Pramudya Azhar Oktavinanda - University of Chicago Law School

Pramudya Azhar Oktavinanda
University of Chicago Law School
1111 East 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637
312-877-4856 ●
University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, IL
JSD, expected 2016
University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, IL
LLM, 2012
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, Jakarta, Indonesia
LLB, Cum Laude, 2005
Public Choice Theory dan Aplikasinya dalam Sistem Legislasi Indonesia (Public Choice Theory and Its
Application in Indonesian Legislative System ), forthcoming in Jentera Law Journal on Rule of Law
Litigasi Keuangan di Bidang Pasar Modal Dalam Tinjauan Hukum dan Ekonomi (Securities Litigation
in Law and Econom ics Perspective), Jurnal Hukum dan Pasar Modal (Journal of Law and Capital
Market) (2014)
Special Purpose Vehicle Dalam Tinjauan Hukum dan Ekonomi (Special Purpose Vehicle in Law and
Econom ics Perspective), Journal of Indonesian Corruption Watch (2013).
Penanaman Modal Asing Melalui Pasar Modal: Ketidakpastian Hukum yang Belum Tuntas Terjawab
(Foreign Capital Investm ent through Capital Markets: The Unsettled Legal Uncertainties), Co-author
with Sri Indrastuti Hadiputranto (Founding Partner of Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners),
Jurnal Hukum dan Pasar Modal (Journal of Law and Capital Market) (2013).
Pendekatan Hukum dan Ekonomi Terhadap Kejahatan Pem erkosaan (An Econom ic Analysis of Rape
Crim es), Jentera Law Journal on Women and Law (2012).
Sukuk Law – An Indonesian Legal Perspective, Co-author with Indri P. Guritno (Partner of
Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners), Islamic Finance News Vol. 5, Issue 31 (2008).
Penawaran Tender dan Beberapa Perm asalahannya (Tender Offer and Its Various Issues), Co-author
with Sri Indrastuti Hadiputranto (Founding Partner of Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners)
Jurnal Hukum dan Pasar Modal (Journal of Law and Capital Market) (2006).
Shareholders and Profit Maxim ization Principles, book chapter in Penerapan Good Corporate
Governance: Mengesam pingkan Hak-Hak Istim ewa Dem i Kelangsungan Usaha (Im plementation of
Good Corporate Governance: Waiving Special Rights for Pursuing Business Sustainability) (2006).
Positivism e Hukum dan Pendekatan Hukum dan Ekonomi - Suatu Pem belaan (Legal Positivism and
Law and Econom ics - A Defense), presented in the Third Indonesian National Conference on
Legal Philosophy (2013).
Choice of Financing Schem es in Islam ic Finance Industry: Failed Legal Form alism and Econom ic
Inefficiencies, working paper for Workshop of Law and Economics at the University of Chicago
Law School (2012).
Analisis Ushul Fiqh Terhadap Keberadaan Jaminan Dalam Struktur Pem biayaan Syariah (Ushul Fiqh
Analysis on the Existence of Collaterals in Islam ic Financing Structure), presented in the seminar
on “Legal Aspects of Debt Collaterals in Islamic Finance” held by Indonesian Communication
Centre of Islamic Economics (2005).
Im plementasi Teori Istislah Terhadap Mekanisme Pengambilan Keputusan Hakim di Indonesia: Studi
Analisa Pertim bangan Hukum Hakim Konstitusi Dalam Perkara Pencabutan Undang-Undang No.
16/2003 (The Im plementation of Istislah Theory for Judge Decision Making Mechanism : An Analytical
Study of Constitutional Court Decision in the Case of Revocation of Law No. 16/2003), Thesis for
Bachelor of Law Degree, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (2005).
Analisa Ushul Fiqh Terhadap Kasus Pencabutan Undang-Undang No. 16/2003 tentang Keberlakuan
Surut Undang-Undang Anti Terorism e atas Pelaku Bom Bali oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi (Ushul Fiqh
Analysis on Constitutional Court’s Revocation of Law No. 16/2003 on the Retroactivity of AntiTerrorism Law for Bali Bom bers), presented in the seminar on “Law and Terrorism” held by the
Legal Research Institution of Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (2004).
Im plementation of Public Risk-Sharing Principle in Controlling Air Pollution Problem Caused by
Public Transportations (with special reference to Maslahah Mursalah), paper for the Final Round of
the Best Outstanding Student Competition, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (2004).
