P. K. PANDYA & CO. Practicing Company Secretary 16, 1st Ftr., Star Trade Center. Sod.wala Lane, 80riYali (W), Mumbal- 400 092. PRAKASH K. PANDYA Tel. No. ,+9122-28903329 Tele-Fax ,+9122-28929702 E-mail ;lnfo@pkpandys.com B.Com.. Fes. LLB.. AClS IUK) Website : WW\IV,pkpandya,corn Scrutinizer's Report To, Me. Ravl Parthasarathy, Chairman Infrastructure leasing & Financial Services ltd. Meeting: 28" Annual General Meeting of the Equity Shareholders, Date & TIme: Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 11.00 a,m. Venue: Registered Office of the Company at The IL & FS Financial Centre, Bandra-Kurla CompleX, Sandra East, Mumbal ,400051. Dear Sir! This has reference to my appointment as Scrutinizer by the Board of Directors of the Company vide resolution passed on May 26, 2015 for the remote electronic voting ('e-votingl) and voting process at the AGM through Poll Paper prOVided to the members of the Company for business transacted at the 2ath Annual General Meeting {'AGM') of members of the Company held on September 24, 2015, The management of the Company is responsible to ensure compliance wlth applicable laws on convening and conducting annual general meeting, manner of obtaining consent of members of the Company and on the subject matter of the resolutions as contained in the notice dated August 28, 2015 to the members of the Company including the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 {the 'Act') and the relevant Rules framed thereunder. My responsibility as a scrutinizer for the poll taken at the AGM and remote e-voting process facility granted to members of the Company as an alternate to voting at the AGM, is restricted to (a) keep in safe custody all the poll paper received upon voting by poll at the AGM, (b) unblock the votes cast by remote e-voting process" and (c) make a Scrutinizer's report of the votes cast "in favour" or Hagainst'J the resolutions stated in the notice of the AGM, based on the scrutiny of the samet for which assistance was provided by Link Int!me India Private Limited, the share transfer agent of the Company and also based on the reports generated from the remote e-voting system provided by the Central Depository Services (rndia) Limited ('CDS!.') the authorised agency engaged by the Company to provide remote e-voting facility, r/ Page lof9 P. K. PANDYA & CO. Info@pkpandya.com +91 022 28903329 In this connection, I submit my report as under: 1.1 The remote e-votlng process, commenced from September 21, 2015 at 9.00 a.m. and ended on September 23, 2015 at 5.00 p.m. The poll papers received at the AGM In response to poll taken thereat are also considered and scrutinized. 1.2 Particulars of all the poll papers received at the AGM have been entered In the electronic registers, separately maintained for the purpose by me. 1.3 Particulars of all the votes cast by the members of the Company using remote e-votlng platform of CDSl have been kept In a separate electronic register as generated by CDSL for the purpose. 1.4 All Poll Papers received from the members of the Company are kept under my safe custody. 1.5 The poll box containing votes cast by poll at the AGM was duly opened in my presence and in the presence of three witnesses viz. Mr. Rlshabh Tambi (representing HDFC Ltd), Ms. Reena Raphel Anthony and Mr. Prashant Klrtikar. Thereafter, all the poll papers were initialled by me and the same were scrutinjzed. 