1.12 date: Bible Passage: Exodus 12—15 (The Exodus, Part 2) REMEMBER VERSE For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. Ephesians 1:4 God Will Have Victory Schedule Anticipate 5–10 minutes Celebrate & Respond Large Group 35–55 minutes Respond & Bless Small Group 20–25 minutes Environment: IDENTITY This lesson highlights the environment of IDENTITY in how God gained victory for His people and how we now have victory through Jesus as His children. © 2013 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved. 1.12 Inspire N OT E S : I was going through a time when I felt tormented by my own fear and loneliness. I couldn’t sleep. I isolated myself from people. During that time, God fought for me. He miraculously changed my mind and my heart. He healed my fears. No matter what our circumstances may be, no matter what difficult things we may face, God is with us. We see His deliverance, care, and love in our lives. God can win the battles we fight inside our own minds, bodies, and emotions. We’re often enslaved by our own sin, fear, worry, regret, or anger. But we have good news: God has already won the battle against the consequences of sin. Through Jesus, we’ve been freed and adopted into God’s family. Because of Jesus, we’re children of God and will live with Him forever, freed from the pain and brokenness of this world. As 1 Corinthians 15:57 says, “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Tori Funkhouser TruStory Team © 2013 David C Cook 2 1.12 Equip Before God won the victory for His people, God formed then into a special nation—a nation loved by Him, fought for by Him, claimed by Him. By enacting Passover, God was moving the Israelites from forced manual service under the Egyptians to commanded spiritual service to the Almighty. God gave the Israelites special rules for how to be a part of that family. He instructed them on how to celebrate their deliverance once they sat safely in the Promised Land—to celebrate Passover … “because of what the Lord did for me when I came out of Egypt” (Exodus 13:8). God knew the deliverance of His people from slavery was such a monumental event it would be the foundational act of the nation. After the mass exodus, the Israelites’ identity was forever changed. They were finally a people free to celebrate. They were finally a people free to worship the Lord. They were finally on their way to the Promised Land, where they would live together as God’s chosen people. Now, they were free to celebrate Passover together—year after year—as a way to remember together how God had won the battle to free them. © 2013 David C Cook Environment of IDENTITY This environment highlights who we are in Christ. According to Ephesians 1, we have been chosen, adopted, redeemed, sealed, and given an inheritance in Christ … all of which we did nothing to earn. This conviction allows children to stand firm against the destructive counter identities the world will offer. The 10 Environments guide us in creating a climate that puts God on display. Encourage your families to discover more about creating the environment of IDENTITY in their homes by checking out HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource and Spiritual Parenting by Michelle Anthony. 3 1.12 Support In Exodus 15, we can read the songs written by Moses and Miriam (Moses and Aaron’s sister) celebrating their deliverance from the Egyptians. In Exodus 15:20, the Bible says that Miriam took a tambourine in her hand and danced with all of the women and sang songs. In verse 21, she sang, “Sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. Both horse and driver he has hurled into the sea.” & EVE ADAM H NOA AHAM ABR C ISAA B JACO PH JOSE S MOS EUA JOSH DAVID O N SOLOM 400 YEAR S I can imagine that this celebration at the side of the sea was unlike any celebration we have ever experienced. God truly showed His power and His love by winning the battle to free the Israelites from the Egyptians. TIMELINE OF WAITI NG Just as the Israelites celebrated on the banks of the sea, celebrate with your kids! Lead them into a time of joyful praise to the God who still wins the battle for His people so we can be free to celebrate. MARY JOSEPH JOHN THE BAPTIS T J ESUS CENTU RION NICO DEM US PET ER LAZ AR US PA UL YOU & OU R © 2013 David C Cook ME FUTU RE W ITH J E SUS 4 N OT E S : Lesson Overview Experience Anticipate// Small Group Check-In Celebrate// Large Group Time Summary 5–10 min. Encourages interaction among kids, leaders, and parents; engages the kids in curiosity and anticipation of the lesson; and creates an inviting atmosphere. 