Empirical Antibiotic Management of Common Infections in Adults

Empirical Antibiotic Management of Common Infections in Adults: Med Microbiologyx1970 (emergency blp6480). Pharmacy blp 7508. Out of hours Reg. aircall SG395, Pharm blp 6267
1 st line Antibiotics
Alternative if allergic to 1 st line
Oral switch
Community acquired pneumoni a (CAP)
Record CURB-65 score and evidence of Chest X-Ray
consolidation. (If clear, treat as LRTI)
Confusion (new onset)
ºAge >65yrs
Respiratory rate>30/min
BP<90mmHg (systolic) or <60 (diastolic)
If severe send blood cultures, urine for antigen detection
& sputum for v iral PCR
Infecti ve Exacerbati on of COPD and LRTI
No Chest X-Ray changes
Send sputum
Hos pital Acquired Pneumoni a (HAP)
Occurring >5 days in hospital
Record Chest X-ray evidence of consolidation
Send sputum and BC if severe
Aspiration Pneumonia
Record Chest X-Ray ev idence of consolidation 48-72hrs
following aspiration
Send sputum and BC if severe
Urinary Tract Infection
Urine dipstick (send to micro for M C&S if positive)
Always collect urine specimen before starting antibiotics
Only treat positive CSU if features of urinary
Change treatment according to microbiology results
Intra-abdominal Sepsis
Send BC if severe and sample of pus, where possible
Wound swab if skin is broken
Mark affected area
Contact microbio logy if patient is shocked and
for necrotic skin infect ions
Osteomyelitis/ Septic Arthritis in nati ve joints (contact
microbi olog y if prosthesis)
Refer patient to OPAT if fit fo r discharge on IV ab x
Clostri dium di fficile
Infecti on – unknown source (no sepsis)
Order chest x-ray, Urine dipstick – M C&S and BC
Suspected Sepsis – site and organism unknown
Clin ical symptoms of infection (sweats, chills, malaise,
rigors etc) plus 2 or more o f the following: Temp >38° or
<36°, HR >90bpm, RR >20/ min WCC <4 or >12 Order
Chest X-ray, send blood and urine cultures
Meningitis (Start antibiotics immediately)
Take blood cultures plus blood in EDTA fo r mo lecular
studies and a throat swab. Seek advice on need for a CT
scan, timing of LP and need for dexamethasone.
LOW S EVERITY (CURB-65 score 0-1)
Amo xicillin PO 500mg – 1g 8-hrly
Do xycycline PO 200mg STAT then
100mg OD
MODERATE-S EVERE (CURB-65 score 2-5)
Seek microbiology advice
Amo xycillin 500mg –1g, 8-hrly
Benzy l Pen icillin IV 1.2g, 4-hrly +
+/- Do xycycline PO 200mg STAT
Do xycycline PO 200mg STAT then 100-200mg
then 100mg OD
OD (use Clarithro mycin IV 500mg , 12-hrly if
unable to take oral) Patients with moderate CAP
(CURB=2) may be suitable for a more rapid IV to
oral switch
Do xycycline PO 200mg STAT then
Amo xycillin PO 500mg – 1g 8-hrly OR
Do xycycline PO 200mg STAT
100mg OD (or A mo xicillin IV 1g 8-h rly if severe
Clarithromycin PO 500mg 12-hrly
or unable to take orally)
100mg OD
Do xycycline PO 200mg STAT then 100mg OD
Seek microbiology advice
Do xycycline PO 200mg STAT
OR (if severe or unable to take oral)
Benzy l Pen icillin IV 1.2g, 4-hrly + Gentamicin IV
100mg OD
OD as per dosing guidelines
Do xycycline PO 200mg STAT then
Seek microbiology advice
Do xycycline PO 200mg STAT
100mg OD +Metronidazole PO 400mg, 8-hrly OR
(if severe or unable to take oral) Ben zyl Penicillin
100mg OD
IV 1.2g, 4-h rly + Metronidazole IV 500mg, 8-hrly
+Metronidazole PO 400mg, 8-hrly
Uncomplicated UTI
Nitro furantoin PO 50-100mg , 6-hrly
Trimethoprim PO 200mg , 12-hrly
(only if CrCl>20ml/ min)
Complicated UTI (structural abnormality or
Ciproflo xacin PO 500mg 12h rly +
Co-amo xiclav 625mg, 8-hrly OR
post-urological surgery) & Pyelonephritis
Gentamicin IV 5mg/kg STAT if shocked
Ciproflo xacin PO 500mg 12h rly
Co-amo xiclav IV 1.2g, 8-hrly +
(Check results of urine M C&S)
Gentamicin IV 5mg/kg STAT if shocked
Catheter-associated UTI: Treat only if sympto matic (The presence of organisms in the urine does not imply infection)
If sympto matic – send CSU and give a singledose of Gentamicin IV and rev iew with CSU results
Amo xicillin IV 1g, 8-hrly + Gentamicin IV OD as
Seek microbiology advice
Co-amo xiclavPO 625mg, 8-hrly
per dosing guidelines + Metronidazole IV 500mg,
Clarithromycin PO 500mg, 12-hrly
Fluclo xacillin PO 500mg, 6-hrly
Clindamycin IV/PO 600mg 6hrly :
Fluclo xacillin 500mg –1g, 6-h rly
Clindamycin has excellent oral
Fluclo xacillin IV 2g, 6-hrly
OR Clindamycin 450-600mg 6bioavailability so early switch is
Fluclo xacillin IV 2g, 6-hrly
Vancomycin IV as per dosing guidelines
Fluclo xacillin 500mg -1g, 6-hrly
Seek microbiology advice if
Penicillin allergic
Refer to full gui delines
Do xycycline PO 200mg STAT then
Review urine culture and CXR Amo xicillin IV/PO 1g 8hrly + Gentamicin IV
100mg OD + Gentamicin IV STAT
treat as per specific guidelines
5 – 7 days
7-10 days in total
(review needed for
doxycycline on oral
5 – 7 days
5-7 days in total
5-7days in total
Women – 3 days
– 7 days
Co mplicated UTI
7 – 10 days
Pyelonephritis 10-14
Review IV after 48 hrs
7 days
Review IV after
5-7 days
depending on response
Usually 2 weeks IV
then 4 weeks PO
(seek microadvice)
3-5 days
Co-amo xiclav PO 625mg or IV 1.2g, 8-hrly +
Gentamicin IV 5mg/kg STAT
Antibiotics should be administered within an hour
Seek microbiology advice
Review after 24hrs
Ceftriaxone IV 4g OD + Aciclovir IV 10mg/ kg
8hrly if viral encephalitis suspected + A mo xicillin
IV 2g 4hrly if immunocompro mised or >55 years
to cover for listeria.
Seek microbiology advice
Dependent on culture
results (seek micro or
CIU advice)