Tu&"relr nfrW*d:rreilrg Teehrrmlcgf es [ \efebffiesrgrt -J-"** DIrectfro,ns: Amswen questloms" the fofllowlng L" Whatisthe diffenence between the Webandthe lnternet? 2. Acconding to TirilBerners-Lee, what isthe Weh? 3. A Webpageisa docunrent thatcontains what4 components? 4. Whatis a browsen? 5 . W h a t i s a l i n k ?W h a tc a ni t a N sboe c a l l e d ?W h o c o i n e dt h i st e r m ? 6. What doesURLstandfor? 7. Suppose'you wentto the CNt\website.Togetthere,youenterhttp://www.cnn.com. Accordingto the article, whatcouldyoualsoenterintothe address barthatwill alsotakevouto the site? 8. A URI-shouldnevercontain evenaftera punctuation mark.An (or underscorei is sometimesusedto givethe appearance of a spacebetweenwords. Also avoidusingcapitallettenswhen you createVourown rnaterials. TURN OVER WebDesignI Developed by Mr.Schneider I -\ 9" Vrfhatis a Web resource? t 10. What is a Web serven? whenthe serverlson? running to usewhatsoftware that isalways 11. A Webserverisconfiguned standfor? 12. What doesI-ITTP 13. What doesa HTTPstatuscodeindicate? Lookat tableG-1:CommonHTTPstatuscodes.Fil[in the chartbelow. E@DE ft/rEssA6E 301 5Ue 303 404 5oCI by Mr. SchneiderI 3 $ Wef DesignI Developed DESERIPTflO!U , l/ t/ ri -. i.- -lr- : , : - , , i i ' i r : ; , 1 , t - i it ,; i ; ' r l l - , -\ / /i l/t:i:,1f i. L : 11i - , i _ , =, ,. _ i i r i f , i i , - , j 1 , ; - , r 1 r\i 1i i - l - . i . ' : l - - 1l . . | - . _ r ; i .i _ . ! l 'j. , . , _ ; . ' t . ; - - r : j l _ i , j L L r i lI |rJJ,, lt1rl!iil_1 --::-.-----;::-:--= Thei'e isa cliifei"encu" ireiween r'hewebaridrhe$nierniet. Thelniernet isa cornrr'rirr'ricailons neiirryor{r ihattransnritr ciaia' :nclulclino email, vi'ieon-rnf-erenices, phone rir;,,r.,, cali:. ar-rci rfie55aEe::" The is a coller:ijrlr-: Di cic,cr-rrn"^91,,,r11*r'ltveb pacles ihaiar,:;rcct"sj€d arierthelniernet ancjarer.eiated ,byl,rsinc1 lir.:ks. '.a'*1iii"-.r:{-:: Starting on the Internet o r<.eep,;rcTrtiit. t:,i /r:iri i:;;iroi'i'ievV::: Siir: o liis.innhirC '/cui lii,:vt:ili o 5e;iih:i';; ij:c litlsil o rjiiiir;,: jlri; i-ii:i,.ii;";lo rililir:;t, Ti?ii6i ,{i-.1;,*.;7;iir:;;l:, o i,;f.iiii:iii-iq i_i:n:ir:;-,i.it,-ie:; l What fisthe Weh?!n thewordsof TirnBerners-Lee, ,,The tA/orlcl WideWebisanabstract (imaginary) :paceoi,infor_ rnation." TheWeb,macie up oi rnillions of Websites,isthe .ommoniermfoi.theWorldWicleWeb.A ili/:.;ir, i,ir",. iyo._ callycontains a collection of r.elatecl Webpages. ,L What is a Weh page?,A ji:a:iiij, L:;ir,rijrii isa clocument that cancontain texi,graphics, rrideo, anclaLrdio. l_\Webpageis an i',ll"jirlir,i)i,i,)i:tJj;jr-i,tiiji,:t!:-a iext Or ASC|i CloCUmentWith smbecldecl HTii/Ltags.Sometagsspecifo hovvtheclocur-nent isio bedisplayecl, suchaswheregraphics sfroulcJ be placed, howtextshoLrld appear, anclso0n,whenviewed rna browser. Othertagscontain linksto relatecr clocuments, graphics, sound, andvideofiies. j tlianhin linl, originated beforeiheil/ebor e,renbeforetheInternet. lt surfaced in themid-i960s,when Harvarcl graduate Ted ' Nelsoncoined thet€fmlt.rl,;rir:i..;l:,,.i,1.. Her-isecl ihistermto describe a computer system