202 2014 International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums 203 SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE 204 Sunday, June 8 Registration Desk Open, Foyer (4:00 PM-6:00 PM) Monday, June 9 (Pre-Conferences) 1 Tour of the Autry Museum in Los Angeles 205 206 207 Bus departs at 7:30 AM and returns at 5:00 PM 2 Tour of the Pechanga Cultural Resource Facility Bus departs at 8:15 AM and returns at 5:00 PM Full Day Workshops at the Renaissance Hotel (9 AM-4 PM) Digital Imaging for Libraries, Archives and Museums, Andreas 4 Archival Collections Management, Pueblo 5 Museum Master Planning, Chino 6 Practical Solutions for Textiles, Beadwork, and Leather, Santa Rosa Half-Day Workshops at Renaissance Hotel (9 AM-12 Noon) 7 Introduction to Digital Storytelling, Mojave 8 Using Open Source Tools to Create Digital Archives, Sierra 9 Conserving and Cleaning Feathers, San Jacinto Half-Day Workshops at Renaissance Hotel (1 PM-4 PM) 10 Identifying, Storing, and Preserving Historic Photographic Prints, Sierra 11 CALIPR: A Preservation Planning Needs Assessment Instrument, San Jacinto 12 A Good Story Well Told, Mojave 13 IMLS Museum Services Awardee Meeting, 9 am-4:30 pm, Catalina Agua Caliente Museum, shuttle bus begins looping at 5:45 PM 3 Tuesday, June 10 Registration Desk Open, Foyer (8:00 AM-5:00 PM) Breakfast, Oasis Ballroom (8:00 AM-9:00 AM) Opening Ceremony, Oasis Ballroom (9:00 AM-10:30 AM) Concurrent Sessions 100 (11:00 AM-12:15 PM) 101 Four Flap Enclosures, Santa Rosa 102 Tribal Records Management 101, Andreas 103 Ways of Knowing, Chino 104 Building Support Systems for Native Writers and Illustrators, Pueblo 105 Project Management, Mojave Learning Center 106 Spotlight on Museums and Cultural Centers: Successful Stories, Catalina 107 You Speak, I Speak, We Speak: A Collaboration to Preserve the Boarding School Stories, Sierra 108 Critiquing The Silences: Navajo Women and Indigenous Feminist Scholarship, Ventura 109 Conserving and Cleaning Feathers, San Jacinto 110 Poster Presentations: IMLS Native American/Native Hawaiian Library Enhancement Grants, Pasadena 111 Poster Presentations: General, Madera Guardians of Lifeways Awards Luncheon, Oasis (12:30 PM) Concurrent Sessions 200 (2:00 PM-3:15 PM) 201 Saving Wet Collections, Santa Rosa 208 209 210 211 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 Archives for Artists: A Case Study of the James Luna Archive, Andreas Rekindling Tribal Interest in the Poeh Museum: One Museum's Experience, Chino "American Indians" Understanding Our History, Pueblo Franz Boas' Legacy in the Digital Age (Part I), Mojave Learning Center IMLS Funding Opportunities, Catalina Why Build Consultation into Collections Care? (Part I), Madera Designing and Planning Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums Case Study, Pasadena Specialized Cataloging of Indigenous Publications, Sierra Digital Inclusion in Indian Country, Ventura Securing Resources to Build Tribal Museums, San Jacinto Concurrent Sessions 300 (3:45 PM-5:00 PM) Simple Arsenic Testing, Santa Rosa Accessing Digital Resources at the Alaska Native Language Archive, Andreas Utilizing Reproduction Historic Documents and Photographs in Community Spaces, Chino From Jim Thorpe to Matt LaChappa: A Community Sports Exhibit at Barona, Pueblo Franz Boas' Legacy in the Digital Age (Part II), Mojave Community Needs Assessment Guidelines and Resources for Tribal Libraries, Catalina Why Build Consultation into Collections Care? Madera Creating Indigenous Classification Systems:, Pasadena From Preservation Comes Revitalization: The Chilkat Valley Storyboard, A Place Names Project, Sierra IAIA's Native American Museum Studies Program, Ventura Photographing Artifacts, San Jacinto Reception/James Luna Performance, Oasis (6:00 PM) Wednesday, June 11 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 Registration Desk Open, Foyer (8:00 AM-5:00 PM) Breakfast, Oasis Ballroom (8:00 AM-9:00 AM) Concurrent Sessions 400 (9:00 AM-10:15 AM) Humidification and Flattening of Archival Materials, Santa Rosa Hula Preservation Society, Andreas Convening Great Lakes Culture Keepers:, Chino The Corn Husk Man: A Case Study, Pueblo Saving Our History with Photo Digitization: A Sample Gateway Project, Mojave Learning Center Who's Telling Your Story? Authenticity in American Indian Children's Literature, Catalina Creating the Written Record (Part I), Madera Navigating Federal Grants for Conservation and Preservation Projects, Pasadena Funding to Build Broadband Programs and Services: Stories from the Front Lines, Sierra Tribal Library Statistical Data: Why it Matters, Ventura Decontamination/Integrated Pest Management, San Jacinto www.atalm.org | Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums 9 Concurrent Sessions 