Synergy 2014-15 April-Sept - Pawar Public School Bhandup

Pawar Public School, Bhandup
Volume: 2 Issue: 1
April 2014 - September 2014
Ritika Shetty 9C
ICSE Results
From the desk of the Principal
'ear 3arents anG 6tXGents
(very acaGemic year XnfolGs with a lot of excitement of trying
to create a Gifference in teaching methoGs classroom learning
stXGent interaction anG GeÀning oXtcomes. ,nnovation anG
creativity Erings in competitiveness ÁexiEility anG an enhanceG
oXtlook. , am convinceG that oXr institXtion has taken this sacreG
responsiEility of igniting yoXng minGs towarGs creating ‘7hinking
, woXlG like to say that this year too will Ee treateG like a fresh
canvas wherein the teachers stXGents anG other staff memEers
woXlG Ee Xsing their ErXshes of experience anG knowleGge to
coloXr it with creativity anG splenGoXr. 7he integrity of approach
to this task will Ee the highlight of this year. ,t will Ee oXr effort
that woXlG commXnicate oXr commitment towarGs achieving
higher stanGarGs.
,n his Eook ‘)ive minGs for the fXtXre’ +owarG *arGner talks
aEoXt the Àve minGs
7he 'isciplinary 0inG the mastery of maMor schools of thoXght
inclXGing science mathematics anG history anG of at least one
professional craft.
7he 6ynthesizing 0inG the aEility to integrate iGeas from Gifferent
Gisciplines or spheres into a coherent whole anG to commXnicate
that integration to others.
7he &reating 0inG the capacity to Xncover anG clarify new
proElems TXestions anG phenomena.
7he 5espectfXl 0inG awareness of anG appreciation for
Gifferences among hXman Eeings anG hXman groXps.
7he (thical 0inG fXlÀllment of one’s responsiEilities as a worker
anG as a citizen.
7raining of the minG a GisciplineG minG that is positive anG
constrXctive is perhaps the Eiggest task for eGXcation. :e neeG
to pave the way for an XnclXttereG perspective that is trXly
EeaXtifXl anG gooG.
&hilGren constantly enMoy freeGom of expression EXt as they
grow olGer they have to XnGerstanG anG manage their minG.
There are instances wherein they go through a lot of mental
stress which has to Ee aGGresseG over a perioG of time. ,t is
important for us to show the right concern that will translate
into action rather that Grive them into a Gepression. :hen we
get the Ealance right we are in a position to help them Áourish
anG give them the Eest that we can a rich anG a Erighter life.
:hile a positive minG evokes more energy more initiative more
happiness«yet positivity is Must a means to the enG not simply
an enG in itself.
Together let us step up our Greams anG work with a focus to the
Eest of our aEility anG potential.
To Tuote $3- $EGul .alam
´+appiness satisfaction anG success in life GepenG on making the
right choices the winning choices.There are forces in life working
for you anG against you. 2ne must Gistinguish the EeneÀcial forces
from the malevolent ones anG choose correctly Eetween them.µ
Felicitation Ceremony
‘ igh achievement always takes place in the framework of high
2Xr Àfth Eatch of *raGe stXGents like their preGecessors
EroXght glory to the school with cent percent resXlts in the ,&6(
examinations. 7hey were felicitateG for their excellent acaGemic
performance in the school aXGitoriXm on st -Xne .
$ prayer invoking the Elessings of the $lmighty followeG Ey a soXlfXl
renGition of a EanGish in raag .alyan Ey the stXGents of *raGe
was completely in sync with the atmosphere. 2Xr 3rincipal
welcomeG the *Xest of +onoXr 'r. 0rs. 3haGke anG felicitateG
her for her magniÀcent contriEXtion towarGs the sXccess of the
school. $n alEXm of events for the year was presenteG
which enliveneG the gathering as it was a Mog Gown memory lane
for the stXGents anG teachers alike.
0r. 3rakash $mEekar presenteG the special awarG institXteG in the
memory of late 0rs. 3ranMali $mEekar to stXGents achieving the
highest marks in 0arathi anG +inGi followeG Ey the 0r. 0...3haGke
$warG anG 0r. 0.6.'atey $warG presenteG to stXGents secXring
the highest marks in 6cience anG (nglish respectively.
7he presentation of the most awaiteG awarGs for the 0ost
,mproveG 6tXGent the 7oppers anG the %est 2Xtgoing 6tXGent
serveG as the high point of the programme. 7he awarG winners
along with their proXG parents were felicitateG Ey 0rs. 6Xma 'as
anG 'r. 3haGke.
7he parents anG the oXtgoing stXGents were inviteG on the stage
to share their views anG sentiments. 7he speeches GelivereG Ey
the parents were trXly inspiring. ,t reinforceG the thoXght that the
school was inGeeG on the right path to fXrther glory. 7he long
Grawn line of stXGents eager to speak was an inGication of how
emotionally chargeG they were GXring the occasion.
$ message from the 0anagement anG the 6taff of 336 %hanGXp to
the oXtgoing stXGents was very inspiring as was the 9ote of 7hanks
GelivereG Ey the +eaG %oy of the school.
0rs. 6uma 'as
Mentoring Ceremony
Proϐiciency ™ards Ceremony
“Association is very important. ,t acts Must like a crystal DzI canǡ I ™ill and I amǥǥdz
stone which will reÁect anything which is put Eefore it.µ
The 3roÀciency $warGs
&eremony is an event
eevery parent anG chilG
looks forwarG to as the
rrecognizeG anG honoureG
tthat Gay. $ Eeautiful
rrenGition of the *anapati
sshloka anG an inspirational
ssong Ey the stuGents of
*raGe set the tone of
0entees pupils .
the programme. This was followeG Ey a graceful Gance
(very stuGent of *raGe is allotteG a teacher who performance praising /orG *anesha the patron of $rts
functions as his her )rienG 3hilosopher &ounsellor anG anG 6ciences anG the Geity of ,ntellect anG :isGom. The
*uiGe.The stuGents EeneÀt
3rincipal then introGuceG the &hief *uest 5ev. )r. 5onalG
from the aGvice anG the
Thevar 3rincipal of 6t. 3ius +igh 6chool 0ulunG.
useful tips the mentor gives
The $ttenGance $warG was presenteG to the
them on acaGemic as well
stuGents from 1ursery to *raGe . This awarG was
as non acaGemic matters.
instituteG with the motive of ingraining the value of
,n the previous acaGemic
regularity in the stuGents. The /iErarians of the school
years the 0entorship
gave away the ‘$viG 5eaGer $warG’ to lauG anG encourage
programme has proveG
EuGGing reaGers right from 1ursery to *raGe . The
very EeneÀcial for the
‘$caGemic (xcellence $warG’ was then presenteG to the
*raGe stuGents. The symEiotic mentor ² mentee stuGents from 3reprimary to *raGe who realizeG their
relationship has workeG wonGers anG the stuGents Gream of topping their
have Eeen aEle to tackle the pressure of the %oarG respective *raGes. The
examinations with conÀGence.
trophies anG certiÀcates
2ur 3rincipal 0rs. 6uma 'as in her aGGress stresseG were presenteG Ey the
upon the neeG for every stuGent to have a mentor anG &hief
the manner in which the mentor mentee relation can Ee $warGs were presenteG
nnurtureG.The lighting of the to the stuGents who
lamp Ey the 3rincipal was volunteereG as writers
Ey the lighting of for other stuGents Guring
t lamps of each mentee their exams to recognize
E their respective mentors. anG encourage the gooG
entire auGitorium GeeG performeG Ey them. The ‘0ost ,mproveG 6tuGent’
Erightly Gue to the $warG recognizes the tenacity anG harG work in those
which symEolizeG stuGents who are GetermineG to improve themselves.
The 0entors This awarG was presenteG Ey the 3rincipal. The parents
leG Ey the +eaGmistress of the 6econGary 6ection 0rs. of the awarGees were calleG on stage anG presenteG with
0amta 'hingra pleGgeG to aEiGe Ey their Guties as a a sapling each. The school Àrmly Eelieves in the allrounG
0entor. The +eaG %oy $neesh 3anGe then aGministereG Gevelopment of the stuGents. ,n this regarG the ‘0ost
the oath for the 0entees. The lamps were Eeautifully 2utstanGing 6tuGent’ $warG recognizes the acaGemic
arrangeG on the massive motif of a peacock painteG Ey excellence as well as the achievements of the stuGents
the $rt teachers.The Erilliant lights reconÀrmeG the Eelief in extracurricular activities. The names of the recipients
of this awarG for each graGe were announceG Ey the
in our motto to kinGle
3rincipal anG the parents prouGly shareG the stage with
young minGs so that
their warGs in their moment of glory. They too were
‘Together we can 0ake a
felicitateG with a sapling each.
The Eeaming faces of the awarGees proveG that happiness
The 0entormentee EonG
iinGeeG lies in the Moy of
infuses in the stuGents
aachievement anG in the
new hope conÀGence
tthrill of relentless effort.
anG optimism which are
The $warG &eremony
essential ingreGients for
rreinforceG this thought a
a gooG anG successful life
million times over.
:e at 336 unGerstanG the
importance of nurturing
tthe EonG Eetween the
tteacher anG the stuGent anG
tthe mentoring ceremony
for *raGe stuGents is
a step taken towarGs this
ffruitful anG meaningful
rrelationship Eetween a
0entor teacher anG the
ISM Regional ra™ing and Painting Competition
The whole essence of gooG Grawing anG of gooG thinking perhaps is to work a suEMect Gown to the simplest form
possiEle anG still have it EelievaEle for what it is meant to Ee.
2 school hosteG the $,60 5egional 'rawing anG 3ainting
&ompetition on th -uly . 6tuGents from many ,.&.6.(
sschools across 0umEai participateG in the competition
with great enthusiasm.The theme for the competition was
GeciGeG on the Easis of Grawing lots at the venue. There
was one topic Grawn for each of the categories which
were as follows
6enior category ² ‘/ove’
-unior category ² ‘:ar (ffects on &ommon man.’
The teachers accompanying the participants thoroughly
eenMoyeG the Gemonstration of 'igital painting that was
organizeG for them.
schools participateG in this event with )
pparticipants in all in the 6enior category anG in
tthe -unior category. 'rawing sheets were proviGeG to the
stuGents. The criteria for MuGging namely &omposition &reativity &olour scheme anG ,nterpretation of the theme
were strictly aGhereG to.
The wonGerful entries amply reÁecteG the ingenious iGeas of the participants. -uGging the entries proveG to Ee a
GifÀcult MoE as each painting seemeG Eetter than the previous one.
he ll India InterǦSchool Frank nthony e„ate Competition
'eEate is one of the acaGemic activities that give stuGents creative room to express what they feel. The length anG
EreaGth of knowleGge that they gain through this is unparalleleG. The preliminary rounG of the $ll ,nGia ,nterschool
)rank $nthony 'eEate &ompetition was helG on th -uly
in the auGitorium of 3awar 3uElic 6chool %hanGup.
This rounG of GeEate was helG for &ategory ,, 6tage ,.
The event Grew participants from many leaGing institutions
aall over 0umEai.
The topic ‘0oGern living has leG to the present
eenvironmental crisis’ was announceG to the participants
MMust an hour prior to the commencement of the event Ey
our 3rincipal.
The GeEaters were given an hour to research in the well
sstockeG liErary of the school.The programme commenceG
with a prayer invoking the Elessings of the $lmighty. The
3rincipal introGuceG anG welcomeG the eminent MuGges.
The panel of MuGges was chaireG Ey 0s. 1ilakshi 5oy with
0r. 6harath $il anG 0rs. 5eni )rancis as other memEers at
tthe panel.
0rs. $nuraGha 0urthi the &hairperson of the event EriefeG the participants with the rules of the GeEate.
The Tuality anG range of aEilities on show ² the originality honesty anG Gepth of so many of the worGs the charm
vivacity anG catchiness skill anG intensity the talent was astounGing. The participants armeG with statistics anG Gata
maGe their arguments more emphatic with their righteous facial expressions EoGy movement anG gestures. $ll the
teams exhiEiteG great oratorical skills. The highlight of the GeEate was the reEuttal rounG. The competition came
alive as a volley of Tuestions were answereG inviting more Tuestions which got further answers from Eoth siGes. (ach
participant rose to the occasion to GefenG the argument.
The Mury GiG a commenGaEle MoE of MuGging the GeEate with utmost oEMectivity anG also proviGeG an exhaustive
analysis of the performance of participants.
Independence ay
‘Ask not what your country can Go for you. $sk what
you can Go for your country’
This was truly reÁecteG in the mooG of all present Guring
the ,nGepenGence 'ay celeErations with patriotic songs
resounGing in the EackgrounG. The school %anG playeG
the national anthem with zeal as the 3rincipal hoisteG the
Tricolour anG struck the patriotic chorG. 6he then askeG
each one present to pursue their passion anG Go what
they are Eest at for the country. This was followeG Ey a
Tree 3lantation $ctivity .
Namaste India
InGian mythology is one of the richest elements of ,nGian &ulture. The account of mythology with its fascinating
stories anG the multifaceteG mythological characters has left an inGeliEle mark on us. 9ishnu anG his 'ashavataras
.rishna anG his leelas 6hiva anG his TanGava anG 'urga anG her rage these characters have enraptureG the listeners
kiGs anG aGults alike with their powerful personalities largerthanlife GeeGs anG colourful visage.
3aying rich triEutes to this glorious legacy of ,nGia was the oEMective of the $nnual ,nterschool cultural competition
1amaste ,nGia. The theme of this year’s event was ‘0yths anG 0ythology’. This cultural extravaganza was hosteG Ey
3awar 3uElic 6chool %hanGup.
The event compriseG two categories 0usic anG 'ance. The registration anG participation of the teams from the
various schools in 0umEai was conÀrmeG through an online proceGure. The participating schools were given coGes
anG EaGges anG the teams were not permitteG to Gisclose the name of the school they representeG.