20–35 Establishes community and min. tells stories both personal and biblical in a fun and engaging way. 1.12 Supplies/Prepare (Master Supply List at tru.davidccook.com) Option 1: Packing Up (for Younger Kids) • Packing List (see tru.davidccook.com) • pencils Option 2: Do You Sea What I See? (for Older Kids) • Red Sea Facts (see tru.davidccook.com) • tape • pencils or pens Traditions • mementos for your church Traditions (rocks, marbles, gumballs, etc.) • Remember Verse cards, slide, and animation (see tru.davidccook.com) Connect Question • Connect Question slide (see tru.davidccook.com) Connect Activity: Act It Out • Connect Activity slide (see tru.davidccook.com) The Big God Story • Bibles (1 per child) • Timeline slide and animation (see tru.davidccook.com) • boxing costume (can be purchased at www.orientaltrading.com) or robe with belt • images: Egyptian in chariot, walls of water crashing down in Red Sea (see tru.davidccook.com) • sound effects: advancing army, crashing water (see tru.davidccook.com) • optional: boxing gloves, video of Moses parting the Red Sea in The Prince of Egypt movie N OT E S : *To make metric conversions, search the Internet for a metric conversion chart or calculator. © 2013 David C Cook 5 N OT E S : Lesson Overview Experience Time Summary Respond// 15–20 Creates space for children min. to respond to the Holy Spirit in worship and community as a large group. Large Group Respond// Small Group Bless// Small Group 15–20 Discusses truth, reflects min. on the lesson, engages in relationships, and creates a project or a piece of art individually or together. 5 min. 1.12 Supplies/Prepare (Master Supply List at tru.davidccook.com) • instruments (tambourines, maracas, trumpets, cymbals, etc.) • optional: “Shackles,” Mary Mary Reflect: God Will Have Victory • Bibles (1 per child) Engage: Red Sea Run • chairs (at least 20) • blue sheets or tarps (2) • medium-sized plastic bins or crates (2) • various stuffed animals, random household objects, and/or plastic food (3–10 items per child) • optional: printable images of sea creatures (see tru.davidccook.com), tape Sends the kids out with a • Bible sense of peace and blessing • HomeFront Weekly (1 per child; tru.davidccook.com) so they can be a blessing to • HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource their families and others. (1 per family; tru.davidccook.com or www.HomeFrontMag.com) N OT E S : *To make metric conversions, search the Internet for a metric conversion chart or calculator. © 2013 David C Cook 6 ANTICI PATE | C E LE B RATE | R E S P O N D | B LE S S SMALL Group 1.12 SECTION Anticipate// 5–10 min. Small Group Leaders An energizing time for parents and kids to start engaging with the material that will be presented in the lesson. It is intentionally designed to spark curiosity and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder about God. Encourage parents to participate in this time with their kids. In today’s portion of The Big God Story we’ll hear about God’s victory over Pharaoh as He freed His people. The Israelites hurriedly packed up as much as they could carry and fled into the desert, where they eventually witnessed a massive miracle at the Red Sea. Option 1: Packing Up (for Younger Kids) SUPPLIES • Packing List (see tru.davidccook.com) • pencils SET UP Print one Packing List for each child. ENGAGE Today we’ll hear about a group of people who started a very long journey. Before we hear today’s portion of The Big God Story, let’s spend some time imagining we’re taking our own journey. If you had to leave for a very long time, what would you pack and why? Give each child a copy of the Packing List and a pencil. Then encourage them to think through the questions and write down their responses. After a few moments, invite volunteers to share their lists with the rest of the group. Option 2: Do You Sea What I See? (for Older Kids) SUPPLIES • Red Sea Facts (see tru.davidccook.com) • tape • pencils or pens SET UP Print the Red Sea Facts and tape them around the room. ENGAGE As kids arrive, give each one a pencil or pen. Invite them to walk around the room and look at the Red Sea Facts. At each sheet they will read the prompt, guess which answer best fits the question, and write their answers on the blank sheet. Once the kids have had time to make their guesses for each sheet, bring them together and go through the answers. To make this more fun, you might ask the children to move to specific areas of the room based on the answers they wrote down. © 2013 David C Cook 7 ANTI C I PATE | CE LE B RATE | R E S P O N D | B LE S S LARGE Group 1.12 SECTION Celebrate// 20–35 min. Host/Storyteller Kids get to be a part of the faith community of God’s family. They participate in traditions and share them with newcomers, connect through fun and interaction, and experience The Big God Story through Storytelling. Welcome and Traditions REMEMBER VERSE This week’s Remember Verse comes from the environment of IDENTITY, which says “I belong to God, and He loves me!” The environment changes every four weeks. