABET have Letters (2) and Latin Small, forms two modern or in now the (l) : English without Capital, or ancient is the use ; form. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP (1) (2) abcdefghijklmnop QRSTUVXYZ. qrst " 2. The / " 3. and The Nasals The Liquids Spirants Double, ("), are 1. K remains Y and 3. Q blends Latin b, z has (oe),au: d, o, n m, and in a only in with u three three of these : q, and p, t: : v few words words v before from : as, usual seldom letters two z, express or u, y. : f, h, j, s, x i,o, : 1, r are k, g, a, e, Vowels. Vowels with sound are 2. oe Semi-consonant CONSONANTS The 4. sounding by themselves, are called are Mutes The ae u The The " VOWELS, uvxyz. the quis a: or cs, ds. Kalendae. as, Greek each, : as, Dryas, zona. qvis. DIPHTHONGS used, ei, eu, (double vowels), ui. 2 PAKTS SPEECH. speltby SYLLABLES,as English. is short (w),long (-),or Quantity of syllables (-),as the vowels are short,long,or doubtful : as, 6. The " is Latin "5 OF doubtful iugeVio. Vowel A be may " (\) .Siiort or jor^ by nature: as, anias. " 162. 4. -byposition:as, vindex. ('2)Shcrt b} nataie, Lai: longdoubtful Short but : position quadruple. " 162. a. (3) by by nature, as, " Diphthongsare 7. " 8. The modern long. PARTS " I. 9. The PARTS NOUNS; I. II. VERB; (2) The As, ADJECTIVE PRONOUN The VERB A Substantive as, Croesus Croesus, rex and t Homines When Mors Mors Est agrees is called we manus naec, what a or EPITHET this is called the COPULA suffers : another Substantive is called of the Lydians, \vhere ; Predicate. \ " j" ; the Adjective. sing.^ men niyh, PrSpinqua is called the COMPLEMENT And is Copula with Complement or Thing is,does, or say, is of mare.* hand. SUBJECT. pr5pinqua, death is the Subject ; NOUNS. sea. PREDICATE. est NAMES. Quality: it in Case. the the COMMON stands for Substantive canunt, with : \ : PROPER are ATTRIBUTE attributivelyjoined to Lydorum, Croesus, king is called Canunt an states As, homines * the vast is called As, tu, tlion; of three kinds are Caesar, Places attributes vastum, mare (3) The (4) and Thing a APPELLA.TIVA,or are Vastum II. names of Persons All others WORDS, or king ; Caesar, a rex, (a) Names SPEECH. III. PARTICLES. SUBSTANTIVE (l) The As, OF SPEECH, OF in Latin. used Stops are " 87. rex its APPOSITE: is Apposke to FLEXION. As, Hue Where, "When, shews ADVERB (5) The III. celeriter, nunc curre How or hither run : now quickly. PREPOSITION (G) The word As, As, Sves Thus lux may " Article in Latin like a, an, the,in English. the light, or simplylight. light, a the Parts of be called Speechmay eight: 5. .Adverb, 2. Adjective, 6. 3. Pronoun, Verb, 7. Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection, 8. x have 11. Which Flexion. in (l)The changes made meaning, Verbs are DECLINED. are CONJUGATED. (3) A Noun has three ACCIDENTS A Verb five : [a. The in order word, to vary NUMBER, CASE, GENDER VOICE, MOOD, TENSE, NUMBER, PERSON. is that part of STEM a Flexion.* without are called its FLEXION. are (2) Nouns a word on : which the changes of ; Flexion based. are b. A or : Substantive, Which its exclamation is an 1. 4. " birds. sheepand aves, no mean Hence 10. et and clauses: lo,it snows. ningit, is There ; other some t the door. a links words INTERJECTION As, ecce Note. fores,/ stand ad CONJUNCTION (s)The to Noun a : sto (7) The the relation of it shews and the Case of governs Flexional addition at the end of the Stem SUFFIX. The last letter of the Stem c. is often indicated book d. The of Stem from the gradu-,diE-. The of Stem But audi-,monE-. ; and reo-e f. The in shown by ENDING and in this Capital. or usuallydiscerned by castingoff -rum Plural :f as, niensA-, domino-, ICON-,man-, is Verb is shewn in the ImperativeMood: as, amA-, in the Third Conjugation-e must be cast off: as, Deponent Verb -re or -ere : is that part which word a Thus in agitare, agitA- is the comparingag-ere, ag-men. And a * Except the Comparison of Adverbs, " 37. in the First,Second, and t Casting off -rum and CHARACTER, an a ROOT words. as a by Noun Genitive -urn e. a is called the is called Fourth. B 2 as, has fA-re,rE-re, in with common Stem, but g is the las-ere. ag- the dred kin- Root, Root-character.] Fifth Declensions; -urn in the Third SUBSTANTIVES. DECLENSION " The 12. the OF is declined Substantive Adjectiveby Number, 13. The as on", Numbers See " 9 (2). 1. two: are table ; a mensa, and Case : by Number Gender, agreeing in Case, and these with its Substantive. " NOUNS. 2. SINGULAR, speakingof PLURAL, ol* than more one, as tables. mensae. "14. The Cases six. are the Answers 1. NOMINATIVE (Caseof 2. VOCATIVE Who . . question what? or Quis dedit? Vir, Who A gavel Vir, addressed) one man. Oman. Virum, A man. Viri, A man's. Viro, To A a viro, By Genders 15. The " is said Feminine or to MASCULINE; 1. which Substantive A 3. NEUTER. three: are be may to both be COMMON 2. man. a man, FEMININE; either Masculine Genders. SUBSTANTIVES. " There 1G. known by are five Declensions endingsof the Gen. : " ii. in, iv. y. Sing. i^ is us Ii Plur. Arum Drum umf Uum Erum " 17. (1) In the are their Genitives Substantives, ae I. Gen. of Latin Neuter same Nouns, the in each Number or lum Nominative, Vocative,and severally ; and in the Plural sative Accu- they end in ". is the same of Latin words the Nominative, as the Second Declension of Nouns like domlnus, films. except in Singular Plural Ablative and the Dative The are same. always (3) (2) * The Many Vocative English Particles may in, upon, of\for, at, than. before f The Consonant um be signs of the is the Character. Latin Ablative See " 11 c ; : as, by,with,from, " 21 (a). AND FIRST FIRST THE " 18. SECOND DECLENSIONS. DECLENSION contains First Declension The Feminine, with Nominative chieHyProper Names, in as, (A-nouns). in es, a ; Latin and a a Voc. IWCensa, 0 table Ace. XVZensam, Gen. ItiEensae, Dat. IKCensae, Abl. ZVlensa, Decline a Feminine. e Mensae, f. tables, IVIensae, 0 tables X"ensas, tables table table of a words, Plural. table Xttensa, Greek Masculine,,and Singular. Norn. Nouns, mostly few tables of FvSensArum, for a table IVIensIs, to or for tables by,with,or from a table IVZensTs, by,with,or from to or also tables : Singular. Goddess,f. Nom. De-a Voc. De-a Ace. De-am Gen. De-ae Dat. De-ae Abl. De-a N. V. De-ae Ace. De-as Gen. De-Arum D. Abl. De-abus. Note." Masc. Substantives THE " SECOND 19. The in us, in Second a are declined like DECLENSION Declension : as mensa poeta, " poet. (O-nouns). contains Nouns "r, generally Masculine, and in um, with native Nomi- Neuter. (a) MASCULINE. Plural. Singular. Xom. Voc. Bominiis, Bom lord a ing, 0 lord Ace. Dominum, Gen. Domini, Dat. 335min5, Abl. Uomino, Domini, lords,m. Domini, 0 lords a lord Dominds, lords of a lord DominOrum, to or for a lord b?/,with, or from a lord Dominis, of lords to,or for lords Dominls, b?/,with, or from lords. SECOND DECLENSION. Singular. Plural boy Nora. PueV, Voc. Piier, 0 boy Ace. Piierum, a Gen. Piieri, of a a Pugri, boys,m. Piieri, 0 boy Piier boys 6s, boys Abl. boy Pftero, to or for a boy Piiero, by,with,or from Nom. Magister, the master Magistrl, Voc. Magister, 0 master IVlagistrl, 0 masters Ace. Magistrum, Gen. IMCaglstri, of the Dat. IVTagristro, to Abl. IVIagistrd, by, with,or Dat. of boys Piierls, to or for boys boy Piieris, by,with,or from boys. PiierOrum, a the master or masters, masters Ittagistros, master of masters IVIagistrOrum, forthe master ZVlagistrls, m. to or for masters from IWEagristris, by, with, or from the master masters. (b) NEUTER. Plural. Singular. Nora. Helium, war Voc. Bellum, 0 Ace. Helium, war Gen. Belli, of war Dat. Bello, to or Abl. Bello, by,with, or from Decline also Bella, war Bella, 0 Bella, wars Bell for war wnr wars wars drum, of wars for Bellls, to or Bellis, by,with,or from wars : Plural. FTli-i Flli-os Gen. Fili-Orum Numra-i Numm-6s (Numm-drum or D. Abl. Fili-is. Di De-6s De-6rum Numm-um Numra-is Palli-a (alsoDiV) \ f Palli-Is (alsoDiis). De-um Dls Palli-a or wars. " DECLENSION THIRD THE 20. [Of these in syllables as G-en. Dat. Abl. in the Nominative the Singular. number same of in the Nominative. I. CONSONANT-NOUNS. (a)MASCULINE Ace. Imparisyllable, having more few "21. N. V. I. Nouns vision belong to the Consonant DiParisyllable to the I-Division. Nouns Imparisyllable ; and many Endings of the Nominative Singularare numerous.] a The Genitive : the Half-consonant having Parisyllable, is in the syllables But than the Genitive Second The the First is Divisions I-iiouns). Consonant. a for Character have which II. Nouns and Divisions two for Character have which I. Nouns (Consonant Declension has Third The 7 DECLENSION. THIRD Singular. Judex, a judge,or 0 judge a judge Judicem, Judicis, of a judge Judlci, to or for a judge Judlce, by,with,or from a judge N. V. Aetas, Ace. Aetatem, an Gen. Aetatis, of an Dat. Aetati, to Abl. Aetate, by,with, or from an 0 age or age, age an an age IiSo, a lion,or 0 lion Ace. Xiednem, Gen. Leon of is, judges,or 0 judges,c. Judices, judges of judges JudiCum, to or for judges Judicibus, Judiclbiis, by, with, or from Judices, judges. Aetates, ages, Aetates, ages 0 ages, f. or of ages for Aetatibiis, to or Aetatibiis, by,with,on from ages, or Xieones, lions, lion "eones, lion a Plural. ages age N. V. a FEMININE. AetaTum, age for or AND Iieoni, to or Abl. Xieone, by,with,or from for a lion a m. lions, lions XieoNum, Dat. 0 of lions Jor lions teombus, to or Xieonftms, by,with,or from lions. lion N. V. Virgo, Ace. Virgrinem, Gen. Dat. Abl, a or virgin, 0 virgin Virgtfnes, virgins, or virgin of a Virgrinls, virgin Virgin!, to or for a virgin Virgtfne, by,with, or from a a virgin Virgines, 0 f. virgins, virgins VirgiBTum, of virgins Virgrin*biis, to or for virgins Virgtfnibiis, by,with, or from vir- TIIIPvD Decline also DECLENSION. : Singular. Law, f. Foot, m. Love, m. Cinder,c. Father,m. Plural. N.V. A. Leg- Ped- Amor- Ciner- Patr- es Gen. Lea- Peo- AmoR- CineR- PatR- um D. Abl. Leg- Ped- Araor- Ciner- Patr- ibii* NEUTER. Singular. N.V. Women, Ace. Udxnen, Gen. Wominis, Bat. Nominl, Abl. Nomfoe, or name, Plural. 0 name of a a to or names for names by, with, 6perS, works, or 0 worJc Opera, or from 0 works works dpeRum, of works Operibus, to or for works dperibiis,by, with, work also the Neuter 0 names. dpiis,a work dperis, of a work 6perl, to or for a work dpere, by,with, or from or or of names name Ace. Decline names for a name Sfominibus, by,with, or from JJominibus, dpiis,a work, Abl. RTomina, ITomiUum, name N. V. Dat. names, to or a Gen. WommS, name or from works. Nouns : Singular. Hcad. N.V. A. Dat. Caput CapitCapit- Abl. Capit- Gen. Lightning. Fulgur FulgurFulgiir- Leg. Hard wood. Crus Eobiir Crur- Robor- Crur- Kobor- Crur- Robor- Body. Corpus CorporCorporCorpor- is THIRD DECLENSION. I-NOUNS. II. (a) MASCULINE AND FEMININE. Plural. Singular. sheep,or 0 sheep a sheep Ovem, Ovis, of a sheep dvi, to or for a sheep 6ve, by, with, or from a sheep N. V. Ovis, Ace. Gen. Dat. Abl. N. V. RTubes, Ace. Wubem, Gen. Iffubis, of a cloud Dat. ZfTubi, to Abl. Wubc, cloud,or a sheep,f. 6ves, or dvls,*sheep Ovium, of sheep Ovibiis, to or for sheep 6vibiis,by,with,or from sheep, 0 cloud cloud a for or 0 or sheep, Oves, a KTubes, clouds,or Wubes, or 0 clouds,f. clouds Wubis,* Wubiuxn, of clouds cloud a for clouds by,with,or from clouds, to or Wubibus, by, with, or from Zffubibus, a cloud N. \r. 3Bens, 0 tooth tooth,or a tooth Ace. 3Dentem, Gen. Zlentis, of a tooth Dat. IBenti, Abl. Bente, a 33entes, teeth,or Rentes, or Dentis,* teeth Bentium,f of teeth for a tooth by,with,or from to or to or Dentibiis, also teeth for by, with, or from Bentibus, a tooth Decline 0 teeth,m. teeth. : Singular. Plural. Tuss-es Clav-es Canal-es Imbr-es Gen. Tuss-Ium Clav-Ium Ccinal-Ium Imbr-ium D. Abl. Tusg.ibiis. Clav-ibiis. Canal-ibiis. Imbr-ibus. N.V.A. * so The t Accr.s. Plur. in most I-nouns in -ans appears of I -nouns, ancient Masc. and Fem., is in many in Gen. Plnr. manuscripts, and -ens, often drop i also spelt with editions ; as ending Is, and of Latin parentum * for authors, parentTum. 10 AND FOURTH FIFTH DECLENSIONS. Plural. N.VA. Ossa IVTarta CalcariTa Anfrnatta Gen. D. Abl. OssXum BXarXum CalcarXum An*malium Ossibus. Maribiis. Calcaribiis. AnimaUbus. THE " 23. FOUKTH Masculine Declension form DECLENSION and Feminine the Nominative (TJ-nouns). in us ; Neuter Singular. N.V. Gradus, Ace. Gradum, Gen. Gradus, Dat. Abl. a Nouns 0 step step of a step for a step Gradiil, Gradu, by,with,or from Gradus, or steps, Gradus, steps GradYbus a 0 Gradibus Gen. knee,or of a Genus, 0 knee Geniia, for a knees,or Genihim, knee knee Dat. G^nu, to or Abl. G6nu, by,with, or from " 24. The Ggnibus knees. FIFTH es. "E-nouns). DECLENSION Fifth Declension in Nominative contains Feminine (Concerningdies,see Ace. Gen. Dat. Abl. day,or 0 day a day Diem, Die!, of a day DtS!, to or for a day Dte, by,with,or from a day Dies, a Nouns " 31.) Plural. Singular. N. V. knees,n. of knees to or for knees (ubiis), (ubus),by,with, or from Genlbiis a 0 knee THE steps,m. steps. step a u. of steps (ubus),to or for steps by,with,or from (ubus), GradUum, to or N.V. A. Genu, in Plural. step,or a in the Fourth Substantives Dies, days,or 0 days,c. Dies, DiErum, days of days Dlebiis, Dtebus, for days by,with,or from to or with Ma ny Nouns (1 ) Argentum, Ver, Rote. letum, sanguis, pueritia. are (Ace. S. air aer, (Ace,S. (2) Many aurum, aevum, Add " Singular only: as, ferrum, plebs, justitia, in the used are NOUN". THE OF ANOMALIES " 25. 11 NOUNS., ANOMALOUS aethera used aera or aerem), aether,sky with aetherem), or in th e P 1 u r a 1 more. many only: As, Manes, liberi,Penates, Divitiae, cunae, With And As, castra, Nouns (4) Many a a camp. Nouns As, Note." Case: vis. take forms from two Declensions: laurus,bay-tree(Gen. I and These us). called Heteroclita. are vary the Gender: Some (6) in Defective are in the Plural: meaning fort\ As, dapis, opis, (.5) Some Floralia. as their change cast rum, grates, magalTa, mimia, arma, festive seasons, Nouns Some (3) nugae. PI. jociand joca; As, joc3s,ye9l, loci and loca ; PI. Lociis,place, and frena ; freni PI. Frenum, bit, Eastrum, harrow, PI. rastri and rastra. Rote. a. " These called are Decline the Defective Nouns Heterogenea. : Singular. Feast, f. N.V. Ace. Help,f. Prayer,f. Change,f. " " FrugFrugFrugFrug- Dap- Dat. DapDap- Abl. Dap- Gen. Fruit,f. S.N. f. VTs, strength, Sing.Dat. -iiior -6. Poml, at home, em Vic- Is um, Ace. vim. Noun Abl, 5, I Vic- Prec- Op- Plural, vnth endingses, Heteroclite Vic- Prec- Full b. The Prec- OpOp- itoiis,as Abl. vi. " 21 except vic-Ium. PI. vires,vlrrum, viribus. Domus, house,f.,is like Plur. Ace, -fis or : e -ps. Gradiis Gen. ; uuin but or forms 12 GENDER GENDER OF NOUNS. OF NOUNS. GENERAL " 26. (1) The Gender Latin a (2) Males, Months, Winds, and (3) Females and and Islands indeclinable Nouns sum always Masculine, Rivers. Names of fas, nefas, and the most Trees. Neuter: are as, impiety. to either sex: are and fallere, nefas is gross Common Artifex and Feminine, and are mum Deceit (5) by Meaning Infinitive ; Verb-noun Est People,are of Mountains Names most Countries,Cities,and (4) is shown Noun Form. by or of RULES. opifex, Convlva, vates, advena, Testis,cms, ineola, Parens, sacerdos,custos, vindex, Adolescens, infans,index, Judex, heres, comes, dux, Princeps,municepp, conjux, Obses, ales,interpret, these Auctor, exiil;andjsvith Bos, dam Canis anguis, serpens, sus,* GENDER " 27. Princ. Rule. are talpa, tigris,grus, a, and Feminine. Exc. IN FIRST THE Substantives " Substantives by meaning And of the First Declension in as, e$, denotingmales Nouns Are added Hadrm, to DECLENSION. in Mascula the Males the Hadriatic others, arc in a, "?, Masculine. a ; must be Sea. hostis, hoppcs, miles, prae."?P,anpur, : as, dami, rarely Masculine talpft, are equally used in each Gender, when Singular : as, p?rens, conjux,p"cerdos, vatfs, comes, dux, dints ; in Plural generally Masculine. * Many of tho?o words aurlgfi)are rarely found tTgrTs,grus, sfis. Some (with Feminine. A few ns arc 14 GENDER OF NOUNS. (7) FemTmna, compes, teges, Merces, merges, qmes, seges, Though their Genitives increase. With Trine. Feminine Consonant Rule. II. " which Exc. Substantives end in ; also the Neuters is,as, reckon aes. of the Third x cms, in or ; " s Declension another following in es. Parisyllables (1) Many To in is Nouns the Mascula find we assigned: Amnis, axis, caulis,collis, Clums, crinis, fascis, follis, Fustis,ignis,orbis,ensis, Panis, piscis, postis,mensis, TorrTs,unguis, and can alls, Vectis,vermis, and natalis, Lapis,sanguis, ciicumTs, Pulvis,casses, Manes, glls. (2) ChieflyMascula Sometimes view, we Femimna too, CallTs,sentis,funis,finis, Torquis,and, in poets, elms. (3) Mascula are aclamas, Elephas,mas, gigas, as Vas Vas (4) too (vaclis) as (yasis) Most are as a : is Male Neuter Mascula in known, Noun. : ex Femimna, forfex,lex, : Common, Nex, supellex pumex, riimex. Imbrex, obex, silex, (5) in ix, Fornix,phoenix,and calix. (6) Mascula Mascula appear are and fons mons, Chalybs,hyclrops, gryps, and pons, Riidens, torrens, dens, and cliens, Fractions Add to Masciila OccTdens BTdens With (7) of the as, and (hoe} but the Feminina Mascula are triens; trldens, oriens, : Verres and as found bTdens keep. in es are (sheep) GENDER OF 15 k7OUNS. Substantives of the Third Declension Princ. Rule. III. Neuter which end in ar, ur, us, a, e, c, Z,n, t. " Exc. Mascula (I) found are are in ur, Furfur, turtur, vultur,fur. (2) Feminina, Keep in some long,as, u us servitus, virtus,saliis, jiiventus, incus,palus. Senectus, telliis, With . pecus (pecudis) Gender is. the Female Also (3) Of Mascula (4) Lepus are (6) in and (leporis) in I Mascula (5) found us miis. mugil, are Consul,sal and sol,with pugil. Mascula and are ren splen, Pecten, delphln, attagen. FemTnma (7) some in on ; Gorgon,sindon, halcyon. GEXDER " 30. Princ. us are Rule. " IN u DECLENSION. FOURTH of Substantives Masculine,in the Fourth Declension Idus Neuter. and (idiium) GENDER " 31. " IN THE Substantives maniis.* FIFTH of DECLENSION. the Fifth Declension Feminine. Eye, in Feminina, trees in us, With tribiis, acus, porticus, Domus, niiriis, aniis, socrus, Exc. Princ. Rule. THE Dies in the * Singularis Common, See English of Nouns in the Plural Masculine. at p. 94, are ADJECTIVES. ADJECTIVES. " 32. A. Adjectivesof er, ", urn, follow the Second THREE and ENDINGS, in tts,a, cr Plural Singular. M. urn, First Declensions. N. F. M. F. N. bona Nom. Eoniis bona bonum Bom bonae Yoc. Bone bona bonum Son! bonae bona Ace. Bonum bonam bosauxn Bonds bonas bona Gen. Bon! bonae bonl Benorum bonarum b on Dat. Bono bonae bond Bonls bonis bonls Abl. Bond bona bond Boms bonis bonls urn or Singular. N. V. Tener, tener-a, F. M. Niger,mgr-a, tener-tim N. Ace. Tener- um sin um jr. mgr-um F. Nigr- urn N. am um Gen. Tener- I ae I ae I Tener- 6 ae 5 NigrNigr- I Dat. 6 ae 6 Abl. Tener- 5 a 6 Nigr- dad Plural. Nigr- I Nigr- 6s as Nigr- drum arum drum Is Is ae Nfgr- Is aeger, a a sick ater, jet-Hack pulch"r, beautiful ruber, red sacred. sacc'r, * the And other Adjectives compounded many right hand, propitious, is declined either as v.-ith the Verbs t^ner ntger. or gero, f5ro. Dexter, at 17 ADJECTIVES. sion: Adjectivesfollow the Third Declensad; felix,happy' ingens, mellor,better]tristis, B. " 33. as, All other vast. Singular. M. X. F. M. F. N. N.V. Ittelior meliiis Tristis triste Ace. IVTeliorem melius Tristem triste Itteltoris Gen. Tristis Dat. TristI Abl. Itteliore or Tristi I Plural, N. V. A. IWEeHores Tristes meliora tristla Gen. IKelioxiim TristZum D. Abl. IWelioribiis. Tristlbiis. Singular. M. M. F. N. V. Ace. Felix Felicem N. F. Ingens felix Xngentem Gen. Felicis Ing-entls Dat. Felici IngrentI Abl. FelicI* Zng^entl ing-ens or e Plural. N. V. A. Felices felicia Gen. Fellcium D.Abl. Felicibiis. C. Nom. Zngrentes Xng-entzbiis. in er, of the Third Declension,have Three Endings in Adjectives N. : celere,swift; N. acer, acris,acre, keen. celeris, celer, Sing. as, * Barely ". 18 ADJECTIVES. Some PRONOMINAL AND NUMERAL " 34. and Numeral Sing, in in ius, and Dat. another; alter,one Pronominal of two, I the : ADJECTIVES. Adjectivesform as, one unus, ; Gen. Sing. alms, other, other; uter, which oftivo. Plural. M. M. F. N. Norn. Uniis Uni unae una Ace. Unum "Chios unas una Gen. thnus ITnorum unarum unorum Dat. Unl Unis unis unis Abl. find IJnis unis unis Norn. Alms Alii aliae alia Alium Alios alias alia Gen. Alms Alidrum aliarum aliorum Dat. Alii Aliis alils alils Abl. Alid Alils alils alils Ace. Singular. Decline like ullus,any unus: at all ; nullus,none, no ; soliis, alone; totus, whole. Like neuter, 'neither ; uterque,rach (oftwo); utervls,iiterlibet, irhiclttrcr of the two. The suffixes -que, -vis, will;litorcumque, uter: wliich you -libet,-cumque, are appended utrolibet,utrumcumque. as uter. But Gen. to each one Alteriiter, case-form: or alterius-iitrms is found. the as, utrfusque,utrlvis, declined is usually oilier, 19 ADJECTIVES. Duo, two. Tres, three. Plural. Plural. F. M. Norn. Bu6 Ace. Duos Gen. I"uorum or duo D.Abl.Diidtous N. Tres trla diias duo Tres tr*a duarum diiorum Trmm trlum duabiis duobiis. Tribiis trlbus. ; Cardinal other The septem, seven octo, ; diio: as Numbers hundred) are Adjective.The centum, N. F. duo Decline six M. diiae a ambo, lotli. four (quattiior, eight; novem, undeclined. Neuter and declined like Maria. ; quinque,fve : sex, ; decem, ten, "c, ; to clinable thousand,is an inde- nine Mille, a stantive, Plural, millla,thousands,is a Subof Table Numerals, 129.) (See p. COMPARISON. The " 35. the ADJECTIVE Positive,the Comparative,and Positive. or or Superlative. formed is of the Genitive Positive. Durus, hard Brevis, short Audax, the issimiis : by Positive by as, Superlative. dur-I dur-ior dur-isslmiis brev-is brev-ior brev-issimus ,, audac-fs audac-ior audac-issimus. -cr form the Superlative by adding -rimus to the as, Positive. Pulcher,beautiful Celer,swift Vetus,ancient,forms The into the Positive ,, bold in (1) Adjectives Nominative: from Comparative. Gen. Comparison; hardest. durissimiis, from be formed may is of the Genitive into l6r. be of : as, Superlative durior,harder Superlativemay changingi (2) the Comparative changingi The DEGREES Comparative. hard Diiriis, The has THREE Comparative. Superlative. pulchr-Xor pulcher-rimus celer-ior celer-rimus. Superl.veter-rimus. form following the Superlative by changingis FacTlTs,easy STmilTs,tike DiificilTs, difficult Dissimilis,unlike into ttmus : slender GraciJis, HumilTs,towfy. Snperl.facil-lixnus,sVmil-limus, gracil-limiis, humil-lfmiis,"fec. 20 ADJECTIVES. IRREGULAR Note 1 . full Plural Note. 2. The : Comparative Nom. Ace. multus of plures, plum, Dives, rich, often d!ti5r, Superl. dlvitissimus NoteS. COMPARISON. has Gen. divit- contracts or no Masc. Fem. or plurium, D. Abl. into dit- : as, Singular ; but pluribus. Comp. dlvItiSr or ditissimus. senior. old man), has Comp. Juvenls, Fem. or used), has Comp. junior, Masc. natu miis major, or major only ; eldest,natu maximiis, or maxinatu or minimus. mln5r, or minor ; youngest, natu minimus, Senex, old (generally an not a youth, Fem. (generally young But older is often ; younger, Adjectives of Note 4. Obs. Adjectives in us Position pure* use spring from in Prepositions : Comparison " maxime magis, ; as, dubtus?. dubius. Adjectives in -dicus,-flcus, -volus dubius, maxime ; as, magnificus, Comp. -entior, Superl. -entissimus magniflPositive. magniflcentissiniiH. Ocior, swifter^ ocissimus, has no centior, have a a Positive without Comparative only : some a Many Adjectives have doubtful, magis change us into Superlative,many a Superlativewithout a Comparative. from derived Adjectives imitate their " 37. ADVERBS with endings,ComparativeUs, Superlative e. Comparison, Positive. Adv. Adj. Graves, weighty Adv. Graviter,weightily So: Saepe, often DTQ, long Multum, much Magnopere, greatly But Superlative. Digniis,worthy Digne, worthily Adj. a. Comparative. : A pure Syllableis one which follows a Vowel. 22 (4) DEMONSTKATIVE. 1. SIMPLE OR UXEMPHATIC. Is,that (orhe,she,it}. 2. EMPHATIC. Hie, M/s (nearme). Singular. Plural. Nom. Kic haec hoc Hi Iiac haec Ace. Hunc hanc hoc Hos has haec Gen. Kujus hujus hujiis Horuin harum horum Bat. Huic huic liuic His his his Abl. Hoc iiac toe His his his that (yonder}. Ille, Plural. Singular. that (nearyou],is Ifcte, declined like Ille. (5) DEFINITIVE. (Idem,same] self.) ipse, Plural. Singular. Nom. Idem eadem idem Xldem eaedem eadem Ace. Eundem eandexn idem Eosdem easdem eadem Gen. Ejusdem ejusdem ejusdem Tk"t. Dat. *-^ Eidem eidem Abl. Eodem eadem ^^^ " x^xi eidem " eodem eoruudem Eorundemearundezn Xisdem Xisdem or eisdem or eisdem. Ipseis declined like Ille, but with Neuter SingularN. a Superlative ipsissimus, very self. It forms Ace. ipsum. PRONOUNS. (6) RELATIVE. (Qui,who, or which.) Plural. Singular. quod Qui quae quae quam quod Quos quas quae Quorum quarum Nom. Qui quae Ace. Quem Gen. Cujus cujus cujus Dat. Cui cui cui Abl. Quo qua quo (7) Nom. Acc. Singular. (quis) quid Quis Qui quae quod Quem quam quid Quem quam quod' "c. In the other forms Quibiis or quis. Singular. i " | as qua quid Qui quae quod Quem quam quid Quem quam quod "c. Qui, quae, RELATIVE, qua or # } " i) " "c. I In the other forms Relative. OF Quis "c. "c. Indefinite PI. Nom. (9) COMPOUNDS Quibus quis (8) INDEFINITE. INTERROGATIVE. "c. quorum or as Relative. quae. INTERROGATIVE, AND INDEFINITE. 1. Quisnam, quidnam; qumam, quodnam, who, what? ecquil? Ecqui,ecquae, ecquod,anyone quaenam, 5. Ecquis (foren-quis), ecqua, (Interrogative).So Numquis, siquis, "c. some one. aliquod, AKquis, aliqua,aliquid ; Aliqui,aliqua, Quispiam,quaepiam, quippiam (quodpiam),anyone. Quisquam, quicquam ; Genitive,cujusquam,"c., anyone at 6. Quidam, quaedam, quiddam (quoddam),a 7. quodcumque, whosoever,whatsoever. Quicumque, quaecumque, whatsoever. whosoever,quidquid, Quisquis, Quivis, quaevis, quidvis(quodvis), any you will. Quilibet,quaelibet, (quodlibet), quidlibet any you please. Quisque,quaeque, quicque ; Quisque, quaeque, quodque,each. each one. unumquicque (-quodque), Unusquisque,unaquaeque, 2. S. 4. 8. 9. 10. 