1.6 The poll papers were duly scrutinized and the shareholding as well as signatures were matched/confrrmed with the Register of Members of the Company/list of beneficiaries as on cut-off date September 17, 2015 fixed by the Company. 1.9 After the AGM, the Company officials informed CDSL about completion of voting at the AGM by pol! and thereafter CDSL activated the system to enable me to download the remote e-voting report. Thereafter, I have downloaded and unblocked on September 24, 2015 at 5.15 p.m. (approx.' the e-votlng report from the CDSt portal www.evotingindia.comin the presence of two witnesses Ms. Reena Raphel Anthony and Mr. Prashant Kirtikar, who are not in the employment of the Company. 1.10 The remote e-voting data was scrutinized by me for verificatIon of votes cast in favour and against the resolutions as well as if voting is also done by using poll paper at the AGM. 2. A summary of all poll papers received at the AGM under the poll, the remote e~vating recorded by CDSl till September 23, 2015 "pta 5.00 p.m. is given below:­ Details of total voting, invalid and total valid voting is given at Annexure 1. Of the aforesaid valid voting, details of assent and dissent are as per Annexure 2. t' Page 2 of9 P. K. PANDYA& CO . .info@pkpandya,com +91 02228903329 3. From the said summary, t report that all the resolutions stands passed with requisite majority. You may accordingly dedare the result, Place: Mumbai Sign.ture~ Date: September 24, 2015 Name: Prakash K. Pandya Practising Company Secretary Scrutinizer for the Poll at AGM 8. Remote e~votlng process. Page 3 of9 : P. K. PANDYA & CO. info@pkpandya,com +91 022 28903329 Annexure 1 Summary af total voting in respect of business transacted at 28ch AGM of Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services limited r' I Total received i towards I, , ~feSo'ution no. 1 less: Invalid , valid voting ! towards resolution iI Voting by poll paper at I 24 I NIL 24 Polled Nool No of votes cases polled , , 6,10,98,567 NIL 6,10,98,567 , 7 NIL 7 ! 31 4,89,90,882 Nil i 4,89,90,882 11,00,89,449 Nil 11,00,89,449 Nil 31 ,, ,, : Resolution No. 2. , ; Nool i Noofvote< cases , polled Total , , , no.l : Less: Invalid AGM No of votes. No. 01 , poll , papers , Remote E·votlng ,, valid voting towards resolution no.2 ,i 24 Nil 24 61 10,98/567 NIL 6,10,98,567 4,89,90,882 7 Nil 7 11,00,89,449 Nil 11,00,89,449 , 31 Nil Nil 4,89,90,882 31 , , I, J"!,olutlon No, 3 Less: Invarid , Valid voting ,, 24 NIL 24 I towards resolution 6,10,98,567 Nil 6,10,98,567 7 Nil 7 6,/10,98,567 Nil 6,101 98,567 7 Nil 7 , 4,89,90,882 Nil ~ 4,89/90,882 , , 31 Nil , 31 4,89/90,882 : , Nil ,, 4,89,90,882 31 11,00,89,449 , NIL 11,OQ,89A49 no.3 , Resolution No.4 ­ : Less: Invalid I Valid voting ,, , 24 Nil 24 : towards resolution ,, I,, , ,, , , ,, Less: InvaJid Valid voting towards resolution , , 24 Nil 24 ,, , I,, no.S 7 Nil 6,10,98,567 Nil 6,10 /98,567 31 ,i , no.4 Resolution No,S Nil 11,00,89,449 I , ,, Nil 11,00,89,449 , 7 , • 4,89,90,882 Nil , , , 4,89,90,882 i I, 31 NIL 11,00,89,449 Nil 31 11,00,89,449 • . , I Page4of9 , , ....------y-' , P. K. PANDYA & CO. Info@pkpandya.oom +91 022 28903329 i Resolution No.6 ! 