The competition Eegan with a welcome song Ey the host school anG was followeG Ey a speech GelivereG Ey our
The MuGges for Eoth events compriseG senior artists well estaElisheG anG respecteG personalities in their chosen art
form.The music competition was MuGgeG Ey 0r. $niruGGha -oshi anG 'r. .alpana 3onkshe anG the Gance competition
was MuGgeG Ey 0s. /ata 5aMesh anG 0s. 6wati ,yer.
$ll the performers were at their colorful Eest anG the Eright costumes resemEling mythological characters maGe for
a viErant setting.
The performances were well appreciateG Ey the MuGges who gave special pointers anG useful tips to all the participants.
They appreciateG the energy enthusiasm anG efforts put in Ey all the participating stuGents anG the teachers who
guiGeG them. The MuGges also pointeG out that art is a soulful commitment anG any superÀciality has to Ee avoiGeG.
They urgeG the stuGents to Gelve Geeply anG penetrate into any topic that they chose to present rather than Must
skimming the surface.
The &ompetition enGeG with the Geclaration of prizes. The school auGitorium reverEerateG with the thunGerous
applause of the auGience anG gave the reassurance that ,nGian 3erforming $rts is still alive anG going strong«..
Broadening Horizons
:e the stuGents of 3awar 3uElic 6chool were scheGuleG to
go on a tour to 1etherlanGs as per the programme unGer
the (80,1' 3roMect. Thirteen stuGents accompanieG Ey
our teacher 0rs. 0athew left 0umEai &6,$ at pm Ey
*ulf $ir on ThursGay the Àrst of 0ay.
:e arriveG at )rankfurt $irport on )riGay morning anG
travelleG Ey coach to 2mmen in 1etherlanGs. :e were
warmly welcomeG Ey the stuGents of 9etchGal &ollege
their teacher 0rs. ,ngriG Ge 5uiter anG 3rincipal 0r. $rt
9an’t 9elG.:e then met the host stuGents anG their families.
, was happy to meet 6unanGa an ,nGian chilG aGopteG Ey
'utch parents. :e exchangeG gifts anG haG a Molly gooG
time spenGing the whole Gay together. 6unanGa very much
likeG the pani puri , maGe for her.
6unanGa is a gooG Eeautician apart from Eeing a Erilliant
stuGent in her school. +er mother is a school teacher anG
her father is a magician. +e performeG a few magic tricks
which were really impressive.
2n the thirG of 0ay we visiteG the
Tulip garGens .eukenhof. The garGens
were extremely Eeautiful anG very
well maintaineG. The tulip Áowers are
highly valueG anG likeG not only Ey
the people of 1etherlanGs Eut also Ey
everyone all over the worlG.
:e were Eack in the evening with our
respective host families in Ommen.
'uring the Mourney , noticeG that
+ollanG is a very very clean place
anG has a lot of greenery. $miGst
the moGern winGmills that +ollanG
is famous for there are thirteen olG
fashioneG wooGen winGmills still
stanGing tall. , also noticeG that some
people were wearing the famous
clompenolG fashioneG wooGen shoes.
,n the evening , went out with
6unanGa for a riversiGe walk which
was very pleasant. :e also spent some time riGing Eicycles
anG playing soccer everyGay. :e visiteG the homes of our
frienGs’ host families anG haG some fun.
On 6unGay morning we attenGeG a mass in (nglish at
the &hurch at +arGenEerg. ,n the evening we attenGeG a
ceremony in Town hall anG at pm oEserveG silence for
two minutes in rememErance of the martyrs of the 6econG
:orlG :ar.
0onGay the Àfth was /iEeration 'ay when the 'utch
people celeErate their freeGom. :e were taken to =wolle
where we enMoyeG some great music anG haG lots of fun at
the festival.
On TuesGay the sixth we visiteG $msterGam anG the 5iMks
0useum. The museum was houseG in a granG EuilGing anG
we got to see a lot of (gyptian *reek 5oman anG other
(uropean sculptures paintings artefacts antiTuities guns
sworGs etc.
On the seventh we were taken on a guiGeG tour of the
school. :e gave a presentation highlighting ,nGian culture
anG our Gance performance was very much appreciateG Ey
the stuGents anG staff of the 9etchGal &ollege.
,n the eveningwe visiteG theTown hall anG haG a conversation
with the $lGerman of Ommen. +e was very courteous anG
patiently replieG to all our Tuestions.
On ThursGay the eighth we visiteG 3onypark an amusement
park at 6lagharen anG enMoyeG the riGes on a giant wheel
cup anG saucer octopus western wilG aGventure aTua riGes
etc. ,n the evening we went to EarEeTue.:e cookeG some
Gelicious items like chicken Àsh pork hamEurger anG Eeef
anG enMoyeG the hot Gishes in the rainy weather.
On the ninth a )riGay we left for %russels Ey coach. :e
saw the $tomium anG took some nice photographs anG
selÀes. Then we walkeG arounG %russels OlG Town anG got
to see the *ranG 3alace anG 0anneken 3is 6tatue. :e haG
an ,nGian lunch anG left for 3aris.
$t 3aris we were happy to get an ,nGian Ginner again anG
Grove through 3aris Ey night to enMoy the Eeautiful city
of lights till miGnight. :e stayeG
overnight at +otel )orest +ill.
$fter Ereakfast on the tenth of 0ay
we left for the 3aris city tour along
with a local guiGe. :e got to see the
1otre Game &atheGral the Opera
&oncorGe 6Tuare $rc Ge Triomphe
aanG &hamps (lysees. /ater we
the /ouvre museum which
a granG collection of 1ear
(gyptian *reek (truscan
anG a lot of other $sian anG
antiTuities anG artefacts
aarts paintings anG sculptures. :e
were mesmerizeG when we got
tto see ‘0O1$ /,6$’ a painting Ey
//eonarGo Ga 9inci which is worlG
ffamous anG is perhaps the most
eexpensive painting in the worlG toGay.
The colossal statue of 5amesses ,,
tthe exTuisite “9enus Ge 0iloµ statue
aanG “&aptiveµ statue Ey 0ichelangelo
were really captivating pieces of sculpture.
$fter a hearty ,nGian meal we went to see the worlG famous
(iffel Tower.:e enMoyeG every minute of the visit though we
were a little GisappointeG that we coulG not go up to the
thirG level Gue to winGy weather conGitions. ,n the evening
we enMoyeG the 6eine 5iver cruise which was very pleasant
anG relaxing. /ater we went shopping in the streets of
3aris the )ashion &ity of the worlG which has some of the
worlG’s most expensive perfumes %elgium chocolates anG
Eiscuits anG other fashionaEle items. &onverteG into ,nGian
currency the prices seemeG to Ee exorEitant for us so we
restricteG our shopping to a few gift items like perfumes
chocolates miniature moGels of the (iffel Tower etc.
On the eleventh of 0ay we haG an early Ereakfast rusheG
to the airport anG EoarGeG the Áight at am. :hen we
reacheG the 0umEai airport it was nearly am ,6T .:e
thankeG the tour operator anG our teacher 0rs. 0athew
profusely Eefore leaving for our homes with our parents
carrying pleasant memories of the enlightening tour!!!
– Sharranya Ravichandran 10 C
stronauts o Beǥǥeam PPS
'uring this summer our school gave us an opportunity
to visit the east coast of 86$. The Team 336 compriseG ehicle ssem„ly Building
stuGents anG teachers from the .anGivli &hanGivli
anG %hanGup Eranches of 3awar 3uElic 6chool. The trip
Eegan with a visit to the exotic 0agic .ingGom a theme
park at :alt 'isney’s :orlG 5esort in OrlanGo.
%ut it was the visit to the .enneGy 6pace &entre ..6.& )loriGa as a part of a three Gay 1$6$ (Gucational &amp
which proveG to Ee an experience of a lifetime for Team
336 .
The Kennedy Space centre tour followed in which
we saw many launch paGs the /aunch 8mEilical Tower
anG the very famous Vehicle Assembly Building. The
9$% is a huge onestorey EuilGing within which the huge
threestage 6aturn 9 rockets were assemEleG. ,t was
Euilt in . :e also saw the rocket launch paGs from a
:e also visiteG the $ppollo Saturn V building anG
enMoyeG a show with special effects regarGing the $pollo
mission. :e were given to share the real experience of
moonwalk anG they shareG the experience of ‘$pollo II’
in which 1eil $rmstrong lanGeG on the 0oon.
:e saw the $pollo &ommanG 0oGule ‘.itty +awk’
which is on Gisplay in the $pollo 6aturn 9 EuilGing.
Rocket Garden
:e saw the 5eGstone 0ercury anG the $tlas ' rockets
useG for the 3roMect 0ercury. The Titan ,, rocket useG for
the 3roMect *emini was also on Gisplay. Our instructor
was 0r. -im &hristensen who is the /eaG ,nstructor for
the courses GesigneG Ey ‘$tlantis (Gucational 6ervices
,nc.’ camp.
Space Shuttle tlantis
Ro„otics orkshop
,t was inGeeG a Ereathtaking marvel 1$6$’s most
increGiEle feat of engineering to Gate a vehicle that
launcheG like a rocket Áew in orEit like a spacecraft
anG lanGeG on a runway like a gliGer. $fter successful
missions to space anG Eack ‘$tlantis’ is on Gisplay at the
.6& 9isitors’ &entre.. :e then heaGeG for the ‘Space
Shuttle Atlantis’ launching experience. The simulator
was as gooG as real anG offereG us the sheer thrill of space
:e followeG the tour of .enneGy 6pace &entre with trips
to 8niversal 6tuGios 1iagara )alls :ashington '.& 1ew
<ork anG visits to +arley 'aviGson motorEike factory
anG +ershey’s &hocolate worlG.
%ut the 1$6$ camp remains an unforgettaEle experience.
The camp at .enneGy 6pace &entre has inspireG us to
consiGer higher eGucation in 6pace stuGies. :e have Eeen
inGeeG fortunate to have visiteG this Eeehive of 6pace
5esearch anG $erospace 9entures.
“Only Those Who Will Risk Going Too Far
Can Possibly Find Out How Far Can One Go.”
-T.S Elliot
Our Àrst assignment was to EuilG a roEot using the skills
of communication collaEoration anG innovation. ,t was a
group activity GesigneG to improve our engineering skills.
The necessary roEotics kits were supplieG to us anG with
the help of instruction Eooklets we faEricateG roEots.The
roEot was then connecteG to a computer anG examineG if
it coulG perform certain GesireG functions :e also maGe
touch sensor anG ultrasonic sensor roEots. $fter every
new lesson taught to us we were given speciÀc tasks anG
were MuGgeG EaseG on our performance. Out of the four
teams $lpha %ravo &harlie anG 'elta our team ‘'elta’
was successful in completing every task with accuracy anG
hence on the thirG Gay we were given meGals along with
certiÀcates for the Eest performance. ,t was an example
of great teamwork !
:e then haG lunch with a renowneG astronaut associateG
with three space missions nameG &harlie :alker who
explaineG to us aEout the kinG of fooG that astronauts
carrieG to space. :e then enMoyeG a ‘'’ movie on the
+uEEle Telescope.
– Himarashmi Shetty 9 E
– Aditya Mallick 9 D
School Social Responsi„ility
There is enough on earth for human’s need, but not for human greed!
'r. $EGul .alam former 3resent of ,nGia has urgeG the stuGents to plant atleast saplings in a year. This
woulG make our city green anG aesthetically Eeautiful. 336 %hanGup takes this message forwarG anG thus
involves itself in tree planting activity Eoth in the school premises anG in the community.
Give the Earth a hug, pull the plug!
336 %hanGup makes every sincere effort in sensitizing its stuGents towarGs
the issue of saving electricity. The entire school conGucteG an activity nameG
‘%atti %anGh’ in collaEoration with Tata 3ower. The lights in the entire school EuilGing were switcheG off
for an hour. The activities of the school namely teaching ² learning aGministrative work anG housekeeping
functions went on unaEateG anG that too in full swing.
The stuGents of 336 %hanGup took part in a cyclothon organizeG Ey the school in collaEoration with
Tata 3ower. The cyclothon was conGucteG in 'reams 5esiGential &omplex in which the onlookers were
impresseG with the enthusiastic manner in which the stuGents spreaG a socially anG ecologically relevant
message in the society.
We make a life by what we give
3awar 3uElic 6chool in association with the *loEal (Gucation Trust extenGeG a helping hanG to cater to
the neeGs of chilGren from the less privilegeG section of the society
We help protect the Ozone Layer
The seconG week of 6eptemEer was celeErateG as the ‘Ozone :eek’. The
message on ozone Gepletion anG saving the ozone layer reacheG out to all
the stuGents through the 3uElic aGGress system. 6tuGents celeErateG the ,nternational Ozone 'ay on
th 6eptemEer Ey painting the walls with messages relateG to the serious proElem of ozone
Gepletion anG the urgent neeG as well as the ways to save the ozone layer. The stuGents were urgeG to
spreaG the message at home anG in the community.
336 %hanGup in collaEoration with Tata 3ower organizeG a 'rawing anG 3oster competition in the 6econGary
6ection. The topic given was ‘*loEal :arming’. The stuGents gave Eeautiful forms to their imagination
anG the output was tremenGous. The iGeas portrayeG anG the slogans written in the 3osters were truly
amazing which went on to prove that the stuGents are fully aware of the conseTuences of gloEal warming
anG they will Go their Eit to save the (arth from this climatic phenomenon.
Teachers not far behind
336 %hanGup takes priGe in the fact that our teachers practice what they preach. :ithout inhiEitions
the teachers steppeG into the *anesh manGals Guring artis when maximum people congregate. They
GistriEuteG the Tata 3ower pamphlets anG explaineG to the stuGents of the housing complexes the neeG
to conserve resources anG the ways anG means to accomplish the same.The teachers painstakingly spreaG
the message of conservation in 'reams &omplex %hanGup *avanpaGa 0ulunG ( 0haGa colony 3owai
etc. EesiGes others. $ praiseworthy fact is that one of the teachers who visiteG +yGeraEaG Guring the
vacation coinciGing with the *anesha festival carrieG the pamphlets anG spreaG the message in the suEurE
of +yGeraEaG.
