No. K-llOI112/2008-NREGA-MonTS (FTS :1742) Government of India Ministry of Rural Development (Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Division) Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: rJJP March, 2012 To Principal Secretary / Secretary (Incharge ofMGNREGA) All States/ UTs T?*' Subject: Updation, verification & freezing of Banks & Post Office accounts MGNREGA beneficiaries in MGNREGA MIS (NREGASoft) for e-FMS project. of SirlMadam, As you may be aware that in order to address the issues related to delay in payment of wages and real time capturing of the MGNREGA transactions through NREGASoft; MoRD has rolled out e-FMS (electronic Fund Management System) project in states like Gujarat, Karnataka, Orissa and Rajasthan. Several other states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh have also shown their interest to take up e-FMS in their states. 2. e-FMS will encompass the implementation of electronic fund transfer leveraging the Core Banking (CBS) infrastructure (NEFTIRTGS) of commercial banks. For details on eFMS project you may refer to the detailed document through the link http://mgnrega.nic.inIN etnregaiDatalEFMS .doc 3. In order to start the e-FMS project State will need to undertake broadly, the following activities: a) Identification of Key Bank(s) followed by signing up ofan Agreement I MoU with the Key Bank(s) to enable a seamless electronic payment mechanism. b) Interfacing NREGASoft with the Bank's Core Banking System with the help ofNIC, New Delhi c) Updation / verification & Freezing of bank accounts of stake holders. d) Identification of payment level (e.g. Block I GP Level) with signatories at that level. Issuance of Digital Signatures to all approving authorities. 4. While decision on steps listed at (a), (b) & (d) above will need some discussion I deliberations, the activities at point no 3 (c), will need to be done by all states irrespective of when they plan to rollout the e-FMS. This will not only clean up MIS entries with respect to Bank & Post Office accounts of the MGNREGA beneficiaries but will save lot of time, at present when wage list is generated and sent to the Banks using NREGASoft and in future when e-FMS will be rolled out in the respective state. 5. You are requested to initiate steps for activity listed at point no 3 (c). The steps involved are explained for in the annexure enclosed. As of now, this may be done in respect of Bank accounts alone. However, the same would be applicable for Post Office accounts as well. For any clarification Ms. Madhuri Sharma (9717040557) & Mr. Ritesh Saxena (9999666299) may be contacted. Yours sincerely, ~ \'>1:,· (D. K Jain) v-Joint Secretary Tel.No.23385027 Fax No.2338 4703 ANNEXURE PROCESS OF UPDATION, VERIFICATION & FREEZING OF BANKS & POST OFFICE ACCOUNTS OF MGNREGA Workers. The process of updating the beneficiaries' sequential steps: I. Updation 11. Verification Ill. I. of beneficiaries' bank account. of the beneficiaries' Freezing of beneficiaries' a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) bank account details. bank account details in the NREGASoft. UPDA TION OF BENEFICIARIES' Updation of beneficiaries' Bank accounts in NREGASoft may be done by taking following 3 BANK ACCOUNT: bank account means updating following information in NREGASoft Bank Name Bank Code Branch Name Branch Code IFSC Code Account number of the beneficiary Beneficiary's name as per Bank CBS Name of the BC & CSP in case payment is being done through BC model. In order to update the above information follow the steps given below: Download the Gram Panchayat wise beneficiaries' bank account through the link: -7 Click on your State (e.g. Karnataka) Rural) -7 Click on Block (e.g. Nalmangla). Now under the heading "Accounts & EFMS" MGNREGA Bank Account Detail for verification". The above report under the heading Panchayat page. click -7 Click on District (e.g. Bangalore on the link "Download "Accounts & EFMS" Panchayat Wise can also be viewed from the Gram The following screen will shown and at the end ofthis report there is link "Down load In Excel". Click on this link to download the file with account details of the beneficiaries and save this MS Excel file. GoYt. of India· .