ihatcoulds,rore iiierary documents, linkthemaccorcling to logical relationships, ancl allovir readers to commen.i andannotate whattheyreacl. Clver theyears, thetechnologies associatecl withhyper_ texihavecontinued to improve. Today, clicking a linkon a \A/eb page-anr"rncjerlined wordcr phrase, or a graphic_ openstherelated document. Whenyouclicka link,you movetc another location on thesameWebpageor to a nevrr Webpage.ThenewWebpagemightbepartof the sameWebsite,or it mightbea newvVeb site.Links are whatkeepWebpages relatecl. o Horwdo ! vfiewa Weh page?you usea browserro open anCviewWebpages. l\ ji,;;'5rixo;:;; (sometimes referrecj to as 'tlhii a .h'1.'Lr*;i,irr) issoftware installed onyour.ompui:er thatdisplays Webpageelements andmanages links between pages. Popular browsers arel\zlicrosof.i Internet Explorel Mozilla Firefox, Coogle Chrome, or AppleSafari. Youusea browserto access a Webpageeiiherby typinoa URLin theAddress baror byclicking a linkon theopen page.Otherwaysto getto a Webpageinclude click"//eb inga linkin yourFavorites list,if youhavealreac{y bool<_ marl<ecl it. l-avorites wilibediscussed in a iateriesson. .I:; t..it]i.,:-1,i,-: c What fisa URL?rlll,i!stands forUniform Resource Starting on thelnternet Locaior. Each Webpagehasa unique URL. TheURListheaddress for :' What is a lflrnle? A lii,;rt,' (aisocallecl i;i:r,.;rl;,iit,,:r, or a thaiWebpage.TheURLisusecl to locatertsassociated Web ,jrr ii;iil) isa navigation ";il,.i:t':i::t:tii tooion a Webpage.5ee page.Forexample, iheURLfortheCable Nlews Neiwork Figure C-'1.Linksarebased on hypeftex.i, whichisa key (Citl[J)\A/eb siteis http;//rnrrrnv.cnn.iom. lVlost URLs begin tonceptfor understanding the\Aieb, Theicleaof hvperte,yi withhttp://to indicate theWeb's standarcl communications './Vheri Irfctoc,:'.i, frpirrga URL,;rottcioir,:rhavet,-'typel!-re vvorll's Adiife:t bat, sc v,rv'niv'i{:iii'aol-f: brovrrset tfre i",, itiip'.1I c[ll'i.iolri, i aisI,'iip://trrrvtrw. iust asiir,el your browsetand a VVebserver'ThecY:ieccirttrr' liettrveerr uesuntilthe \A/ebpageappeafsirryourbrowset' C.WlmatiS a V,Vehs,e[l/er?l.':i;i:,i,,:,.:i':,''tii! a CorTtpu'Lei ovei'ciie that usesspeciaisofiwareio transntitWelipages A"Jlll nevercoritain: rr!'ethc rules fo,r' Ufl]t=s?' c U,J[iirar'L lniettre'i./: Web serveri: iorifigureoi-ouseFlTl'|l softw;l^e' so oc ttot i:ypeany sllaces,€verraftefa pliticiuatior'trtatl<., whenthe seryerison soihe Welr wlrichis aiwaysrr.lntrirrg useci is sometirnes spaceswithii'ra UFiL'Ar' underlines)/n-rb'ol '' i"i':'i'it'' i''i;r''r":l';I readytc f ulfill !"equestu' serveris alu,'ays words,for ellarrlof a spacebe.iweerr io giverhe appearance 't.i,a,,jij1,,,,i,' protocoluseo ir'fi;,r11;,i..,,,i.;. is ihe communicatiorrs Besureto useihe cor ple vwirw.detroi'i:.com/top-1O.htrnl. porE i: One of the server's a fon/rardsiash(/)-anci ciuplica'te to transportdataoverthe Web. reci type of slash-alwa)/s iequesl Wherr a for HTTPrequests iistenrng dedicated'io arecase exaciiy.SorneWebsen/ers 1l-i6URL'scapitalizatioi-r .iheserversoftwat'eanal;r2s5 the requestarrcitalte: arrives, l-rtrnl On theseser/eis,typingvrnrwv.cnru.edu/Info