Safety works when people work together
$s a part of &ommunity service the school shoulGereG the responsiEility
of trafÀc management near the school gate. The stuGents are GeployeG
classwise for this purpose anG the teachers too pitch in. The support staff
of the school plays a maMor role in guiGing the stuGents in crossing the roaG.
(nthusiastic 3.T.$. 0emEers contriEuteG a great Geal Ey helping the school
in trafÀc management anG the efforts of everyone were fruitful.The stuGents
too unGerstooG the meaning of trafÀc management through a hanGs on
experience. $ great civic sense was instilleG in them anG this woulG help
them in a Eig way in the future the school Eelieves.
Planting trees is our mission
9an 0ahotsav is an annual treeplanting festival in ,nGia celeErateG in the Àrst week of -uly. This year
the stuGents of *raGe GeciGeG to take this green initiative forwarG. They founG a hanGs on resource
person in 0r. 6hyam who apart from giving them tips also shareG information aEout the many herEs anG
vegetaEles that he so earnestly tenGeG to. The stuGents’ initiative GiG not stop here as they visiteG the
garGen again to check the progress of the seeG they haG sown. The Àrst sapling was met with louG cheers.
‘&atch them young’ they say anG what Eetter way to Go it than Ey ‘/earning Ey 'oing’.
Ignited Minds
The World is one big happy family…
The &ommonwealth class is a Moint initiative of the %ritish &ouncil anG the &ommonwealth 6ecretariat
aimeG at fostering the spirit of gloEal citizenship among the pupils across the worlG. The musical event
‘&reate &ollaEorate anG 3erform’ was a highly successful programme which utilizeG music to forge anG
strengthen ties among the stuGents who are slowly getting reaGy to Gon the mantle of tomorrow’s
citizens. Two 6tuGents from 3awar 3uElic 6chool %hanGup 5hea 0ane ' anG 9eGanti .shirsagar $
participateG in the event anG maGe everyone in the school prouG. %esiGes Eeing a part of the winning
team in the event these singing talents have experienceG harmony through music anG have unGerstooG the
importance of aGaptaEility. 3awar 3uElic 6chool %hanGup feels privilegeG to Ee a part of the programme
which has inGucteG its pupils into the &ommonwealth class. :e are GeÀnitely interesteG in taking it forwarG« Our aim is to help
stuGents appreciate Tolerance 8nity in 'iversity *enGer eTuity anG many such values which help us to make the worlG a wonGerful
place to live in….
Tremors of World Wars
The topic ‘:orlG :ars’ is a part of the curriculum for *raGe stuGents. $ two Gay session on
‘Tremors of :orlG :ars’ was conGucteG Ey 0s. 3reetha 1ilesh an $ssociate 3rofessor of +istory
Young Buzz Career Guidance Programme
Think career guiGance anG spontaneously <oung %uzz comes to minG. )or the sixth consecutive year we
at 3awar 3uElic 6chool haG inviteG <oung %uzz ,nGia /tG. ,nGia’s 3remier &areer *uiGance &ompany to
conGuct an inGepth anG comprehensive career guiGance programme for our *raGe stuGents. The
career guiGance experience spreaG over a month helpeG the stuGents to iGentify suitaEle career options
anG was well receiveG Ey Eoth stuGents anG parents. ,t helpeG many stuGents make a realistic appraisal
of their aptituGe anG potential anG plan career paths accorGingly. ,t also Erought to the forefront the
importance of working on anG Geveloping the aptituGes necessary for the career of their choice. The
counselors at the special care cell initiateG coorGinateG superviseG anG were actively involveG in all the
stages of the career guiGance programme which was an enriching experience for the participating stuGents.
Managing Resources Sustainably
0rs. 6unita 6harma the eGucator from Tata 3ower maGe a presentation to the stuGents of *raGe . The presentation revolveG arounG the topic of :aste 0anagement. The three mantras ² 5eGuce
5ecycle anG 5euse were emphasizeG upon strongly. The stuGents were urgueG to reGuce the
wastage of electricity anG spreaG the message of power conservation in their neighEourhooG. The Tata
3ower pamphlets were GistriEuteG anG the stuGents were askeG to auGit the electrical consumption in
their homes. $lso they were encourageG to go on a signature campaign for the ‘6ave (lectricity’ 0ovement.
They were explaineG aEout the 'os anG 'on’ts regarGing electricity consumption.
Being Innovative
To commemorate the %irth $nniversary of %harat 5atna 6ir 0. 9isvesvaraya )ounGation ,nGia organizeG
a lecture Ey 0r. ;iangyi /i on ‘The 3romotion to the Geep innovation of the science popularization with
innovative concepts anG ways’ at 1ehru 6cience &entre. ,t was an enlightening session as the resource
person explaineG the contriEutions of science in the ÀelG of psychology anG magic.
Hindi Hai Hum
In order to bring forth the beauty and the importance of our National language Hindi, the Hindi Divas was celebrated in the
school. The renditions in Hindi were carried out during the Morning Assembly through the Public Address system.
Fun Ǧ n Ǧ earn
Knowing the Bank
Hyderabad Splendour
The stuGents of graGe anG visiteG the $xis %ank ²
%hanGup Eranch in the last week of 6eptemEer. ,t was very
informative as the stuGents were EriefeG aEout various
Eanking proceGures like the electronic moGe of transferring
money the locker system anG operations relateG to the
locker Gocumentation reTuireG for opening an account
etc. 6tuGents were engageG in the whole presentation as
was eviGent in the various Tuestions they put forth to the
Eank ofÀcials. These Tueries rangeG from the formalities
of opening an account
for minors loss of $T0
carG fake currency
theft security etc. for
which the concerneG
authorities gave a
GetaileG explanation.
The stuGents were
also taken to the vault
room which haG many
safe Geposit lockers.
+ere is an excerpt of an interview with 0rs. 6huEhangi
.armale Operations +eaG of $xis %ank conGucteG Ey
.irti .ashiG of graGe &.
6tuGent :hat is 606 Eanking" +ow is it helpful"
OfÀcial 606 Eanking helps the customer to get an alert of
any GeEit or creGit withGrawal.
6tuGent :hat kinG of loans Go you proviGe"
OfÀcial :e proviGe various types of loans like golG loan
eGucation loan vehicle loan etc.
6tuGent +ow Go you feel aEout your role as a manager"
OfÀcial , feel prouG. , always support my colleagues anG
wish to satisfy my customers.
6tuGent &an we open an account"
OfÀcial <es you can open an account with your parents
Ey suEmitting the Eirth certiÀcate pan carG anG aGhar
carG of your parent.
The ÀelG trip was memoraEle for the stuGents as it gave
them a Àrst hanG experience of the working of a Eank.
The trip to the fameG 6outh ,nGian &ity transporteG the
stuGents out of their +istory text Eooks into the Eygone
era. The trip Eegan with a visit to the famous 6alar -ung
0useum which houses numerous artifacts collecteG
Ey the 1izam of +yGeraEaG. The antiTue clock at the
0useum was a maMor attraction. The visit to &harminar
which is the iconic structure of +yGeraEaG revealeG to
the stuGents the architectural expertise of the artisans
employeG Ey the kings who ruleG the city.
The 6now :orlG was a vastly Gifferent experience as
the stuGents enMoyeG a cool amEience here amiGst the
sweltering heat of the city. The stuGents took great
pleasure in activities like snow gliGing.
The visit to the *olconGa )ort Erought forth viviG images
of the lives of the rulers of ancient ,nGia. The ascent to
the top of the )ort was an experience worth savouring.
The (nchanting :hispering *allery astonisheG the
stuGents anG they wonGereG at the scientiÀc knowleGge
of our ancestors.
The visit to 5amoMi &ity was the high point of the proMect
Tour. The various stuGios simulations the $musement
3ark the minG Eoggling shows the scenic lanGscapes
EesiGes many other aspects of this ‘0ecca of %ollywooG’
left the stuGents awestruck.
$s the stuGents returneG to 0umEai they carrieG Eack
everlasting memories of the trip through which they
reliveG meGieval ,nGian +istory.
Visit to the Organic Farm
$ ÀelG trip to *oGreM +illsiGe was organizeG for stuGents
of *raGe anG . The venue was scenic anG serene.
&hilGren walkeG through
accompanieG Ey a guiGe
who explaineG the
process of vermiculture.
They also saw orchiGs
growing in coal insteaG
of soil. There were also
various kinGs of Eonsai
cacti vegetaEles fruits
Áowers anG trees. ,t
was inGeeG an enriching anG novel experience for city
Gwellers like us.
From Caterpillar to Butterϐly
Red Day
International Ice-cream Day
Green Day
International Day of Peace, 2014
‘Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace……..’
These lines from -ohn /ennon’s soulful song ‘,magine’
encapsulate the oEMective of oEserving the ,nternational
'ay of 3eace worlG peace anG speciÀcally the aEsence
of war anG violence. ,t is oEserveG annually on st
The stuGents of 3awar 3uElic 6chool %hanGup expresseG
their soliGarity with regarGs to :orlG 3eace through
various age appropriate activities on the theme’ 3eace’
*raGe :rist %anGs
*raGe %aGges
*raGe %ookmarks
*raGe anG 6ong on 3eace 6hanti 3ath
The stuGents were also shown a viGeo on :orlG 3eace.
The logo of the ,nternational 'ay of 3eace with Eeautiful
anG thought provoking Tuotes aGorneG the Goor of every
classroom. The Tuote Ey the greatest aGvocate of peace
the worlG has ever known 0ahatma *anGhi summeG up
the celeErations ‘There is no way to peace; peace is
the way.’
Yellow Day
Tricolour & Independence day
he ™orld of Books
The Hobbit
almost killeG all the Orcs. %ut the Orcs were mean Ey nature anG
Eurnt the entire forest. *anGalf calleG the EirGs of the mountain to
save everyone’s lives.
:hen Thorin regaineG his consciousness he thankeG %ilEo for
saving his life.
,n the Gistance the company saw the /onely 0ountain where the
sleeping 6maug was awakeneG Ey the knocking sounG of a EirG…..
The story continues in the seTuel.
– Uditi Bangera 10 C
– J.R.R.Tolkien
oEEit is a fascinating story aEout Gwarfs elves hoEEits... that
are human Eut with very Gistinct physical anG mental traits. There
are other characters that are human like Eut with a monstrous
physiTue anG strength. This is an exciting anG gripping story full of
magic anG aGventures. +ere it goes...
/ong ago the Gwarf king Thror haG
Erought an era of prosperity for
his kin unGer the /onely 0ountains
in (reEor. This was until the Àre
Ereathing Gragon ‘6maug the
0agniÀcent’ haG arriveG Gestroying
the nearEy town of 'ale. 6maug
Grove the Gwarfs out of (reEor
anG took their golG. :hile
escaping from the Gragon Thorin
the granGson of Thor saw .ing
ThranGuil anG his wooG elves on a
nearEy hillsiGe anG was GisgusteG
when they left rather than helping
them. This resulteG in Thorin’s
everlasting hatreG towarGs the
Years later he with his company of
Gwarfs were seeking a Eurglar so that they coulG get the $rkenstone
>the king’s stone ² the source of their strength@ anG reestaElish
their empire. This is where our hoEEit comes into picture.
+oEEits are generally shy anG are half the human height. They
prefer silence anG can sense Ganger which may Ee miles away.They
have natural leathery feet anG can sneak anywhere without making
the slightest noise.
Our +oEEit was %ilEo %aggins anG he enMoyeG a comfortaEle anG
an unamEitious life. 8nfortunately his peaceful life was interrupteG
Ey a surprise visit from the great wizarG *anGalf. *anGalf trickeG
%ilEo anG got himself inviteG for tea. %ilEo assumeG that *anGalf will
Ee his only guest Eut the assumption turneG out to Ee completely
wrong as *anGalf arriveG with a company of Gwarfs leG Ey Thorin
OakenshielG. *anGalf haG GeciGeG that the hoEEit will make an
excellent aGGition to the team of Thorin in recapturing (reEor.
%ilEo was going to play the role of a Eurglar to steal the $rkenstone.
$s they start on their way %ilEo has serious misgivings.
On the Mourney %ilEo anG the Gwarfs encountereG all sorts of
villains anG oEstacles. 'uring the course of their aGventure they
stumEleG upon a group of trolls. The Gwarfs are caught Ey the
trolls. ,t was %ilEo’s presence of minG anG *anGalf’s wizarGry that
got the Gwarfs out of trouEle.
$s they continueG on their Mourney %ilEo was GepresseG. The
group passeG through a mountain chain anG two of the Gwarfs )illi
anG .illi locateG a cave for the group to sleep for the night Eut the
cave turneG out to Ee occupieG Ey the *oElins.
%ilEo got separateG from the Gwarfs anG fell into a cave where he
met *ollum who acciGentally haG GroppeG a golGen ring while
killing a stray goElin to eat. 3ocketing the ring %ilEo founG himself
facing *ollum. They playeG a riGGle game wagering that %ilEo will
Ee shown the way out if he wins or eaten Ey *ollum if he loses.
%ilEo eventually won Ey asking *ollum what he haG in his pocket.
1oticing his ring was lost *ollum suspecteG that %ilEo possesseG
it anG attackeG him. %ilEo GiscovereG that the ring granteG him
invisiEility Eut when he haG a chance to kill *ollum %ilEo spareG
his life anG escapeG while *ollum curseG the hoEEit. %ilEo soon
MoineG the Gwarfs with his newly founG ring.
6omehow the Gwarfs escapeG the *oElins Eut enGeG up Eeing
hunteG Ey an Orc pack ugly hiGeous characters with gruff voice .
The Orc pack was leG Ey $zog the 'eÀler who wanteG to kill
Thorin as Thorin haG grievously inMureG him in the Eattle in the
0ines of 0oria. :hen he trieG to kill Thorin %ilEo put himself
Eetween them. $ll the Gwarfs who haG Eeen tireG Àghting the Orc
pack suGGenly got their strength Eack when they saw %ilEo anG
Esio Trot
– Roald Dahl
This story is aEout a shy olG man 0r. +oppy who lives in a small Áat
alone with his Áowers. (very Gay he woulG go to his Ealcony anG
look at the woman 0rs. 6ilver living Eelow him with her turtle anG
pet $lÀe.The olG man wanteG to marry the olG woman Eut he was
too shy to even start a conversation with her. One Gay he musters
up courage anG asks her how her turtle
was Going. 6he replies saying that she is
very worrieG Eecause it is not growing. 0r.
