REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project P-1184 June 13, 2014 This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being issued in order to select a qualified Firm to provide design and implementation services for the Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project with an anticipated expenditure not-to-exceed $25,000. Responses to this RFP from firms interested in providing these services will be received until close of business (4:30 P.M.) on Friday, June 27, 2012. Questions regarding this RFP shall be directed to Fran Mackovjak by calling (216) 881-6600 or at The RFP is organized as follows: SECTION I. SECTION II. SECTION III. SECTION IV. GENERAL INFORMATION OVERVIEW OF SCOPE OF SERVICES EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS PROPOSAL FORMAT AND REQUIRED INFORMATION Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project List of Attachments The following attachments are included in this RFP: Attachment A Attachment B Attachment D Task, Hour Summary Form Cost Summary Form NEORSD Standard Clauses for Professional Services Agreements Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014 -1- SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION Background Information To assist vendors with the development of their information packets, The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (“District”) has provided the following background information: The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio created and operating under Chapter 6119 of the Ohio Revised Code. Originally named Cleveland Regional Sewer District, it was created in 1972 to assume ownership, operation and management of wastewater collection, treatment and disposal facilities serving the member communities in the Cleveland metropolitan area. The District recently upgrade and is currently running Release R12 (12.1.3) / Oracle RDBMS Version 0g on SuSE SLES10 servers (the operating system is Oracle Linux Enterprise 5.3) and utilizes the following core Oracle eBusiness Suite (EBS) modules: General Ledger, Payables, Fixed Assets, Receivables, Cash Management, Core Human Resource, iRecruitment, Advanced Benefits, Self Service, Discoverer Along with the recent upgrade, the District implemented and deployed the following Oracle eBusiness modules: Purchasing, Inventory, iSupplier, Sourcing, iProcurement, Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), and the Oracle Accelerator, often referred as the Oracle Jump Start Kit (JSK). Our main goal was to implement a maintainable solution with as little customization as possible with each of these modules. With the newer version of the Oracle eBusiness Suite in place, the District is searching for consulting services for a certified Oracle Partner vendor with solid Oracle application and technology skills to implement and deploy the Online Benefit Enrollment functionality with the usage of the District’s Oracle Core Human Resource and Self Service functionality. The District desires services from vendors with demonstrated experience working with public sector organizations. The project will consist of two (2) phases: Phase I 1. Assessment of the current environment and practices 2. Recommendation of business process modifications 3. Online Benefit Enrollment functionality planning Phase II 1. Perform functional configuration changes and enhancements of the approved business process modifications as identified in Phase I Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014 -2- With the upgrade and implementation of 2013, the District has the following Oracle eBusiness Suite footprint at R12.1.3 version: Oracle Advanced Benefits Oracle Training Administration (currently known as Oracle Learning Management) Oracle Human Resources Oracle iRecruitment Oracle Self-Service Human Resource General Ledger Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Fixed Assets Project Costing *Public Sector Budgeting *iExpense Purchasing Inventory iProcurement Order Management iSupplier Sourcing * Currently not in the District’s production environment as of the date of this RFP The Information Technology Department (IT), Functional Application Administrators (AAs) and the functional staff, along with outside assistance, have implemented the Oracle Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), and Oracle Accelerators (JSK) all of the District’s upgrades, modifications, and deployment of Oracle Procurement modules. Business Opportunity Program For this project, the District does not have a Business Opportunity goal. However, if additional work is identified for future enhancements, the District will establish a Business Opportunity goal for that effort. Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014 -3- SECTION II - OVERVIEW OF SCOPE OF SERVICES Objective Since the recent upgrade and implementation of additional Oracle modules, the District’s desire to implement the functionality for an Online Benefit Enrollment process prior to the Open Enrollment period of 2014. The business process for the Online Benefit Enrollment should be completed at the 12.1.3 version. The Online Benefit Enrollment Project must incorporate all the functionality contained in the current release 12.1.3 environment, including minimal customizations and extensions in place; recommendations of migrating historical data to the new release; full unit, system, integration and acceptance testing; as well as training for users. Changes and improvements the Open Enrollment business processes will be seen as an optimal opportunity to reduce and/or eliminate the current manual process and reporting solutions as a result of new functionality available in Release 12. The Online Benefit Enrollment Project shall include the following Tasks: Task A Benefits Enrollment Functional Specifications Task B On-Site Functional Support for Setup and Configuration Task C Production Migration, Knowledge Transfer, and Documentation The Consultants shall provide details as to the method of accomplishing the Scope of Work for these tasks. The Consultants' proposals shall address all of the objectives for each task as outlined in the Scope of Work. The Consultants are encouraged to recommend alternatives and additional goals to the defined Scope of Work (e.g. task additions) in their proposals. Project Tasks and Deliverables Task A Benefits Enrollment Functional Specifications The Consultant shall create a functional specification to define the process flow and system changes/enhancements as defined by the project team. The successful Proposer will be responsible for the following critical objectives: New Hire Enrollment Annual Open Enrollment On-Demand Enrollment Approval workflows Notifications: Notifications to employees and benefits administrators on pending or incomplete enrollments Setup and Configuration details, e.g. Payroll Processing Changes, if any, to the District’s Payroll Provider, ADP Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014 -4- Task B On-Site Functional Support for Setup and Configuration Upon approval of the specifications, the successful Proposer will prepare the setup and configuration changes on the District’s development environment. All system configuration changes on the system will be completed by the Proposer in the District’s development environment with the technical and functional team participation. Once the design is approved by the District, the District’s Functional and Technical teams, with the guidance from the successful Proposer, will complete system configuration changes in the test environment for comprehensive testing by functional users. The on-line