ESCUELA SUPERIOR POLITÉCNICA DEL LITORAL GEOSCIENCES COLLEGE (FICT) CIVIL ENGINEERING SYLLABUS 1. COURSE CODE AND CREDITS REINFORECED CONCRETE DESIGN I (FICT-02931) 2. CREDITS AND CONTACT HOURS CREDITS : Theory: 2 Practice: 2 3. RESPONSIBLE FOR SYLLABUS ELABORATION AND ELABORATION DATE Instructor Fabian Peñafiel-Torres, C.E., M.B.A. Daniel Toro-Castillo, C.E. 4. COURSE TEXTBOOK AND REFERENCES COURSE TEXTBOOK REFERENCES Nilson, A., Darwin, D., Dolan, C.W., (2011), "Design of Concrete Structures" (Diseño de Estructuras de Concreto), McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-007-13113-9-7. 1. ACI 3185-11 / ACI 318R-11, (2011), "Requisitos de Reglamento para Concreto Estructural y comentario", Instituto Mexicano del Cemento y Concreto, México, México, D.F. ISBN: 978-0-87031-746-0. 2. Cuevas, O., (2005), "Aspectos Fundamentales del Concreto Reforzado", 4ta ed, 2005, Limusa, México D.F., México, ISBN: 968-18-4981-7. 3. Instituto Mexicano del Cemento y del Concreto, (1992), Deflexiones de estructuras de Concreto reforzado y presforzado, Editorial Limusa, México D.F, México, ISBN: 968-464-068-4. 4. McCormack, J., (2002), "Diseño del Concreto Reforzado", 4ta edición, Alfaomega, México D.F., México, ISBN: 970-15-0994-3. 5. Wight, J. K., MacGregor, J. G. (2012), "Reinforced Concrete — Mechanics & Design" 69' Edition, Pearson, NJ, USA, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-217652-1. 5. COURSE DESCRIPTION This Course is directed to Civil Engineering students with basic knowledge in the field of Structural Analysis. This course aims to provide the student with the theoretical concepts of Reinforced Concrete Behavior. IG1002-3 Page 1 of 2 COURSE SYLLABUS REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN I The course pertains to design of Reinforced Concrete Elements under compression, tension, flexural loads, shear forces and torsion regarding the standard ACI 318-11. Furthermore, the course provides the students with tools to elaborate plans (structural details). PREREQUISITES Y COREQUISITES. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS I (FICT-02865) STRENGTH OF MATERIALS II (FICT-02907) PRE-REQUISITE CO-REQUISITES TYPE OF COURSE: R 6. SPECIFIC GOALS FOR THE COURSE At the end of the course, students will be capable to: 1) Understand the behavior of Reinforced Concrete Elements under different load cases. 2) Design Reinforced Concrete Elements under tension and compression, flexural loads, and torsion regarding up to date standards. 3) Analyze deflections in Reinforced Concrete elements under service loads. 4) Apply the criterions learned through the course to elaborate structural plans. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROGRAM AND COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES. A X B C X D E X F G.1 X G.2 H X I X J K X L 7. COURSE OUTLINE CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION (4T/4P) CHAPTER 2. COMPRESSION AND TENSION (4T/4P) CHAPTER 3. FLEXION (8T/8P) CHAPTER 4. SHEAR (5T/5P) CHAPTER 5. SHEAR, COMBINED SHEAR AND TORSION (5T/5P) CHAPTER 6. DEFLECTIONS UNDER SERVICE LOADS(2T/2P) CHAPTER 7. REINFORCEMENT DETAILS, ANCHORS DEVELOPMENT LENGTH AND CONNECTIONS (4T/4P) IG1002-3 Page 2 of 2 COURSE SYLLABUS REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN I