ELTC-251 Evening CCNA 1, Introduction to Networking be dropped by the instructor. If there are special circumstances, such as a long-term illness or death in the immediate family, the student may be reinstated by decision of the instructor. (From the Schedule of Classes). Prerequisite: None DESCRIPTION: 8 Hours Lecture/Lab, 9 weeks 3 Units. This is the 1st of four courses designed to provide students with classroom and laboratory experience in current and emerging networking technology that will empower them to enter employment or further education and training in the computernetworking field. Instruction includes, but is not limited to routing , access control lists, Internet Protocol (IP) addressing, and network standards. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: The course will include lectures, problem solving, online instruction and hands on lab experiments. REQUIRED TEXTS: Book 1: Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 1 and 2 Companion Guide 3rd Ed, isbn 1-58713-110-2 Book 2: Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 1 and 2 Lab Companion 3rd Ed, isbn 1-58713-111-0 Book 3: Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 1 and 2 Engineering Journal & Workbook 3rd Ed, isbn 1-58713-110-2 REQUIRED MATERIALS: pen, paper, journal (composition book), soft 3-ring binder, floppy disk, ZIP disk or USB key drive LABORATORY ASSIGNMENTS: Each student will complete the lab assignments. Each Lab assignment must be completely filled in with all questions answered. The e-labs are not to be considered a substitute for the hands on labs. Additional labs may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor. Case Study: The network design and addressing Case Study (CS) will be completed by all students. Project direction will be provided by the instructor. ATTENDANCE: Class will start with a lecture followed by lab time for the remainder of class time. Attendance is 10% of your grade. Roll will be at each class. Students are expected to attend and participate (answer questions and contribute to discussions: in class. Each missed class will deduct from the total points given for attendance unless the instructor is notified in advance. Two late arrivals will equal one absence. An instructor may lower the grade or drop a student from a class for too many absences. 90% attendance is required receive a 100% attendance score. A student missing more than two weeks in a row, or more than 20 percent of a course, shall EXAMINATION AND QUIZES: There will be up to eleven module exams, a final exam and a hand’s on final exam. The exams may include all of the topics presented prior to the exam. The final exams will be comprehensive. Quizzes may be unannounced and given at the discretion of the instructor. The dates for the exams are on the outline. Cheating may result in dismissal. No makeup quizzes or tests will be given. FORMULA SHEETS and NOTES: Are not allowed during exams in this class. SAFETY: Students are REQUIRED to have their own safety glasses and to wear them at all times during lab portions of the class that involve the use of tools. Sandals and open toed shoes are not allowed at any time in class. Points will be deducted from attendance scores for not wearing safety glasses and students will be sent home for non-compliant footwear. GRADING PROCEDURES: The final course grade will be determined by the tests, any quizzes given, labs, homework, and attendance. Your grade will be based upon the following Grading Percentages Final Exam online Attendance Journal & CS Quiz/Test Scores Lab Final 35% 10% 20% 15% 20% Grading Scale 100 - 90 A 89 - 80 B 79 - 70 C 69 - 60 D 60 - 0 F ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT: Pagers and phones are not to be heard by the instructor (set to vibrate or off: CD Players, radios, tape players, MP3 players are not to be used during lecture or lab periods. Computers may be used for class work only. Games being played on any electronic equipment will result in the student being excused from class and an absence recorded. INSTRUCTOR: Leonard Fellman Office: B205 / 562-938-4566 Email: lfellman@lbcc.edu Office Hours: M-TH: 4:45pm to 6:00pm, Journal and workbook: Journal and workbook chapters are to be completed and checked off by the instructor prior to the equivalent module test or zero points will be earned for the chapter. Case Study – Network design and addressing project will be worked on throughout the semester. Week Week 1 Chapter Description Introduction Homework CCNA 1 Tests & Labs 8/15/2005 8/17/2005 Week 2 8/22/2005 8/24/2005 Week 3 8/29/2005 8/31/2005 Week 4 9/5/2005 9/7/2005 Week 5 CCNA 1 Introduction to Module 1 & Networking and 2 Networking Fundamentals CCNA 1 Introduction to IP Module 9 addressing CCNA 1 Module 1 & 2 Lab Chap 1 and 2 all CCNA 1 Lab 9.2.7 & 9.3.5 Lab 3.1.9f &3.2.8 Introduction to Visio Module 3 CCNA 1 CCNA 1 Networking Media Module 3 Module 4 CCNA 1 Cable Testing CCNA 1 Module 4 Lab 5.1.7 & 5.1.10 Module 10 Basic Subnetting Module 5 CCNA 1 Cabling LANs and CCNA 1 Module 5 WANs Lab 10.3.5a & b Module 10 Basic Subnetting Module 6 LABOR DAY CCNA 1 Module 6 Module 9 CCNA 1 Module 7 Ethernet Fundamentals Basic Subnetting Ethernet Technologies CCNA 1 Lab 10.3.5c & d Module 7 CCNA 1 Module 8 Module 1 Test Module 2 Test Lab 3.1.1 to 3.1.9e Lab 4.2.9a to 4.2.9e Lab 5.1.2 to5.2.7 Module 5 Test 9/12/2005 9/14/2005 Week 6 9/19/2005 9/21/2005 Week 7 9/26/2005 9/28/2005 Week 8 10/3/2005 10/5/2005 Week 9 10/10/2005 10/12/2005 CCNA 1 Ethernet Switching Module 8 CCNA 1 TCP/IP Protocol Module 9 Suite and IP Addressing CCNA 1 TCP/IP Protocol Module 9 Suite and IP Addressing CCNA 1 Routing Module 10 Fundamentals and Subnets CCNA 1 Routing Module 10 Fundamentals and Subnets CCNA 1 TCP/IP Transport Module 11 and Application Layer CCNA 1 Module 9 CCNA 1 , Lab 9.3.7 Module6/ 7 Test CCNA 1 Module 10 Lab 8-1 to 8-5 Module 8 Test CCNA 1 Module 11 Module 9/10 Test Case Study Presentations Lab Final Exam/Practice Final Exam Online Final Exam and Course Evaluation