benefits enrollment setup and processing will include the following objectives: Establish appropriate user access and configuration for online benefits enrollment Create scheduled open enrollment for new hires, personal and assignment changes, etc. Review of existing configuration of life events and eligibility profiles and changes as deemed appropriate Establish appropriate approval workflows and notifications Develop notifications to employees and benefits administrators Provide new or modified payroll processes impacted Develop page personalizations as appropriate Define other setup or processes that will complete benefits enrollment, administration and processing Task C Production Migration, Knowledge Transfer, and Documentation Upon completion of comprehensive and thorough testing by the functional users, the successful Proposer will support the migration of the system configuration changes to production with the District’s technical and functional teams. All system configuration changes will be completed by the District team with support and guidance from the Proposer. The configuration changes, knowledge transfer and documentation objectives are as follows: Prepare proper documentation in the form of BR100 of all changes and configuration Support the District’s project team in the system setup during production migration Develop District reporting requirements in accordance to the approved functional specifications Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014 -5- SECTION III - EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS Proposals submitted to the NEORSD for the Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project shall be evaluated by the Consultant Selection Committee utilizing the following criteria. Scoring Criterion I Experience, qualifications, and commitment of proposed key project personnel 30% of total score Scoring will be based on consideration of the following: 1. Depth of knowledge and experience implementing Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Process. 2. Depth of knowledge and experience in applicable business processes. 3. Depth of knowledge and experience in the operations of a utility and/or municipal government and/or utility. 4. Track record of on-time and on-budget Implementations under firm, fixed contracts. Scoring Criterion II Method of accomplishing the Scope of Services 30% of the total score Scoring will be based on consideration of the following: 1. Proposed organization of the work effort, including: collection, organization and display of data, allocation of project staff to the different tasks and subtasks, project communications, problem definition, alternative development and alternative ranking. 2. Innovations, alternatives, and enhancements to the Scope of Services as presented in the proposal. 3. Understanding of the appropriate levels of effort (hours) for various task areas. This evaluation will be based upon the estimated hours of effort for task areas as presented in the proposal. Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014 -6- Scoring Criterion III Experience and past performance of the firm on similar projects 20% of the total score This score will be based on: 1. The firm's experience in conducting projects of similar nature and complexity. 2. The ability of the firm to draw upon this experience to benefit the project. 3. The firm’s history of innovations in applicable project areas. Scoring Criterion IV Customer Base 20% of the total score 1. Strong references and testimonials from client base. 2. Recommendations of past and present projects of similar nature and complexity. 3. Relevance and quality of references. Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014 -7- SECTION IV - PROPOSAL FORMAT AND REQUIRED INFORMATION Seven (7) copies of the technical proposals are to be delivered to: Douglas Dykes Director of Human Resources Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District 3900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2504 Attn.: Fran Mackovjak Deadline for submission of proposals is 4:30 p.m. on June 27, 2014 Late submittals will not be considered. All questions regarding this RFP shall be directed to the Project Lead, Fran Mackovjak, via email only at The following information shall be included in the technical proposal: 1. A discussion of the anticipated approach to the project. Section II – Overview of Scope of Services contains a number of requests for items to be discussed in the proposal. In addition, the District invites alternatives to any approaches embodied in the Scope of Services. Any proposed alternatives shall be clearly identified in the technical proposal. In developing the level of effort (hours by tasks), the Scope of Services as provided herein shall be assumed as the base proposal. For each alternative task proposed, a total level of effort for the proposed alternative shall be separately identified and an appropriate deduction or addition of task hours shall be included. The Consultant shall also discuss expected challenges during the project and potential approaches to these challenges. This part of the proposal will be used to evaluate the extent to which the Consultant understands the project, its magnitude and its complexity. 2. A statement of the firm's qualifications, including a list of three (3) of the most recent similar projects completed. The following information shall be included for each project: Start and end dates of project; Consultant’s role in the project, and similarities with the Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project; Contact information (name, address, phone number) of individual responsible for project at the contracting agency. 3. Task and Hour Summary Forms (Attachment A) completed for each activity necessary to fulfill Phase I and II. An electronic file spreadsheet in Excel format of the Task and Hour Summary Forms accompanies the RFP for the Candidates to use in the proposal. Candidates shall break the project down by the tasks identified in the Scope of Services (i.e., Subtask A1, A-2, etc.). The total of the hours for all tasks shall accurately reflect the total effort needed Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014 -8- to perform the entire project as outlined in the RFP. Hours in all tasks shall be identified by labor category for each activity. All proposed sub Consultants should also have a Task and Hour Summary Form in the proposal. The District will use these forms to assist in evaluation of the proposals. The District reserves the right to request additional Task and Hour Information. A prompt response of one (1) working day shall be adhered to in these requests. SCHEDULE OF SOLICITATION AND CONTRACT AWARD EVENTS The District reserves the right to change the following schedule for any reason Issue RFP to Consultant(s) Proposal Due Date and Time Consultant Interviews (Tentative - Exact times to be determined through week) Consultant Selected – Notice of Intent to Award Consultant Contract Award – Notice to Proceed (Meeting of the Consultant Review Committee) Perform Scope of Work June 13, 2014 June 27, 2014 (4:30PM) July 7, 2014 July 11, 2014 July 15, 2014 July 21, 2014 END OF RFP ATTACHMENTS AND APPENDICES TO FOLLOW Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014 -9- Attachment A Task, Hour Summary Form Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014 Attachment B Cost Summary Form Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014 Attachment C NEORSD Standard Clauses for Professional Services Agreement Oracle Online Benefit Enrollment Project Request for Proposal – JUNE 13, 2014