+oppy suGGenly thinks of a way to give
0rs. 6ilver her wish anG win her affection.
0r. +oppy tells 0rs. 6ilver that he in fact
Goes know a way to make a tortoise grow
Eigger. +e writes the following worGs on
a slip of paper anG lowers it Gown to 0rs.
(6,O T5OT (6,O T5OT
T(* 5(**,% 5(**,%
(0O& 1O (6,O T5OT
:O5* 38 ))83 38 TOO+6 38!
*1,536 38 :O/% 38 //(:6 38!
(*5O*! (/==8*! ))8T6! 3/8*!
T83 1O T$) (6,O T5OT T83 1O T$)!
T(* 1O T(* 1O (/%%O* 'OO)!
0r. +oppy explains that these magic worGs when whispereG in
$lÀe’s ear three times a Gay will cause $lÀe to grow Eigger anG
Eigger. ,n reality the magic worGs are merely orGinary worGs
written EackwarGs. :hen 0rs. 6ilver GemanGs to know what the
worGs mean 0r. +oppy explains that tortoises are slowmoving
animals so they listen to worGs spoken EackwarGs. 0rs. 6ilver is
GouEtful Eut agrees to try. Over the next Gays he visits each
pet shop anG chooses many tortoises of all shapes anG sizes. +e
Erings all the tortoises to his apartment. 1ext 0r. +oppy EuilGs
a special tool to snatch $lÀe. The following Gay when 0rs. 6ilver
leaves for work 0r. +oppy selects a tortoise from his living room
that weighs exactly ounce. +e carefully picks $lÀe up from the
Ealcony anG replaces him with the new tortoise. :hen 0rs. 6ilver
returns home she faithfully whispers the magic worGs in $lÀe’s ear
Eut Goes not notice that an exchange has Eeen Gone.
)or the following weeks 0r. +oppy leans over his Ealcony with his
special tool to exchange $lÀe with another slightly larger tortoise.
:ith a weight of ounce the last tortoise is too Eig to get in
0r. +oppy’s house anG 0rs. 6ilver Ànally notices the Gifference.
6he is so happy that she invites 0r. +oppy to her apartment to
holG $lÀe. 0rs. 6ilver now wants $lÀe to Ee a little smaller Eecause
she Goes not want to make a Eigger opening for her house.
0r. +oppy gives her some new magic worGs. 0rs. 6ilver agrees to
try them for a Gay. $fter several attempts 0r. +oppy exchanges
$lÀe with a tortoise which perfectly passes through 0rs 6ilver’s
house’s Goor.
0rs. 6ilver is so GelighteG with $lÀe’s response that she invites
0r. +oppy for a cup of tea. +e Ànally plucks up the courage to ask
0rs. 6ilver to marry him anG she accepts him.
0r. +oppy takes all his superÁuous tortoises anG gives them away
free of charge. $ little girl 5oEerta 6TuiEE aGopts the original $lÀe
anG he lives happily in his garGen. $fter $lÀe reaches his size
Ànally GouEles.
– Dhruv Padmashali 7 D
Monsoons getting delayed in Mumbai
due to the El Nino effect.
)ootEall is playeG in almost every country in the worlG.
The worlG governing EoGy ),)$ sets the rules anG
conGitions for the professional aspect of footEall.
1ino means a “little Eoyµ in 6panish. The (l 1ino
Eegins as a giant pool of warm water swelling in the
eastern tropical 3aciÀc Ocean
that sets off a chain reaction
of weather events arounG the
worlG ² some Gevastating anG
some EeneÀcial.
$part from the cluE level of footEall the one event the
worlG longs for unarguaEly is the ),)$ :orlG &up. $
TuaGrennial event in which of the Eest international
footEall teams ply their traGe to get their hanGs on one
priceless possession The :orlG &up.
:e footEall lovers wait tirelessly for each one of those
years to pass Ey anG come the month of -une nothing
possesses the human minG more than the enigma anG
the unpreGictaEility of the :orlG &up.
,t repeats itself once in three
to Àve years in the 3aciÀc
Ocean anG lasts for aEout a
year on an average. 'uring this
time the warming up of sea surface temperatures takes
place which affects winG patterns triggering Eoth ÁooGs
anG Groughts in Gifferent parts of the worlG.
Through this newsletter ,’G like to take you on a Mourney
Eack in time anG relive the spectacle that was The ),)$
:orlG &up in %razil.
(ven Eefore the :orlG &up Eegan there was a Eout of
controversy in %razil. The government haG spent arounG
11 Eillion 86' on the preparations of the :orlG &up
while harGly a penny was spent on the Gevelopment of
the poor in their country. $t a point the workers EuilGing
the staGiums haG starteG Eoycotting work as they were
GepriveG of their salaries. %ut 6epp %latter the 3resiGent
of ),)$ kept his faith in %razil.
This phenomenon affects rainfall in ,nGia. 'ue to more
heating warm waters off eastern coast of 6outh $merica
increase the sea surface temperatures aEove normal
which leaGs to Giversion of Áow of moist winGs from
the ,nGian Ocean towarGs the eastern coast of 6outh
$merica.This change in winG pattern reGuces the amount
of rainfall in the ,nGian suEcontinent.
$nG as it were to Ee all the staGiums were reaGy in time
to host possiEly the Eiggest spectacle of the GecaGe.
$ccorGing to 6kymet a private weather forecaster (l
1ino anG ,nGian monsoon are inversely relateG. “The
most prominent Groughts in ,nGia six of them since
have Eeen (l 1ino Groughts incluGing the recent
ones in anG µ it saiG. 6kymet shows that aEout
ninety percent of all evolving (l 1ino years have leG to
Eelow normal rainfall anG sixty Àve percent of evolving (l
1ino years have resulteG in Groughts.
The country of %razil was no GouEt reaGy for this mega
carnival. $lreaGy famous for their carnivals anG patenteG
Gance form of 6amEa %razil haG prepareG for everything.
This was the seconG time %razil was hosting the :orlG
&up the Àrst was in . matches were to Ee playeG
across staGiums each in a host city of their own Ànally
culminating into the )inal which was to Ee playeG in the
most famous footEall staGium on (arth the (staGio Go
0aracanm in 5io Ge -aneiro.
(l 1ino is also responsiEle for the Gecrease in the rate of
monsoons in 0umEai. The 0umEai lakes may not Àll up
to their capacity. This can leaG to water cuts in the city
of 0umEai.
The stage was set. %razil welcomeG the worlG with a
magniÀcent opening ceremony on the th of -une in the
$rena Ge 6ao 3aulo.
'elayeG monsoons have leG to the worst water crisis in
the last one anG a half GecaGe. (l 1ino Girectly impacts
,nGia’s agrarian economy. $griculture contriEutes arounG
fourteen percent to ,nGia’s economy. /ess rainfall leaGs
to low proGuction of crops especially rice which in turn
has an impact on the people anG ,nGia’s economy.
*ermany won the :orlG &up for the thirG time anG
Eecame the Àrst (uropean team to win the :orlG &up
on 6outh $merican soil.
,t was a Àtting enG to one of the Eest :orlG &ups ever. $
staggering goals were scoreG a Moint recorG. $n even
higher numEer of yellow carGs in total were shown.
– Himarashmi Shetty 9 E
The whole scene of worlG footEall has changeG since the
:orlG &up anG at the enG of
the transfer winGow we shall
get to see who the Eest in
(urope actually is as the worlG
footEall season then Eegins.
The FIFA World Cup 2014
You’G go anG ask a year olG aGolescent what life was
all aEout for him. $nswers woulG vary accorGing to what
the person likeG. %ut when it comes to most Eoys anG
also a rather smaller group of girls there woulG surely
Ee one common EonG ² )ootEall.
%ut Ey no means was this
:orlG &up a pushover Eut
,t’s something that unites over a Eillion people worlGwiGe. rather it was an inspiration to
0ultinational companies use it as a main stream for their the entire worlG calling them
aGvertising campaigns. )rom the richest person to the to Moin the Eeautiful game anG Ee a part of a celeEration
most impoverisheG anyone can play the game. There are a way of life known as footEall……….
no Earriers in footEall. 1o wonGer we call it the ‘%eautiful
– Rushilraj Mullick 10 A
Indian Premier League
Elections in a Gemocracy as GeÀneG Ey the sixteenth It’s
a cricketing festival. $ celeEration. $ feast for the
3resiGent of the 8niteG 6tates of $merica $Eraham eyes. :here the willow kisses the Eall anG stumps get
/incoln are ‘of the people Ey the people for the people.’ rooteG. :here the crowGs are on their feet. :here only
$nG ,nGia Eeing the largest Gemocracy in the worlG cricket Eeats in the hearts of the spectators. :here the
elections is something crucial.
whole family sits together for the Àrst time glueG to their
screens.:here there is a riot of colors anG players Ereak
:e recently witnesseG the
into a Mig. :here GiviGeG fans are uniteG. ,t all happens in
sixteenth general elections in
,nGia. ,t happens in the ,3/.
the country where we saw
the emergence of the ‘0oGi
Over the years the ,nGian 3remier /eague has Eecome
6arkar’. The %hartiya -anta
an integral part of the cricketing sport. ,t gets Eigger
3arty %-3 receiveG a clear
Eetter anG tougher every year. &ricketing greats from
maMority as the ruling party
6hane :arne to 5icky 3onting 0atthew +ayGen to 5ahul
anG won a sweeping victory taking seats. The %-3 'raviG anG from $Gam *ilchrist to 6achin TenGulkar have
itself won of all votes anG . of all seats. ,t all Eeen a part of this cricketing Eonanza. ,t is proEaEly the
was the Àrst time since the ,nGian *eneral (lections most famous of all cricketing leagues across the worlG.
that a party has won enough seats to govern without The EranG value of ,3/ was reporteGly arounG 86' .
the support of other parties. $nG we saw 0r. 1arenGra Eillion. The league starteG in anG come it has
'amoGarGas 0oGi a chaiwala previously rise to the level GethroneG $ustralia’s %ig %ash as the commercial king of
T cricketing leagues. The ofÀcial sponsor of ,3/ for the
of an icon anG Eecome ,nGia’s Àfteenth 3rime 0inister.
last two seasons was 3epsi &o. This position was helG
These elections in particular stooG out from the rest that earlier Ey '/). ,t is helG every year Eetween $pril to -une.
ever happeneG in this country. 1ever haG it Eeen that a ,t is Easically a T cricketing league comprising franchise
politician was more talkeG aEout than a sportsperson or EaseG teams. ,t is electrifying anG attracts all age groups
a moviestar. The %-3 anG 1arenGra 0oGi were greatly from chilGren to aGults. +owever the league has Eeen
successful in creating a wave of Eelief of progress which suEMect to controversies where allegations of cricket
they promiseG to aEiGe Ey throughout the entire country. Eetting money launGering termination of franchises
anG spot Àxing were witnesseG. The ,3/ franchise has a
$nother great thing aEout these elections was that the
numEer of issues regarGing viaEility of Eusiness moGel
support was not so much for the party as it was for
sponsorship fees anG reGuction in the EranG value fees
one revolutionary man 1arenGra 0oGi. $ man from a
paiG to players anG other issues that threaten the game.
poor EackgrounG into Eecoming a memEer of 566 into
Moining the %-3 into performing miracles in *uMarat as Talking aEout the playing format it is a GouEle rounG
their &hief 0inister four times anG hence into creating a followeG Ey playoffs. The seventh eGition of the league
revolution in the country.
saw eight teams compete for the trophy. These teams
are nameG either on ,nGian
The great thing aEout this man is that he not only
maGe promises Eut also maGe people Eelieve in cities or ,nGian states. The
them greatly anG inspireG them to the fullest. ,3/ has Eecome the Eiggest
+e useG aGvertising as the main weapon Gue to which platform for the young guns to
he was aEle to reach out to anG spreaG his cause to the showcase their talents anG the
veterans to show that there
maMority of the people of all sects anG categories.
is still cricket left in them. The
These elections in general showeG a great MoE inGeeG Ey Eatsman sizzle the Eowlers
the election commission. The most intriguing thing was Ereathe Àre anG the crowGs
that no party emergeG as a clear opposition party. $nG well they are more than happy to face the camera.
,nGian 1ational &ongress ,1& which has a maMestic
5iGing on its growing commercial interests the ,3/ is
history faileG to create an impact.The 8niteG 3rogressive
also taggeG as the ,nGian “3aisaµ /eague. The league also
$lliance leG Ey the ,1& won seats . of which
haG two of its eGition in 6outh $frica anG The (mirates.
were won Ey the &ongress. ,t was the &ongress party’s
,t is graceG Ey ,nGian anG foreign players alike. %arking
worst Gefeat in a general election.
on their performances many players have got a recall to
1ow the %hartiya -anta 3arty with 0r. 1arenGra 0oGi their national siGes. ,t has always Eeen a fanfare affair.The
as the 3rime 0inister will holG ofÀce till . /et’s see true spirit of ,3/ is well etcheG on its shimmering golGen
what they have in store for the people of ,nGia anG what trophy ²
reforms they Ering to the country.
‘Yatra 3ratiEha $vsara 3rapnotihi’ which means where
talent meets opportunity. ,3/ is was anG will always Ee a
In the meantime, let’s hope for “Acche Din!”
treat for cricketing fans to cherish throughout.
– Rutwik Deshpande 10 E
– Devansh Dedhia 10 C
Teach For India
The fact that only of chilGren in ,nGia complete
'rops of water can make a large ocean. ,n the same
manner comEineG efforts can leaG to a Eig change.
$ change that can transform ,nGia to Ee a Eetter anG
progressive country...
