Go beyond Attribute or Benefit Positioning Example: GODIVA Shan-Yu Chou 8. Product, service, and branding strategy (Revised) 1 2 Figure 9-1: OUTLINE Product line design Branding decision Product line decision Shan-Yu Chou Product mix decision Shan-Yu Chou The levels of products Three Levels of Product Characteristics and strategy of service 3 The levels of products 4 產品組合(P (PRODUCT MIX) 消費產品分類 便利品(Convenience goods) 專業品(Specialty goods) Unsought goods The levels of products 產品組合的寬度(The width) 產品組合的長度(The length) 產品組合的深度(The depth) 5 Shan-Yu Chou goods) Shan-Yu Chou 選購品(Shopping A Product Mix is the set of all products that a particular seller offers for sale. Product mix decision 6 Product line decision 8 產品線長度決策 產品線決策(PRODUCT LINE DECISIONS) 產品線延伸 Modernization) 產品線填補 產品線之主打商品與刪減決策 Shan-Yu Chou 產品線更新(Line Length) Shan-Yu Chou 產品線長度決策(Line (Line -Stretching) 向下延伸 (Downward Stretch) 向上延伸 (Upward Stretch) 雙向延伸 (Two-Way Stretch) (Line filling) (Line Featuring and Pruning) Product line decision 7 TwoTwo-Way ProductProduct-Line Stretch: Marriott Hotels Quality Standard Two Superior Good Marriott (Middle managers) Above average Segments: High and Low Two products: High-end and Low-end How to implement target marketing? How to design the product line? Shan-Yu Chou Marriott Marquis (Top executives) High Shan-Yu Chou Price Economy OPTIMAL PRODUCT LINE DESIGN Courtyard (Salespeople) Average Fairfield Inn Low (Vacationers) Product line decision 9 EXAMPLE (Q2=1, Q1=3/4) 10 OPTIMAL PRODUCT LINE PRICING H-Segment θ2=1 θ2 q2=1 L-Segment θ1 =3/4 θ1 q2=3/4 θ2 q1=3/4 θ1 q1=9/16 cost c(q)=q2/2, c1(q1 )=9/32, c2(q2 )=1/2 If P1=9/16, P2=1, Will H-segment buy product 2? Π=? To induce H-segment to buy product 2, P1=9/16, P2=? , Π=? Assume consumer of type θi gets utility θi qj from consuming a product of quality qj ,where i=1,2; j=1,2 and θ2 >θ1 . Shan-Yu Chou Valuation for high-end product Valuation for low-end product Product line design A Product line design Shan-Yu Chou 11 10 Product line design 12 品牌定位 REDESIGNING THE PRODUCT LINE? What Benefits Values 13 Shan-Yu Chou Product line design Attributes Shan-Yu Chou if we expand the quality spectrum? The optimal q1= θ1 -(θ2 -θ1)=1/2, q2=1; c1(q1 )=1/8, c2(q2 )=1/2 p1=3/8, p2=7/8 Π=2/8+3/8=5/8 > 19/32. Brand Positioning 14 EVERY PEPSI REFRESHES THE WORLD? Go beyond benefit positioning Enjoy the Journey. Shan-Yu Chou Shan-Yu Chou 15 16 LABELING AND LOGOS TO ENHANCE POSITIONING HAAGEN-DAZS LOVES HONEY BEES Shan-Yu Chou Shan-Yu Chou 17 MY BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL CAMPAIGN 18 ELEMENTS OF BRAND EQUITY Name Awareness Figure 9.5 Brand Loyalty Perceived Quality Name Symbol Provides value to firm by Enhancing: Interpretation/Processing of information Efficiency and effectiveness of Marketing Programs Confidence in the Purchase Decision Brand Loyalty Use Satisfaction Shan-Yu Chou Shan-Yu Chou Provides value to customer by Enhancing Customer: Brand Associations Other Proprietary Brand Assets Prices/Margins Brand Extensions Trade Leverage Competitive Advantage 19 Branding decision Irwin/McGraw-Hill 20 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998 Source:Ellen N. and R. D. Hof, ”Branding on the Net,” Business Week, Nov. 9, 1998, 76-86. 