Unit of Study Outline BUSS1040 Economics for Business Decision Making Semester 1, 2012 Pre-requisite units: None Co-requisite units: None Unit coordinator: Dr Andrew Wait (School of Economics) Room: Rm 358, Merewether Email address: andrew.wait@sydney.edu.au Phone: 9351 3060 Consultation Hours: TBA Lecturer: Dr Pablo Guillen (School of Economics) Room: Rm 340, Merewether Email address: pablo.guillen@sydney.edu.au Phone: 9036 9188 Consultation Hours: TBA Lecture and tutorial times: Stream 1: Merewether Lecture Theatre 1, 13.00-15.00, Thursday (Andrew Wait) Stream 2: Merewether Lecture Theatre 1, 16.00-18.00, Thursday (Andrew Wait) Stream 3: Institute Lecture Theatre 1, 9.00-11.00, Friday (Pablo Guillen) Tutorials (1 hour) begin in week 2; please check your timetable for your specific time and venue Required Text / Resources: Taylor, J. B. and Frost, L. 2009, Microeconomics, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd., Milton. It is available at the University Coop. A list of other recommended readings will be made available on Blackboard. This Guide to Unit Learning Content and Assessment MUST be read in conjunction with the Guide to Business School Student Administration Manual (sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/student_information/student_administration_manual) and University Policies on Academic Honesty, Special Consideration, and all applicable policies that apply to every unit of study offered by the Business School (http://sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/policy) . In determining applications and appeals relating to these matters it will be assumed that every student has taken the time to familiarise themselves with these key policies and procedures. Unit of study information (School handbook description) https://ssa.usyd.edu.au/ssa/handbook/uosdetail.jsp?uosindex=183282&session=1&academic_year=2 012&back=1 BUSS1040 Semester 1 2012 1 Learning aims The aims of the unit of study are: 1. To introduce the key concepts of micro and macro economics. 2. To develop in students the ability to solve business problems by identifying and critically evaluating implications of business decisions using micro and macro economics principles. 3. To develop students’ ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, through assessment tasks and tutorial participation. 1. Learning outcomes and links to Program Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to: Intended Learning Outcome Relevant program learning outcome/s The Unit of Study Learning Outcomes relate to the following BCom Learning Outcomes (PLOs) Learning Outcomes 1 and 2 Learning Outcome 2 Learning Outcome 2 Learning Outcome 3 NA BUSS1040 Semester 1 2012 PLO 1: Able to demonstrate an understanding of the key challenges in managing business in a range of business and cultural contexts. PLO 6: Able to demonstrate an understanding of pertinent moral, ethical and corporate social responsibility considerations and the potential impacts (positive and negative) that business decisions can have on a range of stakeholder groups. PLO 2: Able to solve business problems by identifying and critically evaluating implications of business decisions from a range of disciplinary business perspectives. PLO 4: Able to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, using a range of modes of communication including business reports and presentations and including the ability to negotiate and persuade in a business context. PLO 5: Able to collaborate effectively with others in a professional business manner as both members and leaders of teams, and in relation to client interactions. Links to Learning and Teaching methods The main learning activities through which students will practice and develop their knowledge, skills and attributes Essay; mid-semester exam; final exam Essay; mid-semester exam; final exam On-line quizzes; midsemester exam; essay; final exam Communicate effectively key economic arguments in the essay and in the exams NA 2 2. Assessment Assessment items Relevant unit learning outcome/s 1. On-line quizzes (best 4 out of 5) Word length Weight Due Date 1, 2 10% 2. Mid-semester exam 1, 2 25% 3. Essay 1, 2, 3 4. Final exam Academic honesty module 1, 2 Week 3, Week 5, Week 8, Week 10, Week 13 Week 7: Monday 23 April 6.15-7.45pm; venues TBA Week 11; Due date Friday 25 May 11.30am Final exam period Wk 4 500 words 15% N/A 50% 0% Penalties On-line quizzes: Given the nature of this assessment, no extensions will be given for on-line quizzes. If special