11. certain 1 all. one. So suffix or their Primitives, the undeclined declined These a. are as Compounds each case, as Gen. cujusnam, altcujus, cujuscumque, "c., "c. prefix accompanying Relative, Indefinite, Note. Correlatives include Interrogative, Demonstrative, an TJniversals : as, quis ?" Is" qui" quis (aliqms)" qulcumque (quisquis),"c. THE * The forms PRONOMINAL CORRELATIVES Quts, quid, are Substantival QUALJS, ; "c. Qui, quod, Adjectival. 24 VEHBS. VEBBS. The " 39. A " 40. in Active "41. hortor,/ ; as, Active and is Verb DEPONENT sense VOICES. two (2)the PASSIVE / love: as, amo, has Verb (1) " 42. Verb The The (3) The " 43. There no either are IMPERATIVE is six First Person The Second The Third The personal Passive : see " 76. expressedby have Person Person Verb the Perfect, Present, and Future-Perfect, formed the verb Sum, by esse (to NUMBERS, Singularand (1) two in each Number. speaks: as, amo, Hove; is spoken to: as, amas, is spoken of : as, amat, vos, " 66), Finite: PERSONS Pronouns, ggo, nos, tu, see TENSES. the of each : love thou. ; as, ama, (2)three The 06*. or , as, sto, I stand. rendered (variously ; as, amem Tense-forms Tenses Plural ; and I love him eum, I love. Imperfect, Simple-Future, Pluperfect. Other Tenses are be),with Participles. " 44. " parts: as, amo, CONJUNCTIVE Time are form, but has three MOODS. FINITE VERB (1) The INDICATIVE; (2) in II. INFINITE. I. FINITE. I. The ; exhort. have has two VOICE loved. am Passive chiefly Deponent Verbs Intransitive Verbs / ; as, amor, : as, amo (1) TRANSITIVE, actingon an object (2) INTRANSITIVE,not actingon an object: Obs. the ACTIVE Is,TI, are amain love. we iis, lovest;"m"iiB,i/elove. he loves ; amant, theylove. thou severally implied in the Personal Endings. " 45. II. The VERB INFINITE consists of Verb-nouns: having several Tense-forms. (1) The INFINITIVE, ? Verbal Substantives,which (2) The GERUND, to the Infinitive. (3) The two SUPINES, 3 (4) PARTICIPLES, or Verbal is called GERUNDIVE. one Adjectives, of which supplyCases ends in dus, and 25 VERBS. There " 46. Verbs, Vowel the and and Consonant of one PRESENT-STEM regular CONJUGATIONS Four are CHARACTER (three of U-verbs),of which shown in the Imperative are Infinitive. or VERBS. ACTIVE DEPONENT VERBS. 1st CONJ. A-verbs Venor venl-re venA-rl hunt 2nd CONJ. Vereor verE-re verE-ri fear 3rd CONJ. B- verbs Cons.-verbs Utor uT-ere UT-I use 4th CONJ. I-verbs Partior parti-re parti-ri divide. " 47. known PRESENT, PERFECT, and The in order to ACTIVE Pres. Stem. Perf. Verb conjugatea SUPINE-STEMS : be as, DEPONENT VERBS. Pres. Stem. Sup. Stem. Stem. must VERBS. Sup. Stem. 1. AmA- ama/V- amaT- VenA- venaT- 2. MonB- monU- moniT- VerE- veriT- 3. KeG- rex- UT- iiS- 4. Audl- audiV- Partl- partiT- (regS-) recTaudiT- these the other From parts of OF DERIVATION From PRESENT Stem. Present Act. and Pass. Future SimpleA. and P. Imperf.Act. and Pass. Imperat.Act. and Pass. Infin. Pres. Act. and Pass. Gerund and Gerundive Pres. Participle Act. From the Verb THE PERFECT be formed. may VERB-FORMS. From Stem. SUPINE Stem. Perfect Act. Future Perfect Act. Supines Fut. Participle Act. Pluperfect Infinitive Fut. Pass. Perf. Pass. Participle Infinitive Perfect Act. \ Perfect Act. Pass. Perf. Pass. \ PluperfectPass. I-Infinitive Perf. Pass. Future * 26 VERBS. a. A thus is sufficiently conjugated Verb, therefore, SHORT * The forms -undum Intransitive Verbs form FORM FOR ACTIVE : VERBS. used in the 3rd and 4th sometimes -undtis are Gerundive Adjective,and no Supine in ut no Conjugations. 27 VERBS. and Action " 48. Past, Future; or further relation. Mood) and English. here shown Note 1 : The . The in Time. Time is either sent, simply PrePresent,Past, or Future with some dicative subjoinedScheme (forthe Active Voice and Inor occur it is the expression of the relations of Time in Latin compares But be still more those relations may complex than is as, amaturiis fuero,I shall have been about to love. Present,the Futures, and the Present Past (amavi, Tenses: the Imperfect,Pluperfect,and Simple Primary / loved) Historic called State / have loved) are Perfect (amavl, Tenses. to the Stem is formed in several ways : :" 1. By adding vl :* as, colui, Stem flevl. 2. By adding tii (tor vi) to the Stem or dipt as, amavi, In this manai. 3. By adding si to the Stem monui. or Clipt Stem: as, carpsi, formation Consonants cation, are generally changed (see "81). 4. By prefixing a RedupliThis Reduplication is either the and adding 1 to the Stem or Clipt Stem. sonant of the Stem and Vowel mcSmordi first Consonant : as, cticum, ; or the first ConNote 2. A. The Perfect with the Stem-vowel is usually changed : as, ceefnl (from case e, in which out cano) ; see "81 ; " 111 (9). 5. By adding 1 to the Stem or Clipt Stem, with or with: as, bibi, verd, egl (from ago), favl (from f"v"o). change of the Stem-vowel 1. By adding to the Stem B. The times : or Clipt Stem turn, someSupine is formed of letters often takes and a change cwltum, i-tum, place : as, amatum, to become 2. The mon-f-tum. change of letters often requires turn rectum, in " 81 See Examples sum. that the English given in the following should bear in mind learner Note 3. The of several possiblemeanings ; espeTables of Verbs is often only one for the Tenses cially " . in the Conjunctive Mood. regularVerbs, itis necessary to conjugate of Being, sum, the irregular but importantVerb esse, of other which lends its forms to completethe conjugation " 49. Before the Verbs. f A Clipt Stem is a Stem without its Vowel c2 Character: as, mon- for monE- 28 THE CONJUGATION FIRST ACTIVE. " 13 as )3 | g I S ~ " jf of I.S^ll a a 1 ^1 13 a a a a )3 f_| 13 a ^, 13 a 'SH ^ 13 a )3 13 s "3 )3 13 )3 1^ 13 13 13 13 13 )3 S 13 a )3 Q O "" O (3 " 13 ;Q ^ ic3 13 Ci ; 13 s I a " " 13 " CONJUGATION FIRST 31 ACTIVE. 0. O O' G pH 133 133 g g g "" o a "33 HH pq PH d, d. -5 G CD O g iol a~ a a -^ ^ " I Q* JO a B^t 5 i "?3 ""3 " g " ^-i^".i 2 T! "C 8 R " " g tl .S -S p o "D O ^ O O ^ ^^ "f Syr^'a d" N ^2 ^ 103 133 IC3 "T 133 ic3 133 a a a a a " " " " t" 111111 t/5 a 133 133 133 133 j j a a a 1 1 " 133 133 a ^ " a a a a a a D^ ain^n j 133 133 133 133 a a a a 133 133 a a 32 SECOND CONJUGATION ACTIVE. CONJUGATION SECOND ACTIVE. "^ 5" S '$ i JflT'S S "--3 ; "S s" o .c^ f-o illS^ v "Vill^i ft ." "a S *- i "0 R ^ J i ,=ri! $ "% E " s s Q (-" s C )0 "o O "0 "Q aa ss ^ S d -e " d U OOO HH TH Ot pi!i "co e"^ S of^r ICD OJ r/:1 "2 CQ c G G c c )0 "D "O "O )O ~ " " " S ' d ^ la g 'O saa a Q sa.-4J.-4J-*- " ;" g. G f^ "0 )0 )0 * ?1 : OQ )0 ) i a B "O a c I'D ^ ,2" G c IQJ Q^ cfi w yj yj QQ 9Q QQ OC )0 )O )O "O 2 a a a ' " -5 " " s a 53 "T ^T g '2 ^ C I "0 )O "O )0 )0 )0 2 SJ )0 a d G ^O )0 54 G )0 CH fl )0 a s a )O )O "O "O )O )O a s s a s s C"2 c3 fl ^3 'g '2 g (^ 34 CONJUGATION THIKD ACTIVE. 0 8 a to To o So "o" "o" "-l H Q o o "^ S~of ""r*r ic3 )^i fct)tG "*" "3 4^~ " "T ,p_r "-" S3 S 3 I-3 135 to bo " tO fn S c3 ..C ^ fn tO fcO bO ^H f-i of -i_T S IS )33 133 ^ }3 ^" isJ c3 pg ..Q ng ^Q ,0 bo'bo'bo 'bo'bo'bO "ofdung ajiiinj THIRD CONJUGATION ACTIVE. 35 36 FOTJETII CONJUGATION ACTIVE. p o o s J I 6 "H w o H S K ^ 1 s O O I w H 8 5 * ^*J i"QJ "*- "^ "" ^ S nT *T " 02 "d e* *"""*-" or ^_r fi 33 rt o* C3 ^Q ^ I"D ICS ^D |(D )C3 1^ rQ r rD r 10 IO 1 10 IO 38 FIRST CONJUGATION PASSIVE. FIRST CONJUGATION PASSIVE. 40 SECOND CONJUGATION PASSIVE. SECOND CONJUGATION PASSIVE. 41 42 CONJUGATION THIRD PASSIVE. 1 " a 'So C3 ^ ,g" | ": s ^o^o*"^ |f|ill -^ SH )^S I 45 Jfi*S Q O "S A a a tO "D tO^ )O) ""U ""i; )O" tO tO ""X" )D Bttpq THIRD CC CQ CO OJ W2 CC "D "D QJ QJ (1) CONJUGATION 43 PASSIVE. 03 W2 cc O O) O O O O O O O O uddq fl 13 " O O , ^4-T^ aToQ "" O 0) * O O S WT^ "-" "" to c" O CU O OJ O "D o 0) o CD o O o "D CQ o "D o O S O QJ ^ O Q3 ^H O 0^ *-" 44 FOURTH CONJUGATION PASSIVE. G O o !3 ^ CL, " w " % ""^ P 1 ft O O I ^S o ^ w "H "aT |3 S ^ S I Ss^ 3 s g . ^ ^ - ,-r - cvslsl " )C3 133 133 133 133 IO IO \ 03 03 03 03 o S T 2 S 10) 10) a IO) o3 03 a "% IO "D 03 ^0 )O Buwq PR CO IO 03 o3 03 c3 03 46 THE " 59. FOUR CONJUGATIONS: SCHEME OF ACTIVE THE ACTIVE FOUK 47 VOICE, CONJUGATIONS. VOICE. CONJUNCTIVE MOOD. Amav- MonuRexAudiv- erim ens erit erimiis eritis erint issetis issent Amav- MonuRexAudiv- issem isses isset issemus THE "60. FOUR CONJUtUTIONS : SCHEME OF PASSIVE THE PASSIVE FOUR CONJUGATIONS. VOICE. VOICE. 49 50 THE DEPONENT VERB ' UTOH.' THE DEPONENT UTOR.' 6 VERB ^3 , ^o "to a 51 -Is . " CO ^ S^**" Qj ,b ,_T"S .s PQ r d " h" .3 s ^fj^ f-t S IS CD iS -^ ,(_" CO CO -4-3 CO CO iS is iS iS IS IS IS IS iS CD CD 3 J3 ^3 ' A~^ * " " c*j " "q ti "" "" "* CD _|J S -S OQ s PJ "S ^""D CO " "S cu '-^ CO "r "r HH e t/T"S " OOO D2 P^l -J-=" iS 52 THE "62. FOUK CONJUGATIONS : SCHEME OF DEPONENT THE 54 VERBS " 63. A. Verbs in 10 t-o of the forms, retain this stem These er. Verbs are (THIRDCONJUGATION). IN Third in Conjugation, generally ; but i their Present- before i,final e, and not short : " and faced, Capzo,ciipzo, and jaczo, Fodzo,fugzo, Parzo,raped,sapeo, quatzo, Compounds of speczo and laczo. Deponent : gradeor,pateor,morzor in And, ; tenses,potzor, orzor. some EXAMPLES. ACTIVE. Indie. Pres. Fut. -it,-imus, -itis,capz-unt. ca.pi-5, cap-is, -es, -et,-emus, capz-am, -etis,-ent. Imperf.capz-ebam,-ebas,-ebat,-ebaraus,-ebatis, -ebant. Pres. capi-am, Conj. -at,-amus, -as, -atis,-ant. Imperf.cap-erem, -eres, -eret,-eremus, Imper. Pres. cap-e, -ite. -erent. -eretis, Fut. cap-ito,-itote,cape-unto. Infin. Pres. cap-ere. Pres. -imiir, pate-or,pat-ens,-itiir, -imini, pate-untur. Gerund, cape-endum,-endi,-endo. DEPONENT. Indie. Fut. -entiir. patz-ar,-ens, -etur,-emur, -emim, -ebaris,-ebatiir, -ebamiir,-ebamini,-ebantur. Imperf.pate-ebar, Conj. Pres. patz-ar,-aris, -atur, -amiir,-amini, -antiir. Injperf. -eretiir, -eremiir, pat-erer,-ereris, -eremini, -erentur. Pres. pat-ere,-imini. Imper. Fut. pat-itor, pate-untor. Infin. Note Fourth in Pres. pat-i. G-erund, patz-endum,-endi,-endo. patz-endiis. is conjugated like patYor, except Conjugation forms some potTmQr Note OrI5r 1. or 2. B. : between wavers p5tlmur ; poterer M5rTor, 5rI5r,have Verbs in Potior oriri, Srlrer,etc. uo Third the a follows and few forms the Fourth Fourth : as, Gerundive, which, follow the Conjugation, but potitur or potltur; potirer. or Future retain u Participles morlturus, 5rtturus. in all forms ; as, induo, induis,indiii, indiiere. CONJUGATION. PEKIPHRASTIC in " 64^. The Participles conjugatedwith all the Tenses of the Verb sum. These forms are called Conjiigatio Periphrasand Gerundivi : as, tica Fiituri ConjugatioPeriphrastica urus, dus, may be 55 CONJUGATION. PERIPHRASTIC 11 "" 02 - PH l-s -g 02 c5 A-i-tf tfl . . 0 a fl B OJ ^g "0) .rH a 03 "" PI "" "" ."" "9 "03 i "9 . " ^ g a '2 a,c S PH cd g HH pj ^ CD PM PM PH S ill 01 _ a-c "*" 56 SIGNS OF SIGNS " THE OF 65. The Latin TENSES THE Tenses TENSES be may Smo, love,am Imp. amabam, Perf. amavi, loved not for Pure subordinate has two will loved Verb: to another in Verb. Verbs Englishwith auxiliary sometimes should', or (PresentPast). could;may, might\ can, as, (sibonus sis), love you (ifyou are good). te amem 7 : as, generaluses: to another is rendered Conjunctive would Signs; generally or shall, : to love. Past),have (Simple or subordinate (2) Subjunctive, 1. The MOODS. MOOD. used loving, loved,was Mood Conjunctive (1) Pure, or AND loving. Pres. The MOODS. rendered variously INDICATIVE " 66. AND can (sibonus esses), would love you (ifyou were good),or have been loving good). you (ifyou were te amarem I should " I should " amavissem I should 2. When te (sibonus would " or have loved you " Mood the fuisses is esses), (hadyou been good). Subjunctive, it sometimes has sign in a English:as, Ede iit vivas, eat that you may live',but oftener it must be rendered as if it were Indicative : as sis, esses, fuisses,in the last Examples. So : Laudatur he is praisedin that he obeyed. quod pariierit, Laudavi / praised him (as one) who eum qui pariiisset, obeyed. " 67- is Conjunctive Present The also used Imperatively: Passive. Active. Amem, Ames, I, or let me mayst thou, or I, or let me Ameris, mayst thou,or Amer, may see may Amemus, he, or let him may Ametis, may Ament, may see thou thou A met, may had we, ye, or or they,or let us see ye let them) Ame'tur, may Amemiir, Amemmi, may may he,or we, ye, let him or or or Amentiir,may they, let us see ye let them^ " 68. in INFINITIVES. THE INFINITIVES. Infinitives in re, ri, The tus-esse,Perfect isse, (1) THE He Dicitur amari, is said to be loved. He loving. Dicebatur amare, said to have been was Imperfect; Infinitives or : as, Pluperfect or (1) is said to be Dicebatur Present are Dicitur amare, He 57 loving.He amari, said to have been ivas (atthe time)loved. Seio eum he is loving. (that) / know Sciebam / knew (2) Scio amare, eum Dicebatur He (2) loved. He amatus former esse, have to esse, / know he (that) loved. I know I know (that)he has loved. 1 know he has been loved. (that)he had I knew " 69. A. The the fiiisse, Credo te itiirum (b) Credebaris Credebam (c) Crederis Credo loved. of which iturus a te'itiirum amatum eum he had has forms, two are believed to be about esse, / believe (that) you were believed fuisse,I are to D 3 esse : " to go. be about to go. would go. believed to have believe that you -urus will go. esse, / believed that you fiiisse, you esse, been loved. few esse, you te it urum loved. was instances will show iturus esse, you iturus I knew Infinitive Active Future uses (#) Credens Sciebam amavisse, eum (at time)loved. amatum eum been he Sciebam -urus esse, said was Scio amavisse, eum loved. tvas is said to have been loved. a Scio he (that) Dicebatur amavisse, is loved. amari, Dicitiir amatus He said to have loved. was eum I knew loving. was is said to haw he (that) Sciebam Dicitiir amavisse, He amari, I know amare, (that)he eum would been about to go. have gone. 58 GERUND, B The Future Supinein Cred5 amatum. Julia Aiunt same iri the by : union of the as, to love, I believe there-is-a-tcnding Juliam, (lit.) m will be loved. they say injurias, m is formed Impersonal Infinitive I believe Julia i.e., ; ultum The a. Infinitive Passive with the um PARTICIPLES. SUPINES, be may that the wrongs expressedby fiiturum will be avenged, ut, fore ut, with esse ametiir,amaretiir, as, Credo (or fore)iit Julia ametur, futiirum-esse 1 believe (that)Julia will be loved. fore Credebam Julia ut amaretiir,1 believed SUPINES." PARTICIPLES. (that)Julia be would loved. GERUND." declined as The B, Verb-Noun a as, vita personally, / mill!, est by the Neuter Gerundive Participle Cases and Ablative) of (Accusative Verb-Noun a like bonus)is used to express a, um, (iis, must impersonally, est, one as, eundum Gerundive tuenda is added, must go; the Person perhaps Declension. either necessity, or is (um, i, 6). Supinesare of the Fourth C. The Gerund The A. " 70. that vita est, lifeshould Case nob is is be protected. If usuallythe tuenda Dative: meetness a as, est, lifeshould be go ; Case or of eundum protected us. The D are Participles other Pres. amans, Active. The three Act. like ingens. loving, amaturus, about Fut. Passive. " Perf. amatus, Pass. Part. Pres. Part. Fut. ' ' ,., , ^ v ) be thus : supplied amavisset (orby " 125.) havingloved,' quum beingloved' qui amatur, or dum amatur. 'about ,, love, \ loved, Participles wantingmay Part. Perf. to to be loved,' qui amabitiir. in bundus or cundiis,expressing Participials fulness/ as, vagabundus, wandering, iracundus, wrathful; in bills, procurable; in His, expressing as, parabflis, expressing'possibility,' in capacity/as, docilis,teachable; ax, expressing 'inclination/ as, ' active force/ as, rapidus,hurrying, loquax,talkative; inidiis,expressing E. Some Verbs ' * desirous. cupidiis, form DERIVED, ETC. DERIVED 59 VERBS. VERBS. repeated or intenser " 71. I. Frequentative Verbs express a nd the First formed of either in -to,-so, from Conjugation, action,are (curro, Supine-stems: as. canto, / sing (cano, cantum), curso, I run -i-tor the to -1-to, curs dipt Stem, as, rogzto,1 ask urn); or by adding often(rogo). Inceptive Verbs express beginningof action,are and formed by adding -sco to the Present-stem Conjugation, II. Labasco, Pallesco, Or from I I with Nouns, suffix Piierasco, Mitesco, III. Desiderative and Conjugation, are -e-sco a I become mild, formed I I am ; as, from mitis. to -urio edo,es-um. pario, part-um. " -DEPONENT Active an of the Fourth Supine-stem:as, from SEMI unite the labour, AND piier. " hungry, in am as, pallEre. " desire of action,are express : labAre. from boy, by adding which Verbs or 7 become QUASI-PASSIVE The -a-sco Verbs Esurio, PartiirTo, " 72. beginto totter, turn pale, of the Third VERBS. with form a Passive meaning : Exiilo,7 Fio, 7 Passive am The Veneo, put Verbs form, Audeo, am (are). sale on (ire). which have Active an with Present a Perfect of are: I Soleo,I have am " " wont, Active Present. I dared. Perf. ausiis sum, dare, Juro,7 swear Cen5, 7 sup Prandeo, 7 dine So 7 beaten am to auction. Fido, 7 trust, Gaudeo, I am glad, Some Vapulo,7 (are). made. am Liceo,7 " 73. banished am ,, Perfect with cenavi, 7 prandi,7 7 trusted. gavisus sum, I was solitiissum, I was Deponent Perfect. 7 juravT, fisiis sum, Perfect glad. wont. : as, Participles Part. Perf. supped having sworn. juratiis, cenatus, having supped. dined pransus, swore nupta, wedded, potiis, havingdrunk, and having dined. some others. 60 DEFECTIVE VERBS. DEFECTIVE Defective " 74-. Verbs want Verbs coepT, I I. The remember,have VEKBS. Present-stem no of the usual some have parts of a Verb. begun,odi, / hate,memini, 1 Tenses. SCHEME. I Conj. erim isse ero ... ... Indie. Coep- \ [ Od- J Mcmin- Perf. Fut. Perf. isse issem eram Plup. ImperativeFut. Sing,memento ; Plur. Part. Perf. coeptiis ; Fut. coepturus. has Memmi Coepihas Odi Novi, / Many Verbs and other Inceptive furo,ferio. polleo, III. Verbs (1) Aio, I " used. is similarly (fromnosco), know II. Indie. Pres. Supine (seeTable),and many Perfect nor Supine: as, mitesco, Perfect without have have Verbs Defective say mementote. osuriis. osiis " " a. Infin. neither in other forms : 'ay? affirm. aio, ais, aiunt. ait Imperf. aiebam, -bas,"c., complete. aias, aiat Conj. Pres. " (2) Inquam, I say. inquam, inquis, inquit, inquwnus inquiebat Imperf. S. Fut. inquies,inquiet. Indie. Pres. " " ,, Perf. M Imper. Pres. aiant* inquisti,inquit. inque inqmunt. inquiebant. inquite. ($) Quaeso, I entreat] 1st Pers. PI. quaesiimiis. (4) Far!, to speak; used by the Poets in this and a few other forms : he speaks; fabor,I shall speak; fare,speak thou. Participles : as, fatiir, fatus ; fandiis. Gerund : fandi,fand5. : (5) The Imperatives a. Apage, begone. Cedo, cedite (orcette), give here. Have (orave), havete, hail. Infin. liavere. Salve,salvete,hail. b. Infin. salver e. Fut. salvebis. farewell; Infin. valere ; are used Age, agite,come; Vale, valete, with special jugated. conmeaning, but their Verbs ago, valed,are fully 62 IMPERSONAL of other (2) Among ImpersonalVerbs it Accidit, Contingit, it happens befalls Evemt, Convenit, it turns Expedit, it is VERBS. Delectat, Juvat, Interest, Refert, \ } mihi, tibi, J- out it suits el,etc. I are Conjugations ) expedient Cons tat, Impersonalsexpress changesof (3) Some : it charms te, ) me, it delights ) it concerns ) mea, it imports it is etc. tiia, etc. ejiis, acknowledged. and season eum, ) weather : as, it lightens. Ton at, it thunders. Fulgiirat, Ningit,it snows. Lucoscit,it dawns. it rains. it gets late. Pliiit, Vfsperascit, " 76. J5, Passive The (1) Intransitive Voice : Persons Verbs there luditur, as, be may is used impersonallyin playing,from expressedby Present are Ablative an the ludo, I play. of the Agent : as, Indicative. Sing. luditur Plur a te, luditur ab eo, luditur a nobis, luditiir a vobis luditur ab Us, the Ablative But " 77- (2) express The meetness is often Neuter or omitted, being understood Gerundive : necessity Present Ring. Ludendum ludendum ludendum ludendum Plur. ludendum ludendum Here men) too must est est est el, est nobis, with impersonally with Dative esse he must playingby me, , , , or/ thou thee, him, he us, est vobis you, ye est iis, them, they is often to of Person. we the Case drink. the context Indicative. mThi, there tibi, is used sometimes from omitted : mine est bibendum, now we (or ANOMALOUS ANOMALOUS " 78. to Verbs Anomalous Sometimes rule. VERBS. all their parts according from several stems, as their irregularities arise from mu tat i on do form not their Tenses borrowed are fero ; sometimes possum, in volo,nolo, malo, eo, queo, of letters, as in sum, CONJUGATION-FORM " 79. G3 VERBS. OF edo. ANOMALOUS Potens,able, powerful,is used as VERBS. Adjective. an (Passive)has Pres. Ind. 2. ferns (for fer-eris") ; 3. frrtiir; and ferrT. Inf. fer-r-er Other ferreris, etc., (forfer-erer), Imperf.Conj. Present-stem forms- are regular. Supine-stem forms, latus sum, etc. 5. Feror 6. Flo in the the Active, and regularin and its 8. Queo 9. Edo, Pres. 2nd edis Pr^s. or Present-stem 7 eat, often Pers. es in the compound 3rd edit is the forms nequeo changes some form (cannot} of its forms Pers. or est Conj.edim, edis,edit,is Passive of their tenses as follows Infin. edere used. or facto,which like : Imperf. Conj. ederem esse Other is of the Passive. Supine-stem forms forms are or essein, regular. eo. 64 ANOMALOUS 80. VERES. TENSE-FOHMATION or ANOMALOUS ANOMALOUS VERRS. VEHB5. 66 TABLE 81. OF I. FIRST Form PRESENT, SUPINE. AND CONJUGATION Infin. : AmA- Perfect. (a-p)-o : a-vi Am-o INFINITIVE, (See "48, Note A (Character Present. Usual SUPINE. SHOWING VERBS, PERFECT, AND PERFECT, PRESENT, -are 2.) re). Supine. a- turn ama-tum. ama-vi Exceptions. -ul, -turn. -- Seco cut. sectum seem 0" Eedupl.,-turn. (3) 1. Q. Do Sto Juvo -are 2. Lavo -are (4) 1. dedi datum, steti statum give, stand. -vl, -turn, juvi jutnm help, lavi wash. lotum (1) 5. Also plicavT, pHcatum. circnmdo, surround (3) 1. Do, dare, has short a throughout ; with the compounds ; which form The -dedi, -datum. pessumdo, ruin ; venumdo, put on sale,^ III. 18. other compounds Conj. and form -dtdl,-ditum. pass to the Third ob- per- prae-sto, etc.,form 2. Comp. ad- constiti,statum (-stitum rare;. (4) 2. Also Sup. lavatum. II. SECOND CONJUGATION (1) r". -pltcm -plTcttum. Forms thus E (Character noted are : MonE- re). only used in the compounds. AND SECOND III. THIRD Form THIRD CONJUGATION various. A. Guttural 67 CONJUGATIONS. a (Character Reg-ere; Consonant IndiWre. Consonant-Verbs. Stems, -si, -turn (Jive -sum). or U). 68 PRESENT, PERFECT, AND SUPINE ; 70 PRESENT, PERFECT, AND SUPINE : AND THIKD B. IV. Usual FOUBTH Form FOURTH U- verbs: CONJUGATION : CONJUGATIONS. -I, -turn. (CharacterX -ire -10 Audio -Ire : Audi- -ivi audivi re). -itum auditum. -I, -turn. (3) 1. Comperio 2. Reperio 3. Venio -Ire comperi compertum find. -Ire reppeii repertum discover, -Ire veni ventum come. 72 VEKBS. DEPONENT DEPONENT V. VERBS. CONJUGATION (1) FIRST (2) SECOND (Part.Perf. -atiis). CONJUGATION (Part.Perf. -itus). Exceptions. Present. Infirt. Part. Perf. 1. Fateor -eri fassiis 2. Misereor -eri nrisertus 3. Keor -eri ratiis THIRD (4) FOURTH have miseritus pity on. think. (Part.Perf. CONJUGATION (3) confess. or -tiisor -siis). (Part.Perf. -itus). CONJUGATION Exceptions. 1. Assentior 2. Experior 3. Metior 4. Opperior 5. Ordior 6. Crior -iri assensiis "iri expertus try. -Iri mensiis measure. -iri oppertus wait -iri orsus begin. -iri ortus rise. Inceptive Verbs form the Perfect ingomQI, ingemltum. still without Supine. Note. misco (from gemo), and Supine as Many Verbs agree to. their are for. Primitives : as, ing?Perfect ; more without 73 PREPOSITIONS. ADVERBS. PARTICLES. ADVERBS. A. " 82. I. ADVERBS PLACE OF (1) Ubi, where ? (2) Quo, whither ? (3) Quorsum, whitherward? II. ADVERBS TIME OF the answer IV. ADVERBS Many NUMBER OF derived are finely; misere, " the answer how far? : questions how (2) Quamdm, DESCRIPTION OF : questions (4) Unde, whence ? (5) Qua, which way ? (6) Quateniis, quousque, (1) Quando, ubi, when? III. ADVERBS the answer long? questionQuoties,how often? express Manner, etc. Quality, Quantity, and end in e, ter; as, pulchre, Adjectives, bra ; fortiter, vdy ; sapienter, wretchedly wisely. Note. Adverbs from of Negation are non, baud, not. IB. PREPOSITIONS. " 83. The take following Prepositions Ad, to,at, "c. Adversus ) Adversum ) . . -r"- " y,i t/ie power * oj. Per, through. Pone, behind. behind. Post, after, Praeter,beside. Prope, near, propius,proxime. Circum,around. about. Circa,vcirciter, Cis,citra,on the near side of. over Contra, against, against. Propter, nigh,on Erga,towards. Infra,below. Inter,between,among, Intra,within. account Trans, across. Ultra, beyond. amidst. Versus,Versum, take following the Ablative "b,abs,by,from. without. Absque (rare), A, Clam, without the knowledgeof.* the presence of. with. Cum, De, down from,from, concerning. Coram, in is attached to the Clam towards. Case. Ex, e, out of,from. Palara,in sightof. Prae, before, owing to,comparedwit ft. Pr5, before, for,instead of. Sine,without. Teniis, to,as far reaching Personal, Reflexive, and mecum,n6biscum, tecum, vGbiscum,secum, * of. to. Secundum, next,along, according Supra,above. Extra,outside of,out of. Note. Cum - Jrenes, in Ante, before. Apud, at, in,among. The Case. Juxta, adjoining to,beside. Ob, over aqainst. by of. reason * 7 \toward, aqamst. , the Accusative also takes E Relative quocum.orquicum, Accusative. as. Pronouns ; as, quibuscnin. 