Practice Quiz: AP Biology Chapter 46


Practice Quiz: AP Biology Chapter 46


Be able to define and use the following terms: a.

ecology b.

habitat c.

population d.

community e.

ecosystem f.

biosphere g.

demography h.

density i.



Name and describe: a.

limiting factors b.

patterns of population distribution c.

survivorship curves (mortality patterns) d.

age distribution diagrams e.

carrying capacity f.

intrinsic regulating factors g.

replacement reproduction


What is required in order for an organism to meet its biotic potential?


Compare and contrast: a.

discreet and continuous breeding b.

J-shaped and S-shaped growth curves c.

abiotic and biotic regulating factors d.

density-independent and density-dependent regulating factors e.

r-selection and K-selection life history patterns


Considering human population growth: a.

How fast does the world’s population increase daily? annually? b.

How do LDCs stress/impact the environment? MDCs? c.

What would need to occur to slow down population growth in LDCs? d.

Compare and contrast age distribution diagrams in LDCs and MDCs. e.

What was the comparison made between an average American family and those living in India?