•. DeP~::;'::~:: Development he Mahatma Gandhi National RUfOIEmployment Guarantee Act ~~~~-~ KARNATAKA ~__________ ~~o;o~~36 1 1. 1503 1503007 1503007020 " 1503 1503007 1503007020 ~~~~~~~9 1503 15030071503007020 ." " 1503 ~~O~~O~~66 150)007 1503007020 ~~O~g~~;67 ~ 00076 ""i 00078 .ot!JC). ~"OI"! ~:=~ ~~~8S Oobespete ~~~S5 Dobespete DaO?S ~:r. ~o~~es Dobespete 00078 ~::ra ~~0~~85 00078 ~~~ra 00078 ~~ra ~'*~ 104901011000274 SHfVANNA 3265108000370 CNRBOOD3265 Nelamma Oobespete 3285108000394.. CNRBO003285Io4anjunatha ~~0~~B5 Dobup.t:e 32B510800037. CNRBOOOJ2BS Manjamma ~~~~8S Dobespete 328510800037. CNRBO003285Io4anjamma 00078 ~::~ ;~O~~BS OObesp* 32651080OO3S9 CNRBO0032SSP.ldm.l1WU 0007S ~~~ra ~~~85 Oobesp~ 3285108000389 CNRBO00328SPadmakshi 326S108000424 5 rs 1503 15030071503007020 15 1503 1503007 1503007020 ~~~gD~;68 7 15 1503 1503007 1S03007020 ~;~go~~69 " 1503 1503007 1503007020 ~D~gD~~69 1S03 1503007 1503007020 ~;o~go~~;o ~ 00076 ~:r.l ~~~8S Dobespete 1503 15030071.503007020 ~~~~~;o 00078 ~:ra ~~~~8S Oobespete 328510800042'" CNRBO003285$iddagangaiah 1503 1503007 1503007020 ~!,~O!~~~!.:.~ """" 00078 ?n;ara ~~~~~~ Dobe:spete: 3285108000.24 CNRBO003285SiddaQlnQllah ,.• " is 11 .1 " 31 "; I CNRBO00328SPIlttl~Ju.O CNRBO003285 6 8 i 25-Nov-2011,--,I I:: 2 3 ~GALORER~~II"C~_!-''''liJ~N;:;E:;-lAM=AN=GAlA= __ :-_ ----_:-3:T.p.~llAGAlAKUppE ~j ~~~~gD~;6B """"". "". """"'. Jii CNRBO0032eSSidcb!gangaiah .f:! Now update beneficiaries' bank account details in the NREGASoft. a) First login to open-the data entry screen using the GP user name and password. Now in the data entry screen go to box "REGISTRATION, JOB CARD & DEMAND". b) Now under the sub heading "Registration - EditlUpdate" click on the link "Update Applicant's Bank details as per downloaded format" Print Screen 1: The following screen will be displayed once login is done using GP user name and password as mentioned at point (a). GoYto/lnd UinistIJ 0/ Ru•• 1Develllj>lll' Department 0/ Ru•• 10ew10tJlll. 15-N0'I-20t The Mahetm~ G~ndhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Ad SOClAlAUDJT AIIIDS I •• _ Print Screen 2: The following screen will be displayed after following the step at point (b)above. • nIItryGllbtal~ ~nlalRu"lo...elo~ ~: BANGALon: I IlURAL ~: NELA..\U.NG.A1..A P>=Iu.:!o~ Codr.lS03007C20 Hot.: ToUl Worl<tu·\ Tidctht~toe<!iJ o..~ofUpd;ut·""II •••••oaIytbH.-IW<H......t:eI"·.\aU::-ktaili.;nbe~ledpro¥idedUw~........wattwyfiti60:trtfiUH~ it fl4t IfMocI.ofhyuB.c:..UiOIiiApacyK-.-'Co<k I · s · · , lIfIte<IiJ 1he~;WI! EN~t-tOl.u91 faj r lDi~lt''''OL9U2 ';:'lUCl. r lC'~lHO.lJN'l ......." ~~l""litUl ~~C':i JC""~JHOLHf ~m. 1 titlo.d. tILli! toycowStv "n.... B.C. r "(".a.c. .... " •... r "r:e.c. .... ("'B.C. r (O"a.r:t ra.C. lC'O.&J.Gt1.(Il•..•••IJI101 oI:iiZ: r 109MJ: ril.C. 1OO..u..otU!""'I.J'1G2 '-. r r.'8arJ: KN-&.1-Ot'J-Ol•..•••llfJO l JCI".fl..Ot),flf...tO.lJJl1 1 r ~y.crol». r ... ra.C. " " .... rB.C ra.C. •..... '\IGNR.EGA~as~ c..n•..• ec...", ••• to a&i! 110. S.C. Mt::Ul.! 100)11 IfNRB~_ 100011_ ICHRSOOOO2l5 c..... •..• I- p;;;;;,," ___ ~. """"" ICNRB(l)I;J;.m5 """"" 100071 iCNIUlO'JO:24S 10Cll71 ICNR8~ ec...." JI'OO1!_._ c-..""" """ p;;;;;,... jSHIVAHHA tc!'!_~_ IHA~_ tcNR~ IM.,·~:ta ji2i51ll&OOO314 iCNRB00032!.5 I••..~ 1~1~ F-NRBOI:i03::m IM.~/I'lIN jl2i510&C000124 tcNABOC.Jl3l!.5 J!.>0d9~" 1~'0I0»l2-4 tcNA~ Is.-p~, .. """"" ICNRBC.J(I;32U """"" i ICNRBOOCI32.&:I . I~RB~ .. PABOCf.I3;2!.5 J3i5,\lIIOO:I31O 1~1~ iCNRl3l"'.)O:32A$ .,.,.•... c...n••• '"'"' c-. ••• c- ••• """-- 1 """"" """"" )3m1oaoo:lU4 fC!'I~ JS~" !m510iQC0II4 tcNAEIOOO'l:lZ5 JS_INI . c) Now edit the bank account details ofthe beneficiaries by selecting the check box in front of the beneficiary name under the colurrm heading "Tick to Edit". d) As soon as you check the checkbox the beneficiaries information get enabled for editing. Update the information if available and click on "Update" button to save the changes done. _ ... .