74 CONJUNCTIONS. the Accusative followingtake The INTERJECTIONS. in, upon, In,into,against(Ace.), Sub, up In under (Ace.), to, under sub with Accusative and Super,over, upon. Subter,under. (Abl.). imply motion ; with Ablative,rest. with Verbs compounded : are " Prepositions : a (ab,abs),ad, ante, circum,con (forcum),de, (e), in, inter,6b, per, post,prae, praeter,pro, sub,subter,super, trans. ambiParticles: B. Inseparable (amb-),around, about; dis-, A. ex (Abl.). among Particles and Prepositions II. The the Ablative. or " " di-,in different parts or Note ways Prepositionsin composition 1. back,again ; ; re-, suffer various se-, changes apart. ; such as, comblbo for for transduce. conblbo, offendo for obfendo, traduco Note 2. Many Verbs in Composition suffer vowel-change : (1) a into e, as spargo, dispergo ; (2) a into ", as quatio, concutIS ; (3) a into i, as, ago, exigo ; (4) e Add to these, clawdo, into z, as rego, dlrlgo ; (5)_a0into 1, as, quaere, acquire. exclude, "c. ; plawdo, supplodo, "c. a not awdlo, obedio. CONJUNCTIONS. " 84. CONJUNCTIONS 1. Coordinate ve, ; and are " those which or affect Mood : as, joinwords et, que, and but sentences do atque (and), aut, vel, ve ac, enim (for), "c. (either, or),sed,autem (but), nam, those which joinsentences, influencing Mood or Subordinative, : iit ne as, (that), (lest), quod, quia (because), (when, since), quum si (if), nisi "c., "c. (unless), 2. The " 85. Particles Interrogative without the Verbs, to be cannot which rendered they impart an in English Interrogative force:" are, the They .pounds enclitic -ne, an, num, of the last three with and utrumne: ; the namely,annon, D. utrum -ne compounds ; : the com(whether) namely, anne, numne, of an, -ne, with the INTERJECTIONS. is an " 86. An Interjection exclamatoryword, used either to of some The kind. most usual attention,or to express feeling are A or Note. Of as well as draw jections Inter- " 0 ! oh ! 0, tive nega- nonne. ah, alas Pro these,0, a, eheu, heu, pro, ecc6,with a Nominative en, or Vae, ! may or be proh,forbid it ! woe used Accusative ! with : a Vocative hei,vae, with Case : the same, a Dative. SYNTAX. EXCURSION. PREFATORY " 87- A. expressionof Psittacus Psittacus The The loquitur, parrot speaks. something of which That B. is the Sentence Simple A Psittacus,the does not called said, is is singlethought: loquitur, speak. non parrot a Subject the : as, parrot. which can Subjectmust be a Substantive, or a Noun-term Clause. take its place, or Pronoun, Infinitive, as an Adjective, and C. The Finite Verb, which declares what is said of the Subject, Predicate: the is called makes a speaks. as, Loquitur, completesense, Since Pronoun Subjectsare impliedin the Endings ("44 Obs.),a a. a. The singleVerb D. or be may sentence a : Veni, Vidi, Vici, I came, I saw, I conquered. Finite part of the Verb sum (esse),to be,is usuallya Copula, word linked by it to the Subject,and completingthe a is called a Complement; both togetherforming the Predicate: Any Link sense, ; and Predicate. Copula. Subject. The Note. a. Homo est mortalis, Man is mortal. Homines sunt ammalia, Men are animals. is often Copula Verbs Other called besides Copulative omitted link sum (Link) dicor,am videor,seem; Complement. as, Ran : vocor, men fio,become; called; putor, as, am am is Adjectiveagreeing with any Noun-term and Attributive Attribution, maybe (1)Epithet; (2) viri, Learned 2. A Substantive Apposition, (1) and few). nascor, E. An (1) Docti are and Subject and Complement, a Verbs: said; b5nl, (good (2) Hi viri These men. sunt men are am are born ; "c. thought, said to be in Complement. docti, learned. is said to be in agreeing with any Noun-term maybe (1) Epithetic;(2)AppositiveComplement. Rex Croesus, King Croesus. (2) Croesus Croesus E 2 fmt rex, was king. 76 DE CONGRUENTIA. QUATTUOR GENERALES. REGULAE " 88. L Verbum Finltum Magister docet. Libri leguntur. " 89. II. T bonus Vir Hirundo doces : o s n discimus. est utile. numero, et uxorem habet. casu congruit cum : Hit bonam pullis hanc orbdtd suis Carl sunt parentes; Piieri discendo fmnt nitur u Discere Adjectivum genere, cui attribuitur " Subject! congruit Nominative cum et pes-sona: numero eo PEIMA, MEMORIALIS SYNTAXIS car est a queritiir. patria. docfi. 90. III. Substantlvum congruit casu "o cum cui appo- : N 6 s puerl patrem L o 11 1 u imitabimur. m EiFodiuntiir opes, irrltamenta S p e s est exspectdtw boni. malorum. vocatiir Iambus. Syllaba longabrevl subjecta " 91. numero, Relatlvum IV. et persona JDeum veneramur Antecedente cum ; sed spectatsuam casu qul nos congruit genere, clausulam : crea\it. est, quern amamiis, a quo amamiir. te, mater, quae me am as. Amiciis Amo DE " 92. Cum Veneno SUBJECTO COMPOSITO. SubjectsCompositepluralia congruunt absumptisunt Hannibal et 1. In diversitate personarum Persona : Verba SI tu et Tullia et valetis, ego Philopoemen. congruunt Cicero : valemus. cum Priore 78 SYNTAXIS " PRIMA. Verba 98. quaedam, rogandlpraesertimet ddcendl,bmos alterum Eel, alterum Personae : Accusatives, adrnittunt Nunquam Quid " MEMORIALIS mine 99. Verba dlwtias duos rogavi. te litter d 6c e a m ? as Factitlva,scilicetfaciendl,vocandi,putandi, habent Accusatives,alterum Object!,alterum similia,bmos Complement! : Te facimus, Fortuna,deam. urbem suam Romam Romulus II. ACCUSATIVUS " 100. Accusat!vus vocavit. LIMITATIONS. Verb!s Respectusadjungitiir et Adjec- apud poetas : tlvis,praesertim Tremit Nudae \ artus. sunt lacertos. " 101. Locus, Quo itur, in Accusativo pomtur, idque sine si vel oppidinomen est,vel domus, rus : Praepositione, RegiilusCarthdginemrediit. Vos " ite domum: (1)Duratio Tempons 102. Pericles quadrdgintd annos Spat!!in (2) Mensura Erant " ibo. rus ego 103. Accusatlvum est : ponitur : pedes alti. regunt multae DE DStivus pomtur praefiiit Athenis. ducenos Antt, apud, "d, adversus, Circum, circa,cltra,cis, Contra,inter,ergd,extra, ob, Infra,intixi,juxtd, Penes,pone, post, et praeter, " 104. " 105. Accusativo Aecusatlvo Babyloms muri in Casus : " 83. PraeposItTones Prope,propter,per, secundum, Supra, versus, ultra,trans; His Et subter,addito, sub,si fit motio. super, m, DATIVO. seu Recipientis Remotioris Object!. ad Remotiiis trajiciunt Trajectiva, quae sensum Objecturn, sunt multa Adject! va, Adverbia, et Verba, rarius indicatur Substantlva,quibus I. Propinqmtdset Demonstrdtw, Grdtrficdtw,Domindtw, Et his contraria quaeque notio. " 106. 79 DATIVO. DE Trajectivacapmnt Datlvum, et (1) Propinquitas Est contraria finitimiis oratori Nil fuit unquam Congruenter Praesentia Nee a r p sibi. vivendum naturae est. confer praeturitls. ignoratquid distent tamen (2) Demonstratio Die : poeta. im sic ?. sigmficantiir quum et contraria luplnls. aera : rnlhi,Damoeta, cujum peciis? Anguis Sullae appariiit immolanti. Haud cuiquam in dub 16 erat bellum immmere. (3) Gratificatio Patriae idoneiis, utilis agris. in i mica gravis pad placidaeque alii donat Lucem redde Nobls Ne : sit Turba Quod et contraria qmeti. sibi detrahit. dux bone, patriae. tiia^, fortuna salutem. tlbi quod nemmi licet. spondet libeat Parce pio generl. Succensere nefas patriae. Resistendum est appetitibus. (4) Dominatio Sapiens, Omnibus et contraria sibi qui imperiosus. supplexest. Imperat Mundus : collecta pecuma oboediunt servit aut Deo p a r e t, Inter multa Yerba sunt Trajectiva ticiilis, qualessunt Bene,male, satis,re. a. cuigue. maria et hide composita Ad, ante, con, m, inter,de, Ob, sub,super, post, et prae terraeque. cum Par- : mihi nunquam. Ceterls satis fa cio semper, STeilia q u on dam Italiae adhaesit. bellum dls intiilerunt. G-igantes Anatum ov"galliniasupponimus. " 107. darn II. Dativus Commodi ublvls adjungipotestcum vel Incommodi Esto, ut nunc notlione qua- : multi,dives tibi, pauper amlcls. Niima virglnesTestae legit. Areniis nupsit Vulcano. Philosophiae semper a. c u Hue refer Datlvum vac 6. Pronommis, s : Quid miki Celsiis agit? qui vocatur ethi- 80 SYNTAXIS b. Sum compositls, praetgr possum, cum Sum : Dativo, hdlere saepe significant homini Deo cum nobls mitia Sunt Adjungituridem Passlvae : abest. semper Estj sunt, cum Est d. capit Dativum ttbi Merciirius. Vir mihi c. PRIMA. MEMORIALIS similitude. poma. Datlvus ParticTpnset Participialibus Vocis,praesertimGerund! vis : "thoni. obit et formidatus Midtis ille boms occidit. flebilis sunt Legendae puvrisAesopi fabiilae. Magnus " Propositlpro Complemento pomtiir, : Eecipientis 108. III. Datlvus Dativo adjunctosaepe fiducla caldmitdti solet NimTa Exitio " cms 109. t Mdum e s mare Dativus IV. in nltur,praesertim Licuit Complement! nominand! Themistocli Huie die! ego 110. Ablativus adverbial! llmitant more faciam. rerum quae circumstant Definit actlonem. et Locum. " 111. I. Ablativus Oderunt peccare Causae " 112. II. Ablativus 113. Instrument!: III. Ablativus InjurTafit " 114. IV. Pace Homo duobus mtd cum modis, Thaide sententid defendere Mod! Ablativus tud amore. effera Dido. ill!certant Jlijaculis, " : virtutis bom immdnibus Coeptis po- : ABLATIVO. Casiis est Attractionem otwso. Trinummo nomen per formulls esse DE " e s s e. nautls. saxis. : aut vl Condition^ antfraude. : colloquar. prudentissimusest. etlam et Tempus " 115. V. Ablatlvus 81 ABLiTITO. DE cum Qualitatis, Epitheto: cui dedisti symbolum? Qua fade fiiit, Senex prd)?iissd barbd,horrentl capillo. " Ablatlvus 1 1 6. VI. Angor ammo. Ennius " maximus, ingeriio 117. VII. Ablatlvus Ego pretw spem Quod " Respectus: 118. non opus Pretn non : est, pessimus Quanta Mensiirae " IX. 119. Cibus a. Ablativus Materiae St. const (1 )Verba fungdr,fruor, utor, vescdr, digrwr; (2) Adjecllva dignus, indignus, contentus, Ablatlvum or^ regunt (1) Fungar : Rex (3) Ubi Musa rirum vetat est mori. vcrlnsl est filio (lltcindl tibundanrfi vel egcnd/i, AdjectTvTs et VerbTs 1).Ex : posset utl, frui maliiit. " 133. potitur. vi adsunt,quid opus vlgintlmims. res Usiis auro laude (2) Dignum usus victoria cum impms opus, cotis. vice Hannibal, multH c-npHint, pi'irctndt, pleraqueAblHtTvinn tlvum lima. : Substantiva praeditus fretus, ; ("3) vel est. quam poeta, patronus. omnium lacte,cased, came eorum : pede est omnium optimiis tu est. carum 1a t u m Longum sesquipede, multls Sol partibusmajor Tanto riidis. emo. asse Ablativus VIII. arte etmm Gem- : et mettv Amor Nunquam et feUe est animiis Vis consiU mutu mole expers " 120. a re Hieme Tempo tempus ? u s. aeris Cappadocum rex. est solacium. culpd maximum X. Ablativus Intro, quantum m est. ruit siia. Mancipns lociiples eget Vac d i sai f ecun vacuus r!s si rogatur Qnando rcspondet, Quanto tempore ante vel ? post ? bella coiiquiescunt. Quidquid est biduo scTemiis. Homerus multls fiiitante Romiihim. annis " cum 121. XI. omma A. rogatur, Qua I barn Ablativus via Loci ? forte P"?aSacra. "3 sine ponitiir Praeposltlone, 82 Ablatlvus B. si maxime, PRIMA. MEMORIALS SYNTAXIS est, vel oppidlnomen si stat Oppidorum a. secunda locum C. Ablativus fugit Ita domdj rure. 122. Sine,tenus,pro, His ab se a t et Tantalo iis , Rel : virtuttbus aurum. : leviorem. utiliorem Substantlvum vocatiir Absolutus exactls est. virtute. dedecore Lycurgo sine CompSratae: Accusatlvo cum Piito mortem prognatiis est auro, argentum quam Ablatlvo,qul : et domo. Nominatlvo cum quam XV. db et Originls etiarn SepS-ratioms Parti ciplis adjungitur: NIhil est amabiliiis 125. dicemus.' scopulo. Ablativus Viliiis " si Ablatlvus XIV. Neminem statu abdicavit. coemptis saltzbus Pelope n (2) Pro mus, ab illls. his,culpatiir Verbls Praepositione (1) Pro subter,sub adde- compositfieregunt Ablatlvum,prae- naves XIII. 124. super, fit in, de : dictaturd Laudatiir Cedes " 101.) : Praepositiones Agentis expetit Praepositlonema, b. Ablatlvus " rogatur Undel : Quinctms 123. : Quo Itur,v. varlae regunt etiam Praepositiones db, de, ex Loci Accusatlvo ex, et e, Detrudunt " la habitat Mllctl. de, et prae : mltiftaeque cognita est. Ablatlvum XII. Palam, clam, cum, eertim ae, I in et prlma Corintho. (De Ay dbjabsque,coram, a. casus caret,cum oppidlPraepositione Demaratus " | ? virtus doml Caesaris per ruri h"mi, domi, belli, mllitiae, b. Similia sunt a. def Iniunt faciam Romae Quid Decllnatione ex singularia nomma statioms : clauduntur. urbe totd Epitheto cum Puf edits. Nedpoii est, Lentulus Philippiis Tabernae rogatur ubll cum Praepositione, caret saepe Sparta geniiit. cum Participio : consiiles creafl simt. coalescit in suppleturalterum Pro Participiosaepe vel Adjectlvum : a. Nil duce desperandum Teucro Natus Augustus est 83 GENITIVO. DE et consulibus auspiceTeucro. Cicerone Jamque cmis, vims fr at rib us, Hector Quid dicam, hac juventute? vel dcl'Imfcsubjective " SUBJECTIVUS. et Possessoris. Auctoris I. Genltlvus 127, plerumque objective. GENITIYUS A. Antonio. Possidentis,nomina Gemtlviis, Casus 126. et erat. GENITIVO. DE " Substantivum sunt. sign a plane perfecta Poljjcletl Singulorumopessuntdivitiae civttatis. quaft mulierls statiia dicebatur fiierunt, Omnia, Ea a. Genitlvus Interdum Myronis. pendeta Hectoris Andromache Ventum ad erat b. Genitivus suppressa voce : (suppleuxor). (suppletemplum}. Vestae supplerl possit. stat,ut ita virl fiunt. indicium, Indoles, Mimus ant officmm: Mints Cujusvlskj 128. II. Genitlvus Ingtnm errare. cedere habetur Tempori " est natu. niajores ddolcscentls Kst vultus p Claudius e r u sapientie. cum Qualitatis, : fipitheto ingemucp\"pudorfo. brvvisswm. somnl erat vereri. Gemtlvi, parvi, nnnoris,minwn, mar/rii, elliptic! pluris, plurwn, tantl,quantl, maximi, quibussupplepretfi: a. Notentur Voluptatem Emit " 129. facit. minimi hortos tantl quantl Pythms voluit. III. Interest, refert,Gemtivum Interest Kefert a. Eadem sesslvos Et recte omnium compositidms pro mea, virtus quae quibus anteponas. Posusurpant casus re congruentes : nostrd, vestra,cuja,cum interest tiid et med id : facere. Genitlvis Pronominum t"a, sua, Qui'.lnostra admittunt r e fe r t? te valere. 84 " A. IV. 130. licet,Genitlvl Elephanto beluarum Sulla centum Major Neromim a. et 131. ad te venTrS B. Netitra genus : prudentior. a amisit. suorum praelmm grave commisit. suntBelgae. horis sapit. majores sunt quam mares. omnibus deorum. sancte pertinet. omnium minime Nostrum^ vestrum, Partltlva sequuntur Te " mox feminae Sequimurte, Hoc summit ad~ luctus est datiis. viginti mortdlium Pisclum null Partitivls fortissimi Gallorum Nemo est animantium uni Distributee Eel Gemtlvus jungitur,quae, quantum Homini PRIMA. MEMORIALIS SYNTAXIS iiterque Gemtlvus Adject!va nostrum Rei cupit. Vocabula Demensae comitatur sapientiaeparum eloqucntmC) roboris conservat. Aliquid pristini ta nummorum, B. Quantltatis : Sati? Quantum : n t u m est. tdei est. f OBJECTIVUS. GENITIVUS objective jungiturSubstantivis, Adjecauaedam vis est, tivis, aut ParticTpilK, quibus transitiva praesertimsi significant. " 132. I. Gemtlvus desiderwm, Perltiam, curam, quidquiderit Vel his contrarmm: Insitus est menti cognitwnis amor. Diificilisest a cur alien drum. rerum est. Tempiis edax rerum fiiit. inedtae Corpus patiens Co n I^mp A vi sci e r da Animus a. a rectl est. mens 1 1 iis est fiiit. morum perwullvirtus. fiiTtalienl appetens, tive, Mel, titi, sui, nostri,vestri,objective ponuntur; subjecmetis,tuus, suus, noster, vestfr Nicias (a) sibi profusus. sm tud Genitlvus sui miemoria : delectatiir. Subjectivusin Possessive .latens Genitlvum congruentem recipit : Respublicatned Aves fetus unlus adultos suae opera salva erat. ipsorum f IducTae permittunt. 86 SYNTAXIS DE " VERBO I. Infmltlvum 140. 1. MEMORIALIS INFINITO. stat" - Substantive,pro Nominative Invidere (1) Dulce 2. cadit non et decorum Mori (2) nemo vel Accusative: sapientem. in est pro patria morl. miserum dixerit. sapiens in Praedieatlve, narrando,pro Multi 3. Oblique,cum Accusative Verbl Accusatlvus bene vlvendum 2. Genitlvus Par 94. : Adjectlvl n t gvrere. tempus | Suplna. Adjectlvisadditur et audicndl Ciipidus Nomimbus Gerundii et est. satis Substantlvls et aut est est. : PraeposTttonT Jungltur: De Fugicndo vincimils. 5. Supinum Irl Supinum Foedum " 142. in wm, in Ciipiosatis CupTdiissum si regit ac casus omnes eo-o non fa cere Futuri immane : Passivl : suo. Respectusest Nefas : vlsu est. et Supm5 Gerundio,Participils, Fmltum Verbum : relpublicae. relpublicae. satisfaciendi Grails rnotiis ego. | est. Inflnltlvum,cum eosdem Au post VerbS Irl filio uxorem pro Ablatlvo u dictu III. Ast datum non deliberant. pvgnando Supino eificit Infinltlvum cum Audierat 6. est it Maecenas, dormitum Lusum a. Accusatlvus urn in niifas ausoque servitum potiti. matrihus : legcndo. operam vel modi causae addttur Yerbls Dat \ est disserendo. 4. Ablatlvus Gerundia adjungitur: PraepositionTbus discitiir. Gerundii sunt breve Gerundii scribendl 3. Datlvus Casus Gerundii . Ars vel v 6 1u cogitarequi magna esse pater. insolentem ludcre pertinax. II. Infimtlvl Ad : dicerJ.s Ludum 1 Fmlto Subjectl. " di u Solent Patriae 141. Verbo occldl, seqid,fiigere, capl. 4. Prolata constructione " PRIMA. ibo. DE " 143. VERBO Transitivis Gerundns In Gerundlva; construction^ ciijiis Objectum in Gerundil : genus ObjectI et in liberanda Brutus 144. Bihendum Huic est Clvibus est Verb5 erit. regitur: esse attributiva significat transitlvis Se, suus, credendum, Gerun- constructio : diUgendusest nobis et tangenddrates transiliunt DE timcndus. vada. PRONOMINIBUS. Reflexlva Pronomina, refertintur ad Subjectuni,modo tertiae personae sit : principalis SentTt animus se ad ReflexTva nilillhabet vi Objectum referri sua DE 146. possunt, si ea relatio ambiguT : Mors PARTICULIS Multae Mlratur Arirtus strepitumgwe solum similibiis annectunt et strata vTarum. potest. surripi Socratem. sapTentiorem put5 quam eripi NSminera Omne NONNULLIS. Conjunctionessimilia portas ncc sm. manet. quemque nee forti sen- siid mover!. ostentatio Scipionem impellit fructum rostituo suum. Apibus " a, fib : cum consiilendura. et Non a. Vobis eundum \ constructio erit. Ablatlviis utendum. C haldaeis minime opinatiir Verbls Deus a vobis a 2. Necessitatem "tentlae nu- jiidicwest cuique Eudoxus 145. nobis. quis aliiis casus Suo " Eundum \ add! potest Datlvus,rarius si dlvi,in in est interfectiis. Gerundlva significat intransitlvis: potissimuni est. Bibendum b. Et : um IV. 1. Necessitatem Verbls in impersonalis, a. Gerund! casum, o septemvirifiierunt ayrlsdividendls. Hi " pair id Attract! est usitatior regula est haecce Trahitiir merum 87 INFINITO. patriH.est, ut piscibus aoquor. 88 SYNTAXIS 147. " MEMORIALIS v" cum prohibit! Ne junctivousurpatur PRIMA. ImperativeModo nedum, utmam, : 0 vel si, ut Con- cum pro utinani Conjunctive: cum JVe qua Ae culpam Neu d est 6 dictis mora. meis in e s contuleris. me in t rosae. epiilis Mortalia Nedum facta peribunt, honos et gratiavivax stet sermonum Gtinam minus vitae ciipidi fiiissemus. 0 si urnam fors argent! quae mihi monstret. tt ilium di deaequeperdant. COMPENDIUM REGULAKUM DE SUBJUNCTIVO. " 148. patur : Modus quum Conjunctlvusvarils sensibus pure usuralterl Verbo, Subjunctlvus appelsubjungitur latur. " 149. PartTculae, quae obliqueinterrogant, postulant: Pronomina Subjunctlvum et Ipse quis sit,utrum Talia sunt sit, an non sit,id quoque nescit. : Quantus, utcr, qualis, quis,quot,quotus,unde. uln,quando, Cur, quoties,quarc, quam, qudmodo, mtm, m, ut, fin,utrum. " 150. Relatmim ceteris,simpllclsensu Miseret tui me, LitterTls misi est Digna " capit 151. qui est res Relatlvum obllquaevel re Ennius IndTciltivum vel non qui hunc quibiis et oderit non iibi nervos vel faciasinimicum placaremeum Tn eo et monercm. Conjunctio,si subordinatur oration! : potestate,Subjunctlvum postulat censet Conjiuictlvo saepe omnes tibi. intendas* lugendam mortalitas consequdtur. accusatiis est quod Clamant si continetur protervam pueritiam? Socrates a. : tit,vel talis ut, Subjunctlvum: qinim,) quamvis, Quis PartTculls siils,iind",tibi, cum qm, : subordinatur praestaret esse mortem, quam im- corrumperet jiiventutem. Subjunctlvus: quod recepissft. MODO DE 152. Conjunctlonum I. Prlma Classis " Modos est 89 SUBJUNCTIVO. Classes sunt regentium quarum earum, est proprius tres. Sub- : junctlviis (1) CONSECUTIVA Ut (4) CONDITIONALES : (sothat} Quin Dum (butthat) (2) FINALES: : \ Modo [(provided that) Dummodo ' (5) CONCESSIVAE: Ut (in order that) Ne that (lest, . . . Licet |(although) Quamvis not) Quo (in order that) Quommiis (butthat) Ut (6) COMPABATIVAE (3) CAUSALIS: Quum II. Altera tivus,nisi (since) [" (asif) J su^ordinentur quarum oration! Simiil Quod, quia (because) (assoon as) Post-quam (after that) Quoniam Dum (since) (2) TEMPORALFS Quando, Ut (whilst, longas) [" as j Quoad (3) CONCESSTVAE: ever) howQuamquam (although, : quum, j Donee Quandoquidem (since) Siquidem (inasmuchas) iibi (when) (when,since) Utut Quoties (as oftenas) III. Tertia Classis est earum, Subjunctivus, prout (1) "i proprius est Indica: obllquaevel re vel potestate earum (1) CAUSALES: aut Tanquam Veliit,ceu Quasi,"c. Classis est : res quas aut vera (however) Indtcativus aut aut cogitatapropomtur. (2) CONDITIONALES TEMPORALES: SIVAE Si Dum, donee, quoad(until) ET : (unless) Etsi, etiamsi, even 153. Idiotismi sunt (1) Quum Latin! sermonis CONCES- (*/) Nisi " sequitiir (although, if) : (when) sequente Subjunctive Imperfect!vel : Pluperfect! Zenonem, Decessit quum AF^silaus Athems quum cssem, in audiebam portum frequenter. venisset. 90 SYNTAXIS (2) MEMORIALIS (whilst)sequente Dum obllquasubordmatione in ardorem Quern de et PIUMA. IndicatTvo etiam Praesentis, praeterita: re stiidii censetis dum fuisse in in pulverequaedam quidem captam esse senserit? " 154. Conjunctioexcidit aliquando: Philosophiae servias justum Quaeram Partem " maria 155. De pro SubstantTvis agitiir?S Taedet eadem Magni interest est Thebae, Ubi est ponuntur : fieri. non exstat,nisi si pudor pudet). (i.e. UP (i.e.statw fit). millies. audlre ut te mdeam. Ellipsm: per honestum quod (bisintellige est). gelida (intellige aqua). per Attractionem stultitia error quod Boeotiae " 1GO. Congruentfacum apiidpoetas : Subeunt : tat nisi bonum omnis : : Congruentiavariatur N5n ponuntur Nominativiis omissa intelligitur Perfundor 159. consilio omnm fact! eum Nihil " est vel Clausula Vox ponuntur omriid. tivis Verb! Impersonalis Pudet 158. Prl- veilere. est Credibile Quid ut regiila, CONGRUENTIA. SubstantTvis pro Substan (3) Clausiilae Infimtlvum est ea DE pauperl desunt, avdro Vlverc " SUBSIDIARIAE (1) Adjectivapro (2) Infimtiva 157. Temporum (supplesi). Syntax!repetantur. ex Multa (suppleutrum). dolor,Icare,haberes poema subordmentiir,Historica Historicls. REGULAE " necne Consecutione Primarils 156. oportet (suppleut). sit in tan to, sineret opere Exempla " ArchimedS, qui, patriam descrlbit attentius, ne est dlcendd. est. caput sensu : fit per Synesin,praesertirn auxilio Tegeaea juventus 1 ii ? is s c e perdidit s, qul me . . . tardl. 91 COMPENDIUM. PROSODIAE De " 161. Quant! tate disserit, Syllabarum Prosodia. legibus, Et de Metrorum QUANTITATIS GENERALES. EEGULAE 1 62. QUANTITATE. SYLLABARUM DE Diphthonguscontractaque Syllabalonga est. 1. Omnis 2. Dant 3. Praevia 4. Vocalis fit longa situ,cui vocali vocalis Altera post unam sub it,re, aut J Primaria Derlvatls proprium z corripletur. substat consona ; ut tristts : ; sic Ajdx,axis, Vocalis diibTa est,quamvis seu vpce eadem Amazon. brevis Quam . b. consona Nee minus DE QUANTITATE m post g teg-menquod ; monstrat et PleraqueproducesMonosyllaba, qualiame, 2. PrvodTicuntiir m Acciisativos et a. Carmind A ; excipe Rectos canit ; resonant casus : AmarylUdasilvae. Musa E 4. Producuntur In / 5. Producuntur in 6. Producuntur m 7. Y brevis in fine 8. In C 9. Corripein Z, Z", T: N ver. fmstra, contraque,pardque. 3. brevis dgmen. FINALIUM. SYLLABARUM 1. 10. in ipsasiia vi, muta : sequitur,liquidasubjuncta, Sic recte lugubremelos Tel lugubredices. N post g longara dat semper : ut agnus et ignis. a. 103. tempus. in fine est : 0: U: est : leg$,timete, cdrere. sic dlci,plebtque, dolique. virgo,multoc[ue, juvoque. sic : dmque. tu, dictucpie, sic dant Tlphy, poetae. chelff, producuntur,iit illlc (excTpedonee). brevis in fine est sic : Hannibal, illud,amavit. sunt testes Ilwn, agmen. 92 COMPENDIUM. PROSODIAE brevis in fine est: 11. R 12. Prodiicuntur In As 13. Producuntur In 14. Is brevis a. Es, ut Compositaa vis,sis : Os: 16. Us brevis in fine est 17. secunda mails,nollsqne, vellsque. Producuntur Quartae ensis. utilis, dlceris, ceu persona 15. Hinc atque videres. iit audls: Quartae Praesentis, In priino niimero a. sedes plurales exeipmntur, terns, vobls ; etiam Ut atque Menalcds. terras ut : in fine est: Obliquicasus calcar,amaUtur, Hector. ceu In : testes olus,intus,dmdmus. excipe, ut artus contractos casus atque sdcerdds. utventos queiscrescentis Ut tellus incusque,juventusatque senectus. Ys brevis in fine est: regitAuctorum Obs. Mos DE : penultima casus, longaest Et testes "rlnys. chelijs, Othrijs, tempus, si reguladefit. LEGIBUS. METRORUM DEFINITIONES. " Iambus vocatur 164. Syllabalongabrevi subjecta ille Trocheus Quod si longabrevi praecesserit, Spondeus Dactjlus DE " 165. *" . " . - ^ . fertur consistere bmls efFIcItur SCANSIONE longls longabrevlbusqueduabus ET FlGURIS - . . "-" ^ SCANSIONIS. con|cinnant |arte Fijgurae, varl|a Pe|dum. Verjsum|pro ratijone Distrlbu|it 1. Scanslo, |quam 2. A. Vocalem elldet Synaloepha Si Vocalis erit subnexae in llmlte vocis, in llmlne vocis ; 'PhylM dm' \anf dli\as. dmo, ante.) (proPhyllidti, 3. B. EcthlipsisVocalem atque m de llmlte trudet, in llmlne vocis ; erit subnexae Si Vocalis 4 homin? \ 0 quanf \ est in \rebus m\ane. 0 cu\rds (proJwmimtm, quantum.) a. Extrema in dublls cense tur versus. syllaba 94 PROSODIAE Fide, sed vide COMPENDIUM. qmfidit, nee bene vidit, Fallitur : ipsevide ne capiare fide. labor Idem, Consortes for tuna eadem, socws II. caros agrl lira est Sulcus Ne sit securuSj qui Sunt aetate Quod " Anne Quod Si qua senes forte mare ; veteres quid habes minime dat est non est Simula non novl : rlpds,ad flumen Ad : collegdseificitofficmm : facmnt ludus,mensa, schola, Unum At ante lyrd tacta saddles ; modos. ab hoste ; lltus habes. tutus vixere priores : dissimuloqiiQ quod ? Almm pete : nil est. ego novt. refertgarrulusille refert. sedes, sedes,atque est tibi commoda Ilia sede sede ; (ENGLISH mini nee OF cede loco. NOUNS, " 25"30.) justice,spring,time, [" 25.](1) Silver,gold, iron, 'plebeian-order, riches, household-gods, death,blood,childhood. children, (2) Ghosts, Flora. cradle, trifles, functions,huts,feastof thanks, arms, worker, guest, seer, new-comer, [" 26.] (5) Artificer, witness, citizen, inhabitant,parent, priest(ozpriestess), guardian,avenger, young man (or woman), infant,informer,judge,heir,companion, guide,chief, burgess, husband bird,interpreter, (or wife),hostage, author,exile,ox (orcow), deer,molt, tiger, crane, dog,snake,serpent,swine. [" 28.] Paunch, bear-constellation, canvas, distaff, ground,vine-leaf, sea, poison,common-folk* winnowing -fan,pear-tree,sapphire, bat,poniard, ["29.]I. (1)Spade,order,pirate, hinge, margin, (2)Weevil, sice. flesh. staff, Echo, Tree, ternion, (3) butterfly, surface(orsea), (4) marble (orsea),heart. (5) Whetstone,dowry. (6) Osier,maple,stripe, teat (or fertility), spring, truffle, journey,poppy. carcase, pepper, (7) Fetter,mat, reward, sheaf,rest, crop, copper. II. (1)River, axle, hair,bundle,bellows, fire,circle (orworld), stalk,hill, hind-leg, bludgeon, sword, bread, fish, doorpost,month, brand, talon, canal, lever,worm, (2) birthday,stone, blood, cucumber, dust, nets, ghosts,dormouse. Path, thorn, rope, end, collar,cinder. male, (3) Adamant, elephant, giant,as, bail,vessel. (4)Shears, law, death,furniture, pumice, tih,bolt, basalt,sorrel. (5)Arch, phoenix, cup. (6) Fountain, mountain, iron, onecable,torrent,tooth, trident, client, dropsy,griffin, third-part, bridge, III. scimetar. east. vulture, west, (7)Boar-pig, (1) Bran, turtle-dove, thief.