sensitiire. thal 'rheWebpaqethat's it' The cornpu'ter fulfill to actionis necessary tvl-ratever l) wili not iocate (witir aii uppercase whenyoutypea URLinto theserules i).Follow lowercase i:arc'fa browser, theAcidress runsoftware mighiopeiate a cornputer ningon it aswell.Forexample, Transfer' andanFTP(File anemailserver, asa Webseryer, these allai thesametime'Toharrdle server Protocoi) one a computerdevotes porttc duiiesefficiently, diirerse r'o5li4TP erriail Port80),ano'iher (usually HTfPrequests (POP) Protocol Of{ice for Post Porl25,or (usually requests (usupori110),anda thirdto FTPrequests usually enrail, reques'i comr;pruter?'To clo,Weh paE]esglct to lrni5lr c' l-Norw the type eiiher viev4 tlreWebpagethatyouvvant'co irou '/our a linl<. bar,or cliclq Address intothebrowser's LJRL page fileassociateC Web the for request a browsercreates 'i;rped Therequest or thelinl< you withthe LIRL 1louclicked. I aliyPort2Aor 21). worlcin HTTP protocol. comnrunicattons usesihe HTTP canalsostoreWebpagedatain othertypes servers \rVeti to protocol comrnurrications sucli withtlreTCP/lP conjunctiorr Datastoredin databases, of files,suchasdatabases. {: is A iriltli':l't'ii''i ;.1-i for' qetWebresollrces to ir6tll"computer. HTML into canbeassembled asproductinformation, a document, HTIML as an such A\A/eb pagerequests' anydatafilethathasa UP.L, to \A/eb mat"on thefly" in response coirmands includes FITTP file' sound or a data irideo, gets the a it when data curreni clisplay Eraphic, pagecanalways Vt/el: with con"lffiuTricate ifrathelpbrowsers or nretfrods regularly' thatisupdated iroma database flow howthemessages C-2illustrates Figure seilers. I get a 4@4elroff what oloesthat rtmean? c'somnretflrmes :ii:iillr r; i I tlowlllleli pages gettcyoulcomputet includes to a browsertrequest response A Webserver's 'l or notthe whether TlrollPl intlrc FGilo-'q;H..;"ffi;qini*eL'rr* rri,detlratindicates aniiJ'i:ill"li::iitr.is il $Fr'/1;'$cqieardrr:lrl'llriri'"{?rj'rirtrril,&rlnL.rn*!dr!'il'' €.fu'' encounhave AddfgSS may bfOWSgf'S You canbefulfilled. request browser's the boxcontains thata browser teredthe "404l\ot Found"message ofthe name domain suchasa Web Webresource, whena requested thatYout displays \Neb seruer contacts. codesare browser status HTTP page,doesnot exist.Common in Table6-1. sunrmarized browser 2. Your a socket opens to andconnects a s i m i l ioapr e n at'the socket \AJeb servet. $aiuseodles HTTF i -'i:0ornmom rflrr,l.,l:. your 3. Next, browser generaies anci anHTTP sends message ihe through Code :lvlessage 'EescriPtiorl 301 \ /a5moved. Theresource N/oved Permanenily is'temPorarilY Theresource Ivioveci TemporarilY unavailable. 303, SeeOther movedio another Theresource beautomaticallY URL andshould bytheclientsof-tware. retrieved 404 l\ot FounC does resource Therequested notexist. -500 5eryer Error errof,such server Anunexpected eno; scriPiing a asencountering occurred. s0c(eI. 4. Theserver the back sends I-ITML requested ment docu 'ihrough ihe open sockets. theresPonse, sending 5. After and i'issocket closes theserver itssocke'i. closes ihebrovvser lfacl !i!ii:l