品牌權益價值(B (BRAND EQUITY) Brand Awareness Brand Acceptability Brand Preference Brand Loyalty THE INTERNET AND BRAND EQUITY - 5 most valuable brands (Business Week, 2001) Coca-Cola ($69 billion), Microsoft ($65 billion), IBM ($53 billion), GE, Nokia Branding decision Rational Branding Experiential Marketing 21 BRANDING ON THE NET 23 Branding decision 22 品牌決策(B (BRAND DECISIONS) 發展品牌決策 (To Brand or not to Brand?) Shan-Yu Chou Shan-Yu Chou Mass media of TV and print become more fragmented. The Net generation and their favorite media cannot be ignored. More help and less hype: helping customers and building your brand at the same time, e.g., MasterCard Different positioning strategies Complementarity, e.g., General Motors and Macy’s Web site itself (experience) is the crucial building block; examples of Amazon and Coca-Cola Branding decision Shan-Yu Chou Shan-Yu Chou The biggest brands on the Internet are those that built their equity on the Net. 品牌支援廠商決策 (Brand-Sponsor Decision) –Name Decision Brand-Strategy Decision Brand-Repositioning Decision Brand Branding decision 24 THE BATTLE BETWEEN NATIONAL TYPES OF BRANDS Manufacturer BRANDS AND STORE BRANDS Brands Retailers - The battle between national brands and store brands Branding decision control shelf space and are closer to consumers; Numerous line extensions have blurred brand identity; The quality of store brands have been improved; The dilemma facing national brand manufacturers. Shan-Yu Chou Brands Generics Shan-Yu Chou Store 25 Branding decision 26 品牌命名決策 SHARPEN VALUE PROPOSITIONS (B BRAND-NAME DECISION) Gillete’s razor: providing high performance Shan-Yu Chou shaving for as little $1 a week Unilever’s repositioning: With Ragu and one pound of pasta, you can feed a family of 4 for less than $4. Individual Emphasizing affordable quality, not price. Never give up the core value proposition. 27 27 brand names Blanket family name Distinct name for each product class Company name plus individual brand name Branding decision Shan-Yu Chou P&G Pentene: Affordable salon alternative; Shan-Yu Chou 28 品牌策略(C 品牌策略(CONT.) 品牌策略(B 品牌策略(BRAND STRATEGY) 產品線延伸(Line 新產品別 現有品牌 Line Extension Brand Extension 新品牌 Multibrands New brands 29 Branding decision LINE EXTENSIONS A 30 Co-Branding Examples May oversegment a product line; Weaken a brand’s identity; Risk undermining brand equity; Nike-iPod Sport kit Tim Hortons -Cold stone 全家-伯朗 Coffee 32 Branding decision Shan-Yu Chou Branding decision Shan-Yu Chou low-cost shortterm growth strategy; Expand category sales? Develop a new market? Build entry barriers? More shelf space occupied? Extension) -What are branded variants? 品牌延伸 (Brand Extension) 多品牌策略(Multibranding) 新品牌策略(New Brands) 共同品牌策略(Cobranding) Shan-Yu Chou 現有產品別 Shan-Yu Chou 品牌\產品類 品牌 產品類 別 31 PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND EXPERIENCES COMPLEMENTARY CO-BRANDING Products Characteristics and strategy of service 33 SERVICE MARKETING Pure Characteristics Tangible 35 tangible good good with accompanying services Hybrid Major service with accompanying minor goods and services Pure service Characteristics and strategy of service Shan-Yu Chou Classification Characteristics and strategy of service 34 CLASSIFICATION OF SERVICES Shan-Yu Chou of services of services Strategies of service firms How can goods-producing companies improve their customer support services? Shan-Yu Chou Shan-Yu Chou and services are external. Experiences are created within customers. Experiences are memorable. 36 MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR SERVICE FIRMS CLASSIFICATION OF SERVICES Experience Inseparable Variability Characteristics and strategy of service 37 Word of mouth or signaling 3Ps: People, Process, Physical evidence Interactive marketing Internal marketing and high loyalty Characteristics and strategy of service Shan-Yu Chou Shan-Yu Chou or credence good Intangible 38