(2) Slavery,youth, virtue, safety,old-age,land, anvil, marsh. ney, (3)Beast. (4)Hare, mouse. (5)Mullet,consul,salt,sun, boxer. (6)Kidwoodcock. linen, (7) Gorgon, comb, dolphin, spleen, kingfisher. mother-in-law, [" 30.] Tribe,needle,porch, house,daughter-in-law, old-womant Ides,hand. 95 MEMORIAL FIKST AGREEMENT. ON THE [" 88.] I. A FOUR Verb GENERAL EULES. Finite its Subjectin Number and the Nominative with agrees Person : Magister docet. TUddces: The master teaches. Thou Libri leguntur. Books Case with An that Vir Hi which to bonus That has do swallow Carl sunt Dear are Pueri hanc this parentes; parents, dear f mnt Boys by learningbecome it ig in Nos We A uxorem : habet. earnest is patria. country. doctl. learned. agrees in Case with : apposition Eifodmntur Riches are Spes est and good wife. Substantive pilert patrem imitate will boys Hope useful. pullis suls or bat a queritur. bereftof its young complains. discendo [" 90.] III. learn. Gender, Number, it is in attribution illebonam good man run The in we est utile. To learn is Adjectiveagrees of discimus. nos teachest: Discere read. are ["89.] II. which SYNTAX, Lo Ilium our imitabimiir. father Lollius. irritdmentd malorum, opes, dug out, incentives of evil. expectdtwbom. of good. expectation is the vocatiir fambus. Syllaba longa brevi subjects A longsyllable short is called Iambus. a following that to $?" MEMORIAL FIRST [" 91.] IV. A lielaiive Gender, Number, clause own We and veneramur Amo who est,quern friend is one we me you, mother, who ON With 1. If the its belongs to a mas. love me. SUBJECT. CompositeSubjectPlural absumptisunt Hannibal and Philopoemen were Persons loved. differ,Verbs : agree Philopoemen. et cut words offby poison. with agree the Prior * : Si tu et Tullia If you 2. When and Tullia valetis, ego are well,I the Genders et Cicero and Cicero Pater mihi If the mortui mater et My fatherand valemus. well. are culine differ, Adjectives agree with the Mas- rather than with the Feminine Neuter in a COMPOSITE THE a Veneno Hannibal a. Case quo amamiir. love,by whom we are amamus, whom te, mater, quae Hove Person its Antecedent nos creavit. created us. qm worship God, Amiciis [" 92. J with agrees Person ; but in : Deum A SYNTAX. mother are : sunt. dead. the lifeless, thingsare Attributes are often : Divitiae, deciis, gloria in ociilissita are our Riches,honour, glory, placedbefore CASES THE [" 93.] 1. Anni Years The Subjectof a AND COMPLEMENT. is Finite Verb Nominative a : fuglunt. flee. (2) The Subjectof an Constat It is SUBJECT OF eyes. CASES. ON ON sunt. Infinitive is put in the Accusative fugere. annos agreedthat years I \ flee. : Scimus annos fugere. We know that years fee. [" 94.]CopulativeVerbs, whether Finite or Infinitive, have a Complement agreeingwith the Subject: generally Vita est Life is a * The First s s e said to be Person nascitiir Nobody dream. Vita dicitiir e Life is Nemo somnium. a sapiens. is born wise. somnium. Nemo dream. Nobody can is considered potest nasci be born Prior to the Second, the Second sapiens. wise. to the Third. Aiunt vltar/i somnium. esse They say that lifeis Constat nemmem It is agreedthat a. dream. a sapientem. nasci nobodyis born wise, with Infinitive is called of Accusative Construction The 97 ACCUSATIVE. THE Oblique (Indirect)Enunciation. THE ON [" 95.] The ACCUSATIVE. Accusative It has also the power of is the Case of the Nearer limiting. ACCUSATIVE I. THE [" 96.] Transitive Object. Verbs OBJECT. THE OF Accusative an govern of the Object: alit pullos. Mater The mother nourishes the young ones. In primis venerare Deum. the firstplaceworshipGod. In [" 97.] Intransitive take Verbs an Accusative of kindred meaning : Duram He servlt serves a hard Claudius servitutcm. Claudius slavery. those [" 98.] Some Verbs, especially admit the Person two Accusatives,one of the of lusit. playedhazard. dltam askingand Thing, the ing, teach- other of : dlvitids deos rogavi. asked I of the gods riches. Nunquam Never Quid Why nunc now te litteras doc earn should I teach you ? letters? [" "9.] Factitive Verbs, that is,of making,calling,think' ing,and the like,have the other of the Te We two one Accusatives, Complement : facimus, Fortiina,dearn. make thee,Fortune, a qoddcss. Romulus Romulus urbem suam called his Romam cityHome. F Yocavi't, of the Object, 98 MEMORIAL FIKST ACCUSATIVE II. THE [" 100.] The T r e m N i t artils. \ [" 101.] The Place,Whither ; and a town, without a Regulusreturned a They laeeridb. sunt e bare are as to the arms. one red lit. Carthage. to domum: Ite ibo. ego rus I will go into the country. ye home: Go d u sative goes, is put in the Accuif it is either the name of Preposition, RegiilusCarthdgmem Vos Verbs rus : (country} (liome), domus or Respect is joined to poetry : trembles in his limbs. He LIMITATION. OF of Accusative in especially Adjectives, and SYNTAX, [" 102.] (1) The Duration Time of is cusative put in the Ac- : Pericles Atliems. praefuit quadrdgintdannos fortyyears. Pericles led Athens (2) The Measure Erant Babylonia ducenos muri The walls Space is put of of Babylon two were in the Accusative pedes alti. feethigh. hundred [" 103.] Many Prepositions govern the list, (see " 83). ON [" 104.]The Dative : an Accusative Case DATIVE. THE is the Case of the or Recipient Remoter Object. " 105. which I. Words their to a. meaning over Remoter Object are called Trajective, and include many Adverbs, and Verbs,more by Adjectives, rarelySubstantives, fication which is implied(1)Nearness or (2)Demonstration, (3)Gratior (4)Dominion carry ; and any notion Words take a Dative " 106. Trajective impliedare (1) Nearness and its contraries : Est finitimiis A poet is drdtdrl akin near Nil fiiitunquam Nothingwas ever Congriienter sic so to an poeta. orator. impar sibi. unequalto itself. naturae \ivendum We should live agreeably to nature. est. contraryto these. when the meanings THE confer Praesentia 99 DATIVE. praeteritls. Compare presentthingswith past. Nee ignoratquid distent ignoranthow tamen And aera he is not yet coins luplnis, differfrom lupins. and its contraries: (2) Demonstration Die mihi, Damoeta, ciijumpeciis? Tell me, Damoetas, whose flock(isthis) ? Anguis Sullae apparuit snake A Hand It appeared to cuiquam diibio in doubtfulto not was (3) Gratification immolanti. Sulla while erat one any sacrificing. bellum that imminere. war and its contraries was imminent. : Patriae sit id one us, utilis agrls. Let him be serviceable to his country,useful to the lands. Turba A inimica gravis pact placidaeque qui'etl. and t o to calm rest. unfriendly oppressive peace crowd sibi detrahit. he gives to another,he withdraws Quod alii donat What from himself* dux bone, patriae. tiiae, Restore light to thy country,good chief, Lucem redde Nobis fortuna salutem. det spon Fortune guaranteessafetyto us. Let not licet. tibi quod nemmi which thee is lawfulto (that)please P pio gen Ne lib eat a r c e no man. eri. Spare a pious race. Succensere nefas patriae. It is impious to be wroth with one's R is t e n d u m est should resist our e s We (4) Dominion and country. appefitibus. passions. its contraries Sapiens,sibi qui imperiosus. The wise man (ishe) who (is)lord : over himself. Omnibus He is supplex est. to all. suppliant Imperat ant Amassed money Mundiis Deo The universe serrit sways collecta pecuma or serves every cuique* man. maria paret, et huic oboediunt terraeque. lands hearken to Him. and and seas obeysGod, Trajectivewords are many Verbs compounded such as bene (well)) with Particles, male (ill), satis (enough), a. Among F2 100 re, MEMORIAL FIRST ad, ante, prae con, SYNTAX. inter,de" ob, sub, in, super, post, and : Ceterls satisfacio semper, miJu nunquam. o thers / satisfy always,myselfnever. Sicilia quondam Italiae adhaesit. once Sicily attached to was dls intulerunt. Gigantes bellum The Italy. giantswaged war the on gods. ova gallmlssupponimiis. placeeggs of ducks under hens. Anatum We " II. A 107. notion of Dative Advantage or be added anywherewith : Disadvantage can multi, dives Esto, ut nunc Be, as many are rich now, Niima virgmes Vestae Numa chose Venus amicls. for thyself, poor for friends. Vesta. Vulcdno. Vulcan (lit. veiled wedded certain legit. for virgins nupsit Venus tibi,pauper a herself for Vulcan). Philosophiae semper v a c o. at leisure for philosophy. I alwaysam a. here Refer the Dative the Ethic Dative Pronoun, which of the is called : Quid mihi Celsiis agit? What doing? with its compounds,except possum, b. Sum Sum tibi Mercurius. / to thee am Vir mihi semper is Est,sunt, with E t homirii s has Man Sunt We d. The a takes : abest. always absent from a cum me. Dative,often imply having: Deo resemblance Dative of the Passive similitude. to God. is joinedto and Participials Participles to Gerundives Voice, especially : fkhonl. civis obit et formidatiis A great citizen is dead, and one dreaded by Otho. Magnus Multis ille boms died a cause flebilis occidit. of weepingto many good men. puerls Aesopi fabulae. fablesof Msop are to be read by boys. Legendae The Dative nobls mitia poma. have mellow apples. same He a Mercury. husband My c. Celsus (is)my sunt 102 FIRST [" 116.]VI. Angor I SYNTAX. MEMORIAL Ablative of Respect: ammo. distressed in mind. am Eniiius arte rudis. ingeriio maximus, in genius,in Enntui,-mi^r.ty [" 117. J VIL Ego wpem i Ablative "Qrvpo Quod non What is not of Price non not hope at 'buy art : emo. cost. a opiisest, asse carum needfulis dear at [" 118.] VIII. (is)rude. Ablative est. a penny. of Measure : la turn pede est. Longum scsqttipcdc, It is a foot and a half long,a footwide. Sol multis The sun Tanto much so As i\a [" 119.]IX. Their These omnium optimus the worst poeta, pair onus. omnium poet of all, of all. (are)the best patron you Cibiis j 6 r est quam lima. largerthan the moon. a times pessimus Quanto By partibusm is many Ablative of Matter: cdseo, came lacte, eorum c o n s t a t. and flesh. food consists of milk,cheese, words Ablative: (1)The Verbs fungor iriior (en/og), utor vescor (perform), (use), (eat), potior (get The possession of),dignor (deem worthy). (2) Adjectives contentus dignus (worthy), indignus (unworthy), (content), fretus (relying), The Substantives praeditus(endued).(3) usus tfpus(need), (use): a. govern an (1) Fungar vice cotis. 7 will perform the functionof Hannibal, cum Hannibal,when Hex The laude virum Musa vetatmori. the Muse forbidsto die. adsunt, quid opiisest verbis? thingsare present,what need is there of tvords? res When Usus My 'victoria posset uti, frui maliiit. he might have used his victory, preferredto worthy of praise man (3) Ubi whetstone. enjoyit. impiusauro vi potitur. " 133. impious kinggets possessionof the gold by force. (2) Dignum A a est filio son needs minis. vlgintl twenty minas. Adjectivesand take depriving, b. Most or et melle Amor Nunquam is riching of aboundingor wanting,en- Ablative an vaciius motu void never of Vac weight. The When Hieme bella omma all Quidqmd est biduo Whatever there is Homer of Time How I longbeforeor B. The many sciemus. shall know we in two questionis,Where Romnlum. or if it stands with Place is put without a ivhat road ? Sacra. on the Sacred is often without ? days. beforeRomulus. years going by chance Ablative questions: after? conquiescunt. multls fiiitante forte Via was the answers " [121.]XI. A. The Ablative of when the questionis,By Preposition, Ibam comfort. very great rest. wars annis was a time ? In winter Homerus is Ablative Within what ? Cappadocurnrex. est solatium. culpdmaximum freefrom blame " [120.]X. aeris rich in slaves,lacks coin. Cappadocians, are To be . motion. Mancipiis lociiples eget king of Genitive est. mole riiitsiia. Vis consili expers devoid of counsel fallsby its own the a honey and gall. in Force The also ; many fellcest fecundissimiis. et animus mind The Verbs fruitfulboth is very Love 103 ABLATIVE, THE Road. a when Preposition is the if it especially name of a the town, Epithet. an PhilippusNeapoliest,Lentiiliis PuteoUs. Philippusis at Naples,Lentulus at Putcoli. Tabernae The a. tola uric clauduntiir. shopsare closed in the whole of towns names Singular define the placeof Quid Romae What b. Like can these militiae belli, faciam of the firstand by are (on ivars),ruri virtus doml Caesar's virtue was sion Declen- Is habitat Milefi. He dwells at Miletus. ? hiimi second in ae, i : cases I do at Romel (at the Caesaris station city. the ground),domi (in the country): cognitaest. miZittaegue known at home and at the wars. (athome), 104 of Ablative C. The the MEMORIAL FIRST a questionis,Whence Demaratus On when Preposition, a ? (from the country). (fromhome),rure domo So is without town fugit Corintho. fledfrom Corinth. Demaratus a. SYNTAX. of Place the Accusative Whither,see " 101. an govern " [122.]XII. Various Prepositions the list," 83). (See when even a. compounded,govern Prepositions, ab, de, ex : especially Quinctiiisdictdturd Ablative. an tive, Abla- abdicavit. se Quinctiusresignedthe dictatorship. naves scopulo. They thrust offthe shipsfrom Detrudunt b. The of the Ablative Laudatiir his,culpaturab ab without joinedalso coemptis saltibus Cedes will retire You Pelope natiis, born was [" 124.]XIV. (1) For quam Nihil est bill prognatus of the us PutS with quam which Thing Compared : : aurum. virtues. : leviorem. disgrace. Lycurgo utiliorem Spartaproducedno man more in the Ablative Tantalus. gold,gold than Neminem A from virtutibus Accusative / think death easier than [" 125.] XV7". est. Nominative est auro, dedecore mortem mansion. than virtue. Silver is less valuable than (2) For Participles: virtute. amiable argentum us and et domo. (than)with more Verbs descended Ptlops, Ablative a ma Nothingis V Hi of : and Originis Separation from purchasedgladesand Tantalo ab by those. of to Preposition a Preposition a, Hits. Ablative The [" 123.]XIII. the Agent takes he is blamed is praisedby these, He He the rock. Substantive Spartagenuit. Lycurgus. serviceable than combines is called Absolute Regibusexactis consoles creati sunt. Kings havingbeen driven out, consuls with a Participle : were elected. a. or substituted another is often Participle Adjective: the For an 105 GENITIVE. THE duce desperandum Teucro be no There must despairwith for omen-giver. Nil Natus Augustus born when was Hector now was I say, when can ON [" 126.] The Cicerone Cicero and our young THE et Antonius Teucer Antonio. were consuls. men of this stamp 1 are GENITIVE. Genitive,the of the Case Proprietor, rally genesubjectively objectively. defines Nouns or A. [" 127.]I. for leader,and Teucer jiiventute?' Quid dicam, hdc What Teucro. et auspice fratribiis,Hector erat. ashes,his brothers beingalive. Jamque cmis, wvis And consuHbus Augustus est tive, Substan- THE SUBJECTIVE Genitive GENITIVE. of the Author and Possessor : sunt. Polycleti sign a planeperfecta statues are quiteperfect. Polycletus's Singulorum opes The of resources Omnia, which things, "a statua Sometimes was the We b. A can be erat had Genitive ad Testae to come so the state. viri fiunt. the husband" Myro's. dependson a word omitted. Vesta's (suppletemplum). (supplytemple"). stands that nature,token function, or , supplied. Cujusvishominis It is in any Est man's adolescentis The young s. (suppleuxor). (supplywife). Hector's Andromache Ventum of Myronis. said to be Andromache civitatis. the riches woman's, become esse the Genitive Hectons are file runt, were dicebatiir That statue a. muUeris quae All divitiae sunt individuals man's est errare. nature to err. majoresnatu vereri. duty is to reverence elders. Tempori cedere habetur sapientis. To yieldto occasion is held a wise man1 s fuiKtfon* duty, 106 MEMORIAL FIRST [" 128.] II. Genitive of SYNTAX. with Epithet. Quality, Ingenulvultus puer ingvnutqaepudoris. and high-bredmodesty, A boy of high-bred countenance Claudius or Claudius was at brevissiml. sornni (a man) of briefslumber. very : EllipticGenitives may be remarked parvl (of less small wortli), minimi minoris (of value), (of very little pluris(ofmore worth),magnl (ofgreat price), value), pluriml, tanti so (of high value), (of great price),quanti (of what The a. (of very great price),to maxim! price), Voluptatemvirtus minimi Virtue makes pleasure of Emit He hortos tanti admit It a. use The imports all men price as Pythiuswanted. facer e. rightly. to act concerns compositionsquae quibiisanteponas. what. arrangement what thingsyou place before same Verbs the Possessive agreeingwith re : Et tua et mea It such refert (it concerns), (it imports), recte omnium Refert voliiit, : Interest It very small account. quanti Pythms Interest Genitive a supplypretii: facit. at boughtthe pleasure-ground [" 129.]III. which instead Cases,mea, tua, interest imports both your Quid (does)that A [" 130.]IY. to Partitive of Pronouns sua, nostra, vestra, mine, that you be well. us? concern Genitive of the far Thing Distributed as is joined be, take the Gender may : Elephanto beludrum est null a prudentior. is more none Of beasts, sagaciousthan the elephant. Homini To Sulla Major Gallorum sorrow viginti a hundred Neronum The elder The of animals centum Sulla lost luctiis est datiis. animantmm uni alone man cuja, te valere. weal and words,which, as of the Genitive Genitives id refert? nostra What of the of and mox the Neros fortissim! Belgaeare bravest suorum has been amlsit. twenty of his grave ere of men. praelium commisit. longfought a sunt given. Belgae. the Gauls, severe battle. THE mortatium Nemo Of mortals Of omnibus nobody is fe Piscium m hoiis wise at all sapit. hours. majoressunt quam females (are)largerthan i n fishesthe 107 GENITIVE. a e mares. the males. Sequimur te, s a n c t e deorum. We followthce,holyone of gods. a. Hoc ad rl his belongsto thee least Nostrum (of us),vestrum Te minime of pertinet. omnium uterque venire Each to te of men. (of you),follow nostrum desires that you us all Partitives cupit. come. [" !31.] V. A Genitive of the TilingMeasured Words of Quantity and Neuter Adjectives : Satis is joined est. eloquenttae, sapientiaeparum too littlewisdom. enough eloquence, He has All quid pristmiroboris conservat. keepssomethingof his old strength. He : Quantum nummorum, There is the same tan THE B. fidei est. as of money, turn of credit amount GENITIVE. OBJECTIVE tives, to Substanjoined objectively have certain transitive which a Adjectives,or Participles, if they signify skilljcare, desire, or force,especially [" 132.] I. whatever is A contrary Insitus est Love is the Time cur is s c ia was Avida Valour is Animus His mind . of rectitude. fiiit. morum unskilled est fiiit recti est. mens is conscious Imperitiis He Imdiae capableof enduringinanition. body was mind est. of things. 1 1e n s a affairs. people's other rerum consumer Corpus p o n of the mind. alicnarum. rerum a care edax Tempus The cognitwins amor. of knowledgeis implantedin Hard C these. to menti Difficilis est His is Genitive in manners. virtus. periculi greedy of danger. fiiitalwni was appetens, desirous of sul another's p r o fu s u s. lavish ^wealth), of his o:vn. 108 a. tuus, SYNTAX. MEMORIAL FIRST meus, put objectively; Mel, till, siil, nostrl,vestri, are suus, : noster, Tester, subjectively NicTas tua sm delectatur. memoria with Nicias is charmed your recollection SubjectiveGenitive understood in admits a Genitive agreeingwith it : (a) A uniils opera Respublicamea The state saved was fetus adultos Aves Birds entrust him. of a noun Possessive Pro- salva erat. exertion. by my single suae fiduciae ipsorum to their own nestlings grown permittunt. self-reliance. [" 138.] II. A Genitive is joinedto Verbs and Adjectives and which innocence, impotence,inculpation, signify power and condemnation,acquittal, memory (1) Roman! signdrum impotens est is Anger (2) Fraterm Reus He is 119 a. sm. of self-restraint. incapable est is innocent He " sunt. gainedthe standards. The Romans Ira potiti : forgetfulness in sons. sanguiriis of a brother s blood. est injuridrum. acts. arraignedof injurious est. (8) Petilliiis furtiabsolutus Petillius was of theft. acquitted Condemnamus We condemn stultitiae. haruspices of folly. (as guilty) soothsayers nos relig^dnum. (4) Res adversae admonent reminds duties. us of religious Adversity a. beneficuoderunt. immemorem Omnes All hate men unmindful of one a kindness. obllviscor (/ remmiscor, recordor (/ remember), Memim, Genitive admit forget), Accusative or : Deus. Jiibet mortis te meminisse death. God oids thee remember Dulces moriens Dying reminiscitiir he remembers sweet Argds. Argos. [" 134.]III. Piget (itirks),pudet (it shames),paenitet and taedet (itdisgusts), miseret {it repents), {itmoves pity), take with Genitive Accusative a an : ImpersonalVerbs, Mise.ret Thou te aliorum: tul others, for pitiest nee miseret without thyself nee pudet. pity or shame. partimscelerum,partimmeptidrum paenitet. They repent,some of their crimes,others of their follies, Eos 110 MEMORIAL FIRST SYNTAX. for a in narration, Predicatively, Multi sequi, fugere, ocddz, capl. 2. Many 3. with Obliquely, 4. Carryingon They of the Accusative the construction dm are wont of cogitarv(\m magna to reflect longwho Patriae diceris esse pater. Thou art said to be fatherof Ludum Gerunds Verb a wish See "91. Adjective: or gereru. to perform great things, thy country. insolent and Subject. volunt ludere per tin insolentem Persistingto play an [" 141.]II. : folloiving, flying, beingslain,beingcaptured. were Solent Finite Verb ax. game. Supines are the Cases of the In-, finitive. of the Gerund Accusative 1. The vlvcndum Ad bene For well living 2. The Genitive a breve is joinedto : Prepositions tempiissatis est. short time is sufficient. is joinedto Substantives of the Gerund and Adjectives: of writingis The art 3. The Pie is 4. The i* is Dative of the Gerund competentfor arguing. of the Gerund Ablative joinedto a Nouns and Verbs : Dat legendo. operam He pays attention to reading. is of cause or manner, or : Preposition vincimus. Fiigiendo We conquer by flying. 