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. Ephesians 1:4 Connect Question What’s your favorite story in which the “good guy” wins in the end? Activity: Act It Out SUPPLIES • Connect Activity slide (see tru.davidccook.com) Hoppin’ High Fives A Community Tradition Have the children hop on one foot and give as many high fives as they can to other children before putting their other foot down for balance. Each time they give someone a high five, they should say, “High five, [child’s name]!” © 2013 David C Cook ENGAGE As the children introduce themselves to new friends, invite them to briefly share their favorite story in which the good guy wins in the end and then act out that crucial scene. 8 ANTI C I PATE | CE LE B RATE | R E S P O N D | B LE S S 1.12 N OT E S : The Big God Story Leader Tip Before sharing this part of The Big God Story, tell your kids they’re about to hear a true story that’s recorded in the Bible. Open your Bible to Exodus 12, and invite children to follow along in their own Bibles as you storytell. Ponder Point: God Will Have Victory Storytelling Technique: Images, Creative Monologue Bible Passage: Exodus 12—15 SUPPLIES • Bibles (1 per child) • Timeline slide and animation (see tru.davidccook.com) • boxing costume (can be purchased at www.orientaltrading.com) or robe with belt • images: Egyptian army chasing Israelites, walls of water crashing down (see tru.davidccook.com) • sound effects: advancing army, crashing water (see tru.davidccook.com) • optional: boxing gloves, video of Moses parting the Red Sea in The Prince of Egypt movie PREPARE AHEAD For today’s lesson you will begin the Storytelling time by acting like you’re a boxer. If possible, wear a boxer costume or a robe with a belt tied around your waist and some hightop sneakers. If you have boxing gloves available, put those on your hands. ENGAGE Storyteller walks onstage, in character, dressed as a boxer and punching and weaving around as if in a boxing ring. As this happens, the Storyteller talks to himself as if he’s the announcer—introducing himself and giving a play-by-play of his boxing moves. For example: “In the right corner, weighing in at 175 pounds, hailing from Los Angeles, the best boxer in the world! He gives a left swing and hits his opponent square in the jaw! He ducks, just barely missing the blow. He takes one more swing, and boom! His opponent is down! He has won! He is victorious!” Storyteller then becomes aware of the audience and stops abruptly, wiping sweat from his brow. © 2013 David C Cook 9 ANTI C I PATE | CE LE B RATE | R E S P O N D | B LE S S 1.12 The Big God Story N OT E S : Phew! I didn’t see you there. Sorry about that. I sometimes pretend I’m a world renowned boxer, and (pretending to throw punches again) I’m undefeated! Nobody can beat me! In every battle, I’m victorious. But, anyway … (taking off boxing gloves) that reminds me of a story … As we heard last week, the Israelites were slaves to the Egyptians—for 400 years! But God promised to set them free, and He proved He alone was God by sending 10 plagues on the Egyptians: frogs, gnats, flies, hail, boils and other icky stuff. Today’s part of The Big God Story starts right after Pharaoh let the Israelites go. Pharaoh’s firstborn son died in the final plague. Pharaoh was heartbroken, angry, and fed up. Let’s turn in our Bibles to Exodus 12:31. Pharaoh said, “Up! Leave … Go, worship the Lord as you have requested” (v. 31). So they up and went! God began to lead Moses and the Israelites into the desert. Not much time passed before Pharaoh changed his mind and said (dramatize this section by acting exasperated), “What have we done? We have let the Israelites go and have lost their services!” (Exodus 14:5). So Pharaoh prepared his chariots (show image of Egyptian in chariot) and called his army, and together they chased after the Israelites. Meanwhile, God led the people through the wilderness. Exodus 13:21 (invite kids to follow along in their Bibles) says, “By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light.” I’m not exactly sure what a pillar of cloud or fire looks like, but I bet it was pretty spectacular! God led the Israelites to camp between two mountains, in front of a big sea. God warned Moses, “[Pharaoh] will pursue them. But I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord” (Exodus 14:4). Imagine the Israelites standing with their families, friends, animals, and possessions—trapped at the edge of a sea! Then, imagine the Israelites looking up into the distance, seeing thousands of soldiers heading their way! The Israelites got scared and began to panic, and they wondered if they made the right choice in following Moses. They thought anything—even slavery—was better than death. So the Israelites stood there, trapped, watching the Egyptian army getting closer and closer. (Play sound effect of advancing army.) But Moses said to them, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (vv. 13–14). God told Moses, “Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground” (v. 16). Moses obeyed, and God sent a strong wind to blow, and blow, and blow on the waters. © 2013 David C Cook 10 ANTI C I PATE | CE LE B RATE | R E S P O N D | B LE S S 1.12 The Big God Story N OT E S : God’s pillar of cloud, as well as an angel of the Lord, stood between the Israelites and the Egyptian army all night until the path was clear and the Israelites could walk through the sea on dry ground. (Show optional video clip from The Prince of Egypt.) The Bible says the Israelites walked through “with a wall of water on their right and on their left” (v. 22). When the Egyptians went after the Israelites, God threw the army into chaos and made the wheels of their chariots get stuck. The Egyptians said, “Let’s get away from the Israelites! The Lord is fighting for them” (v. 25). And when all of the Israelites reached the other side of the shore—to safety—God told Moses to stretch out his hand again, and the walls of water came crashing down! Millions and millions—maybe even billions and billions—of gallons of water came rushing back over the pursuing Egyptians. (Play sound effect of crashing water and show image of walls of water.) The whole army was buried in the sea! After that, the Bible says “the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him” (v. 31). Of course they did! God had just done an amazing miracle right before their eyes! God had saved them from the Egyptians a second time. God had won the battle. He had fought for and freed His children. He was victorious! The Israelites were so happy they began to celebrate and praise God by singing, dancing, and playing instruments. But God won the biggest victory of all through Jesus. Jesus, God’s Son, came to earth, died for our sins, and rose again—claiming victory over sin and death! And when we trust and obey Jesus, we’re adopted into God’s family. We become His children, and He fights for us even today. Has God won the victory in a battle in your life? (Share a personal story about a time you saw God have the victory.) © 2013 David C Cook 11 ANTI C I PATE | C E LE B RATE | R E S P ON D | B LE S S LARGE Group 1.12 SECTION Respond// 15–20 min. Host/Worship Leader This time allows kids to worship through silence, prayer, singing, giving, sharing, thanksgiving, and other ways. Make plans for your worship time, but prepare yourself and your team to hold them loosely if the Holy Spirit leads the group in a different direction. SUPPLIES • instruments (tambourines, maracas, trumpets, cymbals, etc.) • optional: “Shackles,” Mary Mary (available on iTunes or www.amazon.com) ENGAGE Tell a story of a time when something really great happened and you celebrated. Tell how and why you celebrated. Then let the kids know that we are going to celebrate God together—through song, dance, and with instruments! After the Israelites were saved from the Egyptians, Moses and Miriam, wrote a praise song, and they sang to the Lord. We are going to read some of this praise song. When we do, we’ll cheer and celebrate together with our instruments! The same God who freed and saved the Israelites has also freed and saved us. Through Jesus, God won the ultimate battle in our lives: the battle over sin and death! So let’s celebrate! Have each child grab an instrument. Ask them to hold the instruments quietly in anticipation of the celebration. Bring all of the leaders up front to lead the kids into the celebration and model it for them. Let kids know they will cheer altogether once you have finished reading each sentence of this song! Optional: Afterward, sing “Shackles” and allow the kids to dance, sing, and praise God with their instruments. Read Moses and Miriam’s song in Exodus 15:1–4, 11, 18: “I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. (Everyone cheers and makes noise with their instruments.) Both horse and driver he has hurled into the sea. (Everyone cheers and makes noise with their instruments.) The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. (Everyone cheers and makes noise with their instruments.) He is my God, and I will praise him… (Everyone cheers and makes noise with their instruments.) The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name. (Everyone cheers and makes noise with their instruments.) Pharaoh’s chariots and his army he has hurled into the sea. (Everyone cheers and makes noise with their instruments.) Who among the gods is like you, Lord? (Everyone cheers and makes noise with their instruments.) Who is like you—majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? The Lord reigns for ever and ever.” (Everyone cheers and makes noise with their instruments.) © 2013 David C Cook 12 ANTI C I PATE | C E LE B RATE | R E S P ON D | B LE S S SMALL Group 1.12 SECTION Respond// Small Group Leaders A time to engage in relationship, reflect on the lesson with spiritual conversation, and/or create a meaningful project or piece of art. N OT E S : 15–20 min. Reflect: God Will Have Victory By parting the Red Sea, God saved His people and won the battle against the Egyptians. After God won the battle with the Egyptians for the Israelites, God’s