– Jayashree Birje 9 A
their formal eGucation till college level of course hurts
us. $ccorGing to 'r.$.3.-. $EGul .alam the youth is the
EuilGing Elock for transforming ,nGia into a GevelopeG
nation. ,t is unGouEteGly accepteG that the youth is the
future of our nation. The main reason that makes them
the most powerful in the
society is their aEility to take
a risk for a change. The youth
can work with a feeling of
Getermination only when they
are eTuippeG with skills anG
gooG knowleGge reTuireG to
excel. Then why let only of them help ,nGia Gevelop"
The volunteers of ‘Teach for ,nGia’ work with this thought
anG motive in their minG ‘Teach for ,nGia’ is a nationwiGe
movement of outstanGing college graGuates anG young
professionals who will commit twoyears to teach full
time in unGer resourceG schools anG who will Eecome
lifelong leaGers working from within various sectors
towarGs the pursuit of eTuity in eGucation.
,n ,nGia toGay of our chilGren never start school Gon’t complete primary schools anG Gon’t complete
schools.To eliminate such a conGition ,nGia has guaranteeG
every chilG with eGucation as a funGamental right. $rticle
1$ in our &onstitution states that the 6tate will proviGe
free anG compulsory eGucation to all chilGren from 1
years. $rticle states that no chilG Eelow the age of 1
years shall Ee employeG to work in any factory or mine
or engageG in any other hazarGous employment. To help
,nGia eliminate such worse conGitions ‘Teach for ,nGia’ is
‘Teach for ,nGia’ Eelieves that every chilG can anG must
attain an excellent eGucation. ,t exists to prove that no
chilG’s Gemographics shoulG Getermine his or her Gestiny.
They unGerstanG the importance of eGucation anG
potential in each anG every chilG in ,nGia.
‘Teach for ,nGia’ Eelieves in a two part theory of change.
The short term theory of change incluGes the recruits
who serve as fulltime teachers in lowincome schools
for two years.They try their Eest to eGucate the chilGren
so as to make them Eetter citizens of ,nGia.
The longterm theory of change incluGes the $lumni
0ovement. The $lumni are the forerunners to their
movement anG help to spreaG their vision. They work
harG to spreaG the importance of eGucation anG make
the chilGren Eelieve that they still have an opportunity to
change anG to learn.
1ot only the volunteers of ‘Teach for ,nGia’ Eut we too
are responsiEle for the spreaG of eGucation among the
chilGren. :hile Going this it is not necessary to formally
Ee a part of this proMect. 6tart with small steps like
eGucating the maiG’s chilGren anG helping them realize
the role of eGucation in their life. 3articipate in rallies
or inGulge your near anG Gear ones to help spreaG the
EeneÀts of eGucation in one’s life.
Telangana - India’s 29th state is born
CeleErations in southern ,nGia greeteG the creation of
the new state of Telangana. This marks the culmination
of a separatist campaign going Eack nearly six GecaGes.
0iGnight celeErations heralGeG the Eirth of the new state
ofTelangana enGing the GecaGesolG struggle for statehooG.
“,nGia gets a new state! :e welcome Telangana as our
th state.Telangana will aGG strength to our Gevelopment
Mourney in the coming yearsµ ,nGia’s newly electeG 3rime
0inister 1arenGra 0oGi saiG. Telangana comprises Gistricts of $nGhra 3raGesh. &eleErations across $nGhra
3raGesh erupteG at the stroke of miGnight with Àreworks
Gisplay lighting up the sky over +yGeraEaG. The city will
remain the capital of Eoth $nGhra 3raGesh anG Telangana
for the next years. Telangana is not the Àrst new state
createG since ,nGia’s inGepenGence from %ritain in ² 8ttarakhanG -harkhanG anG &hhattisgarh were formeG
as recently as
² anG is
unlikely to Ee
the last. (thnic
linguistic anG
regional groups
have presseG
own states in
various parts
of the country
anG economists argue that some of the larger states are
in any case too unwielGy to manage as a single unit. 8ttar
3raGesh is the most populous in ,nGia anG has more
inhaEitants than %razil. ,f Telangana were a country it
woulG Ee the worlG’s th largest nation.
The new state however is lanGlockeG ariG anG suEMect
to the GepreGations of rural 0aoist reEels known as
1axalites anG is likely to GepenG for years on the revenues
generateG Ey the thriving city of +yGeraEaG.:hen it was
in power in 1ew 'elhi aheaG of this year’s ,nGian general
election the &ongress party championeG the formation
of Telangana in the hope of winning seats there in the
national parliament. )or the Àrst time outsiGe the +inGi
anG %engali speaking areas two states speaking the same
language have Eeen createG.
– Sanjana Reddy 9 D
AEout a week ago when my parents were planning a visit
,nfrastructure /imiteG 9eolia Transport anG 0umEai
to my aunt’s house at $nGheri , let out a Àrm anG louG 0etropolitan 5egion 'evelopment $uthority 005'$ “1Oµ. That is usually the case with most of the chilGren making 0umEai only the fourth city in our country to
in families living somewhere arounG the eastern suEurEs have 0etro 5ailway operations after .olkata 'elhi anG
of 0umEai anG the reason EehinG it shoulG Ee known to %angalore.
every 0umEaikar without GouEt.
The travel is very feasiEle anG everything is well organiseG
:hen , think of travelling to $nGheri my minG runs a unlike the haphazarG local trains anG Eus service. The
ÁashEack to a few years ago when we haG chosen to stations are spacious with concourses anG refreshment
travel Ey the local train service to this overcrowGeG anG facilities EesiGes $T0 interchange facilities with few of
MampackeG place only to get ourselves Àrst smasheG 0umEai’s most important railway stations at *hatkopar
on the railway station then to struggle into any train anG $nGheri.
compartment as if it were a stampeGe where even 9arious features of the 0etro offer to Graw crowGs
if you Gon’t move the crowG EehinG woulG push you towarGs it. The Àrst Eeing the low cost anG yet
straight through the coach’s Goorway. Then the horror comfortaEle travel. ,n toGay’s worlG who woulGn’t want
of changing the train at 'aGar station try your luck to to save a penny wherever he coulG.The low cost makes it
enter one train or wait for the next. Then Ànally after afforGaEle to the poor the miGGleclass anG attracts the
a long Mourney you will reach $nGheri to get out of the rich as the 0etro might Must function as a status symEol
suffocation in the train anG ÀnG yourself on a Eusy noisy consiGering what it sounGs like .
roaG Eusting with activity anG with almost no space for This way the 0etro promises to attract large masses of
peGestrian movement.
people anG along with the 0etro phase ² ,, phase ²,,,
Or even Eefore this episoGe when we took our car out anG 0onorail service offer to reGuce the loaG on our
for the same place anG founG ourselves strangleG in a overEurGeneG railways. , woulG say the 0etros also win
trafÀc Mam on the -ogeshwari ² 9ikhroli /ink roaG sounGs my favour Eecause they proviGe for safe secure easy anG
oGG though a trafÀc Mam on a roaG which is aEout convenient horizontal movement in the suEurEs. The
lanes for one way trafÀc movement Eut if you are regular 0etro has also helpeG in raising the reality rates in areas
on this route this is like arounG the 0etro stations.
something which you The 0etro proMect has got a very gooG response from
will experience Gaily. ,t 0umEaikars anG has truly liveG up to the reputation
took us almost three of Eeing a ‘mass rapiG transport service’. , Eelieve
hours to reach $nGheri such proMects Ey the government will GeÀnitely help in
in all that chaos anG reGucing the loaG on local trains promote the use of
Eeeping of car horns. puElic transport anG make transport easy anG effective
, wonGereG if , coulG in 0umEai. 6uch infrastructure proMects can Ee oEserveG
rather take a Mourney Ey roaG to $liEaug almost a hunGreG as long leaps in the Gevelopment of our city anG country
kilometers away anG take the same time as it took me on a EroaGer Easis.
this way. $t least , woulG reach a place much more calm
, woulG say it has rightly Eeen saiG “Acche din aane
Eeautiful anG serene.
wale hai”.
%ut then it struck me that the 0etro services haG rolleG
– Pushkar Raut 9 A
out on -une th anG it woulG take Earely mins for
my Mourney from *hatkopar to $nGheri anG suGGenly my
of sports in the whole worlG.
answer to my parents was a Eig “Y(6!!!!µ
The names of a few sports are )ootEall &ricket Tennis
Till you are in the islanG city the travel is Tuite feasiEle
Eecause the roaGs are well linkeG anG the railway stations %aGminton anG +ockey. :e learn team work in footEall
are close to each other Eut once you move northwarGs anG hockey Eecause one neeGs to pass the Eall to other
to the suEurEs the Gistance Eetween the western line players. 1o one can
play alone. :e learn
stations anG central line station graGually increases.
,n recent times with the (astern suEurEs slowly growing cricket EaGminton anG
as resiGential areas anG the :estern one’s growing into
tennis. :e also learn
maMor commercial one’s locomotion is a Eig challenge.
certain skills when we
Our railways are greatly overEurGeneG with aEout watch or play sports.
lakh people using the railways Gaily. $nG what was the :hen we play sports
neeG of the hour was a solution to make travel easier with our frienGs if we
Eetween the suEurEs.
lose there is no neeG
This 0etro 3hase ², which runs on the .km 9ersova to Ee saG Eecause the
$nGheri*hatkopar stretch whose founGation was laiG in most important thing is
lookeG like the right answer to our proElem. 1ow to play.
we might wonGer what took this proMect years to get The main thing aEout sports is to enMoy playing sports
reaGy. ,t is the fact that the proMect went through several anG watching it too. Teamwork anG sportsmanship are
changes in Gesign then there were lack of approvals anG values that will make you a Eetter person.
then over a perioG of time the cost increaseG from ` – Devesh Raokadnur 5 A
&r to ` &r. %ut Ànally the proMect was completeG
Ey the 00O3/ which is a Moint venture Ey the 5eliance 16
&ricket is fun
:hen 9irat takes a run.
:hen 6achin hits a six
(nglanG is in a Àx.
:hen 6uresh hits a four
(veryone shouts four.
:hen 'honi takes a catch
,nGia wins the match.
The Egypt Mission
One pleasant evening the gloEal Getectives 5osy 1ick
anG ,sha receiveG a mysterious unnameG letter reTuesting
their help in ÀnGing the Àrst king’s mummy. They GeciGeG
to go on an aGventure to (gypt. ,t took them half a Gay to
reach there. :hen they reacheG there they GiGn’t know
where to go
as they were
going there for
the Àrst time.
language. The
people there
were GresseG
in white roEes while they were GresseG Gifferently so
locals were staring at them. They were on a mission to
ÀnG the Àrst king’s mummy in the Eiggest pyramiG.
They founG their way to the lanG of the pyramiGs next
to the 5iver 1ile. The pyramiG was huge anG haG a lion’s
heaG at the entrance. ,t was Gark insiGe the pyramiG.They
askeG the kinG hearteG guarG at the pyramiG aEout the
Àrst king’s mummy. +e GiGn’t know anything aEout the
mummies as the pyramiG was not exploreG. +e knew the
Eig hall with a lot of Goors anG tolG them that he coulG
take them up to the Gark pyramiG.
6ome of the rooms haG Gangerous traps where they
coulG fall in a pit or Ee shot with arrows. They carefully
exploreG. $t the enG of the hall they founG a stone with
strange writing on it. :hen they went closer to look
at it ,sha acciGently toucheG a symEol anG a secret
Goor openeG. %ehinG the Goor they founG a Eeautifully
GecorateG room anG in the center there was the Àrst
king’s mummy. Their mission was successful anG this is
the story of the (gypt 0ission.
– Aaryan Londhe, Isha Jain, Soumya Nair,
Akshara Singh, RheaSanghavi 4 E
– Shreeya Sawant 2 D
'rawing is so colourful
0y hoEEy is really Eeautiful
6o many paints
$nG so many Erushes
Lovely pictures
$nG Gifferent sketches.
– Shravani Bhanuse 2 D
My Mother, My Best Friend
0y mother is always there when ,’m in
6he helps me to Go things.
0y mother helps me to write.
0y mother cooks fooG for me.
0y mother helps me to Go my homework.
6he is always with me.
– Shalmali Mhatre 1 D
This is a garGen.
There are Áowers EirGs anG EutterÁies in
the garGen.
The Áowers are very colourful.
There is a Eig tree. ,t has six fruits.
This is a Eeautiful garGen.
– Apurva Tamhankar 1 E
Nature always gives us so much...
The rivers are Áowing
6inging as they Áow.
&hatting with the trees
*iving water to animals
6taring at the EirGs
)lowing arounG the house
6inging merrily as they Áow
Oh! +ow nice it woulG Ee
,f , was in that house
Looking at the river
:hilst it Áows.
1ature always gives us so much
6ometimes it gives us a mother’s touch.
,t gives us water pure anG gooG
$nG even yummy anG Gelicious fooG.
,t gave us a home to live anG
$nG Goesn’t force us to pay.
,t has pretty fruits anG Áowers
%ut we EuilG tall EuilGing anG
6o let’s give Eack the love anG
That 0other 1ature still has
to share.
Let’s save all animals anG creatures
Let's save our lives’ most important features.
Let us all protest anG stanG
$nG give nature a helping hanG.
,t is Eetter for you anG everyone else
To take a stanG for nature anG not sit on the fence.
– Swarali Auti 4 A
8nGer the hot 6un all Gay
The cattle graze along the way
:ith many lashes of their tail
6Tuatting Áies they never fail
They walk along on hot Gays
:ith no shoes Must ÀelGs of maize.
– Nia Jain 4 E
– Joanna Joyson 5 A
Beautiful Nature
$ frienG is great
+e has the Eest trait.
$ frienG will never leave you alone
(ven if there is a Eig cyclone.
$ frienG will always wish what is
gooG for you
5ememEer that frienG is always true.
$ true frienG will make all your
trouEles go away
$nG Ee with you when your courage starts to sway.
$ true frienG woulG rather Gie
Than ever tell a lie.
)rienGship is the sweetest EonG
,t makes our worlG go rounG.
– Royina Kshirsagar 5 B
Look at the Eeautiful nature
,n our (arth
Yes this is the place
:here you take Eirth.
The wonGerful yellow EirGs
0errily singing
AnG the EalG Erown owl
Always thinking.
The Àshes in the rivers
The swans in the sea
The mammals in the oceans
Always happy anG free.