5. The joinedto est. of hearing. is desirous He learnt. est dissercndo. Par audicndi Ciipidus scribendi discitiir. Ars Supinein is urn De pugnando deliberant. about fighting. They 'deliberate Accusative an after Verbs of tion mo- : Ltisum it Mcscenas a. the Iii with Passive Maecenas, dormltum ego. I to to play, sleep. goes Supine forms the Infinitive of the Future : Audierat He had a 6. The non heard wife to Supine in Foednm dictu siio. datum filio nxorem iri there (that was')no his u intention (non hi) son. is for est. It is horrible to state. an Ablative Nefas It is of Respect: vlsil est. impiousto view. to give Supine in with Gerund, Participles, and Infinitive, The [" 142.] III. fa Ciipiosatis 1 desire to am A n : fa ciendi relpublicae. the commonwealth. satisfying of nefdsausoqne impiety,and monstrous potiti. achieved their daring. mdtribus ibo. Grails servltnm ego non I will not go to be a slave to Greek matrons. Ast But for which rule the usual; more the Gerundive Gerunds Transitive [" 143.]In is Finite reipublicac. cere immane omnes All dared the Verb as satis desirous si Cases same the commonwealth. satisfy Cupidus sum I the governs um, Ill INFINITE. VERB THE tion Attrac- construction is the : following The attracted Object is Gerund liberandd Brutus in Brutus was HI the were Gerund, Object: of the agrisdividends. lands. for dividing commissioners seven [" 144.]IV. 1. The Impersonal Gerundive in Intransitive Verbs implies necessity, principally Bibendum One a. To this may with a, db : 1. And est nobis. other Case any Clvibus est You must Suo cinque must Eudoxiis Eudoxus 2. The a his : (have)to rarelyan eundum will go. lative Ab- erit. (have)to go. the Verb : consulendum. for judicw use governedby robis consult the citizens. est own u te n d u m. judgment. Chaldaeis mirnme credendum. esse opinatiir thinks that astrologers should by no means be believed. Attributive in necessity, Vobis You construction erit. will joined a Dative,more drink. must Each One be Bibendum We Eundum est. drink. must the freeinghis country. fuerunt septemyiri These of the interfectus. patrid est slain in Case Gender and to the Number the to construction Transitive Verbs of the Gerundive implies : Deiis et diUgendusest nobis et timcndus. God is both to be loved and feared by us. Non tangenda rates Barks transiliunt the shallows o'erleap vada. (which should) not be meddled with. 112 MEMORIAL FIRST ON THE SYNTAX. PRONOUN. Reflexive Pronouns, are referred to the [" 145.] Se, suiis, Sentence,providedit be of the third Subjectof the principal Person : Sentit animus a. Reflexives involves se vl sud moveri. feels(that)it is moved The mind by its be referred to the can force. own Object,if that reference ambiguity: no ostentatio sui. impellit of selfsways Scipio. Scipionem Ostentation fructum Apibiis restituo suum. 1 restore to the bees their produce. Mors sua manet. quemque His death awaits every ON man. PARTICLES. SOME like words [" 146.] Many Conjunctionsannex Miratur portas marvels He at the gatesand viarum. et strata strepitum^we the the noise and to like : pavements of the streets. Virtus nee Virtue N em eripi neither can in nee surripi be torn away potest. nor sapientiorempiito quam em / deem no Omne solum wiser man forti Every soil is a stolen. Socratem. than Socrates. patriaest,ut piscibiis aequor. the brave man, country to as the sea to fishes. prohibitiveis used with an Imperative or utinani (not to say, much less), ConjunctiveMood : nedum O si, ut for utinam, with a Conjunctive: (0 that), ["147.] Ne Ne qua meis Let there be esto no dictis delay to mora. my orders. Ne culpam in me contuleris. Lay not the faulton me. Neu And desint rosae. epiilis be not roses (let) wanting to the feasij. RULES ON THE 113 SUBJUNCTIVE. Mortalia facta peribunt, honos et gratia vivax. deeds will perish,much less (can} the honour Kedum stet sermonum Mortal works of literary fftinamminus that Would 0 si if tftilium had some fuissemus. ciipidi of life. been less fond di deaeque perdant. goddessesmay 2 wish that the gods and OUTLINE OF EULES ON THE [" 148.] The ConjunctiveMood senses : and popularity permanent, argent! fors quae mihi monstret! chance would show me a pot of silver! urnam 0 vitae we stand but, if it is is destroyhim. SUBJUNCTIVE. in various used,purely, another subjoinedto Verb, it is called Subjunctive. [" 149.]Pronouns and which Particles, questionindirectly, requirea Subjunctive: Ipse quis sit,utrum He Such knows not sit,an sit,id quoque non nescit. this,who himselfis,whether he is,or even are Interrogatives is not. : Quantus Cur Uter Quoties (how often) Quare (wherefore) Quam (how) Quomodo (how) (how great) (whichof two) Qualis (ofwhat sort) Quis (who or what) Quot (how many) Quotus (which,in order Unde Ubi Num, ofnumber) Ut (whence) An, (whereor when) Quando (why) (whether) ne (how) (whether). utrum (when) ub! (where, Particles, when, "c.),unde (ivhence), "c., in its simplesense, takes an Indicative ; if there is impliedin it since, although,in order that,or such that,a Subjunctive: [" 150.] The MTseret / Eelative qui, with faciasinimicum hunc qui since pity you, you make tui me, Litteras quibiis et letterwherewith I misi this a QuTs est Who is there that hates not Digna res The matter est is non ubi oderit man your tibi. foe. pldcdremeiim et might pacifyand I sent qui its monerem. admonish him. proterram pueritiam? saucy boyhood? intcndds. (that)you devote your nervos worthy to energies it. 114 FIRST [" 151.] A MEMORIAL SYNTAX. if it is subordinate to Conjunction, requiresa Subjunctive. Obliqua,either actual or virtual, Oratio Relative Enniiis or lugendam censet non mortem, esse ortalitas consequdtur. considers that death (ought}not Ennius to be in ma- quam mourned, which succeeds. immortality Socrates Socrates A a. accusatus est accused was ConjunctiveMood quod (on the corrumperet charge)that he often has juventutem. corruptedyouth. Subjunctivein a ordination sub- to it. Clamant omnes praestaret : All cry out, he shoidd quod recepisset. performwhat he had undertaken. [" 152.]Of Conjunctionsgoverning*Moods Classes are. three : I. The the there First Class consists of those to Conjunctions, which : Subjunctiveis appropriate (1) CONSECUTIVE Ut (4) CONDITIONAL: : (sothat) Qum (butthat) (2) FINAL: Ne that (lest, not) (inorder that) that) . Quommiis . . (butthat) Quum the to Quam "I vis Ut Veliit,ceu [" (although) j [(asif) Quasi,"c.j (since) consists of those to Conjunctions, ordinate subis appropriate, unless they are Indicative Oratio Obliqua,either actual or virtual. Second Class Simiil (1) CAUSAL: Quod, (because) (since) Quandoquidem (since) Siquidem(inasmuchas) quia Quoniam (2) TEMPORAL: Quando, quum, Ut J (6) COMPARATIVE: Tanquam ) (3) CAUSAL: which I(providedthat) Licet (in order II. The \ Modo Dummodo (5) CONCESSIVE: Ut Quo Bum iibi (when) (when,since) (asoftenas) Quoties (as soon as) that) Post-quam (after Dum } Donee I(whilst, as longas) Quoad J (3) CONCESSIVE: ever) howQuamquam (although, Utiit (however) being governed by Conjunctions, we mean only that \ye speak of Moods The Conjunctions are used, always or in certain senses, v/ith certain Moods. is independent of Conjunctions ; but Conjunctions of Mood distinguish the reason relations of Clauses more fully,as Prepositionsdistinguishthe relations of Nouns. * When certain LATIN Class consists Third III. The either the Indicative expressedis the matter of Conjunctions which Subjunctive follows,according as or contingency. the or 115 IDIOMS. fact those CONDITIONAL (2) (1) TEMPORAL: SIVE donee, quoad (until) Dum, Nisi (unless) Etsi, etiamsi Ante-quam 1 (before that) Prius-quam of the Latin [" 153.] Idioms (1) Quum (when) followed (although^ if) even a. CONCES- AND : language are: by Subjunctive a of the Imperfect Pluperfect. or Athenis frequenter. essem, audiebam quum 1 was at Athens. used to hear Zeno, when Zenonem, I offen Decessit Agesilaus quum Agesilausdied,when he (2) in Dum had followed (whilst), ardor Quern dum quidem captam What ardour whilst concerning a past pulvere quaedam in Indicative an stiidii censetis em of study think did describlt there ye even circumstance Archimede, in attentius, ne perceive in was the dust figuresin some not fiiisse Present, : qui, patriam senserit? esse drawing harbour. into come by oblique subordination,and venisset. portum in that even Archimedes, who, tention, peculiar athis country was with captured? b. [" 154.] A Conjunction is Philosophiaeservias (that you) It behoves sometimes understood. oportet. be a servant to justum sit necne poema. be a it inquire (whether) utrum). philosophy(supplyut). Quaeram / will Part-em Thou, in tanto, sineret have a Icarus, wouldst [" 155.] The Eule that Primary Tenses are to Historic. (" 48). may or (supply not share in this great work, did (supply si). c. Examples poem haberes. dolor, Tcare, opere griefallow true be looked for the Consecution subordinated out from to the of Tenses Primary, Syntax. is, Historic 116 FIRST MEMORIAL SUPPLEMENTARY SYNTAX. RULES [" 156.] (1) Adjectivesare AGREEMENT. OF put for Substantives : Multa pauperl desunt, avdro omnia. Many thingsare wanting to the poor (2) Infinitives Vivere est to the miser man, put for Substantives are all things. : vcilere. To live is to be well. (3) Clauses put for Substantives are Credibfle est omnid [" 157.] The Pudet Stdtur Taedet the fit). There stand-still. ut is thousand Word A is tedious. times te videam. of great importance that ["158.] a millies. thingsa same interest It is : statw (i.e. audire eadem Magm 1 beingdone To hear Clause a or is not (i.e. pudor pudet). the act. of agitiir? is Impersonal Verb an fact! eum What of Infinitive an is ashamed Quid fieri. thingshappen by design. Nominative apparent unless it be He consilio probablethat all It is : I should see when is understood you. omitted by the : figureEllipsis Nihil bonum nisi Nothing is good Perfundor quod but what gelid (understandaqua). a myself with 1 bathe [" 159.] Agreement (understandest twice). is morallyright. honestum cold water. is varied by the figurecalled tion Attrac- : omnis N6n Not T h error every e b a e, stultitia error must be called quod Boeotiae Thebes, which is the est dicenda. folly. p iit est. c a capitalof Boeotia. [" 160.] Agreement with the meaning in poetry : figurecalled Synesis,especially Tegeaea juventus Subeunt The youth of Tegea come Ubi est Where seel us, qui me who is that villain, is takes auxilio tardi. slow to the succour. ? perdldit has ruined me? placeby the 118 COMPENDIUM 4. Words in I 5. Words in 0 are 6. Words in U are long; are 8. Words in C long,so plelland multo in T ; thus L, D, 11. K final is amavit. Hannibal,illud, instances. are short; as calcar, amabitur,Hector. 12. Words in As are long; as terras 13. Words in Es are long; sedes and 14. Is final is short ; compounds of 15. Words Us 16. a. Plural in Os excepted,as terns,vobls ; also the Tense, of the Fourth Conjugation, as final is short: malls,noils,and vis, sis ; long,as are videres. are Present Singular, Person audis ; the as and Menalcds. diceris, ensts. utitis, as Oblique Cases The juvo. poets have chdy,Tiphy. final is short,Ilion, agmen, a. and dictu and dm. tu and 10. N Second doll. long,as illlc, except donee. are words 9. Shorten did and PROSODY. long; virgoand final is short ; thus 7. Y OF veils. and sacerdos. ventos olus,intus,amamus, instances. are this rule the contracted cases of the Fourth Declension, and words have as which, increasing, long penult; as tcllus ; incus,juventus and senectus. Except from artus and 17. Ys final is short The a. chdys,Othrys, Erinys,are : of Authors custom LAWS THE ON if Quantity, governs OF instances. rule is a wanting. METEE. followinga short is called Iambus (^~)' [" 164.J A long syllable before that is a Trochee (- w) : a longsyllable a short one, goes a Spondee will consist of two long syllables ( ) ; a Dactylis formed and short two by a long syllables (- ^). but if " ^ FIGURES AND SCANSION ON SCANSION. OF butes [" 165.] 1. Scansion,which Figuresadjustby various art, distriVerse according to Feet. a Exceptions 4. and Vocatives, as ThyrsidT, Chlorl; also mitu, tibY,sibT,ubf,ib?,are doubtful. Verbs and Proper Names, fluctuates. in 0, especially in O derived from Adjectives,have o long, except cit5. 5 short : inimo, puto, ego, duo, octo, scio,nescio, have Greek are: sicubl,necubY, nisT,quasi. 5. The quantity of words Oblique Cases, and and Modo its Adverbs Compounds, Datives But doubtful. 10. IT. 12. anas, a Exceptions Exceptions : many Greek : many Greek Exceptions: Greek as Hymen, as crater, Third of Ammon. aer. Declension, as Areas, lampadas. Also duck. 13. Exceptions: which Singular Nouns 14. cases words, words, a. Simois. of the Future Greek words Some words Plurals increasing; as, Troades: also penes; and some increase Gratis, forls,are Bis 15. Some 1 6. a. Greek from short, as seges. long : and Substantives which increase long, as Samnis, is doubtful, as fecens. and Perfect in Verbs in os (o?) are short, as ArgSs, epos. the Greek in us are long, as Sapphus, Melampus, lesus, LAWS will (Elision) Synaloeplia 2. be if there vowel a the at 119 METRfc. OF off cut Vowel a the beginningof the end at word: next of a word, am* PhyllicP Phyllidaamo ante alias. and m will cut off a Vowel from the end, if there 3. Ecthlipsis the word next of the at curas : 0 be a Vowel homiri, 0 beginning quant'cst in rebus inane, for hominum, quantum. is counted doubtful. of a Terse The last syllable a. ant;'alias,for [" 166.] I. Olympia. You white are key will opens. injuredone the to a This man trains money, you the weight dogs same You man leads to take them is up, as not to in hares who bids not a companion,affable a seek has sult Con- supper. his desire own temples are untie,who severed the wife ; the bride veils for a soon againstboars. If you have The sea often deceives delicacies. eat not a out The chases sun sins,by the man the difficultlabour under is smooth, but the girl's I bid not a in books. plains,elegancies I rather break with for me. had a penny bad. Merchandise is sold,and reward comes Silvia strokes toil. done a while she milks, her gentlecow. lovingly, if have sent coins to the wretched. Strive, duty, you shalt desire to shine. She is of base He fell decenc}'. paint, forgetful by A you husband. littleboy,whoever killed. the firm, and recited,while are wins dogs, unless nail holds a punished. It is a The boy's forehead soon I sink. Seek for him will have trusted and destitute, man of which gained by lead yourself.Often Songs war. He jaw good applesthan my : horse spirited relies too much the clear surface. on irrecoverable time flies. By what a tongue light. penny The are clouds,and same of Lord. sword. who one voice stage ; messmates, for consult you desirous knot with the your the seek Comedians, teachers,so not sing the woods; temples. A club strikes ; please a companion,put on, To dedicated with the on manners. is in the maple The is red, smeared with whom a friend treachery, who mouth It is commands, but a bone is eaten with the mouth. Obedient a wife's part to bring forth and obey,a husband's to procure. is hurled children make ball at : a javelin rejoice. Play parents ; pila is for is blow. a net and for a a pillar.Plug a a People country ; pldga the citizens of are (ofa ship),the promises,but a a poplaris but hind the use all the sails. only. surety money Trust, but is deceived city: first see If you ,- tree. a part,and vessel contains food. but II. a stern he wish who A the bail to go The prow is the front A bail keel the lowest. kindly assures quick, you trusts, and has the have person, to need well not seen, lest you be inveigledby trust. The same fortune makes toil the comrades but one school, same : partners ; dutycolleagues ; the furrow the dear of a field : table,make play, companions. Lira is : see lyra (thelyre)touched utters have are lived the enemy : you old by time; ancients what That and the is. Have chatterer placeto the seat me. you relates what Let him notes. safe from not be who secure, is not Men by by is and I what semble disnot, formerly: feign I know Seek another: nothing. any news? little. If perchance you sit anymatters where, banks is convenient a to you, river,shore sit in that seat the : sea. nor giveup JL20 APPENDIX. I. NOTES ON ETYMOLOGY. I. NOUNS. Substantives: A. FIRST a. The old Genitive " DECLENSION*. endingas remains a family. is found in epicand in familias : as, pater- (mater-) familias, father (mother)of b. The c. Gen. in ai which Nouns form Gen. PL Compounds amphora. like d. Nouns Dea, as Nouns in SECOND a. declined Nouns b. The Gen. n Ovid writes ii. c. The Gen. PL in for um trades: and weights, measures, abus, as, are filia, nata, liberta, mula, "c. and genius,familiar spirit, are into I. orum in as, nummus, talentum ; people: as, Argivus,Danaus. (2) Some names virum for virorum. words of short penult, as Ace. Delon in os, m. and /., have Ace. in on, Delum. Nouns n.t are Nouns or Latin Horace I; use of coins, sestertius,medimnus, appears So, denum faber. Virgiland (1) names praefectus fabrum. Poets of d. Greek of those which some Mercurius, Laelius. often contracted was modius, talentum, : us are DECLENSION. like filius in ius, as as, aquai. tronymics (1) PaLapitha; (3) caelicola, terrigena ; (4) Drachma, with Dat. Abl. PL correspondto Masculine Proper Names poetry : in urn, instead of arum, Some of people,as names ; (2) as, Aeneades with -cola, -gena, : comic on or often um it in as, Delos : in all but like bellum Sing.; as, Pelion. Pelagus,sea, virus,poison,being Neuter, have Ace. Nom. as people,is Masculine Vulgus, common use N. V. A. e. same has -um or -us in Ace. These three Nouns THIRD a. Variant Consonant Old man, Nouns no Plural. : or cow, Jupiter, c. c. Senex Sus Bos Juppiter Ace. Sen- Su- Bov- Jov- em Gen. Sen- Su- Bov- Jov- Xs Dat, Sen- Su- Bov- Jov- I Abl. Sen- Su- Bov- Jov- " N. V. A. Sen- Su- Bov- Gen. Sen- Su- D. Abl. Sen- (a) N. V. " m. " es um " " Voc. the Neuter, and DECLENSION. Swine, Ox m. have and or ttms ; 121 NOUNS. Sus has Dat. Abl. PL Dat. Abl. bobus subus or suibus or bubus. bos has Gen. : Pl.bouin, etc. Her, journey,n. ; Gen. itiner-is, etc. Jecur, liver,n. ; Gen. jecoris orjecinor-is, furniture,f Supellex, etc. ; Ace. supellectilem, declined like Consonant Nouns, Nouns, are : (b)Parisyllable words, pater,mater, frater, (1) the syncopated accipiter; yates, volucris. (2) canis,juvenis, . b. Variant I-Nouns : I-Nouns, like dens, are: (1) Nouns with Stem (a) Imparisyllable ending in two Consonants, except lynx; (2)the words,glis, lis,mas, strix,with (nivis), nix mus, like tussis and faux vis. f. ; amussis, carpenter's sitis, thirst, of rivers, f. few Also with a as more. names Tiberis, rule, ; f. Seville, Tiber,m.; of towns, as Hispalis, vest f.; febris,fever; messis, harfleet, (c)Like da vis : classis, few and others. f. a stern, f., navis, ship, ; puppis, ; Abl. e; securis,axe,f.,Abl. i only. Restis,rope,/., Nouns: (d)Like canal is are Adjectival as, aedilis,ra. are: m. uter, bladder;venter, belly, boat,f. (e) Like imber ; linter, (b)Nouns c. Consonant Greek -Nouns usuallyin as: Gigas,giant,m. f. Lampas, torch, Crater,bowl,m. Aer, air,m. So, Nais, Naiad, f. Heros, hero,m. a, crater. Naidhero- Eriny- (b) Greek I-Nouns have Nom. Dat. Abl. i : as, poesis, poetry. are (c)The following Sing, in gigantlampad- in is, ys, have Nouns Examples. Ace. form aer- Erinys,fury,f. (a) Greek are: a, em as em as a, em as a, em as a, em as a, em as as a Voc. i, y : as, is, f.; Voc. em', Ace. Plur. or a i Par!, Nai, Eriny. ; Ace. Heteroclite Masculine in forms or of im; Gen. eos; ProperNames : crates, 3. SoOrpheus,Peleus. 2. Achilles,Ulixes (e'lis). Thucydides. 4. Eteocles,Pericles. 5. Chremes, Thales. " 1. FOURTH a. The Nouns in gyllables cus limbs; (Plur.), DECLENSION. which : prefer iibus to ibiis in Dat. Abl. PI. are Dibow : also,tribus, tribe ; partus,birth; artus N. veru, spit, as, arcus, and b. Poets often contract ui into u G : as, Parce metu. " VIRG. 122 NOTES FIFTH Dies, day,and a. b. Poets c. res, contract into ei DECLENSION. thing,are in the Plural. Cases ETYMOLOGY. ON Most e the only Nouns have no as, Constantis : which form creasing the in- Plural at all. juvenem fide. " Hor. has e short : so rei,spei. generally commonwealth, declines both elements : Ace. rempubliRespublica, etc. So jusjurandum, Gen. reipublicae, oath-,Gen. jurisjurandi,etc. Fidei d. cam, SUBSTANTIVES. ANOMALOUS a. those named only (besides " 25),are 1. /. Deliciae,delight Nonae, Nones Nundmae, market-day Epulae,feast funeral rites Nuptiae,bridal ~E,xseq\ua,e, Reliquiae,remnant Feriae, holidays The chief DECL. Plural Nouns, : , DECL. 2. Insidiae,ambush Kalendae, Calends Minae, threats Tenebrae, darkness Athenae, Athens Thebae, Thebes Fasti,annals Delphi Gabii DECL. 3. DECL. 4. b. The most DECL. Moenia, Fores, door, f. Artus, limbs,m. DECL. 2. Ludus, play,m. DECL. 3. f. Aedes, temple, c. Add which importantNouns Copia,plenty,f. 1. to Defective Nouns town walls,n. Idus,Ides,f. changemeaning in Plural forces Copiae, Ludi, publicgames are: " Aedes, house : b. Mane, morning,Nom. Ace. Abl. Sing. c. Fas, right;nefas,wrong-, instar, likeness;nihil,nothing;necesse, need: Ace. Nom. Sing. necessity; opus, d. Fors, chance ; Abl. S. forte,by chance. e. Sponte, by one's own choice. : Adjectives B. a. Like has the b. Like c. melior same Like wealthy; S. i,when d. Like e. declined are endings in felix,Adjectives ancient, Comparatives.Vetus (veteR-), in the ObliqueCases and Plural. ax, ix,ox, ux. in gens, in -ns, -rs, -ex; also locuples Adjectives (locuplet-), with its Present have Abl. compounds. Participles par (par-) used as Epithets; otherwise e : with occasional exception. Adjectivesof the Second Class in -cer, -ster; also acer, ; saldber,healthful. S. I, Gen. PI. vigiL,wakeful; fruitful, ; /. melior as celeber,renowned Abl. " Abl. S. e, Gen. PL um memoB, ; no Neut. PI. Nom. Ace. : tute inop-s,desti- mindful ;. degenen,degenerate ; uben, Neut. PL : ales (alit-), um ; no winged; dives safe; superstes (superstit-), (sospit-), surviving; not possessing; deses, (compot-), possessing ; impos (impot-), compos inactive ; paupeR, poor ; pubeE, of age. reses resid-), (desid-, rich; sospes (divit-), 123 NOUNS. C. Pronouns a. : " various Pronouns. suffixes -met, -te,-pte,-ce, strengthen its cases, except Gen. and to be 1. Met joined (a) ego may the to of tu, except 2. Plur.: as, egomet, I my self cases \ The Nom. Sing.: as, cases, except sui: suamet yosmet, as, ye 3. yourselves; sibimet; 4. to the cases to se of and suus its : as, facta. is joinedto tu : as tute ; also,tutemet, thou thyself. is joinedespecially to the Abl. Sing,of the Possessive Pronouns consiiio, : as, meopte by my advice. (b) Te (c)Pte (d) C For is joinedto the Demonstratives : as, huncce, hujusce. which be written declined, are illic, istic, Ulece,istece, may e Plural. Sing. M. N. F. M. F. N. N. istic istaec istuc istice Ace. Gen. istuuc istanc istuc istosce istasce Nostr-as Vestr-as istace istace istorumce,etc. etc. istiusce, the Possessives noster, vester, b. From istaece of our country. I (at-), of your country. \ (at-), D. Derived 1. Substantiva Mobilia have a derived : are cujus, of what country. Cuj-as(at-), Nouns. Feminine as well a as Masculine form : formed A-Noun 0-Nouns have a Feminine by changingus lamb ass deus, asinus, god ; dominus, cervus, stag ; ; ; agnus, house-ser t f reedvan libertus, famulus, films, son; lord; equus, horse; ; a. Many into d : lupus,wolf; maritus, husband ; mulus, mule ; natus, son ; servus, Fern, agna, asina,"c. slave ; sponsus, bridegroom ; ursus, bear,"c. has avia; gallus, cock, gallina;caper, he-goat, Avus, grandfather, puer, boy, puella; magister,minister,change ter capra and capella; citharistria. Taurus, into tra ; poeta, poet,poetria ; citharista,harper, man ; maid- servant. has ancilla, bull,has vacca, cow ; verna, born-slave, trix : b. Consonant-Nouns, verbal,in tor, sor, often have a Feminine victrix ultrix as, ultor,avenger, ; tonsor, barber,ton; victor, conqueror, strix. Some forms in trix are found as Adjectives : as, arma victricia, victorious arms. Caupo,vintner (3),has Fern, copa (1); cliens,client (3),clienta (3),fidicina (1); tiblcen,flute-player (1); fidicen, lute-player (3),tibicina (1); leo,lion (3),leaena or lea (1). d. Gentile names monian : as, Ores, Cretan (3),Cressa (1); Laco, LacedaeLacaena (1); Libys,Libyan (3),Libyssa (1); Phoenix, (3), Phoenician (3),Phoenissa (1);Thrax, Thracian (3),Threissa(l); Tros, Trojan(3)Troas (3),"c. Fern, neptis(3); aries,ram e. Nepos, grandson (3), has (3),ovis, in-law ewe (2),mulier,woman son nurus (3); vir,man (2), (3); gener, old socrus father-in-law man anus (4);socer, (2), (4); senex, (3), (4). c. Note. Nouns (ftriKoiva): by the having only words sparrow, mas, f emina Gender one as, passer, : for both sexes vulpes,/o.r,f. Sex must as, vulpes mas, a dog- fox, G2 m. ; are be called Epicoena ful, expressed,if need- 124 2. Deminutives Deminutives are NOTES ON ETYMOLOGY. Derived Nouns which express smallness. in formed, chiefly, are also diminished are Adjectives Personal 3. Patronymica are : misellus. parvulus, pallidulus, as, derived Names, from parent a or ancestor. Masc. ades, ides, Aeneades, ides, Nelides lades Thestiades of son Tyndarides Aeneas, Tyndarus. " Neleus. " Thestius. " Fern. is, Tyndaris, daughterof Tyndarus. eis, Neleis, Thestias, as, And Neleus. ,, Thestius. " some others. OF II. COMPOSITION CHANGES A. (1) A, ab OF PREPOSITIONS VERBS. IN COMPOSITION. = before m, v: as, amitto,avoco. before c, t: as, abscedo,absterreo. Abs As before p : as, asporto. A aufero,aufugio.But abfui,abfore. other letters : as, abeo, abdo. Au before/: Ab before (2) Ad (3) Con- as, 5,d, h, j,m, v, and vowels: as, adbibo,addo, adhibeo, adjicio, admitto, advoco, adeo. before gn, sc, sp : as, agnosco, becomes aascendo, aspicio. is assimilated before other letters: as, affero, appono, assisto. before remains (forcum), in-, are compare, assimilated written com-, im-, before p, b,m : as, combibo, immitto. before /,r : as, colludo,irruo. before vowels, h, and gn: as, coeo, coheres, Conbecomes coSo ignosco. Note comedo, comburo. cognosco. other consonants: remain before Con-, in-, as, ccnfero,induce. are (4) Ob, sub, assimilated are suppono. So before c,g,p,f: as, occurro, oppono, summoveo. suscito, suspendo, suspicio. Except suscipio, They remain before other letters. Except ostendo, sustineo, sustollo,sustuli,surripio. Note omitto. 126 NOTES ETYMOLOGY. ON -tinui, (g)e x i,i,e: (2) tenere (-tinere, -tentum). -sedi,-sessum); (3) regere (h)exi, e, e: (2) sedere (-sidere, -rexi,-rectum),specere (-rigere, -spexi,-spec(-spicere, turn), -pressi, (-primere, -pressum),emere (-imere, premere -emi, -emptum), legere (-ligere, -lectum). Exc. -legi, circum sedere,pergere (perrexi,perrectum),surgere (surper-, inter- (-emere, -emi, -empturn). Also sublegere(-legi, -lectum),di-ligere, neg-, infour last are from tellegere(-lexi, -lectum). These of choose. The t o t o compounds legere, legere, read,are -legi, -lectum). per-, prae-, re- (-legere, rexi, surrectum); - EXAMPLES a. co-, COMPOUND OF (1) Condemn o, condemn cast forward Objecto, Delecto,delight askImpetro, obtainfyj g. VERBS. Conticeo,be silent be silly (3) Desipio, Kestituo,restore (a)(3) Abigo, drive away beat back Refringo, Impingo,knock against (")(^)Occido,die Consecro,consecrate Obtrecto,disparage (2) Coerceo,confine (3) Incendo,set on fire Attingo,reach (c)(3) Succino,sing low Excerpo,cull (d)(3)Decipio,deceive Dispergo,disperse Efficio, effect Progredior,go forward cast Ejicio, endure Perpetior, Di sperti or, distribute b. (1) Proculco, trampledown (3) Adi piscor, acquire (g} (2) Abstineo,abstain (h)(2) Praesideo,preside stretch (3) Porrigo, Insulto,insult,leapon (3) Decutio, shake (3) Occldo, kill out Allicio,allure (e)(4) Circumsilio,leapround disown (/) (2 ) Diffiteor, (4) Infercio,stuffin c. asunder tear Diripio, Ascendo, climb down Collido,dash together Acquire,acquire d.(3)Include,shut in e. (3) Explode,stamp off f. (2) Prohibeo, prohibit look through Transpicio, Opprimo,weighdown Eximo, take out collect Colligo, l Diligo,ove Perlego,read through Displiceo, displease Note." The of Yerbs which Compounds reduplicate the Perfect omit the Reduplication in their Perfects, except those of disco, posco, curro, do, sto. PRONOUNS III. CORRELATIVE The full series 3 Relativum under ; 4 comprises " PARTICLES. Interrogativum; Indefinita; 5 Universalia. 2 Demonstrativa These last are In the following list the dual series several heads. marked 1 AND subdivisible (uter, "c.)is *. PRONOVNS. 1 Quis ? *Uter qui? who ? which of ? what two Idem, the same Alius, another *Alter, the one, the other ? ? 2 Is, ille, iste,that Hie, this 3 Qui, who ; CORRELATIVE b. Quis,qui,any^one 4 Quivis,quilibet, any you which *Utervis,uterlibet, aliqui ) Aliquis, Quispiam 5 a. at all you Quisque,each (ofseveral) c. Omnes, universi,all other or will will Quisquam, ullus,any Quidam, a certain one *Alteruter,one 127 PARTICLES. *Uterque,each (of two) Quisquis, quicumque,whoso- *Ambo, both d. Nemo, nullus,no *Neuter,neither ever, whatsoever *Uteruter, utercumque, which- one, none soever ADVERBS PLACE OF 1 XJbi? where? 5 in which *Utrobi? WHERE. Ubiubi, ubicumque, where- b. Ubivis,ubilibet,where place? soever there Ibi,illic, istic, Hie, here Ibidem, in the same place 2 a. Ubique,everywhere in both places *Utrobique, c. Alibi,elsewhere 3 Ubi, where 4 Ubi,alicubi,uspiam, anywhere at all Usquam, anywhere d. AH.VERBS Quo ? whither 1 3 4 WHITHER. Quoquam, any whither at all Quoquo,quocumque, whithcr- ? ? to which Eodem, Nusquam, nowhere *Neutrobi,in neither place PLACE OF 5 place? 