500 (10:45 AM-12:00 Noon) Protecting Fragile Archival Materials, Santa Rosa More Product, Less Process, Why It Matters to Tribal Archives, Andreas 503 Technology for the Not So Techie, Chino 504 Exhibitions A to Z: From Planning to Opening, Pueblo 505 Going Social with Advocacy, Mojave Learning Center 506 Recording Oral History: Best Practices on Any Budget, Catalina 507 Creating the Written Record (Part II), Madera 508 Resources for Countering Stereotypes and Prejudices, Pasadena 509 American Indian Art 101, Sierra 510 Building the Tribal ALM Community Online, Ventura 511 Photograph Preservation Checklist, San Jacinto Luncheon with Keynote by James Enote, Oasis (12:15 PM) Concurrent Sessions 600 (2:00 PM-3:15 PM) 601 How to Make Archival Exhibit Mounts (Part 1), Santa Rosa 602 Web-based Immersion Language Lessons:, Andreas 603 Digital Literacy Programs in Libraries: A Case Study, Chino 604 Historic Property Management: One Tribe's Unique Journey, Pueblo 605 OHMS: Enhancing Access to Oral History Online for Free, Mojave Learning Center 606 Native by Native: Works in the Library of Congress Created by Native Americans, Catalina 607 Advancing Indigenous Worldviews: The Americans for Indian Opportunity Model, Madera 608 Culturally Responsive Early Literacy Programs in Tribal Libraries, Pasadena 609 Audio Preservation for Wax Cylinders, Sierra 610 Meeting the Human Resource Needs of the Smaller Tribal Archive, Library or Museum (Part I), Ventura 611 Custom Boxes and Dividers for Artifacts, San Jacinto Concurrent Sessions 700 (3:45 PM-5:00 PM) 701 How to Make Archival Exhibit Mounts (Part II ), Santa Rosa 702 Small Archives: Photo Outreach Program, Andreas 703 The Archives of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools, Chino 704 Strengthening Local Knowledge Systems: Best Practices in Museum Administration, Pueblo 705 Setting the Record Straight, Mojave Learning Center 706 Funding for Cultural Preservation and Art Through Tribal Legislation, Catalina 707 Establishing A Creative Economy: Art as an Economic Engine in Native Communities, Madera 708 Paying for Preservation: CAPS, MAPs, and PAGs, Pasadena 709 Friends in All Kinds of Places, Sierra 710 Meeting the Human Resource Needs of the Smaller Tribal Archive, Library or Museum (Part II), Ventura 711 Custom Boxes and Dividers for Artifacts, San Jacinto Storytelling on the Mountain: Palm Springs Aerial Tramway (Buses begin departing at 5:30, 6:00, and 6:30 PM) 501 502 10 Thursday, June 12 Registration Desk Open, Foyer (8:00 AM-2:00 PM) Concurrent Sessions 800 (9:00 AM-10:15 PM) 801 A Little Framing Knowledge Can Go a Long Way (Part I), Santa Rosa 802 Working with Elders: Collecting and Photographing Indigenous Elders, Andreas 803 Navigating Collaborative Partnerships to Advance Indigenous Stewardship, Chino 804 Federal Funding for Native American Cultural Heritage, Pueblo 805 Case Study In Preservation Planning: The Hawaiian Historical Society Model, Mojave Learning Center 806 Home with Instructions: Tribal Library Outreach to Homebound Elders, Catalina 807 Community Language Projects from British Columbia, Canada, Madera 808 Best Practices, Practical Lessons, Emergent Solutions from Federal Cultural Agencies (Part I), Pasadena 809 Monitoring Your Collections Environment, Sierra 810 The Impact of Digitization on Tribal Communities: An Open Forum, Ventura 811 Care and Handling of Audio and Video Recordings, San Jacinto Concurrent Sessions 900 (10:30 AM-11:45 AM) 901 A Little Framing Knowledge Can Go a Long Way (Part II), Santa Rosa 902 Encounter with the John P. Harrington Collection: Digitization and Transcription, Andreas 903 What's Needed in Contemporary Native American Literature, Chino 904 In Case of Emergency: Collaborating With Your Tribal Governments to Safeguard Collections, Pueblo 905 Sundance Institute's Film Forward and Native American and Indigenous Program, Mojave 906 Maasai Heritage Center Documentaiton, Catalina 907 Buddy the Reader Dog, Madera 908 Best Practices, Practical Lessons, Emergent Solutions from Federal Cultural Agencies (Part II), Pasadena 909 Building a Successful Communication Plan, Sierra 910 Lessons Learned: Planning Tribal Cultural Centers for Today and Tomorrow, Ventura 911 Caring for Photographic Materials, San Jacinto Honoring Luncheon for Chairman McKay (12:00 Noon) Sustainable Heritage Network Post Conference, Day 1 2:00 PM-5:30 PM Santa Rosa Friday, June 13 Sustainable Heritage Network Post Conference, Day II 8:30 AM-6:30 PM Santa Rosa Saturday, June 14 Sustainable Heritage Network Post Conference, Day III 8:30 AM-6:00 PM Santa Rosa Sunday, June 15 Sustainable Heritage Network Post Conference, Day IV 8:30 AM-6:00 PM Santa Rosa | Major support provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services