Nature: God’s Gift
The ones in the sanctuaries
AnG the animals in the zoo
The one who can help them out
,s only you.
1ature is a gift of *oG
%ut we are Must Gestroying the corG.
)rienGs we know that
1ature is left with only some species
6o please take care
'on’t cut it into several pieces.
1ature gives us what we neeG
,t is the only source for us to
The thing it only neeGs is some
6top pollution it is our air.
– Ariha Sheth 5 C
6top cutting trees
To EuilG factories.
)rienGship is a tree that grows higher anG higher
A frienG is one who
6tanGs Ey us through storm anG Àre.
1ature is ravageG anG will soon Ee lost
+ave we ever thought at what cost"
– Shail Wadhwa 5 B
:e can tell our frienG
Our secrets
:e are frienGs
:e will Ee uniteG
,f any one of us Ee EullieG
:e will go anG help.
Nature in its myriad forms
The affectionate trees
*ive us Eountiful Ereeze
The lively morning
Looks at us when we’re yawning.
,f you see the wonGer
Of a frienGship tale
A frienG will help you
(ven if you fail.
The increGiEle EirGs
6inging through the EuGs
The active rivers
Are always the givers.
:e Eelieve in frienGship
To solve all proElems
To play together
To stick together.
The astounGing valley of Áowers
0ake us laugh
The cheerful creatures
+ave great features.
– Ivy Surwade 5 C
– Falak Gala 5 C
klama ek eosaI caIja hO¸
ijasakao pkDkr
. eosaa lagaa¸
jaOsao pkDI
. hmanao duinayaa¸
[saI sao ilaKI ga[- qaI¸
[saIsao ilaKo gayao qao¸
vah hO hvaa¸
jaao JaUma o JaUmakr¸
maTk o maTk kr
vah hO hvaa¸
jaao garma maaOsama maoM¸
Aakr tajaa krtI hO¸
vah hO hvaa¸
saba ko Gar maoM Gausakr
vah hO hvaa¸
ijasako ibanaa hma¸
barKa Aa[-¸ barKa Aa[-¸
kalaookalao baadla Aae
.o]maD. kr naBa pr Cae
ibajalaI camacama camak idKae
DalaoDala hryaalaI Ca[- .
QartI pr KuSahalaI Aa[kaoyala kUkokUk hrYaae
pIhUo pIhU ppIha gaae
maaor naacao naaca lahrae
?tu sauhanaI hO mana Baa[EDU.D$D>EDU.D$D>Ÿ
KotaoM¸ baagaaoM¸ maOdanaaoM maoM¸
QartI sao naalaaoM¸ naidyaaoM maoM¸
garmaI sao tpto laaogaaoM kao¸
maoMZk¸ maaor¸ ppIho¸ kaoyala
purvaa[- ko rqa pr caZkr¸
svasqaomana¸ svasqaosamaaja
Agar hao mana svasqa¸
bauro #yaala na hao mana maoM¸
hr kao[- ijae Saana sao¸
p`oma dyaa Baa[-caara sao¸
mana sao calato laaoga¸
Agar hao mana svasqa¸
haogaa yah samaaja svasqa¸
jalana¸ duSmanaI¸ [-Yyaasaba rho dUr¸
imalaojaula kr rhoM laaoga¸
duSmana ka na kao[- inaSaana¸
Agar hao mana svasqa¸
o gaganadIp kuMDI 10 A
Aagao baZto
. rhnaa hI ijaMdgaI hO
ijaMdgaI ek safr hOM¸
ijaMdgaI jaInao ka karNa hO yah imalana¸
ijaMdgaI hmaoM Aagao baZnao
. ka haOsalaa dotI hO ¸
ijaMdgaI ek daOD, hO¸
jaba ijaMdgaI hmaaro ilae nahIM $ktI¸
hmaoM BaI ijaMdgaI kao pUrI trh sao jaInaa caaihe¸
na ik ijaMdgaI sao Drkr¸ qakkr ijaMdgaI K%ma kr donaI caaihe...
ijaMdgaI ek safr hO
barKa Aa[-
maorI dulaarI hao¸
Apnao sauK osauivaQaa na doKkr¸
maorI [cCa pUrI krkr¸
mauJao Akla kI kccaI samaJatI hao¸
maoro ilae bailadana krtI hao¸
hr kaya-ko ilae sahayata krtI hao¸
maorI dulaarI hao¸
maoro ilae Eama krtI hao¸
oGC<]DVDXUDQDD> mauJao AanaMd idlaatI hao¸
omaRQaunaa baOjaU >
ma@KI ka laalaca
mana maoM Pyaar snaoh kI pukar¸
pyaa-varNa kao saaqa krao ¸
PyaarI oPyaarI QartI maorI¸
Pyaara oPyaara Aasamaana hmaara¸
hma saba baalak [nako¸
QartI dotI ]pjaa} Qana¸
gayaIÊ maIza maIza Sahd ]nhoM baDa
. AcCa
ODJDDŸMDOG,ojaldI ]sao caaTnao lagaIMÊ
jaba tk ]naka poT Bar nahIM gayaa vao
jaba mai@KyaaoM ka poT Bar gayaa AaOr
]nhaoMnao ]Dnaa
. naa sakIM
. caaha¸ tao vao ]D
@yaaoMik ]nako pMK Sahd maMo icapk gae
tajaootajao fla KaAao¸
piScamaI saMskRit ibagaaDtI¸
maanava kI saMskRit¸
AcCa KaopIkr svasqa banaao¸
tba banaogaa svasqaosamaaja¸
maanava hI samaaja hO¸
samaaja hI maanava hO¸
imalaojaula kr rhnaa jaIvana maoM¸
AiBamaanaI pDta
. baMQana maoM¸
imalajaula kr rhnaa jaIvana maoM¸
Pavaar piblak skUla¸ BaaMDup nao [saI tqya kao Qyaana maoM rKto hue Aayaaojana ikyaa
ivanaya saBaI kao vaSa maoM krta¸
sad\gauNa sao jaIvana kao Barta¸
hmaara ATUT ivaSvaasa hO Ca~aoM ko baaOiQdk ivakasa maoM 'AiBavyai@t' p`ityaaoigata
ihndI ivaBaaga
isatmbar¸ 2014
SauBama banaa dota puYkr kao¸
SauBaaSaIYa pata xaNao[D1DPDR0Ÿ
iSaYT janaaoicat kaya- krao tao¸
fOlaogaI saaOrBa janaojana maoM¸
baabaa kuzo Aahot
Aa[-cao gauNagaana KUPa kolao
ibakT p`saMgaI baabaaca sada saaoDvaI
AapNa gaatao f@t Aa[-caI gaaoDvaI Ê
Aa[-kDo AsatIla AEaMUcao paT
tr baabaa mhNajao saMyamaacaa GaaT.
baabaa mhTlaM kI lagaoca Dao@yaat kNaKr ha Sabd yaotao. Garat kaoNatahI icaMtajanak
gaaoYT AsalaI kI baabaaMcyaa dmalaolyaa KaMVavar Daoko zovaUna rDayalaa Aa[- maaokLI Asato.
varvar baabaa Aa[-laa QaIr dotatÊ
AaQaar dotat pNa AatUna par KcaUna
saazvaUna zovatat. caaovaIsa tasa Aa[GaratlaI kamaM krtoÊ Aamacaa AByaasa
GarasaazIÊ maulaaMsaazI iJajat Asatat
%yaacaMkaoNaalaaca kahI naahI.
caukuna kuzo qaaoDM KrcaTlaM
Bayaanak GaDtMÊ kaoNatahI maaoza
maaJaa icamauklaa hat Qa$na malaa
]d\gaarlaa. kuzotrI baabaaMnaa hI gaaoYT laagalaI AsaolaÊ pNa maI kahItrI baaolalao yaa
AanaMdanao baabaaMcao DaoLo Ba$na Aalao kI baakIcaM kahIca %yaaMcyaa laxaat Aalao naahI.
%yaasaaobatca %yaaMnaa yaud\Qaat ksaM laZavaMÊ tlavaar kSaI hataLavaI ho iSakvaNaaro SahajaI
pNa %yaaca ramaasaazI jyaa dSarqaanao Aaplyaa P`aaNaaMcaI AahutI idlaI %yaacaM kaya?
sakaLI maI ]zNyaaAaQaIca baabaa GaratUna baahor pDtat to ra~I Jaaoplyaavar GarI prttat.
ekda sahjaca baabaa yao[-pya-Mt pustk vaacat jaagaI haoto. baabaa Aalyaavar %yaaMnaI malaa
saaoFyaavar paihlaM AaiNa to Qaavat maaJyaapaSaI Aalao AaiNa malaa kuSaIt GaotlaM. maga malaa
]calaUna %yaaMnaI ibaCanyaavar nao}na Jaaopvalao. ra~I baabaa maaJyaa baajaUlaa yao}na JaaoplaoÊ malaa
maaJyaaSaI trI baaolaavaM. sakaLI Aa^fIsaat jaatanaa maI Jaaopot Asatanaa maaJyaa Dao@
yaava$na raoja baabaa hat ifrvatat AaiNa ra~I %yaaca maaqyaavar papa Gaotat.
baabaaMcaM Aist%va lapt AahoÊ to ]GaDkIsa AaNaNyaacaa p`ya%na krIt Aaho. Aa[-var p`oma
ß mastI ß prIxaa ß ima~ maoOi~NaI Qammaala.
Aata maI dhavaIt Aaho. tSaa maaJyaa Anaok SaaLa badlalyaa gaolyaa. BaaMDup pUva-cyaa
yaa SaaLot kolaMÊ saMskaraMcaM raopNa itqaoca sau$ JaalaMAaiNa Aata caaOqaIpasaUna AjaUnapya-Mt maI
caukIcaoo ]%tr KaoDUna
baa[-MnaadaKvalaoÊ pNa
%yaaMnaI maaJaI caaorI
pkDlaI. %yaa idvaSaI
[tka AaorDa imaLalaaÊ
pNa yaanaMtr maa~ AsaM
krayacaI maaJaI kQaIhI
ihMmat JaalaI naahI.
AjaUna ekda caaOqaItca
gaiNatacyaa tasaaba_la
à %yaaca AsaM JaalaM
vahI paihlaI tovha tI na tpasalaolaI pahUna %yaaMnaa vaaTlaMÊ maI saaMigatlaolyaa vaoLot hI vahI
idlaIca navhtI. baa[-MnaI malaa ivacaarlyaanaMtr maI vahI idlyaacaM saaMigatlaM pNa %yaa mhNaalyaa
Aalaa. KrM baaolaUnahI KaoTM zrlyaamauLo maaJaI ASaI fijatI JaalaI haotI.
idlaI haotI. maaJaa AaiNa AinaSacaa Dbaa AgadI saarKaca haotaÊ AaiNa maulaM ekmaokaMcaa
Dbaa na ivacaartahI KayacaI. maI Dbaa Tobalaavar zovaUna hat Qauvaayalaa gaolao. yao}na maaoz\yaa
AaSaonao Dbaa ]GaDlaa AaiNa phato kaya? Dbyaat f@t AQaa- pavaAaiNa ]YTI BaajaI.
ho saaMgaayalaa AinaSahI vagaa-t navhta. Asaa maaJaa caaMgalaaca pcaka Jaalaa.
maaJaa AivasmarNaIya p`saMga AazvaItlaaÊ saatvaI AaiNa AazvaI yaa daonhI vaYaI- Aamhalaa
Acaanak saaMigatlao kI %yaa kayamacyaa puNyaalaa jaaNaar Aahot. ho eokUna Aamhalaa rDNao
Aavarlaoca naahI. AartI ma^mahI far rDlyaa. pNa AamhI zrvalao kI AartIma^masaaobat
maga hsat hsatÊ daTlaolyaa kMzalaa Aavar Gaalat %yaaMnaa Alaivada kolao.
Aata kaoNatIhI sau+I AalaI kI AamhI ima~omaOi~NaI baahor ifrayalaa jaataoÊ isanaomaa
baGatao AaiNa far majaakrtao. AazvaItlaI AaOrMgaabaadcaI sahla AaiNa navavaItlaI
Aaga/ao jayapUrcaI sahla maIcaukUnahI ivasa$ Sakt naahI. KrMcaÊ ho idvasa prt kQaIhI
yaoNaar naahIt.sagaLo Aaplyaa ivaSvaat AsatIla. Aata ho SaovaTcaocavaYa- AaiNa maga SaaLa
paihjao AsalaI trI prt kQaIca AapNa lahana hao}na prt yao} SakNaar naahI. %yaamauLo
yaapuZo jaovaZo idvasa maI SaaLot AahoÊ tovaZo idvasa AanaMdat Gaalavaayacao ho inaiScat kolao
AgaM maaJaI SaaLa
malaa laagalaa Aaho tuJaa laLa Ê
tulaa saaoDUna jaayacyaa klpnaonao
rDU yaoto GaLaGaLa.
maaozo Jaalyaavar AazvatIla ho idvasa
ho idvasa prt imaLavaot mhNaUna KrMca krona maI navasa
malaa Ka~I Aaho kI maaozo Jaalyaavar
maI mhNaona kI Ê
lahanapNa doga dovaa
karNa prt SaaLocaa AnauBava Gaota yaavaa.
savaa-Mnaaca Aaplaosao krNaarI sauhasa iSarvaLkr yaaMcaI hI duinayaadarI Aaho. puNyaatIla
ka^laojamaQaIla GaTnaaÊ p`saMgaÊ vya@tIÊ kadMbarIcyaa koMd`sqaanaI
Asalyaa trIÊ ho naaTya doSaatIla kaoNa%yaahI ka^laojamaQyao
GaDU SaktMÊ yaacaI Ka~I pTto. kalpinak AaiNa sa%yaacaI
Ap`itma sarimasaL AsalaolaM ho kqaanak. kaoNa%yaahI
ka^laojamaQyaoÊ kaoNa%yaahI GaratÊ kaoNacyaahI AvatI BavatI
*D'1DDU, K, NTDD $DKR PD2a,¡ 6DaXYD¡ $DQD0G¡ GX˜.¡
o?tujaa Baaosalao 10 A hovaodavaoÊ ma%sar ASaa Anaok BaavanaaMcaa yaoqao kllaaoL Aaho.