2 Eo, illuc, istuc,thither Hue, hither *Utro you will a. soever b. whither Quovis,quolibet, to the same you will place place Alio, to another Quo, whither Quo, aliquo,quopiam, any- *Utroque,to c. each place d, *Neutro, to neither place. whither ADVERBS 1 2 3 4 WHENCE. PLACE OF TJnde,whence ? thence istinc, Inde, illinc, 5 Undeunde, a. from b. Undevis, Hinc, hence side Indidem, from the same Aliunde, from another side Unde, whence Unde, alicunde,from some what Undecumque, whatever side undelibet, from side you will Undique,/ro;?i every side from each side^ *Utrinque, c. side ADVERBS 1 2 3 Quando ? ubi ? when ? Turn, tune, then Nunc, jam, now time Simul, at the same Alias,at another time Quum, ubi, when t So qua, in what quorsum, See OF WHEX. TIME 5 4 ever Quando, aliquando, a. Unquam, ever at all Quandocumque, whensoever Quandoque, at any Semper, always d. Nunquam, never c. direction ? ea, hac, alia,qua, aliqua,quaqua, dl illorsum,aliquorsum,"c. war whither the series of qualis,quantus, quot, " 38 (9), "c. " time 128 NOTES ETYMOLOGY. ON ADVERBS 1 Quoties ? how 2 Toties,so often 3 Quoties,(asoften)as often? ? ut ? 5 soever ? quam ut, otherwise 2. Cur? Ideo, propterea,idcirco, on 3 Cur, quare, why, quare? why? wherefore? that account quod,quia,because DEMONSTRATIVE A BETWEEN 'Plural are ". Ordinal NUMERALS. those are is used on which the other Numerals with Substantives in the Plural But for highernumbers the castra, one camp. used : as, bina castra, two camps. denote numerical rank Numerals (ordo): primus, only': as, Distributives TIME. MONEY, NUMERALS, (cardo,hinge).Unus hinge itidem,just so, $c. liter, Quasi, ac si,ut si,"c., as if,$c. 3 Numbers vis,"c.,although, $c. (6) ComparativeConstruction : 2 Ita, perinde, proinde,simi- whilst Cardinal Construction: Tamen, yet,nevertheless Etsi, etiamsi,quamquam, quam : A. Construction: Modo, tantum, tantummodo, only, "c. Si,if (or omittingsi) 3 3 Dum, donee, quoad,until (5) Concessive Ut, ne, ut ne, nequis,"c., that,Sfc. 3. The Dum, fyc. IV. a. Usque, eo, "c., solong, $c. 3 2 2. A 2 2 Construction: AND IN (4) Conditional the ideo,"c.,./br Idcirco, Turn, tune, then Quum, when Interea,meantime 3. ADVERB ALSO : Adeo, ita,sic,tarn, tanturn,Sac., so, so much,$c. Ut, ut non, ut nihil,ut "c., that,fyc. nemo, (3) Temporal Construction 2. APPEARS Construction purpose, 3. CAUSE. OF 1 (1) Consecutive however quam, CONJUNCTION (2) Final a. 2 CORRELATION quemadmodum, as Ac, atque, quam, as, than Utut, utcumque, quam- 5 manner ADVERBS 3. Quomodo, 3 ? how ? Aliter,secus, 2. MANNER. OF quemadmodum Ita,sic,tarn, so Item, itidem,in like 2 several times Aliquoties, how often a. Quotiescumque, 4 ADVERBS 1 Quomodo NUMBER. OF una "c. first, Distributive c. as, Sexageni Poets often c?.Numeral happens or use Numerals caedunt them singulos,sixty for the Cardinal Adverbs is done: denote denote semel,once ; men so each many neat each or at each time! (centurion).TAG. " Numbers. the number bis,twice ; "c. of times that anything e. The and General Rules for are Distributive, dinal, writingCompound Numbers, Cardinal,Oras follows : " less than 20, either the smaller number (1) In Compound Numbers without et precedesthe larger or the larger with et precedes the smaller: Nos in Siciliae we as, Tyndaritani septemdecim populis numeramur, of Tyndaris are reckoned among the 17 nations of Sicily.Cic. Roscius fundos decem et tres Poscius left 13 farms. Cic. Licet reliquit, et Septimus dicere decimus decimus. PRISC. pro septimus " " " above 20, either the smaller number (2) In Compound Numbers with et comes the without et : as, Romulus et first,or larger septem triginta regnavitannos, triceni bini Romulus Cic. reigned37 years. are assigned32 " viris attribuuntur,to D""i!:eF teeth. men " PLIX. above (3) In Compound Numbers 100, the largerwith or without et the smaller: as,Leontinus Gorgias centum et septem generallyprecedes Cic. Olymcomplevitannos, Gorgiasof Leontini completed107 years. piade c i ma quarta-decima Lysippusfuit,Lysippuslived in " the 114th (4) The Olympiad."PLIN. thousands are the numeral expressed either by prefixing G 3 130 Adverbs bis,ter,"c., to Cardinal Numbers Millia mille to millia in poetry), or (chiefly as, duo : followed generally is ETYMOLOGY. ON NOTES by "c. millia,tria millia, Genitive a the by prefixing if smaller but : numbers millia and the Substantive,the latter will often stand millia the Numeral: et septingenti as, Tria marched. Liv. 3700 infantry peditesierunt, intervene between in the case same as " above 100,000 are expressedby the Numeral Adverbs (5) The Numbers in stated millia centena the or millia, as following joinedto centum ultra centum millia Non erat numerus : apud antiques ; itaque passage millia centena aut saepius et hodie multiplicantur haec, ut decies dicantur. PUN. " in Numbers Compound compounded with 8 is often used for primus. and 9 are commonly expressed g. The Numbers the next duo and from subtraction of unus multipleof 10 : as, by a (undevicesimus), 18; undeviginti 19; (duodevicesimus), duodeviginti 29 ; 28; undetriginta (undetricesimus), duodetriginta (duodetricesimus), undecentum 9 8; "c., "c.: duodecentum (duodecentesimus), (unde99. centesimus), f. Unus B. The a. As or pound (Libra), Uncia = Sextans =2 Quadrans =3 Triens =4 1 Quincunx =5 Semissis =6 b. Unciae oz. or " J | " " c. " =8 Dodrans =9 Dextans =10 Deunx " ,, = usurae per cent, per month " were ,, " " " 1 per cent, per asse semisse,or Heres ex dimidia . . means . "1 . parte " / " 12 per cent, = per annum. binae centesimae = 2 ; and Unciarium fenus was 1 uncia heir to the whole , . . annum. etc. 24 per cent.,"c. 8| per cent, per annum. ex . heir to etc. , " i of estate. , the estate' etc. Sestertius being\ ,, II " = ex The f | " =11 = also called centesimae Heres asses, " =2 1 per cent, per month Heres d. The As. " =T\ | = = the T7~of " etc. usurae or = Bes : i usurae as ,, " thus divided " JL per cent, per month yearlyper was (nnoiae), 7 oz. Septunx ounces " etc. Asses of 12 of the As. " i Sextantes Asses MONEY. a silver coin equalto (Nummus), or Sesterce, 2" (coinof 10 asses). Its symbol is HS. not a coin,but a sum, was ( 1000 sestertii) and is was of the Denarius Sestertium = only used in the Plural Number. Sestertia,in the Plural (alsorepresentedby HS.) joinedwith the Cardinal or Distributive Numbers, denotes so lOOOnumi sestertii. many Numeral The Adverbs, joined with (or understanding)sestertii sestertium,or HS., (Gen.Sing.), Thus HS.X HS.X = = S.X- denote Sestertii Sestertia so many 100,000 sestertii: decem, 10 sesterces. decem, 10,000 sesterces. Sestertium decies, 1,000,000sesterces. 131 TIME. C. TIME. Every Nonae Roman had month KOMAN THE " three chief Calends (Nones),Idus (Ides). The CALENDAR. days: were Kalondae (Calends), always the the month ; the Nones were usuallyon the 5th ; the Ides the 7th, the Ides on but in four months the Nones were on 1st day of the 13th ; the 15th. on March, May, July,October ; these are they Nones the 7th,Ides the 15th day. Make taken as points, These three days,the Calends,Nones, and Ides,were That the other days were which counted backwards. is, the and and did not say, such such a day after, such Romans "c., but such from day beforethe Calends, or Nones, or Ides. The rules are: (1) For daysbefore the Calends subtract the day of the month from the number of days in the month increased by two; (2)For days before the Nones the from increased by one. subtract Ides which or day on theyfall, a Examples."May 31, Pridio " 30, Ante " 11, " 2, ,, ,, Kalendas Junias. diem tertium (a.d. III.)Kal. Jun. V.) Id. Mai. quintum (a.d. " sextum (a.d. VI.)Non. Mai. " 132 KOTES ON SYNTAX. ABBREVIATIONS. V. (1) PRAENOMINA. A. Aulus C. " Gaius GK ' Cn. ' " Gn Gnaeus D. Decimus Note. K. Kaeso Q. Quintus L. Lucius S. M. Marcus M'. Manius Sei\ Servius Mam. T. Titus Sp.Spurius Mamercus P. Publius A " individual Roman of distinction ; the name showing surname Lucius of the Gens Nomen, the Familia Junia Ti. had name and (Sex.)Sextus least at three (Tib.)Tiberius. the names: Praenomcn, showing the Gens or clan ; and the Cognomen, Jnnins Brutus or family. Thus, Lucius sed expresFamilia Brutorum. To these were sometimes titles either of honour Agnomina, (a? Africanus, Macedonicus, Magnus, "c.), or expressing that a person had been adopted from another Gens, the son of L.' as Aemilianus, applied to the younger Scipio Africanus, who was Paulus gustus Auof the emperor Aemilius, but adopted by a Scipio. The full name (originallyan Octavius) after he had been adopted by his uncle's will and adorned with title of honour, was Gaius Julius Caesar by the Senate a added or one more Octavianus Augustus. (2)VARIA. A. I). Ante U. A. diem HS. urbis C. Anno SesSestertius, i P. R. tertium conditae nus Id. Idus I PL Plebis Imp. Imperator I Proc. Cal. (Kal.)Calendae Cos. Consul L. Libra LL. Dupondius | S. Coss. Consules D. Divus Non. Aed. Aedilis Designatus Eq. Rom. Equcs Des. P. Q. R. Senatus Populusque xim Ma- Optimus Roma- nus S. C. Senatusconsultum us ma Ro- Proconsul Senatus S. Nonae M. 0. Populus Roma- script! (et)Con- P. C. Patres S. D. P. Salutem dicit plurimam nus P. F. Filius Pontifex M. Ma- Tr. Tribunus. ximus II. NOTES ON I. AGREEMENT. A. The B. Subject ("88) may (1) The " SYNTAX. " 88-92. 156-180. be any Noun-term, " 87. and Adjectival Adjective (" 89) includes Participles term Pronouns. (2) An Adjective agrees with any are !'3)Adjectives and wixe PL, man man ; as Epithetwith a Substantive: as ment Comple- Noun-term. or men used as Substantives being implied:as, ("156): amicus, stultus, a fool; boni, good men ; 1. In the Masc. a Sing. friend',sapiens,a multi, many ; ple- stum et 2. In the Neut. Sing, abstractly: as, Hone rique,most. utile, moralityand expediency. Cic. Tristo lupus shibulis,the wolf plied is a bane to the stalls." VEBG. 3. In the Neut. PL, thingsbeing imall : as, multa, many things. things; omnia, " 134 NOTES II. CASES A. These SUBJECT OF rules show SYNTAX. AND COMPLEMENT. Subjectof the (1)that Subjectof ; (2) that the ON an Verb a Infinitive is " 93-94. Finite is Accusative an a native Nomi- (3)that ; Complement of a CopulativeVerb, Finite or Infinitive, agrees, if a with the Subject, if a singleSubstantive, singleAdjective, attributively with the Subject, appositively except in a few peculiarinstances (" 108, in two " 127). The Complement, examples of Rule " 94, follows a the and agrees with a Nominative Subject;in two Infinitive Copulative Verb, prolatively used, and the in it last Nominative two follows tive Infinian Subject ; Finite CopulativeVerb, others it follows agrees with a an CopulativeVerb, obliquelyused, Subject. Verb B. The it denotes is,where corn may be existence: sum absolute Troy was. A. When the Verb until sense a with agrees an Accusative not Copulative, if completelyPredicative, as, Jam est, ubi seges Trojafuit, now Ov. " III. THE without and CASE. ACCUSATIVE is Transitive word " 9-5-103. (" 96), the is added to express construction that on which is often the Verb is called the Object (or Nearer Object), and stands in the Accusative Case. Thus Eomulus condidit, Romulus founded, is This acts. incompletein until sense called Quid-Verbs. into Passive form, be JB. (1) Transitive add we Verbs Verbs become Rome. change to XIV. see Transitive Verbs Active Transitive a may Sentence E. 1. sometimes are fortuna,fortune had verterat Komam, How used turned. now transitive " intransitively; as, Jam transitive Liv. (2) More often In- Flet he weeps for necem fili, Intransitive Verb is often an Compound transitive: as, Hostes urbem enemies surround the circumsedent, the sometimes become transitive, city. (4) Passive Verbs used reflexively his son's death. like such Deponents: (3) The as as, of as, Exuitur constructions knot her : Nodo she puts cornua, sinus offher horns. in a are C. The Verbs which take double Accusative (thing and doceo (and its compounds),rogo, interrogo, oro, exoro, flowingfolds. " " Ov. Hence collecta fluentes, havinggatheredup VIBG. percontor,and, in Horace, lacesso. Sometimes person)("98) posco, flagito, celo,conceal. They may called Quern-Quid In Passive construction the AccusaVerbs. tive of the thingremains: Quid tu docearis a me litteras? why should you be taughtletters by mel be D. Factitive to make or Quid-Quale a thingto be of (facere) Verbs a ("99) are such as maybe said certain character,by deed, word, or "c. ; (2) efficio, reddo, praesto, creo, lego,eligo, thought:as, (l)facio, dico,voco, memoro, praedico,nomino, nuncupo, declare,usurpo, appello, saluto,"c. ; (3) aestimo, numero, credo, existimo, puto, duco, judico, habeo, censeo, agnosco, invenio,reperio, "c., "c. They are deprehendo, the Active forms of those which in the Passive are Verbs. In Copulative be their construction the between esse Objectand mentallysupplied may Construction Factitive in the Passive becomes Copulative : Complement. Fis dea a nobis,Fortuna : A Romulo urbs sua Roma vpcata est, ACCUSATIVE THE 135 CASE. The Accusative of Respector Nearer Description (100)is seldom it contains Pronominal semi-adverbial used in prose, except when or Illud Hoc Cetera assentior laetor; doleo; Crasso, expressions:as, Cic. I agree with Crassus. in other things E. " F. other deem G-rammarians (1) Many to placesthan the force of the Accusative original objectof motion. " 101. (2)The used by prose writers, if motion to generally the limit be, that it marks in,ad, are Prepositions Case towns or or small islands is mentioned. DATIVE IV, THE CASE. " 104-109. is incomplete without reference to a Eecipient whose sense A. Words Thus dear called Trajective. implies, carus, dear, necessarily (105)are to some one-, dare, to give,necessarily impliesnot only a thinggiven,but words it is given. Trajective take a Dative person to whom if take this Verbs of reference. of a Dative sort, they object Cui-Verbs: are or purelyTrajective parco, faveo,irascor,"c.), of this a take Accusative an Verbs, Quid also,they are ajective-Tr do, narro, spondeo,"c. Tr as notion of the Dative fundamental JB. The with its oppositeRemoteness. is composedof those which custom non-affinity, being shewn is the bringing near to the mind. ear, or (generally) of and utterance denial,evidence led hence on Nearness, words Trajective and remoteness, and include we obscurity, persuasionand Third Class, a largebody of the attendant which unkindness, bounty and to the eye, Class, the Second concealment, affirmation and silence,narration comprisewords These being brought near or Herein and the exhibition with to or application and Cui- strangeness, unliJceness, ment, agreement and disagreeand disunion,comparisonand contrast. Next, shewingand union and if they or to be ("106)seems The First Class,then, of contain the ideas of nearness and affinity presence and absence, likeness and fitnessand unfitness, words ansitive, only (as notion express We dissuasion. words of which favour are express or favour. dis- ness profitand harm, kindgrudging,help and stint,indulgence obstruction, pleasingand and tery pardon and resentment, flatdispleasing, and reviling, and malediction,complianceand resistance, blessing fusal promise and menace, gift,loan, present,payment, dedication,find rewithdrawal and trust and and distrust, faith infidelity, ; ; deliver?/ There are lawfulnessand unlawfulness,ease and difficulty. yet a few words, which share something of the character of both the two lastmentioned classes,and may convenientlyform a Fourth Class. These command words which express rule and subservience, and obedience. are C. The become why reason of the notions enumerated D. The why reason (DativusCommodi vel is because predication, result to interest ; in some some some way Verbs many is, that Trajective, compounded with the Particle confers above : most Particles (106 a.) other upon of that Nearness. frequently them one or /or which anythingis or happens Incommodi, " 107) may be attached to almost any Dative a almost of that any action Recipient; it to interesting may some or be state for one. may or be attended against Thusnubere some means with one's * to ' ' to take the veil a bride is said, nubere viro,' ' ' to be void/ for her husband/ that is, to marry him.' Vacare means ' ' * t hat leisure for*/ have be to to is, f or,1 hence, disengaged pr empty;' take the bridal veil/ and 136 NOTES Such philosophiae. as, vacare the Gratiae. Trajectiva the Dative with Dativus Rei pro E. Some ad SYNTAX. ON constructions far-fetched are be ranked Here, too, may with Gerunds, "c. Participles, Complemento. sum, Adjectivesin with Accusative the to that classes named of the Dative and preferthe such examples the Dativus of Ethicus, perhaps the construction of natus, aptus, utilis, idoneus,paratus,rudis,"c. as, Ad laudem et ad decus nati sumus, we born to praiseand glory. Cic. Others use in, erga, adversus : as, are Acer in hostem, spirited Benignus erga te fui, against the foe. VIRG. / was PLAUT. kind towards Communis, proprius,affinis, similis, you. : are " " " par, and Some F. other some take Adjectives, belonging in Verbs Dative a Case. the classes named to sense Genitive a or above (B) Quid- Verbs, not Cui-Verbs, arid take Accusative and not Dative: are castra juvant,the camp as, juvo,jubeo,laedo, rego, guberno. Multos HOB. Others Animum the rule use delights temper. rege, many. " construction of The or : as, tempero, moderor and other varies considerably, owing to the use of Prepositions and donare aliquem muThus find donare alicui munus we Dative Accusative Verbs causes. invidere alicui, invidere varieties must be observed in nere, G. rem alicui, invidere re aliquem. These reading. The the Latin Dative used in rendering English Prepositions chiefly a nd after Verbs But some are sucfor. Adjectives (iratus, Verbs be used ; after some aufero,"c.), (disto, censeo, "c.) with must from ; after many Compound Verbs, upon, into,or against. Others, as medeor, "c., are rendered without introducing displiceo, parco, placeo, to and EnglishPreposition. an H. The ulli,/ Verb am Dative, after not of motion : When with THE by anybody. " is CASE. stands without " a as, Non rare: So Ov. is the caelo,a cry ascends ABLATIVE the Ablative the Finite Passive Verb as, It clamor V. A. a understood intellegor Dative to heaven. " afrer a VIRG. 110-125. Latin it is Preposition, dered ren- EnglishPrepositions;namely, I. Cause, : with, at. II. Instrument, with, by. III. Manner by,for,from, through, V. Quality: of, with. in,with, by. IV. Condition : with, in, upon. helpof various Respect,in, by, with. VII. Value or Price : at,for,of,with. VIII. Measure : by, or no Preposition.IX. Matter: of,in,with,from, upon, XI. for, or no Preposition.X. Time : at, in,within,or no Preposition. B. where: A. Place by which: Place in, at, by,along,upon, through. from G. which: XII. Place from. (See Prepositions). (humi). upon XIII. Separationand Origin: from, of. XIV. Thingcompared: than. VI. B. The use of the varied considerablyby Cause may with be in most of these meanings is Ablative introduction of Latin Prepositions. Thus Simple the expressedby ab, de, ex, Accusative. prae Agent requiresa, ab; Preposition.Manner without ; also while by ob, per, propter, Instrument is without Epithetrequires'cum,' (except ritu,silentio,arte, phrases,such as, vi,fraude,jure,injuria, ordine, "c.). Thus, / speak with grief,or he writes with diligence, dolore be rendered dolore loquor,diligentia cannot scribit,but cum dolens scribit cum scribit). (ordiligenter diligentia loquor(or loquor), in a few an If Epithetis joinedto an this 137 CASE. ABLATIVE THE Ablative, the Prepositionis often used, determine the choice of conobservation must struction Cato with contentione Cato the dixit, summa utmost spoke as, Cic. he wrote with cura Magna cum scripsit, atque diligentia Cic. and diligence. omitted; and often : energy. " greatcare " Case C. The whether Quality, of Ablative Genitive,requires an or Epithet. Ablative The D. of Price is used with Verbs and Adjectives implying change,may sale, purchase,dearncss, cheapness, Muto, / cost, "c. is and of what have Accusative Ablative of what left, (inpoetry)the exilium E. urbem mutare exilio,and is taken, or mutare urbe to quit the city and go into banishment? equallymean often dropt:as, magno, dear; parvo, vili, cheap. ' may Pretio is and Thus converse. The Ablative Degree, this purpose defines Verbs of Measure especially Comparative and in used are particular the and Adjectivesof SuperlativeWords Pronominal Extent and : Ablatives for hoc, eo, quo, altero,tanto, quanto, aliquanto: also paulo,multo, duplo,dimidio, nihilo,nimio,"c. : as, Quo plus habent,eo plus cupiunt,the more they have,the F. theydesire. more The use Sol binas in in defining Time (" 120) is frequent:as, Prepositions annis reversiones facit,the sun makes two turns in singulis of each year. "Cic. De die,beforethe close of day. De nocte, beforethe close of night. De multa nocte, long beforethe close of night.Sub vesdie expecto, / wait day ex perum, on the approachof evening. Diem afterday. Adverb shear In is usuallyprefixedto is annexed: sheeptwice a year. Quidam as. an oves Ablative in anno of time when bis a ral nume- tondent, some VARR. " G. Place where (" 121 B.) is expressedwith in: as, In 1. Generally / in harbour. In is omitted SEN. in certain am navigo, portu sailing loco the multis : locis,pluribuslocis,"c. ; hoc phrases as, (in stead}, " libro,alio libro,"c. ; terra marique; or where totus is used : as, tota the righthand, laeva, sinistra, on Asia, in all Asia, dextra (parte), on the lefthand. The poets are more free in the omission : as, Silvisque and fieldsand roads, agrisqueviisquecorpora foeda jacent,in forests lie revolting corpses. a work is quotedin " Ov. But is used this licence needs discrimination. in Gorgia Platonis; but Homerum ; apud Terentium ; apud Platonem (in Homer, "c.). the seeming Genitive,Romae, Corinthi,"c., (" 121 such, was perceivedby ancient Grammarians, who strictly 2. That not When Terentii ; ; in Andria as, in Iliade Homeri when the author only is cited,apud',apud : B. a.) is call it an Adverb. But if we notice that it ends in i, Romai (Romae), militiai Mileti,domi, humi, belli ; and compare the old forms of place (militiae) in the Third Declension ending in i,ruri,Lacedaemoni NEP. ; Carthagini Liv. ; Tiburi Cic.,"c. ; we cannot doubt the originalexistence in the Latin language, as in the Sanskrit,of a Locative Case ending " " in i " in Singular, 3. est. this s Plural. of towns : as, In Prepositionsare much used with names Epheso Ex / abii. litteras sent hue letter a to misi, Ephesum Epheso PLAUT. Has Brundisio litteras a placefrom Ephesus. dedit,this In letterhe dated " from Brundisium. " Cic. 138 NOTES SYNTAX. ON The of Separationand usage of Verbs and Participles Origin of them takingor omitting the observed,some ("123) must be carefully in prose : as, arceo, cedo, moveo, Preposition pello,prohibeo,summoveo, H. others in prose, but not in poetry ; as, a Preposition requiring alieno,discedo,disjungo, disto,divello,repello, dispello, reporto,rejicio, The "c. chief are secerno, Participles separo, natus,prognatus, segrego, : removeo oriundus,"c. satus, cretus,creatus,editus, 1. The Case of the word with which the Ablative is compared than an Accusative. In comparison ("124) is much oftener a Nominative with other cases Nulli be used must flebilior : quam as, quam K. to tibi, Vergili, HOB. crime none more a of weepingthan cause thee,Vergilius. ashamed of the more to " Flagiti magis nos pudetquam erroris,we are for the sake of perof the blunder. Cic. And, in general, spicuity mala sentiunt, bona quam ings : as, Segniushomines men feelblessless keenlythan evils. Liv. than " " 2. After Numerals rather : of quam often occurs before plus,amplius,minus, an ellipse Romani sexcenti the Romans of ceciderunt, as, paulo plus fell. Lrv. Unus vixit,Quinctiuslived with than 600 more plusannum L. 1. The Ablative Participle may is omitted " Absolute often be in the Thus, you (" 125) being an into transformed : a year. " Cic. abridgedClause,the Finite a exactis example,Regibus Quinctius tecum as, than more Verb with postquam = junction. Conreges exacti sunt. instance of Substantive with Substantive common put Absolutely is that of consule or consulibus: Caninio scito consule as, neminem in the consulship of Caninius you must know that prandisse, 2. A nobodydined. " Cic. VI. A. 1. The Attribute ; thingto flamen hand, by is GENITIVE CASE. " Subjectivewhen it limits it like 126-136. it limits a Noun Object. It an like is the exercitus,or Sullae exercitus,the army Martialis,or flamen Martis, tJie priest of Mars as cupidopecuniaeis nearlythe same cupere an same of Sulla ; the other pecuniam. But ; on Genitive : as, bellum regium Objective timor for timor exterorum. externus So the regem ; Desiderium ferre non strum ve Pronouns; as, possum, I bear the want of you. Cic. 'Native of a place'is expressed Adjectivederived from the place: as, DionysiusHalicarnas- are Adjectives an Genitive when Objective say, Sullanus for bellum Possessive cannot THE even used for the contra " DionysiusHalicarnassi Dionysiusof Halicarnassus. in English either by of or Genitive is rendered 2. The Possessive son.