A worldwide connection between your aircraft and flight operations

ASCEND ™ aircraft information manager
A worldwide connection between your aircraft and flight operations
You’re spending too much time and money transferring aircraft data.
Today’s sophisticated avionics provide an unprecedented
level of safety and situational awareness. But they also bring
an ever increasing number of databases with different update
schedules. It’s hard for even the most conscientious flight
departments to keep their aircraft compliant. Add to that
the “on demand” nature of business aircraft, which makes it
difficult to forecast availability for important database updates.
It’s no wonder why the complex logistics of managing data
transfers can spur a host of problems that can impact both
the accuracy of your onboard equipment and the timeliness
and efficiency of your maintenance efforts. Ultimately, it
could limit your aircraft’s availability.
Introducing wireless airplane-to-network
information transfers.
Rockwell Collins’ Ascend™ Aircraft Information Manager
eliminates practically all the manual steps from your data
transfers to and from the aircraft. No more searching databases
for the latest updates. No more missing critical update cycles.
Ascend Aircraft Information Manager is a service that provides
a secure, automatic, configuration-managed link whenever
your aircraft is in range of a wireless connection. Making
it easier than ever to flow critical information to and from
your aircraft, anytime, anywhere in the world.
Here’s how it works:
For data transfers to the aircraft – Ascend Aircraft Information
Manager automatically and wirelessly stores the latest avionics
database updates in your onboard Ascend Information
Management Server (IMS) at regular intervals.
Because the updates reside on your aircraft, they are ready
for your maintenance technician, pilot or other authorized
initiator to load to your avionics system no matter where
your aircraft is located.
Through Ascend’s online dashboard, your maintenance
crew can easily monitor the transfer of important database
updates such as electronic maps, FMS, SMS, TAWS, SVS
or other system information.
For data transfers from the aircraft – when initiated, your
airplane’s avionics system will load aircraft and performance
data reports into your onboard IMS at the end of each flight.
Wherever and whenever the aircraft lands, the IMS will
automatically seek and make a wireless connection, linking
your aircraft with the Ascend Data Center and transferring the
data reports to it. The Data Center then sends the reports to
your network, where it is available to your maintenance crew
for immediate assessment of the aircraft’s health status.
If a secure wireless connection is unavailable, the flight crew or
technician can still transfer data via the IMS’s standard USB port.
Critical aircraft data capture and transfer
have never been easier.
Ensuring that critical data is easily transferred to and
from your aircraft is just the beginning of the many benefits
Ascend Aircraft Information Manager will bring to your
flight department.
We help you streamline the planning and execution of every
aspect of your flight operations by turning over some of
the most time-consuming and cost-inefficient tasks
to a single, trusted source.
Ascend is the first information solutions package that offers
you an integrated array of specialized applications, resources
and services – any or all of which can easily be customized
to your flight operations.
A partial list of our current service offerings includes:
By keeping you current on the health and performance
of your aircraft’s key systems, Ascend Aircraft Information
Manager enables your maintenance technicians to not only
be better prepared to spot potential problems, they will also be
better equipped to maximize the efficiency of each scheduled
maintenance interval. This capability can dramatically reduce
ongoing maintenance and unscheduled repair costs.
>Regional and International Trip Planning
>Flight Watch
>Trip Quotes
>Ascend Fuel
>Fuel Stop Analyzer
>Compliance Assistance
>Global Agent Network
>Ascend Card Services
Ascend flight information solutions make
your flight department more efficient.
For more information on Ascend flight information
solutions, please call: 805.338.6028 or
visit: www.rockwellcollins.com/ascend.
All the operational, cost-savings and safety benefits found
with Ascend Aircraft Information Manager are just a part
of the long list of services we offer with Ascend flight
information solutions.
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network of service and support, we stand committed to putting
technology and practical innovation to work for you whenever
and wherever you need us. In this way, working together,
we build trust. Every day.
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All logos, trademarks or service marks used herein are the property of their respective owners.
For more information, contact:
Rockwell Collins
2925 Briarpark Dr., 7th Floor
Houston, Texas 77042
Email: ascendsales@rockwellcollins.com