daona ipZyaaÊ AaiNa %yaamaQaIla naatosaMbaMQaÊ Baavainak
maI sau+It maaJyaa gaavaatlyaa GarI gaolao haoto. Aamacao Gar kaOlaa$ AaiNa KUp maaozo rahavaM ASaI p`vaahI AaiNa t$Na tajaI ibanaQaast BaaYaa
jaNaUkahI caaOsaaopIvaaDaca mhNaa Aamacao Gar caarI baajaUMnaI ivaivaQa vaRxaaMnaI vaoZlao Aaho.%yaaMcaI ha kadMbarIcaa Aa%maa Aaho. mhNaUnaca kaoNa%yaahI xaNaI
GanadaT saavalaI Garavar pDlyaanao AgadI eona ]nhaL\yaat qaMDgaar vaaTt haoto. e.saI. @]DYD0$DL1DGXLQD\DDGDU,F\DD\DDN\DDYDUMDD`QDEDVDDYD0‰
ikMvaa pMKa kSaacaIhI toqaogarja navhtI. SaaMt vaatavarNaat JaaDaMcaI saLsaL eokU yaot tumacaIÊ maaJaIÊ Aaplyaa ima~aMcaI GaraGaratUna ina%ya GaDt
haotI. Balyaa phaTo pxyaaMcaI iklaibala eokUna JaaDo jaagaI JaalyaacaI jaaNaIva haot haotI. AsaNaarI mhNaUnacaÊ jaaopya-Mt daostIoyaarIÊ duYmanaIÊ AanaMdÊ
sakaL saMQyaakaLsaara pirsar saugaMQaanao drvaLt haota AaiNa AnaokaMnaa yaa JaaDaMnaa pahUna GX˜.¡SCRPDoPDVDU\DD%DDYDQDDPDDQDYD,PDQDDW$QD0W$DKRW™
jaaopya-Mt daona ipZ\yaaMmaQyao maanaisak AMtr AahoÊ tao pya-Mt hI kalpinakÊ prMtu p`aitinaiQak
AKMD saaqasaMgat idlyaacaI jaaNaIva haoto.
]pkar krNyaasaazIca vaRxa Asatat. vaRxa naYT Jaalao tr ]nhat vaaTsa$MnaaÊ piqakaMnaa
saavalaI imaLNaar naahI. qaklaolyaa PaaKraMnaa ivasaavaa imaLNaar naahI. to GarTIkuzo
baaMQaNaar? qaklaolaa caaMdaobaa inaMbaaoNaIcyaa JaaDamaagao ivasaavaa Gaotao. %yaalaa ivasaavyaacao
kivata ilaihtanaa
izkaNa imaLNaar naahI. maakDo ]Dyaa maa$ SakNaar naahI. inasagaa-var kivata krNaaro vaajalaI GaMTa Aalaa marazIcaa tasa
kvaI saud\Qaa janmaNaar naahI.
mha~o ma^DmanaI vaacaUna daKvalaI kivata Aamhasa
vaRxa naYT Jaalao tr pa}sa pDNaar naahI AaiNajar pa}sa pDNaar naahI tr lahana saaMigatlaI Aamhalaa ilahayalaa kivata ek
maulaaMnaa pavasaacaa AanaMd Gaota yaoNaar naahI. palavaIÊ fulaoÊ fLo imaLNaar naahIt. ilaihtanaa manaat ivacaar Aalao Anaok
vaRxa naYT JaalaoÊ tr jaIvanaatIla
pNa malaa maa~ yaatlao kahIca saucat navhto
ihrvaopNaahrvaUna jaa[-la. vaRxa
maaNasaalaa datR%va
ivacaar krta krta malaa kLUna cauklao
maaNasaalaa saaMgatat tuJyaajavaL jao
yaa ivacaaravar maI kivata ilahU laagalao
ilaihta ilaihta maaJyaa kivatolaa pMK fuTU laagalao
do. vaRxa naYT Jaalao tr ha datR%vaacaa
magaÊ maaJao ivacaar DaoMgaraplaIkDo gaolao
gauNaca hrvaUna jaa[-la. %yaamauLo iva.
baGata baGata maI ilaihtca gaolao
da.krMidkraMcyaakivatotIla puZIla
Acaanak SaaLocaI GaMTa vaajalaI
AaoLI Aazvatat.
Gaota Gaota ek idvasa
Saalaoya jaIvana
vaRxaaMvar Anaok AaGaat haotat. %yaaMnaa }naÊ Paa}sa yaaMcaa maara sahna kravaa laagatao.
pNa to sava- sahna krtat. to Aaplyaa payaaKalaI Asalaolyaa maatIlaa GaT\T Qa$na ODKDQDS1D,M\DDVDYD\D,¡W´KD¡ DQDSCD3WNUWDR\DDFDDFD@S\DDRJDPDDR]R-DDO\DDYDUNUWDR
zovatat. karNa %yaa maatIvar yaaMcaI inaYza Asato. Asao hovaRxa maaNasaaMcao gau$ AahotÊ lahanapNaI Aaplyaalaa caaMgalaI iSast laagaNaoÊ AavaSyak ivad\yaa imaLNaoÊ ho KUp garjaoca
maaga-dSa-k AahotÊ ima~ Aahot AaiNa Aaplyaa palakaMsaarKo Aahot. vaRxa naYT Jaalao tr $DKR™NDU1D\DDFDDSLU1DDPD\DDPDD1DVDDF\DDYD5W,YDLYDFDDUD0YDUKDRWDRM\DDPDX/RWDRFDD0JDODD
manauYya Aaho kI naahI ho isad\Qa haoto. yaa pirvat-naalaa sagaLyaat karNaIBaUt Asato tI
vaRxa laavaaÊ vaRxa jagavaa. jyaamauLo puZIla ipZ\yaaMnaa caaMgalaI fLÊ fulao KaNyaasa 6DD/D 6DD/RW $DSO\DDODD LYDG?\DD LPD/WR¡ $DS1D MD,YDQDDW NVDR MDJDD\DFDR¡ GXVD´\DD06D,
imaLtIla. %yaaMnaa Saud\Qa hvaa imaLola. Aa^i@sajanacaI vaaZ hao}na QarNaIcao tapmaana ksao vaagaayacao ho kLtoÊ qaaoD@yaat SaaLot maulao baahorcyaa jagaalaa saamaaorI jaaNyaasa tyaar
inayaM~Naat rahIla. pa}sa vaoLovar pDola. Saotat KUp caaMgalao Qaanya ipkola.
kvaI AnaMt Baavao yaaMcaI ek kivata Aazvato.
va [tr maulaaomaulaIMSaIAaplaI maO~I jauLto. hI maO~I AayauYyaBar smarNaat rahto. SaaLot
ek JaaD laavaU ima~a %yaalaa paNaI GaalaU
ima~omaOi~NaIMiSavaaya majaa ksalaI? tI mastIÊ gaPpaÊ KoL va %yaaMcyaasaaobat Gaalavalaolaa tao
maaozo Jaalyaavar %yaacyaa saavalaIt KoLU
ek JaaD laavaU ima~a %yaalaa kuMpNa k$
maaozo Jaalyaavar fulao AaoMjaLIt Ba$
Saalaoya jaIvanaat Aaplyaa vayaap`maaNao vaogavaogaLo TPpo Asatat. AapNa baalavaaDIt
ek JaaD laavaU ima~a %yaacaI inagaa raKU
Asatanaa Aaplyaalaa kahIca samajat nasatoÊ Aaplyaa AajaubaajaUlaa AaplyaasaarKIca
maaozo Jaalyaavar %yaacaI gaaoD fLo caaKU
rDNaarIÊ ]DyaamaarNaarI maulao Aaplyaalaa idsatat. AapNa kahI Aaplyaa manaanao ikMvaa
ek JaaD laavaUima~a %yaalaa raoja pahU
samajaUtInao krt naahI. iSaxak saaMgatIla tsao krtao. pihlyaaMda ponsaIla hatat Gao}na
%yaacaI gaaNaI gaat gaat maaozo maaozo hao}.
AxarM igarbaTvatao. iktI AanaMd Jaalaa Asaola Aaplyaa Aa[-o vaiDlaaMnaa jaovha AapNa
o eoSvayaa- baagala 10 ba pihlyaaMda Aaplao naava ilaihlao Asaola. lahanapNaI na@kI kaya GaDlaM to kuNaalaaca Aazvat
naahI pNa manaap`maaNao %yaacaa ivacaar k$na AanaMd imaLtao. jasao jasao AapNa maaozo haot jaatao
%yaa badlatatÊ Aaplao vyai@t%va badlatoÊ Aaplao ivacaar badlatat. sahavaIosaatvaIpya-Mt
AapNa Aaplyaa AByaasaavarÊ Aaplyaa KoLaMvar laxa dotao. yaa vaoLatca AapNa Aaplyaa
kahI navaIna gauNaaMcaa SaaoQa laavatao. AaplaI SaaLa yaa gauNaaMnaa puZo AaNaNyaasa madt krto
va Aaplyaalaa %yaat p`gatI krNyaasa madt krto p`saMgaI Aaplyaasa maaga-dSa-nahI krto.
AazvaIpasaUna maulao ikSaaorvayaIna haotat. magasau$haotao KoL manaacaa. yaa vayaamaQyao Aaplyaa
manaavar pirNaama haotao. maulaMomaulaIMmaQaIla AakYa-Na vaaZtoÊ maulao Aaplyaa saaOMdyaa-var jaast
laxa dotat. hI vaoL maulaaMcyaa AayauYyaat savaa-t KDtr Asato. Aaplao iSaxak AaiNa
zovatat. pNa ho caukIcao naahI. AapNa maaozo hao}na kaya krNaarÊ Aaplao jaIvanaatIla
Qyaoya AapNa yaaca vaoLIzrvatao. va$na yaa [Mid`yap`vat-k AaMtrBaavaaMcaa pirNaama mhNajao
tI ekmaokaMmaQyao jaast gauMttat ho naOsaiga-k AahoÊ yaalaa kahI ADvaNaUk naahI. pNa eka
mayaa-docyaa puZo gaolyaanaMtr yaacaa vaa[-T pirNaamahI haotao. AByaasa naahIÊ maga Aa[-obaabaa
vaOtagatatÊ vaa[-T vaaTtoÊ ekTopNaa yaotaoÊ [%yaadI. ho p`%yaok maulaacyaa AayauYyaat haoto.
pNa Aaplao iSaxak naohmaI Aaplyaa paizSaI ]Bao rahUna AaplaI yaa saMkTatUna sauTka
krtat. Aaplao iSaxak Aaplyaa Aa[-ovaiDlaaMsaarKo Asatat AaiNa Aaplao ima~ Baa}o
JaalaI kI %yaalaa kahI pazo ifrvaNaI naahI AaiNa %yaacao pirNaamahI Aaplyaalaa Baaogaavao
inaragasa lahana maulaaMcaI maaozI jabaabadar maaNasao haotao. Aaplao&anaÊ iSaxaNaAapNa jasao
maaNaUsa Aahaot ho sagaLo Aaplyaa SaaLovar AvalaMbaUna Asato. maaozyaa maaNasaaMnaa naohmaI
vaaTtoAapNa lahana hao}na SaaLot jaavao pNa ho Sa@ya naahI. sagaLyaaMnaaca Aaplao Saalaoya
mhNaayalaa saMQaIca imaLt naahI. karNa maagacyaa kahI idvasaat pavasaanao QaUma zaoklaI
Aaho. AamhI pavasaacaI Aaturtonao vaaT Paaht Aahaot. Paa}saAalaa naahI tr jagaayacao
yaa gaaoYTIcaa AapNa gaaMBaIyaa-nao ivacaar kolaa paihjao. karNa pa}sa pDt naahI ikMvaa
kmaI pDtao yaalaa maaNaUsaca pUNa-pNao jabaabadar
jaMgala ]Bao kolao Aaho. maatIcao rsto jaa}na
DaMbarIkrNa JaalaoÊ Flaovar baa^@sa basavalao Aahot.
krt Aahaot. yaasavaa-mauLo jaimanaIcaI QaUp haot
Aaho. jaimanaIt paNaI maurt naahI. nadIÊ JaroÊ
ivaihrI yaaMnaa paNaI paohcat naahI. vaRxataoDImauLo
pSauÊ pxaI yaaMnaa inavaara imaLt naahI. ho p`aNaI
jaMgala saaoDUna Sahrat yaotat va maaNasaaMcaI iSakar krtat. AapNa inasagaa-cyaa iva$d\Qa
idSaonao gaolaao tr sagaLIkDo duYkaL pDola. pSauopxaI paNyaaiSavaayamartIla. poT/aolap`maaNao
paNaIhI ivakt Gyaavao laagaola. paNyaasaazI BaaMDNaoo maaramaarI hao[-la. kahIvaoLa p`aNahI
gamavaavao laagatIla. raogara[- vaaZola va SaarIirk vyaaQaI vaaZtIla. gaavaagaavaaMmaQyao T^Mkrnao
pahtanaa eka gaavaat jaovha paNyaacaa T^Mkr Aalaa tovha T^Mkrcyaa TayarKalaI eka lahana
maulaacaa maR%yaU Jaalaa ho daKvalaogaolao. ha p`saMga eka gaavaat GaDlaa prMtu pa}sa pDlaa naahI
tr Asao p`saMga naohmaIca GaDtIla. sagaLIkDo ]pasamaarhI hao[-la.
paNyaacaa saaza kravaa. p`%yaokanao ek navaIna JaaD laavaavao. yaamauLo pyaa-varNaaMcaa samataola
rahIla va sagaLIkDo AanaMdacao vaatavarNa hao[-la.
maaJaI Aa[maaJaI Aa[-Ê maaJaI Aa[sakaLcaI Asato itcaI raojacaIca Gaa[VDND/FDDQDD<7D¡GXSDUFDD'EDDUDRMDSCRPDDQDRN QDGR>
'Saa^T- iTifna'Ê 'laa^Mga iTifna' banavata banavata itcaa vaoL
Baur-kna inaGaUna jaa[-.