* the Genitive in 's : as, Philippi filius,son of Philip]or 'Philip's stands (with 3. Instar (an undeclined Substantive meaning likeness) in apposition to a Substantive : as, Instar montis equum, a a Genitive) VIRG. horse resembling a mountain, seus, for natus, ' " interest to be for inter rem est, refert for rem "c. (" 129). (2) These of meam, fert,and mea, "c., to be corruptions Verbs may be qualified by the Genitives of Value, magni, parvi,pluris, ut te videam, tanti,quanti:as, Utriusquenostrum magni interest B. it is (1) Some suppose of greatimportanceto both of us that I see you. " Cic. GENITIVE THE (" 131) mensae so are (" 130) and Distributae Rei Genitivus C. 1. The far the 139 CASE. that each as same, Genitivus is a Eei De- divided whole ; is numericallyor quotatively the former divided,the latter quantitatively be Collective Noun ; the unless it Plural former is the a : Partitive words which latter usually,but not always,Singular. The but : as, alius, alter, (a) Pronominals ullus,nullus,nemo, multi, plerique, uter, uterque, utervis,uterlibet, unussolus,qui,quis, quicumque, quisquis, quisque, pauci,ceteri, reliqui, quisnam, quisquam,aliquisque,tot, quot,quctcumque, quotusquisque, quis, quidam, quispiam,"c. (/3)Numerals, Cardinal and Ordinal : parative "c. (7) Com; also princeps,medius. primus: duo, secundus, unus, former the two things: and Superlative distributing Adjectives; distribute as, Major Neronum birds. are class into two one ; or of the noisier sort Gender cannot which Genitive former the Avium as, loquaciores, in which Substantive or Adjective, Participle, meaning : as, Sancte deorum (5) Any appear. distributive a imply can parts : Adverbs, Superlative Also PLIN. " lecti ; pisciumfeminae. juvenum; 2. Partitives attracted in Gender sometimes are Subject:as, Indus est omnium is the largest of all rivers. Cic. Or dearest of beings.HOR. rerum, fluminum the varied " the Genitive from to the Indus maximus, : asDulcissime by Synesis " is distributed: 3. A Collective Noun as, Plato P lato the doctissimus most learned was man fuit, Graeciae totius of all Greece. " Cic. Genitive 4. This forms a as, Fies Complement: thou too shalt become f ontium, of one nobilium the renowned fountains. HOR. " 5. Adverbs with "c. are of Place, ubi,quo, eo, nusquam, Genitives gentium, locorum, terrarum, "c. the nowhere gentium, 6. in the world. Primus, ultimus, used are summus mons mountain D. was as a imus, extremus, and summus, by occupied Among Quantitative used Partitively : Partitive force: tenebatur,at break Labienus. words as, Nusquam Liv. " Epithetswith Labieno tu quoque " of other like jectives Ad- luce a as, Prim the day top of the CAES. governinga Genitive ("131) are, nihil, satis,affatim,abunde, nimis,partim,minus, minimum, parum, aliud,id, hoc, idem, quod, quid,aliquid, illud, quidquid,quidquam,multum, plus, plurimum, tantum, quantum, aliquantum, nimium, dimidium. They usuallyrendered in English as agreeingwith the thing measured nimium pecuniae(toomuch money); nihil mali (no evil).They may as, of the Second Declenalso be followed by the Genitive of an Adjective sion are ; but with an the word veri non dare to Adjectiveof of E. Quantity: commonly put or in second rank. " same Case HOR. Among poeticGenitives (" 135) are juvenem, he praised the young : in the falsi dicere " leti Daunus "c. is as, Ne audeas, ne quid quid should dare to audeas,you nothingtrue not say nothingfalse, Cic. Nee vigetquicquam simile aut secundum, and nothing say. exists like bat the Third : as, 0 seri studiorum, these: man 0 late in your (1)Cause: for as, Lauda- his death. (2) spect Re- studies. (3) Dominion: as, ruled over rustic tribes, agrestiumregnavitpopulorum,Daunus 140 NOTES VII. THE SYNTAX. ON VERB INFINITE. " 140-144. A. The Infinitive used in direct predication (" 140, 2.) is called the Historic Infinitive. It appears in poetry as well as in prose narrative, of strong emotion (") in passages descriptive ; (b)where various actions take in immediate terrupted, ; (c)in actions insequence time to time repeated.It is analogousto the ellipse of the Copula; in fact,both constructions occur together: as, Ceterum facies totius negotivaria, incerta,foeda atque miserabilis ; dispersi a suis pars cedere, alii insequi: neque signa neque ordines obseror placesimultaneously and ubi from ac periculum ceperat, ibi resist ere propultela,equi,viri,hostes, cives permixti; nihil consilio arma, sare; the aspect of the whole imperioagi; fors omnia regere, now neque and pitiable.Parties scattered indecisive, affairwas confused, shocking, others advancing some from their comrades were retiring, ; observing vare: quemque neither standards he was directed all. " B. ; where perilencountered each there man, and repelling darts, steeds,men, Joes,country; arms, resisting men was ; nothing intermingled by counsel or command proceeding ; were chance ranks nor This SALL. Infinitive is not Infinitive is called Prolative when 1. The of Verbs which express Present, but it carries on the perfect. Im- struction con- custom, beginning, desire, ability, ceasing, seeming,beingthought, beingsaid,"c. ; as, possum, queo, nequeo, debeo, volo,nolo, malo, aveo, cupio,gestio, soleo,coepi,incipio, statuo, amo, meditor, desino, videor, putor, credor, feror, dicor,trador,memoror, Among these Verbs, those which are Copulative credor, existimor,putor, dicor,narror, feror,trador, re(videor, conor, pergo, paro, cesso, "c. perior,arguor, "c.) used are than better Latin impersonallywith personallywith a Prolative Infinitive Accusative and Infinitive. HOR. The law of this construction it is than Videtur CicerVidetur to say, errasse errasse Cicero, Dicitur Homer us caecusfuisse, than DiciturHomerum caecum onem; Passive is often found in poetry after such Verbs fuisse. The Participle with an ellipse of esse : as Fertur Prometheus coactus, "c.,Prometheus rather "c. compelled, observed. carefully is said to have should be 2. The been construction of a " Prolative Infinitive with Thus abounds Adjectives omnia in poetry, especially perpeti, bold to endure lyric;as, Audax the all things. HOR. nati, born to consume Fruges consumere it but few with used words In best is the HOR. fruits. ; as, prose " " Paratus,assuetus, "c. ; but Tacitus adoptsit freely. the Dative Gerund C. Under (" 141, 3.)note the phrase,non esse soland Gerundive and the of the Dative Gerund insolvent be use vendo, to ; in describingfunctions of office ; as, Triumviri agro dando, triumvirs for assigningland, "c. The D. studio Transitive Gerund pat res vestros is not videndi, alwaysattracted (" 143): as, I am rapt with the desire Efferor of seeing Pronoun or Adjectiveis your tribuendo in honesti versatur Pars suum the- Object: as, cuiquo,one his Cic. Parva each non own. conbranch of moralitylies in giving sires. " Cic. when Especially a Neuter " hanc rem fecerunt,by not despising majoresnostri maximam this commonwealth made ancestors small our very great. LTV. things attraction is used. Gerundive the But, as a generalrule, temnendo " 142 NOTES SYNTAX. ON ? docs the parrot speak,parrot. (3) Loquiturne psittacus psittace, speak1 When any of these is a PrincipalSentence, it is said to be Direct (KectaOratio); when it is a dependentSubstantival Clause, it is said to be Oblique (Obliqua Oratio). A Substantival Clause is one which take the placeof a Substantive may ciation, Enun(as Subject,Object,or Apposite), being (1) Oblique (2)ObliquePetition, (3)ObliqueInterrogation. form which ObliqueEnunciation sative takes is the Accu(1) The principal and Infinitive ("94.), which is either Subjectof the Copula est or an ImpersonalVerb, or Objectof one of the Verba Sentiendi et Declarandi. in view Grammatical when they use though the it is but one, Facinus vinciri est writers sometimes have this construction alone the term ObliqueOration : but incorrectly ; for most civem form important, Komanum, citizen to be put in chains. Thales said that water rerum, " Cic. a. Ut, with ObliqueOration. As, crime for a Roman a Thales dixit aquam is the origin of the universe. Constructions used for the Accusative with of it is and Infinitive are initium esse Cic. " : in Subjunctive, quence, Oblique Enunciation, impliesconseQuod, duty, necessity, expediency, custom, law, "c. Indicative (usually), implies fact: as, Mea refert ut venias, It is importantto me that you come. (ut)venias, You must Oportet(ut)venias, You ought to Necesse Utl est st It is J ^ civitates that expedient (useful) 1uod Gratu'm est } We b. Verbs of sua needs come. come. jura habeant. the states have their civitates *" rights* jura glad that the states have their rights. the Accusative with hopingand promisingprefer are Future Infinitive: as, Spero te Pollicetur will c. After not: venturum se venturum (esse),I hope that you will come. (esse),he promises that he come. of fearing, expressions danger,"c., ne means ut lest lest, as, Metuo I fear lest he return redeat, ( 7 fear he will return). Metuo I fear lest he return not (=Ifear he will ut redeat, not return). d. Interrogatio gatively Infinitiva (or Accusative and Infinitive interroused with ellipse of Finite Verb) asks an indignant question:as, Mene inceptodesistere ? What, I abandon my design? ne = treating, (2) ObliquePetition is formed when ut, ne, depend on Verbs of endeavouring, persuading,caring, encommanding, forbidding,allowing, "c. : as, Oro ut venias ; Curaut valeas: preventing, effecting, facias ; Enitendum est ut vincamus, ne vincamus, "c. Fieri Ut and ne are often I cannot come. non possibly potest ut veniam, omitted : as, Precor reddas ; fac venias ; cave dicas ; licet abeas,"c. Vide ne SUBSTANTIVAL is (3) ObliqueInterrogation Verbs of sometimes formed stating,enquiring,"c. 143 CLAUSES. " ves by Interrogate dependenton Here too an Interrogative 149. falls out : as, Interrogate,tria pauca whether three things are is questioned few or many. " sint anne Cic. multa,It Oblique Oration may be called SubClause is virtually Suboblique oblique (Subobliqua). stituted (Subobliquae potestatis),if it dependson Oratio Kecta so conto be virtually Oblique, that is, containing the stateas ment of somebody's thought, judgment,or declaration. Thus, in the 'Laudat Africanum Panaetius,quod fuerit abstiCompound Sentence, and the nens,'the Principal Sentence,Laudat,"c.,is virtually Oblique, Panaetius Clause, quod, "c., virtuallySuboblique: the sense being praisesAfricanus(=says Africanus is to be praised)because he was self-denying.Hence fuerit is Subjunctive, althoughthe Conjunction which the Indicative is appropriate. quod is one of the Second Class,to II. A Clause dependent on A XI. CLAUSES. ADVERBIAL verb, Sentence like an AdA. An Adverbial Clause modifies the Principal and is introduced by Conjunctions (1) Consecutive,(2) Final, parative. (3) Causal, (4) Temporal, (5) Conditional, (6) Concessive,(7) ComLists of these Conjunctions appear "152. in Adverbial Examples of Subjunctive est ut eat, He (1)Non tarn amens Non ita amens fuit ut Adeo prudens est ut went Clauses is not iret,He was non ierit, : mad so not is He to go. as mad so to go. as prudent so that he not. Tarn catus nihil erat ut dicer e t,He was shrewd so to say as nothing. Tarn fuit ut catus said Tantum nihil dixerit, He was shrewd so that he nothing. abest lit Romae ierit, sit, ut in Britanniam He is so far from being at Rome, that he has gone to Britain. Tantum abfuit ut Eomae ivisesset, ut in Britanniam he had that He at was so far from being Rome, set, gone to Britain. (2)Edo I eat that I may live. Vivebant ut ederent, They lived that theymighteat. Obedi rationi ne servias appetitui, obey reason, that you be slave not to a appetite. may vivam, ut (3)Quae cum ita sint, ibo. Since this is the Quae cum ita essent, (4)Expecta dum Expectabam (5)Oderint dum ivi,Since this was case, I will go. the case, I went. veniam, Wait tillI come. dum venirent, I was waitingtilltheycame. metuant, Let them hate providedtheyfear. est, Though he sin, he is dear. peccet, carus Quamvis erat, Though he had peccasset, carus (6)Ut was (7)Obtundis Obtundebas I were sinned, he dear. tanquam quasi deaf. surdus surdus sim, You ess em, stun me as You stunned ifI was me as deaf. though 144 NOTES 23. Conditional SYNTAX. ON Sentences notice. requirespecial (si,if; nisi,unless)contains Protasis or A Conditional Sentence a Conditional Clause,and an Apodosis(Statement : or Principal Sentence) like shall (Protasis), as, Ifyou you go (Apodosis). Its main forms in Latin I. Si peccas doles, If you are these sin you : and Indicative, of proba- \ Here both Verbs ( is made suggestion are grieve. dolebis, (Sumptio peccabis bilityor improbability Ifyou sin you will grieve.) Dati). ILSipeccesdoleas, )Here both Verbs are no Si If you Conjunctive to were u sm now, you Present, and there y rf . .." -r" *""%%""*) of is suggestion a (Su-nptioDandi). probability III. Si peccares, doleres. Had you been sinning, have been would grieving. Here both Verbs are either Imperfector doluisses, If you had sinned,you would Si peccasses, and which doleres, Si peccasses, occurred If you had sinned,you would, have been grieving. In ObliqueOration these Sentences 5 III. Aiebam I is gested, sug- actually (SumptioFicti). : esse. si peccasses, doliturum " XII. by not esse. te, si peccares, doliturum " ADJECTIVAL related to the are has sipecces,^0}?"doliturum LILAiote, A. These introduced become Pluperfect ; imaginarycase an grieved. have Conjunctive, the Relative or fuisse. CLAUSES. one and Adjectives, like PrincipalSentence of its Particles. See Rule, " 150. .Z".Quominus, notice. quin,require special follows Verbs and Phrases ut eo expressing ( minus) follows Quin impediment. (2) Negative expressionsand ( qui non) tive Interrogations. (3) Quin ( quod non) follows Negativeand Interrogaof doubt,prevention, "c. Examples; expressions prohibition, (1) Nihil obstat quominus earn, Nothingstopsme from going. the cause Per me stetit quominus ires,I was of your not going. (1) Quominus = = = " (2)Quis est quinfloat? Who is there but weeps ? but wept. There was none quin fleret, (3)Nihil dubito quin gaudeant,I have no doubt theyrejoice. Nihil dubitabam quin gauderent,2 had no doubt theyrejoiced is there why they est quin gaudeant? What Quid causae reason Nemo fuit shall not rejoice! XIII. A. Examples of Quaeram Quaerebam Quaesivi CONSECUTION Consecution IHquid I ajras, OF (seethose TENSES. in XI., XII quid egeris,quid ). acturus sis. \ quid acturus [quid ageres, quidegisses, QuaesiveramJ esses. ADDITAMENTA If the Perfect B. should Primary generallyconstructs it,even XIV. . Negatives: Adverbs and with a few Verbs b. Ne : . . prohibits. Haud ne is chiefly used with Adjectives dubia ; haud temere, "c. And scio,haud dubito. has the emphaticword quidem, not tu haud res as, as, haud : even words or Either you. praetereundumest as, Non Negative: another : quidem . as, Ne MEMORABILIA. ADDITAMENTA " Non, haud, deny: a. it is strictly a (/ have inquired}, have Primary Consecution ; but Cicero in that sense, with Historic Consecution. is Present-Past Tense, and A. 145 MEMORABILIA. between ticles the Par- the Verb precedeswith quidem, even that id ne Cic. ; or it follows without one: ad should not be passed over. as, Ne Catonem Cic. Nequidem provocabo,I will not appealeven to Cato. shows that something is denied a fortiori, when dum, with Subjunctive, denied before. See with what was " 147. compared " " The c. words Pronominal used with a quisquam, ullus,unquam, Particle Dubitative Negativeor : "c., are usquam, haud, si,num, "c., as, non, The Negative is contained in nemo quisquam,ullus,"c. (ne-homo), nullus (ne ullus), "c. nequiquam, nequaquam, nusquam, nunquam, Clauses are used ut non, d. In Negative Consecutive ut nemo, ut in but Final Clauses ut ut ut "c.; nullus, nunquam, ne, ne, nusquam, ne quis,ut ne quis,ne quando,ut ne quando, ne quo, ut ne quo, "c. junctive. take a Sube. Non non quod (generally), quin (always), quo, non /. For write et nemo, for et nullus,neque non, quisquam; nee nihil, neque for et ullus ; for et nunquam, neque unquam, quicquam; "c. ; for aio nego. emphasis g. Neque (nee)is used for et non, except when the negative falls on a singleword : as, Quaestio difficilisest et non profutura. h. Non nihil nihil,something; times ; nunquam 23. non, Singleand a. Double everything;non non, always,"c. ; potui non some- nunquam, ire,I could not but go. non Questions. No ; Yes ; num, the answer Nonne expects the answer is indifferent ; an often implies expectinga tive surprise, nega- Single: -ne answer. b. Double. The forms : are utrum an num an -ne an " A negationin the second a. Qualis tu ? can you tristem me is annon tell? anne or necne. What sort of thingis your Cic. " putas? esse (or). an, potesne dicere? mens? est tua mind An member (or} (or) (or) Do you think I am downcastt " PLAUT. Num Canis b. Haec deny ? Cic. dog like a wolf? Cic. egentissigna sunt? Are these the nonne audes ? Do you venture to similis lupo est ? Is not a utrum abundantis negare tokens of one who an abounds or H lacks ? " " " Cic. 146 NOTES Num. duas habetis SYNTAX. patriasan est is this your or countries, two ON illapatriacommunis?Have country? Romamne venio an hie maneo an Arpinum fugio? Rome, or stay here,or fleeto Arpinum ? Cic. common " you Cic. J90 / to come " justum sit necne Quaeram true C. poem / will poema, enquirewhether it be a HOB. " : Prepositions T a. follows its Case, which us en far as not. or Mount as is often Taurus', nutricum tenus, a as Genitive far as : as, Tauro tenus, the breasts. b. Ante, circa,circum, circiter, citra,extra, infra,intra,juxta,pone, post, used supra, Adverbs. idiomatic Among c. Ad ad tempus, : ultra, clam, prope, as to unum, a ; ad for ; ad man Phrases formed time ; ad a tibiam palam, coram, to noctem, till late sing to be (1) : ad the flute;ad hoc, furthermore at the last ; ad summum, extremum, subter, may observe by Prepositions, multam canere, super, in at night; fine; ad verbum, word to a nicety for ; ad unguem, ; ad amussim, accurately ; ad decem sla ves for rowing; adjudices, ten years hence ; servi ad remum, annos, beforethe judges; insignisad laudem, eminent in renown ; nihil ad te, word nothingcomparedwith you. (2) Per: per noctem, during the night; by letter;per jocum, in jest;per deos te oro, I pray you by per litteras, I give leave ; res the gods; per me licet, expetenda,a thingin per se ab in d esirable. the : a fronte, a (3) A, itself tergo,in the rear; van; a millibus the sea; this is on I sum, footman; de of marmore, ; de a Platonic rege, next doetrina a off;prope miles two proximus a sick at heart ; a night; purpose side ; my am pedibus, the duobus, passuum philosophusa Platone, a a mari, he is philosopher ; hoc a me to the king; ab animo near facit, aeger well informed ; servus instructus, (4) De: de nocte, amanuensis. an manu, abest a in die, in the daytime ; de from my own purse ; de meo, accordingto custom ; de industria,on de causis,for good reasons afresh; justis ; de Parthis marble novo, ; de more, the Parthians, (5) E, ex: diem day afterday; ex pedibus laborat,he has the gout in his feet; e lica,/0rthe good of the state; heres ex asse, universal heir ; ex he triumphed over triumphavit, viso,by surprise ; ex tempore, offhand; e vestigio, suddenly; e Marseilles. beatus es, Massiliae,opposite (6) Prae: prae me happy compared with me; Pro: pro prae dolor foribus, beforethe door; tacet, he is silent from pro a fact ; certo,./br die, repubimproregione you are grief.(7) pro viribus, humanitate, such is your courtesy; in to my c ircumstances; existing pro eo ac potui,according pro re nata, binis assibus in frumentum modium, corn at two ability.(8) In: a. in lucem, to slqeptill daylight ad me asses a peck ; dormire ; vocat he invites in dine to the next in hortos diem, me proximum cenam day according to in his one's powers e ex pro ; ; in pleasure-grounds hunc tua modum locutus est, he spoke in this wise ; in praesens, for the time being; in horas, from hour to hour ; in aeternum, for ever ; in universum, generally; in vicem, in turns. meo ; is in aere / incerto, in doubt ; in praesenti,at this moment hie modo in in alieno sed suis non aere in debt; is nullo, he my est, numis multis money of in tua manu his est, this man own ; films is not in manu only out of debt,but has much ready patris,a son in his father*spower ; hoc est, this is in your power. ADDITAMENTA Participles: D. are important elements Participles But the Latin language is less The a. 147 MEMORABILIA. in Latin, as rich in in Greek, than Participles struction. con- the Greek. is the Participle b. A act ; of acted on. to which : on and has of one fullyconjugatedhas Participles (including in reos)representing all these categories but Latin ; and Passive Conjugationhave the first, third,fifth, Verbal the Verbs that acts, or has acted,or will been acted on, or will be that is meet for being acted one or add, must we of on, regularlyand Verb Greek A Attribute being acted is that one with Active dive) (thePresent Act.,Future Act., Perfect Pass.,and Gerunbut want the second,fourth,and sixth, that is,the Participles, Perfect Active, Present Pass.,and Future Pass. Participles. For the be regarded as Future, though it may Gerundive must not in some seventh the notion of future time. placescontain c. Verbs Deponent Intransitive have three : Present Participles and Future, both of which are Active in form and sense, and Perfect,which is Passive in form, but Active in sense: as, labor, labens, lapsurus, lapsus. To these,Transitive Deponentsadd the Gerundive in dus : as, patior,patiens,passurus, d. The of want in Latin by Ablative Absolute tulerim, Sicinium feram king,shall I endure Sicinius Active Verbs, is supplied Eelative or Particle, ParticipleAct., in the Finite Verb an by or non Perfect a either patieudus. passus, Passive: qui as, Tarquinium regem Having refused to endure Tarquinas ? 1 Active, with Liv. interemisset Alexander,quum A lexander slain abstinuit, Clitus,hardly -, having refrainedfrom suicide. Cic. Pompeius, captis Hierosolymis, victor ex illo fano nihil attigit, Pompeius, having taken Jerusalem, in Clitum, vix a se " manus " the very Cic. hour meddled of victory, with to nothingbelonging that temple. " e. The Passive want Verb of a Present with discunt Passive Participle Relative Particle: or docentur, by being taught learn. Rarely the Passive sense victoria : as, Sperata /. Latin A Future the ol TrcuSes Passive Participle Finite Verb veniet quae shall be never g. The Verbs are Greek = non with hopedfor. the Finite quum " " dum Participletakes (Lrv.) = is not often used stands even for it : hora, Welcome Present a victoria quae speratur. in Greek. In Grata as, superwill arrive the hour thai HOB. " Perfect suppliedby Children 8:5cunc"Vez/cH /jLaMvovcn, Perf. Relative sperabitur as, is Pueri, qui of Participles Deponent some and Semi-Deponent occasionallyfound in a Present Active sense: as, ausus, fisus,diffisus, gavisus,ratus, solitus, usus, veritus : as, Caesar,veritus noctu hostes profugerent,duas legionesin armis ne excubare jubet, Cfssar,fearingthe enemy to keepwatch h. under arms. would " are Many Participles C^ES. used escape See as in " mere the night,ordered two legions 62 Note. Adjectives:as, neglegens, "c. Many appear as patiens,sapiens,doctus,venerandus, tremendus, 148 NOTES Substantives. Such are, ON SYNTAX. adolescens, sponsus; amans, cooptum, dictum, dictum, praeceptum, "c. The nupta, sponsa, man. nouns, men, thing, to be understood with Participles are "S:e., : as, Jacet frequently corpus dormientis ut mortui, The body of a sleeping oftenlies as of person locuturi Cic. Grande dead. nebulas HeHcone one legunto,They that " would utter sublime a strain from cull mists must Helicon. PERS. " Male dilabuntur, HI gotten,ill go. Cic. Beatos duco, qui aut part scribunt loquenda, I deem them happy,who faciunt scribenda, aut either do things fitto be written or write thingsJitto be spoken."PLIX. male a " t " 142. Also E. Active and See When a. Agent Construction Transitive : : Egregieconsul rem Egregieab consule Active an Intransitive Construction,that Construction of the Agent ACT. Hostes PASS. Ab If the Active it,the Passive enemy the nos Medicinae a They Mihi isti nocere Mihi ab They cannot Litibus et PASS. Litibus et " (b) Hence changed into Passive Impersonal; the Subjectbecoming with as, possunt. non hurt potest. non me. Cic. " est. vos jurgiissupersedere aequum est. a vobis aequum jurgiis supersederi of the to abandon Agent,like a " strifeand Pronoun Impersonal Construction; ancient forest. VEBG. an wrangling. " is Subject, LIT. often understood Itur in as, Nunc est antiquam silvam, bibendum, Now we HOR. it appears (c) Quasi-Passive as, Testis ab that Passive Verbs Verbs Summary reo rather be stript by of of the the Malo a a cive Verbs sive; Pasbeaten with ab hoste spoliari quam than be sold by a foe. QUINT. citizen, ImpersonalConstruction of Person as Object. " : Case-construction. (i) Accusative Cases same (" 72) have the construction of vapulavit,The witness was " venire,/ would govern fustibus cudgelsby the defendant. QUINT. a. Case Cic. " Active Verbs, except only the Accusative F. : Ablative icdigemus. indigetur. istis noceri ACT. go drink. is Genitive,Dative, or a It is fairfor you must Sentence pugnabant. pugnabatur. foughtsteadily. CAKS. need medicine. ACT. the " nobis PASS. into LIT. fair excellently. retains that Case PASS. Ablative a constanter had Verb Construction We is est. gesta " Medicinae in Ablative constanter ACT. (") The Subjectbecomes struction, Con- as, . hostibus The c. into Passive gessit. res The consul conducted Ablative changed the as, ACT. PASS. b. When is Sentence and Subject, Objectbecomes the of the Passive Active an d. " 107 with Genitive of taedet,miseret. Piget,pudet,paenitet, Thing: " 134. 150 But NOTES SYNTAX. ON if town, small island,or domus, humus, militia, bellum,rus SingularCase in ae, i or e ; Plural Case in is : ibus, militiae, Corinthi, domi, humi, belli,ruri,Tibure,Athenis, Gadibus, "c. without (2)Place : with Accusative But whence in. or : Ablative c. ad if town, small island,domus, rus, "c. : Accusative without Prepositionusually. (3) Place But Preposition:as, Romae, a whither or ab with ex, or if town, small island,domus, rus, "c. : Ablative without Prepositionusually. : (1)Space intervening Accusative ; as, Aberam ab day1s journeyfrom one Or Ablative mi Hi of bus diei,I was Cic. " as, " : Mi as, afterdiningwe (3) Space of unius ab passuum Accusative; Amanus. r Aesculapiitemplum quinque Epidaurodistat,the templeof Aesfrom Epidaurus. Liv. Measure; culapiusis fivemiles (2) Space traversed it e Amano* Hi creep a on turn pransi tria three miles. repimus,then HOR. " measurement: Ablative, "118; or denum pedum Quality;as, COLUM. make barn-floors ten feetwide. must Accusative, "102; or Areas Genitive latas of facito,you " III. METRE A. ON PEOSODY. : " (a) DactylicHexameter This The NOTES Metre has six feet. fifth must be' a or The Senarius. first four may be Dactylsor Spondees. The a Spondee). Dactyl(rarely sixth a Spondee. Scheme. 