consideration is granted for a quiz (or quizzes), the remaining quizzes will be reweighted so as to count for 10% of the final grade. If special consideration is granted for all 5 quizzes, the final exam will be reweighted to count for the final exam plus the missed quizzes (that is, the final will count for 60%). Mid-semester exam: There are no extensions available for the mid-semester exam. If special consideration is granted, the student will be allowed to sit a further mid-semester exam, to be held after the University’s final exam period. Student applying for special consideration must be available to sit the exam at this time. Essay: Given the learning outcomes inherent in this assessment task, no extensions are available for the essay. The penalty for late submission is 10% of the total available marks per day (including weekend days). No essay will be graded if submitted more than 5 days late. If special consideration is granted for the essay, the student’s final exam will be reweighted to count for 60% of the final mark. If a submitted essay is longer than 500 words (excluding references, appendices and diagrams) only the first 500 words will be graded. Final exam: There are no extensions available for the final exam. If special consideration is granted, the student will be allowed to sit a further final exam, to be held after the University’s final exam period. Student applying for special consideration must be available to sit the exam at this time. Assessment details Assessment task 1: The online quizzes are designed to test your knowledge on recent material, and give an indication of whether adequate progress is being made throughout the semester. They will typically be 10 questions in length, and you will be given a number of days to complete the questions. Assessment task 2: The mid-semester exam takes place in Week 7 and will test all material covered up to that point in the unit. The mid-semester exam will be held in a venue(s) to be announced – please check Blackboard. It is your responsibility to now the venue for the exam. The exam will be held on Monday 23 April from 6.15pm7.45pm. Assessment task 3: The first assignment will be an essay of 500 words (or fewer). It will require you to apply concepts and knowledge from the course in order to argue a position on a contemporary issue. The essay will be due on Friday 25 May 2012 at 11.30am. You will be required to submit an electronic copy on Blackboard as well as a hard copy in the drop-box in the Merewether Building. Both copies must be identical. Assessment task 4: The final exam will take place during the examination period, and will test all material contained in the unit. BUSS1040 Semester 1 2012 3 3. Specific Improvements made in response to previous feedback (from students, peers etc) This is a new unit developed with extensive consultation with peers and students. This unit will be continued to be reviewed both by formal (USE forms) and informal methods throughout the semester. 4. Unit schedule Week Reference Lecture content Assessments Due 1 5 Mar Taylor and Frost, Chapter 1 & 2; Bernanke, B., Olekalns, N. and Frank R. 2011, Principles of Macroeconomics, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, North Ryde. Ch. 1. Introduction: key concepts N/A 2 12 Mar Taylor and Frost, Chapter 2; Handout (available on Blackboard) Comparative Advantage N/A The Strategy of Negotiation 3 19 Mar Taylor and Frost, Chapter 3, and 8 Microeconomic fundamentals: supply and demand 4 26 Mar Taylor and Frost, Chapter 5 and 6 Market outcomes: competitive markets 5 2 Apr Taylor and Frost, Chapter 7 Market outcomes II: efficiency 9 Apr AVCC Common Week No lecture 6 16 Apr Taylor and Frost, Chapter 10 Pricing strategies with market power 7 23 Apr Taylor and Frost, Chapter 10, 11, pp 235-41 Pricing strategies: (continued) 8 30 Apr Taylor and Frost, Chapter 11 Strategic interaction in markets: An analysis of business strategy 9 7 May Taylor and Frost, Chapter 11 Strategic interaction: (continued) 10 14 May Taylor and Frost, Chapter 13 Externalities and public Goods Quiz 4 11 21 May Taylor and Frost Chapter 15 Investment Essay Due 11.30 Friday 25 May 12 28 May Hubbard, G., Garnett, A., Lewis, P. and O’Brien, T. 2010, Essentials of Economics, Pearson, Frenchs Forest. Ch. 14. Introduction to macroeconomic fundamentals: inflation, unemployment and policy 13 4 Jun BUSS1040 Semester 1 2012 Review Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Mid-Semester Exam 23 April 6.157.45pm; Venue TBA Quiz 3 Quiz 5 4