Maslahah Mursalah Sebagai Metode Penem uan dan Konstruksi Hukum Terhadap Perm asalahan
Ruang Lingkup Definisi Merek di Indonesia (Maslahah Mursalah as a Legal Construction and
Interpretation Method on the Issues of Scope of Tradem ark Definition in Indonesia ), paper for the
Final Round of National Law Paper Competition, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia and
the National Legal Development Agency (2003).
Revitalisasi Hukum Islam Sebagai Bagian dari Pengem bangan Hukum Nasional (Revitalization of
Islam ic Law as a part of National Legal Developm ent), paper for the Islamic Law Essay
Competition, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (2002).
I regularly write on various issues relating to law, politics, religion and economics in my
personal blog, To date, I have written 175 articles, some of them are
published in Indonesian national newspapers. Most of the articles are written by applying
Law and Economics approach. Starting from June 2014, I start to write in Indonesian language
to cater more readers from Indonesia, but previously, all of my articles are written in English.
Recipient of the 2011 Baker & McKenzie Graduate Legal Studies Scholarship.
Best Outstanding Student Prize, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, 2004 (awarded to
the student that ranks first in academic performance, extracurricular activities and paper
competition in Indonesian and English).
First Prize of Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights National Law Paper
Competition, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia and the National Legal Development
Agency, 2003.
Best Judge in the Dean’s Championship for Criminal Moot Court Competition, Faculty of
Law, University of Indonesia, 2003.
First Prize of Islamic Law Essay Competition, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, 2002.
Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners, Indonesian member firm of Baker & McKenzie
International Law Firm, Jakarta, Indonesia
Senior Associate, Capital Market & Securities Practice Group, 2005 – now
I am primarily a capital market and securities lawyer, representing the Government of the
Republic of Indonesia, major Indonesian state owned companies, major international and
domestic business groups and investment bankers in various high profile transactions,
which include: public offerings or private placement of equity and debt securities (domestic
and international offerings under Reg S or Regulation 144 A of the US Securities Law),
mergers & acquisitions of public corporations, syndicated and bilateral financing
transactions, financial engineering and structured products, corporate & business
restructuring, and Islamic finance transactions. I am also well versed in drafting and
negotiating EPC contracts for the construction of cement plants, power plants and steel
mills. My industry focuses are: state owned companies/entities, broadcasting &
telecommunication, banking, energy, electricity, mining, and infrastructure.
Head of Precedents Com m ittee, Capital Market & Securities Practice Group, 2010 – now
I handle and manage the precedents for the Capital Market & Securities Practice Group
which cover legal memorandums, standard forms of legal opinions, and standard forms of
due diligence reports and transaction documents.
Gajah Mada University, Faculty of Law, International Program, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Lecturer in Civil Law, 2013 – 2014
I teach basic contract and tort laws under the civil law system combined with Law &
Economics approach.
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, Depok, Indonesia
Lecturer in Legal Aspect of Financial Transactions, 2013
I teach corporate finance, theory of the firm, and corporate takeover structures.
The Indonesian Advocate Bar, PERADI (active since 2005)
The Indonesian Association of Capital Market Legal Consultants (2014)
Trainer of Gajah Mada University students for the International Foreign Direct Investment
Arbitration Moot Competition (2013)
Trainer of University of Indonesia students for National Business Contract Drafting
Competition (2012-2014)
Trainer at Lex Institute and Lex Mundus Consultants, providing seminars and workshops for
university students and in-house legal counsels on basic legal due diligence training, capital
market laws, and M&A transactions (2012-2014).
Trainer for the officials of Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia and the Directorate
General of Tax, Republic of Indonesia on basic Islamic finance transactions and Sukuk
structuring (2009).
Chief of the Advocate Learning Group of Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners, responsible for
establishing and maintaining training programs and study materials in preparing associates
for the Annual Indonesian Bar Exam (2007-2011).
General Secretary of Days of Law Career for the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia,
responsible for establishing internship programs and career opportunities for law students at
various state departments, law firms, and courts (2004).
Manager of Legal Research Division, the Legal Research Institution of Faculty of Law,
University of Indonesia, responsible for conducting seminars, workshops and training
programs for law students in various legal aspects (2003).
Head Coordinator of Amil Zakat Institution Project of University of Indonesia, responsible
for establishing the first Islamic charity student organization in the University of Indonesia,
collecting moneys and goods to be distributed to the poor people around University of
Indonesia and Depok area (2003).