people celebrated! (Encourage the kids to open their Bibles and read the suggested passages.) Questions for Younger Kids Read Exodus 14:5–9 to the kids while they follow along in their Bibles, or ask a few volunteers to read the verses. • How do you think the Israelites felt when they saw Pharaoh’s army coming? • What would you have done in that situation? • How did the Israelites celebrate after God rescued them? (Exodus 15:1) • What do you think it means to completely trust in the Lord? Questions for Older Kids • How did the Israelites celebrate after God rescued them? (Exodus 15:1) • What do you think it means to completely trust in the Lord? • How does hearing about God’s victory at the Red Sea make you feel about Him? • When has God won a battle in your life? • Is there a battle in your life that you need God to win? Engage: Red Sea Run SUPPLIES • chairs (at least 20) • blue sheets or tarps (2) • medium-sized plastic bins or crates (2) • various stuffed animals, random household objects, and/or plastic food (3-10 items per child) • optional: printable images of sea creatures (see tru.davidccook.com), tape Resource Tip “Science Experiments” activities are available for this lesson. Premium, Unlimited, and Combo users may access this resource at tru.davidccook.com. SET UP Line up two rows of chairs parallel to one another, creating a tunnel of chairs with the backs facing inward, and place a blue sheet or tarp on top. Repeat this process on the other side of the room, creating another tunnel with a blue sheet on top. Divide the stuffed animals, plastic food, and household objects evenly between the two bins or crates, and place each bin at the beginning of one of the tunnels. Optional: Print and cut out photos of sea creatures and attach them to the inside of the chair tunnel. ENGAGE Welcome the children to the activity area and divide them into two teams. © 2013 David C Cook 13 ANTI C I PATE | C E LE B RATE | R E S P ON D | B LE S S 1.12 N OT E S : When Pharaoh finally let the Israelites go, they gathered their things and quickly left. They didn’t have a minute to spare! As you might remember, it didn’t take long before Pharaoh changed his mind. He gathered his armies and set out to catch the Israelites. Right before the Israelites could be captured, God told Moses to hold his staff over the Red Sea. The waters parted, allowing the Israelites to walk across on dry ground! Today we’re going to pretend that we’re the Israelites. Each of these “tunnels” represents the Red Sea, parted in two, allowing the Israelites to cross safely. You’re going to race the opposing team to see which team can cross safely first. But don’t forget: The Israelites weren’t empty-handed; they had all of their animals and belongings too! Have each team line up at the beginning of a tunnel. Explain that each child will have to carry as many items as possible through the tunnel. After that child exits the tunnel, the next child can go. The first team to move all of its people and items through the tunnel wins the game. © 2013 David C Cook 14 ANTI C I PATE | C E LE B RATE | R E S P O N D | B LE S S SMALL Group 1.12 SECTION Bless// 5 min. Small Group Leaders As you bless your kids, tell them they have the opportunity to also be a blessing to others. Encourage them to freely share the joy and love they have received from God. A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words of encouragement or guidance. Blessings can be offered in order to ask God’s Spirit to overflow from the child’s life to bless others or prayed over a child for the purpose of declaring God’s protection, joy, or wisdom. Open a Bible and read Psalm 98:1, 4–9a: Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him … Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn—shout for joy before the Lord, the King. Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy; let them sing before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. May you know, deep in your heart, that you are God’s child. May you have confidence that He will fight for you. Finally, have the children repeat this blessing over one another: “[Child’s name], may you always be aware of God’s victory in your life.” HomeFront Weekly: Be sure to send home the HomeFront Weekly for next week’s lesson! This preteaching tool for parents encourages families to spend time in God’s Word together before children arrive at church. HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource: This magazine gives families ideas for creating fun, spiritually forming times in their homes—setting aside a sacred space for family in the midst of their active, everyday lives! As the new issue becomes available each month, you may choose to print them for families or encourage them to visit www.HomeFrontMag.com to subscribe to have the magazine sent directly to their inbox. HomeFront is also available as an app for your iPhone, iPad, or Android device. © 2013 David C Cook 15