Starbucks - The China Education Project

 Starbucks Coffee Company – The China Educa9on Project
To strengthen its philanthropic and social commitment to China, Sandra Taylor created a new program for the Starbucks Founda<on, pledging $5 million in 2005 to establish the Starbucks China Educa<on Project (CEP). The program was a cornerstone of Starbucks' strategic corporate social responsibility plaHorm in China. At the core of CEP is a partnership with the China Soong Ching Ling Founda<on (CSCLF), which has brought forth The Rural Teacher Training Program. Established in 2006, this training program was created to reach teachers in rural areas, many of whom had liMle or no formal training before this program, and were responsible for teaching students of vastly different grade and ap<tude levels in a single classroom. Training focuses on helping teachers work with new curriculums, improve teaching methods and skills, and learn to use local resources in small-­‐scale research projects with students. Between 2005 and 2008, the inaugural grant to the China Soong Ching Ling Founda<on supported training for nearly 2,000 teachers in rural communi<es, provided scholarships to 600 teaching college students and created or improved libraries for 75 schools in remote regions.
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Washington, D.C. 20037 | Tel: 202-­‐507-­‐5775 