
Advanced Treatment Guideline
Inclusion Criteria:
Temp greater than 100.4
degrees F (38 degrees C) orally
Requires immediate physician notification:
Patients with fever who present with any of the
following signs/symptoms must be immediately
brought to the attention of the ED physician:
Hemodynamically unstable
Altered mental status
1. Mask patient if respiratory symptoms or if immunocompromised.
2. If tachycardic or hypotensive, obtain saline lock and start IV NS 1000 ml bolus over 30 minutes.
3. If immunocompromised, start saline lock and draw stat labs:
 Blood cultures X 2
4. Obtain urine sample.
 If unable to obtain urine within 30min, consider straight cath.
 If altered level of consciousness, straight cath immediately.
 POC urine pregnancy if of childbearing age.
 Send for stat UA.
5. Stat 2 view chest x-ray for the following:
 Dialysis pt
 Immunocompromised pt
 Pulmonary complaints
 Oxygen sat less than 95%
6. Administer Tylenol 975mg PO stat X 1 dose or Motrin 600mg PO stat X 1 dose.
7. If associated flu-like s/s & it is flu season, send stat rapid influenza to lab.
Effective Date:
Approved by:
K. O’Grady, S. Smithgall