What is the ISPRS Founda on? Send Contribu on to: The ISPRS Founda on is an independently registered philanthropic en ty that has been established SOLELY for providing financial assistance to advance the benevolent purposes of the Interna onal Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), an interna onal, non-profit, non-governmental organiza on (NGO) composed of more than 181 socie es and organiza ons from more than 120 countries. The Founda on is designed to provide a variety of grants annually and is enabled to foster linked rela onships with other founda ons and trusts established in the ISPRS Member countries and regions. The ISPRS Founda on promotes sustained interna onal sharing for the common good of the sciences, technologies and disciplines represented by the ISPRS. The Founda on is required to spend less than 2% of donated funds for its administra ve costs. At least 98% of every dona on goes to grantees! The ISPRS FoundaƟon Prof. Dr. Marguerite Madden Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Science (CRMS) Department of Geography University of Georgia 210 Field Street Athens, GA 30602 USA What is the rela onship of the Founda on to ISPRS? The ISPRS Council annually assesses needs and submits requests for support to The ISPRS Founda on. Based on availability of funds, The Founda on Trustees qualify the merits of the requests and are the approval authority. Mul na onal commi ees (no more than two commi ee members may be of the same na onality) support the Trustees in evalua ng the requests. Email Inquiries & Pledges to: The ISPRS FoundaƟon Requests Your Support Assistance to the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and SpaƟal InformaƟon Sciences www.isprs.org/foundaƟon/donaƟons/ foundaƟon@isprs.org The ISPRS Founda on welcomes offers by organiza ons and companies to: The ISPRS Founda on create an interna onal Award host a Scholarship, Fellowship, Internship, or Exchange program support an ISPRS event contribute in-kind services, tools, licenses, literature, etc. for fund rasing events. Please email founda on@isprs.org us with your offer. Did you know? As a UN approved NGO, the ISPRS represents the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spa al informa on sciences and is the voice of the profession in the interna onal arena. We need YOUR dona on! www.isprs.org Ac vi es of the ISPRS Founda on Who Can Contribute? Why Should I Contribute? The ISPRS Founda on provides tangible support for the objecves of the IISPRS. The ISPRS is devoted to the development of interna onal coopera on for the advancement of knowledge, research, development, educa on and training in the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spa al informa on sciences, their integra on and applica ons, to contribute to the wellbeing of humanity and the sustainability of the environment. Contribu ons are invited from individuals, businesses and organiza ons around the world who want to support Founda on goals and programs. The financial assistance provided by The ISPRS Founda on will make an important contribu on to enabling recipients to be er develop their exper se in the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spa al informa on sciences. You are strongly urged to give generously to this worthy cause. To fulfill its aim, The ISPRS Founda on raises, invests and grants funds to provide assistance to qualified individuals and organiza ons around the world. Contribu ons may be made in cash or may be provided as endowments, bequests, trusts, covenants, gi s, legacies, stocks, income producing property or in-kind contribu ons such as hardware, so ware or literature. Donors may choose to make either a Restricted or an Unrestricted (General) contribu on. The simplest method is to fill in the a ached pledge card (or website pledge) specifying your contribu on amount, type, goals and preferred method of payment. A signed receipt for you and/or your tax authori es will be promptly returned when each payment is received. The ISPRS Founda on programs benefit the interna onal community by enabling improved educa on, training and tools to be shared with the less priviledged, especially those in emerging markets and regions. In addi on to recognizing and rewarding outstanding candidates and achievements, The Founda on promotes and facilitates interna onal coopera on and collabora on by suppor ng research ini a ves for advancing the capabili es and beneficial applica ons of the sciences, technologies and disciplines of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spa al informa on sciences. Dona ons to The ISPRS Founda on o en qualify for charitable tax deduc on or tax relief. Please consult with your acccountant or tax advisor. The Founda on is established as a non-stock, not-for-profit, scien fic and educa onal founda on {US Code 501(c)(3)}. How Can I Contribute? General cash contribu ons may be made by check or money order payable to The ISPRS Founda on mailed to either: The ISPRS FoundaƟon Prof. Dr. Marguerite Madden Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Science (CRMS) Department of Geography University of Georgia 210 Field Street Athens, GA 30602 USA To make another type of contribu on, please prepare and mail (or email founda on@isprs.org) a descrip on of the terms you have in mind for your dona on, iden fying how it furthers the goals of The Founda on. The Founda on Trustees will review your proposal to assure its condi ons are feasible and send you a prompt reply. Founda on Trustees Trustees are appointed by the ISPRS Council and ra fied by the ISPRS General Assembly. The Board of Trustees consists of 11 members who are eminent in the profession and reflect the interna onal character and diversity of the Society and its membership. Only two of the Trustees may be members of ISPRS Council. The Trustees are responsible for the investment, management and approval for grants of Founda on funds. Trustees do not receive any salary or other compensa on for their services. The Founda on Trustees shall review each proposed restricted dona on and any terms specified by the donor to ensure the dona on will legi mately and substan ally enhance the charitable programs of The Founda on and that any condi ons associated with the dona on can be met. Further Informa on Visit The Founda on website www.isprs.org/founda on/ where informa on such as ac vi es, bylaws, Trustees, opera ng procedures, donor and grantee lists, FAQs, etc. are maintained. Or contact us by Email : foundaƟon@isprs.org