123456 Examples. 1. 2. Mu|sae y pau|loma|jora ca|nemus. Siceli|des Non my|ricae. 6m|nes ar|bustan ju|vanthiimi|lesque . A break syllableof in the the strong Caesura. Dactyl,as words, called Caesura,is usuallymade after the first after -sae, in (1). This is called a third foot, as If the break after -ta in (2),it occurs is called after a the weak second Caesura. syllableof a Occasionally, NOTES the chief Caesura the : | sidera |tollit. Epic poets,Virgil,Lucan, "c., consists of Measure Heroic (b) DactylicPentameter kept consists of distinct. n ad of only. Hexameters Dactylic This Verse the fourth foot,as in syllableof Clamo|ressimul | horren |dos The 151 PROSODY. after the first occurs followingverse ON The : parts,called Penthemimers, two first Penthemimer contains second Spondees) and a long syllable. The (bothDactyls)and a longsyllable. feet two contains which are (Dactylsor also two feet Scheme. Example. pater | et ma|ter IItu Tu is not used This Verse Distich : eris Tempora B. Iambic This Metre a an in the Elegiac Hexameter amicos, si fuerint nubila,solus eris. or has six feet. Senarius Each : be may an Iambus : as, |riiit. | et ip|saE6|ma vi|ribus Spondee may stand in the first, third, and (rarely)a Dactyl or Anapaest (^ sometimes numerabis multos felix, Trimeter Sills But follows alone,but Elegiacpoets are Ovid, Tibullus,and Propertius. chief (a) |frater e|ras. as, Donee The mihi takes the placeof an ^ -) in the first. A Iambus, except in the fifth foot; and Tribrach (w **") last feet. two Scheme. 456 123 _ w _ Examples. |ripis |aquae. Labfm|tur al|tis n In|terim peris. |ta vi| Camdi|a brevi|biis n im|plica e x amen ver]nas n dl|tis | Positos|que | domus. The usual Caesura is after the first syllable of the third foot. of the fourth foot; as, less usual, is after the first syllable Ibe|ricis |perus]ten fu|nibus|latus. The Trimeter may form a distinct measure. Another, 152 NOTES Iambic (b) This which ON PROSODY. Dimeter. Verse leaves it is used the third and out form to Iambic an fourth Distich Trimeter,with feet of the ; as, Pater|na ru|ra bo|bus ex|ercet| siiis, 6m|ni fe|nore. S61u|tiis this and also the Horace uses C. The Sapphic Stanza This Stanza contains singleTrimeter in his Epodes. : four lines. repeated(SapphicusMinor). The The three fourth first are the is called Versus same Verse Adonius. Scheme. Example. 1. Oti|um di | vos pa|tenti | nubes |Aegae|6 | Condi|ditlu|nam neque | certa | fulgent Sid era | nautis. rogat | in 2. Prensus 3. 4. D. This The Alcaic Stanza simiil Stanza contains atra : four lines : of which the two first are similar. Scheme. 4. - Example. | Postiimo |fuga|ces| Postume Labun|tiiran|m | nee pie|tasmoram BugTs | et m|stanti|senec|tae Aiferet | Indomi | taeque | morti. Eheu Models of the are found are given in in Sapphic the Odes of the Grammar. and Alcaic Horace. Stanzas, with Kules for their other Lyric Metres, elegant construction ''153 GRAMMATiCUM. GLOSSARIUM [N.E., Notes on Etymology. N. S.,Notes Prosody. An Asterisk marks the new N. P., Notes on adoptedin this Book.] Syntax. on terms A. (auferre,to take away], the Ablative Case, so called from See Case. one uses (Departure). " 110-125. cause the Ablative Absolute, beto Absolutus Ablativus (absolvere, release} it were, from government. it stands released, as " 125. the acbecause Accusative Accusativus to t he cused Case, (accusare, accuse}, 95. is the Objectof prosecution.Gr. cuTiarud) irruxns. " Activa Vox (agere,to do),the Active Voice of Verbs, expresses 'doing/ Adjectivum, Adjective (quod adjidtur Substantivo).Gr. iviQerov, epithet."" 32, 87, 89. AdjectivalClauses. N. S. xn. Ablativus of its , Adverbial Clauses. N. S. xi. estf Gr. Adverbium, Adverb, 'quia ad Verbum the Letters Alphabet, of a letters in Greek, " 1. *Annexive Relation, that to take brlpprtpa. ""9,37,82. (A,B),the two first language,from Alpha,Beta by which one the word is annexed to another, construction. so as same " Anomala, IrregularWords, Gr. a*"cfyta\a even). "" 25, 78. (a,not ; fyxaXos, limited by a to render back),a PrincipalSentence Apodosis (airoSiStWi, N. Clause called Protasis (wporcfwp, stretch to before). S. xi. .#. an Appositum (apponere,to placebeside), Apposite,or Substantive placed beside another in Qualitative relation* "" 87, 90. See Attributum. bind to the annexing of words Asyndeton (a, not, "rw5c?j', together), without a 146. conjunction. to draw (attrahere, to),a Figure of Syntax. " 159 N. S. i. E. 2. Attributum to Attribute ; an Adjectiveassignedto (attribuere, assign), qualifya Substantive. "" 87, 89. The Qualitative relation of an Attribute or Apposite to the words Croesus Croesus dives; : as, they qualify maybe (1) Epithetic Enthetic rex. (2) Attributively (see Enthesis): as, Croesus, re ditissimus, vincitur ; Croesus, rex Lydorum, vincitur. gum Enthetic: Croesus dives interiit ; Croesus non Adverbially (3) as, interiit. Croesus fuit dives; rex non (4) Complemental : as, Attractio Croesus fit rex. " 87. o 154 GLOSSARIUM GRAMMATICUM. to fall), Case. Gr. TrrSxns. (cadere, Pronoun in order Noun or givento a Casus stands to Case is meant By to show in the sentence. other word some A. the form the relation in which Case a falling.Grammarians is,literally, that it is the Subjectof line,as AB, to lines Noun a takes sentence, by a represented when an right up- likened the other forms from the perpendicular angles; as, AC, AD, they called Cases ; These "c. A and fattingaway various at which form it (casus,from cado) AE, AF, and their or series,the declension,declining, sloping the the of word. Nominative Afterwards, or down, Subjectcase Casus Rectus, the Upright called (with evident impropriety) was Case, and the others (except the Vocative)Casus Obliqui,Oblique Cases ; whereas the Stem (or Crude-form) of the word is more perly prothe uprightline,and the several Cases, including the Nominative and Vocative,are branches deflecting from it. So, from the Stem Cases the (walnut-tree) nun- are: G. nuc-z's, D. nuc-f, rmc-em, B. The Relations which Ab. Portuguese)have only one Case-form N.V. ( nux), Ace. nuc-s = nuc-c. fail to express are suppliedby in the languages of modern Prepositions Europe the use of ; and and Declension is comparatively Thus rare. prevails, Prepositions derived from the languages Latin (Italian, French, Spanish,and two English, ; of limited use, Cases Latin in each Number for Nouns ; four ; but the Possessive Case in English is German is freely Declension developedonlyin German, and Of the Articles. Cases and the ancient Aryan tongues, two the more, Sanskrit Instrumental and had the the six Locative. in use, discarding the Ablative, the only five cases which between the Genitive and the Dative ; of it divides functions and the Locative. Latin rebut it retains traces of the Instrumental tains had Greek many fragments of in this Grammar; the Locative Case, as shown here and the Pronominal forms, mihi, tibi, with the Cases in -bus,appear sibi,nobis,vobis,ubi, ibi,together Instrumental to springout of the primitive Case, though in meaning there they have C. The while lost all connection with it. primaryforce of the Cases debated is a much Grammarians have been question. Modern t o generally explainit by relations undecided place and extent ; still inclined and there speciousnessin the theory which, takingthe Nominative the pointwhich mothe moving agent, regardsthe Ablative as tion leaves, the Accusative as that to which it extends,and the is much as of and But this theory fails to account for be it Genitive and the Sanskrit and Latin against may urged that ; in Greek is taken by the it assignsto the Ablative a place which Genitive,and also that the Latin Ablative includes uses hardly Dative as the pointof rest. is here stated to be its distinctive use. consistent with that which has been followed,but without preclassical usage In this book judice (itis hoped) to Causalis Clausula,a Causal quod, quia,quum, "c. the future Clause ; " 152. studyof philosophical grammar. Adverbial N. S. xr. an Clause introduced by 155 OTAMMATICUM. GLOSSARIUM the last letter an impressedmark), usuallymeans (xaPaKfJ"hp" Character of the Stem Circumstantive inflected word. "11. in which the relation Relation, to the Verb of an when it modifies it Word a Phrase or adverbially. Such their Cases, the Ablative Prepositionswith the Accusative Case often. This term to inclose), a Clause. Clausula (claudere, Subordinate Sentence. Co-ordinate Sentences stands is that of Adverbs, Case always, is used to express any also called Clauses, are See Enthesis. but are not discussed in elementaryGrammar. Collective Nouns Nouns to gathertogether), Collectiva (colligere, or N. S. i. E. 3. Multitude. Comparativa Clausula, a ComparativeClause : an Adverbial Clause si,"c. 152. N. S. of troduced in- " by quasi,tanquam, the Complement, that which to complete), Complementum (complere, completesthe construction of a Simple Sentence, when its Verb is See Predicate. Copulative.""87,93. N.S. n. *Compositum Subjectum,a CompositeSubject. " 92. N. S. I. F. verbial Concessiva Clausula (concedere, to grant),a Concessive Clause, an Ad152. S. Clause introduced by etsi, "c. N. A. xi. " quamvis, of Protasis tional CondiConditionalis Clausula (conditio, the a a condition), Sentence. "152. N.S. xi. B. Agreement. "" 88-92. Congruentia(congruere,to agree), to the Flexion of Verbs. "" 11, 48. Conjugatio(conjugare, yoke together), to unite). Conjunctio(conjungQTe, "" 85, 152. Conjunction.Gr. ffvvfieafjios. Mood the of Mood ment, stateConjunctivasModus, Conjunctive contingent ; used purely or subjurictively. N. S. 148. ix. 65, "" 42, of Tenses. Consecutio to ensue), Consecution Temporum (consequi, "155. N.S. xm. ut xi. * Consecutiva Clause ; an Adverbial Consecutive Clause denoting that. introduced N.S. 152. A. xi. " by ut, so consequence, Consonantes Litterae (consonare, to sound with),Consonants. " 3. Clausula, a SCHEME Contractw one to (contrahere, long one ; as, OF draw THE CONSONANTS. the together), fide. fidei, fusion of two vowels into 156 GLOSSAIUUM GRAMMATICUM. to couple), CopulativeVerbs. CopulativaVerba (copulare, Besides Sum, theycomprisethe Verbs audio, am called forem, might be " 87. N. S. n. " fio,become appear appareo, existo,stand forth evado,turn with others: also,many word thought,or ; such they born Passives idea making, by deed, " believed declarer,am renuncior,am proclaimed nominor, nuncupor, am named salutor,am saluted held counted am censeor, acknowledged agnoscor, am dicor,am said related am narror, thought deemed ducor, am habeor, am declared vocor, appellor, of existimor, putor, am out elected feror, perhibeor,trader, am ported re- called am entitled am invenior, found reperior, esteemed probor, am argtior, and Particles which Correlativa,Pronouns several classes. discovered am deprehendor, reckoned am are called Factitive class of Verbs a the credor,am designer,am marked legor,am chosen inscribor,am aestimor,am of contain created numeror, am Passives made am efficior, am eligor, nascor, videor,seem because (facere), am remain out some creor, maneo, " 38. N. E. proved. mutuallycorrespondin their in. D. Dativus Casus Case. (dare,to give; "" 104-109. the Dative Gr. SOTIK))irruxris), N. S. to slope down),the (declinare, Declinatio (Keceptive) rv. Flexion of Nouns. " 12. See Case. Words forms. to fail), Defectiva(deficere, wanting some "" 25, 74. D. Deminutiva 2. N. E. i. (deminuere,to lessen}. Depomns Verbum, a Deponent Verb, so called because it lays aside Active form, having Active sense. " 40. (deporiit) E. to leave out), a Figure of Syntax. " 158. (t\\clveiv, Ellipsis which throw back to lean on),words Enelitica, (cyK\lvciv, the word on before them : as, -que, -ve, N. S. i. E.I. their accent -ne. of words, sometimes to place in),a group one word, (eVrifleWi, Adverbial An Clause. abbreviated or an Adjectival forming *Enthesis Ablative Adverbial Enthesis of Time, Cause, Condition. or Enunliatio and to state],a proposition or (enunciare, principalof Enuntiatio and chief " is usuallyan Absolute 94. the three forms of a Enunciation Oblique Obliqua, of the three principal form N.S. is the x. kinds Infinitive A.(}). ; the first N. S. A. x. Simple the first (indirectstatement), of Clause statement Sentence. Substantival Clauses. Its (Accusative-and-Infinitive) 158 GRAMMATICUM. GLOSSARIUM Infinitive Clause the Infinitiva, Interrogatio N. S. used as Direct As Obliqua,ObliqueInterrogation. Interrogatio one so Oblique or of which forms the three is is Interrogation Indirect take Accusative an Object. N. S. Interrogation may assume, of the three one Clauses. " 149. N. S. x. A. Intransitive Verbs ; Verbs Verba, of the Sentence Simple a Substantival Intransitiva indignantquestion. an D. x. kinds of (3). which do D. in. not regularly See Transitiva. K month ; Kalendarium, the Calendar or plan of the days of the Eoman the called from Kalendae, Calends, or firstday in it. N. E. TV. C. so L. Locative place), (locus, Locativus which fragments remain Case ; a and existingin Sanskrit,of case Latin. in Greek " 121. N.S. 6r. 2. v. M. Mobilia Substantiva moveable). (mobilis, Feminine correspondingto (manner), Mood ; that Modus in which manner its action Masculine a or form. of Accident which Substantives have N. E. i. D. 1. which shows the Verb a sfeate is conceived of. " a 42. A. to deny),Negatives. " 82. N. S._xrv. NegativaeParticulae (negare, Nomina (Gr.ovo^a, a name), Nouns comprise Substantives,Adjectives, and are ; but Pronouns " meant. Nominativus the term is often used when (nominare,to Substantive, or what Adjective,Pronoun, Verb-noun S. i. ovo^aarLK^wr""ns).""87, Gr. name. See Case. 88, 93. N. alone 9. Casus ^Noun-term, Substantives a may or stand for a Substantival Substantive Clause. ; as " 87. C. Number. Numeralia, words representing N. E. Nummaria Res, Roman money. N. E. iv. iv. A. D. 0. Relation, that Objective Transitive Verb. of the Accusative N. S. of the Nearer Object to a in. to cast in the way),Object; that which is affected by Objectum(objicere, action : if directly affected it is called Nearer Object(Accusative), if indirectly, Remoter Object(Dative). N. S. in. iv. ObliquaOratio( ObliqueDiscourse), any statement, command, or question expressed in Substantival indirect Clauses construction. This term includes the three and Interrogation, Oblique Enunciation, Petition, used with specialreference to the construction Accusative-and-Infinitive which is (Infinitive Clause), though of the chief form : sometimes of ObliqueEnunciation or Narration. N.S. x. A. B. GLOSSARIUM 159 GRAMMATICUM. the Accusative Subjectof an Infinitive. " 94. ObliqueSubject, Accusative the Complement of an Oblique CopuObliqueComplement, lative Clause. " N. S. 94. A., in. D. n. P. to take Participiicm (partemcapere, Verb-form Adjectival "" 45, 142. N.S. of Adiective and Verb. shares the functions which share),an a D. xiv. Paries Parts Orationis, Particulce, Particles,or undeclined of Words. Speech,or Parts of small " 9. Speech; a the four givento name only used in compound words ; as, ambi-, re-, se-, in-,dis-. " 82, "c. Partitiva Vocabula (partiri, to divide}.N. S. vi. B. Passiva Vox (pati, to suffer}, the Passive Voice,or form used in Verbs to show also which includingsome that somethingis acted upon, and so to Transitive Verbs only ; but many proper it Parts, and in Impersonal construction. Beflexive ; as, vertor, / N. S. xrv. E. see descent from or This Voice Intransitive Verbs Passive For Verb Passive is use is often Construction title name), Patronymic,a ovo^a, father a suffers? ' A 76. myself. turn father; Patronymicum (irarrip, " are pressing ex- ancestor. to complete)Tempus, the Perfect. Tense, which in Perfectum (perficere, Latin has a double use. " 48. N. S. xin. Perfect-stem."" 46, 48. to speaJc PeriphrasticConjugation (TrepKppdfciv, circuitously). " 64. Petitio Obliqua. As Petition (command or entreaty)is the second of the three forms of Simple Sentences, so Oblique Petition is the second of the three kinds Phrasis ("/"pa"m), Phrase ; a a of Substantival or Enthesis an a (situs), x. A. (2). of words, or a single word notion,but not forming a Clause ; as, multae term in artis,ruri,Prepositionwith Case, etc. Prosody to express that a vowel is short, long,or doubtful,by standingbefore Predicate N. S. combination used, containinga idiomatically Position Clauses. other letters. to declare), that member (praedicare, of " 162. Sentence, by which a somethingis declared of the Subject. Writers on Logic resolve propositioninto Subject,Copula, and Predicate. But in every this would Grammar authors write. exactlycorrespondsto such any with Verb links it is not only mislead, for Neither to nor sum, the any other logicalCopula ; the logicalPredicate. Subject,in For these nor every in such form that Copulative Verb, is the word, which instance identical (while Madvig and followed in allowing the term most dicate Preare in Grammar to a Finite Verb) the term Complement is used the word or phrase linked by a CopulativeVerb to the to express a nd so completinga Simple Sentence. Subject, (praeponere, to place before),Gr. irp6dc(ris.""9, 83, Praepositio a other the Grammarians N. S. C. xiv. Relation the Relation, 103, 122. Predicative Simple reasons between existing Subjectand Verb of Sentence. Present-Stem. "" 11,46. from the True Stem. The The Present-Stem chief variations of are many these Verbs : differs 160 GLOSSA1UUM 1. N is inserted "c. fra-rc-go, GRAMMATICUM. before the Before a Consonant-character: labial this n becomes ru-m-po. 2. N is suffixed (b) to (a) to a Vowel-character : Liquid-character: as, tem-n-o, a as, m as, : as, fi-w-clo, la-m-bo, si-w-o,li-w-o ; cer-w-o, sper-w-o, So po-w-o for pos-w-o. So is suffixed (a) to a Vowel-character stcr-n-o. 3. 4. : as, pa-S"-o, ira-sc-or, "c. Consonant-character with i : as, a to (b) ; cre-sc-o, ulc-isc-or. So di-sc-o for dic-sc-o ; na-rc-c-isc-or for nac-or. tol-"-o. X is doubled : as, pel-^-o, 5. T is suffixed to Guttural-character: 6. A Guttural Stem 7. The for sto. *Prolative Relation as, nec-^-o. flec-tf-o, pec-^-o, is cast out : as, stru-o for stru-c-o,vivo for vi-^-uo. is re-duplicated si-sto : as, ffi-g-nofor gen-o, that in which Predication to extend), is (proferre, called to Infinitive (therefore Prolative), joined by an Verbs, Participles, and, poetically, Adjectives." 140. N. S. vu. B. extended Attentive consideration reallydistinct from in grammar, and that shows its Objective use, requiringa this use of the Infinitive is relation a constituting special distinctive appellation. (Gr. avruwntoi),an inflected Part of Speech,rankingamong Nouns, and so called because it is a substitute for a name. " 38. to Person or Place. Propria Nomina, Proper Names ; Nouns peculiar Relation,that of the Genitive to the word proper to it. " 126. Proprietive Pronomen mar to singin accord), Prosody; that division of Gram(irpovdfisiv, of of which treats Quantity Syllablesand of Rhythm. The Notes. of Metre are usuallycomprisedin it. " 161. See Apodosis. Prosodia Laws Protasis. Q, See Attributum. Relation. Qualitative B. to receive), that of the Dative, as Case of ReceptiveRelation (recipere, N. S. iv. word. the Recipient, to the governing " 104-109. Recta Oratio,Direct Discourse,in a PrincipalSentence,as distinguished Oratio from Obliqua. N. S. x. mutation to redouble), Reduplication (reduplicare, Reduplicatio ; a peculiar of words is varied,in Greek, Latin, of form, by which the sense is in forming the other languages. In Latin, its chief use III. 9. Perfect-stem of Verbs. See "" 48, 81 II. (5), to bend back),Reflexive Pronouns : se, Prowmina Rejlexiva (reflectere, ' * back because bend with its Possessive called, they suus ; so and their relation to the the the words of Construction existingbetween number: in Sentence Predicative; (2) (1) are eight always)the Subjectof Relations of The a preceding ; generally(but not N. S. vm. Sentence. " 145. Principal principalnoun Relations Simple (6) Qualitative; (3)Objective ; (5)Circumstantive; ; (4)Receptive (7) Prolative Proprietive; Relativum Pronomen called because ; to (referre, referredto an (8) Annexive. See the Relative refer), Antecedent these Words. Pronoun Noun-term. qui, so "91, See GLOSSARIUM N. S. 1. From Pronouns, and Root, the this root are derived the the Particles connected part of kindred common 1G1 GEAMMATICUM. and Interrogative with words. Indefinite them. "11. S. Scansio the measurement to climb), of feet (scandere, t o Sentence. a (sentire, express thought), Simple or Compound. A Simple Sentence in Sententia are command a (ftnuntiatio), verse. " 87. Sentences is either a statement a question or (petitio), request or Sentence A (interrogatio). a of two or more Compound the the nate Simple Sentences,one being Principal, rest either Co-ordi(not dependent)or Subordinate (dependentin construction) ; which Stem, kinds two the crude mone-. A as, mon- for called Clauses. are form of Word a Vowel-stem consists N. S. without x. the A. Endings its vowel is called of stripped : as, a CliptStem mensa-, to place under),Subject. "" 87, 88, 93, Subjection(subjicere, K. S. qua. form, of 94. i. ii. *Subobliqua Clausula,a Suboblique Clause, ' : mon-e-. If Oratio the subordinate to Oratio Obli- is contained in the sense only, not in Clause is said to be ' Subobliqtiae potestatis,' Obliqua Subordinate Subobliquepower, or ' Suoblique.' N. virtually S. x. B. Substantival Clauses,the three forms of a Simple Sentence (statement, See Oratio Obliqua. command, question)in Oblique Construction. Substantivum stand t o a Substantive,the first of the (substare, beneath), inflected Parts of Speech. "" 9 I. (1),12, 16, etc. SuperlativusGradus to carry above], the highestDegree of (superferre, Adverb. or Compared Adjective "" 35-37. Stem. Supine" 47. Supinum, Supine,an unmeaning term, appliedto the two Cases of the a Verb-noun Avhich end in and severally. "" 45, 141 (5)(6). to take together), Syllaba(triAAa^ujSaj/ei*', a Syllable or more ; that is,one um u letters pronounced in a breath. " 5. the shorteningof a word to cut short), Syncope(ffvyKoirreiv, by casting inner out vowel for pateri. an : as, patri Synesis(onWm, meaning),a Pigure of Syntax. " 160. N. S. i. E. 3. that division of Grammar to arrange Syntaxis(o-wrdo-a-eiy, together), .which treats of the construction of sentences. T. TemporalisClausula, a Temporal Clause of Time. by a Conjunction " Tempus (time),Tense ; that which marks "" 43, : Adverbial an Clause duced intro- N. S. xi. 152. the time of action in Verbs. 48. to throw over); (trajicere, *Trajectiva Verbs which by Adjectives, have Verbs a meaning suggest a Eecipient. Pure Trajective Dative Verbs alone (Cui-Verbs) Transitive (Cui-quid : Trajective and their Accusative Verbs) have Transitiva Verba Accusative and Dative. to pass (transire, of the nearer " 104. over),Verbs Object. " N. S. iv. which 96 N. S. iii. pass over to an 162 GLOSSAIUUM GRAMMATICUM. V. Verb of Being (sum, ess Latin by not lated trans- ' Verbum Substantivum Grammarians, ; Greek, and confusing to learners. Sum ' the to true This has been G-r. prj^a vTrapKTiK6v. e). term a is the Being, essential to the expressionof thought. Hence we widelyspread throughoutthe languages of the world. ""49,87. N.S. n. Verbum (Gr. pri^a, the word), Verb ; an inflected Part of Speech,so called,as the Word which effects discourse. "" 9, 39, etc. Verb of find its root * the parts of the Verb Infinite are Verb-Nouns stantival SubAdjectival, unitingfunctions of the Verb with functions All Verb-Noun. or of the Noun. N.S. "" 45, 140, etc, Vowels. Vocales (vox, voice), " 2. followingscheme, in which i and between Claudius broughtfor i. Their "7. relations are the sign|- represents the (optnnus,optumus), which time into publicuse : u a Standard shown in the vowel the ing waver- Emperor vowel a Sharp medial e O i Sharp semiconsonant J- Flat medial U Flat semiconsonant Medial anciently.J representsthe consonant power the vowel-powerof v (v-vocalis). (i-consonans) ; the Vocativus Casus Case of one addressed,which (vocare, to call), J~and did not u exist of i u stands of the Sentence. out the Vowel-change, weakening or in Flexion, Derivation and Vox, Voice ; that form, by which " N. S. 39. "" 14, 87, 137. of Vowels, strengthening which occurs N. E. n. Composition. ""81, Verbs are shown as doing or suffering. 84. E. xiv. with be known precision never spoke Latin can Others matter are of f ch, th, ph, rh, ei, eu. in cow of conjecture : as that ae=ai ow in French ; Mai, oe oy in boy, au It is probable that c=k being soft as in cell, always, never u. y- vowel = Greek hard soft, as in gentle, city; that g also was always, as in get, gird, never (j) English y-consonant. origin ; that v=Engl. w nearly, and i-consonans the As to vowels, in the Grammar the following line is given to express long and short sounds of each : the first four words being sounded as in French, Note." Some How sounds the Romans lost are . : as those , = = = the last as in Italian : Quinine, demesne, propose, papa, Zulu. short as 1. Italic : 2. with to each vowel, and shown take the following words 4. with long mark may ; we de as containing them : a, ad-a-mand-as ; e, re-vell-e-res ; i, in-scrlb-i-tls ; o, n5v-6 corp-o-re ; u, fulg-w-ra mu-tu-a. in base (which is the long The must take care to sound learner a as never to sound (which is the long i-sound) ; nor i as in never e as in these e-sound) . If four sounds mark ^ are 3. Roman : allowed : - ; ice ; nor u as in use ; these being diphthong sounds. See Grammar,' Append. ". LONDON SPO1TISWOODE : AND AND PRINTED CO., PAUHAiiliNT BY NEW-STREET SIEEEX SQUARE ' Public School Latin SCHOOL-BOOKS CLASSICAL The Latin School the Public Editor of the Public School use the GRAMMAR, Latin the sanction of the Head Royal have Latin Public . . . ARIA, PRIM PRIM BOOK EXERCISE Primer. KEY with in the included Public COMPANION Primer. Latin Primer. the EDITOR COMPANION II. a Second Latin School By By the of EDITOR the Price 3s. 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