• ;:_*,~·_z In case of Banks, the payment of wages may be done either through Banks accounts or through Business Correspondent Model (Bank-s BC-7 CSP). All Bank and Business Correspondent Masters are managed at the state level through State DBA login. In case if the Bank or Business Correspondent and its CSP Masters are not updated, Kindly ask the State DBA or the State MIS Nodal Officer to get these masters updated so the beneficiaries account details can be updated. In order to update the Business Correspondent below at print screen 3. Master State DBA needs to login and the fill the form shown Print Screen 3: BC master updationform to befilled by State DBA. ~~~~~~~~~--~=~=.... a.•••••••• ~~-=~mdm. -,....~ QWL,,_. ~~~.m.a-~~" ~oI •••• ~ ••••mm•• ftWO"·· 11. VERIFICA TION OF THE BENEFICIARIES' a. Data Entry agencies of NREGASoft BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS. are entering account details of each worker demanding for work under MGNREGA. b. These details can be downloaded Account Detail for verification" from the link "Download Panchayat Wise MGNREGA Bank available at state DBA I Programme officer I Gram Panchayat. c. Take hard copy and correct the information for account details as mentioned in Part I above. d. Accounts verification will be done in two phases. First by the MGNREGA Officials followed by Bank Officials. e. Once the details of the bank accounts of the beneficiaries is updated by MGNREGA officials, then MSExcel file of this data will be shared with the Bank Officials so that it is verified by the banks from their CBS. f. Once step (e) above is completed the verified information has to be updated in the NREGASoft by following the steps as mentioned at Point No I , Step 3 above. Ill. FREEZING OF BENEFICIARIES' BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS IN THE NREGASOFT. a) Once the bank account details ofthe beneficiaries is verified and updated in the NREGASoft this must be followed by freezing of banks accounts of the beneficiaries. b) The freezing of banks accounts of the beneficiaries Login. c) This is for your information that freezing of banks accounts of the beneficiaries in NREGASoft is mandatory process under eFMS project. Ifbeneficiaries' account is not freezed it will not be available can be done either from PO I DPC IState DBA for generation FTO. d) Following print screen shows the State DBA page from which account can be freezed. Print Screen 4: State DBA login page. e) Click on freeze Worker Account option available under the eFMS heading. f) Now select the District, Block and Panchayat of the beneficiaries AND select "Bank" option button. g) After this click on "Proceed" button. If all the information of worker account is updated, the following screen will appear. Print Screen 5: State DBA login page. Govt. of India Ministry of Rural Development Department of Rural Development The M8hatme Gendhl N!ltionl!ll Rure l Employment Oi5triCt: ISANGAlORE Guarantee RURAl 25-Nov·2011 Ac.t State: 3 Block: r. Bank KARNATAKA INElAMANGAlA 3 r: post-office IHASIRLNALU Panchayat: Proceed iJ I Please unchedc the account whidl is not correct S no:I Job card No ! Worker Name I I worker Name a~ per Bank/Po5>toffice KN-03-007-021-001/1123 .lib~~ Thimarayappa KN-O)-007-021-001/1123 ~. Rathanamma KN-03-007-021-001/1124 Ml~ ccvindaiah Gowramma KN-03-007-021-001/1124 O")m KN-03-007-021-001/l126 ~~ KN-03-007-021- 001/1128 dOOJ-cQd .,.- •.. ... -. . . . . 1IiIiIiiiI' 11II State bank of Mysore State bank of Mysore State hank of Mysore State bank of Mysore State bank of Mysore Paravathamma Muralidhra State bank of Mysore State bank of Mysore 12.lHH§2li... I • • : 00423 SBMYOO40331 64083531176 P" 00423 SBMYOO40331 64083531176 P" 00423 SBMY0040331 64083530490 P" 00423 SBMYOO40331 64083530490 P" 00423 SBMY0040331 64083530490 P" 00423 SBMY0040331 64083530795 P" 00423 SBMYOO40331 64083530706 P" h) All checkbox under the heading "Select to Freeze" is already checked. Uncheck the account which is not to be free zed because of some reasons. At a time 50 worker's account will be available for freezing. i) Click on "Freeze Account" button to freeze the accounts.