Approval Rating Assignment

Approval Ratings
Due: November 30 (B) / December 1 (A)
The opinions of others can be a powerful factor in our lives. In democracies, the opinions of the
people help determine who the leader is and what the leader should do. Thebes, the setting of
“Antigone,” is not a democracy, but the opinions of the people (the Chorus of Theban elders) are
a significant part of the play and can help us understand the theme of the play.
For this assignment, review the play, looking specifically for examples of the Chorus’/Choragos’
opinions of Antigone AND Creon (you should look for times when the Chorus is speaking). On a
piece of paper, create a numbered list of times when the Chorus/Choragos changes their opinion
of these two characters (#1 should be their starting opinion). For each change, write down a)
what was the event that caused the change; b) why this event impacted their opinion; c) a quote
that proves the change; and d) if you agree or disagree with the Chorus’ opinion and why.
1. Starting Opinion
a. The Chorus doesn’t know Creon that well
b. Because the Chorus doesn’t know Creon, they have no opinion of him
c. “Who is this Creon guy?” (line 1)
d. I agree with the Chorus I don’t know Creon that well either at the beginning.
2. Rise in approval
a. Creon wakes up
b. The Chorus likes an active leader
c. “He’s awake! I’m so happy he’s our leader!” (line 50).
d. I agree with the Chorus’ opinion because sleepy leaders don’t do much, and an
awake leader is much more effective.
3. Drop in approval
a. Creon forgot to wish them Happy Birthday
b. The Chorus was really excited about their birthday and was sad Creon wasn’t
c. “You forgot our birthday? I’m disappointed” (line 100).
d. I agree with the Chorus’ opinion because my birthday is important to me, and if
someone forgot it, I would be upset.
4. Rise in approval
a. Creon buys the Chorus a puppy
b. The Chorus really wanted a pet, and the puppy was the perfect pet
c. “Oh! He’s so cute! I love it! Thank you, Creon!” (line 400).
d. I disagree with the Chorus’ opinion because I don’t like dogs, so this would lower
my opinion of Creon.
5. Drop in approval
a. Creon kills the puppy
b. The Chorus liked the puppy, so, when Creon killed it, they were furious.
c. “Did you just kill our puppy, Creon?! We hate you!” (line 450).
d. I disagree with the Chorus’ opinion because I think all dogs should be killed, so I
think Creon made the right choice.
When you finish your list, create two graphs (one for each character) on a separate piece of paper
that trace the Chorus’/Choragos’ opinions of these two characters. Label the shifts in their
opinion with the numbers from your list. You DO NOT need to give a percentage for the people
who approve disapprove (example 75%, 25%), but you DO need to draw a line that shows if the
change was a big one (like 5-6 or 2-3) or a small one (3-4).
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