24 less: Invalid NIL valid voting 24 towards resolution no. 6: :I Resolution No.7 ---­ , less: Invalid Valid voting NIL 7 4,89,90,882 I NIL 4,89,90,882 I 11,0089,449 NIL 11,00,89,449 31 NIL 31 ,, 24 i 24 7 NIL 7 4,89,90,882 NIL 4,89,90,882 I ,, 31 NIL 31 I 11,00,89,449 NIL 11,00,89,449 , i , , , 24 NIL 24 6,10,98,567 NIL 6,10,98,567 towards resolution ~ no. 8 ! , , ,, ,, Resolution No.9 Less: Invalid I Valid voting , , , ! 24 towards resolution : 6,10,98.567 , ,, no. 9 I , .....­ NIL 7 ,, 11,00,89,449 NIL 11,00,89,449 i,, 7 6,10,98,567 NIL I, ,, 31 NIL 31 ,, 24 NIL , , , 4,89,90,882 NIL 4,89,90,882 7 NIL 7 I , , , Resolution No.8 ,i Less: Invalid Valid voting , , , 6,10,98,567 NIL 6,10,98,567 NIL ,, ,, , , ~~-~~""".~. towards resolution no.7 7 6,10,98,567 NIL 6,10,98,567 4,89,90,882 ,, NIL 4,89,90,882 I ,, ,,, 31 NIL 31 11,00,89,449 ' NIL 11,00,89,449 31 11,00,89,449 i NIL 11,00,89,449 , I Resolution No. 10 24 NIL 24 : Less: Invalid Valid voting II 7 NIL 7 6,10,98,567 NIL 6,10,98.567 i towards resolution , NIL 31 ,I , , i Resolution No. 11 I Less: Invalid Valid voting towards resolution 4,89,90,882 NIL 4,89,90,882 I,, , : no. 10 ! , 24 NIL 24 6,10,98,567 NIL 6,10,98,567 7 NIL 7 24 6,10,98,567 NIL 6,10,98,567 7 NIL 7 i 4,89,90,882 ,, NIL 4,89 1 90,882 ; 31 NIL 31 11,00,89,449 • ,, NIL 11,00,89,449 4,89,90,882 NIL : 4 /89,9Q,882 31 NIL 11,00.89,449 NIL ~c=11,00,89,449 , no. 11 , Resolution No. 12 Less: Invalid Valid voting NIL 24 towards resolution .I 31 ,, , no. 12 I , .~. Page 5 of9 r 1_' . . : , .. • I, P. K. PANDYA & CO. info@pkpandya.com +91 022 28903329 Resolution No. 13 Less: Invalid Valid voting towards resolution no. 13 24 NIL 24 6,10,98,567 NIL 6}10,98,567 7 NIL 7 4,89,90,882 NIL 4,89,90,882 31 NIL 31 11,00,89,449 NIL 11,00,89,449 Resolution No. 14 24 NIL 24 6,10,98,567 NIL 6,10,98,567 7 NIL 7 4,89,90,882 NIL 4,89,90,882 31 NIL 31 11,00,89,449 NIL 11,00,89,449 24 NIL 24 6,10,98,567 NIL 6,10,98,567 7 NIL 7 4,89,90,882 NIL 4,89,90,882 31 NIL 31 11,00,89,449 NIL 11,00,89,449 24 NIL 24 6,10,98,567 NIL 6,10,98,567 7 NIL 7 4,89,90,882 NIL 4,89,90,882 31 NIL 31 11,00,89,449 NIL 11,00,89,449 Less: Invalid Valid voting towards resolution no. 14 Resolution No. 15 less: Invalid Valid voting towards resolution no. 15 Resolution No. 16 Less: Invalid Valid voting towards resolution no. 16 page 6 of9 P. K. PANDYA & CO. Info@pkpandya.com +91 022 28903329 Annexure 2 Summary af valid voting in respect of business transacted at 28th AGM of Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services limited , Voting by poll paper at AGM i No. of poll : No of votes. • '" ·, papers ; Assent for i Resolution no. 1 Dissent for Resolution no. 1 ·· 24 • • · 24 · I Total . : No No of votes Noaf No of votes %of 'of polled cases polled votes • • • NIL Total, i Polled Remote e-votlng cases, polled 6,10,98,567 7 4,89,90,882 NIL NIL NIL 7 I 6,10,98,567 • · 11,00,89,449 , 31 NIL. . · NIL 100 ' NIL · ·• 31 4,89,90,882 11,00,89,449 100 • • 24 Assent for 6,10,98,567 Resolution no. 2 Dissent for Resolution no. 2 .... ~ ·• • • · Total Assent for Resolution no. 5 Dissent for Resolution no,S Total 6,10,98,567 7 · 4,89,90,882 31 7 4,89,90,882 31 • · 100 · NIL ., 11,00,89,449 • Nil NIL! NIL 6)101 98/567 NIL • • · · NIL Nil 11,00,89,449 100 11,00,89,449 , 100 • ·· 24 • · · NIL • · ·, i Nil NIL NIL 6,10,98,567 7 