'saMDolaa' Asatao 'saMDospoSala' duparcao icakna ra~Icao maTna
fmaa-[-Sa purI krtanaa itcaI dmaCak hao[-`
duKt AsaU do DaokM¸ ikMvaa barI nasaU do tbyaot
maaJaI kaLjaI AaiNa maaJao Aaraogya yaatca itcao KUp kahI.
ASaI Aaho maaJaI Aa[jagaat dusarI ASaI kaoNaI naahI
maaJaI Aa[- maaJaI Aa[-.
samaRQdI jaaQava
baalapNaIcaa kaL sauKacaa
ho gaaNao roiDAaovar caalaU haoto AaiNa malaa maaJao baalapNa Aazvalao. Aata to baalapNa
Gyaayalaa sava-jaNa t%pr Asatat. saarM Gardar jaNaUkahI AaplyaaBaaovatIca for Qa$na
naacat AsatM. evaZMca kaya trÊ yaoNaaro pahuNaoÊ naatovaa[-kÊ SaojaarI opajaarIsauQda BarpUr
laaD krtatÊ kaOtuk krtat. %yaaMcyaakDUna kaOtuk k$na Gyaayacaa Aaplyaalaa h@kca
Aaho AsaM Aaplyaa baalamanaalaa
maaJao baalapNahI Asaoca sauMdr
sakaLcao na} saaDona} vaajaopya-Mt
AMqa$Naat laaoLt rhayacao AaiNa
jaovha Aa[- AgadI gaaoD o gaaoD
Sabdat mhNaayacaIÊ "saaonyaaÊ ]z
Aata"Ê tovha kuzo AMqa$Na sauTo.
AaMGaaoLIsaazIsauQda laaD kravao laagaayacao. naMtr AajaIcaI gaaoYT eokt eokt ica}ka}
cao Gaasa BarvaUna Gyaayacao. tohI ksao tr GarBar ihMDt oLK0'W‰QD0WU$DMD,FDRLN0YDD$D>
cao baaoT Qa$na pazIlaa dPtr ADkvaUna AamacaI svaarI baalakmaMidrat jaayalaa inaGao. %yaa
dPtrat pustkaMpoxaa Ka}cyaa Dbyaacao vajana AiQak Asaayacao SaaLa mhNajaosauQda majjaaca
Garca vaaTo. SaaLa sauTlaI kI Aa[-cao baaoT pkDUna GarI jaayacao. saMQyaakaLI baabaaMbaraobar
ifrayalaa jaayacao. baagaot KoLUna kMTaLa Aalaa kI maga o caNao SaoMgadaNao Kat GarI
jaayacao. ra~I prtÊ 'ek Gaasa ica}caaÊ ek Gaasa ka}caa' krt AajaIkDUna laaDanaI
BarvaUna GyaayacaoÊ AaiNa ica} o ka} GarI gaolao kI maga AajaIcyaa kuSaIt gaaoYTI eokt
JaaopI jaayacao.
maaJaI maa~ ekca [cCa haotI kI AapNa lavakr o lavakr maaozM vhavaMÊ dadasaarKM ekTM
ima~ o maOi~NaIMbaraobar ifrayalaa jaavaMÊ Ka}saazI naohmaI pOsao maagaayalaa laagaU nayaot vagaOro
iktItrI gaaoYTI manaat yaayacyaa. Aa[-cao AaiNa AajaIcao ]pdoSaacao Daosa eokUna kMTaLa
roiDAaovar gaaNao badlalao saurhI badlalao haoto. Apiricat saUr kanaavar pDt haoto.
'jaga ho baMdISaaLa . . . . . .'
oAamaaod saavaMt $
AakaSaat Aalao iktI
kaLo kaLo Zga
yaonaa baahor lavakr Aa[- baGa var baGa
vaIja kSaI maQaUnaca jaato saNaaNaUna
palaa pacaaoL\yaanao gaolao AaBaaL Ba$na
TpTp TpTp Aalao Aa[- qaoMba ho va$na
iBajaU mast pavasaat gaaola gaaola if$na
yaonaa Aa[- lagaoca baahor kama do saaoDUna
pxaI Asatat rMgaIbaorMgaI
AakaSaat ]Dtat to naohmaI
Asatat kQaI maaozo tr CaoTo
Asatat AdRSya Asao malaa vaaTo
karNa naohmaI rahtat %yaaMcaa
GarTyaat AaiNa pUNa- ra~ JaaopUna
rahtat Aat
AaiNa maga laaok %yaacyaa ica~acaI p`SaMsaa krtat %yaaca p`maaNao Aa[- Aaplyaa maulaalaa
vaLNa do}na %yaalaa caaMgalao saMskar do}na [tko sauroK banavato kI eko idvaSaI laaok
maulaalaa saaonyaapoxaa jaast maUlya doto AaiNa %yaalaa eKaVa laa^krcyaa caavaIsaarKo japUna
trI rMgaibarMgaI fulaaMiSavaaya to sauMdr idsat naahI tsaoca e#aaVa maulaacao Aa[-iSavaaya jagaNao
'svaamaI itnhI jagaacaa Aa[- ivanaa iBakarI' yaa AaoLIcaa Aqa- kI eKaVa maaNasaakDo
hMba$na vaasaralao caaTI javaa gaaya¸
AakaSaat ]Dt Asatat
saMQyaakaL Jaalyaabaraobar GarT\yaat yaot Asatat
va ipllaaMnaa Ka} Gaalat Asatat
maO~INa maaJaI Aaho caaMgalaIÊ
Aaho gaaoD Ana AByaasa krNaarIÊ
sagaLo doto sagaLo GaotoÊ
Aaho KUp huSaar.
"gaolaot to kuzo"
gaayaba Jaalaot to najaro samaao$na
baaolaayacao raihlao AQaUna maQaUna
haotot maaJyaa ima~asaarKo¸ jarI iktI maaozo
AajaaobaaMcaI raihlaI saaMgaayacaI AQaI- gaaoYT
baaolaU maI %yaacyaaSaI ksaa¸ vaap$ kuzcao paoYT
haotot maaJyaa ima~asaarKo¸ jarI iktI maaozo
malaa saaMgato malaa samajavatoÊ
p`Sna jao yaot naahI malaaÊ
pLto KUp jaaorat jaaoratÊ
AajaI tU krNaar haotIsa¸ saavarIcaI }SaI
pNa malaa AavaDayacaI AajaI tuJaIca kuSaI
haotot maaJyaa ima~asaarKo jarI iktI maaozo
KoLayalaa yaoto far majaaÊ
yaoto Aamhalaa far majaaÊ
maO~INa maaJaI Aaho caaMgalaIÊ
Aaho gaaoD Ana AByaasa krNaarI.
Aajaaobaa Gao}na jaayacao baagaot KoLayalaa malaa
oVDPD54G,LQD0EDDODNUED AajaI saud\Qaa VayacaI caa^klaoT itqao Kayalaa malaa
maga AamhI itGao basaUna¸ Kayacaao BajaI PlaoT
Aata f@t AazvaNaIt raihlaIya tI baaga tI PlaoT AaiNa caa^klaoT
daoGaohI haotot maaJyaa ima~asaarKo jarI iktI maaozo
Ganit Pradnya Exam, 2014 conducted by Ganit
Adhyapak Pratishthan, Mumbai.
Sr. Student's Name Std/Div.
-ill TapaGia
3riya 0ahanta
6huEham 5athoG
Cover Page (Fashion Designing) Competition
conducted by Jamnabai Narsee Alumni Association
(Cascade 22)
G.K.Olympiad 2013-14 conducted by Knowledge Hours.
Create, Collaborate and Perform Competition
conducted by the British Council
Sr. Student's Name
National Topper
Sr. Student's Name Std/Div.
.imaya Akerkar
6hreya 6hetty
Ayushi 3anchal
Sr. Student's Name
&ash 3rize 5s. 0emento
Maharashtra Olympiad Movement, 2014 conducted
by Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited,
Maharashtra Olympiad State Scholar
Sr. Student's Name Std/Div.
6oham AmEre
st in 'istrict anG
6tate Level
Maharashtra Talent Search Examination, 2014
conducted by Modern Education Society's Centre
For Talent Search And Excellence, Pune.
6r. 6tuGent's 1ame
AEhishek Acharya
'istrict Level Rank .ushank 6hetty
6pecial 3rize
3ranav 0hatre
'istrict Level Rank Rakshit 6hetty
6pecial 3rize
6pecial 3rize
6ahil 'uEey
Rhea 0ane
8/ A
9eGanti .shirsagar
8/ A
.etaki .elaskar
8/ A
Sr. Student's Name
3ushkar Raut
/ A
%est 6peaker
Elocution Competition conducted by Rotary Club
of Mulund Hills
Sr. Student's Name
.artik 6hah
8/ (
Miss. Shruti Jha from 7D has been conferred the
'Enerji Champion' title by Tata Power under the
Club Enerji Programme
Mumbai Game Jam Titans organised by Mindbox
Sr. Student's Name
AGitya 6hankar
/ &
9eGant 6atav
/ '
Yash 1agGa
/ '
Aakansh .othari
/ (
Maths Talent Search Exam, 2014 conducted by
Indian Institute for Studies.
Sr. Student's Name
Tanishka 6awant
/ A
3riyanshi *olatkar
/ A
9aishnavi 6hetye
/ A
6anika %asankar
/ A
Arya .amEle
/ %
&heTue of Rs. 9arun 6ankpal
/ %
Maths Concept Exam- 2014 conducted by Brihan
Mumbai Ganit Adhyapak Mandal
6ahil &havan
/ %
6tuGent's 1ame
0anomay .umEhat
/ &
1iel &hetankumar
/ &
9aiGehi 6iGGha
&heTue of Rs. 6oham AmEre
Runners up
Folk Dance Competition organised by Lion's Club
/ (
Rakshit 6hetty
Debate Competition conducted by Birla School,
6tuGent's 1ame
Vocal & Choral Singing
Mast. Subarno Nathroy of class 7C has secured
a place among the top 10 Brilliant Children of
India for his academic achievements and has been
conferred the title of 'ALLEN CHAMP, 2014' by the
Allen Career Institute, Kota, Rajasthan.
0arks *raGe
.rish 0ehta
0eet 6orathia
/ '
6oham AmEre
-inay *ala
/ '
6reeviGya 0oorthy
6ameer 6haikh
/ '
Mumbai Suburb DSO Handball U-17 tournament
held at Sai Sports Complex, Kandivali.
Sr. Student's Name
6hreyas .otian
.artik -ana
0ayur 0ane
Atharva .ulkarni
.ashif .han
6hlok .aGav
'hruv 3anchal
6riMan 6hetty
Runner 8p
RaM .hismatrao
.ushank 6hetty
RishaE 6aMin
Ansh 6hah
'heeraM -ain
6iGGhant LoGhaya
Rohan 6uryagan
Aakash 0aurya
0iit -oshi
Arohi Dabholkar of Grade 5 bagged the 7th place in
the U - 11 Maharashtra State Chess tournament
held at Nashik in June 2014.
ANURAAG- the Festival of Love' organised by
Shishuvan School, in association with Lions Club,
Sr. Student's Name
Group Dance
Anushka .hanGelwal
/ %
Yukta Rane
/ %
Anokhee *amre
/ &
.ritee Rai
/ &
.rishita 6hetty
/ A
Colour Outside the Lines
Ritika 6hetty
/ &
6wara 1aik
/ A
Photography - Capture the
-eet .hagram
/ A
Group Singing- Voice of the
-oanna -oyson
/ A
1iGhi .aramEelkar
/ A
9aishnavi %orulkar
/ %
6hravani .elaskar
/ &
/ &
3ranMay Yelkotwar
9aishnavi 'alvi
/ (
Arnav RaMeshirke
/ %
6anika %asankar
/ A
.evin -oseph
/ &
Aryan .arkera
/ &
'Funtimes' contest organised by Funtimes Magazine
Sr. Student's Name
Aryan 6awant
/ &
Mrs. Radhika Padmanabhan has been awarded the
“Best Mentor of the Year 2014” by Tata Power under
the Club Enerji Programme, Mumbai.
Mrs. Anjali Sashittal has been conferred with the
“Drona Award” by Allen Career Institute, Kota,
Rajasthan .
Dr. Kumud Bansal's Award
Best Teacher Award
Name of the staff
3re3rimary 6ection
0rs. 1ipa &howGhury
3rimary 6ection
0rs. -isha 3raEhash
6econGary 6ection
0rs. .awalMeetkaur %harGwaM
0rs. 3urnima 3raGhan
Best Admin Personnel
0rs. 0anisha 6helar
0r. 6achin 'uEey
Anjaneyan Prakasan of Grade 4 won the bronze
medal in the 50 and 100 m run at the 13th AISM
ICSE/ISC Interschool Athletic Championship 2014.
Handball Team will represent Mumbai Division at
state level, Wardha.
Sr. Student's Name
%havya 'eGhia
9anGit Thosani
9arun -ain
+arshit 9ora
Akash *haGigaonkar
Atharva 3alshetkar
:inner at
6hoEhit 6hetty
)anil -ain
,ssas %iMu
Tanay 9eera
6mit 'eGhia
6iGGhesh 6awant
-ainik 6hah
1inaG %angera
0eet +iren
*aurav -ain
“International School Award 2014” by the British
“ School Of The Year Award 2013” by the Silverzone
Educational Excellence, Delhi.
“Best School of theYear 2014” by Tata Power under
the Club Enerji Programme, Mumbai.
PPS ranking in India according to a survey conducted
by Education World
Best Co-ed Day Schools
Parameters of Excellence (India's Top 10 Day
Academic Reputation
CISCE Top 100 (ICSE Class X)
English +Best 4 Subjects
No. of Students
Average %
We deeply mourn the sad demise of
Ms. Dhriti Popat (6E)
who left for her heavenly abode on
4th October, 2014.
Those we Love
don‘t go away,
They walk beside
us every day.
Unseen, unheard
but always near,
So loved, so missed,
so very dear.
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Editorial Advisor
Editorial Team – Teachers