4,89,90,882 7 i 4,89,90,882 · 24 Dissent for Resolution nOo, 4 31 ___M. • • : Assent for : Reso[utton no. 4 , 4,89,90,882 • • • , 24 Total · NIL 24 I· Assent for : Resolution no. 3 I Dissent for ! Resolution no. 3 7 • Total ! , 6,10)98/561 , · ·, NIL Nil I ·, Nil' NIL NIL' 11,00,89,449 100 i 11,00,89,449 100' 31 ·, I 31 NIL · NIL. • NIL Nil 6,10,98,567 7 4,89,90,882 31 11,00,89,449 24 · 6,10,98,567 7 4,89,90,882 31 11,00,89,449 NIL 16,10,98,567 · 100 • 100 I · NIL NIL · 24 · ·· 24 Nil I • • • • • • • • • · · • • · 1 ' 7 4,89,90,882 · I I NIL, NIL Nil' ...I, 31 11,00,89,449 · f 100 i""'-'-­ Page 7 of9 I I. "-,--,-~~. ' P. K. PANDYA & co. info@pkpandya.com +91 022 28903329 I Assent for ... ~ Resolution no. 6 i Dissent for I Resolution no. 6 Total! I ! I Assent for I Resolution no. 7 < < 24 6)10/98/567 7 4,89,90,882 NIL NIL Nil NIL 24 6,10,98,567 7 24 6,10,98,567 7 31 · < < < 4,89,90,882 NIL 11,00,89,449 ; , 31 4,89,90,882 < 31 < 100 Nil NIL 11,00,89,449 100 11,00,89,449 100 < < Dissent for < Resolution no. 7 Total • < < Nil NIL NIL 24 6,10,98,567 7 < < NIL NIL 4,89,90,882 31 11,00,89,449 100 31 11,00,89,449 100 < < < Assent for NIL, NIL 6,10,98,567 24 '7 4,89,90,882 < Resolution no. 8 Dissent for ~_lutjon no. 8 Total NIL · , NIL NIL I < < NIL NIL < < < 6,10,98,567 24 4,89,90,882 7 NIL · NIL < 31 < 11,00,89,449 100 < < < i Assent for 6,10,98,567 24 Resolution no. 9 ; Dissent for ! Resolution ~~, 9 Total 7 < < NIL NIL NIL NIL < < 24 6,.10,98,567 4,89,90,682 7 · NIL' NIL 6,10,98,567 NIL NIL 7 < < Dissent for Resolution no. 10 Total 11,00,89,449 : 31 ·· NIL! 24 r:Assent for 6,10,98,567 6,10,98,567 24 :::: 7 Nil < < · < 11,00,89,449 Nil · -100 I < I 4,89,90,882 NIL 7 4,89,90,882 NIL · NIL Nil Resolution no. 11 i , I < I < < 11,00,89,449 I 31 ;;,10,98,567 7 6,10,98,567 7 NIL Nil I Nil < < < < . ; Dissent for 24 · 4,89,90,882 31 : 4,89,90,882 31 Nil Resolution no. 12 Total i 24 < I 11,00,89,449 • I , NIL 11,00,89,449 100 • l~J ' . < Nil NIL 100 i < I ... < < < < < Total < 11,00,89.449 I._-----_., 100 31 < < i Assent for U~~solutjon no. 12 100 ' < Nil < Resolution no. 11 ~ 31 4,89,90,882 NIL < < __ M , Dissent fo~ ! 100 < < 24 ·· , , : Assent for ; Resolution no. 10 ! 11,00,89,449 31 < • < < , 4,89,90,882 I 6,10,98,567 7 < ·, NIL : 4,89,90,882: < NIL: NIL , I 31 - < < Nil' , < I 11,00,89,449 i Page8of9 100 ,"J I . P. K. PANDYA & CO. info@Pkpandya.com +91 022 28903329 -Resolution no. 13 : Dissent for 24 6,10,98,567 7 NIL NIL NIL NIL , Resolution no. 13 Total 24 6,10,98,567 7 4,89,90,882 : Assent for ! .. ,­ : Assent for ,, 24 ,, 4,89,90,882 , 31 NIL 31 ,, , 11,00,89,449 100 , , NIL NIL 11,00,89,449 100, ,, : 6,10,98)567 7 4,89,90,882 , 31 11,00,89,449 100 NIL NIL I Resolution no. 14 : Dissentfor : Resolution no. 14 NIL i 24 Total , NIL ' 6,10,98,567 Nil NIL 7 4,89,90,882 Nil 31 , 11,00,89,449 100 31 11,OO,89A49 100 NIL Nil , , : Assent for I Resolution no. 15 24 6,10,98,567 7 4,89,90,882 : Dissent for NIL Nil NIL Nil I ; Resolution no. 15 Total r NIL 24 ' 6,10,98,567 7 4,89,90,882 31 11 00,89,449 100 , : Assent for I, Resolution no. 16 24 6,10,98,567 7 4,89,90,882 31 11,00,89,449 100 : Dissent for I, Resolution no. 16 ,, Nil Nil NIL NIL ,i 24 6,10,98,567 7 , i Total 4,89,90,882 , NIL 31 NIL Nil ,i 11,00,89,449 100 , , r' '. Page 9 of9 . .~--- . . -~~'--'-.-"'-~~~'~'-- ­ ,,